Ch. 10
The following storyline is one big roller coaster ride of emotions. It will have its ups and it will have its downs. It will have its OMG moments and cliffhangers. Lots of cliffhangers (how else do you expect me to keep ya coming back?) there will be angst, drama, action, mystery, and possible love. Not sure on that yet, we’ll see where it goes. I will do my best to keep the language down. I’m not fond of using the F’ bomb, but words like bitch and asses may be tossed around. That’s about the most of it, but nothing too profane. I know that some of ya’s are under 18. So as to not get myself or you in too much trouble, I’ll do my best to keep the language in check.  Just know that this story is all over the place and you read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
“Now Serving 45 at Window 5” Virgil looked at his number ‘Only five more to go. Woohoo’ phone usage wasn’t permitted in City Hall and if you stepped outside, you had your number confiscated. He did his breathing exercises to try and keep his anxiety in check, but all this did was make him light-headed after ten minutes of doing it.
“Now Serving 46 at Window 2” Virgil stood up and walked over to a window and looked out, he was on the second floor of the building. He looked out at the people coming and going below him. A black Lincoln Continental pulled up to the front of the building, out of it stepped Roman’s Uncle Roland.
“Now Serving 47 at Window 2” He watched as the Uncle spoke with someone who was still in the car, closed the door and headed into City Hall. ‘Now what’s he up to?’ thought Virgil, he went to grab his phone to call Logan and then remembered he couldn’t use his phone.
“Now Serving 48 at Window 3” Virgil glanced at his number, then to the window, then to the queue display. The door opened behind him, he turned so he could see who had entered and saw Roland standing there holding a manila envelope. He quickly hid behind one of the tall potted plants, Roland took a number and sat down in the front row.
‘Of all the places he had to show up to. I can’t
“Now Serving 49 at Window 4” Virgil bit his lip, he couldn’t let Roland see him. ‘You owe me for this Logan.’ He thought to himself. Reluctantly he turned around, handed the guard his number, stepped out in the foyer and bolted to the bathroom. Once inside he quickly texted Logan.
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Virgil made a beeline back to the Permits and Records Office, grabbed a ticket and sat behind Roland.
“Now Serving 51 at Window 5” Virgil looked at his ticket 53, then he looked up to Roland, he hadn’t moved. ‘He must have fifty-two’ he thought to himself.
“Now Serving 52 at Window 1” Roland stood and headed to window 1. Carefully Virgil stood-up and sat in the front row off to the side of Roland, hoping to catch what he was saying. Roland handed the clerk the envelope and said something, but his words were to soft for Virgil to hear. The clerk smiled and nodded and took the envelope away with them. Roland turned and leaned against the counter. Virgil turned his back to him, hoping that he wouldn’t recognize him.
“Now Serving 53 at Window 2” ‘CRAP! Okay Virge play it cool, play it cool.’ He took a deep breath, stood up and walked up to the counter. The Clerk smiled at him “Ticket Please.” Virgil handed them his ticket.
“How can I help you today?” asked the Clerk. “I” Virgil’s voice cracked, he glanced with his eyes to his left, praying Roland didn’t notice, then back at the clerk and cleared his throat. “I have some permit’s that need to be registered, with receipts please.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out some folded pink papers.
“Very good sir. I’ll be right back with those receipts.” the clerk took the papers and walked away. Roland’s clerk returned with a tube and a large green envelope.
“Here’s the documents and map you requested sir. Will that be all today?” Roland peeked into the envelope. “Yes. Thank you.” He turned to leave, but before he left he leaned over to Virgil and whispered into his ear. “Tell Logan I said hi.”
Virgil felt as if he was going to pass out, he closed his eyes and leaned his head on the counter. ‘Smooth move genius! What were you thinking? Of course, he’d know it’s you!’
Sir? Are you ok?” Virgil looked up. “Huh?”
”I said are you ok?” repeated the Clerk. Virgil looked around and saw that Roland had left. “Uh, yeah. Yeah. Thanks.” He stammered. The Clerk handed him his receipts “Will there be anything else I can do for you?”
“Please, may I get a copy of the blueprints for the Kalypso Theater?” He asked.
“Prices for Blueprints vary from thirty-dollars to one hundred and can be paid for with either cash or credit, but no debit. Would you like me to give you a quote of the cost?” replied the Clerk. Virgil mulled this over in his head.
“Yes, please.” He replied. The Clerk smiled, turned to her computer and typed in some information.
“Oh, dear. I’m sorry sir, but our records say that the originals were just purchased. It seems I won’t be able to give you a copy.” The Clerk gave him sad look.
“Wait. You can buy the originals?” he asked.
“If the building in question was built before the 1600’s and you have a deed to the property. Yes.”
Virgil shut his eye’s in thought, processing what the clerk had told him. ‘Roland couldn’t have just bought those blueprints. He doesn’t have the deed, but he just walked out with a tube that could have contained them, because she just said they were just purchased.’ Virgil looked up at the clerk. “I think I may know the answer to the question I’m about to ask, but I’m going to ask in hopes I’m wrong. Can you tell me who just bought the blueprints? As I personally know the current owner and he currently holds the deeds.”
The clerk’s frown deepened “I’m sorry sir, but I can’t release that information.”
“That’s what I thought. Thank you for your help.” He gathered his receipts and walked out of the building. Once outside he looked around and didn’t see the black Lincoln Continental anywhere. He pulled out his phone
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@thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3  @oresamawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat @alysewithlife
0 notes
Check Point
Hey everyone,
I wanted to check in this Sunday and see how everyone is liking the series so far? Chapter 7 was the end of my collaboration with  @iris-sanders-athena I really enjoyed collabing with them and hope to do it again somewhere down the road. I’m just curious as to how you the reader is enjoying the series, I’ll admit I love seeing the hearts, but I would also love to hear from you as well. Also, I wanted to know if anyone wants to be added or removed from the tag list. If something you read inspires you to draw, by all means, please post it, I would love to see your drawings. Please tune in next Sunday for Chapter 10. Till then Peace Out!
@thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3  @oresamawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat
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Ch. 9
The following storyline is one big roller coaster ride of emotions. It will have its ups and it will have its downs. It will have its OMG moments and cliffhangers. Lots of cliffhangers (how else do you expect me to keep ya coming back?) there will be angst, drama, action, mystery, and possible love. Not sure on that yet, we’ll see where it goes. I will do my best to keep the language down. I’m not fond of using the F’ bomb, but words like bitch and asses may be tossed around. That’s about the most of it, but nothing too profane. I know that some of ya’s are under 18. So as to not get myself or you in too much trouble, I’ll do my best to keep the language in check.  Just know that this story is all over the place and you read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
Once upstairs Logan got out his phone and called Roman’s father.
“Hi Mr. Trancy, it’s Logan.”
“Please son, call me Allen. What’s up?”
“Is your brother due for a walk through today?” asked Logan curious. “He says he’s doing an audit.”
Allen sighed on the other end “Yeah, I figured I’d let him peruse the area. Wait, how did you get in?”
“I used Roman’s Code and key, I should have asked you first, my apologies.”
“No, it’s ok. Roman should have asked me, that way I could have made your audit a bit less confrontational with my brother. Thanks for calling me though, at least I know one person is honest in this sale.” He let out a small chuckle “Well I’m going to let you continue your research if he gets to be too much, call me.”
Logan smiled “I will, thank you.”
After he hung-up he continued his tour of the theater, Logan was a bit surprised he didn’t run into Roman’s uncle during the rest of his audit. He went downstairs to see if he was still there and to let him know he was leaving, but Roman’s uncle wasn’t there. Logan decided to pick up where he’d left off earlier and when he got to the north-west corner of the room he heard a hollow sound come from the wall.
‘That’s odd’ he thought to himself. Logan tried pushing on the wall panel, but it didn’t budge. He slowly scanned the room. ‘What’s out of place down here?’ he scanned the room again, but everything looked like it either belonged there or was left from the current show to be used on stage. He took out his phone and opened his notepad and added a note to himself on where the hollow sound came from. ‘Maybe this is an exit? Like a one-way passage?’ he thought.
Logan walked through the theater once more and since he didn’t see Roman’s uncle, figured he must have left. He locked the door behind him, reset the alarm and then texted Allen letting him know that if the alarm went off, it may be the uncle who he may have missed when checking the building one final time before leaving.
When Logan arrived home, he saw a man standing at the front door knocking. “May I help you?” he asked as he got closer. The man turned around, it was Thomas dressed as a courier “Oh hey! Logan isn’t it?”
Logan smiled “Yes, and your name is Thomas, right?”
“Yup, I have a certified letter for you.” He held up a big manila envelope with Logan’s name on it.
“I’m not expecting any letters.” He said confused “May I ask who it’s from?”
Thomas looked at the return address “It’s from an Allen Trancy.”
“Oh, I think I know what it is. Thank you I’ll sign for it.” Logan realized it may be the sales reports he asked Allen for. Thomas handed him a clipboard and as he signed he looked up at Thomas “I thought you were a lifeguard?”
Thomas handed him the envelope and laughed “I am, and I’m a busboy at Norman’s, a dog walker, and a caddy driver at North Shore Golf Club.”
“Wow, you're pretty busy.” Exclaimed Logan impressed.
“Well, it pays the bills, but I gotta go. I have other packages to deliver, bye!” Thomas ran to his delivery van and took off. Logan watched as he left and headed inside. He opened the envelope as he walked up the stairs and started to go over the figures.
Time passed, and Logan’s phone alarm went off, his roommates would be home in an hour, so he should start getting dinner ready. He logged off his computer and headed downstairs. Once in the kitchen, he started rummaging through the cupboards to see what would be good to make. He finally decided on making his famous Crab Baked Mac and Cheese.
Patton was the first to arrive home and a few moments later Roman strolled in. “Mmm. Is that your Crab Bake I smell?” he asked.
“Yup, it should be done in another twenty minutes.” Replied Logan. “Patton claimed the shower first by the way. So, you’ll have to wait after dinner.” Roman gave him a pouty “Fine I suppose. How was your tour of the theater?” he sat down on the couch across from Logan.
