starsowl · 5 years
Fólkvangr Visualization
You awake beneath the lush foliage of a sun-dappled strawberry field. Alongside the sweet nectar of the ripening fruit, you smell the rich black soil from which they grow, feel it cold and damp against your back. The soft hum of glittering damselflies flitting from leaf to leaf nestles like a hymn in the hollow of your ear. From the distance comes a gentle trickle from a nearby stream. When you rise, the soft fuzz of each leaf kissing your cheek, you see its clear water splash a milky foam against the rocky edge of the bank. A family of swans drifts languidly upon its mirror-like surface, as slow and as white as the swath of passing clouds overhead. You can hear the loving murmur of their coos as they gently caress each other with their long, arching necks. 
Beyond the bank, you see an ample forest overflowing with apple trees, each one of their fruits glinting like a precious jewel beneath the leaf-filtered rays of the sun. Swallows swoop from limb to limb, filling the air with their cadence. Take a moment to feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Smell the fresh scent of apples lingering in the balmy air. Hear the lilting notes of birdsong. You long to cross the stream and take a bite of the fruit awaiting you there, to dangle your toes in the cool water, but laughter from beyond a distant hill calls your attention away.
The hill is aflame with poppies. You trek up its steep incline, feeling each bloom lap at your ankles with its petaled tongue. When you reach the hill’s peak, a falcon soars overhead. You feel its wild song, echoing against the horizon, like the beat of your own heart. You feel almost as if you too could leap off this hill and fly into the distance with it, as light and as free as the wind itself. Below you is a large white hall. Its eaves are gilded in gold. The windows glint with the candlelight shimmering behind their glass. Outside the hall’s large oak doors is a group of men and women wielding weapons and armor. Between the clang of spears hitting spears is the sharp cry of laughter as each man and woman leaps to and fro, overcome with the thrill of the fight. You may sit and watch them for as long as you like.
When you are ready, you hear the falcon from before call out again. You look up and see it swoop down the hill,  into the hall. You follow it into the darkened interior and watch as it swings down to rest on an outstretched hand. Sitting at the end of the hall is the blazing visage of a woman so adorned in gold that She shines like the sun beneath the light of the flickering candles surrounding Her. Her golden hair, laced with sweet-smelling blooms, falls in shining tresses against Her side. She raises Her gaze to you and you are struck by Her eyes, so full of warmth and kindness, yet still sharp with wisdom. She stretches Her hand out to you and beckons you forward. You kneel before Her, overcome with the scent of honey and roses, your heart overcome with joy. You open yourself up to Her and allow her wisdom to seep into the core of your being.
You may stay here for as long as you like.
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starsowl · 5 years
Seiðr: Trance Work
To tell you that I’m going to share with you the old ways of seiðr would be a lie. We do not know the rituals of the original seiðkonur. Instead, I would love to share ways I’ve learned through personal study, gained by inspiration from Odin, and things that I have experienced and utilized in my practice that have had tangible results.
To preface all of this, I think it’s only fair to say the following. Seiðr is a practice championed by Odin and Freyja (there are others, so I’m being painfully simplistic here for the sake of the article). It would be silly for me to say that you have to honor these gods to practice seiðr because I think everyone can learn it. However, at the very least if you are to incorporate it into your work, at least meditate upon the place it came from, if even for a second. Nothing elaborate, just recognize the origins of the knowledge of this craft. It doesn’t hurt to learn a little about the gods if you don’t know much about them!
Getting Started
The most important part of seiðr is the ability to put yourself into a trance. For some people the simple mention of the word “meditation” is daunting because they just can’t quiet their minds enough to meditate, let alone go into a trance. For starters, let me clarify the definitions I use when using the words “meditation” and “trance”:
Meditation: quieting your mind
Trance: shutting off the world
The Concept
What’s the first piece of advice that pops into your mind when you think of meditation or trance work?
“Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed”
“Make sure to set aside time in the morning or at night when everyone is quiet”
It’s just fine to find a quiet place to do your thing. However, I was taught to embrace noise in your meditative state to really learn how to shut out the world. If you only learn how to go into a trance when it’s quiet, how (truly) useful is that? Instead, I will teach you how to shut out the world even in the busiest of places so that you are able to do it anywhere, even more so when it’s quiet.
