spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
he indulges the younger agent as she starts chattering away knowing that she’s finally getting back to being herself. “no i did not know that chocolate actually makes you happy” kyuhyun answers softly as he continues to nod absently alongside her chatter.
when they finally get to the coffeehouse, he lets out a sigh of relief when he notices all the different baristas. somehow though he feels a little disappointment when a familiar handsome face doesn’t appear.
walking up to the counter anyway he makes his order as well as a caramel cheesecake and looks expectantly at his companion. 
Fighting Intimidation. || Open
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
He understands . It's alot to take in, uprooting oneself from some where. He studies her and hopes he's made the right choice. Sometimed money was never the answer and might take more to bring her to his side.
Kyuhyun nods his understanding, and smiles at the other woman. He slides his card over to her.
"This is my personal number. Call me in a week if you accept and we shall discuss your terms."
He stands, taking one last sip of his tea and stepping away. "It was nice meeting you honora-sshi. I sincerely hope you'll accept my proposal"
With that Kyuhyun steps out and leaves the other woman to her thoughts.
he frowned a little to himself as he watched her features. something he said had spooked her but a minute later she was back to professionalism. he would do a little more digging later but for now he needed to get her on his boat.
“call me kyuhyun, mr. cho is my father and it also makes me sound old” he says with a smile. kyuhyun clasps his fingers together in front of him. and leans back slightly at her answer. “yes, i would like to recruit you. you have exceptional talent that seems to have slipped my fingers and i intend to rectify that starting now.”
“i would like you to take on the role of adviser and assistant if possible. you would be paid more than your current salary and it would still be up for negotiation” he says and he lays his offer on his table. he could do better but he would like to see what this woman in front of him was worth.
The casual tone in his voice had surprised her, more so than his suggestion. This was a man who kept his enemies close and his secrets in his head. He kept a vice-like grip on himself and his business. Albeit, asking her to lower her speech is hardly a show of trust. His name was printed on a business card, after all. His words told Honora he was serious. None of this showed on her features, however, she merely inclined her head and took another sip. 
When he reported his plans for her–because it was not an offer, but an order–Honora simply clasped her hands together. When she had stepped into the restaurant, she was convinced of rejecting his offer. Neither an adviser or assistant was her major, she didn’t want to stand next to him as a pretty foreign woman subject to all sorts of disrespectful rumors, but a database administrator. Her expertise lied in understanding distributed computing architectures and modifying database structure, the only things she had in common with what he was suggesting was using a computer.
 Unbidden, a dark thought snaked into her mind. Vinny knows about Meng Zi, but not Cho Consulting, he won’t find you there. Unconsciously, Honora had wrapped her arms around herself, her expression cracking to reveal a worried expression. It was brief, but Honora knew Mr. Cho didn’t miss it. “If you please, allow me to have time to think on things Mis–Kyuhyun-ssi.” The words were awkward on her tongue, her face flushed as she lowered her gaze. 
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
kyuhyun’s routine everyday consisted of waking up, getting ready, heading for food and then work, most of the time. he enters the same cafe everyday from the times ranging from 8 o’clock to 8: 30 and not a minute later. he also orders his usual order of a caramel frappuccino with extra sugar and a double shot of caramel with just the normal serving of coffee in the sugary goodness. but the one thing he looks most forward to is the barista that more often then not makes his drink.
now, not many would describe kyuhyun as a fawning crusher but then this was one of the times where kyuhyun just went gaga over a pretty face. he’s half asleep most of the time when he orders, hoping mainly that the cashier has by now memorised his order rather than wait for his coherency to give it.
this morning though it’s the handsome barista that greets him at the cashier. his brain is mentally screaming at him to wake up but somehow he can’t just do it, rubbing a sleeved hand over his eyes as he fawn over the blinding smile internally.
“yeah.. the usual..” kyuhyun mumbles, hiding his yawn as he pulls out the money required, he passes it to the man.. ‘siwon’ his name tag reads. finally a name to the face. “thanks wonnie” kyuhyun says, not even realising till a minute later. his face deepens red and he lets out a squeak he would deny if anyone asked before stumbling away to the waiting area, to claim his drink.
“fuck.. oh fuckity fuck fuck fuck”kyuhyun mutters as mentally bangs his head on the metaphorical wall he has constructed in his brain.
