starbudspresents · 1 year
Re.Gray 036 - Vampire pt. 6: Repatriation
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Summary: Lavi vs. Krory. Meanwhile, Eliade and Allen reveal their true colours.
Volume 4, Chapter 36
Vampire of the Lonely Castle ⑥: Repatriation
♦ 175
36th Night - Vampire of the Lonely Castle ⑥: Repatriation
♦ 176
sfx: DON BAAN gagah [various battle noises, as Lavi and Krory go at it hammer and teeth in the cemetery garden]
Lavi: ...In short, Akuma are weapons1 wearing human skin! Krory: That so.
Lavi: So it's Akuma blood you've been sucking, okay?
Krory: That so. Krory: But wait? If that were true, should I not be dead of its poison? Krory: I find your tale hard to credit. sfx: zah [he and Lavi break apart momentarily]
Lavi: Heh. Actually, I can think of others who've survived it. Lavi: This is what I'm thinking: Lavi: Akuma poison doesn't work on you because, like Allen, you're a parasitic-type Accommodator. Lavi: And you've unconsciously only gone after Akuma...
♦ 177
Lavi: Those crazy-hard teeth of yours are Innocence, right?
Krory: ......
Lavi: You like hunting Akuma? Join up with us and you'll never run out. Lavi, side: Red-carpet welcome! Lavi: You're strong, so to make you listen, Lavi: it looks like I've gotta go all-out. Lavi: So tell me yea or nay when you come to, yeah? sfx: zu [a ring of seals springs up in the air around the hammer 2] Lavi: Krow. ♪ 3
♦ 178
sfx: baki baki baki [Allen's ribs creaking under the pressure of Eliade's tightening grip]
Allen: cough Allen: hack Allen: cough
Eliade: What's the matter? You were breathing fine a second ago. Eliade: I'll crush your ribcage if you don't fight back, you know?
Allen: ——... Allen: wheeze... Allen: ——...
♦ 179
Allen: ? Allen: It's hot... Allen: I'm losing my grip... Allen: It's like something is sapping the strength from my whole body. Allen: My senses are fading... Allen: I'm sleepy...
sfx: dokah [Eliade punches him hard in the face with her free hand] Eliade: No? No reaction? Eliade: Or don't you have the guts to fight?
sfx: bota bota [books fall from the shelves around Allen's shoulders] Allen: ......
Eliade: Perhaps Arystar did you some real damage.
♦ 180
Eliade: Well, then.
Allen: I mustn't... Allen: Mustn't fall asleep. Allen: Can't feel the pain, or anything else... Allen: My senses are numb. Allen: If I fall asleep, I'm dead. Allen: Talk. Allen: Come on, think. Allen: We have no... intention of... slaying Arystar Krory... Allen: So there's... no reason to fight...
Eliade: Ah. Eliade, side: It speaks.
Allen: He may... be neither vampire... nor monster... Allen: but rather... one of us...
sfx: baki [Eliade hits him hard across the face, no longer smiling]
♦ 181
Eliade: Aha! Eliade: Ahahahahaha!! sfx: doka baki doka baki goki dogo goki dogo [vicious successive hits, sound changing as his face gets pulpy] Eliade: Ahahahaha!! Eliade: One of you? Don't make me laugh. sfx: DON [she slams him back into the shelves with both hands] Eliade: He is a vampire! Eliade: You think I'll let you take him...?
♦ 182
Eliade: This is why Eliade: I have to kill you. sfx: dokan [impact]
sfx: dosah [Allen slumps bonelessly to the floor, prone] sfx: nuh [Eliade produces a wood axe]
Eliade: Off with your head. sfx: goh [she approaches] Eliade: I'll drain the blood from your body and hang it it from the gate, sfx: goro [she kicks him over onto his back] Eliade: so that no one will ever come near this castle again.
♦ 183
sfx: nu [she lays the blade against his throat] Eliade: I'll save some face if I offer his life in place of Krory's.4
sfx: ZAN [she swings]
♦ 184
Eliade: !! sfx: gugugu... [she strains, but Allen holds the blade fast in his left hand and it won't budge] sfx: gugu [still trying] Eliade: Tch. Eliade: Still got some juice, huh. sfx: gugugu [his grip remains tight and unyielding] Eliade: !! Eliade: Wait, he's... Eliade: unconscious...!?
♦ 185
sfx: gikin [the red hand tightens and the axe-blade shatters] sfx: kah [a sudden light shines in Eliade's face] Eliade: !?
♦ 186
sfx: DO [Eliade jumps back, wounded in the chest but not fatally] sfx: zuzu [the arm makes the zipper noise] sfx: haa haa haa [Eliade panting] sfx: dokuh dokuh dokuh [Eliade's heart thundering] Eliade: What is he? Eliade: His left arm is moving on its own!?
♦ 187
sfx: zu zu zu [a black pentacle appears over his closed left eye in a slow, twisted knot] sfx: ZU [it finishes unfurling, an ornate capital D forming in the center] sfx: shu... [a wisp emerges from it] sfx: shuru... [the wisp slowly takes the shape of a skull, black pentacle blazoned across the top and D written above its left eye socket]
♦ 188
sfx: kah [it stares at Eliade, sees her, and she feels it like a physical blow]
Eliade: !?
Mana?: I'm home, Allen. Mana?: The darkness has returned... sfx: zuuu... [the skull begins to retreat back into Allen's head without losing its shape, phasing through his skin and bone] sfx: zubububu [there seems to be some resistance, an almost elecrical buzzing at the boundary being crossed]
♦ 189
Allen: My senses have returned...
sfx: kachin [the skull settles comfortably into place within Allen's, ghostly black tail dangling into his throat; Allen's cursed eye, healed, opens for the first time since Road stabbed it out, and it's pitch black]
♦ 190
Allen: So you're an Akuma. sfx: sutoh [his left arm sets him lightly on his feet]
sfx: jujujuju [Eliade's wound churns with scales and little gears] Eliade: Strange boy...
Allen: It's returned again. Allen: This black-and-white world.
♦ 191
Mana?: Welcome home.5
Allen: I'll have to eat my words. sfx: vuvu VU [Innocence thrumming, now in controlled cannon form] Allen: Seems there is reason to fight.
Mismatch: Kanji: 兵器 heiki "weapon" Furigana: メカ meka "mecha"
Lavi calls Akuma "mechas", which is an interesting reversal; normally, with mechas, the squishy human bit is on the inside, piloting, and the metal is the outer skin being piloted, but Akuma are the perfect opposite. [ ♠ ]
Starting from the frontmost, counterclockwise: - 天 (heaven) - ? - 木 (wood) - ? - 火 (fire) - hidden behind Lavi - ? - 地 (earth) - ? - 水 (water) [ ♠ ]
Original: クロちゃん kurochan "Kro-chan". Kuro also means "black", of course, so there's a bit of wordplay there I can't preserve. Opted to add a little to make up for it, playing on "black" and "has wings, or something like them". [ ♠ ]
This is a reference to her mission as an Akuma; she hasn't killed Krory as she was supposed to, so she's hoping killing an Exorcist will make up for that somewhat. [ ♠ ]
I'm pretty sure this is what the chapter title "Repatriation" is referring to; that word describes the return or restoration of a person to the country of their birth or citizenship, the return of an exile to the place where they belong. Here, the curse is welcoming Allen back to the monochrome world, which he was temporarily exiled from by his injury. (Will have to be careful when typesetting to make it clear through font which of them is speaking through this section. It's obvious in Japanese because the curse speaks mostly in katakana, while Allen's thoughts are normal, but English only has the one alphabet.)
Also, I know it's a bit awkward, but where I used the word "return" three times in short succession at the end there, those were (also somewhat awkwardly) all the same word in Japanese, 戻ってきた modottekita. I don't know how significant that is but it struck me. [ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 1 year
Re.Gray 035 - Vampire pt. 5: Eliade
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Summary: Allen and Lavi understand what's happening now, but that's only half the battle: now they need Krory to hear them out, and he's not in a listening mood.
Volume 4, Chapter 35
Vampire of the Lonely Castle ⑤: Eliade
♦ 158 & 159
sfx: DON [Krory slams into Allen, teeth sinking into the tip of his cannon-form Innocence] sfx: zazazaza [scraping across the ground with the impact] sfx: hyuo [bit hard to tell what's happening here but it looks like Krory's spun Allen around with his teeth so hard his feet have come off the ground and he's now spinning airborne] sfx: BANH [after building up momentum, Krory lets go, hurling him away at great speed]
Allen: Guh— sfx: doh [Allen manages to land on his feet atop the crumbling blocks of the cemetery wall]
♦ 160
sfx: BAN [Krory hits the spot where he just landed a split second later]
sfx: hyuo [Allen has luckily just vacated it, by the skin of his teeth]
Allen: He's so fast! sfx: bah [he touches down lightly on what looks like a bundle of roots] Allen: Krory! sfx: gashaaaa [rocks and dust tumbling from the ruined wall] Allen: We no longer mean to slay you! Allen: Please listen—
sfx: babababa [Krory aims a flurry of bone-crushing blows at Allen's torso]
♦ 161
Krory: Cease your prattle. Krory: Are you now afraid, having watched your comrade die?
sfx: gah [Allen grits his teeth, enduring the onslaught without retaliation] Allen: !!
sfx: zubah [a particularly deadly blow lands, tearing Allen's reverted left shoulder open; blood gushes]
Krory: ? Krory: !?
♦ 162
Krory: He disarmed his weapon!?
Allen: Please hear me out!
Krory: ?
Allen: Every villager buried in that garden was an Akuma. Allen: Were you aware of that? Allen: Arystar Krory, Allen: are you really certain you're a vampire?
♦ 163
Krory: Am I certain...?
♦ 164
sfx: gabuh [chomp]
sfx: zaza [Allen skids back instinctively] sfx: botata [blood from his shoulder spatters on the ground] sfx: haa haa haa... [Allen panting] sfx: para... [severed bits of hair drifting away from the bite site]
Krory: Muahaha... Krory: Akuma? I care not. Krory: I only want to savour this thrill.
♦ 165
Krory: I wish to live my life to the fullest!! Krory: To follow my instincts freely, bound by no one!! Krory: I flatly refuse to let others dictate how I live. Krory: And so, I kill. Krory: Your turn.
♦ 166
sfx: DON [a brutal blow, which sends Allen through a wall back into the castle proper] sfx: gashaaaa [rocks and dust falling from the new hole] sfx: doh [Allen comes to a stop in a heap on the floor]
Krory: Hmph. Krory: That should do it. sfx: nu [straightens his back and lowers his chin in self-satisfaction]
♦ 167
Krory: !!
sfx: DON [Lavi and his hammer have re-entered the fray with considerable force]
Lavi: Peh, peh. Lavi: Don't write me off, dickhead.
♦ 168
Lavi: Okay, little pissed off now. sfx: nikoo [murder grin] Lavi: You and I are going to have a talk, once I've beaten you pulpy.
Krory: Intriguing.
Allen: Ow ow ow... Overhead: BLEEDING OUT Allen: Nnngh, think that really rang my bell. sfx: bota bota bota [blood splattering on the floor at his every move] sfx: dara dara [blood pulsing steadily from his head wound] Allen: I saw stars like these when Master got me with that mallet, too...
sfx: dokya-n bandore zudododo gongaga zubabaaaaa dodoo [cacophony]
Allen: ! sfx: dara dara [gush gush] Allen: Rather loud outside...
♦ 169
Allen: I need to get back out there. sfx: zukoh [he's been leaning heavily on the wall to help himself along; one brick suddenly depresses under his hand] sfx: uiin [a secret passageway blossoms open and he topples into it] sfx: gon!! [he hits the floor hard again] sfx: rororo dota... [and rolls a couple of times before coming to a lurching halt on his ass] Allen: hgh Allen: gah Allen: nghf Allen: A-A hidden door...? sfx: bushuuu [blood spurts from his extra-wounded head anew] Allen: Now where am I?
Eliade: Grr...
Allen: !?
Eliade: Hrrr...
♦ 170
Eliade: Hrrgghh...
Allen: !?
sfx: gakoon [the secret doorway slams shut behind him]
sfx: pita [footstep]
Allen, side: Steps?
♦ 171
Allen: No one's there...?
sfx: BAN [Eliade, having come up behind him, slams him into a bookshelf face-first, hand spreading out like webbing to hold him fast]
Allen: Wha—!?
Eliade: Aha. ☆ If it isn't the pasty boy. Eliade: Arystar was supposed to take you out...
♦ 172
Eliade: He's hopeless... sfx: haa... haa... [panting]
Allen: That wound...!!
sfx: gihah [she gives him an extra shove]
Allen: Ouch!
sfx: gi gishi [blood vessels burgeon across her face like roots] Eliade: Ahh, it's fine. I'll just deal with you myself. Eliade: I've always wanted to taste it at least once. Eliade: Exorcist blood, I mean. ♡
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starbudspresents · 1 year
Re.Gray 034 - Vampire pt. 4: Anathema
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Summary: Allen and Lavi dig up some graves and begin to realize they've misapprehended the situation.
Vampire of the Lonely Castle ④: Anathema
♦ 138
Krory: Grandfather. Krory: I had already given up. Krory: I am destined to live and die within this castle. Krory: The townspeople hate me, and there is no one willing to be my friend.
♦ 139
Krory: ...It isn't as if any of that is new, of course. sfx: boroh [tears well up and spill over] Krory: W— Krory: What am I weeping for!? sfx: gushi gushi [grumbling and muttering] Krory: My darling Eliade will be with me forever, after all. Krory: Grandfather... Krory: Is this your curse? Krory: To bind me, when I'd always yearned for the outside world and seemed ready to defy your wishes? Krory: Did you make a monster of me?
♦ 140
sfx: DON [the floor suddenly collapses under him] Krory: !? sfx: gogogo [chunks of stone falling all around him] Krory: What's this!?
sfx: gara gara [stones clattering down] sfx: gashih [two hands reach over the edge of a shattered wall and grip tight]
♦ 141
sfx: GABA [Allen and Lavi drag themselves up over the broken edge of the wall] Allen & Lavi: GAHAH
Lavi: D-Damn, we're good...!! Lavi: Thought we were goners. Really thought that was it for us. sfx: zehh haa zehh haa [Lavi panting hard] sfx: kuu itehh [Allen wincing, ouch] Allen: Even from an explosion... Allen: These special coats are really something...
Lavi: Mind if I hurl? Got hit in the gut. sfx: oeeeehh [barfing] sfx: gero gero [gagging]
Allen: ! Allen: Lavi!
Lavi: Ngyeah?
sfx: hyuuu [a view has opened up from their new position; they're looking out over a yard full of rough wooden crosses]
♦ 142
Allen: ...It's a graveyard.
Lavi: Pretty shitty graves. Lavi: Pest in reace.1 Lavi: For pets, maybe?
Allen: ......! Allen: Could this be... where the abducted townsmen are buried?
Lavi: Huh?
Allen: That woman, Eliade, said back there that she was on her way to bury Franz, didn't she? sfx: saku [footstep] Allen: Besides, look...
♦ 143
Allen: There are eight of them. Lavi: Ew.
Allen: That's how many victims the mayor said there've been.
Lavi: Mm? Lavi: Didn't he say there were nine?
Allen: The first one evaporated, though, right...?
sfx: pakin [he pats a cross with his hand and it instantly breaks into pieces] Allen: Ah—
Lavi: Yikes, you broke it!
Allen: Oh no, Allen: but I barely touched it!! Allen, side: I'm so sorry! Allen: ! Allen: Lavi, take a look at this!
Lavi: Hm?
sfx: zah zah [Allen scraping dirt off the grave with his hands]
Allen: Look...!
Lavi: !?
♦ 144
Allen:: There are pentacles rising to the surface! Lavi: The Akuma blood virus.
Allen: Could it be... Allen: that those buried here were Akuma...!? sfx: zah [Lavi squats by another cross] Lavi, side: Ah... Lavi: More pentacles over here. Lavi: Which reminds me: when those flowers ate Franz, Lavi: there were pentacles there too, right...? Lavi: Which means that maybe they...
♦ 145
Allen: ...were consuming an Akuma...!?
Allen & Lavi: ......
Allen: ...Let's dig them up, Lavi.
Lavi, side: Urgh. Lavi: ...Only way to be sure, right?
Allen: We may have been labouring under a great misunderstanding here...
♦ 146
sfx: tsuka tsuka [Eliade walking briskly, chunky heels clicking on the marble floor] Eliade: Those little cockroaches might have survived that. sfx: butsu butsu [muttering to herself] Eliade: I have to tell Lord Arystar right away. Eliade: Let them live? Never. Eliade, small: Especially that pasty brat!!! Eliade: I can't let Arystar escape from this castle!!2
sfx: batan! [she throws open the door to with dramatic force] Eliade: Lord Arystar!
Krory: !
Painting: FELL DOWN
Krory: Eliade?
sfx: uru uru [wibble] Eliade: O-Ooh...
Krory: W-What's the matter?!
Eliade: Men calling themselves "Exorcists" have come to kill you, Lord Arystar... sfx: wa-n [she throws herself into his arms] Eliade: They attacked me...
♦ 147
Eliade: They've burned up the flowers in the central stairway... Eliade: I was so frightened. sfx: samezame [weeping bitterly]
Krory: What!? Krory: Grandfather's precious heirlooms... How dare they...
Eliade: Please fight back, Lord Arystar.
Krory: Eh? Krory: Er... Krory: But if I...
Eliade: But they'll kill us!! Eliade: You are a vampire. Humanity already sees you only as an enemy. sfx: guh [she grabs his head and pulls his face down into the crook of her neck] Eliade: Drink just a little of my blood. You must.
Krory: !!
♦ 148
Eliade: If you do, you can become a powerful vampire...
sfx: zawa zawa [Krory shudders, racked with chills]
Eliade: Just a little, all right? Eliade: Not enough to kill me. Eliade: So that we can live together in this castle forever. Eliade: ...Please?