Your Homework
Go to a park, your backyard, your balcony – somewhere with continuous noise. If you feel self-conscious about meditating or going into a trance where people can see you, start somewhere private. Since you are just learning to do this you do not want to go to a place where there is an overwhelming amount of noise. While you will be able to eventually block out any kind of noise, it’s best to start simple. I started learning to do this in my backyard where there was a constant stream of traffic noise, birds, and kids playing along with other random noises that would pop up.
Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Breathe in and count to four, and as you exhale count to six. When you breathe in make sure your breaths are mindful and that the core of your stomach is pushing out as you breathe in and pushing in while you breathe out.
Don’t worry about clearing your mind. Instead, take notice of all of the sounds around you. What do you hear? Single them out and listen to them individually for a moment. Listen to the birds singing and try to imagine where they are spatially. Are the birds talking to each other or is it just one bird individually. Focus just on the birds. After a while focus on another noise. The humming of the engines of the cars that are driving by. Imagine where each person is going and how they have somewhere to be. Do this for each individual sound you hear and single them out while meditating on them. Take as long as you need on each sound.
Once you’ve heard each sound, it’s time to hear them all as one. Open your mind’s ear to focus on the birds, the cars, the kids, and every other noise you didn’t notice around you all at once. You are in the center of all of this. Your mind should be relaxed but your attention should be awake. You are now in control of what you hear. Let the noise become static around you. You’ve identified each noise, now let it melt into your mind. If you’re having trouble with this part, go back to each individual sound.
In the case that there is a sudden noise such as a car honking loudly (because sometimes it happens), don’t open your eyes and get upset. You will find that you can easily go right back into the state you were in prior to the noise happening. If you were absolutely pulled out of your calm yet aware state, simply do a quick version of listening to all the sounds again to get right back where you were.
You are on the very edge of being in a trance at this point. So what do you do once you’ve reached this state? Well, you travel. Soul traveling is what puts you into a trance as you block out the physical world for the spirit one. Next I will tell you about protection, learning to identify and ride your fylgja, and how to fare forth into the worlds beyond ours.
What I would suggest doing in the meantime is practicing what I’ve said above. You will soon find the more you do it the easier it is to get on the edge of a trance. You will eventually not have to single out each sound and instead will be able allow the noise around you become static in your mind by simply willing it. Try it out in busier places, try it out with the TV on, try it out anywhere. If you have trouble with this exercise, keep at it. It may not come as easily as you are hoping for it to be, but you will get there.
I look forward to sharing the next steps in the near future. Thank you for reading and if you have any questions please let me know.
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starsowl · 5 years
Masterpost of Resources for Hellenic Polytheism
I made a masterpost in April, and updated it again today… and then I realized it was in desperate need of organization. Instead of separating my resources from everyone else’s, because that honestly doesn’t do anything, this is a more organized version with mine mixed in, too. Let me know if you find any good resources you think I should add to this list!
Khaire, everyone!
