ssolvi · 8 years
She had never liked Nar Shaddaa. There was something about all that harsh, multicoloured light that didn’t suit her. Or maybe it was just the Hutts. It was hard to pinpoint the exact reason, but every time she stepped off her ship and onto the planet, there was an unease that came with her, and it was hard to shake.
She almost regretted not taking Torian up on his offer to come with her. His presence always made her feel a bit better. Maybe it was the fact that he had a knack for combat medicine. Yeah, that was probably it.
But Solvi knew this was something she had to do on her own. It wasn’t as if she was dreading the meeting - quite the opposite, actually. Nar Shaddaa was already getting to her. She felt... grimy. And there was no way to wash it off. Not until she was out of Hutt Space, anyway.
Sighing, she drained the last of the liquid from her cup before looking around again. It was, she figured, the quietest cantina on the planet. Not that it was particularly quiet. But the place didn’t boast a big space, nor many dancers, so it didn’t attract the rowdy crowds that the real hot spots did. It was why she had picked the place. It reminded her less of home than the other ones. She figured Taae would appreciate that, too.
The other Cathar was already late. But Solvi had known she would be. No one had ever been able to get the younger girl to do anything on time. Once she had been used to it. Now it was something she had to remember.
“How many have you had?”
The voice caught her off guard - for a moment, she had let herself get carried away in memory. That was something she was going to have to fix. That was the kind of thing that got a person killed.
But this was not the voice of her assassin. No, that was the voice of Taae Severan, her younger sister.
In spite of herself, Solvi smiled as she turned around. It was the same old Taae, small and grinning. 
//cont eventually
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