Townsman, flashback: The vampire! Townsman, flashback: Any closer and we'll put a stake through your heart!
♦ 149
Townsman, flashback: Stay back!! Monster!!
Krory: Eliade is all I have left now, Grandfather...
Child!Krory: Sob, hiccup... sob
sfx: GAFU!! [chomp]
♦ 150
sfx: zah zah zah zah [shovelling] sfx: gakon [thunk]
Allen:...Found it.
sfx: gakon [a crude wooden coffin lies at their feet]
Lavi: Here we go.
sfx: fu— ha— [breathing hard]
Allen: Nothing for it.
Allen & Lavi: ......
♦ 151
Allen & Lavi: Rock, paper, scissors! sfx: bah [they throw their hands; Lavi has rock, Allen scissors]
Lavi, side: Woohoo!
Allen: All right then... sfx: PAM [he claps his hands together in front of his face, a workmanlike prayer]
Lavi, side: Gofrit!3
Allen: Please forgive me!
sfx: paki paki paki [wood groaning, creaking, splitting as Allen pries the lid off] Allen: Huh. It's brittle.
sfx: gii [creak as the lid finally comes up]
♦ 152
Allen: ......
Lavi: The skin has all rotted off. Lavi: It's an Akuma.
♦ 153
Lavi: They're all Akuma... Lavi: When the skin rotted off, the stuff inside started leaking out. sfx: garan [surrounded by open coffins] Lavi, side: It reeks.
Allen: The Baron was attacking Akuma... Allen: If he was only attacking Akuma, then...?
Lavi: We're not vampire-slaying at all. Lavi: Krory's actually...
♦ 154
Allen: La— Allen: Lavi!!
sfx: go [something hits Lavi from behind]
Lavi: !
sfx: BAAN [it's Krory, and he's thrown Lavi into the stone wall]
♦ 155
Krory: ...So it's you two.
Allen: ......
Krory: You've made me angry.
Allen: We aren't here simply to slay a vampire...? Allen: Baron... Allen: Baron Arystar Krory, the vampire, Allen: might actually...
Krory: Die, Exorcists.
Allen: ...be one of ours.
♦ 156
『Lounge』vol. 5
Q. What do you think of Lenalee's peekaboo skirt, Allen?
Allen: Men love miniskirts, but I do sometimes wonder if she's warm enough.
Q. Every Exorcist's uniform has a different design. Are they made to order?
Allen: Correct. The Science Division makes them, but they do ask everyone what they'd like beforehand. In my case, Tim has been getting bigger by the day, so I asked for a hood he can hide in. It was fine when he was tiny, but we'd started to get a lot of strange looks from people on the road. (※ It's actually more to hide Allen's white hair.)
Q. Regarding the author's note on volume 2, what is the name of the cat catching Timcanpy there?
Allen: Ah, yes, isn't it cute? A very cute kitty. [trumpet fanfare] That's Hoshino's beloved pet Koro-chan.
Q. How much chocolate came in on Valentine's day? Who got the most?
Allen: There were 115 of them. I got the most. [grin] Cheers very much.
Ahh, seems we've run out of time, so that's a wrap on the Lounge for now. It's been good to talk to you all. Talk again soon!
Reciting the nembutsu is a little ritual in Japanese Buddhism, generally done in times of stress to ask for strength or composure. You've probably seen a character say "Namu Amida Bu(tsu)" or something similar over a grave elsewhere in anime and manga; it's roughly equivalent in this context to "rest in peace".
Lavi, however, says "Nani Maida Bu", scrambling it like he's repeating something he's heard someone else say and misremembering how it goes. [ ♠ ]
I believe some previous translations had this line as "Arystar mustn't let them escape from the castle", which does make sense in context but is not correct.
The line is アレースタアをこの城から逃がすわけにはいかない Arystar wo kono shiro kara nogasu wake ni wa ikanai. Krory is the object of that sentence, the one who must not be allowed to escape.
Like all Akuma, Eliade knows all about Exorcists and Innocence. She knows exactly what Krory's teeth are, and knows that if the visiting Exorcists realize that he's an Accommodator, they'll take him away from the castle, away from her.
It's very much a mashup of Beauty and the Beast and vampire folklore in the way that Lala and Guzol were a mashup of Koi no Omoni and Parsifal, with the roles similarly rearranged and subverted. Eliade is both a beauty and a beast, both serving him as his attendant and imprisoning him within the castle. He, too, is both the beast who owns the castle and the beauty yearning to escape it. All of it, of course, complicated by love. [ ♠ ]
Similar to #1, instead of gamba(tte) "do your best/go for it", Lavi says gamuba, which doesn't mean anything. Perhaps the explosion scrambled his brains a bit? [ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 1 year
Re.Gray 033 - Vampire pt. 3: Castle Krory
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Summary: Allen and Lavi venture into the castle, and run afoul of its guardians.
♦ 117
Krory: H... Krory: Hellooo...? Krory: H-Hellooo...? Krory: A-Are you aliiive...? Krory: Hello? sfx: wasawasa [he gingerly shakes Franz' corpse] Krory: A-Are you nooot alive...?
♦ 118
Krory: Hello...
Eliade: He is dead, my lord.
Krory: ...
Eliade: Let me go bury this with the others.
Krory: I-I... I... Krory: H-How... monstrous I am... Krory: T-They came into the garden... in f-force... Krory: The t-townspeople will despise me f-forever now...
Eliade: Hush. sfx: gyuh [she puts her arms around him and squeezes gently] Eliade: It cannot be helped, my lord Arystar. Eliade: You are, in fact,
♦ 119
sfx: gih [Krory's fangs come out and hover at her shoulder]
Eliade: a vampire, after all.
sfx: buru buru buru [Krory trembles with the effort of holding back] sfx: bah [gathering himself, he hurtles back from her, coming to rest in a high corner of the ceiling]
Krory: D-D-Don't come so... c-close to me. Krory: E-Eliade... Krory: Eliade, I-I...
♦ 120
Krory: I Krory: I... Krory: I l— Krory: l-l— Krory: love...!! Krory: love...
Eliade: I love you too, my lord.
sfx: guh [blood gushes from his nose as he makes the most adorable screwed-up overwhelmed little face] Krory: !!! sfx: zuruh [his foot slips on the wall and he falls] sfx: DOGYAN [he lands in a painful, ungainly heap on the floor] Krory: OOF!!!
Eliade: Let us dwell in this castle together forever, sfx: suh [she gently touches his face, making him look at her] Eliade: Lord Arystar.
♦ 121
Eliade: Forget those outsiders... Eliade: They hardly matter anymore, do they?
Georg: The monks of the Black have driven Krory back!! sfx: ohhhhh [exalted moaning] Georg: Tonight, victory is ours!!!
♦ 122
Georg: Keep it up and defeat him for good, sir monks!! Georg, side: Fight! Fight!!
Allen: Um... Allen: Why are you all the way over there?
Georg: Don't mind us!!
Lavi: They think since Krory bit you, you're about to turn vampire.
Allen: Lavi!
Lavi: Pay it no mind, Allen. Around his neck: GARLIC In his hand: STAKE
Allen: "Pay it no mind"? I mind very much, thanks...!! Allen: Let's go to the castle already! Allen, side: Pete's sake. So rude.
Lavi: Oh? Suddenly fired up to do this? Lavi, side: I was just kidding, lol.
Allen: He took a townsman with him, didn't he? Allen: We can't be certain he's dead. If he's still alive, we need to save him.
♦ 123
Georg: Krory took him back to the castle to savour him slowly! Georg: It was the same with the other eight victims!
Allen: Please wait for us here, everyone! Allen: Lavi and I will go up to the castle!
Lavi, side: Think we'll get eaten...?
Georg: But of course! Mere human beings like us could only die in a battle between monsters! Georg, side: Come back safe!
Lavi: Wait, we're monsters too!?
Allen, side: ahahaaaa Allen: This feels a bit futile...
sfx: katsun [Allen's boot echoes as he sets foot on the marbled floor of the entryway]
Lavi: Honestly, we're Exorcists, why are we on vampire-slaying duty?
Allen: Doesn't something seem off to you, though?
♦ 124
sfx: katsu—n katsu—n [echoing bootsteps]
Allen: How is my master related to this whole vampire business...? Allen: What in the world was he here to do...? Allen: When I think on it, it's a bit odd that he'd leave that message just to have us slay a vampire.
sfx: shuuuuuuuuu [mist creeping across the checkered marble floor]
Lavi: Uh, what are we here for, then— sfx: batah! [Lavi slips on the polished floor and goes down hard] Lavi: —ngf
Allen: Huh? Allen: Lavi!? sfx: shuuu [the mist is everywhere, and Allen finally notices as it comes up to his nose] Allen: !? sfx: dosah [Allen also falls, sleeve over his mouth]
Lavi: zzz
♦ 125
Allen: Huh...? Allen: This sweet scent, isn't it...!?
sfx: pita pita [tiny strands of spiderweb are stealthily attaching themselves to Allen] sfx: guh [they suddenly draw tight]
Allen: Whoa!?
sfx: gyuoh [he's dragged up to dangle in the air before a massive flowering plant very reminiscent of Little Shop of Horrors or Jumanji]
Allen: !?
♦ 126
sfx: pako [the flower unfolds, minor petals fringed with teeth]
Allen: ...... Allen: A flower?
sfx: gieeehhh [the flower shrieks long and loud in Allen's face]
Allen: Eek!?
sfx: paka paka paka paka [smaller flowers open all along the web around Lavi]
Lavi: Mnn.
♦ 127
Allen: !!!
♦ 128
sfx: jitabata jitabata [Allen struggles and writhes in its grip] Allen: What is this place!?
sfx: gabu [Allen's arm winds up in its mouth]
Allen: Initialize! Allen: A man-eater, eh? sfx: shuuu [muzzle smoking] Allen: Why inside a castle...? Allen: Lavi!!
♦ 129
sfx: zurururu [Eliade dragging Franz' corpse through the halls one-handed] Eliade: Hm?
sfx: DON [a wall near her explodes] sfx: gohhh [detritus comes raining down]
Eliade: Goodness.
sfx: ba ba ba ba [Allen shooting the flowers around Lavi]
♦ 130
Allen: Lavi, please wake up!! sfx: bababababa [Allen firing a rapid line of shots against an encroaching wall of plant] sfx: neba neba neba [the plant fibres are very sticky, and he's slowing down] Allen: Damn! This stuff's so sticky... Allen: Lavi, wake up!!
Lavi: ...Ugh... Lavi: Muh...?
sfx: gah [Eliade appears in the hole in the wall] Eliade: Stop there, human scum!! Eliade: What are you doing Eliade: to Lord Arystar's beloved little ones!?
♦ 131
sfx: BAKYUN [Lavi, transfixed by love at first sight]
Allen, side: A nurse...?
Eliade: That cross... Eliade: Exorcists, are you? Eliade: I feel a heated gaze...
sfx: kira kira kira kira kira [Lavi sparkling furiously with adoration] Forehead: JUST MY TYPE Lavi: STRIKE!!!
Allen: Eh!?
♦ 132
Allen: Lavi...? Allen, side: You're glowing...
sfx: kira kira kira kira [intense and unabated sparkling]
Allen: Heeeey. Allen: Earth to Lavi!!! Allen: Hello? Allen: Heey!
Eliade: Oh my. ♥ sfx: pachin [wink] Eliade: Teehee. ♥
Lavi: Wow!!!
Allen: Lavi!!!
Eliade: You're adorable.
Allen, side: Lavi, hold on, would you just—
Eliade: How about it? Be my lover?
Allen, side: Just look this way—
Lavi: For r—!?
sfx: GOH [Allen's upsized fist thumps him over the head, hard] Allen: LISTEN TO ME!!!
Lavi: What was that f— sfx: hiri hiri [lump smarting]
Allen, label: DESPERATE Allen, side: We're getting eaten here!! Allen: Why are you all hot and bothered over that!!!
Lavi, side: You're too young to understand, Allen—
Allen, side: Whhaaaaa!?
sfx: pikuh [a vein pops on Eliade's forehead] Eliade: "That"?
♦ 133
Eliade: I'm Lord Arystar's assistant, Eliade. sfx: keh [contemptuous hip tilt] Eliade: What do you people think you're doing here?
Lavi: Vampire-slaying. ♥
Allen: Looking for the townsman the Baron dragged in with him!
Eliade: Townsman? Eliade: Oh, this? sfx: nuh [she hoists the corpse up to dangle by an ankle, still one-handed] Eliade: On my way to bury it, actually.
Allen: !!
Eliade: If you want it... sfx: oh [she swings the corpse a bit] Eliade: you can have it. sfx: po—i [and hurls it into the mass of flowers]
Allen: !
♦ 134
Allen: Franz...!?
sfx: gabu [the biggest flower swallows the corpse whole] sfx: bushu—! [blood spurts] sfx: bu, gokyu, gieeehh ♥, gyaaahhh ♥ [the flowers noisily devour the corpse, shrieking with delight]
Allen: Wha—!?
Eliade: Hmph.
Audrey: ♥ sfx: geppuh [gulp] sfx: vuh [black pentacles suddenly bloom across the flower]
♦ 135
sfx: vu vu vu vu vu vu [pentacles in black profusion] sfx: GAH [the whole plant mass swells with explosive force] sfx: DON [and blows out a wall of the castle]
♦ 136
"Lounge" vol. 4
Q. What are Kanda and Allen's types? Please tell us. A. Whaat!? [blush] You want to know our types...? How do I answer that... Um, well, for myself, I suppose I'd like someone who can cook. Women in aprons are nice, aren't they? [trumpet fanfare] If someone made me mitarashi dango every day I'd probably fall for them. As for Kanda... someone good at making soba, maybe? [half-assed guess]
Q. Do you have girlfriends? A. I-I don't! [hand trembling as he writes] It's mission after mission for us, I don't have time. As for Kanda... he's married to Mugen, I guess. [half-assed answer]
Q. How many countries' cuisines can Jeryy-san cook? A. Jeryy can make anything. I'm very serious. And it's all delicious, to boot. [trumpet fanfare]
Q. We know "Lenalee's getting married" is a failsafe method for waking Director Komui, but are there any other ways? A. Not that I'm aware. It's hard on Reever and the rest. Hang in there, everyone.
Q. How bad is Komui-san about cleaning his desk, really? A. I'm not sure... It's not like I'm in there every day.... Oh, Reever and the others did give it a good tidying-up after Komlin destroyed the place in volume 3... but the very next day, it was back to the way it was.
There are many castles in Europe with checkered marble floors like that (Versailles, Granada, etc.), so it's difficult to track down what Hoshino-sensei may have used for reference, but my personal top suspect for the interiors of Castle Krory is L'Abbeye de Saint-Vaast in France. It has about the right ceiling heights, brickwork, and a sort of gloomy, shadowed air to it that the grander palaces lack. There are also statues and topiaries everywhere, though Krory's garden is considerably bigger and his artwork considerably stranger.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
If anyone knows of a better match, please do let me know!
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starbudspresents · 1 year
Re.Gray 032 - Vampire pt. 2: Exorcists v. Vampire
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Summary: Baron Krory makes one hell of a first impression.
Vampire of the Lonely Castle ②: Exorcists v. Vampire
♦ 97
Johnny: Foreman Reeever?
sfx: garigarigarigarigarigari [scribble scribble scribble]
32nd Night - Vampire of the Lonely Castle ②: Exorcists v. Vampire
Reever: Myeah?
Reever: What's up? Can't take my hands off this formula right now so just shoot. sfx: garigarigarigarigari [high-speed scribbling continues]
sfx: kara kara kara [Johnny's IV pole rattles] sfx: fura fura fura [Johnny himself totters, leaning on it] Johnny: While I was doing some research, I found this old survey report inside a book.
Reever: Oh?
Johnny: It's unprocessed; hasn't been stamped by the Director. Can I just toss it?
sfx: fura fura fura fura [tottering continues]
sfx: garigarigarigarigari [furious scribbling continues] Reever: No, bonehead, if it's unprocessed then process it.
Johnny: Whaaat, but it's eight years old...
Reever: Contents? Phenomena?
Johnny: Vampire legends... sfx: fura fura [wobbling]
Komui: I'm hooome... Komui, side: Still slaving away, everyone?
Reever: Good work, Director. Reever: Know you just got back, but does "vampire legends" ring any bells? sfx: garigarigarigari [still scribbling at top speed]
sfx: piko piko piko [Komui lumping through the room like a squeaky toy being stepped on] Komui: What's this? More work? Reever, you ogre.
♦ 98
Komui, side: Hm. Komui: Wait, vampires? Komui: Ah, I do remember. Some fellow named Baron Krory, yes?
sfx: garigarigarigari [tiny unceasing scribbles]
Johnny: Oh, you know about it? Johnny, side: Already processed?
Komui: That had nothing to do with Innocence. Komui: I don't know how many of the Finders on that case fell prey to him. Komui: Wretched job, and it all came to nothing in the end.
Division: "Fell prey to"... Division, side: For real?
Krory, in English: HAHAHAHA
Komui: Well, it's been eight years now. Komui: Coffee, Foreman Reever.
sfx: garigarigarigari [scribbling away] Reever: Can't right now.
Komui, side: Whaaaat? But you know I can't work without coffee!
sfx: BAN [bang] sfx: basasa basasa [most likely papers fluttering to the floor in disarray]
Reever, side: Ahhh!! What have you done, you curly-headed menace!!
Johnny: But why was the vampire stuff inside this book? Johhny, side: ?
♦ 99
Johnny: An encyclopedia of ancient plants... How is that related?
♦ 100 & 101
Lavi: No way...
32nd Night - Vampire of the Lonely Castle ②: Exorcists v. Vampire
♦ 102
sfx: jururu [wet sucking, slurping sound] sfx: jurururururu [sucking continues] sfx: rururururu [...and continues] sfx: gokun!! [hard swallow]
♦ 103
sfx: sah [a townsman slides a foot back, retreating] Townsman: Uwah...
