squidgames1mp · 2 years
You Told Me
pairing: saebyeok x fem!reader
summary: after she promised to not leave you with no explanation again, she comes home to see the result of breaking that promise
warning: angst
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The first time it happened, you had no idea what to do with yourself. It was not normal for your girlfriend to leave you without any explanation. She would always tell you where she was going, even if it was to just get your mail. You thought about calling the police and report her as a missing person, but if you did that then that would open the possibility that she might not come back.
When she came back you were outraged that she told you nothing, she did say some excuse and you pretended that you believed her. The thought of being angry at her was out of the question though when she walked through the front door. You could not help but say something to her, to not do that again, to just talk to you, that there is a better solution to this.
When you woke up the next morning she had left you once again, this time with a note that read:
Sorry. I love you.
That made the rage even stronger than the first time. Whatever this was truly about; money, her brother, her past, had meant more to her than your relationship. That was okay with you, but you thought you deserved better than a note with four words. Four words that probably held no meaning in them as she wrote it.
As much as you loved her and cherished her in your heart, you also did not want to spend a lot of your time being revolved around her. You still had a life, you had a career and bills to pay, and you did all of that as you should be. You also felt a little helpless knowing nothing with where she went or what the hell she was doing. When you were a wreck you made sure to keep it behind closed doors, and away from Cheol.
You would visit the boy nearly every day, and he was just as worried as you were, even a little bit more if that was possible. You would bring snacks over whenever you visited and you two ate them, sometimes in silence and other times you would speak about your day, the nature around you. Anything to keep your mind off the worst scenario of the woman you loved.
Dinner was cooking in the kitchen, you had put on a sitcom show to keep your spirits high and the night sky peaked through your curtains. The squeaks from the front door made you turn around and you nearly dropped the spoon you held for stirring.
Your girlfriend looked as though she was a walking corpse, a walking corpse who had a credit card in her hand. You stilled on the spot, not wanting to make the wrong move. Saebyeok took off her jacket and placed the card on the kitchen counter. She took a step towards you, but stopped when she saw that you took a step away from her.
"I'm sorry," she said, her eyes glossy, "I lied to you, I left you, and you deserve an explanation. You deserve more than what happened. I don't know where to even start, but all I ask is time to get my story straight. It was so fucked up."
You took a moment to not break down in front of her, "I don't care about whatever you're going to say to me. I am not looking for an explanation of where you were. I have one question for you and you better be absolutely fucking honest with me."
"Can I trust you, like at all?"
"I want you to."
"That was not the question. After what you have done, should I trust that you'll not run off again. Should I trust that you won't leave me alone to pick up the pieces for your brother?" you asked with a few tears down your cheek.
Saebyeok approached you immediately and held your face, her thumbs brushed away the tears, "No, no you should not. At the end of the day I am a thief, and a liar, and greedy. I should not be with you in the first place because I am everything that you are not. You have a good heart."
Your breath was shaky at how close you both were, finding it hard to keep your composure, "I fell in love with a woman who loves her family, who is brave and will do anything for who she loves. But if you are going to leave me worried for you, thinking that you might be dead, then I cannot see myself with you."
"The greed in me wants to keep you to myself, I need you in my life, my love. I can be better for you, please let me be better for you," Saebyeok whispered, "One more chance?"
"One more chance," you agreed before kissing her lips.
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squidgames1mp · 2 years
FIRST MAKING UP saebyeok x female reader
this is the eleventh and final part of the first series!! cannot believe it, and before i allow you guys to read it i am gonna do a lil speech that portrays how grateful i am for yall reading my masterpiece.
*clears throat*
be gay.
now read on and cry.
You stared at the door. No words could describe what you were feeling. Relief? Exhausted? Perhaps grateful that you had someone in your life that was willing to protect you from your greatest fear. You watched Sae-byeok stare back at you, "Are you okay?" she questioned.
"I am," you whispered, "Thank you for doing what I have not had the courage to do."
Sae-byeok wrapped her arms around you, "You do not need to thank me for something like that. I will always be here to make sure that you are safe," she kissed your forehead, "I am sorry about what happened, it was unfair and I should have been honest instead of running away like a coward."
You got out of her arms to cup her face, astonishment on your face, "No, no you are not. Many words can describe you and you are far away from a coward," you kissed her cheek, "I do not want to be a part from you again," a kiss on her chin, "I love you," you declared before Sae-byeok leaned down to kiss you breathless.
lol that was short. not sorry
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squidgames1mp · 2 years
FIRST MEETING WITH THE FAMILY sae-byeok x female reader
this is the tenth part in the series! lol i really just didn't do this for a while. let's pretend as tho i have been here this whole time. got it? great.
"Shit," you muttered to yourself. You knew that they would have to meet at some point, but you would have preferred to not have them at your door at the same time when you heard a knock. Your father smiled at you kindly, as if all those years you've lived with him were filled with laughter and peace. As if he did not hurt you the most, even if anyone had stabbed you over and over and over again until you died.
Sae-byeok stared at you with a small flower in her hand, her arms crossed. Her face stone cold, the same face that she would put on for anyone who rubbed her off the wrong way. Your father took a step towards you, his arms stretched to give you a hug. When you took a giant step back in instinct he frowned. That displeased expression forced you to wrap your arms around him.
Staring at your girlfriend over his shoulder, you'd much rather be in an awkward silence with her for an hour than be forced to survive ten minutes with the man. You pulled away from the old man and stepped aside for them both to come in, "Like what you've done to your place, child," your father commented as he made his way to the living room, "Suits you very well."
You mumbled a thanks and sat on the other side of the couch. Sae-byeok sat next to you on the couch. From what she had known so little about him, she knew about the uneasiness you must had been feeling seeing him on your doorstep. She needed him to leave. She needed him away from you. "How are you doing father? Been healthy lately?"
He nodded, "Yeah not doing too bad. How about yourself? How's my little boy holding up in that shithole all by himself?" he questioned with a smirk.