“It was good. I ran into your Uncle while I was there.”
“Oh?” Roman raised an eyebrow “What was he doing there?”
“He was auditing” Logan used air quotes at the last words.
Roman let out an amused laugh “Oh really? Well having confidence is a family trait of ours. Sadly, for him, it’s not the right kind. He’s been known to do many shady deals and such in the past. So, it makes me more intrigued to know what he’s plotting to do IF he was able to get his hands on the place.”
“As am I.,” said Logan “What’s more interesting is the hollow wall panel, I found under the stage.”
“Oooo sounds mysterious.” Said, Patton, as he came to join them on the couch.
Logan nodded his head and continued “That’s what I thought. So, I looked around the room and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. To be honest, I’d rather you or your father help me in opening it up. I didn’t want to open it with your uncle lurking around.”
Roman took a moment to think and then asked, “Could you tell me what you saw?”
Logan closed his eyes as he recalled the room, “Well, there’s the set pieces for the show. In the South West corner, there are a few boxes, 10 folding chairs that span the wall evenly and a Grecian Statue in the South East Corner.”
 Roman shook his head “Hmmm, everything you listed, is what’s supposed to be down there.”
“It’s the statue,” said Virgil blatantly.
“SHAKESPEAR’S GHOST VIRGIL! Don’t you ever make noise!” Screamed Roman clutching his chest dramatically, to which Virgil only smiled as a response.
“Every floor has one.” He continued, as he made his way into the living room, “If you removed the building and left the statues from each floor, you would have a Grecian totem pole. If you want, I’m going to be at City Hall tomorrow turning in some building permit forms. I can see if they have any of the original blueprints on file and bring you a copy. If there are any secret passages, they should be in the original blueprints.”
“That would be great, thank you Virgil.” Said Logan. The buzzer on the oven went off,
“Dinner’s ready.”
@thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3  @oresamawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat
0 notes
Ch. 8
The following storyline is one big roller coaster ride of emotions. It will have its ups and it will have its downs. It will have its OMG moments and cliffhangers. Lots of cliffhangers (how else do you expect me to keep ya coming back?) there will be angst, drama, action, mystery, and possible love. Not sure on that yet, we’ll see where it goes. I will do my best to keep the language down. I’m not fond of using the F’ bomb, but words like bitch and asses may be tossed around. That’s about the most of it, but nothing too profane. I know that some of ya’s are under 18. So as to not get myself or you in too much trouble, I’ll do my best to keep the language in check.  Just know that this story is all over the place and you read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
A man looking similar to Roman, but much older with white hair, stood staring out the window of his office, it was Roland, Roman’s uncle, a knock on the door drew him out of his thoughts. The door behind him opened, revealing a young lady in her late twenty’s. “Mr. Trancy, your eleven o’clock is here to see you.”
“Ah, good, please send them in.” She stepped aside “Right this way sir.” An older gentleman stepped in using a cane as he walked. Roland held out his hand as he got closer and they shook hands. “Thank you for coming, sir. I trust your flight was a good one?” he motioned to a seat for the gentleman to sit in.
“Quit with the pleasantries Roland. Did you get the deed to the theater yet?” replied the man with a scowl on his face.
“I should be sealing the deal this weekend sir. My brother has no clue as to what our plans are.”
“Good. Once you have the deed, call me at my hotel and we’ll set our plans in motion.”
Patton oversaw breakfast every morning in the house. He would wake up at 5:30 am, get himself ready for work, then quickly make breakfast and leave by 7:15am. On the kitchen table, he would put out muffins or leave a note for parfait’s in the fridge and have a pot of coffee waiting for Virgil and Roman. Yet when it came to Logan, he would sneak in just special and leave him a breakfast treat and thermos of coffee with the morning paper. Patton knew that Logan stayed in his room most of the day, so he figured this would make it easier on him.
Logan rolled over, felt around for his glasses and sat up. On his desk was his breakfast waiting for him as usual. He smiled at it and got ready for his day of research. There was a reason Roman’s uncle wanted that theater and he was going to figure out what it was. He opened his computer and started searching through news stories about the theater. Outside he could hear Roman moving around and getting ready for work.
There was a knock on his door “Come in.” Virgil popped his head in. “Sorry to bother you, but can you break a twenty-dollar bill? I need to take the train to Tampa today to help open a new store.” Logan reached into his wallet “You’re in luck.” He handed him two fives and a ten. “Thanks.” Virgil quickly left, bumping into Roman at the top of the stairs. “Sorry!” he yelled as he ran down the stairs.
Roman peeked his head into Logan’s room. “What’s his deal?” he asked. “He’s running late for work I think,” replied Logan. Roman nodded his head and was about to leave.
“Hey Roman, you have a moment?” asked Logan.
“Yeah, what’s up?” he leaned against the door frame.
“I was wondering if I could borrow your code and key to the theater, so I could do a walk through today.”
“If you give me a ride to work.” Roman bargained.
A few moments later they were both in Logan’s car heading to Roman’s work. Roman texted Logan the code and handed him the key when he got out of the car. “Just remember to reset the alarm when your done.” He said before shutting his door.
Logan took off towards the theater, he pulled into the alley and parked his car. He set his car alarm and walked up to the door, before entering the code he tested the door handle, it was locked. Once, inside he locked the door behind him and made his way out onto the stage. He used his phone as a flashlight and made his way to the stairs that led under the stage. Once under he found a light switch and turned it on. Logan began to walk along the walls, knocking as he went, he got to the south side when a voice from behind startled him.
“What are you doing?”
Logan turned around, it was Roman’s uncle, “Testing the structure of the building.” He replied. “What about you? What are you doing here?”
“Same as you.” He walked around the room grabbing and scanning over items as he spoke. “I’m doing an audit of what’s here, so that way when I buy this place, I know where to send most of the junk laying around inside it.”
“When you buy it?” asked Logan bemused, “I’m sorry, but I was under the impression that it was still up to debate on being sold.”
“Oh no dear boy. This place will be mine, contrary to what you’ve been told.” Roland replied. Logan’s eyes narrowed at Roland, he could tell by Roland’s tone that he was up to no good. He straightened his tie and glasses and made to leave the room. Roland cut him off at the exit
“Don’t go and get an idea’s boy, this place will be mine.” Logan stared at him with a look of disgust “Is that a threat?” he asked.
“No, a warning.”
@thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3  @oresamawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil-deactivated2 @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat
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Ch. 7
The following storyline is one big roller coaster ride of emotions. It will have its ups and it will have its downs. It will have its OMG moments and cliffhangers. Lots of cliffhangers (how else do you expect me to keep ya coming back?) there will be angst, drama, action, mystery, and possible love. Not sure on that yet, we’ll see where it goes. I will do my best to keep the language down. I’m not fond of using the F’ bomb, but words like bitch and asses may be tossed around. That’s about the most of it, but nothing too profane. I know that some of ya’s are under 18. So as to not get myself or you in too much trouble, I’ll do my best to keep the language in check.  Just know that this story is all over the place and you read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
The five friends walked up to the castle in awe, Patton walked over to a piece of paper that was attached to the outside of the castle entrance “It seems that whoever did this, left a message!”
“What does it say?” asked Logan.
“A monument of bravery now stands before you. An already beautiful castle, built by four good friends has been added onto by those who support them in their mission of what true friendship is. Please do not remove this note.” Patton turned around and smiled at his friends.
“They did an amazing job.” Commented Virgil as he came out of the castle entrance. Roman stood there gaping with tears in his eyes. “Roman are you ok?” asked Logan.
“It's just so-so beautiful. We have to get a picture.” He replied. They proceeded to take a few (hundred) photos of the castle.
Virgil looked around, he started to feel like someone was watching him. “We should probably leave before anyone hears that we're here.”
Remy pointed past him “Too late. RUN!” They got pretty far but were soon surrounded by reporters. As they yelled out questions and flashed cameras Patton saw that Virgil was starting to panic. “THAT IS ENOUGH!” he yelled. “Can't you see that he is not interested in being questioned?! You need to BACK OFF!”
Everyone froze.
“That's what I thought.” He gave them all (what Roman nicknamed) the dad look. “I'm very disappointed in all of you!” He continued. “If any of you did your research! You would have learned that the case was dismissed and that no thanks to you everything was blown WAAY out proportion! NOW LEAVE US ALONE!”
The reporters put away their cameras and microphones and made way for the friends to pass. Patton walked in front of their group and would glare at any reporter who looked ready to break the silence. By the time they got to the car, Virgil had calmed down. He climbed into the backseat, Patton slid in next to him and Roman got in behind him. Logan sat up front with Remy.
Virgil couldn’t believe what he had witnessed, as he buckled in his seat he noticed that Patton hadn’t buckled yet. Upon further inspection of his friend, he saw that all the blood had drained from Patton’s face and that he was shaking. “Patton? You ok?”
Patton slowly turned his head to Virgil and blinked his eyes, as if trying to compute who was talking to him. He tried to reply but instead passed out against Roman, who held him close and began stroking his hair. Roman let out a soft chuckle “You wouldn't think that a mighty lion, resided in this little teddy bear.”
Virgil smiled “Yeah, who knew he had such a mighty roar in him. Remind me not to piss him off in the future.” Remy drove the four back to the theater so they could return the costumes they had used.
When they pulled up, Remy noticed a car parked by the back door. “Looks like your old man is here Roman.” He said. Roman gave the car a puzzled look “Really? That's odd.”
Roman gently nudged Patton, who let out a small whimper as he opened his eyes and sat up. They got out of the car and headed for the back entrance to the theater. Logan reached the door first and it opened with ease. He gave Roman a questioning glance. Roman shrugged his shoulders and motioned for Logan to enter.
Once inside they walked out onto the stage, the lights were on, but they didn’t hear any movement. Roman turned to his friends “Logan, you and Virgil check around upstairs. Patton and I will look around down here. My dad could be anywhere.” He said.
“No need for that.” Came a voice from the back row of the theatre, it was Roman’s father he was hidden in the shadows of the balcony seats above. The four let out a small yelp of surprise.
“Pops, what are you doing hiding in the shadows?” asked Roman.
