My Reoccurring Dream
For the past few weeks I had the same dream of being strapped to my seat belt in our family van and we were driving along this dirt road when we came across what looked to be a quory. I asked my parents, "Why are we here?" They both said nothing at all. Until they finally said, "Hang on sweetie, we are going for a really long ride." The van sped up and off we went and I woke up. It had been going on for weeks as I told my therapist.
Later that, both my parents wanted to me to conquer my fears. I fell asleep because I couldn't sleep at all. I wanted to ended my reoccurring dream once and for all!
When I woke up, we were at the quorry. I asked why are we here? They responded with to help you conquer your fear sweetie you know that. As she said that, when we sped up.
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I Had Seen My Best Friend On The Dark Web
Why? Why did he have to do such a very stupid thing like this? Even after I trued to warn him but he didn't want to listen. Now, his fate is sealed unless I can savd him in time!
I had a friend named Jack, he was a good friend of mine. The only thing he had a problem with that he was a trouble maker. He had gotten himself in trouble in school, at home. I don't why I hung out with him maybe because he was fun to be around with. My parents told me to stay away from him or you are going to end up something bad happening to you. But even though I was a good person, I was a bit of a rebel myself.
One day, Jack and I were home alone at his house, we were talking about which of our teachers we cannot stand, which girls were hot, but than we got into a discussion of the dark web after a commercial talking people stealing your identities.
"I bet you are too afraid to get the dark web Jack?"
"Me?! Being afraid? You're the one who is crazy! I'm not afraid of nothing."
"Then why are you stalling? Go for it if your not afraid too!"
"To show you how wrong and unafraid I am going on there right now."
Jack than went on the dark web. I of course had a bad feeling about this. I heard it is where you get illegal untested drugs, weapons, or even die.
"Now, which site should I go onto first, ah, here is one. Want to have real fun. Experience real danger. Click on this site to find out."
Fortunately, my mom called me and told me to come home.
"I got to go dude. My mom wants me home."
"Yeah, whatever. See you later or call you."
After that I left. Our homes were not to far from each seeing as how we live down the street from one another. The next day I went to call jack and he didn't pick up. I called and texted him but still no answer. I began to wonder. I called his dad and mom but they didn't answer either. Thinking maybe they are not up yet. He knows there is school today before the weekend.
No one at school had seen him at all. I looked all around and couldn't find him. I even asked and they hadn't seen either. All day my mind had been occupied on why he wasn't responding to any of my texts or phone calls. I left him voice mails and nothing.
After school, I had notice the police in front of his house. His parents were telling them they want him back and no idea on his where abouts. The police even asked me if they had seen him. I told them no. They would kept them informed if they had any further information. Later, that night, I got a voice mail from jack.
"Help me, I don't know where they had taken me. Dude I am scared as hell!"
That is all he said. I remember the site he went on; on the dark web. It was called "The Red Room", it is a live chat on where you discuss how someone should be tortured and murdered. Then I had seen Jack and couldn't believe my eyes.
"All right who is next, we have this young nineteen year old, what shall we do to him? Death or torture?"
"Torture. Good choice!"
I couldn't believe they had him. They were torturing him with unbelievable ways. I thought I was going to throw up. I immediately called the police because I recognized the building in my own town. I joined the chat and told them to release him because I just phoned the police and they are on their way.
Suddenly a response came on, "Go ahead because we already know where you live too! We will find you and kill you and your parents." Know I was completely terrified. I called the police and told them everything that just happened. I then seen the police and swat stormed in arrested those bastards and saved him.
The police got all of us into police custody and witness protection. To this day, jack never went back on the dark web again.
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There Is Someone In My Bed
I went bed early because I was tired from working all day. All night I kept hearing banging on my door. I got up to see who was banging on my front door at 11:25. I opened the door to find nothing at all. I went back upstairs; half way up there I heard the banging on my door only this time it was getting louder. I phone the police and told them about the banging. They got here and told them about it. They told me that they will look around to see who is doing this.