                                    Household Worship & Getting Started
Basic Supplies for Hellenic Polytheism - @breathing-in-gilded-dust​
Building Your Worship - @pomegranateandivy​
Sacredness of a Home - @baringtheaegis​
Household Gods - @hearthfirehandworks​
Getting Into Hellenismos (Dorms) - @baringtheaegis​
Rituals, Offerings, and Prayers/Praise
Why You Should (Probably) Eat That Offering - @songbirdspells
Note on ‘Proper’ Offerings - @poemsandmyths​
How to Pray to, Praise, and Worship the Theoi - @breathing-in-gilded-dust​​
Tips for Worshiping the Theoi When You Are Non-Verbal - @breathing-in-gilded-dust​​
(Modernized) Ancient Ouranic Offering Ritual - @breathing-in-gilded-dust​
(Modernized) Nekromanteion Ritual - @breathing-in-gilded-dust​
Why You Should (Probably) Eat That Offering - @songbirdspells​
Note on ‘Proper’ Offerings - @poemsandmyths​
Why Worship a God of War? - @honorthegods​
Communication With the Theoi, and Why It’s Okay to Not Receive Signs/Messages - @pomegranateandivy​ 
Offering DIY: How to Make Recycled Paper - @breathing-in-gilded-dust​
Recipes for the main 13 (part one) // (part two) - @breathing-in-gilded-dust​
​Recipes for Other Theoi (part one) - @breathing-in-gilded-dust​
Epithets of The Theoi
My Personal Unique Epithets for the Theoi - @breathing-in-gilded-dust​
My Personal Epithets for Persephone - @breathing-in-gilded-dust
My Personal Epithets for Haides - @breathing-in-gilded-dust​
Epithets and Titles of Aphrodite - Theoi.com
Epithets and Titles of Apollon - Theoi.com 
Epithets and Titles of Ares - Theoi.com   
Epithets and Titles of Artemis - Theoi.com 
Epithets and Titles of Asklepios - Theoi.com
Epithets and Titles of Athena - Theoi.com 
Epithets and Titles of Demeter - Theoi.com 
Epithets and Titles of Dionysos - Theoi.com
Epithets and Titles of Haides - Theoi.com
Epithets and Titles of Hekate - Theoi.com
Epithets and Titles of Hephaistos - Theoi.com 
Epithets and Titles of Hera - Theoi.com
Epithets and Titles of Hermes - Theoi.com
Epithets and Titles of Hestia - Theoi.com
Epithets and Titles of Persephone (mainly worshiped alongside Demeter) - Theio.com
Epithets and Titles of Poseidon - Theoi.com
Epithets and Titles of Selene - Theoi.com
Epithets and Titles of Zeus - Theoi.com
Lyma & Miasma
The Debate on Daily Purification and the Difference Between Miasma and Lyma - @sisterofiris
A Follow Up on Pollution and Purification - @sisterofiris
How we Pick Up Lyma and a Note on Binding/Veiling - @sisterofiris
Hellenic Revivalist Calendar - @pomegranateandivy​
Hellenic Polytheism Festivals and Information - @pomegranateandivy​ 
Hellenion.org (Site for reconstruction of the Hellenic Polytheistic religion with festival calendars, ritual ideas, and more… highly recommended)
Link to their 2019 calendar page
Link to their festival directory
Elaion.org (Another group for Hellenic Polytheists with rituals, festival calendars, etc. Very wonderful as well)
Link to their 2019 calendar page 
Link to their Resource Page
Arete and Other Values
Hellenic Polytheism and Depression - @breathing-in-gilded-dust​
The Pillars of Hellenismos - @honorthegods​
Amaranta’s Guide to Basic Hair Binding and Veiling - @breathing-in-gilded-dust​
Hellenic Veiling - @pomegranateandivy
Books, Academic Posts, and Other Resource Masterposts
Tons of Great Books for Hellenic Polytheists (with free PDFs) - @breathing-in-gilded-dust​
Hellenic FAQ - @pomegranateandivy
Magic in Ancient Greece and Rome - @bayoread​
Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies - @songbirdspells​
Recommended Books About Hekate - @teawitch​ & @the-witching-tree​
Information and Tips About Persephone’s Worship (And some for Aphrodite as well) - @honorthegods​
Free Academic Resources Masterpost - @secondgenerationimmigrant​
Site for Learning Ancient Languages - @witchofeindor​
Information About Hekate - @baringtheaegis 
Theoi.com (a site full of information about all of the gods and goddesses that we really know about. Good for basic information. Not the end-all-be-all, and as with any site, can sometimes be inaccurate, though usually great for beginner things, epithets, etc.)
The Monster Compilation of Free Online Resources for Classical Studies - @honorthegods​
Ancient Greek Mountain Cultus - @sisterofiris​
baringtheaegis.blogspot.com (This a wonderful, wonderful blog) - @baringtheaegis​
Two Book Recommendations with Free PDFs - @nessotropheion​
Great Sites for Research - @pomegranateandivy
The Greek Alphabet Oracle (similar to Nordic rune-casting) - Apollonius Sophistes
Hymns/Prayers Masterposts
My Hymns, Prayers, and Poetry (WIP) - @breathing-in-gilded-dust
Prayers and Devotionals - @pomegranateandivy
Blogs I recommend:
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starsowl · 5 years
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moodboards: children of nyx (5/?) 
