starcall · 9 months
❝ oh, yes. around this time of year, the leaves from the trees will fall, the daytime will shorten, and the winds grow cold... ❞ that's right, this must be ryne's first time seeing such a change in season.
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when ryne voices her uncertainty, lyra's lips press with a soft hum in thought. how was she to approach this? ❝ when i was your age, i would often wear dresses— well, it was what often was expected of me as a noble, but i always thought them beautiful and well-made. ❞ she reflects. ❝ they were often my favored colors, and some had pretty patterns sewn into the fabric. though sometimes... the skirts could be heavy, or perhaps the dresses proved rather difficult to move in. ❞
while the astrologian had a rather extensive closet, her everyday looks were thankfully more comfortable & practical now. ❝ a good place to start would be what catches your eye. from there, you could always try it on to see if you feel comfortable wearing them, or think about where you might wear it. for walks, i often wear lighter, breathable clothes, to name. ❞
She fears that she looks silly, trying to contain her excitement but failing rather miserably at it. Ryne had accepted Lyra's invitation to go clothes shopping without hesitation, even if she doesn't quite know what exactly her 'style' is. That was something more up Gaia's alley.
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"The season will be changing soon?" It's safe to say she hasn't really experienced it before, thanks to the flood of light that once plagued the First. "Hm..."
She watches as Lyra thumbs through the rack, quickly becomes shy when she's told that she can choose anything. The task before her suddenly becomes much more daunting.
"Thank you Lyra, I appreciate this. But I... I'm not really sure where to begin." Her gaze lowers, sheepish. "What would you suggest?"
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starcall · 10 months
tease my muse!
pester them about any of the relationships you've seen them in, things they like, things you've seen them do before, etc! make it physical, verbal, or something else ... tease them about anything about them, really! do not send with malicious intent unless given the okay by a mun!
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starcall · 10 months
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she shakes her head, dismissing the other's apology with a small smile. ❝ it is all right. you need not apologize. ❞ it seemed that she was genuine with her intentions, and the comment about her dress gave rise to a more demure demeanor and tone from the astrologian. ❝ yes. i sewed it myself, but i am ashamed to admit that i am rather out of practice... ❞ after all, most of the garbs she would wear were made for her, by sharlayan tailors or the scions' renowned seamstress. ❝ perhaps, are you interested in clothing or fashion? ❞
was this nervousness? it probably was, nero hasn't really felt an emotion like this. spotting someone a beautiful woman from the corner of her eye, she couldn't but help but stare. admiring the others looks and the clothing that she was wearing, there was no doubt in her mind that it was designed with care. and such a pretty thing at the museum she frequents, this must be her lucky day.
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"please forgive my staring young miss! i couldn't help but notice the clothes that you were wearing, did you happen to design them yourself?"
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starcall · 10 months
there's something about the way clive speaks that reminds her of herself, almost. the gravity of emotions, affections— how it tethers them, gives them joy and warmth. often times, lyra had the selfsame struggle of voicing how she loved thancred. she was still rather bashful about it all, but hearing the outlaw's words was a bit of a comfort. hopefully, she did deserve the gunbreaker's company. she returns his vow with one of her own, ❝ and should i ever meet your partner, i shall let her know the same. ❞ and let her know how she stays in his thoughts, even in such little things like flowers.
❝ i can only imagine... ❞ as lyra listened to clive talk about his mother, it brings an ache beneath her chest. that she held no love for her son, and no love for the nation that her family presided— how could someone be so heartless? ❝ you and your brother... i hope her actions do not weigh too heavy on your shoulders. ❞ her sins were not theirs. and thankfully, the duchy had survived despite her ruse. with the kind of man clive seemed to be, she knows rosaria will continue to press on.
when he answers her question, she holds her breath in a small moment of shock. despite how vaguely it came from her lips, his response was telling of the kind of the kind of role he played to his world. ❝ what you must do... ❞ the healer repeats, under her breath. his will was one not far apart from her own, that choice to bear the burdens of the world. she gives him a small nod in understanding. ❝ very well. clive it is, then. ❞
his comment prompts a small bit of distance in her gaze, growing a bit faraway as she reflects on her journey briefly. ❝ i suppose. but it is as you said... it is what i must do, too. ❞ it was her duty: the fate she was born to and the destiny she chose. it was something she needed to reflect on, too— and perhaps listening to clive's journey and recounting her own could serve to help that.
