starswrit-archive · 5 years
on the chance that anyone’s noticed, i’ve obviously not been around. i’ve come to the realization that this blog holds too many negative experiences and emotions for me, and the best thing to do is archive it.
i’ll be doing that officially in the next few days. if you want specifics or to stay in contact, let me know.
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
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“But you’re the one that cooks more, and you look cuter in an apron – wait. Are you talking about…? I don’t think that should be held against me! It’s your fault I like it so much!” 
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“It’s not cute, it’s just — normal. And you’re the one mentioning that, not me. I didn’t realize it was something I should feel at fault for.”
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
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“… on which part?”
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“You’re clearly the mother, if we need to put labels on it.”
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
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“I think you mean Mama Mabu… and Papa Reo.” 
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
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✨ ― Good Morning ! Yuuki here with another blog, dish~ ! Do you like cute girls ? Girls who can predict your lucky item for the day ? Girls who are a little strange but with a cute factor over 9000, you don’t care how strange she is ? Also a literal princess raised by 2 dads ?
Look no further than Sarazanmai’s very own idol Sara Azuma, dish~ ! A literal angel who loves nothing more than cucumbers, and connecting people together ! Be warned; there WILL be some 18+ themes despite the extreme amounts of cute contained in this blog ! 
                                            Like and reblog so we can be connected !
                    ⭐⭐  Also follow Papa Mabu and Papa Reo for more Sarazanmai fun! ⭐⭐
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
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update about how i’m going to be approaching rp and this blog from now on. it’s not imperative that you read it, but if you care, feel free.
i’ve taken a while to focus on writing for myself. i’ve encountered a lot of negativity and a propensity for cliques in the overall rpc in the last year, and it’s made me doubt not just whether i’m a person worth getting to know, but whether my writing/characters are even decent. 
i’m over that. i’m going to be a lot more selective from now on about who i follow and who i approach, because i need to make a safe space before i reach the point where i’m burned out on rp all together. i’m tired of feeling like i’m not good enough, like i’m being left out, like i’m only being included for brownie points with someone else, or like people would rather ship their muse with a literal rock than with one of mine. 
as far as writing, i feel rejuvenated. i haven’t felt this sort of inspiration in a long time, and i’d been allowing the atmosphere on tumblr to stifle it. i’m keeping certain aspects of my writing or my characters away from this blog for the moment, because i don’t want to lose it. i finally enjoy writing and creating headcanons and detailed narratives again.
i want that to be a part of this blog, but i don’t know if it can be. i hope so. i’m going to try to reach that place. 
if you ever feel alone or like no one wants to write with you or that no one will ever ship with you, please know you can talk to me. because no one deserves to feel that way, and if i can help someone else feel more happy/excited about their writing and rp, i’d love to do that.
hope everyone is well.
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
“Do you want to go?”
Lenora was quiet. She wanted to go, but not with him.
“Lenora.” This man had no patience. “I asked you a question. Do you want to go?”
“…Yes.” She should have said no. She knew what would transpire. Knew she would be expected to play her part. But maybe there was a part of her that hoped someone – Kyoya – would see through her thinly-veiled optimism, see through Sato’s excellent well-honed act. But so what if he did? No one had any power to do anything. This was her life now. “–But only if you want to go, too.”
“Well. I did have plans for us this evening,” Sato bristled, but she knew he was just trying to guilt her. “However, I’m happy to accomodate your request. We’ll go. Just make yourself pretty if you’re going to be on my arm.”
“…Yes. I will. Thank you.”
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Lenora had done her best. She wasn’t a beauty guru by any means, but she knew what looked nice on her specifically. What fit her body shape, what makeup matched her skin tone, all that. Her usual braid had been let down, had put in contact lenses (that was more Sato’s request than hers), had donned one of her evening gowns that flattered her figure (and spanx underneath, of course). When she emerged, decked out in additional diamond jewelry that any wealthy heiress was expected to have, Sato actually paused before addressing her. She took that as a silent victory before taking her clutch and following him to his car.
“So. This friend of yours who invited you. What was her name?”
Lenora was staring out the window; they had opted for a driver to take them to Ouran Academy tonight. “His name is Kyoya Ootori. Third son of the Ootori Group.”
Sato cast her a sidelong glance. “Was he inviting you to go with him?”
“No.” She could tell he was bothered by the fact, and so she kept her tone neutral. “We know each other through our father’s companies. He is the Vice President of the host club sponsoring the event. And he knows I am engaged.”
Her thoughts returned to his teasing, but she dismissed it. He had only been making banter; it had to do with being a host.
“Host club? Like the ones in red light districts?”
Lenora had explained this to him earlier. Did he really not listen to her?
“More school appropriate. But yes. Girls pay to have tea with them after school. It’s very…extravagant.”