Philotes was a goddess or personification of affection, friendship and sex. She was a daughter of the goddess Nyx.
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starsowl · 5 years
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The Northern Herbalist: Norse-Inspired Teas by Fjorn
I finally opened my tea shop on Etsy! 🎉
I’ve only got 2 teas available at the moment—Wanderer’s Blend (a black tea) and Night Owl (an oolong tea)—but at least everyone can get a sense for what I have to offer! For now, I’m only offering loose-leaf tea in either 1 or 2 oz. packages. I do plan, however, to add tea-bag options in the near future. I’m also working to add a sample option, which will be just 3 tea-bags of whichever tea you’d like to try.
But anyway, here’s what I’ve got to start:
Wanderer’s Blend (for Odin)
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As Odin says in stanza 5 of Hávamál, “wits are needful for those who wander widely,” and this tea blend will help you just that: wander. Combining the hardy ingredients of Ceylon black tea, coffee beans, and hazelnuts, this tea is full of energy that will help you keep wandering.
Night Owl (for Odin or Bragi)
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Inspired by long nights of arduous study, this tea helps keep knowledge-seekers awake as they pour their minds over books and parchment by candlelight. The scent of the sechung oolong tea in this blend evokes thoughts of parchment and leather-bound books mixed with the swirling smoke of a nearby candle. Likewise, the cinnamon elicits thoughts of quills and hooting owls while the accompanying blueberries reflect the calm night sky surrounding them.
If you’d like to support my tea-making endeavors (and stay up-to-date about new teas and offers), feel free to favorite the Etsy shop, follow this blog (@the-northern-herbalist​), or find me on Instagram and Twitter.
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starsowl · 5 years
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modern aesthetics: asteria 💫
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starsowl · 5 years
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starsowl · 5 years
Rainy Night Prayer to Thor
I hear you Thor Above on high Cross clouds and thunder That fill the sky
Watch me, watch me Oh Storming Lord Guard now my sleep With shield and sword
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starsowl · 5 years
Child, so full of yourself, drunk on your own rebellion - The caricature you call by His name is such a great target For all the bile, bitterness, blame - oh, you could have done better! No thrones, no scepters, no Gods, no masters - no justice Aside from that of humanity is allowed. After all, Who wouldn’t want to spit in a tyrant’s face? Rage against… yet, you never learned to rage FOR. Think you are strong? Turn around and meet the storm: He is still that youth who rebelled against Kronos, you know. It is never over - the Titanomakhy. They are here. In all the things that unravel the Kosmos. In Hydra’s poison, In broken oaths, in Lykaon’s feast, in the whispers of Ate, In silence, enforced with sticks and stones, in bowed heads, In words that taste like refined sugar, in heavy shackles Binding the innocent. Seeping through every fissure Beneath your feet - and high in the firmament. In the monsters That seem so misunderstood when you read the stories Written by those who knew they would never meet one. In Typhon’s world-shaking, sky-twisting shrieks, That brought the Gods to Their knees. All, but one. He stood tall, He fought and He fell. Then, He rose again to bleed and prevail. After all, who else? The father of Gods and men Has no scapegoats. Only strong shoulders. His wounds will heal, And sinews can be replaced. Such an easy thing to forget: The Gods are not statues. Don’t count His battles. Don’t look for the scars. Just know: even Atlas does not envy this burden. Something goes wrong? Blame the boss. All goes well? Yes, we managed it all despite Him… That laughter - thunderous, rumbling - rises above all the venom. The balance of golden scales is in the hand that holds them; Force and Zeal, Power and Victory - set those birds free. Beneath His Aigis, all beings stand proud - and He smiles, For the quarrelsome ones can’t tell their own reflection from His.
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starsowl · 5 years
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A personal take on how Mother Nyx appears to me.