Sae-byeok gently took your knee into her hand, "You don't believe that he wouldn't make friends? You must be thicker in the head than I thought," she answered with a scoff.
Your father stood up and got up close to her, "The fuck did you just say to me? In about five seconds you are going to regret that!" he wailed. A fist to his face had him on the floor, his nose bloody, "Ouch!"
You checked Sae-byeok's hand to find no injuries. Your girlfriend dropped her hand away from you and kneeled next to your father, who complained like a baby about the punch, "You're embarrassing yourself. You laugh that your son cannot make friends, and yet you scream and cry like a little girl when you are punched by an actual girl?" she chuckled and shook her head, "You are gonna tell me why you're here and you are going to head out before I much worse damage than a punch."
The man on the ground whispered something that was hard to hear without being close to him. Sae-byeok heard, she nodded and went into your bedroom. In five minutes she carried out a small brown paper bag and handed it to him. The man desperately took it into his hands. He stood up again, but obviously faking being more hurt than he actually was. Perhaps to get some sympathy out of you. Not in a million years.
He left and now you were home alone. With Sae-byeok
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
FIRST FIGHT sae-byeok x female reader
this is the ninth part in the series! if you want to request something, the post for it is here for the rules and fandoms that i will write. ugh sorry that this isn't so good.
Since you had began to hide from your father, you grew more irritated that you had been unable to go outside. You had told Sae-byeok about your father and his place in your family's past. That he was a dangerous man that was equally as selfish and wanted to take you and your brother home with him.
That wasn't the only thing that had been bothering you lately. You girlfriend had been going out nearly everyday. Sure she would make it up to you by getting you a tea or a coffee that she knows you enjoy. A few nights she had promised you that you had her all night long.
It wasn't like she had gone home, wherever that was. You two had basically agreed without verbal confirmation that you two were living together. The proof was her keeping her hair products and toothbrush in your bathroom, her clothes next to your clothes in the closet. To you, there was no discussion to be had about whether you two were living together or not.
You heard your front door open and it being slammed shut. You looked over your shoulder from your spot on the couch and saw Sae-byeok getting herself a glass of water, "How was your day?" you questioned as she sat next to you.
"Doesn't matter, I feel better now that I am with you," she answered before pecking you on the lips. Instead of kissing her back you kind of...stood there, "What's wrong darling?" she asked with a confused expression on her face.
You sighed and stared at the TV in front of you, "What do you do all day?" Sae-byeok stayed silent, "I am in here all day, loosing my mind cause I can not go out for fresh air. Meanwhile, you are out all day and nearly every day doing I don't even know what."
Your girlfriend crosses her arms, "You don't need to know about what I am doing every second. I am just doing some work to get a little cash every now and then. It is nothing to worry about I promise you," she tried to hold your hand and you allowed her to lead you into the kitchen to see what to have for dinner.
The next day you were so very bored as the day earlier. You decided to look around for something to entertain yourself with in drawers or shelves. You found one of Sae-byeok's hoodies and decided to put it on. You placed your hands in the pockets and felt something in them, something papery.
Within your hands had revealed some cash.
What the fuck was Sae-byeok doing with so much cash?
You didn't know how to react, or what to think other than questioning about the origins of the money and why it was doing in your place.
You took off the hoodie and placed it and the money on the table that Sae-byeok would see when she would walk through the door.
Soon enough the said girl did walk through your door and did see you sitting at the table that had the hoodie and money upon it. The girl's eyes widened as she saw your angered eyes, "The good thing about staying home all the time is that you can find out what people are keeping from you," you said as you fiddled with your hair.
"I told you it's nothing to worry about."
"When there is this much cash lying around in my apartment without my knowledge, I think I have a right to be upset about it."
Sae-byeok snatched the hoodie and money into her grasp, her tone stern and angry, "Don't you ever go through my stuff again unless I say so. Just pretend that you never saw it," she went into your bedroom and you followed her.
"That is a bit hard to do since I am already a little worried for your safety everyday since you don't tell me anything," your tone grew a little louder.
Sae-byeok finished placing the hoodie and the money back to their places, "I don't want to talk about this anymore. Just drop it."
That angered you more, you weren't getting anything out of her, "Well I am not going to unless you tell me what is going on. I thought that we are at a point in our relationship where we are doing so well with communicating to each other."
"Well then you're wrong," she sighed in annoyance.
"Are you saying that I am wrong about other things about us?," you questioned.
"No, for fuck sakes I cannot think right now. I need to go, get away from you for a while," she said.
That last sentence hurt you. You got out of her way and heard the door slam shut.
Maybe you were too harsh? Not harsh enough? Did you overreact? No, don't over think this, just go to sleep and it'll be better tomorrow.
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
literally if you are biphobic, get a reality check
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This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
yes i can see that, and when she is more experienced and more confident, she considers herself a switch????
headcanoning rn that sae-byeok’s never kissed anyone or had anyone touch her in that way.
explains a lot when she’s squirming under you even at the smallest touches, letting out soft whimpers that are music to your ears when you do finally reach the place she needs you most.
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
Hello author! I really like your work, and if you’re comfortable with writing this request, i would greatly appreciate it: Sae-Byeok’s first time meetings the readers ex? It could be when they’re both visiting their brothers, the readers’ ex spots the reader and walks up to them, and then it can go however way you want! Sorry if this is hard to understand, my grammar isn’t so good. I love your series, thank you!<3
oh my god thank you for your kind words, i am so glad that you are enjoying it!! also thank you for being the first to request something haha <3 hopefully this had satisfied what you have requested. i will add this to the list for the series as well!
You and Sae-byeok were in the middle of playing with your little brothers. You had recently bought a frisbee to play with the younger boys and so far you could tell that they both had enjoyed throwing it around the playground of the orphanage.