Townsman 2: Wahhhh...
Townsmen: Uwahhh!! Townsmen: We don't wanna die!! Townsmen: UwahhHHhhHH Townsmen: Save us!
Georg: Don't run, fools!!
sfx: pishu [Lavi pulls out his hammer]
sfx: kah [the cross in Allen's hand glows and the hand begins to dissolve and deform]
♦ 104
sfx: hyururu [Lavi tosses the hammer high in the air, and it spins] sfx: ohh [continues to spin as it reaches the apex of its flight and begins to fall] sfx: shi [he catches it neatly, still small]
Allen & Lavi: Boot sfx: vun [Innocences initializing] Allen & Lavi: up!
sfx: BAN [an intensely badass back-to-back pose, Innocences fully initialized]
♦ 105
sfx: don [Krory lunges for them, Franz still dangling from his teeth]
Allen: What should we do?
Lavi: Heck if I know. Lavi: Lenalee will disown us if we get bitten.
Allen: For starters, Allen: let's cut off his food source. sfx: gachi [firing his arm cannon] Allen: We can't let him get any more townsmen!
sfx: do do [explosions where his light-bullets impact]
♦ 106
sfx: DOHH [Lavi destroying the ground under Krory's feet; mass property destruction, his favourite]
Krory: !! sfx: hyuba [quick tactical retreat]
sfx: hyu [Lavi hoists his hammer skyward, flying up with it] Lavi: Grow. Lavi: Grow. Lavi: Grow. Lavi: Grow. Lavi: Grow. Lavi: Grow.
♦ 107
sfx: DOGON [the hammer, now the size of a bus, comes down like one] Lavi: How's that!?
♦ 108
sfx: gigigi [the hammer teeters precariously; Krory has caught the cross-tip in his teeth and is balancing it above him like a circus performer]
Lavi: For real? sfx: gogogo [balancing] Lavi: Those are some terrific teeth!
sfx: guoh [Krory throws his head back, sending the hammer crashing down behind him]
♦ 109
sfx: BAN [WHAM] Lavi: Guwah—
sfx: goh [Krory hears something] sfx: do do [thumping, crumbling, cracking] sfx: BOH [Allen's hand erupts from the earth, as big as we've ever seen it, clutching Krory around the middle like a rag doll]
♦ 110
Allen: Got you. Allen: Behave yourself, now. sfx: zuh [the blade of one fingertip approaches Krory's throat in warning]
sfx: koki [Lavi sits up, dishevelled] Lavi, side: Oof.
♦ 111
Krory: What strange young men. Come to waste my time, have you? Krory: Are you monsters too, then? Well?
Allen: We're Exorcists.
Krory: Good evening. Krory: I am very busy. Krory: Release me.
♦ 112
sfx: gabuh [Krory takes a big bite out of Allen's hand]
Allen: Nguh!? Allen: My anti-Akuma weapon, with his teeth!??
sfx: mishi mishi [teeth cutting deeper into flesh]
Allen: No way!?
sfx: jurururu [suuuuck]
Lavi: Oh shit, Allen!!
sfx: pikuh [Krory stops suddenly, making a face like he's been sucking a lemon] Krory: Ugh—
♦ 113
Krory: UGGHHHH Krory: So bitter!! Krory: blaaarghh sfx: bah [he falls from Allen's loosened grip] Krory: W-Washbasin!! sfx: zazaza [sprinting away into the trees] Krory: blrrgghhh
Allen & Lavi: ......
sfx: jin jin [Allen's finger, now powered down back to normal size, throbbing]
Lavi: Guess you're getting disowned, Allen...
♦ 114
sfx: BATAN [door slams] Krory: bleegghh Krory: hgeeehhhgh
sfx: katsu-n katsu-n [Eliade approaches in chunky heels, each step resonating in the grand space] sfx: kon kon [knock knock] sfx: gachah [she opens the door and goes in without waiting for a response]
sfx: haa, haa, haa [Krory panting over a massive, ornate washbasin]
Eliade: Welcome home, Lord Arystar.
♦ 115
Eliade: What's happened to fluster you so?
sfx: haa haa haa [panting] Krory: E— Eli—
Eliade: Goodness me.
Krory: Eliade... 1 Krory: I-I... I did it... again... Krory: I b-became a... a v-v-vampire again...
"Arystar Krory" is Hoshino-sensei's take on the name of infamous English occultist Aleister Crowley, and should probably be pronounced as such. The katakana spelling is アレイスター・クロウリ areisutaa kurouri. I am begging you to read the linked wiki; Crowley was a very colourful character. [ ♠ ]
Mircea Eliade was a writer and religious historian from the same era as Crowley. Please also read this wiki, Eliade's work was fascinating (especially the bits about theophany, encounters with or observable manifestations of God). I would really love to know if Hoshino's actually read any translations of his work; I would not be at all surprised if she has. [ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 1 year
Re.Gray 031 - Vampire pt. 1: Mysterious Messenger
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Summary: Lavi gets sent back to find out what happened to Allen.
Vampire of the Lonely Castle ①: Mysterious Messenger
♦ 79
31st Night - Vampire of the Lonely Castle ①: Mysterious Messenger
sfx: puo— [train blows its horn]
Lavi: Why me?
sfx: byuoooooo [spoooky wind blowing]
Lenalee: Lavi, please! Lenalee: Allen must have missed the train at the last station! Please go back and find him! Lenalee, side: He definitely isn't here!
Arrow at Timcanpy: This one made it.
Lavi: What is he, a kid...?
Bookman: Go on. Your magic staff1 can pop you right over; now's the time. Lavi: It's a hammer, panda. ♡ Lavi, side: Don't push, dammit. sfx: gugugu [Lavi gripping Bookman's foot, which had been attempting to shove him bodily off the train]
Lavi: All right, fine. But I've got a baaad feeling about this.
♦ 80
31st Night - Vampire of the Lonely Castle ①: Mysterious Messenger
♦ 81
Allen: The train...
sfx: gacchiri [the lunch-stand proprietor has Allen in a death grip on the ground]
Allen: I've missed it... Allen: The train... sfx: gara—n [gaping absence of train]
Georg: Terribly sorry about this, good sir monk. Georg: But you see, we too urgently need your help...! Georg: Please! I beg you, sir monk of the Black, save our town!!
Allen, side: Train... Allen: What? Allen, side: Monk...?
♦ 82
Georg: Sorry for the late introduction. Georg: I'm the mayor of this town, Georg. Georg, side: The lunch-stand is just part-time. Georg: Attention, please! Georg: God has answered our prayers! sfx: ban [he slams the door open on a crowd of startled armed men in town militia garb] Georg: A monk of the Black has come to us!!!
Allen: No, I'm not really a—
♦ 83
Crowd: Yessss!! Crowd: A miracle! Crowd: It's a miracle!! sfx: zuzaah [crowd avalanching into Allen]
Allen: Wh—!?
Crowd: Sir Monk!!!
Allen: A vampire!? Allen, side: By the way, might I ask: why am I tied up?
Georg: Yes. Georg: For many years, a fearsome vampire has made this town his home!
♦ 84
Georg: His name? Baron Krory. Georg: He never shows his face in the daytime, but every night, the screams of his victims echo down from the castle without cease. Georg: It is said that those who enter the castle never leave it alive.
Allen: Come now, a vampire? In this day and age...? Allen, side: aha
sfx: kuwah [the most intense glare in history]
Allen: Never mind, do go on.
Georg: That said, Krory doesn't harm those who don't approach the castle. Georg: He had been living quietly up there, until... Georg: suddenly, one night...
♦ 85
Georg: The first victim was an old spinster.
sfx: jururururu [sluuuuurp]
Georg: Krory sucked the blood from her body until it turned to dust.
sfx: juuuu [steam hissing from the clumpy remnants of what looks exactly like an Akuma victim]
Georg: B— Georg: Baron Krory...!?
sfx: kah [the vampire hiss sound]
♦ 86
Lavi: No waaay.
Everyone: bikkuri [startled leap backwards]
Crowd: W-Who's that!? sfx: jakah [they raise their pointy little weapons]
Allen: Lavi!? What are you doing here? Allen, side: More specifically, in there?
Lavi: Came to get you, didn't I? Lavi: What are you doing there?
Townsman: Ah! Townsman: Mayor, look, on that boy's lapel—!
Georg: Ah!!
♦ 87
Georg: A second monk of the Black has come to us!!!
Crowd: Hurrah! Crowd: Get him!
Allen, side: Lavi!!
sfx: dottan battan [ruckus]
Allen: So? Allen: What's going on here? Allen, side: And what's a "monk of the Black"...?
Lavi, side: Oh look, my bad feeling was bang on.
Georg: Just before Krory began acting up, a lone traveller visited our town. Georg: Called himself a priest, and asked the way to Castle Krory. Georg: Knowing he might die, I tried desperately to stop him, but he only smiled and made for the castle.
♦ 88
Georg: Three days passed. I was certain Krory had done him in. Georg: Tried to tell him... Georg: Then, to my surprise, the traveller returned. Georg: F-Father, you're all right...
sfx: purururu [train engine heating up]
Cross: Ah, you. If anything odd begins to happen with the master of the castle, Cross: tell someone wearing a coat like mine, with this cross on the front. Cross: They'll sort things out. Cross: Some will definitely come through on this train eventually.
sfx: pohpo— [train toots its horn]
Georg: And thus, the traveller departed. Georg: Sure enough, Krory began attacking townspeople.
Allen, side: Priest...
Lavi, side: Cross on the front...?
Georg: As it now stands, he's gobbled up nine of us...
♦ 89
Townsman: Damn that bastard!!
Townsman: He got one of my oldest friends!
Townsman: We must vanquish the vampire!
Townsman: Yeah!
Townsman: Down with Krory!
Georg: My compatriots and I had resolved to confront Krory tonight. Georg: However.
Allen label: bad feeling
Georg: The Lord has not abandoned us! Georg: Good monks of the Black, please vanquish the vampire!!!
Lavi: We're Akuma specialists, though...
Georg, side: Uwah! Georg: By God! You fellows can even vanquish demons? How heartening!
Lavi: No, uh, not those Akuma.
Allen: Say, what was that traveller like?
Georg: Something like this! shirt: MAYOR
♦ 90
sfx: pata pata [black Order golem flapping; Lavi's, presumably]
Lenalee: I see... Lenalee: If Marshal Cross left instructions, you should follow them.
sfx: zoro zoro [crowd traipsing along]
Allen: Lenalee, please go on ahead with Bookman and Tim.
Lenalee: Roger that.
sfx: supa— [Bookman teaching Tim to smoke one of his little cigarillos] Bookman, side: Yeah, you've got it.
Lenalee: Be careful, you two. Lenalee: If that... vampire person bites you, you might become a vampire too, you know? Lenalee, side: I read it in a book.2 Lenalee: That would be terrible!!
Allen & Lavi: Right... Allen & Lavi: Lenalee believes in vampires?
sfx: puh [snerk] Lavi: A vampire in this day and age? sfx: boso [whisper]
sfx: boso [whisper] Allen: Right?
Lavi, side: By the way, how come we're tied up again?
sfx: bin!! [Georg gives the ropes around their wrists — leashes — a hard yank] Georg: Halt, you two!!
♦ 91
sfx: DON [knell of doom]
Georg: The gates of Castle Krory.
Allen & Lavi: Tacky.
Georg: Beyond these gates spreads the garden of Baron Krory's monsters. Georg: And beyond it, atop the promontory overlooking the lake, is the castle where he resides.
sfx: gyaaaa, vukogigigigi, buchah, ugyaaaaa, bobobobo, ugyaaa [screaming and assorted terrifying noises] sfx: bobobo, gyaaaaaaaa [more noises and screaming]
Allen & Lavi: ...... Allen, side: You hear that, right? Allen, side: Right?
Georg: Go on, now!
sfx: bikuh [flinch] Allen & Lavi: R-Right...
♦ 92
sfx: gigigigigi [the massive gates groan open, revealing — as promised — a garden of grotesqueries]
Lavi: This Krory guy has terrible taste... Lavi: Oho? How come you've got your glove off already, Allen?
sfx: biku [Allen twitches]
Lavi: You're not scared, are you?
Allen, side: hahahahahaha Allen: Of course not. Allen: What about you, Lavi? You've had your right hand on your weapon this whole time.
sfx: biku [flinch] Lavi, side: hahahahaha Lavi: Nah, not even a little.
♦ 93
sfx: baku [Allen and Lavi suddenly sense eyes on them] sfx: bah [they move swiftly into a back-to-back fighting stance]
Georg: What's the matter?
Lavi: Sh. Lavi: Something's here.
Allen: It's getting closer.
sfx: zazazaza [something running full-tilt through the garden toward them]
♦ 94
sfx: su [it blows past them, so quick they couldn't get a look at it]
Allen & Lavi: !?
Georg: ?
sfx: hyuo [it strikes into the crowd like an arrow]
Lavi: So fast!! Lavi: Caught a whiff of something sweet—
Townsman: GYAAAAAA
♦ 95
Georg: !?
sfx: doh [a townsman falls back on his behind at the feet of the crowd, staring] Townsman: F-Franz... Townsman: He got Fraaaanz! Townsman: He's here— Townsman: It's Baron Krory!!!
♦ 96
"Lounge" vol. 3
Thanks for waiting. Here are the (men's) baths at the Black Order. Incredible, aren't they? I gather there used to be showers in everyone's personal quarters, but when Komui became Director, he did some major renovating, and the showers gave way to this massive bath house. People from the East seem to enjoy soaking in hot springs. They look safe enough today, but we have to be very careful; sometimes Komui likes to experiment with his own handmade bath salts and things.3
如意棒 nyoibou. This is a reference to Sun Wukong's magic staff from the 16th-century Chinese novel Journey to the West. [ ♠ ]
Specifically a children's book, or book of fairytales. Lenalee. Angel. [ ♠ ]
Just want to make sure you're all fully imagining Komui's drawer or cabinet of extremely cursed bath bombs. Bed, Bath & Black Order? [ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 1 year
Re.Gray 030 - Whereabouts Unknown
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Summary: Lenalee gives Allen a well-earned earful.
♦ 61
30th Night - Whereabouts Unknown
Narration: The Earl is now targetting Exorcist Marshals. Narration: Exorcists worldwide are assembling into four teams. Narration: The mission this time is to safeguard the marshals.
Dollface: Geheheheheh!! Dollface: It's no use, no use!
♦ 62
Dollface: You can't save your marshals!! sfx: bibi [chittering] sfx: gagah [gurgling] Dollface: Noah and Akuma have joined forces to go after them. Dollface: Even as you're busy destroying us—
sfx: don [Kanda finishes it off] Kanda: Shut up already.
Daisya: Let's move, Kanda.
sfx: chin [Kanda sheathes Mugen]
♦ 63
Daisya: What a pain in the ass. Daisya: They just keep coming, one after the other. We're not getting anywhere here.
sfx: zah [Kanda sweeps between Daisya and Marie, eyes fixed ahead]
Kanda: Because they're trying to slow us up.
Marie: Just getting to the marshal is proving difficult.
Kanda: Tch. sfx: ira ira ira [fuming]
Marie: What's the matter, Kanda? You're steaming.
Kanda: Am not!
Daisya: Seriously though, are we ever going to catch up? Daisya: Marshal Tiedoll doesn't even seem to be in this town anymore. Daisya: He's so fast on his feet, dammit. Is he a man or a bullet?
Marie: He's probably around here somewhere, painting.
Daisya, side: ahaha Daisya: We've had an oddball for a master too, haven't we, Kanda.
sfx: boso Kanda: I fucking hate that old man.
Daisya & Marie: Oh... Daisya & Marie: So that's why he's so pissy.
Daisya: Well... at least he's better than Marshal Cross...
♦ 64
30th Night - Whereabouts Unknown
♦ 65
Lavi: Allen. Lavi: Hey, Allen. Wakey-wakey.
sfx: vu—n vu—n vu—n [Allen snoring as Lavi doodles on his face with a paintbrush] On Allen's forehead: MEAT (BUN?)
Lavi: C'mon, the train's here~
Bookman: What are you doing, you brat! sfx: goh [thwack]
Lavi: He's dreaming about Marshal Cross again.
Allen, side: Guaahhh... snore... snore... you're a real brute, Master...
Lenalee: Everyone get on quick! If we miss this one, the next isn't till tomorrow!
sfx: purururu [train rolling]
♦ 66
Allen: Haa~~~ sfx: guttari [wrung out] Allen: Being on my way back to Master is making my dreams worse... Allen: I'm such an easy mark... Arrow: Self-deprecating ► Allen: But it is what it is, I shouldn't complain... Allen, side: Doodles're finally coming off. sfx: basha basha [splish splash]
Komui: I don't issue orders to the marshals; the Grand Marshals do. Komui: They're given a whack of missions at once, then move at their discretion in the field. Komui: That's why I don't know where any of them actually are right now. Komui: That said, three of the four do call home at least once a month, so we have a vague idea of their whereabouts... sfx: bishih [raises a finger forcefully] Komui: The last one is the problem!
sfx: hah [Allen flinches with a tiny gasp]
sfx: do—n [dramatic gong-knell] Komui: Marshal Cross Marian!! finger: CROSS MARIAN side: detail-oriented Komui
♦ 67
Komui: As you know, Marshal Cross has not contacted Headquarters in nearly four years. Komui: The various rumours boil down to a) "He's dead" and b) "He's ignoring his missions and playing around"... Komui, side: Personally, I was in camp B! Komui: BUT THEN! Komui: You showed up, Allen! sfx: bishi! [Komui now points his pinky finger at Allen; it apparently has Allen's name written on it]
Allen: !?
Komui: You were with him for three whole years!! Komui: Every day!! sfx: fufufufufu [huffing laughter through his nose]
Allen: I-It's no good, though? I have no idea where my master is.
Lavi: How do we find someone whose whereabouts are unknown? Lavi, side: Impossible!
