ssupaaa · 29 days
**this is just my opinion, yes it is biased bc i rlly like this artist, who cares tho?**
So I discovered Malcolm Todd a little over a year ago, the first song i had listened to by him was 'Art House', he had a really unique sound and i had become obsessed with the song being the hopeless romantic teen that i am. 'Sweet Boy', his debut album, is one of the most artistically unique, catchy, and heartfelt projects i've ever heard. The album is an amalgamation of his previous singles such as 'Roommates' and 'Sweet Boy' that he released during his rise to fame, and a merging of his 'Sweet Boy' pt.1&2. It contains some of my favorite and his most beautiful songs. Malcolm often sings about a "right person, wrong time" type of situation. Like his sound, his lyrics are bitter sweet, as life often is, I admire he never hesitates to state how much he loves this girl but admits that he won't hinder his career for her because she would not do the same for him. Not because she does not care for him as well but because she's in school, thats her obligation. Young love is tough love, its scary, and always feels insecure and unsecure. I feel that Malcolm Todd perfectly emulates that in his music and I can't wait to see where else his career goes. It's honestly hard to say which of the songs is my favorite because they are all so good and worth listening to over and over again, even his feature with Eem Triplin was a surprising, refreshing, and oddly fitting choice. 'New Friends' was a single released to tease the album and it did a perfect job, the song was a perfect merging of Malcolm's and Eem's sound. The best part is he's going on tour for this album and he's still so relatively underground that his tickets were mad cheap. Im pretty sure by now everything has sold out by now but i hope i can see him in his next tour. We know that he can produce fantastic music, now the next test is if he knows how to perform it.
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ssupaaa · 30 days
Hola mija
hi doo doo caca fart
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ssupaaa · 30 days
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i’ve been to uranus and i think im also gonna rlly miss home when i leave :,[
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