“Thinking.” He replied, his father stood up and approached the stage as he spoke. “Your Uncle approached me about selling the theater again tonight and I'm trying to figure out if I should or shouldn't.”
Roman balled his hands into fists “Shouldn't. Pops this is my home, I grew up here, this is where I met these three and fell in love with the theater. You can't sell it if you must sell it, sell it to me. I'll take care of it.” He cried. His father gave him a stern look “You can barely take care of yourself.” He scoffed.
“What if I bought it from you?” offered Logan.
Roman’s father raised an eyebrow at this “You?”
Logan nodded his head “My family is rather wealthy and as you know, I am very responsible. If you are going to sell this place, sell it to me. Just like Roman, I too hold some sentimental value over this place, as does Virgil and Patton.”
Roman turned to Logan and held up his hand “Hold up, you're rich?!”
“And you never told us!”
Logan pushed his glasses up onto his nose “You never asked.” He quipped.
Roman's father looked at Logan and rubbed the back of his neck “I don't know boys. It's just, I'm really trying to figure out why he wants to buy this place. There's no real value in it, I mean we haven't made sales from our last two shows. Not to mention the decline in students during our school break camps. If there was profit in this place Logan I may consider it, but to be honest there really isn’t any.”
Logan furrowed his brow in determination “Let me do some research on your property sir. If he's pressuring you as much as you say he is. There may be more to this place than meets the eye and as far as your sales are concerned, if you allow me access to your financial records, I could probably see how we can change your status into a more lucrative one.
“Are you sure you want to do all that work though Logan?” he asked.
“Yes, sir. I see potential here.”
Roman gave his father a pleading look as did Virgil and Patton. His father starred at the four for a moment and then let out a laugh “It seems you four are more persuasive than my brother. The job is yours Logan, my brother Roland says he'll be back on Sunday to get my decision. So, I'll give you till Saturday to turn in your research to me.”
Logan smiled “That's fair enough. Thank you.”
“No worries. Now you four go return those clothes and go home to get some rest.” Patton held up his cell phone “Before we do sir. Could you take our photo please?” Roman's father took the cell phone from Patton. After everyone poses on the stage; Roman’s father laughs at the way they’ve posed “Say Cheese!” he calls out.
Roman yells out “CHEESE!” at the same time as his friends yell out “ROMAN!”
@thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3  @oresamawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat
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Ch. 6
The following storyline is one big roller coaster ride of emotions. It will have its ups and it will have its downs. It will have its OMG moments and cliffhangers. Lots of cliffhangers (how else do you expect me to keep ya coming back?) there will be angst, drama, action, mystery, and possible love. Not sure on that yet, we’ll see where it goes. I will do my best to keep the language down. I’m not fond of using the F’ bomb, but words like bitch and asses may be tossed around. That’s about the most of it, but nothing too profane. I know that some of ya’s are under 18. So as to not get myself or you in too much trouble, I’ll do my best to keep the language in check.  Just know that this story is all over the place and you read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
As Mr. Cambridge said, he was at the doors of the courtroom waiting for Virgil and his friends. He greeted them with a smile and shook their hands, but when he shook Virgil’s he pulled him forward and placed his hand on his shoulder. “Now, when we get in there, we’ll go through the usual opening arguments and such, but
           “Jon, what are you doing with my client?” a feminine voice cut him off. They turned and saw a young woman with long brown hair, she was almost the same height as Virgil and she wore a pants suit that flattered her figure.
           Virgil raised his eyebrow “Client? I didn’t ask for a lawyer.” He said.
           “No, but I did.” Came a reply. Virgil turned and saw his father. His eyes went wide “Dad?!” He exclaimed. “What, what are you doing here?”
           His father gave him a stern look “Making sure that justice is done. That thug in there nearly killed you and I want to see him locked away for good.”
           Virgil could feel a heat inside him rise, he narrowed his eyes at him. “Dad, you should have called me, you didn’t even come with Mom when I was in the Hospital! Now you want justice? PLEASE! You're so clueless! Besides, I’ve already signed paperwork saying it was a miss understanding AND I’m going to go in there and testify as such as well.”
           The courtroom doors opened a guard stepped out “This courtroom is now open for service, will all those participating in the Marx’s vs Stone case number six, five, eight, three nine two, please come in and be seated.” He stepped aside to let everyone pass.
“What now?” whispered Patton to Logan.
           “We go in and stand behind our friend.” He replied aloud so that Virgil’s father could hear him. Logan walked up to Virgil and placed his and on his shoulder.
            “Let’s go.” Virgil nodded his head, turned around and marched into the courtroom. Patton and Roman followed Logan inside and they sat down next to Virgil on the defendant’s side.
           A side door opened and Devleon walked in, but instead of the orange suit they had seen him in earlier, he was now wearing a grey suit with no tie. His hands were still chained though, and the guard attached his leash to the desk where Mr. Cambridge sat.
           After he was seated a door opened to the right of where the judge would sit and a female guard came out. “All rise the honorable Judge Marlin is now presiding.” The female guard stepped aside, and an older woman dressed in black robes appeared. She stepped out and gazed out at everyone, then turned and took her spot at her seat.
           “You may be seated.” She picked up some papers and looked them over before speaking. “Before we begin, may I have the lawyers come to my bar please.”
           The female lawyer and Mr. Cambridge walked up to the judge. She looked at them and smiled “Good Morning. Would either of you like to explain these papers?” The young woman took a breath.
           “My apologies, but I haven’t been able to talk things over with my client, as I was just made aware of this case this morning your honor.” She said. Mr. Cambridge shook his head.
           “Your honor, I don’t see why we have to postpone this. Her client came to me of sound mind and body. The documents speak for themselves, he doesn’t want to press charges. This was all a misunderstanding.”
           The judge raised her hand, “Enough. Away with you.” The Prosecutor opened her mouth to object, but the judge glared at her and she turned and walked back to her table. The judge sat for a moment in silence.
           “Mr. Marx, please come and take the witness stand. I’m running this case a bit different today. So please come and amuse the court.” Both Virgil and his father stood. “Oh, it seems that we have two Mr. Marx in the courtroom. Well, let me clarify.” She looks at a piece of paper “Mr. Virgil Marx, please come and take the witness stand.” Virgil’s father sat back down as Virgil made his way up next to the judge.
           A guard walked up to Virgil holding a bible. “Please place your left hand on the bible and raise your right hand.” Virgil did as he was asked, “Do you, Virgil Marx, swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you, God?”
           “I do.”
           “You may be seated, please state your full name and your age please.”
           “Does that include my middle name?” asked Virgil.
           “Yes.” Replied the judge. Virgil grimaced at having to do this.
           “Virgil Marion Marx, I’m twenty-three years old.” Virgil closed his eyes to regain control. He felt like he was going to throw up.
           “Mr. Marx? I understand that the witness stand can be a frightening place, but could you open your eyes please and focus on me?” asked the judge. Virgil opened his eyes and faced the judge. She smiled at him. “Thank you. Now it says here that you want to drop all charges against Mr. Stone?”
           “Yes, your honor. I know that Devleon isn’t a killer, he cares for his mother who has cancer and his little sister. So, doing something like murder, wouldn’t be in his nature.” Replied Virgil.
           “And can you point out Devleon Stone for me please.” She asked. Virgil turned and pointed to Devleon. “Let the records show, that Mr. Marx has identified the Defendant as Devleon Stone. Now I understand your want for a dismal of the false murder charges, but what about the video footage that clearly shows him taking off and you falling overboard?’
           “I lost my footing. He and his friends do it all the time, but he wasn’t aware of the fact that one I can’t swim and two I’ve no balance. He had surprised me by doing that, had I known he was going to take off, I would have sat down.”
           “And how is it you came to be in Mr. Stone’s custody?”
           “His friends brought me to him.”
           “By force or on your own accord?”
           “By force but had Devleon’s friends told me what was going on I may have gone willingly.”
           “I see, thank you for your time, you may return to your seat.”          
           Virgil stood up and sped walk across the courtroom to his friends. The judge wrote down some notes on the paper in front of her and then looked out at the courtroom. “Now then, after hearing Mr. Marx’s testimony and going over these dismissal papers. I hereby dismiss all charges against Mr. Stone. As for Mr. Stone’s friends though, They will be tried for kidnapping as well as go to trial for their outstanding warrants. Mr. Stone, I hope your time in our cells has given you a chance to reflect on what has happened and enlightened you on what type of people you consider friends. The court is adjourned.” The judge tapped her gavel twice and stood up
           The guard from the beginning also stood up “All rise.” The judge took the papers from the trial with her and exited the courtroom. Devleon was led away back through the door he entered in.
           “Where are they taking him? I thought he was free to go?” asked Patton. Mr. Cambridge turned around “They're taking him to be discharged. I’ll have a taxi take him home through the back entrance.”
           “Thank you.” Said Logan and he shook Mr.Cambridge’s hand. “No. Thank you.” As they left, Virgil avoided eye contact with his father as him.    
As they got near the front, Logan nudged Virgil with his elbow, “Put your hat on. Remy is parked across the street by the Starbucks.” Virgil rolled his eyes “Of course he is.”
They drove in silence for a while. Then suddenly music blared through the car. "Friday night and lights are lllooooooowwwwww." Roman had put on ABBA and was now singing as loudly as possible.
Virgil “GEEZ ROMAN! GIVE A HUMAN A HEART ATTACK WHY DON'T YA!” Virgil sat shaking in the back seat next to Patton who just Kola hugged his arm and laughed. Roman bounced in his seat with Remy nodding his head along to the rhythm “I'M SORRY VIRGIL BUT I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE DANCING FEVER!” he leaned over and turned down the volume a bit and sung a bit softer.
“Hey Remy, could we swing by the beach on our way to the theater, please. I want to look at the castle and see how it's holding up.” Asked Patton. Remy looked at Patton from the rear-view mirror “We can stop, provided no Reporters are lurking around.”
A little while later they turned down the main road that went out to the beach. As they got closer Remy let out a small gasp “Oh wow, would you look at that.”