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starsowl · 5 years
Drinks for Greek Deities
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This is a mash of different greek deities and utilizing their offerings into drinks. At least stuff one can make either at home or grab at a coffee shop/cafe.
Note: These are for 12 oz cups, so the amounts of syrup will vary depending on how much one consumes.
Amphirite: Hot Chocolate with honey*, ½ oz dark chocolate and ¼ oz blueberry. Topped with sea salt and sea shell shaped marshmallows.
Aphrodite: Hot Chocolate with honey*, 1 oz dark chocolate, 1 oz rose. Topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Apollo: Hot Chocolate with ½ oz dark chocolate, ¼ oz white chocolate, and 2 oz orange syrup.
Ares: Latte with ¼ oz of cinnamon, 1/8 oz of toffee nut, 1/8 oz of spiced brown sugar. Topped with nutmeg.
Aristaeus: Hot Chocolate with honey* and ½ oz of white chocolate.
Artemis: Milk Steamer with honey*, ¼ oz of blackberry, ¼ pump of toasted marshmallow.
Asklepios: Ginger Pu-erh Tea Latte with ½ oz of lavender.
Asteria: Hot Chocolate with honey*, ¼ oz of dark chocolate, ¼ oz white chocolate. Topped with star sprinkles or marshmallows.
Athena: Milk Steamer with honey*, ¼ oz of blueberry, ¼ oz of hazelnut.
Chloris: Jasmine Green Tea Latte with ½ oz of lavender.
Demeter: Iced Green Tea or Maté Lemon Tea Latte with honey*. Topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Dionysus: Cold Brew with honey*, ¼ oz of rose, ¼ oz of strawberry and 1~2 oz of milk.
Eileithyia: Milk Steamer or Latte with honey*, ¼ oz of lemon**. Topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon. 
Elpis: Milk Steamer or Latte with ¼ oz of french vanilla, ¼ oz of lavender.
Eos: Latte with honey* and ½ oz of french vanilla.
Gaia: Mint Tea Latte with ½ oz dark chocolate, ¼ oz of strawberry, ¼ oz of hazelnut.
Haides: Mocha with 1 oz dark chocolate and ¼ oz of lemon**. Topped with a sprinkle of cocoa.
Hekate: Hot Chocolate or Mocha with 1 oz dark chocolate, ¼ oz of lavender, and ¼ oz of hazelnut. Topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Hephaestus: Milk Steamer or Latte with ¼ oz of cinnamon, and ¼ oz irish cream. Topped with a sprinkle of nutmeg.
Hera: Hot Chocolate or Mocha with honey* 1 oz chocolate, ¼~½ oz of pomegranate**
Hermes: Milk Steamer or Latte with ½ oz of strawberry.
Hestia: Milk Steamer or Latte with ¼ oz of spiced brown sugar, and ¼ oz of french vanilla. Topped with a sprinkle of nutmeg.
Hypnos: Milk Steamer or Decaf Latte with honey*, ¼ oz of lavender, and ¼ oz of french vanilla.
Nyx: Mint Tea Latte or Mocha with ½ oz dark chocolate, and ½ oz of blackberry (¼ oz of blackberry/¼ oz of green mint for mocha). Topped with a sprinkle of cocoa.
Pan: Milk Steamer or Latte with honey*, ¼ oz cherry, ¼ oz blackberry. Topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Persephone: Latte with ¼ oz pomegranate**, 1/8 oz of rose, 1/8 oz of peppermint or spearmint.
Poseidon: Mocha with 1 oz dark chocolate, ¼ oz of blueberry, ¼ oz of mint. Topped with sea salt.
Selene: Milk Steamer with honey* and ½ oz of french vanilla.
Zeus: Milk Steamer or Latte with ¼ oz of cinnamon, ¼ oz of toffee nut. Topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon.
*barely cover bottom of cup
**may make the milk curdle due to citrus aspect.
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starsowl · 5 years
A Guide to Greek Alphabet Divination (Runes)
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As many may already know, Runes are a popular form of divination in order to communicate with the gods! However, aside from the popular Norse runes (elder futhark) that everyone might be aware of, did you know that there’s also a form of “rune casting divination” for the Greek alphabet?