“And have you attended such activities?”
“No, I haven’t.”
She sank back into her chair and remained quiet for the rest of the ride, trying to psyche herself up for the part she was about to play. Sato fell quiet beside her and began sending off texts to…someone. Probably another woman.
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Let’s make this clear. This marriage is one of convenience. If we have to have a child, we’ll have one. But I have no intention of touching you otherwise. I will have my mistresses for that. And before you even think about it – no, you won’t be having any paramours of your own. That would be humiliating for myself and your father if anyone were to discover your adultery.
There was so much she wanted to scream about, but she was powerless. All she could do was force a smile. And oh, was it forced.
They were dropped off in front of Ouran Academy and were guided by signs up to one of Ouran’s ballrooms, where the event was held. It was, indeed, a lively party. In an elegant, upper-echelon group sort of way – with waiters and a buffet table and classical music. She could hear Tamaki’s exagerrated voice before they even opened the doors. The Hitachiin twins, too. They were all entertaining the ladies as if it were another day at the club, of course.
“Well. I’ll admit it – I’m impressed,” Sato mused from beside her. “This is fancier than I expected. Might not be such a bad night after all. Don’t you think so, darling?”
Ah. Charming Sato had made a return. Lenora smiled and nodded, although it was getting more difficult to maintain with every second; her eyes scanned the crowd for Kyoya. At the very least, she wanted to say hello to him…
Kyoya’s efforts to ensure that the host club’s latest gala surpassed those prior proved well-founded; the ballroom was spotless, the columns and chandeliers strung with decorations of silk, and the food laid out by the hired caterers was exactly as he had ordered. Even one detail slightly deviating from the plan would result in petulance on his end, which was perhaps the reason why each and every one of Tamaki’s parties garnered high praise: nothing was left to coincidence.
Upon dressing at home ( his father scoffing audibly at the event, although he simply chose not to respond ), he called for his driver to meet him in the driveway. The rest of his family was too preoccupied to notice Kyoya’s general comings and goings, although he always informed himself that it was better this way. The fewer questions probing into every aspect of his life, the better. He couldn’t entertain snooping, regardless of the perpetrator.
During the ride back to Ouran, the sky overhead dark and dotted with stars where thick mauve clouds didn’t shield them, Kyoya studied the list he had compiled to ensure the evening ran without issue. Everything appeared to be in proper order when he had left in the late afternoon, yet he wasn’t naive enough to assume that everything might remain that way. Best case scenario, it was. Worst? He would need to take charge on any damage control that might be necessitated.
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The sight of the the ballroom once Kyoya arrived was irrefutably as he had left it, a fact with filled him with reassurance. Less time fixing that which had already been done allowed more for last minute preparations: instruments tuned, the orchestra present, food containing nuts and other common allergens at their own table, and the hosts present and accounted for.
As the evening progressed, their peers filing in while the band’s melodies reverberated throughout the spacious area, he was struck with the wonder of whether Lenora would make herself known as a guest. In truth, Kyoya was rather irritated with himself for supplying such a distraction, one which he deemed unnecessary. Whether she was there or not wouldn’t dictate the success or failure of the current venture.
Regardless, when his wandering gaze took a brief headcount of the throngs of students enjoying the festivities, his grey eyes instantly alighted upon her visage. His comment earlier in the day about seeing her in a pretty dress had been harmless, yet he couldn’t deny that she was every bit as lovely as he might have expected. The man on her arm was certain to be none other than the infamous fiance, carrying a confident air and a not displeasing countenance. Even so, Kyoya wasn’t entirely convinced that he was someone Lenora would have chosen as significant other on her own. Or at least, not yet.
Excusing himself from the chattering around him, he crossed the hall in long strides to greet her. “Good evening, Lenora. What a pleasant surprise to see you here. I suppose this is your fiance?” Veiled scrutiny was his primary objective as he offered a hand. “Kyoya Ootori. Lenora and I spent a few summers together as children. Our fathers are business partners, you see.”
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
What did it feel like…?
Truthfully she’d never paid it much attention, it was a sensation that was quickly overshadowed by the pain of her other injuries. But if she had to put it to words–
“You know when you get a really bad sunburn and someone accidentally touches it? That– sort of fuzzy, stinging burn that makes you take a deep breath before you can keep going?” She took a slow breath, offering him a more sincere smile.
“It’s like that…” But why was he asking? Well she could guess; violet hues snagged for a brief moment on the scar encompassing his eye. That moment ended, she blinked and glanced away.
“But it’s not a perfect ability.” She continued, loosening her tie and tugging her collar open to show him the scar that nearly ringed her throat. She’d nearly died. Others might have but she hadnt; she’d all out refused. Laying there on the floor of the carnival corpse, shivering and pale from blood loss, she’d told herself over and over that she wouldn’t die.