I went back upstairs to go back to sleep in peace knowing they will keep me informed and call me in the morning. I didn't bother turn on the light. I sat and turned around to lay back when I heard a deep man's voice saying... "You shouldn't had left."
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I Had Seen The Thin Man
When I was eight years old, I was in boy scouts, we were going on our scouting camping trip. My friend Jay, was excited to go too! When we got to the camping site, our scout master Rodney said he was going to do a head count to see we ar all here. Soon after we started to set up the camp and our equipment out.
Soon after we got there, scout master rodney suggested we go for a hike. He said, "remember, if the leaves are green and shinny, it is posin ivy, also look for poison oak, if there is moss growing on a rock or tree you are going the right way, don't forget to look at your compass and look up at the northern star, that means you are almost to the camping site.
After we went hiking for an hour, he said, "alright everyone, let's keep in a group and none of us get lost. Understand! One more thing, if you see a bear, wolf, or strange people that you don't recognize, come get us and we'll take care of this ok." Afterwards it was getting dark out and we ate dinner, roasted marshmallows, and went to bed because tomorrow we were going fishing.
It was going on at 11: 35 pm, my friend jay, woke me up because he had to go to the bathroom. "Hey, adam, wake up!" "Wha-what? What time is it?" "Its 11:36." "Why did you wake me? "I need to go to the bathroom." "Go, ask for the assistance scout master matt. He will take you. Besides, I'm eight years old I'm still too young. Fine, but be quick about it." "Sure." Let's go but remember be quick and quite don't want to get into trouble."
When he was done. I said, "are you done yet? Adam? Can you hear me?" No response. I went to find out why. Adam. Where are you? I found him and said he wasn't answering me. He was just standing there and looking like a ghost. I can see why. There was a very tall man, he was wearing a black suit, he had no face. I told adam (who was one year younger than me) we turned back slowly and returned to the camp before anyone noticed us gone.
The next morning we didn't say anything of what we had seen last night to anyone because we had no idea if anyone would believe us. We want fishing and hunting. We didn't even tell our scout master.
"Look, let us finish this camping trip weekend up and we can go home. Ok."
"Yes, I agree with you."
The following night my friend adam couldn't sleep at all. Neither could I. Kept thinking about the very scary tall man. That is what we thought about all day and night we were paranoid to go to sleep. We couldn't sleep. Just hearing nosies outside our tent. Owls, raccoons, wolves. Finally we fell asleep.
The next morning, Adam was gone. I couldn't find him. I went straight to rodney and told him everything. Even though I got in trouble, we had pack up our stuff because the trip was over. Rodney called the police and adam's parents and told him everything. He had been missing for a couple of weeks now. He was found. His body was mangled up according to the police report.
I am eighteen now and going off to college and still miss Adam. When I found out it was the slenderman I was shocked and afraid. But... what was that.. please no!
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I'm Living In A Never Ending Dream
I cannot take this anyone. Day by day. Night by night. I'm living in a personal nightmare. I feel like bill murry in Groundhog. I wish I was dead. I wish I shouldn't did what I did to get myself in this living hell!
It all started four days ago, I was driving to my parents home for Christmas when suddenly an older couple was having trouble with their car when their battery went dead I offered them a jump upon which I was happly to do so. After they said thanks I said merry Christmas and went on my way. Half way to my parents I noticed what would to appear to be a woman stranded on the side of the road.
I rolled down my window and went, "pardon me ms, are you lost?" She couldn't had been more than eighteen years old. She didn't reply at first assuming she looked scared and freezing. Being a good person that I am I opened the door so she could come in. As she entered the car, I got a warm blakent so she could at least warm herself. I asked what is her name and how she got out here.
She said, her name was emily. She didn't say much after that. Before we reached the street my folks were on, she whispered into my ear like an evil chant. I turned around to face her and she ran into the woods. I ran after her but she was no where to be found. I called her name, "Emily! Emily!" No response. Strange? I thought to myself. Finally got to my parents home. I was greeted by my parents I didn't tell what happened. After dinner and gave them the presents I headed off to bed. Weather man said there would snow storm tonight and that the snow plows should plow the roads so people can get around.