Cheol had passed the frisbee with as much strength as he could manage that it went passed you and your failed attempts at catching it did not help whatsoever, "Nice throw Cheol!" you called out before you ran over to pick it up.
Once you did so, your eyes landed onto a familiar girl in front of you. You heard your little brother screamed out this girl's name and ran towards her happily. This girl smiled at him and ran up to him and gave him a hug that you wouldn't admit you had never forgotten.
"What are you doing here?" you couldn't help but question her.
"Is wanting to visit my favourite ex not a good enough reason?" the other girl questioned back, "You've certainly had a glow up since I last saw you. What have you been up to lately?"
You looked over her shoulder to find your brother, Cheol, and Sae-byeok were walking over to the shade. You noticed that your girlfriend kept on subtly glancing over to you, "What do you really want? Once we broke up I thought we had agreed to not even look at each other anymore."
The girl started to play with her hair, a habit of hers that she began once she started to feel uncomfortable, "Yes I know, but once I found out I could not just allow you to not have a heads up and have it be a surprise."
"What are you saying?" you questioned.
You ex made nervous noises and glanced around her as to not have the desire to be heard by anyone, "Your father came to my parent's place asking if they knew where you were," she whispered.
The air in your lungs felt as though it left you, "Please tell me you're joking."
You felt arms embracing you into a hug, a technique you both had agreed to use in order to bring each other to reality back when you were dating, "I wish I was."
You felt the tears daring to come out of your cheek, but then you didn't want your girlfriend or anyone else to know what was going on, "I need to move, I need to move my brother and myself far away from here."
The other girl shook her head, "No you won't do that. My parents are more than willing to help you out.
"What about school? What about work?"
"We will help you with all of that. Just stay at home, make sure your brother stays inside. Lay low for at least a little while. You father may be fearless, but he trusts my parents. They have been friends for years and he is clueless about what they know of his treatment towards you. You're safe as long as we are around to protect you."
You pulled away from her embrace, your hair in front of your face but you were too upset to fix it, "I will buy you a mansion to return the favour."
The other girl took it upon herself to fix your hair little by little, "No need. Mother and father are very close to marrying me off to some spoilt rich boy. You can repay me by at least being there to suffer with me," she pretended to gag, "God those men disgust me."
You giggled at that last statement, "Thanks for telling me, I'll just tell my brother to stay inside for a while and I'll go home."
"You'll be alright," she grabbed one of your hands and then pecked your cheek, "If there is anything I know about you, it's that you can handle everything even if it hits you like a train. I'll see you later when the coast is clear."
You nodded towards her and watched her for a second or two as she walked away. You then made your way towards the young boys, who had seemed to be play a game of tag, "Hey little guy, I need you to go inside," you said as you approached him.
The game stopped, "Why?" he questioned.
"It is a little hard to explain, but you need to stay inside to be safe. I need to do the same, but it is more important that you do it," you said. Your little brother nodded, but you needed to make sure that he understood what you were saying. You took a light grip on both of his shoulders, "So this means no more going outside for as much as possible. I don't know how long this will be, but when I visit you next I will let you know."
"He's back isn't he?"
That question almost made you cry, the fact that he knew broke your heart, "Yes, he is back." You both hugged tightly and he ran inside, as if it was normal for him to do.
You gazed towards Sae-byeok and Cheol, who of course was confused. You walked towards Cheol and kneeled down to him, "Please take care of each other," you whispered.
Cheol turned to his sister, who nodded at him and Cheol ran inside as well, "What the fuck just happened?" she questioned.
At this point both of you were fast walking and you constantly looked at your surroundings, "My father is here. My ex told me that he was at her parent's house asking where I was. It's not safe for me to be out here for a while."
Sae-byeok only nodded and interlaced your hand to hers. The journey back home you were both silent. Once you got home you were pushed against the door before it could fully be shut. Sae-byeok's lips had sucked the air out of you and cupped your face, "Everything is going to be fine. I'll be there for you when you are ready to tell me more about your father," she said when she finally pulled away.
"You only kissed me because you got a little jealous," you teased.
Sae-byeok glared at you and kissed you with passion once more, "Just reminding you who you are with."
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
FIRST I LOVE YOU sae-byeok x female reader
so sorry about the week-ish long hiatus guys! this is the seventh part of the relationship first series. hopefully this isn't too short for you guys. if you wish to request something, the post is here. if you have any request for this series, please don't hesitate to let me know
You and Sae-byeok had decided that to visit your brothers today at lunch. It would be the first time you would see them at the same time, and the day that you would reveal your relationship to them. You were nervous, yet impatient to tell the best friends of your news.
"So who should do the talking?" you questioned as you both were close enough to have the boys in your view, "Also should we tell them straight away or leave it until it's before we leave?"
Sae-byeok chuckled at your nervousness, "Don't you worry darling, I will handle it. I will tell them when we see them. All you have to do is act normal and if they have any questions for you then you answer them."
You nodded in agreement, "Okay, I can handle that."
By then you were a lot more closer to the boys, who had easily spotted you and Sae-byeok nearby. Those first few moments together were exchanges of hugs and words describing how much they missed each other.
“We have some news for you two,” Sae-byeok began to speak, "The two of us are together.. romantically. We made it official a while ago, but we have decided that it is now a good time to tell you. We are not asking for you both to have an understanding, but we do hope that you support us."
The best friends stared at you, "So that means that you guys go on dates?" asked your little brother.
"Yes," answered Sae-byeok.
"Do you kiss?"
"I'm fine with it."
Sae-byeok smirked towards the boy, but looked over at the other with slight worry, "Cheol, what do you think?"
"I just have one question; are you in love?" the young boy asked.
If you both had water in your mouth, you would for sure spit it out at the same time.
Love. Something that you both had never considered to describe one another. Sure, you loved her jokes and her habit of adding tomato sauce on the same plate as her dinner. But loving Sae-byeok as a person, that was entirely different.
