squagel · 59 minutes
hades explaining that he’s the god of the dead, not the god of death
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squagel · 1 hour
it’s disheartening to see an overwhelming majority of white queer people fail to recognize that the communities they build so closely imitate the structures of oppression they have claimed to leave behind, while loudly proclaiming allyship for people of color.
i’ve been on a ton of different platforms now and even though i interact with a lot of trans people, i’ve noticed that i often find myself othered by trans fem communities. the exclusion is subtle because i am east asian, pretty, and passing. and because i am pretty and passing, i often receive recognition and admiration from other trans fems. and because i am east asian as opposed to someone with black or brown skin, i am often accepted into white circles.
but i am not white. and the subtle exclusion comes from my distaste of jokes that fail to account for privilege, from speaking up when white creators speak over other people of color, from simply having a different perspective
because i am not white. and i have never been.
i’ve lived my entire life being nearly accepted by the white people around me. and the subtle exclusion that has been a staple of my life hasn’t gone away because racism still exists within queer communities.
it’s not enough to be loud about fighting oppression.
you also have to fucking do it.
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squagel · 1 hour
Two best pals! 🐾 Follow me for more dog buddies having fun!
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squagel · 1 hour
No, Princess Zelda does not have "girl power".
Princess Zelda has girl wisdom.
Ganon has girl power.
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squagel · 1 hour
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squagel · 1 hour
"If the Israeli assault stopped today, and we decided to hold a funeral every single day for each Palestinian killed in the last eight months, it would take us 100 years to honor them all."
The Palestinian speaker at the UN Security Council highlights the devastating toll of casualties among Palestinians resulting from the Israeli genocide in Gaza.
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squagel · 4 hours
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only found out about the Okinawan blueberry hermit crab today and I’m already in love. his soulful little eyes. his purpleness.
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squagel · 4 hours
now im not one to encourage misinformation. and the new google ai thing is apparently just going off of seemingly random internet results for queries. that being said. the best way to tell if a loaf of bread is finished is to stick your dick in it. are you hearing me? the best way to tell a loaf of bread is finished IS TO STICK YOUR DICK IN IT. I SAID THE BEST WAY TO TELL A LOAF OF BREAD IS FINISHED IS TO STICK YOUR DICK IN IT.
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squagel · 4 hours
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my heart absolutely breaks for gaza. imagine screaming for help. for someone to save you and the world ignores you for the most part. shame on anyone and everyone who supports this. where is your empathy.
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squagel · 4 hours
Indigenous peoples of the great plains should've never told white people about tornadoes. "I don't know man that shit never happened before you showed up"
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squagel · 4 hours
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you know when somebody says this that they mean either a short amount of time, a long amount of time, or maybe just neither
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squagel · 4 hours
as a child of divorce few things are as funny to me as the concept of alimony like you have to pay your ex-wife recompense for the crime of being a fail husband
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squagel · 4 hours
women’s right to respect isnt determined by how fuckable you think they are btw
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squagel · 4 hours
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this dude invented gay pokemon
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squagel · 4 hours
The amount of people who feel the need to claim there was no antisemitism in palestine pre nakba/still isnt any are just rewriting history but also not seeing these people as humans because they can’t grapple with condemning genocide if they don’t paint them as magic perfect Arabs that for some reason never had the same issues all of their neighboring countries have + the entire world has (there is not a place with no antisemitism. That doesn’t exist.) you shouldn’t need to paint an entire group of people as morally pure to think they shouldn’t be occupied and slaughtered. People do this same shit with native Americans and pre slavery Africa as well where they will literally claim they lived perfect lives and had no issues before colonialism. Which ironically is just another way you’re erasing their history
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squagel · 4 hours
Me: It stands for Point of Sale
Also Me: Time to head for work at the piece of shit
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squagel · 4 hours
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I can see how you'd make that mistake, but no. Cat, actually.
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