Later that night, I had a terrible dream about that girl Emily and what she told me in my ear about your going to be cursed; you are going to be reliving the same dream of continuous nightmares for the rest of your life. I work up in a cold sweat.
The next day I got up early and to remember my parents were also early risers too. I had grabbed breakfast, told my parents good bye, merry Christmas, and I loved them both. I had an early flight I had too catch. I fell asleep on the plane, I had a dream about me dying in a car crash and up in flames and I screamed. I started to scream on the plane the people and flight attendant said, "are you ok, sir?" "Yes I am. Thanks for asking." It has been that way since. I visted a therapist and he gave me medicine for it. I couldn't sleep at all because if I didn't I would have that nightmare.
Finally I decided to put a stop to it once and for all! I am going to sleep for sure. I wrote my suicide note, told my friends and family goodbye on Facebook. I put te noose around my neck and after I put the note on me.
Finally! I can get a good night sleep!
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I'm Being Followed By My An Old Man
You ever get that strange feeling that your being followed or sense that someone is there behind you? Well, that is what happened to me.
It all began two weeks ago when I was walking my dog, when I accidentally bumped in to an older man who looked to in his sixties. I said, "I'm sorry sir." "That's alright Ms." Soon he smiled and I smiled back and we parted ways. The next day I had seen the same man when I went for my early morning jog.
"Good morning Ms. Lovely morning, isn't it?"
"Yes it is." I replied.
"By the way let me introduce myself, I'm Mr. Anderson."
"I'm Ms. Regeena"
"Pleasure to meet you."
We continued to talk about what we had in common like the same tv shows, movies, music, etc. He had left in hurry. I had to get ready for work. This is where things got weird for me. The nice old Mr. Anderson appeared at my workplace that afternoon and then again at the laundry mat. Thinking to myself, it is impossible, I know he is in his sixties and keeps himself in good physical shape like me. But how could have he had known were I worked?
Everywhere I went, he would follow. I was begin to believe he wasn't who had claimed he was. So, the next morning I was going to confront him about this. I told him "why are you following me?" He looked confused. "Following you?" Still looked puzzled. "Yes, followed. I had seen you everywhere I went this week to the laundry mat, store, my self defense classes, and even my work place! Please tell me!"
He began to speak, "Ms., if you think you had seen me, you are mistaken. You see I had a twin cousin looks like me but he is insane."
"Insane? What do you mean?"
"He insane killer from the mental hospital and he is dangerous too! With me being an ex CIA agent I had to tried to get to you before he did. His name Jason."
"Oh, God, thank you so much for saving my life."
"You are perfectly welcome."
The next day, on the news they said, a sixty two year old man escaped from the local mental institution this past week! Claming to be his twin brother who is older than him that he murdered five years ago!
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We Are Never Coming Back To This Forest Again
It had been at least two months since we had seen civilization or another human being. We had been driving and walked around this dense forest seems to me we are never and do mean ever, getting out of here!
Let me start on our current predicament...
It all started about two months ago when my husband (Bill) and I decided to go camping for the weekend. We packed up the tent, food, hunting rifles knives, fishing poles, bait, etc all in the car and drove to the national forest to begin our camping trip.
"Bill, did we pack up everything?"
"Yes, we did Karl"
"Just making sure, ok."
"Now, let's set up the tent and go fishing. We'll go hunting tomorrow at dawn."
There we were fishing hopefully we catch a big one for dinner. Karl began to wonder like I was on why there wasn't anyone around. Then I thought, oh well, peace and quite is all we need. Beautiful nature. Later, after we ate dinner, and went to bed, Karl thought he heard a noise. Woke me up and said, "Bill, bill did yoh hear that?"