You glanced over at your girlfriend, who also appeared to be hesitant. She wasn't answering. You cleared your throat, "Love can be a complicated subject. We haven't talked about that yet, however we have spent a lot of time with each other," you explained, "I certainly know that my day is better when I am around her."
Cheol nodded in understanding towards your answer, "Okay. Relationships seem confusing."
You smiled, "Well they can be, but they can also not be confusing As long as the people in the relationship treat each other respectfully and communicate well, then there won't be any confusion."
The best friends looked towards each other and silently agreed that there was no more questions to be asked. A lady had called out for ice cream and the two boys ran towards her, awaiting for their turn.
You could feel Sae-byeok's eyes on you and a hand pulling you away from your sitting spot. You two began to walk around the area until you stopped near a tree, "I want to talk to you." Sae-byeok spoke, her eyes to the ground.
You held her hand tighter, "Was it something I said to Cheol?"
"No. You did everything right. It's just that question he asked got me thinking. Were you telling the truth when you said that your day is better when I am around you?"
This time it was you who didn't want to look at your girlfriend from embarrassment, "Yes. I could've said more, but I didn't want to make you uncomfortable with it being said in front of your brother.
She stole back her hand from your grasp and instead wrapped her arm around your waist, "Well, he isn't here now. You can tell me while we are away from them."
You felt another hand guide your face to gaze at Sae-byeok with the hand resting on your cheek. You sighed at the suddenly soft facial features on her face, "Ever since we spent our first meal together, I want to be with you. I feel the need to be near you all the time. I feel as though I can never be tired of you..."
You trailed off as you stared into Sae-byeok's eyes, not sure on how to continue your words, "You have more to say. Spit it out," Sae-byeok whispered.
Your eyes fell to her hair, your hands reached towards the end of it and you began to play with it, "When Cheol asked if we were in love, I was shocked because we had never talked about our feelings for each other that deeply before. I had wanted to tell him that we are in love, but I didn't want to make it awkward between us incase you don't feel the same way nor speak for you."
"Is this you confessing that you love me?" Sae-byeok questioned, you swore you could hear the smile from her voice, "Because I have something to confess as well. I'm in love with you too and I found out a while ago. I never said anything because I never felt this way towards someone and thought that I might scare you away or ruin what we have."
Your gaze returned to her eyes and you cupped her face, "Well you haven't. You would never be able to get rid of me that easily," you pecked her lips, "I love you."
"And I love you."
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
hahaha all good. maybe copy the link and save on your notes or an email to yourself??
first meeting
first hug
first date (pt.1) (pt.2)
first kiss
first intimacy
first i love you
first fight
first meeting with the family
first making up
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
FIRST INTIMACY sae-byeok x female reader
this is the sixth part of the relationship first series. if you wish to recommend me any first relationship scenarios, please let me know. this is also going to be a long one for me to write.
You two went back to your place for the millionth time for the past few months after you two had gone out for a quick dinner (like fast food because you were too cheap for an actual restaurant). Things were good between you and Sae-byeok and you didn't want to mess it up.
But lately you had been feeling as though something was missing in your relationship. Some intimacy that had not bee explored yet. Sex. You would never know how to start the conversation without making it awkward. Maybe if you tested the waters and touch her in the areas that you'd never explored before, you'd know for sure.
When you closed the door, you approached your girlfriend and wrapped your arms around her from behind with your face buried into her neck. Sae-byeok didn't respond and instead was on her phone. You frowned at this and decided to plant kisses along her neck and shoulder.
"What do you want from me?" Your girlfriend asked with the tone as though she wants to be mad, but cannot be.
You smirked into her skin, "Nothing. I just want you all to myself. Is that so bad?" When Sae-byeok didn't respond, you put a temporary stop to your kisses and faced her front properly. Within seconds of seeing your face she fell for your spell and kissed you.
Before things could continue, you lead the pair of you to the kitchen counter nearby and you sat on top of it to be at a more similar height to the other girl. Your lips reconnected in a rush. You took a grip into her hair and felt hands snaking around your neck.
This moment was perfect for you to go through with your plan.
Your free hand sneaked its way towards Sae-byeok's stomach. Your heartbeat quickened at the thought of making her uncomfortable. You didn't want to cross her boundaries, yet you wanted to also know her reaction.
She didn't seem to notice that her shirt was being lifted every so slightly. However when your hand rested on her stomach her hand caught her wrist in a flash, "I'm sorry," you whispered immediately when she pulled away from you.
Sae-byeok swallowed loudly. A pin could drop and you would hear it. She still remained close to you, but she was also far enough for you to see each other's faces, "I want this just as much as you do. I just want the first time we do it to be special," she said.
You nodded. You understood her reason and it made you happy that she wanted you in the same way that you wanted her, "I get it. How about we do it tomorrow night?" you smiled at Sae-byeok's interest shine in her eyes, "I'll make sure to light candles, put sexy music on, and buy the hottest outfit I can find to wear just for you."
Your girlfriend planted a sweet kiss on your cheek, "Sounds as though you are too good for me."
You gave her a teasing disagreement look, "No my darling, it is you who is too good for me."
She blushed at the nickname you gave her, "I guess we shall see tomorrow night then," she spoke before giving you a lasting kiss on your lips.
The next night you had kept your word. Candles were lit, music was playing, and you wore a dress that you had bought a few hours earlier. The dress itself was a bit pricey for your liking for the amount of skin it was showing, but for your girlfriend you would do anything.
The usual knock that belonged to Sae-byeok was heard on your front door. You placed two plates on the table, similar to your first date but what was different was the seating. Instead of the chairs being placed at opposite ends of the table, they were placed next to each other.
When you opened the door, you expected for Sae-byeok to be stunned at your effort to make tonight as special as possible. That was before you saw her in her outfit. She still rocked her usual long sleeves, but for once you saw her in a skirt for once. You made a mental note to buy green skirts for her in the future. Her top had a v neck. She was smoking hot.