Allen, side: I really don't know.
Komui, side: Indeed. Komui: The other teams are made up of the other marshals' disciples, Komui: but in your case, we'll have Tim be your guide.
Lavi & Allen: Tim Canpy!?
sfx: gashi gashi [Tim gnawing on a curtain]
Allen, side: Leave the curtain alone.
Komui: Unlike our other golems, Tim was made by Cross, not our scientists. He should be able to sense his contractor's1 whereabouts. Komui: Combine that with Allen's intimate knowledge of his habits, and we'll have Cross squirming in our talons!2 Komui, side: AHAHAHAHA [in English] forehead: MAD
Lenalee: That's a bit much, brother mine...
Allen, side: Are we arresting him?
♦ 68
sfx: puri [Allen peels the bandage off his cursed eye] sfx: pori pori [he prods around the area tentatively] Allen: Still can't see with it, but it doesn't seem to hurt that much anymore. Allen: !
sfx: gatan gatan [train trundling along at a good clip]
Allen: What are you doing out here, Lenalee...?
sfx: niko [Lenalee smiles, but it's a knife] Lenalee: Nothing. sfx: suta suta [she walks off very briskly]
♦ 69
Allen, side: Um? Allen: She seems a bit... Allen: Was that a bursting blood vessel? Allen, side: She was smiling, though...
Bookman: Now! Bookman: Let's go over what we know.
sfx: ji— [Lenalee peering]
Lavi: Aw, you've already wiped it off? It was so funny though. sfx: pupupu [snickering]
Allen: Knock it off already.
Bookman: Pipe down over there. Bookman: At the moment, we're heading through eastern Germany. Bookman: How is Tim Canpy?
Box: Sensing in progress. sfx: ji— [intense concentration]
Lenalee: East and further east, seems like.
Allen: At too great a distance, seems like it can only pick up the general direction he's in. Allen, side: Komui said so, anyway. Allen: Master must still be very far away.
♦ 70
Lenalee: Just how far has he gone...?
Tim, label: Sensing in progress. Tim: .....
Lenalee: Marshal Cross doesn't bill the Order for his expenses, so there's no paper trail to follow.
Lavi: Huh? How's he pay his way, then? Out of pocket?
Allen: Borrowing, mostly. Allen: He mooches off the lovers and acquaintances he's got all over the place. Allen: Until I joined, I didn't know one could bill the Order. Allen: And when things were really pinched, I'd gamble.
Everyone else, overhead: YOU'D WHAT
Allen: Huh? Allen: What? W-What?
sfx: bachi [Allen's and Lenalee's eyes meet] sfx: pui [she turns her head away] sfx: ga—n [Allen is taken aback]
Allen: She turned away!!
Bookman: By the way, Allen, your eye still won't open?
♦ 71
Bookman: It would be well for us if it healed quickly, so you can keep an eye on our surroundings. Bookman: According to word from our compatriots, the Akuma are working to impede everyone's progress. Bookman: Catching up with the Marshal will mean long train rides. Bookman: To avoid getting civilians caught up in things, we need your eye for snap judgements.
Allen: ..... sfx: chira [glance] Allen: Yes, sir.
Lunch-stand: Cheers. sfx: chari [drops change in Lenalee's palm]
Allen: Lenalee?
♦ 72
Allen: Er... Allen: Suppose we haven't had a chance to talk since then... have we. Allen: Back then, when you...
Allen, flashback: Why did you stop me!?!
Lenalee, flashback: Of course I did, you're one of us...!!
♦ 73
Allen: I'm very sorry.
sfx: dosah [Lenalee settles her large, full bag of lunch purchases on the back of his bowed head]
Allen: Bwah!?
Lenalee: Just stay like that.
Allen: Wha? Allen: Oh. All right. sfx: fugugu [already feeling the strain of the weight]
Lenalee: I haven't forgiven you yet. Lenalee: You're selfish, Allen.
♦ 74
Lenalee: Just because you're the only one who can see the souls of the Akuma... Lenalee: you take it all on yourself. Lenalee: You fight to be the only casualty. Lenalee: What are the rest of us here for, then? Lenalee: Don't just write us off. Lenalee: Why don't you Lenalee: fight with us?
♦ 75
Lenalee: I... hate it. Lenalee: That left eye of yours. Lenalee: I hate it.
Allen: Sorry... Allen: Lenalee, Allen: thank you for saving me.
sfx: bah [Lenalee glares] sfx: biku [Allen startles]
Lenalee: However many times it takes!
♦ 76
sfx: bah [she snatches the bag off Allen's head and strides off]
Allen: ? Allen: Am I... forgiven, then...? Allen, side: Still seems a bit cross...
sfx: dotatata [the door clatters shut behind her with a bit of extra force]
Allen: .....
sfx: purururururu [train's engine heating up]
Allen: Damn— Allen: I've got to board...
sfx: gah [a large hand seizes his wrist as he turns to run for the train; it's the lunch-stand proprietor, who looks unsettlingly like the "Uncle Sam" of American wartime propaganda posters]
♦ 77
Allen: !?
Georg: That thing on your chest. Georg: It's a cross, right?
sfx: gashah [steam releases as the train begins to roll] sfx: goooo [it gets up to speed and soars along]
Lavi: Uh, Lavi: where's Allen?
♦ 78
"Lounge" vol. 2
Q. Why does Kanda call Allen "beansprout"? A. Haven't the faintest. That pony-tailed menace is so rude, honestly. What part of me comes off sproutish? Hmph.
Q. How much money does Cross owe, exactly? A. Ugh... I may be sick...
Q. What colour are Allen's eyes really? A. Ahh, this question has been asked a lot. Well, the short answer is "silver-grey". Making them blue and red in the colour edition was simply a whim on the parts of Hoshino and manager Y-shi. Truth be told, they only settled on silver-grey quite recently.
Q. What's the bath situation at the Order? Does everyone have their own, en-suite? A. Baths? Well. We don't have any in our quarters, no. Shall I give you the tour? [wobbles to his feet] Right this way, then. Let's go~ (to page 96!)
契約者 keiyakusha "party to a contract, subscriber, policy owner". A very interesting choice of words in this context, as it implies that Tim could have other past or future contractors. [ ♠ ]
袋のネズミ fukuro no nezumi "(an) owl's mouse". Approximately equivalent to the English idiom "rat in a trap", but the image of Komui with talons was too fun to leave out. [ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 1 year
Re.Gray 029 - Marshals in Distress
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Summary: The Godhunt begins.
♦ 43
29th Night - Marshals in Distress
♦ 44
Lavi: How many'd you get?
Allen: Thirty... or so?
Lavi: Aha, I win, I got 37.
Allen: ...... Allen: I couldn't really keep count in there.
Lavi: I just habitually record everything~~
♦ 45
Lavi: About 70 all told, huh... A straightforward raid aimed directly for us. Lavi: Just taking advantage of the fact that you and Lenalee are wounded? Lavi: Or were they after something else...? Lavi: Wonder if things are all right at the hospital—
sfx: ZUKI [Allen's Innocence arm throbs heavily with pain] Allen: Ouch!!
Lavi: All right there? Lavi: Left arm's not fully healed up yet, eh? sfx: zaku [Lavi jams the cross-end of his hammer into the ground like a walking stick, helping himself up]
Allen: Not quite. Allen: I wish I were equipment-type like you and the others. sfx: haaaa [long sigh] Allen, side: Being parasitic-type is just inconvenient.
Lavi: ...The hospital's thataway, right?
Allen: More or less?
Lavi: Grab on. sfx: n [he proffers the hammer handle to Allen]
Allen: Why?
Lavi: Big hammer, little hammer— sfx: vu [Innocence initializes]
♦ 46
Lavi: Stretch! sfx: GO [the hammer handle extends to absurd length, catapulting them over the buildings as they hold onto its top end]
Allen: Hgh!? Allen: Uwahhh! Allen: Dowahhh!
Lavi: To the hospital! Stretch, stretch, stretch! sfx: gyu [they're airborne at very speed]
♦ 47
Bookman: Spit it out. Bookman: What are you here for?
♦ 48
Slugger: Kuh... Slugger: Kukukukuh.... Slugger: Message for you, from the Millennium Earl.... Slugger: "The time has come. 🤍" Slugger: "The 7000-year prologue is over. At last, the play begins. 🤍" Slugger: "Be sure not to miss the bell for your cue." Slugger: "You're the actors, Exorcist scum!!! 🤍"
♦ 49
sfx: buh [the bunny end of its arm abruptly detaches itself and flies at Komui] Slugger: I'll take you with me, at least!
Komui: !
Bookman: !!
sfx: DON [explosion]
♦ 50
sfx: pachi pachi [smouldering books and documents patter to the floor]
Komui: Le....
sfx: shuru [a blanket slithers off Komui's rescuer to the floor]
Komui: Lenalee.
sfx: shuuuuu [her right Dark Boot steaming and smoking, still high in the air from smiting Slugger]
♦ 51
sfx: ho [sigh of relief] sfx: You're finally awake....
Allen: uwaaaAAHHHHH
sfx: DOPAN [Allen and Lavi burst through the wall, clinging to the hammer handle]
♦ 52
sfx: DOGASHAN [they land in a heap at the far end of the room, taking Bookman down with them]
sfx: mokumoku [book stacks falling over, ruckus]
Komui: ...... Komui: You've used that thing to fly again, I see.
sfx: doh [thump] sfx: zapo [Lavi pops out of the wreckage, chagrined and grinning]
Lavi, side: ahahahaha Lavi: Ahaha, my bad! It's really handy, but it's super hard to brake. Lavi: Feels great, though, right, Allen? Lavi: ? Lavi: Allen?
sfx: zapo [someone else pops out of the wreckage behind him]
sfx: nununununu [it's Bookman, and he's livid] Bookman: You BRATS...!
Lavi: O-Oops...!?
♦ 53
sfx: doruh doruh doruh [galloping horses pulling a Finder carriage]
Komui: Let's talk about the mission, now. Komui: Are you two listening?
Lavi & Allen: Y-Yessir....
Label: Sitting seiza.1 sfx: vuguaaaaa [moaning] sfx: jin jin [Lavi's legs falling asleep, twinging]
Komui: A few days ago, Komui: one of our marshals was killed.
♦ 54
Komui: Kevin Yeegar was his name. Komui: He was the eldest of the five, but insisted on fighting on the frontlines.
Lenalee: They got Marshal Yeegar...!?
Komui: He was found in Belgium, hung backwards on a church's cross. Komui: The word "Godhunt" was carved into his back.
Allen: Godhunt...!?
Lavi, side: ah Lavi: They mean Innocence, right!?
Komui: Correct. Komui: To search for Accommodators, marshals each have to carry a good amount of Innocence around with them. Komui: Yeegar was carrying eight.
♦ 55
Komui: Counting his own anti-Akuma weapon, that makes nine Innocence in enemy hands. Lavi: Nine....
Komui: Despite being crucified and critically wounded, the marshal did not die immediately. Komui: Until his final breath, he... sang.
Yeegar: Millennium-lord... Yeegar: is on the hunt ♪ Yeegar: Hunting down the vital Heart.... ♫ Yeegar: He struck out with me... Yeegar: But next might be thee.... ♫
♦ 56
Lavi: "Lord"?
Komui: Seems to be a nickname.
Lavi: Huh.
Komui: The Noah Allen and Lenalee encountered called him that.
Allen: Um.... Allen: What does "vital Heart" refer to...?
Komui: A particular Innocence we've been searching for among the 109. Komui: You could also call it the "core" or "nucleus".
♦ 57
Komui: It is the source of every Innocence's power, and could return them all to nothing. Komui: If we can lay hands on it first, we'll have the power to prevent the apocalypse. Komui: That's what the Earl's after!
Allen: So where is it? Komui: No idea.
Allen: What?
Komui: To be frank, we can't guess which it might be, and the Cube doesn't tell us how to identify it~~ Komui, side: Ergo: no idea. Komui, side: For our part, Hevvy and I put our heads together whenever a new Innocence comes in. Komui, side: But despite my brilliance, we just can't make any headway. It's a real pain! You know how busy we are. Stingy of the ancient ones not to give us a hint, at least. But I suppose they had a lot on their plates. I've got a bit more on mine, now, thanks to this. Komui: For all we know, it's one we haven't found yet. Or it already has an Accommodator.
♦ 58
Komui: The marshal was only the first casualty. Komui: The Earl may believe that the most powerful Accommodators have the greatest chance of bearing the Heart. Komui: He most likely brought in the Noah to boost battle strength over Akuma alone. Komui: I think the message means Komui: that they're coming for all Exorcist marshals. Komui: I suspect the same message has been sent to Exorcists elsewhere, too.
Lavi: Makes sense. The Accommodator of such a badass Innocence probably would be marshal-level.
Komui: But the marshals alone are at a disadvantage, up against both Akuma and Noah.
♦ 59
Komui: So we're assembling our scattered Exorcists into four teams. Komui: The mission this time is to safeguard the marshals. Komui: You four will rendezvous with Marshal Cross!
正座 seiza, or "proper sitting", is a formal kneeling posture which is fairly excruciating for unaccustomed foreigners to assume or maintain, which makes it a sadistically effective punishment for these two. [ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 1 year
Re.Gray 028 - Uniform
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Summary: Lavi reminds Allen what the Order's uniform is really for.
♦ 27
28th Night - Uniform
Bookmen: That's all the evidence of the "Noah clan" I've recorded.
sfx: fu— [Komui blows out a long breath] Komui: This is a great help, Bookman, really. Komui: Sorry to make you tell a long story short.
Bookman: I don't mind, that's the job.
Komui: ......
Bookman: Let me guess what you're thinking, Director. Bookman: The Akuma alone were bad enough. The addition of a group like the Noah is crushing.
Komui: For my part, Komui: my heart aches Komui: for you Exorcists.
♦ 28
Komui: All I ever do is pitch you into the deep end of the Earl's darkness.
Bookman: We all suffer. Bookman: Suffering is the only equality in war.1
sfx: tatan [Bookman hops from stack to stack toward the door, apparently having heard something that bothered him] Bookman: Conceal yourself, Director. Bookman: You mustn't show the darkness your face.2
♦ 29
28th Night - Uniform
♦ 30
sfx: ohhh [wind blowing around Lavi's hammer]
Townswoman: Kyaahh!
sfx: zawa zawa [the crowd mutters, disturbed]
Townsman: Murder.... Townsman: There's been a murder!!
Lavi: Main street is dangerous, Allen. There're too many people. Lavi: Akuma can get you from behind.
♦ 30
sfx: hyu [Lavi dismounts] Lavi: You don't see Akuma when you look at people. Lavi: Since your Akuma-spotting eye doesn't work right now.
Allen: I-I'm sorry. Allen: How did you, just now....
sfx: shuuuu [the hammer shrinks down to a much more manageable size] Lavi: Hm?
sfx: DON [impact that sends them both flying]
Allen & Lavi: !!
♦ 31
Lavi: Reinforcements!
On bat: SLUGGER sfx: gogigi [L2 gurgles]
sfx: juuu [the ball that already hit the street smokes] sfx: muwah [the air is thick with it, choking]
Lavi: Ow ow ow! Lavi: That's hot!
sfx: kaki [the L2 hits another with its left arm, which is a teddy bear holding the SLUGGER bat] sfx: goh [its bears down on them fast]
Lavi: Big hammer, little hammer, Lavi: grow, grow—
sfx: vu [Innocence powering up]
♦ 32
Lavi: Grow!3 sfx: VU [Innocence throbs]
Allen: It got bigger!
Lavi: Watch your head, now! Lavi: Hitting stuff into busy streets sfx: ohhh [wordless wind-up yelling] Lavi: is dangerous, Akuma!! sfx: GOH [he hits the incoming ball with his hammer; it disintegrates into high-speed chunks]
♦ 33
sfx: ZUDOH [...as does the wall of the closest building, when the hammer hits it on follow-through]
Lavi: Oops—
Allen: He destroyed the building too!!
sfx: go go go [the building's facade continues to crumble around the point of impact] Lavi: Haha. Lavi: It's fine, it's fine, Komui will cover it! sfx: shuuu [hammer shrinks] Headband: HOME RUN Lavi: Anyway, we'd better relocate—
Policeman: Don't move!!
Townswoman: It was them, the boys in black! Townswoman: They're the murderers!!
Policeman: Don't move an inch, scoundrels!!
Lavi, side: Ugh, rozzer.
Policeman: I'm taking you in! sfx: gui [he grabs Allen's arm to haul him off]
Allen: No, wait, we're not—
sfx: suh [the cross-end of Lavi's hammer is suddenly in the officer's face]
Policeman: W-What do you think you're—
Allen: Lavi!?
♦ 34
Policeman: Knock it... Policeman: OFF! sfx: bah [the policeman's body twists and warps into a gun and cannon]
Allen: !!
sfx: dododododo [the Akuma fires indiscriminately]
Lavi: More reinforcements! Here for the shootout, I guess.
Allen: ......
sfx: dah dan [Allen and Lavi haul ass to draw the fight away from the main thoroughfare]
♦ 35
Lavi: You're really slow on the uptake, Allen. Lavi: If you wait for them to show themselves, you're dead, y'know?
Allen: Sorry. Allen: ...... Allen: How can you tell, Lavi?
Lavi: I can't. I suspect them all. sfx: zah [high-speed landing; they're still running] Lavi: Always, anyone who approaches me. Lavi: People I met yesterday could be Akuma today. Lavi: That's the kind of war we're fighting. Lavi: You should understand, Allen. sfx: zoro zoro zoro [people crowding, swarming] Lavi: We're at an overwhelming disadvantage here.