I said, "Probably, a deer or wolf out there. Go back to sleep." Seeing as I was tired from packing up the gear in the car and driving a half and hour away from our home. The next morning ,after we ate our breakfast, we grabbed our hunting rifles so we can go hunting. We were waiting for a deer to come along when we had seen another hunter. We thought we were alone. Guess not. We sat there for looks like a couple of hours. Suddenly we had seen a deer and fired at the deer.
"Nice shot babe."
"Thanks. What is it?"
Then we both heard a strange and unsual sound. Hoping that it was another animal. So went to investigate. We followed the sound to its source. What we discovered put us into complete and utter shock. We had seen to be other dead hunters, campers, and animals all mutalted. I began to puke because of the fowl oder. "Who or what would do this?" Asked bill. We had seen what looked to be a creature with eyes red as blood and with long and very sharp fingers. Claws. We wanted to fire upon it but got out of there as fast as we could before we became that things latest victim. As we got out of that things way we both heard a most blood hurtling scream, jumped in the car and started to get the hell out. We never returned for our stuff or that forest again.
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I Kept Seeing The Same Car Driver
"Go around! This damn driver won't stop honking his horn."
"Let him pass you."
"I'm trying. Fine."
"There, he or she went around. Better?"
My wife and I were on our back from date night when an annoying person kept honking at us. Been doing this for the pass half a block. Fortunately, the other driver passed us. But, luckily we got home safely.
The next day, I was driving to work, when suddenly some jerk was tailing me. I didn't know what to do other than honk my horn telling him to go around me! Go around me! Luckily this was my exit on the freeway. I remember as soon as got off I had seen that same '04 Chevrolet Silverado. Thought to myself, couldn't be. Couldn't be the same car from last night.
It was the end of the day, I went to the store to pick up dinner. I got to the light when it was that same Chevrolet Silverado. It was red tint to it and licensed plate saying End You. Was exactly were I was going. Kept thinking to myself, "Is he following me? Why?" I tried not to worry about. Put it out of my mind."
The following night, after dinner, I went to bed, my wife kept waking me up. "Honey, can you see who is honking their horn at 1 in the morning."
"Probably some drunken idots. Trying not let it ruin sleep. Ok."
The following morning, my wife and I were driving up to see our oldest kids at college. There were no one sight just us on the road. Suddenly, we seen a car came out of nowhere like out of thin air. We both looked each other in disbelief. How and or where did that car come from? We couldn't take it anymore. As soon as we got there I immediately called the police and told them everything. Told them how the exact same car kept following us everywhere we went. The operator told us that they are sending a unit to us.
We told the police what has been going and gave a description of the car, the year, and the man driving the car. Saying a man in his mid 30's, short beard, and a mole on his right cheeck. They also said they would look into it.
A week later, around 10:30pm, the police phoned us and that they did told all units to on a look out for the car. Upon our investigation we couldn't find anybody with description or the car except, when the detective said that there was a man like described and and '04 Chevrolet Silverado but the driver crashed and died in the car. EMT's and the police found both car and driver in a wreck.
The accident occurred a few hours after you first noticed him.
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I Have The Wrong Dad
My dad had been acting weird lately like hadn't been himself. He hadn't been paying much to me, my brother, or my mom. He had been watching too much that tv show called" Switched." The show is about people switching lives with other people for a month. My mom said, "your father has become obsessed with that damn show anymore as if he isn't the man I married."
My dad had finally fell asleep in his own bed. I decided to see the show personally to find out on why my dad loves this show. The host of the was named Mark Crimson. He said, "welcome to Switched the game show on which people switch lives with others for one whole month! Now, let's meet our current champion, Rodger Samson. Let's here it for him ladies and gentlemen." My recation was "Dad?"
My dad was being held hostage while they asked him radom questions and doing these challenges. All I kept thinking, if that is dad than who is had been living in our home?!
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The Mysterious Death Of Ms. Monroe
I'm a detective Johnson (don't want to give out my real actual name) anyways I was assigned the case of the mysterious death of Ms. Monroe. I talked to some of her neighbors to see if they seen, heard, or know her were abouts, you know the usual questions. A woman name of Sarah Wilbraham that lived arcoss the street said she was always quite and personal but she was a very nice person.