Both of you had to take a moment to take in each other. This night would be absolutely remembered from you two for a long time. You grabbed her hand and pulled her in as she smirked at the thought of how she was going to worship you tonight.
You guided her to the table and moved a chair out for her to sit in. Sae-byeok took your invitation and sat down. Once you pushed her in, you sat down next to her, "Hello," you finally said.
"Hello," she said back. Her eyes refused to leave hers with this tension in the air, "How was your day?"
"I don't want to sound cheesy, but it's even better that you are here at last," Sae-byeok rolled her eyes at your words, "How was your day?"
Sae-byeok took your hand and rubbed her thumb on the back of your flesh, "Nervous, excited, just constantly thinking about you if I am being honest."
You chuckled, to which made your girlfriend a little confused, "It's going to be okay. With us, I feel as though nothing can go wrong. I trust you enough to know that. Even if something doesn't happen the way it was supposed to, we can make it right again," you lifted the hand that she held and kissed it.
Sae-byeok nodded, "I trust you," she said before she turned to the meal in front of her and began eating, still holding your hand.
You were quick to join her in eating your meal, while you were slightly freaking out that she said those three words to you. Sae-byeok was not an easily trusting person, someone who would not allow just anybody in. She was finally allowing her walls down more than you'd ever imagine.
You both never said another word as you devoured your food. That should say enough about how eager you both were to experience the next level of intimacy together.
After you both cleaned up from dinner, you told Sae-byeok to close her eyes and placed your hands over her eyes to make sure. You cautiously lead her to your bedroom, where your promise of candles and music had awaited for the couple.
You took your hands away from her eyes and placed a kiss upon her neck, to which she could not help but jump a little at the touch, "You can open no," you whispered in her ear.
You stared at Sae-byeok as she explored your bedroom. She looked gorgeous just like that. You couldn’t wait to share the bed with her all night. You walked up to her when her back was still turned to you and wrapped your arms around her waist once again.
“I hope that this is good enough,” you said as you took in the work you had put into the room for her. You don’t remember the last time that you had put in this much thought and effort into putting something together.
Sae-byron moved her head to give you a peck on the cheek, “It’s perfect," she said before her body had moved to face you properly, "You remind me of a flower," Sae-byeok's hands cupped your face and her eyes stared down at your lips, "A flower that I shall bloom tonight."
You sighed in enjoyment upon hearing that. Just viewing her face alone got you hot, "Please do," you begged before Sae-byeok captured your lips in a passionate embrace. You pulled her in closer by her waist, already drowning in her.
You quickly pulled away to breathe and your girlfriend took this opportunity to start kissing your neck. You did not want to just stand there as she did the work, so your hands sneakily made it's way to her stomach. This time she didn't stop you, instead she smirked against your skin and kissed harder.
As you felt Sae-byeok suck on your neck, your desire to do something for her grew stronger. Your arms travelled up underneath her shirt to find the back of her bra. The girl said nothing as you managed to unhook it. Sae-byeok left your neck to take off her bra from underneath her shirt. She caught sight of your neck, "You are going to have trouble covering those marks up once I am done with you my flower."
Your eyes widened in shock, you enjoyed this side of her. Sae-byeok dared to watch your face as she took off her shirt next. Just when you thought that she couldn't get any more breath taking, she proved you wrong.
You were the one next to take a piece of clothing off. You felt Sae-byeok's predatory gaze on you as you took your dress off. Luckily you weren't wearing a bra. You didn't want to see anymore clothing on her. And she didn't want to see anymore clothing on you. You allowed her to take off your underwear and she allowed you to take off her skirt, underwear, and socks.
You two shared a final and gentle kiss before you ended up on the edge of the bed, and Sae-byeok knelt in front of your pussy, "It's okay, I trust you," you assured her.
Sae-byeok reached along your body and interlaced her fingers with yours. She gave you a tight squeeze and began to taste you. In moments you could easily tell that Sae-byeok knew how to use her mouth. She was not afraid to explore your pussy at all once you assured her.
There was a certain direction that Sae-byeok did that made you feel really good. Your free hand went to her scalp, "Do that more," you ordered. She obeyed and repeated the same action a few times, "Holy fuck," you moaned.
It was when her tongue did similar movements where you really expressed your pleasure, your grip on Sae-byeok had grown harsher when you were pulling on it, "Please don't stop," you begged. Your wishes were not fulfilled unfortunately.
Sae-byeok had stopped her actions and looked up at you with a smirk that defined her as evil. The pissed off look on your face made her chuckle, "I am not allowing you to get close to finishing without me finishing with you," she explains with lust in her tone, "Now please lick me at least a few times so I can be wet like you when we do this."
Do what? You wondered. Sae-byeok got on the bed and above your face. As instructed, you licked her pussy a few times. You wanted to continue, but the other girl clearly had other plans.
Sae-byeok had somehow dragged you in the middle of the bed and got on top of you. Your faces stared at each other. This was probably your favourite moment so far. Just seeing her face.
The girl on top of you glanced down between you two and lifted one of your legs on top of her shoulder. Your clits had touched and Sae-byeok began to move. Her body rocked slowly, but when you heard her moan for the first time, she did it faster.
Her moans were angelic. They sounded perfect in the mixture of yours, "Fuck fuck fuck," she swore over and over. Her head dropped onto her shoulder from the pleasre. Her movements were not as sharp as they were before.
You had managed to turn you both around to have Sae-byeok underneath you, and you on top. Your girlfriend blinked at you, "I've got you," you spoke as you placed one of her legs on your shoulder and began to move.
Sae-byeok's back could not help but arch a little at your actions. Your eyes remained to have contact, neither of you wanted to look anywhere else. Your movements wanted to become sloppier, but you didn't dare to do so. The room filled with sweet moans had grown louder.
"Sae-byeok, I'm going to cum," you said, your head moving forward slightly and the said girl took your face in her grasp. She nodded in agreement that she was about to do the same thing.