thus, when clive stands and reaches out to her, her smile brightens on her face as she takes his hand to get up. ❝ it would be my honor. ❞
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it does not take too long for them to arrive at the manor. lyra gives both clive and torgal a moment to make themselves comfortable in the drawing room. after few trips in and out of the room, the astrologian is able to make a quick arrangement of tea and some treats (biscuits and tarts she bought a day ago) to share with her new acquaintance. and of course— a plate of steak for torgal too, set down on the floor for him to enjoy. while it was not anything too fancy, she hopes they both at least feel at ease, visiting her home.
❝ i do hope that this is enough for torgal. if he is feeling cooped up in here at all, he is also free to roam the gardens. ❞ she offers. knowing that she was in for a long story, she understands if clive's little companion needed to stretch his legs a bit. ❝ oh, and if you're feeling cold, i could also get the fire started... ❞ her eyes briefly glance at the fireplace close by, before turning back to her guest across her.
❝ any moment you feel ready, then. ❞ her fingers gently and quietly trace her teacup. she would let him take as much time as he'd need to prepare. ❝ what sort of place is valisthea? ❞
Lyra's words cause a smile to tug at the edge of his lips, once more. The thought of Jill only warms his heart, calming any nerves he has. Though he wishes she were here, with him, at the very least the thought of her is enough to ease him. "I hope so too. She can take care of herself, but... I care about her, greatly." Ah, a little too shy to say that he loves her.
"Thancred," repeats Clive. An odd name, perhaps fitting for an odd fellow. Maybe it's just from the story books he's read, but it wouldn't surprise him at all if the man Lyra had fallen for was a bit of a strange man. Somehow that seemed to fit someone like Lyra - a good 'opposites attract' kind of thing. "If I meet him, I'll be sure to tell him how kind you have been to me."
( and you know, maybe apologize for influencing his daughter in wanting a big dog like torgal once he finds out how much trouble he's been causing the poor gunbreaker. )
The mention of his mother causes the frown to dip back onto his face. it's been... some months, since he's thought about her. He felt no love for her; all he felt for her was... pity. Pity at how her thirst for power and success was the cause of her own downfall. Him and Joshua never talked about her after her death. Perhaps it was for the best.
"It... was always difficult to swallow. She and I never saw eye to eye, she never held any love for me and I knew she never would. But I always thought she loved my father and brother." Enough, anyway, to never sell her own nation out. It made him wonder if her love for Joshua was even genuine, or if she just loved him like he was some kind of amusing pet. "The days I would see her, it's as though I was seeing a completely different person."
But while Anabella laid in the grave that was the Holy Empire, Rosaria and her people would live on. For Clive, that sort of revenge was all he needed against her.
Clive pauses at Lyra's question. It's always strange to think about, how many names he has. Cid the Outlaw, Marquess of Rosaria, Mythos, Logos - sometimes he forgets who he is. But he remembers Joshua's voice - calling for him as he almost lost himself to Ultima - and he remembers.
"I've always been fond of Clive." He's Clive, and that's all he wishes to be at the end of it all. "The titles are a heavy weight. I took on the name of an old friend of mine after he passed, to spark hope that was once lost in his Hideaway. But, it's what I must do." What he feels like he must do.
Ruinous beings and calamities. "Sounds like your world has its own fair share of troubles. But it seems like you always come out and save the day when it's needed." She speaks like a hero with scars on her back, who pushes forward even when the world's claws try to drag her down; it's only a guess of what she is to her world, but he can guess she's a little more than an oracle to the stars and gods.
The outlaw doesn't speak at first, only taking her words into consideration. Truthfully, he is a little afraid to get all of this out. He's afraid to release it into the world. Yet, he needs to - for himself, to reflect on what needs to be reflected before he leaves to go back to fight and reclaim his world.
( because he doesn't know what's going to happen. )
So, Clive stands up as Torgal comes to join them. An outstretched hand towards the oracle, with a soft smile on his face.
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"Shall you lead the way, milady?"