♦ 36
Lavi: I don't have a handy-dandy eye like yours. Lavi: Akuma could be anyone in the crowd. Lavi: Other Exorcists and me, Lavi: we look at people and see the Earl's allies.
sfx: hyuo [something in flight] sfx: DON [another of the L2's smoking balls touches down]
♦ 37
Allen: Lavi!! sfx: zazaza [sliding stop]
sfx: bun bun [Lavi twirling his hammer around, gaining momentum] Lavi: I'm good, they're all small fry! Lavi: Come on, sfx: shakah [he waves the hammer and the smoke blows away, revealing a horde of L1s] Lavi: bring it.
sfx: dododododo [Allen firing his gun-sword]
Lavi, flashback: We're not like you. Lavi, flashback: Other Exorcists and me, we look at people and see the Earl's allies.
Woman: Kyaahh!
sfx: gah gah gah [her kicking legs dragging along the ground as the Akuma policeman hauls her around by the scruff of her neck] sfx: zuri zuri zuri [the policeman marching robotically, face still a gun]
sfx: biku [Allen spots her and flinches] Allen: !
Woman: Help meee! sfx: bah [the policeman almost seems to be presenting her, shoving her in Allen's face]
sfx: giri [Allen grinds his teeth in miserable frustration] Allen: I'm so stupid. Allen: Learning that I have human enemies, in the Noah, threw me for a loop. Allen: But what Lavi said reminded me.
♦ 38
Cross: Why Cross: do I always wear my coat? Cross: Because it stands out.
Allen: Doesn't the blatant cross make it too obvious that you're an Exorcist?
Cross: Pinhead prentice. Cross: That's the point. Cross: Put yourself in our shoes, dimwit. Cross: What good would it do to hide from an enemy I can't see?
♦ 39
Cross: This is a target. Cross: This way, I can be suspicious of anyone approaching me.
Allen: You just wait for enemies to strike at you...?
Cross: That's what the uniform is for, yeah. Cross: But you... Cross: don't have to worry about any of that, Cross: Allen.
♦ 40
Allen: Master, Lavi... everyone who becomes an Exorcist Allen: has to worry. Allen: Has to see the people around them as enemies. Allen: To draw the Akuma out of hiding, Allen: they stand out in the open and make themselves bait. Allen: To protect the people who need protecting.
sfx: DON [Allen shoots the policeman Akuma in the head]
♦ 41
sfx: gashan [the policeman's body crumbles into a dusty heap]
Woman: Ahhhh!!! sfx: da da [she totters toward him, knees weak with apparent terror]
Allen: Are you all right? Woman: Wahhh~ Wahhh~ Wahhh~
sfx: kachi [the barrel of the gun her face has turned into touches the center of his forehead]
sfx: DON [he shoots her through the midriff, miserable] Allen: Too slow.
Allen: I'm the one who decided to keep walking down this road, Allen: so I'd better find the resolve to wear this uniform.
♦ 42
BOOKMAN His real name was erased when he became a Bookman.
Like Lavi, his nationality is also unclear.
Age: 88 Height: 140cm, 4'7 (not counting his hair) Weight: 38kg, 84lbs Birthday: August 5th Leo, blood type A
This old man too originally belonged to another manga I was planning. He's the simplest D.Gray character to draw, so I appreciate him. (Hey!)
I think I'd better parcel out the many secrets of the Bookmen gradually over the course of drawing this manga.
The black around his eyes is makeup, by the way.
みな辛い mina tsurai "it's bitter/hard for everyone"
It'd be easy to assume that he's just saying "All of us in the Order have it hard, including you", but I'm pretty sure that when he says "everyone" here, he means everyone, including the "enemy". We find out later on that Bookman was doing his observing and recording from Nea's side prior to the incident thirty-five years ago, so he's in a better position than anyone to know what this is costing everyone. The Earl and the Noah aren't in this for greed or giggles either; whatever it is they're trying to do, they're suffering and sacrificing for it, too. [ ♠ ]
This line is odd until you read the rest of the chapter and realize that "showing the darkness one's face" is an Exorcist's job, in their capacity as bait. Komui, on the other hand, is not an Accommodator and cannot defend himself. He's away from HQ right now, terribly vulnerable, and well worth capturing for intel or outright assassinating. [ ♠ ]
大槌小槌 oodzuchi kodzuchi "big hammer little hammer" is the name of Lavi's Innocence, but he says it like the opening line of a nursery rhyme or children's game.
満 man doesn't quite mean "grow"; it's closer to "fill (out)" or "become full". The implication is that it's in its true form when fully expanded and huge, and consents to shrink temporarily for portability. [ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 027 - Suspicion
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Summary: Bookman and Lavi introduce themselves, and tell us a bit about the Noah. Allen goes for an ill-advised walk.
Allen Walker Lavi Komui Lee Lenalee Lee Bookman The Millennium Earl Arystar Krory Eliade
It all began about a hundred years ago, with the discovery of a single Cube.
The substance it was made of, God-crystal (also known as "Innocence"), was imbued with a strange power. Inscribed upon it was an apocalyptic prophecy from an ancient civilization, as well as instructions for the handling of said substance.
7000 years ago, those who inscribed the Cube bore Innocence into battle against the Millennium Earl and his demonic cohort, and were eventually victorious. However, as written in the Biblical tale of Noah and the Flood, the world was then destroyed.
To prevent the recurrence of this apocalypse, nicknamed the "Three Days of Darkness", Exorcists — Accommodators chosen by the Innocence — join the battle against the Millennium Earl.
In the phenomenon-stricken Rewinding Town, Allen clashed with Road Kamelot, a girl who called herself a member of the "Noah clan". But she vanished, leaving many unanswered questions in her wake....
What orders will the Black Order give Allen and his compatriots next?
27th Night - Suspicion 28th Night - Uniform 29th Night - Marshals in Distress 30th Night - Whereabouts Unknown 31st Night - Vampire of the Lonely Castle ①: Mysterious Messenger 32nd Night - Vampire of the Lonely Castle ②: Exorcists v. Vampire 33rd Night - Vampire of the Lonely Castle ③: Castle Krory 34th Night - Vampire of the Lonely Castle ④: Anathema 35th Night - Vampire of the Lonely Castle ⑤: Eliade 36th Night - Vampire of the Lonely Castle ⑥: Repatriation
♦ 8
Bookman: How strange.1
Bookman: Your obliterated left eye has begun to regenerate.
27th Night - Suspicion
Bookman: You can't see with it right now, but I think that will pass. sfx: shu [he slips a needle back into its sleeve alongside many others] Bookman: You have no need of my needles. Bookman: It's a curse, Bookman: isn't it.
Allen: From my father, whom I turned into an Akuma some time ago.
Bookman: "Allen Walker", Bookman: the child who was given the "Time Destroyer" prophecy. Bookman: We are those you call "Bookmen".2 For our own reasons, we have become Exorcists.3 Bookman: The brat's name is Lavi. I myself have none.
♦ 9
Bookman: Please just call me "Bookman".
27th Night - Doubt
♦ 10
sfx: gacha [Allen cautiously opens the door to Lenalee's sickroom] Allen: Komui? It's me. Allen: ...... Allen, side: Lenalee's buried alive....
sfx: pi— [Komui whistle-snoring; he's on the floor beside Lenalee's bed, surrounded by stacks upon stacks of books and documents, a quill in his hand still poised in the middle of signing one] sfx: pi—ko— [wheezing exhale and inhale] On forehead: OFFLINE
Allen: Komui?
sfx: osugi— [the wheezing changes slightly as Komui's head lolls on his shoulder]
Allen: Lenalee's going to get married.
sfx: gacha! [Komui is abruptly on his feet, scowling, helmeted, drill in hand, glasses doing the villain glint]
Allen: Morning, sir.
Komui: Oh, Allen...? What is it?
Allen: Just visiting Lenalee.... Allen: Looks like she's still asleep, though.
♦ 11
Komui, side: How's the eye?
Allen, side: Fine.
sfx: ton ton [Komui briskly taps a sheaf of documents on a flat surface to straighten them] Komui: Bookman has seen to her, she'll be all right. She's just having a very long dream.
Allen: Bookman, hm.... Those medical instruments were unusual.
Komui: It's acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing art passed down to the present day. Komui: The old man's an absolute whiz at it. ♪
Allen: ...... Allen: Komui? Allen: Why are you really here? It's too hectic for you to be away from HQ. Allen: It isn't really for Lenalee and I, is it. Allen: Who are the Noah clan?
♦ 12
Lavi: He came to ask us just that. sfx: do—n [boo; Lavi emerges from the stacks, surprising Allen and Komui] Lavi: To ask Gramps, I should say.
Allen & Komui: !! Allen & Komui: How long has he been here!?
sfx: niko [Lavi grins, once again unsettling and insincere]
Lavi: "Noah" is the name of a rootless family only spoken of behind the scenes of history.4 Lavi: They show up at major historical turning points time and time again, but you won't find them mentioned in any books or records. Lavi: And now here they are with the Earl. Lavi: That's why Komui came all this way.
♦ 13
Lavi: To talk to the only ones with records of all that underhistory: us BookmEGH—
sfx: DO [Lavi is interrupted by a boot the face, courtesy Bookman] sfx: dogyan [rest in pieces kiddo]
Bookman: How many times must I tell you to watch your mouth? Bookman: Bookman secrets are not for outsider ears!5
Allen & Komui: How long has he been here!?
Lavi: Aw, c'mon, it's fine! I'll be succeeding you any minute now, right?
Bookman: Like hell you will be! You're so wet behind the ears you're dripping! sfx: puh [so emphatic he's nearly spitting in Lavi's face]
Lavi: Kiss my ass, grampanda. 🤍
sfx: chira [Bookman glances over at Allen] Bookman: Allen Walker.
sfx: biku [startle] Allen: Y-Yessir!?
♦ 14
Bookman: Take this time to rest. Bookman: When Miss Lena wakes up, you'll have to head out again. Bookman: Don't be in a hurry.
sfx: BATAN [door slamming; Lavi and Allen have both been unceremoniously evicted]
Overhead: FROZEN OUT
sfx: pata pata [Tim flapping at Allen's shoulder]
Lavi & Allen: ......
♦ 15
Lavi: How old're you?
Allen: Fifteen, ish.
Lavi: Aha, I'm older. I'm eighteen. Lavi: Only fifteen, huh? That grey hair geezers you up. Lavi: You can call me Lavi, by the way. Or Junior; some people use that, too.6
Allen, side: Grey...
Lavi: Hey Allen, can I call you "beansprout"? sfx: gusu [snicker]
Allen: WHAT? sfx: bobu [the big snowball he was making crumbles in his hands]
Lavi: I mean, Yuu calls you that.
Allen: ? Allen: "Yuu"?
Lavi: You mean you don't know? That's Kanda's given name. Lavi: Kanda Yuu, that's him.
Allen: Is that so... I had no idea. Everyone just calls him "Kanda"....
Lavi: You should use it next time. His eyes'll bug out of his head, just you watch. sfx: kekeke [villainous giggle] Lavi: Well, you might not get the chance for a quite a while now, though.
Allen: What do you mean?
Lavi: Mm, call it a hunch.
♦ 16
Lavi: Kind of suspect this next mission will be a pretty long campaign. Lavi: The Earl's making his move. Lavi: That's what the Noah showing up means.
Road, flashback: This time, within the bounds of our lord's Scenario.
Lavi: Gotta watch our backs.... sfx: pon pon [patting the snowman face he's just finished making smooth]
sfx: gigi [Allen clenches his left fist tight in front of him] Allen: I... became an Exorcist to destroy the Akuma.
♦ 17
Allen: Not to kill human beings....
Lavi: ......
sfx: zah [Allen begins to walk away]
Lavi: Hey, what's up? Lavi: Beansprout—
Allen: It's ALLEN!! Allen: I'm just going for a little walk, you go on ahead! sfx: zukazuka [stomping off]
Lavi: Oh boy. Lavi: He is just a kid.
♦ 18
sfx: kiiii [the sun shining in a beautiful sky; five missiles streaking through] ?: Entering drop zone. ?: Proximity: 2800 ?: 2000... 1500... ?: 1000... 500. ?: 100.
♦ 19
Allen: What is it? Allen: What is it?
♦ 20
Allen: What am I so afraid of? Allen: Is it being in a crowd of people? Allen: They all look human. Allen: Right now my left eye sfx: doh [thump; heartbeat] Allen: doesn't work. Allen: Are they human? sfx: doh [thump]
♦ 21
No dialogue. Allen walks through the cheerful human crowd, and as he passes, the faces now out of sight behind him twist into leering, fanged monsters.
♦ 22
sfx: bah [he spins around, on high alert] sfx: kui kui kui [all seems normal, the faces blithe and human again]
sfx: ho... [phew....]
Babykuma: Ekthorthist?
sfx: DON [impact]
♦ 23
Lavi: Whew, close one.... Lavi: What are you doing, Allen?
sfx: bushuuu [air blows past Allen's face from the impact, which was Lavi's giant hammer smashing the babykuma and its mommykuma into the street] sfx: dan [he's balanced easily atop it, one foot and a hand on the long handle]
Lavi: Get up. Lavi: We've got incoming.
♦ 24
As a Bookman successor, he cast off his real name at the beginning of his journey.
His true nationality is also unknown; he's the product of many mingling bloodlines.7
18 years old Height: 177cm, 5'9 ½ Weight: 68kg, 150lbs Birthday: August 10th Leo, blood type O
Lavi wasn't originally a D.Gray character, but the protagonist of an entirely different story called "BOOK-MAN". I'm very fond of him, and delighted that I finally get to introduce him here. The Bookmen, archivists of underhistory, and their successor, Lavi, may now become integral key figures in the story of D.Gray.
Someday (if this doesn't get cancelled) I'll show you why he wears that eyepatch, so stick around.
奇怪 kikai "strange, mysterious, weird" is the same word used to describe Innocence phenomenon, though it's unlikely that Allen's Innocence has any hand in healing his cursed eye. If anything, it might be the opposite: something Dark-Matterish about Mana's curse. [ ♠ ]
我らは ブックマーンと呼ばれる相の者 warera wa "Bookman" to yobareru saga no mono, "we are those with the nature/destiny to be called Bookmen"
There's something really difficult to translate here: that word saga refers to "nature" in the sense of "human nature", or "destiny" in the sense of "biological destiny".
"Bookman nature" obliges them on a fundamental level to fill a particular role in the world, and it's almost certainly something they're born with, something inherent to them. [ ♠ ]
Hahaha, he just comes right out and says it: he and Lavi chose to become Exorcists for Bookman reasons.
I've theorized before that Bookmen are able to jailbreak Innocence and Dark Matter at will so they can position themselves ideally as observers (and, relatedly, that Cross was able to jailbreak Chomesuke and prevent himself from Falling because he's the "lost successor").
This line makes it pretty clear that Innocence didn't really choose Bookman and Lavi as Accommodators; Bookman and Lavi co-opted it so they could be in the field as Exorcists. I assume they have backdoor hacks enabling them to be wherever they need or want to be because they're not exactly participants in the "simulation", but something more like dev or tester avatars, coming in from "outside the framework" to make error logs and bug reports. [ ♠ ]
無根 mukon "groundless, baseless, rootless". I think this actually means something like sourceless in this context: nobody can figure out where they came from, where they originated. They're just there, out of nowhere.
Also: 裏歴史 urarekishi describes a "hidden, unilluminated, unseen, behind the scenes" history, the history beneath or behind known history. I plan to translate it pretty consistently as either "behind the scenes" or "underhistory", depending on sentence structure and context. [ ♠ ]
This is almost exactly what Lero said to Road when it was scolding her about sharing Noah secrets with outsiders. Lero and Bookman insist on secrecy; Road and Lavi don't see the harm in spicing things up a bit. Parallels! [ ♠ ]
As I recall, the next and only person to call him that is Chomesuke, the aforementioned jailbroken Akuma. Which means the "some [people]" here refers to Cross, who hasn't been back to HQ since before Bookman and Lavi joined up. Early hint that Cross and the Bookmen are acquainted, and not through the Order. [ ♠ ]
様々な異種族の血を引く samazama na ishuzoku no chi wo hiku "descended from the blood of a variety of interracial matches"
Weird line that could either just mean he's a bit of a melting-pot, a mixed-race kid born to mixed-race parents, or mean that he's the product of a deliberate breeding program of some kind (which, yikes). [ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 026 - Snow Falls Over the Town
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Summary: Road takes her leave. Allen and Lenalee convince Miranda to power down her Innocence, knowing their wounds will return. Lavi makes his entrance.
♦ 183
Road: Let's play again sometime, Allen. Road: This time, Road: within the bounds of our lord's Scenario.
26th Night - Snow Falls Over the Town
♦ 184
sfx: batan [the Wonderland doors swing shut behind her]
26th Night - Snow Falls Over the Town
♦ 185
sfx: gih [Allen clenches his fist]
sfx: DO DO [the room they were in suddenly begins to warp and break up violently, now that its creator has left]
Allen: !! Allen: What's happening!?
♦ 186
sfx: bishi bishi bishi [cracks open in the floor] sfx: go go go go go [the whole structure groans and splinters]
Lenalee: It's breaking down...!?
Miranda: Ngh....
Lenalee: Miranda?
sfx: bih [a crack opens under Lenalee's hand] sfx: GO [the floor breaks up and collapses under her and Miranda]
Allen: Lenalee!! Miranda!! sfx: doh [he reaches for them, but the floor breaks up under him, too]
♦ 187
Allen: !
sfx: gashaaaa [he and the tattered detritus of the room fall through space; as he falls, he catches a glimpse of what he's just fallen out of: a disintegrating room-sized Christmas present, one of many floating in this mysterious void]
♦ 188
Wall: Fuck you! Exorcist
Allen: Huh? Allen: This is... Miss Miranda's flat.... Allen: How.... Allen: Where was that place we were just in...? Allen: Was it also Road's power...?
Lenalee: Allen! Lenalee: Something's wrong with Miranda!
♦ 189
sfx: hii hii [Miranda, sweating buckets and hunched over in apparent pain, breathing hard through clenched teeth] sfx: gata gata gata [she's shaking so hard her teeth are chattering]
Allen: Miss Miranda...!?
Lenalee: Deactivate your Innocence! Your body can't handle any more than this.