"Don't even fucking think about looking at anything else other than me. I need to see you become undone," she whispered harshly as her orgasm approached her. That was it. You both orgasmed just as she said, and with one last shriek.
Once you were sure that Sae-byeok had finished, you rested your body next to hers with you laying on your stomach, and her on her back.
You felt exhausted. As you took deep breathes, you felt arms circling you and pulling you against another body. You and sae-byeok faced each other, "You were amazing my flower," she whispered before placing a soft kiss on your lips.
"Not as amazing as you were. You were an angel tonight," you said as you began to caress her face, "I wouldn't mind if we did this often," you chuckled.
Sae-byeok playfully rolled her eyes, 'Nor would I. Maybe we could try many different things as well?"
"You read my mind."
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
hey there!
i just wanted to ask you if i could use one of your oneshots in my oneshot book on wattpad, i would of course give you credits! it‘s just i really like how you write your stories and think they‘re really good!
i hope you have a good day <33
absolutely!! i know that you mentioned it already, but I'll say it again: my conditions are to leave credit and also just to send me the link to your book! thanks so much for asking me. hope that you have a good day as well <33
(this goes for anyone wanting to use my work for similar use)
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
FIRST KISS sae-byeok x female reader
this is the fifth part of the relationship series. cannot believe that i have made it this far, alas there is more to go. this is gonna be a long one guys. as always if you have any recommendations for a relationship first, please let me know.
You had begun walking home after a long night shift from work. You had classes that day as well so all you held the desire to do was make an easy meal and relax.
When you had approached your front door, you had caught sight of Sae-byeok sitting in front of it. She gave you the impression that she had a terrible day.
Your feelings for Sae-byeok had certainly grown stronger. The more you saw her, the more you wanted to be with her. You would be lying if you had said that your infatuation with her did not create the end of your days with fantasizing about her.
You squatted next to the girl's peaceful body on the ground. She was asleep and she looked gentle. This was much different that the strong and tough exterior you were so used to. You touched her arm as an attempt to wake her, and you did with a jolt, "Please tell me you haven't been there for long."
Sae-byeok blinked at you, trying to force herself to be fully awake fast, "I don't think I was," she responded.
You sighed at her words, "Do you want to come with me to the grocery store and get some dinner? it's been a long day and I just need an easy dinner right now."
You stood up form being crouched down and offered your hand to her. Without hesitation the other girl took it and without even thinking it through, you linked her arm with yours. It felt natural and safe for the both of you.
Whilst you and Sae-byeok were searching together for some ramen to buy, you felt a firm hand on your ass that made you turn around. A man clearly older than you held a smirk on his face, "Do you mind?" you questioned with an annoyed tone.
"Accident," the man said and he passed you quickly.
"What the fuck just happened?" Sae-byeok questioned with that cold stare that had returned from her sleepy state.
You glanced at her, "Asshole thought that I would not notice him touching my ass," you muttered to her.
You went back to browsing the ramen and heard Sae-byeok walking behind you. You thought nothing of it until you thought you heard a crash in the next aisle. You immediately ran over to find the man from before on the floor with the items from the shelves on top of him. He looked terrified of Sae-byeok, who had turned around once she heard your footsteps.
The man got up from the floor and bolted out the store. Leaving you and Sae-byeok staring at each other.
You got what you both needed and headed back to your place. Both of you were silent until you were safely secured in your home, "Thank you for what happened in the store. I appreciate it," you said as you ate the ramen on your couch.
Sae-byeok sat beside you doing the same thing, "Your welcome," she responded, "Wasn't even expecting to do that myself."
You looked at her in shock, "So you just did that on instinct? I must be pretty special then," you teased with a smile at the end.
Sae-byeok, of course, seemed more in thought, "I guess you are," she hesitated before continuing, "I don't know what my feeling are, I just know that I want to be around you all the time and I don't want to be just friends."
You couldn't believe that this was happening, it was if she was reading your mind, "I feel the same way towards you."
Sae-byeok turned her body fully towards you on the couch, "I want to learn more about you though."
"We can absolutely do that whilst also trying to do normal couple things. How does that sound?" You had hoped that you didn't go too far with the suggestion. You knew that showing emotions was not her strong suit towards really anyone.
She shook her head, "Let's do it," she placed a hand on your upper thigh," If you don't mind, I'll take the first step in doing what couples do."
Sae-byeok slowly leaned in, careful to see your reaction and you didn't even try to run away. Her lips weren't dry, but did have that roughness to the kiss. It was a peck at first, but then she went in again for another. This time, your hand reached for the back of her neck. At your touch you had felt her relax more.
You were the one who pulled away, but only to to wrap your free arm around her and pull her closer to you. Once you touched her, you wanted more. You sank more into the couch as the kiss had grown deeper than the last one. You never wanted this moment to end.
It had to end at sometime, and when it did Sae-byeok had placed you next to her and properly sitting on the couch once again. You placed a peck on her cheek before whispering, "I hope we do this often."
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
FIRST DATE pt.2 sae-byeok x female reader
before i start the second part, i’ll let you know that the master list is here if you want to catch up on all the previous parts of this series. btw, this is the fourth part of the relationship first series with sae-byeok and as always, feel free to suggest any relationship firsts you would like me to include.
You wished to say that you were calm and very content as you prepared for Sae-byeok to show up on your doorstep. That could not be any further for the truth.
Instead you ran around your apartment trying to perfect any mess lying around and overall look presentable. You had decided on a simple summer dress that had been a regular for you to wear if the weather was warm, and you had an idea that you would be around your date.
Date. Was this what it was? It might be. But it might be not. You know what? Talk to Sae-byeok about it after dinner or before she leaves. Before she leaves is good.
What if she never showed up and you were making all this effort for nothing? Then maybe it’ll be a self care night for you then. But what if she hates you? But what if she doesn’t? What if this entire thing was a mistake-
You heard knocking on your door.