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starcall · 10 months
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❝ hold still for a moment. ❞ her globe hovering over her palm, her free hand weaves one of her spells, benefic, summoning stars to circle around the other. soon, they burst into a bright yet warm light— healing their injuries to the extent she was able to. ❝ this is all i could do for now. how are your wounds? are you able to move? ❞
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starcall · 10 months
❝ ah, that time... ❞ it was many years ago, but those memories in the rising stones and even in ul'dah still felt fresh in her mind. the women who would cling at his sides, begging for him to spend a night or spare a glance at them. the overwhelming number of adorers was perhaps one of the reasons why she suppressed her own affections for the bard for a while.
she grows rather nervous at her fellow warrior of light's inquiry. not because of how tsuru might perceive her choices, but because she has never put it to words before. yes, he was certainly handsome, debonair— but that was only the surface. her hands gently rest on her lap, her eyes looking down at her tea.
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❝ thancred is... real. ❞ it is an odd statement to lead with, but it made the most sense to her. ❝ he knows the ways of the world, and yet he is so full of love— he wears that all on his sleeve. his compassion, his sorrow, his frustration, his patience... his every word and action attests to that. i found myself drawn to that... ❞ if she was the stars, he was the earth. he was open, warm, and always close by. ❝ when i am with him... i feel as if i could be myself. that i am allowed to be... ❞ she felt loved. she felt human.
❝ i think— between him and myself, i am far more… 'unappetizing' to pursue. i find it hard to believe to this day, that he holds any affection for me… ❞ her fingers comb through a strand of her hair, still processing her own thoughts. but there is a small smile on her lips, even as her gaze stays low. ❝ i have never shared such feelings with anyone before. to be honest, it terrifies me. but... i think i can trust him. he has always made me feel safe. ❞
Lyra's reddened expression tells Tsuru all she ought to know and more as she listens to her recounting of how her own Valentione's Day was spent. While she's known Thancred to be somewhat of a womanizer, he'd certainly calmed down for the better after the events that transpired on the first. But to think that he would so readily engage in a courtship of this nature, the very thought has her leaning back in her change, arms crossed as she gives a wry smile. "Is that so…"
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Tea couldn't possibly be any less relevant to her now, though she does take a teacake for herself as she eyes the hyur carefully. She was much more interested in how this came about. "I never thought I'd see the day, quite frankly. Especially after the disaster that happened at the Rising Stones." she chuckles, remembering the thought. That day when Thancred had finessed so many women only for them all to congregate upon him. What a sight that was to behold, one that she's sure the other must remember as well.
"I mean no offense when I ask, but what is it exactly that you see in Thancred that makes him appealing? A good man he may be, but I find him rather unappetizing in the way of pursuing a relationship, for reasons you surely know why."
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starcall · 10 months
❝ t-there's no need. he hasn't been of any trouble. the opposite, truly! ❞ her hand waves, almost a little defensively. she knows tsuru's teasing, but she was still a little embarrassed.
lyra takes a sip of tea, listening attentively as tsuru began to explain what the ring meant between her and the former exarch. ❝ since starlight... how wonderful. it is heartwarming— your devotion to one another. ❞ a part of her wonders how long it would be, before the two would be wed. however, when the au ra holds herself back from telling her the whole tale, lyra's eyes bat, a mix of confusion and curiosity evident in her face. ❝ o-oh... then i shan't pry any further. ❞ she sets down her teacup. ladies don't kiss and tell? what could have happened that night? the astrologian stops herself from reading into it any further, maybe some things were best kept private, truly.
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❝ my valentione's... ❞ her cheeks were already reddening, as she remembered her own events that day. her hand moves to brush a few strands of her hair to the side, a small pause before she began to recount the day. ❝ thancred... left me some lilies and chocolate at my doorstep, with a letter... ❞ on her lap, her fingers began to twiddle as she continued to speak. ❝ then i sought to see him about it, and then... well... we are 'dating'— as i believe most people call it. ❞
She knows that feeling of loneliness all too well and how it can feel all-encompassing when you're somewhere unfamiliar, far from home. "I'm glad to hear it. Though if that familiar company begins to cause you trouble, I'll be sure to have them dealt with." Followed by a wink, she's only teasing of course.