“Is-Is that our castle?” asked an amazed Patton. The small castle they had left behind on Friday had doubled in size since they last saw it and was now decorated with more beautiful shells of all shapes, sizes, and colors.
“I-I believe it is.” Replied Logan.
Remy tilted his head to see further ahead down the road, “I don't see any reporters, shall we stop?”
“Yes, please.”
@thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3  @oresamawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat
4 notes · View notes
Ch. 5
The following storyline is one big roller coaster ride of emotions. It will have its ups and it will have its downs. It will have its OMG moments and cliffhangers. Lots of cliffhangers (how else do you expect me to keep ya coming back?) there will be angst, drama, action, mystery, and possible love. Not sure on that yet, we’ll see where it goes.  I will do my best to keep the language down. I’m not fond of using the F’ bomb, but words like bitch and asses may be tossed around. That’s about the most of it, but nothing too profane. I know that some of ya’s are under 18. So as to not get myself or you in too much trouble, I’ll do my best to keep the language in check.  Just know that this story is all over the place and you read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
After a long weekend at Remy’s house, Monday morning finally arrived. Remy walked out and go into the driver’s seat of his dad’s 1950’s Lincoln Continental.
“Shotgun!” Called out Roman. The other three squeezed into the backseat. Logan pulled out his phone and started looking something up. Patton turned to Virgil “Hey Virge... what are you gonna do at the courthouse?”
“Honestly? I don't know. I mean I know what I'd like to do, but seeing how he’s spent all weekend in jail, I'm sure that in itself was punishment enough. I mean, he has been punished, yes, but what the county wants to do to him I think is going a bit too far. I mean, I... I don't know what I mean.” He laid his head against the window and let out a sigh.
Patton laid his head on Virgil’s shoulder. “I know kiddo. I'm torn too...” Patton glanced over towards Logan for some added support but saw him flipping through his phone. “Everything ok there Logan? You’ve been either on your phone or a computer all weekend.”
Logan furrowed his eyebrow and pursed his lips in thought, after a moment he spoke: “Don't worry about me, I'm just reviewing the laws for attempted murder and such.”
Virgil sat forward and leaned to look around Patton a bit better. “Like seeing if there's a loophole?” he asked.
“Not quite. I'm trying to familiarize myself with the laws so that no matter what you want to do I can confirm or deny if that’s something that could help him.”
Virgil sat back and leaned into Patton “What I want to do is get Dev out of there. Rem pull over will ya. This will only take a moment.” Remy pulled over as asked. He unbuckled and started to get out of the car “I think I know where this convo is heading. So, I'm a go grab a coffee.”
Once Remy was gone Virgil took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he spoke “The reason I want to get Dev out of Jail so bad is that I know something you all don't know. Dev is the main breadwinner in his family. His mom's health hasn't been great these past few years after his dad ditched them. So, he's been working to keep his lil sis and mom taken care of. I think he pulled this stunt to get us out of winning that $20,000 prize money. That money could have helped feed them for a few months.”
Patton lowered his head “I-I had no idea.”
“You weren't supposed to know Patton. See, back in high school I ran into Dev, while I was doing some community service at the food bank, he was there as a patron. Well after I got off work, he followed me home and pinned me to my fence and told me to swear that I would never tell anyone, what I had seen and until now I’ve kept that promise.”
“I wonder if that’s what he was referring to.” Muttered Roman. Virgil cocked his head at him and asked, “What do you mean?”
“When I was with him at the holding cell, I asked why he’d been bullying you since high school and he replied with ‘Virgil hasn’t said anything?’ When I asked him to clarify, he said it was nothing. So, I’m wondering if this is what he was referring too.” The four sat in silence.
Remy startled them as he got back in the car “Alright Ladies, time is of the essence. The courthouse doors open in twenty minutes.”
“Then put the pedal to the metal!” quipped Roman. Remy dropped his shades over his eyes and peeled out of his spot singing “Like a four fifty-four, with the four on the floor
It was just as the friends had perceived when they arrived at the courthouse. There were reporters all over the place. Virgil's eyes widened as they drove by them as Remy pulled as close to the front door as he could. The four friends had decided to be as casual as possible and walk into the building. To their surprise (and Virgil’s relief) the reporters didn't even bat an eye their way.
As they climbed the steps to go inside, Logan leaned in and whispered into Roman’s ear “I hate to admit it, but I think your disguises worked. Good Plan.”
Roman smiled at him and whispered, “Why thank you Specs.” Virgil turned and faced his friends at the top of the steps “Alright everyone, it seems we fooled them for now, but we're not in the clear yet.” He turned and opened the door and they filed in.
An officer greeted them, handing them each a small tray “Please put your pocket contents, belts, and any other metallic items in these bowls, and coats in a bin and put them on the conveyer belt to be scanned. The four did as they were instructed to. Virgil, went first, then Patton, Roman, then BEEP Logan stopped on the other side. An officer walked up to him holding a wand.
“That would be my right knee sir. I have a metal pin it.” The officer nodded their head “Hands out to your side please.” and he did the routine sweep with the wand. Just as Logan mentioned the wand would let out a squelching sound when it passed over his right knee.
The officer smiled at him. “Ok, your clear. Go ahead and gather your things.”
“Thank you and uhm do you know where the Public Defense Attorney's Offices are?” The officer used his wand to direct them “Go down this hall and you’ll find an elevator on your right. You’ll want to use it and go up to the third floor.” Logan smiled at him “Much appreciated, have a nice day.”
The others followed Logan and soon found themselves at the Defense Attorney Office. “What are we going to do here Logan? Wouldn’t we want to go visit Devleon?”
“I thought about that, then I learned that since we're of no relation to Devleon, we wouldn’t be allowed to as that’s all they’ll allow to visit him right now. That’s when I looked into talking to his lawyer and see what we can do to help him with his guidance.”
Patton and the others look at him amazed “Wow, you’ve really been doing your research.” Complimented Patton. “Well you heard him, let's head on in then!” They walked inside and found a lady with her hair up in a tight bun, wearing a suit sitting behind a desk. Logan asked if they could see Devleon’s lawyer, and to ensure they would be seen, he told her that they had news about his case that may be of use. The secretary eyed the four over and asked them to take a seat. She stood and headed towards a door to her left.
A few moments passed, and she returned “Mr. Cambridge will see you.” They stood and each thanked her as they entered. Inside was a man standing behind his desk in a black suit, Logan walked up to him with his hand out. The man received it and gave him a tightly gripped handshake. “Nice to meet you, my name is Logan Sanders, to my right is Roman Trancy.” The lawyer shook Roman’s hand. Logan continued, “To his right is Patton Henderson and to his right is
The Lawyer cut Logan off and grabbed Virgil by the hand and it shook it a little bit longer than the others. “Virgil Marxs, I’ve heard a lot about you from the reports I got. It’s nice to meet you and your friends.” He saw Virgil was becoming uneasy with the prolonged handshake. He let go and walked over to the door and straightened his tie.
“My name is Jon Cambridge. I'm a bit surprised that you are wanting to defend Devleon Mr. Marxs, especially after what he did. Unfortunately, I'm actually not at liberty to discuss his case with you without my client’s approval. So, if you'll have a seat I'll see if I can arrange a group meeting.”
He made a motion the couch and seats in his office. “Please take a seat, I’ll be right back.” The four friends sat and waited in silence. While they waited, Virgil fidgeted with the hat he wore, Logan scanned his phone for more information, Patton admired the family photos Mr. Cambridge had hanging on his wall and Roman started doodling on a piece of paper he'd found in the pocket of his pants. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. It was no surprise that they jumped when Mr. Cambridge returned with Devleon and an armed guard behind him.
The guard guided Devleon to a soft chair to sit on, he wore an orange jumpsuit and his wrists and ankles were chained to one long chain that the guard held in his hand like a dog. Just the sight of it made the four friends very uncomfortable.
“Before you begin your meeting, there are some rules that I need to go over with you.” Announced the guard, all eyes focused on him as everyone listened. “There is to be no touching of each other and you are to remain seated at all times is that understood. When it comes time for the prisoner to leave, you will remain seated till we are gone.” Everyone nodded in understanding.
Jon smiled at the guard. “Thank you for allowing us this audience.” He then turned his attention toward Virgil and his friends. “So, my client has informed me he would like any help you can give him.”
Virgil placed his hat on the couch and took a deep breath “Ok, first off I gotta know. What the heck were you trying to accomplish by kidnapping me?” Devleon looked at his lawyer who just nodded as a sign of approval that he could answer the question. He took a nervous gulp and started to speak, but as he did so his words came out fast.
“I just wanted to claim your castle for myself, so I could win the contest. I didn't mean for you to fall in the water the way you did it was just a joke, my friends an I do it to each other all the time and
Virgil held up his hand, “You confirmed my suspicions. Thank you. Next, how has your time in here been? Have you reflected at all over what you and your friends have done?” Devleon didn’t even look at his lawyer for this question. “Yes, a thousand times over. Especially with how this may affect my mom and sis.” His eyes went wide “Oh god, I nearly forgot. My mom has an Oncologist appointment Thursday.” He started to cry. Patton gripped the edge of the couch, fighting back the urge to rush over and hug Devleon. Roman spoke up “I’ll take her for you if that will be ok.” Devleon looked at him “Will you? I mean.” Roman held up his hand. “Your mom is an innocent in all this. Even though she too is being punished by your absence, her health shouldn’t be.” Patton looked at Roman with a smile on his face “And I’ll help.” Said Patton.
Logan held up his hands “We’ll all help.” He turned to the lawyer “Mr. Cambridge, it seems that we’ve all made it clear on how we want to help out your client.” Virgil nodded his head “Yes, whatever you need me to do to make this go away, just say the word.” Mr. Cambridge’s eyes widened at Virgil's words.
“This is new to me. He exclaimed “I've never had a case quite like this before, but I can get the documents together to get his sentence reduced. Mind you my client will still have to do some time for the kidnapping charge, but we may get him out of the attempted murder.”
Virgil smiled “That's fine and Devleon’s friends?” Mr. Cambridge coughed “Well his (he used air quotes) ‘friends’ had some warrants it seems, so they’re undergoing different charges besides this one.” Everyone’s eyes widened and they all just nodded their heads.