Miranda: ...I can't.... Miranda: If it stops working....
Allen: They're coming for me!?
♦ 190
Miranda: It seems that the time it sucked out will all return. Miranda: Your... Miranda: wounds will all return.... Miranda: I can't... Miranda: This was the first time I've ever been thanked.... sfx: hii [tortured breath] Miranda: Wouldn't that make it all meaningless...?
Allen: Deactive your Innocence.
♦ 191
Allen: Let it go, Miss Miranda. Allen: It's thanks to you we're all still here. Allen: That's more than enough. sfx: hecchara hecchara [blithe unconcern] Allen: We'll bear our own wounds. Allen: We're alive. They'll heal in time.
Lenalee: He's right, Miranda. Lenalee: Please, let go.
♦ 192
sfx: go-n [the clock, once again in the form of a grandfather clock, tolls midnight; October 9th is over at last]
Superintendent: Midnight, eh? Let's call it a day.
sfx: dotatatata [Miranda thundering down the stairs]
Superintendent: ?
sfx: gashan [Miranda shoves her head into his office, frantic] Miranda: Superintendent!!
Superintendent: Wh— Superintendent: Miranda? W-What's going on...? Superintendent: You've hurt your hand...!?
sfx: haa haa [Miranda panting heavily] Miranda: Doctor... call a doctor.... Miranda: People are hurt!
♦ 193
Miranda: Please, a doctor, quickly!!
Allen: While you live, Allen: your wounds will heal,
Allen: but you may have to bear the scars.
♦ 194
Komui: This really went pear-shaped. Komui: Lavi, watch the door. Don't let anyone in.
Lavi: Roger.
Komui: Oh?
Allen: .... sfx: jiii [stares blankly up at Komui]
Komui: Hey. sfx: GACHA [establishing the presence of the horrifying Innocence-repair drill] Komui: Back with us, are you?
Allen: !! Allen: K-Komui!? Allen: Wait, where am I!?
Komui: Where? The hospital. Komui: We received word from the Finders on standby outside the town that things had normalized. Komui: Mission accomplished, well done.
♦ 195
sfx: gishi [Allen gingerly sits up] Allen: The town is...!?
Komui: Miss Miranda was here until a moment ago, you've just missed her.
Allen: B-But why are you here, Komui...?
sfx: bishi 🖤 [Komui strikes a very dorky pose] Komui: To look after you, of course! 🤍
Allen: ...Seriously?
Komui: The truth is, you won't be coming back to headquarters this time; I have to send you out on a long-term mission from here. Komui: When Lenalee wakes up, I'll tell you both the details.
Allen: ! Allen: Lenalee still hasn't woken up...!?
Komui: No, because of the damage to her nervous system, but....
Lavi: Don't worry, gramps is having a look at her right now. Lavi: She'll be right as rain in no time.
Allen: !?
♦ 196
Lavi: I'm Lavi. How do you do.
Allen: ...Pleasure.
sfx: niko [Lavi grins, but there's something off about it; it somehow lacks sincerity, rings a bit hollow]
♦ 197
Komui: Ah, by the way, Komui: Miss Miranda left a message for you.
Miranda: Dear Allen and Lenalee, I'm sorry I can't stay until you wake up.
Boy 1: Apparently Miranda's moving.
Boy 2: For real?
Peter: Finally got run out of town, eh?
Miranda: The phenomenon affecting the town ended after I initialized the Innocence in my clock, for some reason. sfx: batan [she pulls open her front door] Miranda: The townsfolk don't remember living through October 9th thirty-four times at all, Miranda: for which I'm grateful, considering I was the one responsible.
♦ 198
Miranda: The two of you say the Innocence caused that phenomenon in response to my wishes, Miranda: but looking back, I have a feeling it was actually testing me. Miranda: Is that strange to say?
Neighbour: Cheat on me again and we're through.
Neighbour's husband: I know, my love, you're the only one for me.
Miranda: It wasn't until I tried to shield Allen that it reacted, after all.
Miranda: Thanks for everything.
Superintendent: You take care now.
Miranda: Thanks to all this, though, it seems I may have found somewhere to belong.
Miranda: Um, here... please send the bill for replacing the ruined wallpaper to this address.
♦ 199
Superintendent: Oh, where's this?
Miranda: My new employers.
Miranda: I hope to see you again someday. Miranda: By then, as an Exorcist, I'll be good for something.1
Vol. 3 - Rewinding Town {END}
♦ 201
Extra pages
Hoshino in Komui cosplay: ♫ Funfu~n ♪
Reever: Do your job.
Hoshino Katsura:
A fan letter mentioned that 桂 katsura can also be read つき tsuki "moon". 星の月 hoshi no tsuki "moon of another world"2... that's pretty romantic. Bit over the top, though; a little embarrassing to contemplate.
♦ 202
Art of Jeryy shaping a huge onigiri in their lap, "squeezing" "love" into it. There are mushrooms everywhere, even growing from the nigiri. I'm not going to say this is 100% a dick joke, but I'm like 95% sure it's a dick joke.
今度はエクソシストとしてお役に立ちます konda wa Exorcist toshite o-yaku ni tachimasu "This time, as an Exorcist, I will be helpful/useful."
Bit of an awkward line, but this is a direct reference to all the times she's been called a "good-for-nothing" (役立たず yakutatazu, "useless/unhelpful/incompetent"), so I had to make it "good for something". [ ♠ ]
The word 星 hoshi means both "star" and "planet other than Earth". If you've ever seen a manga or anime translation have a character describe their homeworld as "this star", it's because that second meaning isn't as widely known. [ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 025 - Regeneration
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Summary: Road puts Allen through his moral paces.
♦ 161
sfx: DODODODO [gunfire]
25th Night - Regeneration
♦ 162 & 163
No text, just a gorgeous chapter cover depicting Allen with his cursed eye active, sitting on fallen statues of saints with Komui, Lenalee and Kanda in the background.
♦ 164
"Lounge" vol. 7
Q1. Why does Komui-san wear slippers?
A. Because they're comfy. And because if he wears shoes all the time, his feet start to stink, and Lenalee takes exception.
Q2. Does the Earl ever launder his beloved overcoat?
A. He does. The Earl is the type to look after his things, his coat very much included.1
Q3. Why is Allen such a glutton?
A. All parasitic-types eat a lot. Holding their Innocences within their bodies makes things much harder on them than they are on equipment-types like Kanda.
Q4. Is Kanda a man or a woman?
A. Unmistakably a man.
Q5. Is Allen left-handed?
A. He's ambidextrous.
Q6. Is there anything under Komui's beret?
A. That's a secret. Sometimes his subordinates hear things coming out from under it, but who knows....
♦ 165
sfx: zah [Allen and Lenalee square up against Road and the Akuma]
♦ 166
Lero: Leroro~? They seem oddly lively, lero.
sfx: ohhhh [Road, easily balanced on Lero, floats over to observe the clock-face dome]
Road: ...... Road: That one they called "Miranda" is an Accommodator, isn't she? Road: I dunno what she did, exactly, Road: but it looks like she's fixed them all up.
sfx: tsu... [Miranda sweats with exertion] sfx: kata kata [her hands tremble where they're clenched in the fabric of her dress] sfx: dokuh dokuh dokuh [her heart beats hard and fast]
Allen, flashback: Thank you.
sfx: dokuh [overworked heartbeat]
♦ 167
sfx: gyuuuuuh [Miranda clutches her chest over her heart]
Lenalee: Who is that girl, Allen? Lenalee: Didn't we see her at the theater...? Lenalee: ! Lenalee: An Akuma?
Allen: ...... Allen: ...No. Allen: She's human.
Lenalee: ...Oh.
Road writing in air: A-L-L-E-N
♦ 168
Road: Allen Walker. Road: "Can see the souls of Akuma."
Allen: !
Road: Our lord's actually told me a bit about you. Road: You became an Exorcist to save Akuma souls, right? Road: Because your beloved father cursed you? Road: That's why I decided if I was going to mess with anyone, it'd be you.
♦ 169
Road: Hey, you.
Icefire: Yes'm.
Road: Self-destruct.
sfx: gyoh [pupils widen] Icefire: Huh?
Allen: !?
Road: Countdown from ten, umbrella.
Lero: T-- Lero: Ten, lero. Lero: Nine, lero. Lero: Eight, lero.
Icefire: W-Wait.... R-Really, Lady Road...?
sfx: suto [Road settles in to observe]
Lero: Seven, lero. Icefire: But I've finally levelled up...!
Lero: Six, lero.
♦ 170
sfx: mushi [Road ignores Icefire's protests]
Lero: Five, lero.
Icefire: ...! Icefire: Lady Road?
Allen: Hey, what are you--
Road: Y'know, Akuma who aren't destroyed by Innocence.... Road: Who self-destruct, for example?
Lero: Three, lero.
Road: Their souls are extinguished along with the Dark Matter, y'know? Road: No salvation for them after that, hah!
Lero: Two, lero.
Allen: Don't!!
♦ 171
sfx: don [Allen sprints for Icefire]
Lenalee: Allen, don't!! Lenalee: You won't make it!!
Allen: If I destroy it Allen: before it explodes--
Lero: One, lero.
♦ 172 & 173
sfx: kachi [the explosion ignites within the mouth of the sorcerous body inside Icefire]
♦ 174
sfx: dohhhh [the sorcerous body disintegrates, and Allen catches one last glimpse of the doomed soul reaching out to him in desperation]
Soul: Help me--
sfx: pan [it winks out of existence before Allen's eye]
♦ 175
sfx: doh [Allen and Lenalee skid to a stop; she hit him at a run and knocked him out of the blast zone]
Road: Kyahahahaha!
sfx: zuki [swollen veins spread from Allen's cursed eye, which has seen something unbearable] sfx: tsuu [the full weight of what he just witnessed sinks in] Allen: Aaaugh....
Lenalee: !? Lenalee: Allen....
Allen: Dammit. Allen: Why'd you stop me!?
♦ 176
sfx: bashu [Lenalee slaps him hard across the face, furious] Lenalee: Of course I did, you're one of mine...!!2
Road: Holy cow, haha! Road: Didn't expect you to jump face-first into the explosion!
Allen: You....
Road: What about her? Road: Think she's okay?
♦ 177
Allen: !!
sfx: buh [Sickle doing its best to break down Miranda's dome]
Miranda: !!
Allen: Don't you dare-- sfx: dodododo [Allen blocks the flying sickles]
♦ 178
Sickle: Windcutter Sickle!! sfx: babababababa [sickles fly forth]
sfx: hyuuu [Lenalee is airborne] sfx: don [she puts a foot through Sickle's body]
♦ 179
sfx: baaan [Lenalee does a vertical spin that bisects Sickle] sfx: ohhh [the dust settles around Allen]
sfx: kasa [Road alights on the detritus-strewn ground behind Allen, facing away from him] Road: Ooh, you got 'em! Guess that's enough for today. Road: Had more fun than I expected, anyway.
♦ 180
sfx: sugogogoh [a crowned and heart-shaped door rises heavily from the floor; it looks extremely Wonderland3] Road: Seeya. sfx: goh [the door lurches to a halt, fully emerged]
sfx: gachi [Allen slams the mouth of his cannon-arm to the back of her head]
Road: Oh, Allen, you're so kind.
♦ 181
Road: You hate me, don't you? Road: But don't shoot. Road: Your arm's a weapon, too, you know.4
sfx: gih [Allen clenches his teeth]
Road: Exorcists shouldn't cry when Akuma kick it, y'know. sfx: goh [she steps into the open doorway] Road: You'll end up friendless and alone someday.5 Road: Let's play again sometime, Road: Allen....
Allen: Dammit.
♦ 182
Art in a style unlike Hoshino's, depicting Lavi (for the first time), Miranda, Road, Allen, Lenalee, Bookman (also for the first time), Lero and Tim, with people's names written on and around them.
Special thanks
On Lero: Nao-chan
Beside Road: Tojima-san
Over Lavi's head: Komui-chan, Okei-chan, Sana-min
On Lavi's sash: Hoka-chan
On Bookman: Koro
In open space: Gunma, Miyazaki-kun, Oi-chan
On a sign Miranda holds: Yoshida-san, Akiyama-san, Yuubuu
Signature?: Oi
This is very funny when you consider the later implication that the coat has a will of its own and is part of the divided "Earl". Bathtime, bitch. [ ♠ ]
仲間だからに決まってるんでしょ nakama dakara ni kimatterun desho
More literally, "Isn't it a given because we're friends/comrades/partners/associates?".
仲間 nakama is a largely untranslatable but very common term in shounen manga. The kanji separately mean "relation(ship)" + "space/interval/enclosed area", and the term is used to describe people existing within the same "space" (circumstance, occupation, group, path, etc.) who are initially bound together by virtue of sharing said space. The emotional bond it refers to is usually quite profound, however; most colleagues would not describe themselves this way unless the workplace was so tight-knit as to be a "family".
I wavered between "one of us" and "one of mine" for this line, and am going with the vaguer version for now, but it's easy to hear what she really means. For Lenalee specifically, that's the heart of it: Allen is one of hers, a newly fledged piece of her "world", and she'd do anything to protect him, even from his own savior complex. [ ♠ ]
Wonderland definitely numbers among the many sources of inspiration behind this manga. I can't find it now, but I remember reading a Q&A in which Hoshino said that Allen's character was originally meant to be a girl, but she got talked out of it because a female protagonist (of a shounen manga) who cries as much as Allen does would get eviscerated in the court of public opinion (true enough). Ever since, I've been convinced that her name would have been "Alice". [ ♠ ]
Road draws a parallel between the Akuma and his arm: if he shoots her, he will reinforce her claim that weapons are for human beings (such as Allen) to kill other human beings (such as Road) with. He wouldn't be acting as an Exorcist and merely destroying one of the Earl's weapons if he shot her, because she is not an Akuma; he would be attempting to commit the sin of murder, self-defence notwithstanding. [ ♠ ]
This line always makes me really emotional on reread because he very nearly does end up friendless and alone, and tries very hard to push everyone away, but Johnny Gil and Kanda Yuu of all people refuse to allow it, diving face-first into exile after him. Road couldn't have predicted that. Nobody could have. It happens precisely because Allen is who he is, compassionate to a self-sacrificing fault; he wins people over, even those most determinedly set against him. That big heart nearly gets him killed so many times, but it also ensures that he isn't alone when it matters most. Gets me every time. [ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 024 - Miranda Lotto’s Initialization
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Summary: Miranda finally does something right.
♦ 143
Miranda: You know what makes me hopeless?
Miranda: It's that even though I can't do it, I still try.
Miranda: Even when I mean to give up, I can't let go, and try again.
24th Night - Miranda Lotto's Initialization
Miranda: If I'll never be able to do anything,
Miranda: I shouldn't even bother to try.
♦ 144 & 145
Miranda: But I'm a fool....
sfx: koaaaa [light burgeoning all around her and the clock, Allen in her arms]
24th Night - Miranda Lotto's Initialization
♦ 146
Miranda: Huh?
Miranda: What's all this...?
Miranda: I feel some kind of presence.
Miranda: The clock....
Miranda: The Innocence...?
sfx: kah [a white cross suddenly glows upon the clock's face]
♦ 147
sfx: kachi [tick; the entire body of the clock having warped into a massive clock-face, the air around it begins to spin like a whirlwind]
sfx: kochi [tock; the wind tightens into a fierce ring on the floor around it]
♦ 148
sfx: kachi [tick; little clock faces begin flowing out of Miranda's injured hand, taking the injury with them]
sfx: kochi [tock; clock faces begin rising from everything]
Allen: Miss Miranda....
♦ 149
Allen: !
sfx: vun, vun, vun, vuvuvuvuvu [with increasing speed, the clock faces suck everything that's happened in the last few minutes out of the whole area, images of what they're taking away beginning to show on them just like when she rewound the town; this time, though, we can hear the lightsaber sound of active Innocence beneath it all]
♦ 150
sfx: kachi [tick; Allen's cursed eye, made whole again, opens]
sfx: kochi [tock; his whole body is unblemished, even his clothes repaired]
Allen: !
Miranda: A-A-Allen, can you move now...?
Allen: Miss Miranda....
♦ 151
Allen: Now I see.
Allen: You really are an Accommodator.
sfx: guu [he flexes his healed Innocence arm]
Icefire: The heck is this?
sfx: so~ [it peers at the impenetrable dome of clock-faces hiding Miranda and Allen]
Pangu: Lady Roooad, it's all right to try touching it, right?
sfx: DON [Icefire hits it hard without waiting for her answer]
♦ 152
Lero: !? Laty Roat!!
sfx: GAH [Allen's arm shoots out of the dome and seizes Road's throne; she neatly vacates it just in time, but Lenalee's still in it]
Road: !
♦ 153
sfx: zubububu [the arm drags the throne back into the dome]
sfx: dobun [once it's fully inside, the dome reseals itself]
Lero: Laty Roat!
sfx: tah [Road makes a neat landing on Lero where it floats in the air; it doesn't seem to mind the weight]
Road: The wounds on his arm... were gone.
Allen: Lenalee.
♦ 154
sfx: tokun tokun tokun [Allen takes Lenalee's pulse at her wrist; it's a bit weak and slow, but there]
sfx: ho [phew]
Allen: She's alive...!
Allen: No apparent external injuries.
sfx: pata pata [he waves a hand in front of her face]
Allen: Perhaps she took the full brunt of an attack from that sound-wave Akuma and it's paralyzed her nervous system?
Allen: !?
sfx: gyu... [Lenalee's fist is clenched tight in his hand]
Allen: She's clutching something...?
Miranda: H-How is she, Allen?
sfx: sowasowa [fretting]
Allen: ...Not to worry.
Allen: Since she's in here now....
sfx: vun [Miranda's Innocence throbs and begins to draw out Lenalee's time]
♦ 155
sfx: VUN [it pulls more aggressively, sucking out all the time that's passed since she was last hale and healthy]
sfx: kyoton [puzzled]
Lenalee: Huh...? Where am I...?