Not there. Not like that.
Her smile took on a rare softness.
“Something that someone I loved once told me, ‘scars are proof that you survived’ wear it with pride, you’re still here.” Not that she was one to talk but Nagi would have been proud to hear his words on her lips all the same.
Todoroki could fairly see the thoughts prompted by his query working through Kaya’s mind, and it coxed forth notions of his own.
If he had be gifted a healing quirk in any capacity, would his own scar have faded? The moment it crossed his mind, he nearly wished it hadn’t.
As she began to speak once more, Todoroki focused on her words, leaving his prior consideration behind. Questions along such a line were a waste of time, and that was one negative habit he would never allow himself to fall into ( whether it was due to his father’s regimented training or his own virtues, he couldn’t discern, and to dwell on it would only further his decent into what if ).
Nodding, he contemplated the sensations she described. Todoroki wasn’t immune to sunburns; his right side had a far greater propensity for them, a fact which lead him to take a certain amount of care when the sun was at its highest peak and time would be spent beneath it.
However, his mismatched gaze widened imperceptibly as Kaya revealed a scar of her own. Perhaps it was more easily concealed than his, yet that hardly diminished its significance. Whereas some might ask after its origin, Todoroki refrained. Inquiries concerning his own had left him sensitive to the privacy of others. Even so, he did draw in the sight, discernment as to just how deep it must run at the forefront.
Her optimistic phrase almost took him aback. Todoroki’s eyes flickered from her neck to her visage, where they lingered for a moment before he replied, “That’s an interesting way to view it.” The gentleness instilled for the moment along Pen’s mouth lowered his defenses ever-so slightly. “Maybe I can think of my own that way someday.”
Upon gesturing towards the door, he continued, “I can still walk you over to see Recovery Girl, if you think you need it.”
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
{✏️}: Elliott’s visits to the Stardrop Saloon were few and far between, though he always enjoyed each and every one. A moment of leisure like this rarely blessed the writer, as money was tight and his craft kept him tied to his desk for long hours, and so he reveled in the freedom a simple drink could provide. Normally, on these joyous occasions, the man would sit and pick up idle conversation with the town’s young artist, Leah, though she seemed to be absent from the bar’s tables today. Perhaps she had become far too engaged with a new sculpture, the thought of drink pushed to the back of her mind. Or perhaps it was the looming grey clouds that drew in from the east. Rain was coming, it seemed.
With his limited knowledge of the bar’s other patrons, Elliott opted to sit on one of the barstools and listen to the rain as it fell against the wooden roof of the small establishment. The sound wasn’t nearly as clear as it was in his own little cabin, and he couldn’t feel the cold draft biting at his skin, though he would have much preferred it to the thought of having to make his way back through the downpour. He could only imagine what a mess his poor hair would be in by the time he returned to the beach. Such a shame…
The man was pulled from his thoughts by the bump of an elbow against his own, causing his arm to jerk only slightly. He turned towards the offender, meeting the gaze of a dark-haired young man, whom Elliott had seen only a few times before. In fact, he believed he hadn’t spotted him anywhere else but the Saloon. He wasn’t even sure where this young man lived. Did he not enter the town often? Perhaps he was simply not one for socializing.
“Oh, not to worry.” Elliot replied, holding his free hand up dismissively, and offering a warm smile in the other’s direction, “No harm done.”
The sound of his own name spoken aloud caused him a short moment of surprise. He wasn’t aware that many— if any— of the townsfolk truly knew much of him. Perhaps a name was not much to remember, though he knew he hadn’t been exactly all that sociable since his arrival a year ago.
“Play?” he questioned, his attention turning towards the billiard table, “Oh! Yes, I am familiar with the game. Though, I cannot say I have had much practice.” another smile, “I assume you have?”
During a few escapades to the beach ( primarily on rainy days imbued with a sense of gloominess that he couldn’t abscond from ), Sebastian had caught sight from the corners of his vision of Elliott’s rare comings and goings. Dwelling by the beach was an intriguing notion in its own right, and although he had briefly considered the sort of man the seaside hermit might be, to acquaint himself caused him to balk. Curiosity brought with it the creative impulse to craft his own narrative for those with whom he doubted he would ever personally cross paths, a nice diversion as he smoked on the edge of pier, raindrops beading on the ends of his bangs. Ideas wouldn’t hurt you the way people could, which made them infinitely more tolerable on basic principle.
Yet, here they were. Sebastian wasn’t certain whether to allow his anxiety to steer the rest of the evening, or his desire to play pool; for the moment, it appeared the latter would win out. If nothing else, Elliott didn’t seem to hold the propensity to be a blabbermouth, a virtue he condoned. Would Elliott prove to be a worthy adversary? The answer to his prior inquiry suggested not, though a novice was better than no one at all.