Devleon turned in his seat and focused on Virgil “ Virge, again I’m really sorry and thank you for being so lenient towards me. I’m also sorry for bullying you all those years as well. I was blinded by my pride.” Virgil held up his hand “Speak no more. Is there anything else we need to know before we leave?”
“Yes, tell my mom I love her.”
“Depending on how long your stay is. I’ll be your pen pal.” Offered Patton.
“And visit, provided you put us on your family list.” Continued Logan.  Devleon looked at his lawyer “Jon?”
“Consider it done. Thank you again Virgil for coming in as early as you did. You’ve really helped my clients case a lot. I have the documents here for you to fill out, also I will need you to stand before the judge and give a statement as well.” Virgil’s eyes widened, and he started to feel a panic attack coming on, but he took a deep breath to control himself.
“Very well, if it helps.”
The guard stepped forward “I’m sorry, but it’s time I take him back.” He gently tugged on the chain “Let’s go.” Devleon stood up and smiled at everyone and thanked them all again. He then turned and followed the guard out the door.
After the two left everyone stood up and Mr. Cambridge shook their hands once more and thanked them all again. He then ushered them out into the hall “The hearing is in half an hour. It will be in room three sixteen, I’ll greet you at the doors.”
 After Mr. Cambridge walked back into his office, Roman let out an awkward laugh “Well that got heavy in there.”
           “You can say that again.” Remarked Virgil. “Now I have to go in front of a Judge? That alone in there was nerve-racking.” He gave a small shudder. Patton placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s ok kiddo. We’re here with ya, every step of the way.” Virgil smiled, this helped calm him down.
@thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3  @oresamawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat
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Ch. 4
The following storyline is one big roller coaster ride of emotions. It will have its ups and it will have its downs. It will have its OMG moments and cliffhangers. Lots of cliffhangers (how else do you expect me to keep ya coming back?) there will be angst, drama, action, mystery, and possible love. Not sure on that yet, we’ll see where it goes.   I will do my best to keep the language down. I’m not fond of using the F’ bomb, but words like bitch and asses may be tossed around. That’s about the most of it, but nothing too profane. I know that some of ya’s are under 18. So as to not get myself or you in too much trouble, I’ll do my best to keep the language in check.  Just know that this story is all over the place and you read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
Logan parked the car in the alleyway behind the theater, “So why are we here exactly?” asked Patton, as he got out of the car.
“Well for one, I have more outfits to choose from here.” Replied Roman as he keyed in the passcode to deactivate the alarm. He then took out his key and unlocked the door. “And two, as Logan had mentioned earlier, if the reporters were at the hospital, they’re probably staking out where we live as well.” He motioned for his friends to enter the theater.
“Lucky for us, your family has this place then, or else your plan probably wouldn’t work.” joked Logan. Roman let out a troubled sigh “Funny you say that, last month when I visited my folks. I heard my Uncle trying to talk my old man into selling this place.” Patton let out a gasp “What?! No! This is where we all met as kids.” Roman gave him a hug. “Don’t worry your Cinnabon head. I'm doing all I can to keep him from going through with it. So far, he's not giving into my villain of an uncle.”
Virgil walked over to the stage, he ran his hand along it and let out a small mischievous giggle “Do you remember when we figured out how the trap door worked before Roman’s folks did and we rigged a disappearing act?”  Logan let out a pained groan “How can I forget, I landed wrong and was in the hospital for a month.”
Patton pulled away from Roman’s embrace and started laughing. “What?” Roman asked. Patton smiled at him “Remember when we got to try the aerial rigging?!” Roman closed his eyes and smiled “Oh my gosh, yes. Now a day’s it doesn't seem like we would fly that high but as kids. Ah as kids, it was like flying to Neverland.” He ran up the center stage stairs and started to spin and dance around on the stage.
“Do your folks still hold Drama Camp Sessions?” asked Logan.
“Yeah. Sometimes they call me in to hold seminars on acting. All the children are really sweet! Unfortunately, like this summer, there's been a decline in participants. Hence why my dad is considering on selling.” He walked off stage, now talking more to himself “Now where did I put that box from Legally Blonde. AH YEAH, there it is.” He walked back out and motioned for the others to follow him.
Once they were circling the box with him, he opened it “So I was thinking I could go as Elle Woods and you could dress up as the sorority sisters!” he held out a wig to Virgil who backed away waving his arms. “Oh no, you’re not putting me in a dress again.” He said.
“Again?” asked Logan with a raised eyebrow.
Virgil stood there blushing “That's not important right now.” He spat “So, uh Roman, you have anything else?” Roman scratched his head in thought “hmmm... How about Troy from High School Musical?”
“How about no,” said Virgil.
“Do you have the outfits from the Producers still?” asked Patton.
Roman smiled at him “Oh yeah! I forgot we performed that last winter, great idea Patton. Follow me!” he led them to an elevator that took them up two floors to a hall of doors. He walked down the hall and went through a door on his left, it was filled with racks of clothes. “I still haven't cataloged all of this yet. May I recommend staying away from the Nazi outfits though.”
Virgil read a tag on a black garment bag. “Got mine. Brb.” 
Patton quickly grabbed an outfit “Oh I like this one” he giggled and quickly left the room.
Logan barely caught a glimpse at what Patton had grabbed. “Did he just grab the...” Roman closed his eyes “Yeah I think he did.” Logan bolted from the room yelling “Patton the Indian Chief Outfit isn't a disguise option!” a moment passed, and Logan came back in with Patton pouting behind him. He hung the outfit back up and walked around the racks he then pulled out a Victorian suit. “How about this?”
Logan shook his head “You do understand why that won't work, correct?”
“But it's so cool looking.” Whined Patton. Virgil Walked into the room wearing a suit with a trench coat and Max Bialystock's hat. He laid his hand on Patton’s shoulder “The idea is to blend in buddy, not stick out.”
Roman nodded his head in approval “Lookin good Virge! Here ya go Padre.”  He hands him Jeremy's outfit from Be More Chill. “Iïżœïżœve no clue how that got in here, but it’ll work for you.”
Logan held up a grey garment bag “I think I'll go with Leo's outfit, it looks like it'll fit me better.”
Virgil looked at Roman “Who you going as Roman?” Roman held up a red garment bag and tried to read the tag “Uhm, looks like Slugworth from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I seriously need to catalog this room.”
After they had gotten their costumes on, Patton gathered the others on stage and took a selfie of them for remembrance. There was a knock on the back door. “Anyone expecting company?” he asked confused.
“It's probably Rem. I phoned him while you were changing and asked if he could bring his dad's car and give us a ride to the courthouse since it's a vehicle no one's seen us in.”
           “Way to think ahead Virgil.” Complimented Logan. Virgil just shrugs his shoulders and goes and opens the door. Remy walks in and looks everyone over. “Nicely done ladies. Especially you Cuz. (he claws the air at Virgil) Fierce.” Virgil’s face deadpans at his cousin’s comment.
“I'm changing.” He turns to leave, but Roman grabs him by the arm. “No time Mr. Bialystock, our audience awaits.”
           “What audience?” asked Remy “You four do realize that today is only Saturday right? I tried to tell Virgil, but he hung up before I could and then his phone kept going to voicemail.” The four friends looked at Remy as if they were told he hit a puppy on his way there.
           “So, what do we do now?” asked Patton. Virgil started to pace “Something, we can’t let him go trial.” Everyone stood in thought. “What time is his trial on Monday?” asked Logan. “Last I heard eleven am,” replied Remy.
           “Then we’ll be there just as the courthouse opens.” Said Logan.
@thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3  @oresamawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat
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Ch. 3
The following storyline is one big roller coaster ride of emotions. It will have its ups and it will have its downs. It will have its OMG moments and cliffhangers. Lots of cliffhangers (how else do you expect me to keep ya coming back?) there will be angst, drama, action, mystery, and possible love. Not sure on that yet, we’ll see where it goes.    I will do my best to keep the language down. I’m not fond of using the F’ bomb, but words like bitch and asses may be tossed around. That’s about the most of it, but nothing too profane. I know that some of ya’s are under 18. So as to not get myself or you in too much trouble, I’ll do my best to keep the language in check.  Just know that this story is all over the place and you read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
The next morning Logan’s phone rang startling the three friends awake. He looked to see who it was and saw that it was the hospital.
           “Hey Logan,” It was Virgil, he gave a small sigh of relief and listened. “The doc just got done looking me over and said I can go home. Can you come and get me?”
           “Yea, sure. We’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”
           “Ok. Thanks”
When they got to the hospital, they found a crowd of people with cameras out front. “Aren’t those the reporters from last night?” whispered Patton into Logan’s ear. Logan nodded “Maybe we should try a different entrance.” They walked in behind where the ambulance doors were. A nurse approached them.
           “Sorry boys, only ambulance victims through these doors.” She said with her arms spread. Roman smiled at her. “Fair lady, we have a friend upstairs who is to be released today and the crowd of reporters out front, we fear are for him. He was the drowning victim that was brought in yesterday. Could you please bend the rules today and allow us access in and out this way? Just this once please?”
           Another woman approached them “It’s ok Cindy, I know them, Logan isn’t it?” Logan nodded his head. “Yes, mam.” She smiled at him. “Let me get a guard to guide you in and out of the hospital.”
           “Thank you, that would be most appreciated.”
            Virgil smiled at them as they walked in, a nurse was bandaging his arm where the iv had been. Roman entered last pushing a wheelchair, “Your chariot young lord.” He smiled.  Virgil shook his head and let out a small laugh as he climbed into the wheelchair. He pointed towards the door. “Home Jeeves.” Roman pushed him out of the room.
           “I don't ever want to be in another hospital again. I just want to get home and go to sleep.” Said, Virgil, as he was being pushed down the hall.
“What? Why? It couldn't have been that bad.” Asked Roman.
“The nurses kept coming in and checking my vitals. I hardly got any sleep, unlike you.” He complained.
Logan let out a small laugh, “I beg to differ. Your health and wellbeing kept us up all night.”      