You knew that if you wanted to do any finishing touches, Sae-byeok would be out there forever, “Come in!” you yelled. It was the only solution you could think of quickly. You felt instant regret that everything wasn’t ready with the food. Too late.
Your front door opened, your back turned as your felt the nerves come up for the millionth time tonight, “You’ve got a nice place,” Sae-byeok greeted you.
You finally turned around to face her, “Thanks,” and turned back to place the food on the two plates next to you. You were screwed. The sight of her had made you now VERY nervous and a blush to appear quite quickly at any given chance.
You allowed yourself to take a deep breath to collect yourself before finding her exploring your kitchen. You placed the plates on opposite ends of the table, "Dinner is ready," you announced.
You took your seat on one end, and Sae-byeok slowly took her place in the other chair. You wanted to talk to her, but you also tried to stuff your face with food in order to have an excuse to not talk.
You had managed to find a question that you felt comfortable asking, "Has Cheol ever had friends before?"
Was that the right question? Doesn't matter when it's out in the open now "No, he was never great at it. He would always try but something would always happen that made him stay away from them," Sae-byeok answered.
"Similar with my brother. He was never great with being friends with anybody. Unfortunately he was always shy when it came to socialising with other children," You looked up form your food to find the other girl already staring at you. You smiled as you said, "It's nice to think that Cheol possibly made him come out of his shell."
"Since I've known that those two started a friendship, I feel less guilty about not seeing Cheol more than I should. Knowing that he isn't so alone anymore is making me feel better," Sae-byeok confessed before returning to her food. You nodded to yourself in understanding and finished your meal in no time.
You placed the now empty the plates in the sink. You didn't know what to do now with Sae-byeok. You had not seen the night sky so far that night, and you held the desire to do that before you could forget, "You can leave if you want, but if you want to stay I will be outside. I enjoy looking at the sky at this time of the night and don't want to miss tonight's view," you grinned at the end.
You did not wait for the other girl's answer when you swiftly grabbed a hoodie nearby and flee the front door. You did not want to waste any time walking down the stairs in order to go across the street. By the time you had made it your hair was already messed up from the running, and even more messed up form the wild wind.
The moon was certainly bright and pretty as it always was, but still one of the most adored sights to you. The stars that were scattered across the sky were seen as placed there for a reason to you for a moment. The stars were very beautiful on their own, just like Sae-byeok. Oh god. Why can't this girl leave your head? Did you have to be romantically interested in her? Yes. Of course the answer was yes.
"I see why you like it here," the said girl approached you before you got too in deep thought once again.
"It never fails to take me away from here. Never fails to give me what I want most," you spoke. Once you were under the moon and stars, their spell made you vulnerable. Vulnerability was not the direction you wanted to go towards that night.
"And what is that?" Sae-byeok asked, her tone seemed as though she genuinely wanted the answer.
"Happiness, and peace," you whispered, "I was really nervous about tonight. I didn't want you to hate me enough that the people we love wouldn't be allowed to be near each other. I want us to form a bond that was strong enough for us to be comfortable with each other."
"That might happen."
It didn't even faze you what the other girl was saying. You were in your own little world at that moment, "Good. I'd say this was a successful first date," You said without thinking.
"It was," Sae-byeok agreed with a smile on her face that you didn't happen to see.
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
first meeting
first hug
first date (pt.1) (pt.2)
first kiss
first intimacy
first i love you
first seeing the reader's ex
first fight
first meeting with the family
first making up
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
FIRST DATE pt.1 sae-byeok x female reader
this is the third part of the relationship first series. i am making a masterlist that will be posted seconds after i post this. if you want to request a relationship first scenario that is not on there, please do so.
Once you had turned in your last assignment, you had decided to go into the shop and buy whatever money was left towards snacks and drinks for you to share with your brother. It wasn't much, but it was the best you could think of to celebrate no more assessments for a while.
As you searched through the aisles for the sweets, you glanced towards a familiar person. She too, was walking through the aisles but in the opposite direction to you. You gave Cheol's older sister a polite smile and approach her. Her eyes caught yours from the products on the shelves in front of her.
Her intense gaze had led to your fingers fiddling with your clothes, "Do you know where the sweets aisle is by any chance? I have got the layout all confused," you chuckled at the end awkwardly.
The other girl nodded, "Follow me."
Silence came between you two. But thankfully the walk was not long for there to feel awkward between the pair of you. Once you knew she had led you to the right place, you asked right away, "What is Cheol's favourite food from this aisle?"
Without an answer she grabbed a packet of white chocolate and gave it to you, "What is your name?" you asked before she was able to walk away from you.
“Sae-byeok," she answered. You had expected her to exit the scene quickly, but instead she stayed.
Sae-byeok. That was her name. It was better than you had imagined it would be, "If I am correct, your name means dawn?" You questioned, to which the other girl did not respond to and instead stared back at you, "It's very pretty," You continued without thinking, "I say it suits you perfectly."
Your eyes widened slightly at that last comment. What the hell were you thinking.
Sae-byeok had suddenly found the floor more interesting. You were about to apologise if you went too far but you got a better idea, "I want to get to know you better. You should head over to my place for dinner tomorrow night," You grabbed a piece of paper and pen from your purse too write down your address, "I am trusting you to not give my address to sketchy people," you joked. As you gave the piece of paper towards the now statue girl you whispered, "I promise that I won't burn anything."
You quickly grabbed the rest of the snacks before leaving the aisle, you also left sae-byeok speechless with what just happened.
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
FIRST HUG sae-byeok x female reader
this is the second part of the first relationship series. if you haven't read the first part yet, it is here.
You kept your promise to your brother and visited him in the orphanage more often. Along with these visits you got the chance to make up for the time lost with him slowly overtime. In these moments, Cheol would often greet you as well and spend time with you too.
You did not mind this at all, since you never saw his sister at the same time that you were around. You had an idea that she was not around as often as you were. Maybe barely at all.