Allen & Miranda: Lenalee!
sfx: pah [she unclenches her fist and something pops out]
sfx: GUSAH [it slams straight into Allen's face]
Allen: Bnghf—
sfx: buhah [he yanks it out of his face]
Allen: Timcanpy! What were you doing there?
Lenalee: Ah, it got smashed when you went down, and I've been holding onto the fragments ever since.
Lenalee, side: But you seem fine?
Lenalee, side: And what am I wearing?
Lenalee: What on earth happened to me? Where are we?
Miranda, side: Well....
♦ 156
Allen: Miss Miranda's Innocence saved us all.
Miranda: What?
Miranda: M-My...? It did...??
Allen: When you initialized it, your Innocence sucked all our "injured" time out of us.
sfx: kiiiii [the hands of the giant clock-face are spinning rapidly backwards]
Allen: Thank you, Miss Miranda!
♦ 157
Icefire: Come on out, you little shits!
sfx: boh [it blasts the dome with icefire]
Lenalee: Circle Dance "Mistwind"!!!1
sfx: BUA [a tightly wound cyclone bursts out of the dome]
♦ 158
Sickle: This wind belongs to that Exorcist sow we fought earlier....
sfx: GOOO [the wind roars all around them, tearing into them]
Icefire: I can't see a fuckin' thing!!
Pangu: Where are you, Exorcists!?
sfx: doh [Allen stomps one boot on Pangu's head from behind]
Allen: Here's one.
Pangu: !
♦ 159
sfx: DON [Allen blasts Pangu at point-blank range]
sfx: gogogohh [chunks thudding to the floor]
Road: Wooow.
Road: Exorcists are pretty neat.
Allen: Let's do this, Road.
♦ 160
Miranda Lotto
German | 25 years old
Height: 168cm | 5'6
Weight: 45kg | 99lbs
Birthday: January 1st
Capricorn, blood type O
When I drew the first chapter of the Rewinding Town arc, I actually had no intention at all of making Miranda an Exorcist. While I was drawing, though, I realized that she was a bit like me on the inside, and fell in love with her character. I'm really looking forward to drawing her wearing an Order uniform into battle.
Please rise to the challenge, Miranda-san.
円舞「霧風」 enpu "kirikaze".
♦ Enpu is a real word meaning "circle dance", which is — interestingly — a social form of dance which literally cannot be performed alone. You need enough people to form a circle. On a meta level, I have a hunch that this has to do with Lenalee's "world" (the people she loves); wherever she goes, she carries them in her heart, and she's dancing with them every time she fights.
♦ As for kirikaze, it's... kind of a word, but not really? There is such a thing as a "fog wind", but it's the name for a specific current in South America, and I really doubt that's being referenced here. There are characters in unrelated canons named "Kirikaze", but it seems equally unlikely that her attack is named after some otherwise unmentioned person. That just leaves us with the pure meanings of the kanji smushed together: "mist/fog" + "wind".
[ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 023 - Demon
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Summary: Road makes a half-assed attempt to correct Allen's misconceptions, casually dropping a serious bombshell or two.
♦ 125
Earl, flashback: We are the Maker of the Akuma, the Millennium Earl. Earl, flashback: We shall exorcise your corrupted "God", and — with our Akuma at our side — direct this world unto its demise.
Road, flashback: You're the chosen people of a false God. Road, flashback: We were chosen by God, too; the true Apostles.
Allen: Noah... clan...?
Road: Weapons are for people to kill other people with, aren't they?
23rd Night - Demon1
♦ 126
23rd Night - Demon
Allen: You're human...!?
♦ 127
Lero: Shhhhh!!! Lero: Shhh, Laty Roat!! You mustn't tell outsiders about our business, lero!!
Road: Huh? Why not?
Lero: You mustn't!! For starters, you making contact with these people wasn't in the Scenario, was it, lero!! Lero: That's even worse than having stolen Lero away! Keep this up and the Earl will spank you, lero! sfx: gyagyagyagyagya [frantic wailing]
Road: As if he'd ever do that to me. Road: I'm just spicing this story up a bit to make it more entertaining, that's all. Road: Minor crap like this won't derail his Scenario.
♦ 128
sfx: girih [Allen flexes his pin arm, striving to pull free] sfx: DON [he succeeds] sfx: bushuuuu [his puncture wounds hiss and steam]
♦ 129
sfx: garah... [he tore out a chunk of wall doing that, and there's nothing but swirling grey void behind it]
Road: What are you mad about? Road: Can't believe I'm really human?
♦ 130
sfx: ...n dokun dokun [...ump, ba-bump, ba-bump; this close, he can feel her heart beating]
Road: Warm, right? Road: Feels like touching another human being, right?
Allen: ...... sfx: gigi [his Innocence hand comes up threateningly behind her]
♦ 131
Allen: If you're human like me, how could you.... sfx: buaaaaa [the hand begins its lethal descent] Allen: Ugh.... sfx: girih [grimacing]
Road: "Like you"? Road: You've got it all wrong. sfx: gah [she seizes his hand]
♦ 132
sfx: BAN [Road hits herself hard with his hand]
Allen: Wh—!? Allen: Why would you....
sfx: gokikikiki... [she sags toward the floor, face completely fried] sfx: gan [with a lunge, she seizes his collar and pulls herself close]
♦ 133
Road: We've inherited the genes of the Noah, the Apostles of earliest humanity. We're superhuman.2 Road: We're not "like" you screwups. sfx: DO [she abruptly stabs him in the cursed eye with another spike]
♦ 134
sfx: puh [Road spits out the blood she's just licked off the spike] Road: Ahaha! Road: Kyahahaha! Road: Kyahahaha!
Allen: ...!!!
sfx: gatata gatagata [Miranda trembling violently against the clock] Miranda: Eeeek....
♦ 135
Road: I don't think anything of killing screwed-up humans. Road: This whole world is super-duper screwed up, and I fuckin' hate it. ♫ Road: You people can all drop dead for all I care. Road: Even God Himself wants this world dead. Road: That's why He's blessed us with our weapons, the Akuma.
Allen: That isn't God.... Allen: It's the Devil!!3
♦ 136
Road: Eh, whatever, same difference.
sfx: bah [Allen lunges at her] sfx: bah [the Akuma leap to shield her]
Allen: !
♦ 137
Road: You know you can't kill me, right?
sfx: DON [Sickle's attacks blast through the air at Allen]
Miranda: Allen!
Road: Three Akuma, in the shape you're in? Brutal. sfx: chira [she glances at Miranda]
Miranda: ...! sfx: biku [flinch]
♦ 138
Miranda: N-No. sfx: buruburu [shaking with fear] Miranda: Someone help.
Road: Probably time to "let you go", huh. sfx: suh [an array of pointy-ended candles gather around her raised hand]
sfx: dodododododo [the candles plummet, but Allen is somehow there in time to shield her]
♦ 139
Miranda: !! sfx: doh [she realizes who's saved her] Miranda: Allen....
sfx: bushu [he pulls the stake out of her hand with a gush of blood]
Miranda: Eeeeeek~ sfx: dadadah [she scrambles across the floor on her hands and knees, away] sfx: ban [she flattens herself against the far wall] sfx: haa haa [panting] Miranda: ! Miranda: Allen...!? Miranda: Allen...? Miranda: P-Please don't die.... sfx: buruburu [shaking] Miranda: D-Don't die, Allen....
♦ 140
Allen: I Allen: I'm all right....
sfx: buru buru [shake shake; a moment later she clenches her fist, and that makes no sound at all]
sfx: zah [the group of Akuma twig to something] Akuma: !?
Akuma: What is it, sow?
♦ 141
Akuma: What do you think you're doing~?
sfx: don [Miranda has come back to Allen and wrapped her arms protectively around his shoulders] Miranda: Ha... haha.... Miranda: What am I doing...? sfx: [her teeth chattering in terror] Miranda: But I... I just....
Pangu: What can a human even do~~!?
sfx: kah [the arms of the grandfather clock click to 9:15] sfx: bou [light suddenly surrounds her and the clock, expanding] Miranda: I just....
♦ 142
Road: Road Kamelot!
Side: NOAH
Lero: Lero! Bubble 2 side: You mustn't talk to outsiders about our business, lero~
Road: The details of my file are still top-secret~
The question I've gotten most often with regards to Road is "Boy or girl?"
Girl. She's a girl. Her likes are "candy" and "the Earl". Dislikes "human beings". Hobbies include "bullying Akuma" and "playing pranks" (especially on the Earl). She absconded with Lero while the Earl was having his afternoon nap.
悪魔 akuma, "demon". I went over the different spellings of Akuma/AKUMA/demon in the notes for Night 001, this is just a refresher. [ ♠ ]
Oof, really felt the absence of natural plurals in the Japanese language here. It's not at all clear whether she's saying "Noah, the Apostle", or "the Noah clan, Apostles". Based on what we learn later, I'm going with the plural here, but I really wish it were possible to maintain that ambiguity for safety's sake.
Either way, though, this line — 最古人類の使徒 saiko-jinrui no shito, "the Apostle(s) of earliest/oldest(/pre-Flood) humanity" — has some wild implications. It... really seems to be insinuating that the Noah clan were the original Exorcists? The ones who engraved the Cube? The ones who fought against the Earl (and won), then died out anyway for unclear reasons (but apparently still passed their genes on to a weaker, inferior humanity 2.0)? This raises a million more questions I can't answer, but the implication is... there. Make of it what you will; I'll keep translating, and see if any later exposition clarifies it.
Should also mention that へぼ hebo, the adjective I'm translating as "screwed-up", describes people and things that are clumsy, ill-made, amateurish, generally crap at being whatever they're supposed to be. She uses it for both humanity 2.0 and the world they live in, as if they're both only shoddy facsimiles of what came before them. [ ♠ ]
In those aforementioned notes on 悪魔 akuma, I forgot to mention the fourth possible reading: the Devil, Satan, the capital-d Demon (the same way 神 kami can mean "a god" or "capital-g God"). Allen says 本当の悪魔 hontou no akuma, "true/actual demon", but in this context it's clear he means the opposite of God: the literal Devil. [ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 022 - Human
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Summary: Road nails people to the walls, plays dress-up with Lenalee, and drops some dank lore.
♦ 107
Lero: That's no good, Laty Roat, lero.1 Lero: It makes trouble for the Earl when you skip school to run about on your own, lero. sfx: harahara [anxious fretting]
sfx: kunyakunya [sprawled out, relaxed] Road: That's enough out of the annoying umbrella, thanks.
Miranda: U-Um, could you... Miranda: let me go, please...?
sfx: pu— [Road blows a bubble with her gum] Road: I will if you die.
22nd Night - Human
♦ 108
sfx: DODODODODO [gunfire]
22nd Night - Human
♦ 109
Icefire: Icefire!!
Allen: Woah!?
sfx: kachin [whole room ices over, the floor like slippery glass]
Lenalee: It's frozen over!
sfx: bururuh [shivering] Allen: S-So cold!
♦ 110
Lenalee: Where's your coat, Allen?
Allen, side: Whoopsie~ Allen: Took it off while I was working....
Icefire: Brace yourselves, Exorcists. sfx: boh [flames billow up around it]
Pangu: It's a hundred below in here. How long can you hold out?
sfx: zuuuu [Pangu and Sickle emerge from portals in the floor to either side of Icefire]
Akuma, together: Die die die die die die die!!!
♦ 111
Allen: Miss Miranda....
Lizard, flashback: Lady Road's got 'er. Lizard, flashback: That little sow you've been lookin' after. sfx: behhh [sticking its long tongue out]
Allen: Damn it. I have to focus on taking down these Akuma. Allen: Pitiable Akuma, sfx: vun [Innocence boots up] Allen: may thy soul find salvation. sfx: don [leaps at the group of Akuma]
♦ 112
sfx: babababa [Sickle firing a number of its shots] sfx: buki [Lenalee blocking them backwards and upside down]
Lenalee: You and me, let's go. sfx: hyu [Lenalee spinning to face Sickle as she addresses it]
Sickle: !!
sfx: dan! [the battle is met]
♦ 113
Allen: Switch!2 sfx: bachi [Innocence changes form from the new cannon-sword back to the old big scaly hand] Allen: Cross Grave!
sfx: dokaaaan [the Akuma go crashing into the wall]
♦ 114
Pangu: That hurt, dammit! Pangu: Pangu Voice!! sfx: bishi bishi [the soundwaves of its voice shiver the surrounding ice] sfx: bakikikiki [the ice begins to crack and split]
Allen: !!
sfx: BAN [the ice violently breaks up underfoot]
Icefire: Freeze!!
sfx: gachi [the broken-up ice reforms around Allen's lower legs]
Allen: They're beginning to coordinate their attacks...!
♦ 115
Icefire: Icefire!!! sfx: GO [flame searing out of its mouth to engulf Allen]
Lenalee: Allen!!
sfx: DO [Allen's body hits the floor, badly scorched; he's down for the count, allowing all three Akuma to focus down Lenalee]
♦ 116
sfx: ka—n ka—n ka—n [a sound like a struck gong; might be the clock tolling]
♦ 117
sfx: ka—n [same resonant clang]
Allen: Where am I...?
Miranda: A... Miranda: Allen....
sfx: wai wai [Road and the Akuma in lively discussion]
Miranda: Allen....
♦ 118
Allen: Miranda.... sfx: su [eyes focusing] sfx: zukih [sudden burst of pain] Allen: Ouch— sfx: gigih [his arm, still transformed, is nailed to the wall with a line of four pointy-ended candles, just as Miranda's hand is nailed to the clock]
sfx: nita [Pangu smirks in his face]
Road: Yep, black really suits her best.
Akuma: Lady Road, what is the point of prettying up someone like her?
Road: You're just a weapon, this stuff goes right over your head. Road: An Exorcist doll is a rare treat, y'see.
♦ 119
Road: Wakey-wakey~~? sfx: puu [blowing a bubble]
Allen: !!
♦ 120
Allen: Lenalee!!!
Icefire: That's Lady Road's doll, watch your mouth.
Road: "Lenalee", huh? Cute name. ♫
Pangu: She fought like crazy to protect you. sfx: kekekeke [villainous laughter]
Allen: ...... Allen: Didn't you come to buy a ticket earlier...!? Allen: You're "Road"...? Allen: What are you doing with Akuma...?
♦ 121
Allen: I don't see an Akuma soul. Allen: You're not an Akuma.... Allen: What are you?
Road: A human being. Road: What's with that face?
♦ 122
Road: People aren't allowed to get along with Akuma?
Allen: Akuma are.... weapons the Earl made to kill human beings.... Allen: We're just targets to them, so...?
Road: Weapons are for people to kill other people with, aren't they? Road: The Earl is my brother.3 Road: We are the chosen people. sfx: zu [out of frame, the stigmata wounds begin to open on her forehead, and her skin darkens to grey] Road: You really don't know a thing, Exorcist. sfx: zuzu [the stigmata wounds are now open enough to be recognizable for what they are] Road: You're the chosen people of a false God.4
♦ 123
Road: We were chosen by God, too; the true Apostles. Road: The Noah clan.
♦ 124
"Lounge" vol. 65
Q1. Where did you get Timcanpy's name from?
A. I borrowed it from a brand of silver accessories. I've occasionally poached other character names from things I like, too.6
Q2. If Foreman Reever did change careers, what might he be instead?
A. A private detective or a schoolteacher.
Q3. What shampoo does Kanda use?
A. Soap.
Q4. In volume 2, did Allen really scarf all that food down in ten minutes?
A. Yeah, he pulled it off.
Q5. Sensei, what is love?
A. ...... I mean to draw it in this manga, if I can.
Lero appears to have a speech defect, though it's not entirely clear what the rules are. It calls Road ろーとタマ rooto-tama, with a hard "t", and calls the Earl 伯爵タマ hakushaku-tama ( -tama is a cutesy variant of -sama, but may be used here because it's physically incapable of making certain sounds). It also ends all its sentences with "lero", which I'm keeping in for now but may remove later if the number of characters doing that gets too obnoxious. [ ♠ ]
The word used here was 転換 tenkan "conversion, diversion, changeover, switchover, commutation" and the furigana say "convert", but that reads awkwardly. Since I don't think this really comes up again, it's just him deliberately willing the weapon to switch forms (something he's not used to doing yet, but will be later), I went with something more easily parsed. Footnoting just in case I'm wrong about that. [ ♠ ]
Road says the Earl is 兄弟 kyoudai with her, a term meaning "brothers", "siblings" or "brethren". It can describe both blood relations and chosen family. In this case, I suspect it's both. [ ♠ ]
偽りの神 itsuwari no kami, "falsified/fictional/fabricated God". Itsuwari is not an adjective meaning "fake, false", but a noun meaning "deliberate fabrication with intent to deceive". The Order's God isn't just lying, it is itself a lie, told by someone. Who could fake an entire god? How? Why? [ ♠ ]
I'm pretty sure this is only the third one of these I've translated, not the 6th. Typo? [ ♠ ]
Tim Campi is the brand in question. Endearingly tacky. [ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 021 - Contact
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Summary: They solve the mystery, but not the problem. Allen and Lenalee share their pasts.
♦ 88
sfx: boso.... [whispers] Allen: Incredible.... Allen: Lenalee! Lenalee! Allen: Take a look at this! Allen: Clockman! sfx: ban [tada]
Lenalee & Miranda: Kyaaahh!!
♦ 89
Lenalee: What are you doing, Allen!? Lenalee: What have you done?!
Allen, side: Teehee.
Miranda, side: GYAHHH Miranda: My poor clock!!
sfx: suruh [clock seems to ripple as Allen emerges from it like water]
Allen: This clock is un-touchable. Allen: Thought I'd run a little experiment, Allen: and look. sfx: zububu [thrusts his hand into its face; it only ripples]
Lenalee: Whoa, it passes right through...!?
Allen: It seems that only its owner, Miranda, can touch it.
Lenalee: What!?