"Not exactly." It's Tsuru's turn to shy away from the topic now. When it came to speaking about her own relationship, she preferred to be vague, but it's hard not to feel compelled to share just a little more when in the company of another Warrior of Light. Brows furrowed, her mind wanders for a brief moment as she carefully considers how to describe what exactly the ring signified. "It was…more of a promise that we have the intention of marrying eventually." now that brings a smile to her face, albeit small. "I had wanted to give it to him ever since the last Starlight celebration, I only wanted the moment to be perfect and Valentione's seemed as good of a time as any." Remembering it left her feeling rather…tense.
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"I could tell you how and what happened that night, but how does that saying go? A lady doesn't kiss and tell." Lyra's free to come to her own conclusions, Tsuru looks smugly all the while. "But enough of that, tell me of your own Valentione's day."
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starcall · 10 months
actions speak louder than words non - verbal / action prompts from yours truly. (add a "swap" to swap the sender/receiver in the prompt (or just do it manually).)
back, sender gives receiver a back hug.
beckon, sender beckons receiver closer with a finger.
blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver.
book, sender helps receiver get a book from a higher part of the shelf.
care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick.
catch, sender catches receiver by the waist after they bump into each other.
choke, sender saves receiver from choking by giving them the heimlich.
cold, sender places their jacket over receiver's shoulders.
cry, sender wipes tears off receiver's face with their thumbs.
dance, sender sticks a hand out to receiver and invites them to dance.
dip, sender skinny dips in front of receiver and invites them to join.
dog, sender's dog pulls them in receiver's direction.
drive, sender drives receiver somewhere in their car.
drag, sender drags receiver into a room and closes the door behind them.
draw, sender draws receiver like one of their french girls.
face, sender turns receiver's face towards them.
flower, sender gives receiver a flower.
footsie, sender initiates footsie with receiver under the table.
forehead, sender presses their forehead against receiver's.
grab, sender grabs receiver's wrist to stop them from leaving.
jump, sender jumps into receiver's back.
kiss, sender kisses receiver.
link, sender links arms with receiver while walking.
massage, sender offers receiver a massage.
patch, sender patches up receiver's wounds.
piano, sender teaches receiver how to play the piano.
pin, sender pins receiver's hands behind their back.
pluck, sender plucks something out of receiver's hair.
press, sender presses receiver against a wall.
propose, sender proposes to receiver.
quiet, sender gestures for receiver to be quiet.
rest, sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder.
serenade, sender serenades receiver with a song.
sign, sender walks into a sign and receiver sees.
size, sender measures the size of their hand against receiver's.
shoes, sender removes receiver's shoes for them.
sun, sender rubs sunblock onto receiver's back.
tattoo, sender gives receiver a tattoo.
tie, sender helps tie receiver's tie.
tuck, sender tucks receiver's hair behind their ear.
umbrella, sender lets receiver under their umbrella.
warning, sender presses a knife against receiver's neck as a warning.
zip, sender needs receiver's help to zip up the back of their dress.
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starcall · 10 months
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there was already a warm feeling residing in her chest, going on a day out with ryne like this. when she brought up the idea to thancred, he urged her to go through with it. after all, it would give them more time to bond, and ryne was also moving in with them soon. now here they were, at mermaid cove mall— making a stop at one (of what lyra hopes would be many) clothing stores.
❝ perhaps we might buy some sleepwear for you too, and some warm clothes for the autumn... ❞ she thinks aloud, fingers going through some hangers on a rack. her eyes look over her shoulder to glance at the oracle. ❝ is there anything you would like to try on? you're free to choose anything you'd like. ❞
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starcall · 10 months
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❝ ser estinien, ❞ lyra is happy to have bumped into a familiar face amongst the crowds on the star trail. it was still relatively early in the day, so it thankfully wasn't too congested. ❝ were you hoping to sample the local dishes, or perhaps find some ishgardian cuisine? ❞ she inquires. ❝ i am to buy lunch for thancred and myself. perhaps i might join you? ❞
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starcall · 10 months
after being given the green light, lyra's hand reaches to rub the top of the pup's head. seeing how jolly he was, her smile only grew as she interacted with him. ❝ what a dashing little one you are, zwei. ❞
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❝ ruby, that is a lovely name. ❞ she withdraws her hand, standing back up to converse with the girl. ❝ my dau— my partner's daughter, ryne, has been asking for a dog. we have not yet decided what sort to get, but... i think one like zwei would be fitting. small and... independent, you said? ❞ cute, too. she knows the girl would be ecstatic to see a puppy like zwei.