Patton pushed the elevator button and looked at Virgil. “What Logan said! Also, I'm afraid that going straight home is out of the question, we have a full day ahead of us.”
Virgil rolled his eyes, “Why?” They entered the elevator. “We need to go to the courthouse and see about helping Devleon out.” Replied Patton.
“Ungh. Fine, but first can I get some real food?” whined Virgil. Patton smiled, “Sure! Where do you want to go?” Virgil closed his eyes in thought, “How about the Tiny Turtle, I could really go for one of their Ocean Wraps.” The elevator doors opened, and they got off “Anything for you kiddo!” smiled Patton.
They thanked the guard for letting them exit out the ambulance doors. They started to head for the car, Virgil saw a flash of light off to his left. It was a man holding a camera, the man took another picture of them. “Hey BARB! He’s exiting out the Ambulance doors!" The next thing they knew, there was a flood of reports heading their way with camera's flashing and people calling out to Virgil and his friends.
As the reporters shouted and asked questions, Virgil, sunk into his hoodie. He started hyperventilating and Patton knew that if he didn't get him out of there quick Virgil would have a full-on panic attack. Patton grabbed Roman’s arm and hissed into his ear “Do something!” Roman gave a quick nod and held up his hands to draw everyone’s attention to himself.
“Would you all like to know the actual story of what happened to my friend and why we went to rescue the fair Virgil?!” All the camera’s turned to him and he started talking about the past events while Patton and Logan snuck off with a panic-stricken Virgil.
Once in the car, Patton held Virgil tight and got him to do his breathing exercises. A few moments passed and Roman hopped quickly into the car “Drive and don't stop!” He shouted. Logan drove away surprisingly fast and wild. It was the first time the other three were honestly very terrified for their life.  
After a few moments of the wild ride, Patton was the first to speak up “Logan, we're not in a car chase. So, if you would, please drive a bit saner before I get sick or a cop pulls us over.”
Logan’s eyes went wide, and he slowed down “Right, sorry fellas. Guess I got a bit carried away; what with all that action and Roman springing into the car like that. My adrenaline was a bit on the high side there. By the way Roman, why did I have to peel out like that?”
“Once I was done clarifying the story to them about what happened, they started to ask questions about Dev and what would happen to him, to which I couldn’t answer and when no comment wasn’t enough for them, I just bolted for the safety of a clean getaway. Which Logan supplied nicely, I might add.” Replied Roman, patting Logan on the arm. He then turned back and looked at Virgil. “Hey bud, you ok? I’m sure that wasn’t what you were expecting to get greeted by. After spending a night in the hospital.”
Virgil shook his head “I had a feeling something might happen, but no not like that. What I mean is, I watched the news last night and how they said that Dev tried to kill me, by replaying that stupid video repeatedly on all four news channels, but for some reason, I feel like he really wasn’t.”
Patton shifted uncomfortably in his seat “He wasn’t, he claims it was just a joke and that he didn’t know you couldn’t swim, for if he had, he wouldn’t have done that.”
“Logan do you think we can stop by the courthouse, so I can talk to them about Dev and his situation.” Asked Virgil.
“Sure, but what if those reporters who were at the hospital go there next?”
Virgil stared out the window shivering at the thought. Roman snapped his fingers “I’ve got an idea! We'll dress up in disguises!! It'll be like a Disney original movie! I already have so many ideas!”
“Then back to the house then?” asked Logan.
“No, to the THEATER!” replied Roman dramatically.
@thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3  @oresamawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat 
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No Chapter this week
I apologize, there won’t be a chapter this week. Yesterday I was just released from a week-long stint in the hospital. You know how we tell Thomas to slow down? Stick to a proper sleep schedule? Eat healthily? etc? Well, it seems I wasn’t listening to my own advise I nearly had a stroke. Thankfully it was just my bells palsy telling me to not stress out so much, or I could have had one. Yeah, I know ending up in the hospital isn’t good, but just thankful it wasn’t a stroke as the doctors had initially thought. I’m resting now though, but I knew I promised a chapter every Sunday, but I wanted you to know why there wasn’t one this week. Take care everyone and follow our advice we give to Thomas. Don’t learn the hard way like I did. FYI I’m 41 and the doc says even those younger than me who stress out too much or don’t take life slowly, could have a stroke as well. Young people aren’t immune to it.
@thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3  @oresamawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat
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Ch. 2
The following storyline is one big roller coaster ride of emotions. It will have its ups and it will have its downs. It will have its OMG moments and cliffhangers. Lots of cliffhangers (how else do you expect me to keep ya coming back?) there will be angst, drama, action, mystery, and possible love. Not sure on that yet, we’ll see where it goes.     I will do my best to keep the language down. I’m not fond of using the F’ bomb, but words like bitch and asses may be tossed around. That’s about the most of it, but nothing too profane. I know that some of ya’s are under 18. So as to not get myself or you in too much trouble, I’ll do my best to keep the language in check.  Just know that this story is all over the place and you read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
They rode to Virgil as quickly as they could, when they got close enough Patton dove into the water. He pulled Virgil up and swam his lifeless body with him to Logan's jet ski. Once he was secured on the jet ski, Logan headed back to shore with him, then climbed on to Roman's jet ski, and they head off after Devleon. Roman shouted at him from his jet ski "Let me on your boat! We need to talk!" 
           "Ya gotta catch me first preppy." laughed Devleon and gunned his boat faster.  He didn't get far though the coast guard cut him off.
*Later at the Local police station*
           Roman and Patton starred at Devleon inside his holding cell. After a long silence Roman was the first to speak. "Devleon what were you thinking?!" he roared. Patton, stood with his fists clenched at his sides "He's lying unconscious in a hospital because of you!"
           "It's not my fault he didn't swim for it." hissed Devleon.
           "How could he? He can't swim!" retorted Roman. Devleon looked at him surprised "Wait, what?! Are you serious? Ol' coon face can't swim?"
           "His names Virgil!" snapped Patton. Devleon ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry guys. I just assumed he knew how. Had I of known, I wouldn't have done that. I'd of just handed him over. I was just messin with him."
           Patton's phone buzzed "It's Logan. I'll be outside; you finish with him in here." Patton gave Devleon one final look of disgust and walked out.
           Roman shook his head at Devleon "You’ve ruined our entire day, with your stupid antics. What did Virgil ever do to you? You’ve been bullying him since High School.”
Devleon eyed him “Virgil hasn’t said anything?”
“About what?” asked Roman.
Roman laid his hands on the bars of the cell. “You'll be lucky if Virgil doesn't press charges against you."
           "It won't matter if he does or doesn't. The city of Orlando will charge him with kidnapping and possibly attempted murder here. Said an officer as he approached them. “You young man will be going away for some time."
           Devleon's eyes went wide with fear "What?! I-I wasn't trying to kill him! It was just a prank... Tell him Roman; I was just foolin'!"
           Roman looked at the officer "Sir is there any way we can wait to deal with this? I feel like Virgil should have a chance to have his say in this matter."
           "He can talk to his lawyer if he wants. For now, though, it's off to jail for him. Come on."  The officer opened up the holding cell and started to drag Devleon away in handcuffs.
           “Roman! Please, don’t let them do this to me!” pleaded Devleon.
           Roman watched as they left through a door at the back of the station, 'well this just got more interesting' he thought to himself. He headed outside and met up with Patton.
           "K, well Roman just stepped out of the station. Tell Virgil we'll see you both soon. yup bye." Patton hung up his phone and put it in his back pocket "Sooo, Virgil's going to be okay, he has a minor concussion and a bit of water in his lungs. What's happening with Devleon?"
           "Let’s just say, he’s not going anywhere for awhile.” replied Roman. Patton looked at him confused. “What? Why?”
           Roman shook his head “Listen there's not much we can do about it right now. We should just go and visit with Virgil in the hospital.”
           Patton looked at him concerned. “If you say so. Logan said he called Virgil's cousin Remy to come and pick us up. He should..” A voice cut him off “Yo my bitches what up?!” They turned and saw Remy in his little Cortina.
“Remy language!” quipped Patton. Remy rolled his eyes “Just hop in, and I'll take ya to see my Cuz.” They both got in Remy's car and engaged in some small talk.
Once at the hospital Roman had filled everyone in on what had happened at the Police Station “and get this, they want to charge him with attempted murder.”
“But he didn't try to murder me. I mean he did kidnap me but-“ said Virgil.
“If I may Cuz. He would have been probably ok, had he not jettisoned you off the boat. Once he did that he fu (Patton shot him a look) mbled the ball.” Patton smiled at Remy for the change up in his words, to which Remy just winked.
Virgil let out a small groan “I really don't want to deal with this right now. Can we talk about everything tomorrow? All I want to do is sleep.”
“Okay Virge. We're gonna stay at a hotel a few blocks away. Call if you need anything. Bye kiddo love you.” Patton leaned over and gave Virgil a gentle hug. Everyone else took turns saying their goodbyes and Virgil smiled and waved as they departed.
Logan managed to find them a hotel room just a few blocks away from the hospital. Roman laid down on one of the beds, with his back against the head board “I don't know about you two, but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to sleep tonight.”
“Agreed, today's events are still catching up to me.” Said Logan as he stretched out on the other bed. Patton walked over to the window and gazed out it.
Roman grabbed the tv remote from off the nightstand “How about we watch a movie? Maybe there's something good on.” He turned on the t.v. set. On the screen stood a news reporter on the beach “It was here on Cocoa Beach that three college roommates made a daring rescue on Jet Skis from Wet and Wild Rentals to save their friend who had been kidnapped. The following video was recorded by an eye witness. What you are about to see is a bit disturbing.” Patton had turned around and watched his eyes widening as they played the clip of the three of them riding their jet ski’s out to Devleon’s boat.
“I wonder who filmed that.” commented Logan.
“News is still coming in about the victim who is recovering at Cape Canaveral Hospital, while his captor sits in jail awaiting trial Monday morning. We'll keep.” Roman turned off the t.v. “Maybe t.v. isn't such a great idea.” he let out a sad sigh.