She told me that the night she left her apartment, "Well, she was as I said, I was over there with some of her family and friends celebrating her 68th birthday. She was in good spirits but I noticed she was troubled."
"Troubled? How?"
"Acted like someone or something was nagging her. I asked what was wrong? She simply replied, nothing just need to get my medicine from the Walgreens."
"I see. After the party, she went to Walgreens around 10:35pm that was the last time I had seen her and spoke to her before her sudden disappearance and death. Poor dear."
"What was the last thing you said to her or her to you?"
"Well, she said, can you hold all my calls Margaret."
"I will and your place."
"Be careful and comeback."
"So, she said, I will. And that was it. The next thing I hear she was gone and days later, found dead. I was crying."
"I'm so sorry for your loss. But I need to go and figure out her murderer. Goodbye madame."
I went back to the police station to put together the clues like Ms. Wilbraham, the pharmacist at the corner Walgreens and put the peices together on what happened to her. One of the pharmacist said they had seen a man following her to her car. The man was reported to be 5'7, wore a black hoodie, and dirty brown work boots. But he walked away never seen or heard again. Disappeared without a trace.
I went out to the last known sighting of Ms. Monroe, where the car was last spotted. Both of her doors were left wide open and her stuff was still in the car. Asking myself, who or what or why would they take her and leave her purse with her money, credit cards, driver and ID, etc.
Her phone was found at the scene, the last known phone call was one of her other best friend Micheal, all she said was...
"Help me! I do not know how long do I have. Please, hurry up! They are going to take me in their ship."
That was that last phone call ever. She was declared dead. To this day I have no clue whatever happened to Ms. Monroe.
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My thoughts Keep Me Awake
"I don't sleep well anymore. I keep having these thoughts of something very terrible happing to either myself or to other people." I told my therapist.
"I see. When did start having these...thoughts?"
"Recently. They appear to be getting worse day by day. I don't know how to control them!"
"Describe to me these dreams. These images."
"Well, they're like if I'm walking on an ordinary day on a sunny beach, people playing, families and friends. Nothing to unusual, that is until-until I hear people screaming and turning their heads. They are all staring at me. I'm covered in blood as if I killed someone and I look down and seen I murdered an older man. So, I freak out and run far, far away. Suddenly, I wake up in a cold sweat! Unable to go to sleep. My thoughts are telling me, go ahead. You know you want to and I don't.
"That is awful to think about even dream about. How do you feel about after it enters your mind? When you wake up of course."
"Feel like throwing up. God, I wanted it to stop! Please, dear lord, make it stop! I say to myself. I start crying. I'm no mad man. No psychopathic killer."
"Here are some tissues."
"Thank you."
"Our time is up anyways. Listen, I'm going to prescribe to you something to make you stop having these god awful thoughts and nightmares."
"Will they help?"
"They should help you. Yes."
"Thank you doctor."
"Next Friday, ok?"
After I left the doctor's office, I went to get this prescription filled out. Later that night, after I dinner, I decided to go to bed early because I was a bit tired and tried out this prescription drug the doctor gave me. "Take two once before bed sounds easy." I took two, drink water, and went to sleep. For once I woke up at 11:00 in the morning. I slept like a rock. No nightmares at all! I feel great!
A week went by and I went back to see the doctor as she said but she wasn't there. Her secretary said she wasn't in. "Odd." I told myself. I left a message in case she can call me. I wanted to tell her about my progress. As soon as I got back home, the news was on. They were saying that Doctor Emily Cooper was missing for a week. Reports say she was found in her home dead. She was found with her throat slit when some insane person came in and attacked her and suddenly silence according to local neighbors. I was shocked and crying.
It was strange though, I recall this past week that I had that exact dream. "Couldn't be? Could it?" I thought to myself. I looked around and couldn't find my big kitchen knife until I looked in my closet and found it, covered in dry blood. I dropped in horror. My dream about the beach, the dead person was her. I decided to put a silence of my dreams and thoughts once and for all!