One day you needed to see your brother, you needed someone to distract you from the stress and work you've gone through with your assessments. Many of them were piling on and on as the weeks went by and you had found it difficult to manage it all on top of your part-time job now.
However instead of the usual interactions with your brother and Cheol, Cheol's older sister was there as well.
Whenever you asked the young boy about his sister, he would shrug his shoulders and continue playing. By the look on his face you could tell that his family was not a joyful topic for him to discuss. So you did not dare to mention it anymore.
Your brother could see how unenergetic you felt, "Why don't you sit down and just watch me and Cheol play this time?" and without waiting for you to answer, he sat you down next Cheol's older sister.
Of course the other young boy sat on the other side of her, and got up from his spot to greet you at last, to which you responded, "Hey there buddy, I won't be playing with you today," you said in a sad tone.
"She's been tired lately from staying awake all night sometimes," your brother explained for you. Cheol glanced at you and you gave him a tight smile. The boys did not say anymore and began to play as they would usually do.
You peacefully watched the two boys spend time together on the playground. Their imagination had become interesting to you as you were desperate to forget about school for one moment, "Why aren't you sleeping?"
You had to turn your gaze towards Cheol's big sister in order to make sure that it was her that had just spoken to you. As her eyes stared at the ground and played with her fingers, you decided to answer anyway, "School," you breathed out, "If you have any advice, it is welcomed."
Without missing a beat she answers, "The only advice I have is to know your limits."
It was so simple, yet so forgetful to you. Without anymore thought your brain had begun to work on how to make your school life easier with much more motivation than before. Your eyes widened, "Holy shit," Cheol's sister turned to you unexpectantly at your reaction, "You might be onto something there. I have to go now."
You shouted a goodbye to your brother and Cheol, who waved back at you. You got up to go back to your room, however not before you ran back to give the other girl a hug that you swore nearly knocked both of you onto the ground.
As you made your way back, you could still feel the touch of her on you.
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squidgames1mp · 3 years
FIRST MEETING sae-byeok x female reader
this is going to be a series of firsts in a relationship with sae-byeok from squid game. in this series squid game is not a thing. if you want to request a scenario with sae-byeok you are welcome to do so.
Your younger brother shouted your name and ran into your arms as you smiled at him. The hug you two shared was enough to express how much you missed each other. You needed to see him for clarity, to remind yourself that everything you did was for your sibling's future.
When you finally allowed yourself to let go you took a seat on the ground to face them better, "I am so sorry that you haven't seen me lately. I promise that I will remember to visit you more often," you whispered, not wanting the other children to hear you.
Your brother followed your actions to the ground and place his hand in yours, "It's alright," they said with their big eyes staring up at you.
You shook your head, "It isn't completely though. One day we will see each other every day like we have talked about, however-"
"You have school." You sighed at the mention of that place. It was a burden in your life at the moment, but you knew deep down that it would benefit you once you graduate.
You poked his cheek to get his attention back onto the conversation instead of reminding you of things you didn't want to remember at that moment, "And I will have a job very soon. I was asking around stores if they were offering and this elderly lady gave me a job."
His face lit up a little as he heard that, "Does this mean that you are going to sleep in a real room soon?"
You tried to not allow a frown to occur on your face at that comment. Hearing it out loud was sad to experience on it's own, "Yes, and hopefully that can be a start to us being a real family," You shook your head after that thought, "Enough about me, tell me about what you have done while I was gone."
"I made a friend."
Then it was your turn for your face to lit up a little, but not too much for your younger brother to feel too overwhelmed with your emotions, "What's their name?"
He began to fidget with your fingers with his free hand, "His name is Cheol."
"Do you two get along?"
He shook his head with enthusiasm, "Yes, he is my best friend. Do you want to meet him?"
"I would love to meet him."
His finger raised in the air, pointing at something, "Oh look! His sister is also visiting him today, can we go over there?"
You looked at where your brother was pointing towards and saw a young boy and an older girl that seemed to be ignore each other almost entirely, "Maybe we should wait-" until they are done talking. Too late. Your brother was too gone to call him back.
Cheol spotted your brother and the two children greeted each other and the atmosphere became happier. More welcoming. You got up from your spot on the ground and made your way over to the pair.
The two glanced towards your direction, "Cheol, this is my older sister I told you about," he introduced. You would never admit it to anyone, but you could not help but be a little cautious about embarrassing your brother. You were a little afraid that you would scare off his first friend in a long time.
You waved at Cheol with a friendly smile and told him your name, to which he gave you a smile back tightly and whispered something into your little sibling's ear. You could not pick up on what the young boy had said, but it made the other child reply back, "That is exactly what I said!"
You gave the pair a suspicious gaze, "I hope that what you two are whispering about is something good."
"Of course it is! Why wouldn't we?"
"Maybe to not eat this delicious food that I borrowed from a friend of mine," you gave your brother two lollipops, to which they gave to Cheol.
You could not help but stare at the young children in front of you being happy over sugar food. You noticed that Cheol glanced over behind his shoulder with the lollipop in his mouth, and it wasn't until a pair of footsteps were heading towards you three that you glanced up at who it was.
You could not deny that she was attractive. Definitely out of your league. But your impression of her would not stop from her looks. She stood next to her brother and once again you waved and introduced your name. The girl nodded and decided to occupy her attention on Cheol.
Feeling the awkwardness in the air between you two, you took your brother to the side, "I am going to go and work on my assignments. I will visit you when I have the time, I'll make sure of it," you glanced at Cheol and his sister, who decided to return to their original spot sitting down, "Remember to be kind and be respectful," you two hugged each other with whispering I love yous in each other's ear.
You stood up casually and felt something burning at the back of your head. With the look over your shoulder, you caught Cheol's older sister staring right back at you. Your reaction to this was to quickly look ahead of you, desperate in hiding the blush on your cheeks as smooth as possible.
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