❝ may i ask if you have any advice, on how to take care of a dog? ❞
⠀⠀⠀SHE⠀can't help but laugh at the hesitation; it makes total sense, but knowing what a total glutton for affection Zwei was... Well, it was noteworthy enough that he wasn't bumping up against her hand as is. The delight is obvious in her voice as she finally responds, giving a nod for good measure. ⠀❛ ⠀Oh, yeah — loves 'em. Don't be surprised if he follows you around from time to time after you do, though... He's an independent little guy !⠀ ❜⠀
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⠀⠀⠀She beams with pride as Zwei makes his contentment known, stubby little tail going a mile a minute as he barks once in the affirmative. Just from their time in the city, Ruby's lost count of the amount of times she's woken up in the morning ( or afternoon... or late afternoon— ) to find a bunch of random items in the kitchen. Shocking amount of canned food inexplicably opened. Sometimes the remnants of a whole chicken you'd find turning around in the grocery store. And he'd always be sitting amid the haul like a king.
⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀Oh, but it's nice to meet you too ! You can call me Ruby. 'Cause... that's my name—⠀ ❜⠀
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starcall · 10 months
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❝ i can imagine he was equally as nervous, when he gave you a name. ❞ her tone is soothing, doing her best to ease the girl's thoughts. ❝ it would be a change— and perhaps the thought of that may seem daunting, ❞ lyra tucks a stray strand of the oracle's hair behind her ear, before letting her hand rest on her shoulder.
❝ but you are already family. ❞ she knows the strength of their bond, knows how much the title of 'father' means to both thancred and ryne. ❝ and i know there is no greater honor for thancred than being your father. any gesture or word from you that reminds him of that, it would mean the world to him. ❞
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"You think so?" It's a bit embarrassing for Lyra to be a witness to this, but very reassuring at the same time.
"I don't doubt how he feels, and I really wish to surprise him... But I still feel so nervous and I don't understand why."
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starcall · 10 months
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❝ how wonderful it must be, to be a parent... ❞ she's thinking aloud.
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starcall · 10 months
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❝ oh, ❞ lyra eyes widen, but also brighten at the question. her heart warms in thancred's place, had he been here to hear the question.
❝ he already thinks of you as his daughter. there is nothing you need to fear. ❞ she reassures the oracle. ❝ you simply need to find the right time. it might come as a surprise to him, but... i can imagine he would be overjoyed to hear you call him 'father'. ❞
Someone's got a very intense and deep in thought look on her face. After a few more moments of glaring at the ground, she finally voices what's on her mind.
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"How do I call my father... 'Father'...?"
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starcall · 11 months
ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚     as always, some triggering content may be present! change any pronouns to better suit your muse(s) needs!     ˚ ◦ ○ ˚   ୧   . ˚ ₓ
flowers grow back even after the harshest winters, you will too.
at your absolute best, you still won’t be good enough for the wrong person—at your worst, you’ll still be worth it to the right person.
the more people i meet, the more disappointed i am.
love can make up for a lot.
maybe i’ll see you in another life—if this one wasn’t enough.
one of the hardest lessons in life is letting go.
don’t wait until you’ve reached your goal to be proud of yourself.
give me all your stress and worries, i’ll take it all just to see you smile.
don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive.
we are products of our past but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.
what would i do if i weren’t afraid?
there is a strange warm grace in not being alone.
closing your eyes and plugging up your ears won’t make time stand still.
i learned not to trust people.
we cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever.
it is possible to lie, and even to murder, with the truth.
i think i might always be in some kind of love with you.
we fight to hold on and we fight to let go.
i find that music is so much more attractive than love.
if you light a lamp for someone else it will also brighten your path.
i thought i could imagine how much this would hurt, but i was wrong.
deep in my heart, i know i am a loner.
they lash out because if they can see that their words hurt someone else, it makes them feel as if they aren’t completely powerless.
you have nothing to prove to anybody.
what the world needs is people who are alive.
people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.
you have to do what’s best for you—not what’s best for somebody else.
do you say what you really mean?
tomorrow is another chance.
have patience with all things, but first with yourself.
keep moving forward.
the less i know, the better.
don’t listen to yourself—listen to the advice that you give others.
becoming fearless isn’t the point. that’s impossible. it’s learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it.