First found inscribed in Olympos, a city in ancient Lycia, the Greek alphabet divination system uses the 24 letters from the Greek language and assigns them meanings, and based on what rune you pull, can give you advice from the gods on your current situation!
There were many Alphabet Oracles in ancient Greece, and the idea of reading the Greek alphabet for signs of the gods is one of the oldest divination methods that we know of.
How do I create my “runes?” 
To create your runes, any way of making them works! Historically, they would be painted onto pottery shards, but any way you can think of to have them accessible to throw/draw is completely okay. I have personally used black stones with gold paint on them.
You create one piece per letter, and in total there will be 24. Each letter will be listed and elaborated on later on in the post!
I’ve made my alphabet set. How do I use them?
In order to call upon the Theoi to get an answer, you can firstly call upon them in an invocation. After you have called upon them or asked your gods to give you an answer (sometimes no formal structure is needed) you can reach into a bag which contains the letters and pull out one at a time and read that, or you can grab them and throw them and look for patterns or groups of letters that are clumped together. 
Α - Alpha - “The God Apollo [Apollon] says you will do everything successfully.” With his luck and good fortune, the current thing you are working on will turn out well and you will be the leader of your situation and have good transactions with others.
Β - Beta - “With the help of Tyche, you will have an assistant [Boêthos], who is the Pythian Apollon.” You might be at a time in your life where you’re struggling, but this divine-coded letter tells you that the gods that you worship are going to help you soon, so the signs you get might be more prophetic in nature. 
Γ - Gamma - “Gaia [Gê] will give you the ripe fruit of your labors.” It is time for you to take a break and admire the hard work you have put in. Gaia will reward you, and you will have abundance in happiness, emotional fulfillment, food, or all of the above. 
Δ - Delta - “In customs inopportune strength [Dunamis] is weak.” Timing is everything. Wait for the right time to act, and do not act to hastily. Wait for your time, but at the same time, use your strength for good to make a change in your situation.
Ε - Epsilon - “You desire [Eraô] to see the offspring of righteous marriages.” You need to surround yourself with good friendships, romances, allies, or relationships in general in order to get the most out of it. Surround yourself with positive people or situations to bring yourself up in a righteous way.
Ζ - Zeta - “Flee the very great storm [Zalê], lest you be hindered in some way.” If you’re already struggling, know when to pick your battles. Sometimes flight is better than fight, and only you know your own limitations. 
Η - Eta - “Bright Helios [Hêlios], who watches everything, watches you.” Helios knows that in the past you feel like you have been wronged. As the enforcer of oaths and promises, if you are honest with yourself and the situation the truth will come out and you will be aided.
Θ - Theta - “You have the helping Gods [Theoi] of this path.” If you are taking a plan of action do not worry! The Gods are guiding your way and you are in good hands. 
Ι - Iota - “There is sweat [’idrôs]; it excels more than everything.” Within your situation, there is going to be a lot of work. The gods recommend you buckle down and work as hard as you can, and it will not be easy. But it will be worth it.
Κ - Kappa - “To fight with the waves [Kuma] is difficult; endure, friend.” Now is not the time. You should wait until the vicious waves die down, and then take action.
Λ - Lambda - ““The one passing on the left [Laios] bodes well for everything.” Something that may seem really bad currently or in the future is actually going to turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Pay attention to your intuition!
Μ - Mu - “It is necessary to labor [Mokhtheô], but the change will be admirable.” You might feel distressed right now and that nothing is going right. But keep working to change either your situation or yourself, and the results will be in your favour.
Ν - Nu - ““The strife-bearing [Neikêphoros] gift fulfils the oracle.” Something will be given to you and enter your life. While it might not be obvious at first, this is the first domino in a line of changes that will happen in your life and make prophecy come true. 
Ξ - Xi - “There is no fruit to take from a withered [Xêros] shoot.” Being bitter and angry is not the way to go about things. Don’t keep trying to pull water out of a well that is empty, and know when to let go. 
Ο - Omicron - “There are no [Ou] crops to be reaped that were not sown.” In order to get things out of the situation, you have to plan ahead. What goes around comes around. 