Oblivious || Siwon and Kyuhyun
Siwon saw a lot of people day to day at the cafe. On a typical shift, he made about 200 coffees. There was one partictular order that he saw everyday and a certain person who ordered that. He came in everyday and Siwon was at first had no attempts to talk to him, but seeing him every week or more, ordering either black coffee or something with so much sugar that Siwon was often shocked how the other still had teeth was cute and something that he looked forward to each day.
today he was back on bar when he spied the familiar person walk in. He made his way over to the cashiers and smiled at the other. “Hey, cutie. Your usual today?” he attempted to flirt. Mentally kicking himself for his awkwardness. After ages of trying to get the courage to speak to him, Siwon screws up.
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
kyuhyun nods, preferring to look away as lyla gets herself back into sorts. he nods his head towards the direction of the exit and leads sera along, his hands clasped behind his back as he walks.
“i know this great cafe down the road, it’s about a block away and has the best chocolate cake in the world” kyuhyun says to fill the silence as the exit the building and into the chilling air of seoul.
he mainly goes to the cafe because of a certain barista but what no one knows won’t kill him and he indulges himself once a while, well more like every morning but at this point in mid day, there wouldn’t be anyone of the morning regulars hanging around and it wouldn’t be nice for his routine to seem broken because he was consoling a crying girl. god he had a reputation to protect.
“they also make killer coffee”
Fighting Intimidation. || Open
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
Greetings, Espion! We thought it was about time for another meme! This time the focus is on character development! Send a number to your fellow members and answer some questions you receive about your muse you may not have thought about before! Reblog this post to let people know you’re keen to do this, and remember to send as many numbers as you receive; don’t leave people out! Prompt ideas credited to apeacebone.
Keep reading
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
hello, all! this is a plot call for my baby kyu.. basically i’m doing my best to revive him and so yeah.... like this post and i’ll go to your plot page or we can just brain up a storm.
i’m also changing about kyuhyuns profile so expect a new and improved version sometime tomorrow.. :3
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
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courage ~
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
right at this moment kyuhyun is even more worried and afraid. he doesn’t know what to do at this moment in time. crying is one thing and hysteria is a whole new ball park. 
the girl in front of him is someone he kinda knows he can’t really remember her name but it’s there somewhere in the recesses of his mind. they’re in the same department, that much he knows for sure.
kyuhyun moves forward, hands on the girl’s shoulder. “lyla-sshi right? calm down. coffee is good yes, it is also some other’s liquid courage and i think you need more tea than coffee now” 
he wipes away her tears reflexively, her skin soft under his touch. “stop with the tears yeah? how about you buy the coffee and i buy the cake? will that work for you” kyuhyun says with a soft reassuring smile at the younger agent.
Fighting Intimidation. || Open
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
usually he would be at his office right now but pressing matters at headquarters had called him back. he’d just finished discussing matters with another agent regarding weaponry and intended to head for food. he glances at his watch as he rounds a corner and crashes right into another person the minute he wasn’t looking right in front of him.
“i’m sorry” he apologizes immediately, bending over to help the woman up. she’s dressed very nicely but not like most of the other in HQ. and then he’s drawn to her tear filled eyes.
on any normal day kyuhyun would have apoologized and walked away from making a woman cry but the girl in front of him seems so broken and unguarded, like a kicked kitten and he can’t help what leaves his mouth next.
“if you’re not busy, i’ll buy you coffee as an apology for knocking you over” immedietely kyuhyun already feels foolish, bringing his hand to rub absently at his nape looking somewhat sheepish.
Fighting Intimidation. || Open
Her eyes settled on the ground, and she picked the least busy time of day to make her reappearance. She timidly let the security system scan her eyes and hand, and was shocked to find that her access was not terminated. She silently trotted across the halls, lips already quivering as she hoped not to run into anyone until she reached her lab. No heels this time, yet still a pair of flashy flats; it was the curse of her wardrobe, having nothing that truly blended in.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5… 22, 23, 24, 25… 45, 46, 47, 48…
She counted in her head in an attempt to ease the suffocating anxiety that filled her eyes to the brim. With every step she took, she wanted to turn around her heel and abort mission. Her security-loving mind screamed that it was a bad idea, that she should not have come at all. Her hands began to sweat, she reached up to wipe her tears, somehow still walking… as if she wasn’t in control of her legs anymore…
All until she turned around a corner and collided with an on-comer. Seems like her wish to be invisible would no longer be granted.