people will say terrible things when they’re scared..
you deserve someone who answers.
you can’t fix me, let me have my bad days.
we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
i knew this was going to happen.
the truth is often a terrible weapon of aggression.
you alone are enough.
millions of people can believe in you, and yet none of it matters if you don’t believe in yourself.
the love we have for each other is bigger than these small differences.
are you really how you're perceived to be?
i just want to be your peace.
i’m afraid that if you look at a thing long enough, it loses all of its meaning.
falling in love doesn’t always lead to heartbreak.
eyes are blind. you have to look with the heart.
i have always known life damages us. we can’t escape that damage.
there is no way to happiness: happiness is the way.
sometimes you just have to jump.
change is never easy.
keep your eyes wide open, only a coward closes his eyes.
sometimes you make choices in life, and sometimes choices make you.
you can’t always wait for the perfect time.
to live is the rarest thing in the world, most people exist—that is all.
there's no shortcut to forgetting someone. you have to endure missing them until you don't.
it is the things you cannot see coming that are strong enough to kill you.
nothing’s going to disappear just because you can’t see what’s going on. things will even be worse the next time you open your eyes.
you started caring too late.
that’s the kind of world we live in.
it’s never too late to change the direction that your life is going in.
i take much pleasure in being alone.
appreciate those who don’t give up on you.
when your head lays on my chest, i want you to forget the world and all it’s problems.
only a coward closes his eyes.
however rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship.
you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
bad ideas make the best memories.
telling you to "go fuck yourself" is considered rude in most social situations.
if i had a flower for every time i thought of you, i could walk through my garden forever.
it’s all too much and not enough at the same time.
some hearts understand each other—even in silence.
be nice to yourself.
we can be mended, we mend each other.
any goodbye makes room for a hello.
survival is a talent.
never confuse your mistakes with your value as a human being.
allow yourself to hope and believe again.
you need to distance yourself so you can discover what you want out of life.
god gives every bird its food, but he does not throw it into its nest.
remind yourself that it’s ok not to be perfect.
people will never forget how you made them feel.
soft hearted people know what people did to them, but they forgive them again and again because they have beautiful hearts.
don’t allow the past to spoil the present—or to rob you of a future.
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starcall · 11 months
❝ yes. in all honesty, it felt rather lonesome at first... ❞ after all, it emulated her own home in sharlayan. it has been many moons since she had last set foot in etheirys, many moons since she had first arrived on the island. ❝ however, it's slowly starting to feel like home. i am grateful to be joined by familiar company, too. ❞ a small slip of the tongue, but the smile on her lips is a fond one, as her a certain someone is held fondly in her thoughts.
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hiding behind a raised hand, a quiet gasp leaves the lady's lips. ❝ a ring? if he accepted it, then... does that mean you are promised to one another? ❞ the eorzean custom, after all, entailed that rings were a symbol of undying devotion, a sacred commitment between two partners. there was this light feeling beneath her chest, a happiness she held for tsuru and the former exarch. ❝ he must have been delighted to receive it. how long have you intended to give him a ring? may i ask how it all happened? ❞ her curiosity was only growing. valentione's— what a coincidence.
Tsuru knows all too well of how busy one can become when acclimating to their life here, so the thought of being upset with her for not keeping constant contact doesn't cross her mind. Rather, she believed in giving people the space they need and in time they would eventually meet up again. She was used to that way of friendship, preferred it even. High-maintenance relationships could be hard to upkeep, after all. That general way of thinking aside, she is rather curious about what's kept Lyra so busy as of late. "You needn't apologize. Life has a way of pushing people away only to bring them back together."
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At the mention of her new housing arrangements, Tsuru smiles, "It's nice to finally have a home of your own, isn't it? Much as I liked living with strangers, I much prefer having my own little haven. I am sure you feel the same." No wonder she'd been busy, that explains most of it. Settling into a new home was never easy even if it was ultimately what one wanted. "We've…" It's complicated, she'd like to say, but she'd rather not be so open about her own ups and downs. Not quite yet, anyway. Though she's certain her brief pause is enough to signify that her answer might be a bit long-winded. "Been fine, overall. I gave him a ring this past Valentione's…"
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starcall · 11 months
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lyra sketch by @/oddlimits_ on twitter!
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