Π - Pi - “Completing many [Polus] contests, you will seize the crown.” After many trials, you will achieve your goal. Persistence will give you your rewards, and do not be afraid to use your talents. 
Ρ - Rho - “You will go on more easily [Rhaion] if you wait a short time.” You should act, and quickly. Now is the best time and waiting longer is not a good idea. The stars are aligned and while it not be easy, there is no better time than the present. 
Σ - Sigma - “Phoibos Apollon speaks plainly [Saphôs], ‘Stay, friend.’” The gods want to inform you to wait for more information before you make any decisions. In this time, relax, and let the signs come to you.
Τ - Tau - “You will have a parting from the [Tôn] companions now around you.” Soon, people in your life might not stay the way they are. Friends might leave or enemies might leave. You might grow apart or distance or travel might force you away. Be wary of this, and act accordingly. 
Υ - Upsilon - “The affair holds a noble undertaking [Yposkhesis].” The task at hand is certainly a grand one, but with confidence, you, the hero of your own story, can pull through. You must acknowledge your strength, but also acknowledge the size of the task. 
Φ - Phi - “Having done something carelessly [Phaulos], you will thereafter blame the Gods.” Something is going wrong, and you may be trying to blame other things than the cause of the problem. Don’t resort to pointing fingers. The Gods will help you if you do not take out your anger on them or others needlessly. 
Χ - Khi - “Succeeding, friend, you will fulfill a golden [Khruseos] oracle.” Luck is on your side, and by mere chance, things might fall into place. The answer is positive, and you might be pleasantly surprised at all the riches that the world gives you in addition to your solution.
Ψ - Psi - “You have this righteous judgment [Psêphos] from the Gods.” Truth will be brought forwards, so be careful in your actions. The Gods are watching, and they will be fair, honest, and unforgiving to those who deserve it. This includes those who might be harming you, as well.
Ω - Omega - “You will have a difficult [Ômos] harvest season, not a useful one.” The times will be rough, and you will not get what you wish for at the end. You also might be forced to make tough decisions that you are not ready to make.
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And those are the letters! Happy letter-casting! 
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starsowl · 5 years
Asklêpios is God of Medicine and Healing. 
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Hymns to Asklêpios:
Orphic Hymn #67
Asklepios, lord Paian, healer of all, you charm away the suffering of men in pain. Come, mighty and soothing, bring health, And put an end to sickness and the harsh fate of death. Helper, blessed spirit of growth and blossoming, you ward off evil, Honored and mighty scion of Phoibos Apollon. Enemy of disease, whose blameless consort is Hygeia, Come, O blessed one, as savior and bring life to a good end.
Homeric Hymn #16
 I begin to sing of Asclepius, son of Apollo and healer of sicknesses. In the Dotian plain fair Coronis, daughter of King Phlegyas, bare him, a great joy to men, a soother of cruel pangs. And so hail to you, lord: in my song I make my prayer to thee!
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starsowl · 5 years
An Offering to Asklepios
Asklepios, god of healing and patron of medicine, is among the kindest of the Greek gods. Historically he would accept any offering, no matter how small, and his temples were filled with votives that were inexpensive materially but rich in devotion. Certainly the wealthy gave as was within their own means, gifts of precious metal and stone, but Asklepios was equally pleased with the small clay votives, or the worn sandals, showing the distance the supplicant had traveled to reach the temple, that were a traditional offering to the god.
It was very much traditional for a grateful worshipper to leave a votive offering in the shape of the part of their body that had been healed. Asklepios temples held many models of arms, legs, hands and other body parts (sometimes life-sized!), a testimonial to the god’s goodness and mercy.
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Pictured above is my most recent physical offering to Asklepios, a necklace in garnet and carnelian with a silver-toned pendant in the shape of an anatomical heart. (Apologies for the picture quality.)
The last time I gave physical votives to Asklepios, I went with a more traditional version and made small clay plaques. But that was 10 or 12 years ago and I now have a much more crowded Greek altar with many more icons. In other words, no room for anything large.