Tears had formed in Patton’s eyes and were rolling down his cheeks. “Ro... I'm so physically tired and yet my brain won't let me sleep. It keeps saying What if... What if we were too late? What if something worse happened? What if Virgil died? What if they give Devleon life in prison or worse the death penalty?” he began to hyperventilate. Roman opened his arms and motioned for Patton to join him “Come here.” Patton walked over and curled up into the offered hug. Roman embraced him and hugged him tightly rubbing his back “He’s ok, we did get there in time and as for Devleon, at most he’ll go away for a few months, but they won’t give him the death penalty.” Comforted Roman “Hey you know what, that news reporter forgot to mention that you’re the true hero of the day. You were the bravest of us all, jumping in and rescuing Virgil the way you did.”
Patton looked up at Roman “No I wasn't. I just did what anyone else would have done.” Roman laughed and kissed Patton’s forehead “Always the modest one. He's safe though and as for Dev, well maybe this will be his wake-up call for him to grow up. I just wish it wasn't for attempted murder though.” He hugged Patton tight “Let's try and get some sleep though for Virgle's sake.” He leaned over and tuned the bedside radio on to some smooth jazz and clicked out his light.
Tag List @thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3 @oresamawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat 
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Ch. 1
The following storyline is one big roller coaster ride of emotions. It will have its ups and it will have its downs. It will have its OMG moments and cliffhangers. Lots of cliffhangers (how else do you expect me to keep ya coming back?) there will be angst, drama, action, mystery, and possible love. Not sure on that yet, we’ll see where it goes.      I will do my best to keep the language down. I’m not fond of using the F’ bomb, but words like bitch and asses may be tossed around. That’s about the most of it, but nothing too profane. I know that some of ya’s are under 18. So as to not get myself or you in too much trouble, I’ll do my best to keep the language in check.  Just know that this story is all over the place and you read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
      Roman watched Logan working at his desk in his room while leaning on his door frame. He gave him a mischievous smile "Hey Microsoft Nerd, wanna a change of atmosphere?" Logan sighed, stopped typing on his laptop and looked up at Roman "What did you have in mind?"
      "Well, I thought that maybe you could grab your car keys, a bathing suit (provided you own one) and we whisk Padre and Hot Topic off to the Beach!"
      Logan mulled this proposition over in his head; he had been working on his thesis for a while, he looked up at Roman and smiled "That sounds... actually quite enjoyable. I'll text them and ask if they would like to go to the beach with us." Roman raised his hand and chuckled. "No need, they're uh, actually waiting for us downstairs." Logan stood up shaking his head in amusement "I see. So you decided on this before asking me. Very well then, I will be downstairs in about 15 minutes." Roman let out a childish giggle "Ok," and bounced out of the doorway down the hall.
      Downstairs everyone waited as Logan got ready, excitedly chatting about the day ahead of them. "Now we all have sunscreen, right? We don't need any lobsters tonight." Asked Patton.
      "Do not worry Patton; I have packed everything necessary for a good beach day." Replied Logan as he walked down the stairs, holding a large tote bag, with his beach towel wrapped around his neck. Patton smiled "Great, and I have the cooler packed with goodies to nom on." The roommates worked together to pack the car and set off for their beach adventure.
      After a while of riding in silence, Roman slid in a Disney CD into the radio, when it started up everyone groaned. Roman pouted "Well, the silence was starting to bug me."  Virgil shook his head in annoyance "That's what earbuds are for Princey. Try using them." Logan nodded his head in agreement "I hate to say it, but I must agree, I can't focus on my driving with your music blaring and bouncing around." Roman turned off the music and pulled out his phone mumbling to himself "No one appreciates good music that's all." Patton let out an amused sigh and went back to watching the scenery pass by out the window.
      They continued to drive in silence. That is until...  "YELLOW PUNCH BUGGY, NO PUNCH BACK!!" Screamed Patton and punched Roman from behind in the shoulder. Roman rubbed his shoulder in pain "OW!!"
      "Did. Did you just punch Roman, Patton?" Giggled Virgil. Patton gave him an amused smile "Well yeah! A yellow Volkswagen Beetle was driving next to us!"
      "Had I known we were playing Padre, I would have gotten you ages ago. Well, since you took the first strike, I guess the game is on. You in Virgil?" Virgil let out a small sigh, "Sure, as long as you both promise not to leave bruises like the last time." They both laughed, "Agreed." The rest of the ride was in silence as everyone was on high alert, carefully keeping watch for any more Volkswagons. Logan nudged Roman's hand at a stop light and pointed. Roman smiled and leaned over the back seat. He punched Virgil in the knee yelling like Stitch "BLUE PUNCH BUGGY!" Virgil glanced up to where Roman pointed and back at him. "Gah. Point to you." Then from behind Roman, he saw a black Volkswagon. He smiled at Roman and leaned forward, Roman's eyes went wide, and he looked in the direction Virgil was looking in and knew what was going to happen, but before Virgil could punch him "Black punch buggy, no punch back!" laughed Patton as he punched Virgil in the arm. Roman let out a sigh of relief knowing it was Virgil who got the blow and not him.
      Logan let out a laugh "And with that Patton wins, as we have arrived at the beach. Game over."   He turned into the Beach parking lot and parked near the boardwalk.
      The four piled out of Logan's car, Virgil stretched and popped his back "Finally!". Patton gave a big smile and inhaled deeply "Mmm, smell that Ocean Breeze. Roman gazed out at the waves, "Breathtaking." Logan stretched and surveyed the beach; he points off to their left "That looks like the most optimal spot would be over there. We'll be able to see the car, and we'll also be close to the restrooms and water."
      "Not to mention in good view of the lifeguards," said Roman.
      They unloaded the car and set out for Logan's spot. Once they were all set up, Patton held up a bottle of sunscreen, "Who's first for sunscreen?!"
      Virgil sat down under the umbrella "Uh, I don't plan on stepping out into the sun. So I'm good." Patton looked down at him with his (as they so fondly named it) Dad look. Virgil rolled his eyes "Ughhhh fine."
      Logan pushed his glasses up on his nose and looked at Virgil "You know Virgil, even though you're shielded from the suns rays by the umbrella, the sun off the ocean can still affect you." Virgil was about to give Logan a snide comment, but two young women approach them. Both were holding a small stack of papers in their hand. The shortest of the two walked up to Roman and handed him one.
       "Hi, my name's Nelly, and this is my teammate Kara. We're from the Orlando Swim team, and we're holding a Sand Castle Contest. Judging is at Sunset, and the first place winner will receive $20,000 and a family pass to Walt Disney World, 2nd place will receive $10,000, third place will receive $5,000, and honorable mention will receive a family pass to a restaurant of their choosing. We hope you'll join in."
      Patton looked over Roman's shoulder and smiled at the girls "You bet! Thanks for the heads up." The girls smiled and walked away. Patton snatched the flyer from Roman looking at it. "OH MY GOSH RO WE HAVE TO DO THIS!! We're gonna have so much fun!"
    "I concur, what say ye gents, shall we join in the festivities of Sand Castles?" asked Roman with his hand on Patton's shoulder. Virgil let out a sigh "Welp; there go my plans of hiding under an umbrella. Logan, you in?" Logan smiled "Well, I do have my sketch pad with so we could come up with a game plan." Patton jumped up and down with excitement "YAY!! I know we'll come up with something amazing!"
      Roman surveyed the sand in front of them "How big should we go? I was thinking about something that maybe kids could go into?"
      Logan took out his sketch pad and stood next to Roman trying to imagine what he may be seeing; he then started to draw "Hmm, That may be difficult, however, if we added some support here like this and maybe..." Virgil came up behind Logan and gently moved him back into a sitting position under the umbrella. Then Roman and Patton joined him as they leaned over watching him draw.
      "That looks like a great start Logan. I'm going to go and start making the mud." Said Patton. Logan nodded his head, "Remember one pail of water to eight pails of sand!" Patton waved his hand to show he heard him. Virgil grabbed a huge brimmed hat from his backpack "I'm gonna go help him." and he walked over to where Patton was gathering the sand.
     Roman grabbed a pail "And while your drawing and their making mud, I shall go and look for some seashells along with some driftwood. In the rules, it says that we're allowed to use the driftwood for decoration only. How long do you think you'll be drawing up the plans? So I'm back in time to help build."
     Logan looked up at Roman, then to the sand where they were going to build and back at his pad "uh, I should be done in about fifteen minutes at the most. Before you go, could you relay that to Virgil and Patton for me please." Roman gave him a two-fingered salute "Will do" and headed off in the direction of Virgil and Patton.
      While Logan drew, a Volley Ball struck him in the back of his head, knocking his glasses off into the sand. He swore in pain and then fumbled around in the sand trying to locate his glasses. He heard someone running up to him; he couldn't see who they were. "I am so soooo sorry. Are you ok?" Came a young male voice. Logan let out a frustrated grunt "It's quite alright I was more shocked than hurt, but it seems though that my glasses have flown farther than expected."
      "Oh here, let me get them." a quick moment passed, and Logan felt a hand touch him, the hand turned his hand palm up, and he felt his glasses being placed into his palm "Here ya go." Logan gripped his glasses and put them on. The owner of the voice and his surroundings came into view "Thanks. Please be more careful next time." The young man nodded his head "Will do, my name's Thomas by the way. " He held out his hand; Logan took it and shook Thomas's hand to be polite "Logan."
       Behind them, another male voice called out. "Hey Thomas!, Stop flirting and come finish this game!" Thomas let out a nervous laugh "Uh, I gotta go. Uhm, maybe later, you and your friends can come and join us for a round of Volley Ball?"
      Logan looked at Thomas's friends and then back at the empty beach, "Thanks, but no. We entered the sand castle contest and well my one friend has big plans so that we may be at it all day." Thomas shrugged his shoulders. "Well, the offer still stands if you finish early. Bye!"
      Just as Thomas met back up with his friends, Roman walked up to Logan with his hands full of driftwood. "Who was that?" as he got close.
       "His name is Thomas. He suggested a game of Volley Ball later. I told him we might not be able to join him, as we're already committed to this contest and yet he still insists that should we finish early we should play at least one round with them.  I, however, won't participate as you know I'm more of a cross-country runner and not a ballplayer, but if you and the others would like to play a game with them, that's up to you three." He sat back down under the umbrella and finished working on his sketch.
