starinbox · 2 months
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“So I was like, ‘Yeah it was great, call you later!’ And I am TOTALLY not gonna call. She wanted to do the lamest positions EVER- What?” Adam tossed a grape into his mouth as he noticed his companion stop in what she was doing.
“I didn’t say anything.”
“I saw your head shake! I saw your eyes roll.” He popped another grape in his mouth as Lute sighed and set the dishes back in the sink.
“Sir, there isn’t any point in bringing up something we’ve disagreed about at length before.” She turned back to the sink, turning on the water.
“AHA! I ******* knew it! This is because you think sex HAS to have a purpose. You can totally **** and it not mean anything. I do it all the time.” Adam finished off the last of his grapes before grabbing a wine bottle and digging around in the drawer for his corkscrew.
“Besides, you’re just saying that because you’re the most virgin angel in Heaven. You’d change your tune REAL quick Dangertits if you had experience~” The cork flew across the kitchen, narrowly missing his companion’s wing by a hair.
Lute pressed her lips together, puffing her cheeks as she tried to formulate a response. Thankfully she didn't need to.
“Uh-SIR! What are you doing??”
“Getting a drink, I’m thirsty. You want some?” He poured a glass, turning to see his lieutenant shooting him a look and motioning pointedly to the wine glass in the dish drainer.
“I just washed the glass from dinner.”
“Uh-huh. Looks great.”
Lute looked at him flatly before tossing a small hand towel at him, motioning towards the dishes that were in the process of drying.
“Then you shouldn’t mind helping me.” She turned back to the sink.
Adam regarded the towel flatly, sipping his wine before moving to lean on the counter next to her.
“Quit changing the subject. What’s stopping you anyway?”
“From what?”
“Sex. What’s stopping you? And don’t tell me you buy into all that lovey-dovey ‘I’m waiting for the right guy’ bull.”
Lute lifted a plate from the water and brought it close to her face, using her nail to try and dislodge whatever dried on food had stubbornly tried to reside on the ceramic. When she was satisfied, she returned it to the sink, sighing when she realized she had to actually consider Adam’s question.
“Sex won’t help me protect Heaven more.” Simple.
“But what if it did? What if your virginity was stopping you from being the baddest ***** this side of Heaven?”
Lute raised a brow, pausing in her work and resting her hand on her hip.
“I thought I already was?”
“Then what? You’re scared?”
Lute scoffed at the notion.
“I fear nothing.” She turned back to the sink, running the plate under the water to rinse it off. She then held the plate out for Adam to take, nodding towards the towel he had unceremoniously discarded on the countertop.
 “Then what the ***** is it? Cause I’m not buying it.” He took the plate, looking at it for half a second before setting it down next to the towel.
She sighed deeply as she returned her attention to the remaining dishes in the sink, her eye catching the one she had tried to hand him.
“The moment hasn’t ever come up.” She picked the plate off of the counter, once more holding it out for him to take. Which he did, only to put it right back down.
“That’s because you don’t KNOOOW what you’re missing. The moment could be right there and you’d have NO idea.” He snorted.
“Sir.” Lute picked up the plate, again.
“What?” He scooted towards her, returning the ceramic dish to the counter.
“Will you just dry the ****** plate?”
“Why? Frustrating you or something? Hmm?”
Lute closed her eyes and pressed her lips together as she gripped the edge of the sink. After a long moment, she exhaled deeply through her nose, her face heating up as she felt his breath hot against her cheek.
“Lute.” The first man couldn’t help but smirk as he noted his lieutenant getting considerably more flustered. He could see the orange hue creep up into her cheeks.
He leaned in closer, his forehead just barely touching hers.
“This enough of a moment?”
Lute swallowed. “Sir, are you
 coming onto me?”
“I dunno. You want me to be?” He reached over and grabbed his long since forgotten about wine, taking a sip as he put more space between them again.
The exorcist considered the question for a long moment before she reached over, taking the plate off of the counter a final time. She pushed it at him, a hint of a smirk on her lips.
“I want you to dry the plate.”
I return from like a 800 year hiatus to post this monstrosity because... I am so intrigued by the concept of these horrible angels doing the most mundane of things.
Also there is just something a bit oxymoronic to me about a show about redemption having irredeemable characters such as these. That alone makes them interesting and I hope at the very least LUTE is explored more in season 2.
Adam & Lute © Vivziepop/A24
Artwork © Branded-Rose
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starinbox · 6 years
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the suffering never ends
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starinbox · 6 years
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sw meme ≡ 1/10 characters: kylo ren
“Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to. That’s the only way to become what you are meant to be.”
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starinbox · 6 years
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We miss you, Princess.
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starinbox · 6 years
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The Resistance is dead. The war is over. And when I kill you, I will have killed the last Jedi. Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong. The Rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning. And I will not be the last Jedi.
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starinbox · 6 years
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My @elithien print arrived. Can’t wait to hang it up 😍😍😍
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starinbox · 6 years
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starinbox · 6 years
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The general is malfunctioning
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starinbox · 6 years
Star Wars Ships after TLJ:
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starinbox · 6 years
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General Hux & Captain Phasma in the Phasma comic
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starinbox · 6 years
what’s more important to hux: kylo ren failing or the first order victory? 
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starinbox · 6 years
i’m crying xD
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starinbox · 6 years
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I feel like we already knew Hux preferred tea 😂
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starinbox · 6 years
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Adam Driver on the cover of British GQ
He recalls Fisher’s wit on display at Comic-Con before the release of The Force Awakens. “The whole cast was downstairs in a conference room, talking through what’s supposed to happen at this big event. She was like, ‘Just pretend you’re down to earth. People love that shit.’” Driver pauses for a moment then laughs. “So now I pretend I’m down to earth and you know what? People really do love that shit. They eat it up.“ 
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starinbox · 6 years
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and beyond that, something truly special.
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starinbox · 6 years
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“she senses pluck and wit and steel blood and a keen mind and by the blood of alderaan is this one going to be a fighter.”
wait. he?
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starinbox · 6 years
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“jett [lucas, george lucas’s son] recently told me a very interesting character tidbit about anakin, and the origin of his name: anakin is based off the greek goddess of inevitability, ananke.” – janina gavankar
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