And unfortunately I don’t have pictures of the clay plaques. But they are pretty easy to make, so I’ll give some basic instructions on what I did.
First, you need some clay. I used air-dry art clay in terra-cotta, because that was the look I wanted; you could also use white clay and then paint it after it dries. Another option would be polymer clay, if you prefer it.
Once you have the clay, make your models. You can make a model of a foot, hand, or other body part and carve into it whatever message of gratitude you like. You can also make a flat rectangular or oval surface, and then either carve an image of the affected body part or system (say, lungs, a spine, or a digestive system) into it or else use more clay to show the part in a raised effect. The plaques may work better if you’re dealing with a larger system rather than a foot or hand.
Then, let it dry. Once it’s dry, you can offer it to the god with whatever words of prayers of thanks you feel appropriate.
Drawn or painted images would also be good media for this sort of offering. I’ve also dedicated writings to Asklepios in thanks for particular gifts of healing. Really, the sky is the limit. Asklepios is kind and good, he accepts all sincerely-made offerings.
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starsowl · 5 years
What myths written by men show is how men (did) view power. 
Myths such as that of Zeus show that men see ultimate power (which in this case is Godhood and being the King of Gods) personified as someone who is able to do literally anything with little to no punishment. Morals and laws do not count as men see true power as being above empathy and what is right or wrong.
That is why views of Zeus’ as a rapist etc are wrong because that is the view of the writer (of the myth) and his society, not the actual god.
The writers based the characteristics of the King of the Gods off their own leaders and Kings. How their leaders dealt with those below them, the female gender, the class system, and war was projected onto the Gods.
In cultus, Zeus’ is the God of morals and laws (as well as many other subjects). Some of his epithets include:
Soter: Saviour, Deliverer
Milichius: Gracious, Merciful
Eleuthereus: Of Freedom
Apemius: Averter of Ills
Philius: Of Friendship
Xenius: Of Hospitality, Strangers
Hicesius: Of Suppliants
Phyxius: Of Refuge
Theus Agathus: The Good God
Epidotes: Giver of Good
All good sounding epithets, yes he has some that could be considered bad such as:
Mechaneus: Contriver
But considering that any ruler needs to be able to contrive ideas and use his skills and attributes to excel it is not necessarily bad.
This is the main difference between cultus and myth. A myth is a projection of our society and time onto the characteristics of the gods, while cultus is our interactions, hymns, rituals, knowledge of the gods; the system of religious worship.
So looking past the myths, and researching how people (of the time, and now) actually felt about Zeus and how they worshipped him, rather than seeing the myths as the final word on the subject is important.
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starsowl · 5 years
Saw a post that got me thinking about honoring Eir… Thought I’d share some ideas here.  Some of these are little ideas, and some are BIG ones….  I’m super curious what other folk do!
Some offerings might include:
Water (healing, key to life, purifying, cleansing)
Healing herbs (like chamomile or chamomile tea.  Choose something specific to what sort of healing you are seeking if you can)
Chicken Noodle Soup, Saltines, Ritz, Gatorade or some other food you associate with taking care of someone who’s sick (my list is based purely in the local remedies for minor colds)
Devotional acts might include:
Practicing self-care
Taking care of people who are ill (physically, mentally, spiritually)
Tending a medical herb garden
Volunteering at a hospital, nursing home, or other service that heals or provides care
Doing research about medicine or healing arts
Studying/Practicing a healing art like massage, acupuncture, reiki, mainstream medicine, counseling…
Becoming and staying informed about systems that oppress and disadvantage people with disabilities
Joining disability activist work
Engaging in activism that supports low SES people and families in accessing medical care.
Preventative health care - keeping yourself healthy; helping others stay healthy; helping others have the opportunity to stay healthy; helping keep your community/land healthy…
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starsowl · 5 years
Eir’s Cure-all
Hear me please my goddess, Eir Watch over this affliction with care Purify this blood with fire See to it, this life does not expire. Sickness, dispel; leave no sneeze, or cough Weight on these lungs, please take off Bones, reknit; no misalignment or crack Cancer, remit, and see it not come back. Seel se Eir!
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