Allen: Between the rewinding of time and this, Allen: it can't be anything but Innocence.
Miranda: I-Is that true? Miranda: Has it been my clock affecting the town...?
♦ 90
Miranda: Y-You won't destroy it, will you...? sfx: gira [knife glinting] Miranda: Destroy my friend...?
Allen & Lenalee: Calm down.
Lenalee: But Miranda, you really don't remember anything? Lenalee: There's got to be some reason the clock is doing this.
Miranda: I— I'll try to remember what happened on that day, the real October 9th.... Miranda: ...... Miranda: On that day... Miranda: I'd lost my hundredth job....
Allen: 100!?
Miranda: Reaching triple digits made it sting worse than usual.... sfx: puha [drunken cough] Miranda: No mooore, I don't caaaare anymore. Miranda: Nothing but bad luck day in and day out. A positive attitude? Pff, what's that? sfx: keh [derisive snort] Miranda: I hardly care if I live or die....
♦ 91
sfx: gusuh [sob] Miranda: I wish tomorrow would never come.1
Lenalee: That's... it, right? Lenalee, side: Totally it....
Miranda: Huh...?
Allen: The Innocence granted your wish, Miss Miranda!
Miranda: I-Impossible, I was only grousing.... Miranda: How could a clock even do that!?
Lenalee: Miranda, could you possibly be... Lenalee: this clock's Accommodator...?
♦ 92
Allen: Wait, seriously!?
Lenalee: Since it responded to your wish and caused this phenomenon, you may well be synced to it.
Miranda: ? ? Accommodator? What?
Lenalee: Miranda, ask the clock to stop the phenomenon!
Miranda: O clock, dear clock, Miranda: please put time back the way it was.
sfx: dadah [Allen and Lenalee dash for the door and return with a newspaper] sfx: bah [they stare at the paper together]
Allen: October... 9th. Allen, side: Alas....
♦ 93
Allen: Let's... think this over again from the top....
Narration: Three days later, the 34th October 9th.
sfx: pyaruri— [gaiety]
Allen: Welcome, welcome, one and all! Allen: Horror show "The Pumpkin and the Witch", today at the Pieter Theater~! ♫
Miranda: Who'd like to buy a ticket~?
Miranda, side: You'll have a good time~
♦ 94
Theatermaster, side: Yahaha! Theatermaster: Excellent work, you two! Feel break to take a break! Theatermaster: Splendid! Tremendous! Tickets are selling like hotcakes! sfx: pon pon [patting them on their shoulders] Theatermaster: If we turn a good profit, I'll take you on full-time!
Allen: Really!?
Lenalee: Psst, Allen.
Allen: !
Lenalee: How's this job going?
Allen: If all goes well, he'll take us on permanently.
Lenalee: Really!?
Allen, narrating: After thoroughly thinking things through, we theorized that the Innocence was responding to Miranda's incredible negativity. Allen, narrating: We surmised that if we could get her reemployed, perhaps her mood would take a turn for the positive, and the phenomenon would dissipate. Allen: Haven't seen hide nor hair of those Akuma since, either... We need to settle this while we still can. Allen, side: Perhaps this time....
Lenalee: I'm with you there. Lenalee: She's already been fired five times over the last three days....
♦ 95
Lenalee: You're an amazing street performer, though, Allen.
Allen: I used to be a pierrot, when I was little. Allen: My foster father was a travelling entertainer, and he drilled all manner of tricks into me so we could earn our bread. Allen: Didn't think I'd be needing all this as an Exorcist, though.
Lenalee: Ooh, you must've spent time in all sorts of places.
Allen: Might sound good on paper, but it was a downward spiral of crushing poverty. Allen: When did you join the Order, Lenalee? sfx: koro koro [balancing atop a ball]
Lenalee: When I was still too young to understand anything around me. Lenalee: My brother and I were orphans, our parents killed by Akuma.... Lenalee: The Order took me when they realized I was the Dark Boots' Accommodator. Lenalee: They separated me from my only living family, and wouldn't let me leave. At first, to be honest, I thought I'd been thrown in jail.
♦ 96
Order: Regained consciousness, have you...? Order: We don't know what you'll do if we remove those restraints. Order: We cannot let you die, and we cannot let you escape. Order: You are an invaluable Exorcist.
Lenalee: ...ome Lenalee: ...go... home... Lenalee: Let me... Lenalee: go home....
Komui: This is home now.
♦ 97
Komui: Sorry I'm late. Komui: I'm home now.
Komui: I'll be living here too, from now on, Komui: so we can be together again....
Lenalee: It took him three years. Lenalee: For my sake, my brother found himself a place in the Order, as the director of the Science Division.
♦ 98
sfx: ji-n [bawling] Allen: He's pretty incredible, huh. Allen, side: Under all of... that.
Lenalee: He is! Lenalee, side: Under all that, yes.
Lenalee: So it's him I fight for.
Allen: Siblings, huh... must be nice.
Road: Aha! Hey, you, pumpkin-head! Road: Where do I buy a ticket for "The Pumpkin and the Witch"?
♦ 97
Allen: Welcome, welcome, tickets are right this way! ♫
Road, side: Cool.
sfx: iki ♥ iki ♥ [lively outburst] Allen: Later, Lenalee! Best of luck with your half! sfx: shapatsu [hustle]
Lenalee: Same to you. Lenalee, side: Really gung-ho.
Theatermaster: WHAT!?
sfx: zawa zawa [crowd muttering]
Theatermaster: A pickpocket stole all the ticket money!?
Miranda: I-I'm sorry.
Theatermaster: You nitwit!!
Allen: Wait here a moment, miss. sfx: tah [sprints] Allen: Miss Miranda....
sfx: gakugaku [shaking] Miranda: I'm so sorry, while I was selling someone else a ticket....
Allen: Did you get a look at the thief?
Miranda: A long-haired man in a brown coat... He ran off that way....
Allen: Lenalee!
sfx: bah [Lenalee jumps up on a roof] Lenalee: I'll look from above.
♦ 100
Allen: Don't worry, we'll catch him. sfx: dah [sprinting]
sfx: hikuh... [sob] Miranda: Allen....
Theatermaster: Good-for-nothing.
♦ 101
Miranda: I knew it. Miranda: No matter what I do, it's never any good. Miranda: I must've been stupid to try this hard. Miranda: Enough already.... Miranda: Why do only bad things happen to me...? Miranda: Why is my clock the Innocence!? Miranda: Why am I so—
♦ 102
sfx: DON [Allen and Lenalee corner the thief]
Road: So your clock is the Innocence?
♦ 103
sfx: piii [Allen's cursed eye spins up] Allen: !?
sfx: vu [the Akuma reveals itself] sfx: zuaa [it's a big reptilian level 2]
Allen: Damn... this was a trap!
♦ 104
Lizard: We got 'er. sfx: beeee [sticks its tongue out] Lizard: That little sow1 you've been lookin' after. Lizard: Lady Road's got 'er.
Allen: Road...?
♦ 105
Wall: "Fuck you! exorcist" in English Translation: "Serves you right! Exorcist"
More literally "it would be good even if tomorrow didn't come". This is our first direct demonstration of how Innocence chooses its Accommodators: it finds people who desperately want to change something about their life, but lack the power to do so, and grants them that power, but in so doing possesses them and compels them to fight in the holy war (or risk Falling). (Lenalee most likely wished for the power to protect Komui, the only piece of her "world" she had left after their parents died.) Whether it's a fair exchange is arguable, and it's certainly far from informed consent. [ ♠ ]
Mesu means "female animal", but especially in this particular instance, it conveys more implied subhumanity than insufficient submissiveness. To the Noah, who are superhuman, regular human beings are beneath them, lesser animals. Therefore, I decided to go with a less common insult that also has to do with female animals (a sow is a female pig) which matches the connotations more closely. [ ♠ ]
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 020 - Good-for-Nothing
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Summary: Road Kamelot, on the scene.
♦ 67
20th Night - Good for Nothing
sfx: za—— [rain pouring down]
Road: So this is the rewinding town, huh?
sfx: zuh [reaches out a hand]
sfx: bachih [the air of the town's open gateway reacts like an electrical fence] sfx: bachih [the electricity burns the flesh from her arm as she impassively presses forward] sfx: bachichichih [it does the same to her face and the rest of her body as she keeps going]
♦ 68
20th Night - Good-for-Nothing
sfx: juuu [her ravaged flesh steams as it regenerates]
Road: 'Scuse me, comin' through~
Road: Road Kamelot, on the scene~
♦ 69
sfx: DO [Allen's weapon punctures an Akuma] sfx: BAN [explosion]
Akuma #1 (Pangu): Pangu Voice! 1
sfx: gerageragera [howling laughter]
Allen: !?
♦ 70
sfx: kiiiii [high-pitched noise]
Allen: Gah, Allen: my head... is splitting...!!
sfx: ohh [Akuma #2, Sickle, swoops in]
Sickle: Windcutter Sickle!
sfx: do do do do do do [various impacts]
sfx: kiin [high-pitched sound peaks sharply, making Allen clutch his head]
Allen: Ouch....
♦ 71
sfx: DON [Akuma #3, Icefire, nearly squashes him flat]
Allen: Whoa!
sfx: zazazazu [backwards sliding halt] sfx: zukih [pain in his shin, which is surrounded by a strange pale fire]
Icefire: Icefire hotter than flame...
sfx: boh [icefire burgeons]
Icefire: Even the slightest touch will instantaneously burn and corrode the flesh from your bones.
Sickle: Let's cut 'im up, cut 'im up!
Pangu: No, no, it'd be more fun to scramble his brains with my voice!
Allen: ......
♦ 72
Sickle: Let's cut him up.
Icefire: No, corrode his flesh.
Pangu: Scramble his brains!!
Akuma: ...... Akuma: Rock paper scissors! And once again! And once again!!
Allen: ......
sfx: dodododo [he fires on them]
Akuma: Gyahhh—
Pangu: What the heck are you doing!? Pangu: Hitting us mid-talk is cheating!! Pangu, side: owieee
Allen: Why on earth would I wait? sfx: shauuuu [mouth of his cannon smokes] Allen, side: You're wide open!
Akuma: We'll kill your ass, Exorcist!!
♦ 73
Road: Wait.
sfx: kin [sudden knell in their minds]
Allen: !?
sfx: shi-n [silent and still]
Road: Doesn't this look like fun. Road: Forgot all about finding the Innocence, dincha~? Road: Get back here.
♦ 74
sfx: shupah [Akuma all simultaneously take off in a blaze of light to obey that order] sfx: bon [they bust through the pub ceiling] sfx: gokikikiki [and fly off chittering]
Allen: ...... Allen: What just happened...?
Miranda: What in the world was that!? Miranda: People turned into... into monsters.... And I was attacked yesterday, too! What was that about!? Miranda, side: nooooo nooooo scary scary scary gyahhh gyahhh Miranda: And that white-haired boy, his hand, his hand—
Lenalee: Calm down, Miranda.
♦ 75
Miranda: How could I possibly—
sfx: sharah [the chain around her neck from which the key to the grandfather clock hangs suddenly breaks] sfx: kashan [the key falls to the floor]
Lenalee: !
Miranda: Ahhh!! sfx: BAN [she lunges for it, sprawling on the floor]
sfx: bikuh [Lenalee is very startled] Lenalee: Kyaa!
sfx: haa [Miranda pants]
Lenalee, side: That startled me... Lenalee: Is that... a key? Lenalee: Ah! For that clock?
Miranda: You must think me a fool for treasuring it so.... sfx: ka—h [shrinks in on herself]
Lenalee: Not at all. You must have some precious memories with it, right?
♦ 76
Miranda: You know how there are some people who just can't do anything right? Miranda: I'm one of those.... Miranda: When I was little, all my classmates left me in the dust. Miranda: They were all so much more capable than me. I couldn't keep up. Miranda: As an adult, nothing changed: I lost one job after another.
sfx: kokeh [Miranda tripping with an armful of dishes] sfx: gashah [dishes shattering on the floor]
Boss: You klutz! Boss: Don't bother coming in again.
Miranda: P-Please wait.
Boss: I didn't think you'd be such a good-for-nothing.
♦ 77
Miranda: No one has ever thanked me, you know. Miranda: Because I've never been helpful to anyone. Miranda: All I wanted was for someone to validate my existence with a single "Thank you".... Miranda: And that's when Miranda: I met this old grandfather clock the antique shop seemed to be throwing away....
Shop owner: No idea where the old owner picked that thing up. 2 Shop owner: It's a lovely old clock, but I can't get it to work. The key just won't turn. Shop owner: If you really doubt me, go on and give it a try yourself.
Miranda: A good-for-nothing clock, kicked to the curb. Miranda: I somehow felt as though I were looking at myself.
♦ 78
sfx: kachi kachi kachi kachi kachi [gears obediently turning over as she twists the key] sfx: GO-N [the clock tolls midnight]
Miranda: Eek!
sfx: go-n go-n [the clock continues to toll]
Shop owner: It's working! You got it to work! Shop owner: It wouldn't budge for anyone else!
sfx: go-n go-n [tolling]
Shop owner: You've got to take it!
Miranda: The clock that wouldn't work for anyone Miranda: tolled, and my heart resounded with it. Miranda: I felt as though it accepted me, useless as I am.
♦ 79
Lenalee: The Akuma withdrew?
Allen: Yes. Allen: It was quite strange. They were all fired up to kill me, then... Allen: Looked around a bit, but they were gone. Allen, side: That stings! Allen, side: Don't poke at it, Timcanpy!
Lenalee: Well, might've been for the best. Lenalee: Facing level 2s alone is still a bit much for you, Allen.
Allen, side: Stop that!
Lenalee: Your body isn't accustomed to your new gun-sword weapon, so you can't really use it for long, can you?
Allen: You're not wrong... I've been working on my stamina, though. sfx: mumumu [flexes]
Lenalee: You have gotten a little bigger, I think.
Allen: Really!? sfx: chirah [glance] Allen: So, Allen: what exactly are you doing, Miss Miranda?
sfx: kyuh kyuh kyuh [Miranda polishing the clock's glass] sfx: gatagatagata [Miranda trembling]
Lenalee: She's been like this since we explained Exorcists and the Akuma to her....
♦ 80
sfx: butsubutsu [muttering] Miranda: I really don't know anything... The town went strange all on its own.... Miranda: Why must they come after me, of all people...? Miranda: What did I do to deserve this...? Miranda: I've had enough! No more, no more! sfx: butsubutsubutsu [mumbling harder]
Allen: Oh dear.... sfx: bururu [brr]
Lenalee: Just like this, ever since.
Allen: M-Miss Miranda, sfx: soro [gingerly]
Miranda: There's... there's nothing I can do! Miranda: The two of you are very powerful, right!? Miranda: So you should save the town already!
Allen: We will. Allen: We are going to help. But to do that, we need your help, Miss Miranda. Allen: The strange thing happening to this town is connected to you somehow. Allen, side: Please. Allen: So please lend us a hand.
♦ 81
Allen: Let's get back to tomorrow together.
sfx: kochi kochi kochi [tick, tock, tick] sfx: KOCHIN [TOCK]
sfx: kusuh [Miranda stands bolt upright]
Allen: M-Miss Miranda?
sfx: suta suta [Miranda climbs into bed] sfx: bafuh [the covers come up on their own] sfx: go-n [the clock tolls]
Allen: You're going to sleep!?
sfx: gu— [snore]
Lenalee: This doesn't seem right.... Lenalee: Allen, look!!
♦ 82
Allen: W-What's happening!?
Lenalee: Could it be.... Lenalee: That clock...?
sfx: go-n go-n [tolling]
♦ 83
sfx: kyurururu [the clock's hands spin rapidly backward]
Allen: The hands are turning back!
sfx: rurururu [still spinning] sfx: zuzuzuzu [the clock sucks in all the mirage-like clock faces from the walls around]
Lenalee: Kyaa!
Allen: Hang on, Lenalee!
sfx: buwah [clock faces pour in through the door from outside]
Allen: !
sfx: bikuh [Lenalee being startled by Miranda's dive] sfx: gatsu gatsu [Allen stuffing his face at the pub] sfx: jii— [Miranda staring at Allen from behind Lenalee's chair]
Allen: It's sucking up today's time...?
sfx: zu zu zu zu zu [the clock inhaling the events of the day]
♦ 77
sfx: zu zu zu zu... [inhaling the last of it]
sfx: paaaah [sunshine suddenly beams in through the window]
Allen & Lenalee: !!
Allen: It's morning!!?
sfx: chun chun [birds singing outside] sfx: pata pata [Timcanpy flapping at their side] sfx: muku [Miranda sits bolt upright]
♦ 85
Miranda: Wait.... Miranda: When did I go to bed...?
Road: Wow, that was nuts.
Lero: Should you really be letting those Exorcists run free, Lady Road...?
Road: Sure, why not?
sfx: gichi gichi [Road's fingernails scraping along Pangu's exposed skull] sfx: gata gata [Pangu trembling]
Road: At least until they find that Innocence for us.
Pangu is a Chinese creation god whose voice became the thunder after he died. My old Viz hard-copy translated this as "Punk Voice", one of the many bizarre "official" choices that motivated me to try my own hand at translation. [ ♠ ]
Sooo you know how the marshals are known to carry stashes of Innocence around and leave them with potential Accommodators? Like Cross did when he hid one in that rare plant for Krory? They drop off Innocence in likely-looking spots and move on before the Earl's forces catch up, but may not necessarily inform HQ that they've done so, perhaps because the lines of communication aren't sufficiently secure.
So, looking at the antique shop owner... Tiedoll, is that you??
The town didn't start rewinding until some time after Miranda bought the clock, so he could easily have moved on before it locked down. He has less facial hair here than he does when he officially meet him later on, but the hair, glasses, soft-frump outfit, and that right-hand-behind-head mannerism are all there, not even accounting for how Hoshino's art may have changed between this point and his formal introduction. I can't unsee it.
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[ ♠ ]
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