      Roman looked in the direction of the game "Uhm they're a four-person team specs. You would either have to join in or force one of their team to sit out, but I wouldn't worry about it. That won't be for a while; we can figure things out at that time. If there's still time to play. You about ready?"
      Logan held up his drawing for Roman to look at; he was amazed how each page was detailed and thought out on how they were to build the castle. He smiled down at Logan "Do you think we could move in after we build this?" Virgil walked up behind Roman and snagged the sketch pad from him "Let me see." he flipped through the pages "This looks really cool. Hey, Patton get a load of what Logan drew!"
      Patton ran up to join his friends Virgil handed him the sketch pad "OH MY GOSH!!!!! It's amazing!!" Logan stood up and took his sketch pad back from Patton. "I'm glad you all approve. Let's start by marking out the walls."
      "uh-oh" interrupted Patton. His eyes narrowed as he looked past his friends. Virgil gave him a concerned look "What's wrong Patton?" he asked. Patton raised his hand and pointed past Logan, they all looked to see what he was pointing at "It's Devleon and his band of miscreants."
      Logan rolled his eyes at the sight of them; he turned back to his friends "We are all adults here. If they try to do something, we'll just report them." He clapped his hands to get their attention "That being said, we'll just stay a bit more vigilant so that we're ready, should they try to and do something."
      Roman put his hand into the middle of their group "All for one!" the other's caught on to his reference and put their hands in "And one for all!"
      Logan smiled at his friends "Ok, let's get to work, as I was saying before we should mark out where the walls will go. We can use these four pieces of driftwood to mark out the four corners to the castle."
      Virgil pointed over his shoulder with his thumb "We have four pails of mud filled to start the walls with, maybe we could do a fire line to move it faster?" Logan nodded his head "That's an excellent idea."
      They spent the next 2 hours working tirelessly on their castle, the base of the castle was finally complete. "ROMAN HEADS UP! INCOMING!" Yelled Patton from his side of the castle. A volleyball was flying fast towards Roman's side of the castle walls.
      Before Roman could even react, Virgil quickly snagged the volleyball in midair before it could hit. "Nice catch Hot Topic. That was a close one." complimented Roman as he helped Virgil up.
      The four friends looked around for the owner of the ball to appear. Just as they figured, it was Devleon "Hey coon face, Toss the ball back over!" he yelled at Virgil.
       "After you apologize to my friends and I and promise to be more careful," exclaimed Virgil.
       Devleon Shrugs his shoulders "I'm sorry the ball got away, but I can't promise it won't happen again. I can't control where the ball flies when we hit it." He gave them a malicious grin.
           Virgil shook his head and chucked the ball back as hard as he could. Devleon caught the ball "Ya call that a throw?" he teased and turned back to his game.
           Thomas walked up to them holding a tray of drinks "Looks like you all could use a refreshment after that encounter." The four took a drink from the tray and thanked him in their own way. "If ya want, I could stand guard for ya while you work on your castle."
           Logan smiled at him "That's really kind of you Thomas. We wouldn't be keeping you from your friends would we?" Thomas shook his head "Nah, they all went to work." The four friends chatted for a few with Thomas about the castle, then got back to work.
           Thomas watched Devleon and his friends play Volley Ball, the ball did fly their way a few more times, but with each attack, Thomas caught the ball and tossed returned it. Three hours passed, Thomas walked up to Logan "It's been about a half hour, and nothing's flown this way. I think they may have given up, which is good, cause I have to split soon. I have work in a few minutes." Logan looked at him dismayed "You should have mentioned something sooner. No need being late to work, because of us."      
           Thomas laughed "No worries, my jobs right there." He pointed over to the lifeguard tower.  "Take it easy! Peace out!" He ran off giving them a peace sign as he ran towards the tower.
           "Bye Thomas!" Called out Patton and Roman. Virgil waived "Peace out to you to Thomas! Thanks!"
           "Alright, now all we have to do is decorate," said Roman, he handed each of his friends a pail with seashells and small bits of driftwood and seaweed. It only took them fifteen minutes to decorate, when they finished, they stepped back and admired their work.
           "I'll go and find the Judges!" Exclaimed Patton. "I'll come with you" Virgil offered, and the two ran off together. "While they're gone, I'll take this side, and you take the other side so we can defend the castle from Devleon. Just in the off chance him and his friends try any more tricks, now that we're down in manpower.
           Logan nodded his head in agreement "Good idea Roman." he took off to guard his side. A few moments passed, and Patton walked up to Roman.  
           "Judging will begin in two hours; the judges say that we're 6th on their list." He looked around "Where's Logan and Virgil?"
           "Logan's on the other side of the castle keeping a lookout for Devleon. As for Virgil? I thought he was with you." replied Roman.
           "He was, but since I needed to use the restroom, he said he'd head back here without me."
           "Knowing him, he probably went to get more food for us on the boardwalk. Let's give him some time before we worry."
           Patton looked back the way he had come "Ok...."
           A half hour goes by when a teen walks up to Roman. "Hey, are you Roman?" he asks.
           "Yea, who are you?"
           "Jack. Some dude in a yellow bandanna asked me to give this to you." He hands Roman a piece of paper and walks away "Deuces!"
           Roman reads the note and turns pale "We gotta go, now." he exclaims, crumpling the note into his pocket.
           "What's up?" asked Patton, looking worried.
           "They took Virgil. He's in trouble, grab Logan and catch up." He took off running. Instead of running to Logan he called out to him.
           "LOGAN! SHAKE A LEG! VIRGE NEEDS US!" Logan came running around the corner of the castle to see his friends running away. It didn't take him long to catch up.
           "What's going on?" He asked, trying to keep up.
           "Devleon has Virgil...an.. and he's going to... to throw him in the Ocean... If...if we don't surrender our castle over to him," replied Roman between gasps of air as he ran.
           "Well, he...He can just sw..swim to shore," said Patton.
           "He can't swim." Gasped Roman "He didn't want you two to know." Patton's feet gained more speed after hearing that.
           Logan reached the Jet Ski Rentals before the other two "Two Jet Ski's please."  The owner eyed him "That'll be a hundred dollar deposit." Logan pulled out his wallet. "Here hold my Credit Card. We're in a hurry. A life is at stake."
           the owner raised an eyebrow at him "What?" Roman slammed his fist on the counter "Just call the damn cops AND GIVE US THE KEYS!!" he demanded. Wide-eyed the owner handed him two sets of keys with the numbers 8 & 9 on them. They ran to the Jet Ski's and hopped on, Logan with Patton, Roman alone and headed off to find Devleon's boat.
*On Devleon's boat*
           Devleon watched the shoreline through his binoculars, with Virgil tied to his boat with a cloth bag over his head. Virgil struggled to get free as he walked up to him. Devleon removed the bag and looked Virgil in the eyes.
           "Sorry about that, my friends got carried away. You know you really shouldn't struggle next time. Just let the kidnapping happen." Virgil looked around at his surroundings; when he realized he was on a boat, he started to panic. "What the heck man?!" he exclaimed, "I thought we were chill! Take me back to shore and let me off, I.."
           Devleon cut him off. "How about... no. I gave your friends a choice. Either you or your castle, so it's their choice, not yours." he went back to looking out at the water with his binoculars.
           "They're not going to come for me; they'll just call the cops on you and have you charged with kidnapping. Now take me back to shore, and ya know what, we'll just forget the whole thing went down. Are you even listening to me?"
           Devleon smiled as he saw Virgil's friends arriving on their jet ski's. He turned around and started to untie Virgil. "Seems your wrong, coon. Look for yourself." he handed Virgil his binoculars and pointed in the direction he had seen his friends. Virgil cautiously stood up and looked through the binoculars "I can't believe it, they’re actually trying to save me?"
           "You wanted off?" Devleon giggled "Well, off you get." Virgil turned around to tell Devleon he couldn't swim, but it was too late. Devleon hit the gas pedal, and the boat engines roared, and lurched forward, the force of the boat taking off sent Virgil flying backwards off the boat hitting his head into the water.
           "VIRGIL!" screamed his three friends as they watched him go under the water.
@thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3 @oresawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat
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     SS Squad AU Real World Stories. Where the Sanders Sides no longer share the same last name as Sanders. Where they are now all individuals living different lives and yet sharing one grand adventure after another.  This series started as a harmless collab game of writers tag with @iris-sanders-athena and turned into something more. Tune in every Sunday for a new chapter in the SS Squad AU Real World Stories.       I will admit I’m not good with writing down trigger warnings, as I had never heard of them until I started writing Fan Fiction. So this post will contain all your warnings rolled into one that I’m going to give. So please pay close attention. The following will be posted at the beginning of all the chapters. 
     The following storyline is one big roller coaster ride of emotions. It will have its ups and it will have its downs. It will have its OMG moments and cliffhangers. Lots of cliffhangers (how else do you expect me to keep ya coming back?) there will be angst, drama, action, mystery, and possible love. Not sure on that yet, we’ll see where it goes.       I will do my best to keep the language down. I’m not fond of using the F’ bomb, but words like bitch and asses may be tossed around. That’s about the most of it, but nothing too profane. I know that some of ya’s are under 18. So as to not get myself or you in too much trouble, I’ll do my best to keep the language in check.  Just know that this story is all over the place and you read at your own risk. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
     Feedback is always welcomed and artwork is very much appreciated. If you decide to do art, please remember to thank @thatsthat24 , @thejoanglebook , @iris-sanders-athena and me for inspiring your artwork. So that others know to come and see what’s all going on.      The stories were also written using Word and then edited with Grammarly. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. The first story will be out Aug 26th, 2018. Spread the word!!
@thatsthat24 @thejoanglebook @tallykat3 @oresawesome @immacrazyfangirl @anxietystatement @bunny222 @wooflesthatwoof @wicked-rosie @tsfanart @anxiousangelvirgil @iris-sanders-athena @randomslasher @youtuberswithalex @just-an-anxious-mess @ts-storytime @lilkrazykat
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