Maybe I can finally have quite sleep.
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The Train Man
When I was 10 years old my grandpa who was 76 at the time told us about "The Train Man." "The train man? I asked grandpa. " "Yes, a long time ago, back in the late 1800's, there was this man his name was, Mr. Carlson Van Johnson. He was the conductor. He was good and can get to you on time and where you wanted to go. People nick named him "train man." He was a very friendly and engineering man." "Was? What happened to him?" "Well, I'll tell you. One night he was taking his train back to the train station after he dropped off his last of his passengers aboard, he had to get back to the station before midnight. It was ten minutes away. The time was 11:48 pm. He was half way there when...he had seen what he was a person." "A person?" "Yes. He blew his whistle to move but the man stood there motionless. He went to put on the brakes but he couldn't stop in time. The train flew off the tracks and he died before he was to the station. People tried to help to see if he survived but it was too late. He died exactly at 11:50 pm." "That is terrifying grandpa." "Story goes that exactly at 11:50 pm by the old abandoned tracks you could still see and hear the train man coming."
Eight years later, my grandpa had passed away last night. I remember telling my friends about the story they didn't believe me. Thought I was telling a joke. But they wanted me to prove to them tonight and I was curious myself. Later that night we left our houses and snuck out at 11:40pm to go to investigate to see the ghost of the train man. "How much further?" "I told him, not much further ok." Eventually we arrived at the old abandoned train station. "Well?!, asked Tommy." My other friend Robert was looking out to see if anyone was coming. "What is it?" Said tommy. "It is 11:48pm according to my phone." Two minutes later we had heard and seen a train light headed towards us. It was coming towards us at break neck speed. Suddenly we us a train fly over us, rolled on its back, and dissapered. We looked at each other in disbelief at what we just witnessed. "Dude, your grandpa was right." "Yes, he was right about the ghost of the train man.
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The Bus Ride
"This is the second time this week that the bus has been late." I thought to myself. I asked the person next to me, standing at the bus stop, "Can you believe the bus is late again!" She said to me "I know. I need to get to the store to pick up dinner." I turn my head back around and seen the bus has arrived. We both got on and went on our way to pick up more passengers. "I hope the bus tomorrow isn't late again." "Me too."said the woman. The next day the at the bus station I was alone. I was waiting for the bus to come this time. I pray to god that the bus driver is on time for a change. Before I knew it and couldn't believe it, the bus driver really was here on time! The driver said, "Hi, I'm your temporary new bus driver Mr. Anderson." I said" hello." We left. He asked, "So, where you headed?" "I told him, "To Walmart." "Very well sir." I looked around and there weren't many people on the bus today. We made another stop to pick up another group from the stop and one of them was a creepy old man. He looked to be in his mid sixties, medium beard, and had a cane. He sat across from and stared unnerving at me I waved backed and smiled. He didn't say anything just kept staring at me. I tried to ignore me as long as I could but I ran out of patients and snapped at him. "Dude, what the f**k are you staring at?!" Everyone looke at me like I'm crazy. He got up and said, "Get off this bus right now!" "Luckly my stop was here. An hour later I heard on the news that there was a bus accident. Bus crashed and flipped over several times before an explosion occured there weren't any survivors. I am fortunate to be still alive because I shouldn't had been on that bus. The next day I got an uber driver to take me places. No more bus rides.
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Doug's Real Life (Being Retold)
As people know even before Disney had got the rights to do the show for the first movie and to do the rest of the series, Doug was an amimated series on Nickelodeon that ran from 1991-1994. The show focused around the main character Doug or Douglas Funny as he and his family moved to the fictional town of Buffington where the show would have him narrated what he was doing in his journal. The show would often in cooperate dream or imagintive sequences.