“Sorry! I’m so sorry!” She gasped her apology frantically.
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
he frowned a little to himself as he watched her features. something he said had spooked her but a minute later she was back to professionalism. he would do a little more digging later but for now he needed to get her on his boat.
“call me kyuhyun, mr. cho is my father and it also makes me sound old” he says with a smile. kyuhyun clasps his fingers together in front of him. and leans back slightly at her answer. “yes, i would like to recruit you. you have exceptional talent that seems to have slipped my fingers and i intend to rectify that starting now.” 
“i would like you to take on the role of adviser and assistant if possible. you would be paid more than your current salary and it would still be up for negotiation” he says and he lays his offer on his table. he could do better but he would like to see what this woman in front of him was worth.
At his motion, Honora lowered herself back into her seat, watching him. Her heart fluttered a little at his smile, but the feeling passed when he mentioned that he ordered in advance. A bristle of unease unfurled in her stomach. It reminded Honora of her old college boyfriend. They dated for such a long time and the man always ordered for her. She used to think it was endearing, now it simply made her uncomfortable, but she couldn’t say that to Cho Kyuhyun, could she?
His question pulled Honora back to the present and to the meeting at hand. What answer would please him? She thought as she lifted the cup and turned away from Mr. Cho to take a sip. She wondered if he would be impressed by her manners. As she sat the cup back down, the corners of her lips twitched into a smile. “You want to recruit me.” Honora stated, matter of factually. 
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
It's funny when kyuhyun thinks about his life, jetsetting from one continent to another flying off to someplace remote. his passport has more stamps in it then his stamp collection ever had in the 10 years he's been half heartedly ammasing the sticky pieces of paper. he steps into his office nodding at his secretary abd giving her a small smile. he hadnt seen her in over a fortnight. somehow he's grateful that his affairs are still in order after taking off abruptly to deal with life. but he'd felt overwhelmed for some reason or another and just needed a get away. it had done him good a few days globetrotting in europe hutch hiking from place to place. no one the wiser about his identity. kyuhyun inhales the smell of his office, a faint mix of his cologne and the smell of a room needing airing. he sits in his chair ready for a new days work.
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
kyuhyun sent her an easy smile, he sensed a slight uneasiness around her and hoped his smile would ease her of her worries somewhat.
he gestured to a seat as he took his own across her, “have a seat, i hope youn  don’t mind but i’ve ordered in advance” kyuhyun said, grabbing at the preared te and pouring it into two cups already prepared.
he slid on of the cups over to the other women and took a sip from his own. “i wonder if you know the nature of this meeting?”
kyuhyun never wasted his breath when doing business. he went in and out with minimal damage to himself and only did what was necessary to get what he wanted. he gave them and offer and left it at that. they would take it if they wanted. they could fuck off if they didn’t.
honora, he had come across her by accident. it was a business party and he had noticed her brilliance and felt it somewhat wasted on the old rude man that he never liked but had to tolerate.
it was when he realized that they were about to have another business venture that he asked his secretary to get in contact with Hwayoogak and ask Honora to give a presentation. no one said no to them
he was frankly amazed, what was such talent doing so there? he’s surprised that he’d never heard of her before. but not that he’d come in contact with her, he would make sure he brought her over to this side.
kyuhyun himself had arrived at the restaurant on time, not a minute late not a minute early, he walked right in. straight to his usual room for conducting casual business meetings. and isn’t this what it all came down to? a business transaction. a transfer of services.
by my wasn’t he surprised when he entered the room, to find honora already there. he’s kept a straight face face at his surprise.
“honora-sshi. have you waited long?” kyuhyun asked as he took a seat down in front of her.
Honora stepped into the lion’s den to find it…empty? She looked down at her watch, a cold sweat dampening her brow. Was she too early? Not wanting to cause a scene, Honora bobbed her head at the employee who then closed the door while Honora took a seat on the sharp, but uncomfortable chair and whipped out her phone to check the voicemail once again. The words of the secretary were clear as day–she was definitely on time, but where was Mr. Cho?
As soon as the question formed in her mind, Mr. Cho entered the room and a gust of cold wind that made Honora instinctively pull her jacket closer. A closed-lip smile greeted him as she stood and gave a 90 degree bow and remained standing, he was the host after all.
“No, less than thirty seconds. Thank you for inviting me.” 