“ — Yeah.” Sebastian allowed a moment to taste his beer before setting his mug back atop the table, the very tip of his tongue briefly running across his bottom lip to chase any remaining remnants. “Usually, I play here on weekends.” Perhaps he could offer further insight, but it was deemed unnecessary. Details about the life of a stranger were largely considered unimportant to the one receiving them, after all. His fingers fairly itched to take up one of the pool cues; however, to dive straight into asking would have been too large a leap from his place of comfort.
Now, maybe Sebastian could chance it. The worst that he could possibly receive was a no ( or so he informed himself, though his mind was quite capable of producing a multitude of negative scenarios ).
Shifting to face Elliott just a bit better, he tilted his head, as though considering his current companion. “Do you want to learn?” Probably too blunt, but wasn’t that how Sebastian always was? A quiet huff escaped him before he amended, “I mean, I can teach you. It’s easier when you get direction from someone else.”
In spite of his detached demeanor, the fingers of his left hand inside the pocket of his hoodie twisted slightly. This shouldn’t be so damn hard. “You can say no or whatever, if you want to.”
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
@starswrit     |     maes hughes
     he’s lucky to have a friend like maes.   lucky to have a friend that insists he stays at his place instead of a hotel.   staying at lieutenant hawkeye’s is out of the question   &&   staying at headquarters is always something he’d like to avoid.   even if the colonel refused the offer at first   —   he’s thankful. 
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     ‘   are you going to start claiming yourself a hero for saving the flame alchemist from a flooded house now ?   ’   roy playfully wonders aloud, body leaning against a door frame.
Preparing for Roy’s arrival was a simple enough task. After all, Hughes knows his best friend ( preferences, idiosyncrasies, and all ) and arranging an ideal guest space to just such tastes is hardly a stretch. He’s just completed making the bed when the sound of Roy’s voice reaches him from behind.
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“You said it, not me.” Quiet laughter leaves his lips as turns to catch Roy’s teasing visage. “So, what do you think?” Hughes spreads his arms to draw attention to the set-up before resting his hands atop his hips and adopting Roy’s previously jesting tone. “I did it all for you, you know.”
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
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So romantic…
There has been a kind of misunderstanding around from who the original text post was. But! i have found out that @miya-twins was one poster and that the original original source was @herdustisverypretty-archived (go check their new blog with the same url, stupid tumblr doesn’t let me tag them properly T_T).  And i made even more new friends along the way hehe :)
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
Me: I’m sorry
Someone: What are you sorry for?
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
with @the-gamer-zone!
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“I can’t stay here.” 
The statement was imbued with an unwavering certainty as Mello crossed the threshold into Matt’s room ( hands balled into fists while his fingernails bit into his palms ). He and Near, partners against crime — it was a joke too distasteful to stomach. They could catch Kira together, he harbored no doubts concerning that. Yet Mello would feel akin to a sidekick, regulated to a supporting role in the face of Near’s taciturn genius. How could he live with himself if he allowed all of his hard work to amount to that and nothing more? No, it wasn’t feasible.
Anger was building within him like a wave, and he knew that if he failed to leave now, it would implode. “Come with me.” Mello settled on the edge of her bed, leaning towards her as though limiting the space between them would make her more likely to comply. “Let’s just get out of here. If Rodger can even consider pairing me up with that twit, then he doesn’t know me at all. I’m going to catch Kira on my own, and if you want a life that’s different than this, you need to come with me.”
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
with @whatswrng!
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“Ukai-kun? Do you know anything about dogs — ?” 
As soon as the last syllable leaves his lips, Takeda feels immensely more ridiculous than he had when the inquiry had remained a simple thought in his mind. “I mean, I know about them, generally speaking! But I’ve never had one before, and my sister’s leaving hers with me for the weekend.”
Withdrawing his phone from his pocket, he thumbs through his texts until he lands on the one he’d been searching for. “See?” He holds up his phone to display a photo of Koharu’s not terribly large yet quite fluffy canine. A laugh which is simultaneously awkward and anxious escapes Takeda’s lips. “She’s dropping him off today, and I’m getting kind of nervous.”
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
zeromakessandwiches replied to your post: in the midst of a lot of things and my mind being...
I’m happy to offer you a listening ear if wanted. Or cat pictures.
( asdfghjkl, i very much appreciate both offers! and cat pictures always make everything better, lbr. )
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
whatswrng replied to your post: in the midst of a lot of things and my mind being...
if you ever need someone to talk to, you know i’m always here!
( you’re so sweet, and i appreciate you so much! <3 thank you for being so kind~ )
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starswrit-archive · 5 years
futuredived replied to your post: in the midst of a lot of things and my mind being...
feel better soon!
( thank you!, that means a lot! i’m excited to keep talking with you and getting to know you more! <3 )
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