After Disney bought the rights to the show, the series ran its course and finished in 2005. However in the summer of 2005, the show the show came back for just one week probably to show missing episodes. There was five episodes. The four were normal episodes but the fifth was completely different. It started off with the line drawings but the characters never appeared but the line drawings continue as if they were there. The show began with doug sitting in his darken room writing but he wasn't narrating like he normally would. The scene went on with his family talking what they are going to do today at breakfast, doug was giving a voice over about a test he forgot to study for. A message appeared on the screen but it was difficult to make out. The scene goes to see doug walking the hallways to get into his first period class it showed kids that hadn't been seen on the before and the screen appeared to show a negative image. Miss Wingo told eveyone that doug flunked the test and everyone began to laugh at him.
The scene than changed to that the end of school. He was walking home when his dog, porkchop ran up and turned into a hunk of of rotting meat. His house became old and decreped, like no lived there in a long time. He enters his home, sees his mother in the kitchen, and the phone rings. He thinks it's Miss Wingo telling his mother that doug failed the test. He imagined a dark grey sky, lighting, his parents grewing to gigantic sizes, they are yelling at him, their faces turned twisted and red. He kept saying was, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He ran upstairs into his room and on his desk was his notebook journal and pencil. He narrated this time but it was incredibly short.
All he said was, "I can't tell which one is real!"
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Have You Seen Me?
Part One
Have you seen me lately? I had been missing for weeks now! I wish I knew where I was. I think I'm tied up and gagged in some where house in the outskirts of the city. I know my parents haven't given up on me. The police are investigating my where abouts. My parents said the last place I was-was at my grandma's house playing in the backyard near the woods. I'm 10 years old by the way in case you were wondering how old I am. My grandma went to check up on me and tell me lunch is ready but when she didn't see I wasn't unable to respond she started to panic and worry wondering where I was. She tried to call out my name. Thinking I was playing hide and go seek.
Part Two
With my grandma freaking out she immediately called the police and told them what had happened. My parents were called too. My mom, dad, and grandma were crying and panicking. "Alright, alright, Ms. Thompson, what is the child's name, age, and any features about or on her that we should know about?" "Sure, her name is Jessica Thompson, she is about 10 years old, she has green eyes, long dark hair, and last thing she wore was a blue spring dress."
"Thank you Ms. Thompson and Mr. Thompson for your cooperation. We will send an APV on her. Have a nice day." "Thank you officer. Please! Please! Find our little girl and bring her back safely." "We'll do everything we can." As soon as the police left my grandma's driveway, my parents and grandma started to call all the family members to let them know what had happened and keep a look out of anything and ask around. They spend money on a billboard, Amber Alerts on tv and phones went off, social media was on high alert of my wereabouts. I hope they find me soon. I miss my parents.
Part Three
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and still no progress on my whereabouts. People were outside my house with candle lights, people praying, my mom and dad went out onto tv and said, "Please whoever you are bring our little girl back we mess her dearly! Also keep praying for her. Thank you." The entire neighborhood looked and looked still nothing yet. After, weeks and months of searching high and low, the police had called off the search. My parents had cried and accepted that I was never coming back. "Our poor baby was taken from us, lost, cold out there, and now, she isn't coming back at all." We were ready to give up until a lone detective found her. She was finally found! The police notified us that she was found by Detective Jameson. We were so relieved to have our baby back home to us. The detective found her in the woods were she was taken. After all this we asked her who took you sweetie? Jessica said, a very tale, skinny man with long arms and fingers, he had no face, wore a black suit, white shirt, and a red tie like daddy wears. He also had tenticals coming from his back.
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The Cat
"Where is that damn cat and why is is meowing alot? Susan?!"
"But Jerry, we don't own or ever had a cat."
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My Twin
"Tag, your it! I said, to Brian. This time I will count to ten and you go hide. Ready? Here I go!"
"Find me, if you can?"
"Oh, you know I will!"
"One, two, three, four, ten, ready or not, here I come. You better not let me find you. I wonder where my younger brother could be?"
"You found me!"
"Yes I did. Now, your turn Tommy."
"I loved when my boys played together. Brings a warm smile to my face. Brain being 8 and Tommy being 10."
"It is ashamed that Brain died last year with his father accident."
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