stargatedrabbles · 2 years
PS - that newest prompt was in answer to a question about posting about a rare pairing that I cannot answer because I don’t have access to the question feature which is weird I know. Post it!
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stargatedrabbles · 2 years
Stargate Drabble Prompt #61
Write a story with a unique pairing. One that you would never see in the show--it doesn’t have to be romantic in nature, just write about two characters interacting that you’ve never seen, or would like to see more of.  Please tag your story with #stargatedrabbles or pm with a link to reblog
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stargatedrabbles · 3 years
Stargate Drabbles Prompt #60
Here’s your writing prompt:  Write from a unique narrative perspective--an unnoticed air man, an imprisoned a lien, a lonely janitor. Tell what the team is doing from the eyes of an outsider. 
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stargatedrabbles · 3 years
Stargate Drabbles Prompt# 59
Here’s your writing prompt: 
Write about something the team won that needs to be lost, or something lost that needs to be re-won.  Please tag #stargatedrabbles, or send a DM with a link for reblogging. 
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stargatedrabbles · 3 years
Stargate Drabbles Prompt# 58
Here are your words for this session (not gonna say week):  1.Tuna 2.Remote 3. Fantasy  As always please tag your fics with #stargatedrabbles so that they’re easier to find. Alternatively, you could also pm me a link. 
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stargatedrabbles · 3 years
Blanket - Stargate Drabbles-Week 6
She blames her moment of vulnerability on exhaustion. And when he corners her in her lab with concern in his eyes, she tells him the truth. That she’s having nightmares. That she can’t stop seeing that thing coming after her. He listens, nods and leaves. When he returns with coffee a moment later, his fingers graze hers reassuringly as he slides it over to her.
That night she lies in bed, dreading the heart pounding terror and cold sweat that will inevitably awaken her during the night. She finds herself fighting the fatigue threatening to pull her under when she hears the quiet knock on her door. Her chest tightens nervously and she knows it has to be him.
The first thing she notices when she opens the door is his mussed hair, sweatpants and t-shirt; and she steps aside to let him in. There’s something in his eyes that makes her stomach flutter and without a word, he locks the door, wraps his fingers around hers, and gently tugs her towards the bedroom.
He kicks off his shoes and lays on top of the blanket as she slips underneath. And when he pulls her against him and wraps his arm around her protectively, warmth and relief envelope her like a impenetrable cocoon.
She feels her heavy eyelids fall and sighs as the solid thud of his heart lulls her to sleep; knowing that tonight, he will watch over her. As her breathing deepens, she feels his soft lips brush against her head and his fingertips graze her back, and wonders if she’ll ever feel this safe again.
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stargatedrabbles · 3 years
Stargate Drabble Prompt #57
Hey guys, so the posts are getting a little few and far between because there hasn’t been much action on the writing front, as in I haven't been getting submissions and stuff--which is totally fine.  
I just wait a little longer to see if anyone submits is all.  Let me know if you’d really like to go back to weekly prompts or not, elsewise they’ll be bi-monthly or monthly.  Here’s your prompt:  1. Write a round table/conference table discussion using absolutely no action, allowing the reader to discern who’s thinking by vernacular alone.  or 2. Write a story with absolutely no talking, relying only on actions.  As always please tag your post with #stargatedrabbles or better yet, send a pm with your post. 
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stargatedrabbles · 3 years
Stargate Drabble Prompt #56
Here are your words the week: 1.Best 2.Same 3.Other Please tag your fics  with #stargatedrabbles or better yet pm us a link so we can reblog.  Happy Writing 
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stargatedrabbles · 3 years
Stargate Drabble Prompt #55
Here are your prompts:  1.Mud 2.Egg 3.Boots Please tag with #stargatedrabbles, or send a PM with a rebloggable link to your work. 
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stargatedrabbles · 3 years
Stargate Drabble Prompt #54
Since today is two holidays (Family Day--Canada, President’s Day--US) we’re going with a theme.  1. Write a story concerning the President--but not the President of the United States. Maybe the team runs into an off-world leader? Maybe Zalenka is President of the Atlantis Chess Club OR 2. Write about a family, but not the Team’s families. Maybe they help someone deliver a baby off-world. Maybe they learn some cool tricks from a hip alien grandma.  Tag #Stargatedrabbles or PM so we can reblog your stories. 
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stargatedrabbles · 3 years
A response to @stargatedrabbles prompt # 53 - Curse
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stargatedrabbles · 3 years
A response to @stargatedrabbles prompt #48 - Memo
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stargatedrabbles · 3 years
Stargate Drabble Prompt #53
Here are your prompts:  1.Curse 2.Bungle  3.Banjo  Please tag with #stargatedrabbles or DM so we can reblog your stories
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stargatedrabbles · 3 years
Stargate Drabble Prompt #52
For this prompt, please write about a New Years resolution that has failed and created a dire situation.  As always please tag your stories with #stargatedrabbles so we can reblog, or send a PM with a link.  Happy writing,
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stargatedrabbles · 3 years
Stargate Drabbles Prompt #51
Different kinda prompt this time, and you only get one:  Write a bad holiday fic.  For example: Maybe they have to deal with the Goa’uld incarnation of the twelve days of Christmas which was lost in translation and is actually much, much worse in it’s native tongue.  Maybe Krampus is an actual off-world alien and SG-1 is stuck on his planet on Christmas Eve. 
Maybe the figgy pudding is sentient.  Maybe dreidel original forms are actual means to infinite energy. Remember the holidays include Diwali and Kwanzaa as well as others including the Pagan roots of Christmas. Just remember to be respectful! Post with #stargatedrabbles in the tags or pm with a reblogging link. 
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stargatedrabbles · 4 years
Stargate Drabble Prompts #50
Here are your prompts for this week:  1.Turkey 2. Iron 3. Linen  please tag with #stargatedrabbles or PM with a direct link for reblogging. 
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stargatedrabbles · 4 years
Stargate Drabble Prompts #49
Not so much a prompt as what could be a really neat SG writing meme.  Reblog this post and write down three things that in your head you believe is canon to the show in the method that you write. So when you write a story, you write the characters with these attributes despite them never being explicitly said on the show. I’ll start: 1. I  usually write Daniel as ace, although sometimes I’ll write him as demiromantic.  2. I always write Vala as a character who has experienced sexual abuse in the past.  3. I always write Teal’c to be the voice of reason, but also side with the marginalized (alien or female) characters.  Please add your own original three to give other SG fanfic writers some inspiration, but remember to always be respectful. Of course you can disagree but don’t bad mouth other people’s fic canons, and don’t use disrespectful words to describe your own.  Look forward to seeing how it goes. Please tag with #stargatedrabbles 
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