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
kyuhyun continues to hold her in his arms, content to have a comforting weight in his arms, he leans forwards and kisses the top of her head, more habit than to keep his cover; something he does to everyone he loves.
nodding, kyuhyun hoists the other up into his arms, making sure to keep her cradled against him and her face in the crook of him necks.
"let's go" kyuhyun says to his escorts and waits for them to bring around the car, the whole time whispering assurances to jinah. "we'll go back to my house and we'll talk there... okay?"
--the last of us.
Jinah’s stumbling across the pavement with the ebony suit jacket wrapped around her shoulders, her bare and bloodied feet on the frigid ground as she brushed past people in the commotion as she searched for her fellow agent. Kyuhyun couldn’t be dead, but for some reason she still could not find him. Her heels would usually give her an extra height boost to look over people, but those were missing in the wreckage. Instead, she shouted his name, hoping he’d hear her. More of her comrades had survived, but her partner for the night had been unaccounted for and that worried her greatly.
Just as she turned her head, Jinah’s gaze met the other and she stilled, a shaky exhale leaving her; he was alive, just as she hoped. As he sprinted toward her she attempted to move as fast as she could, fingers tugging at the layers of crinoline left of her dress to make it easier to move. He was moving closer to her at a rapid pace, and just as he pulled her into his embrace she relaxed visibly, knowing that more and more people had survived the attack. 
The moment his lips captured hers, she was tugged from her daze; the realization that she was still undercover became enough for her to get back into character. Hand lifting up, Jinah’s fingers grazed against the man’s cheek gently, as her eyes fluttered open to meet his gaze before they soon began to well up with tears as well. “I’m so happy to see you,” she murmured, lips mere millimeters from his before she tucked her head under his chin, arms around him wound tightly as she hid her face from the camera. She shivered against him, leaning in closer. “Can we leave?” she asked, words just loud enough for only him to hear. She was already exhausted, both physically and emotionally; Jinah wasn’t sure how much longer she’d be able to hold character before rushing to the hospital to check up on the three important people she sent, but she just wanted to leave.
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
kyuhyun sends the man a glare that would have set him on fire if possible and makes a shooing motion. once he's sure the man has scuttled away he turns back to the younger woman. "you know, it's not wrong to get some help sometimes" kyuhyun says leaning over to the bar and ordering a drink.
he turns back to the other agents and studies her for a moment "you're still the same as always. even when you were in the us" kyuhyun finishes with a laugh.
for now jinah forgotten for the moment as he catches up with a friend he hasn't seen in a long time.
i’ll be flynn
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
i’ll be flynn
kyuhyun is prowling the ballroom, attempting to find his elusive date. how hard was it to find jinah? there were only several people at the masquerade who had dared to try and pull of the colour white and so far jinah was the only one rocking it. heck that had been a very pricey dress.
he thinks better of trying to find his elusive partner when he passes by the bar for the third time that night and thinks that he deserves a drink. one for putting up with this bullshit and dealing with his parents gushing about his new partner.
he’s about to order his usual from the bartender when he notices a small discrepancy towards his left, just a little further off from the bar. 
it’s a woman attempting to bat off the advances of a much larger man. kyuhyun doesn’t hesitate, striding over and pulling the other man from the lady.
“it clearly shows she’s saying fuck off, so why don’t you do just that. fuck off and go after someone your own size” kyuhyun smiles, his eyes hinting at violence if the man doesn’t follow his suggestion
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spxkyuhyun-blog · 8 years
till the bitter end
somehow against all odds, kyuhyun had managed to survive the masquerade attack. he’d even managed to get outside with only minor injuries, but that could not be said the same for alot of other people. 
for a second he had thought he was clear, enough to help the survivors on the green. no, not a second later a loud explosion rocked the ground. unfortunate for kyuhyun he’d been right next to one of the windows when it happened.
shrapnel flew, glass broke and it was mass confusion and hysteria all in one go. kyuhyun himself had been thrown several feet away from the blast, heat singing his exposed skin, he must have blacked out because the next thing he knows there’s a medic trying to ease him onto a stretcher.
he struggles for a moment, blind panic but then calms when the medic assures him about his condition. they give his an oxygen mask and check him for concussions and then they release him to a waiting police officer, after words of warning to take it easy.
the man takes his statement all business and then leaves kyuhyun alone. he calls for his personal security detail and stands off to the side, recollecting his thoughts. reviewing the night of disaster from the get go.
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