sprintmedicalnews · 2 years
12 Amazing Benefits of Basil Seeds (Sabja Seeds)
What are Sabja Seeds?
Sabja seeds are also familiar as Basil seeds. For centuries, these seeds have been used in ayurvedic treatments to relieve numerous health issues. These tiny, elliptical in shape seeds are more like a powerhouse of beneficial nutrients. However, they come with a few side effects, which with a conscious approach can be avoided.
12 Health Benefits of Sabja Seeds
Usage of Sabja seeds as supplements or medicine is prevalent. Here are crucial benefits of Sabja Seeds and Its Super Food Nutrient Properties.
1. Boosts Weight Loss
The Omega 3 fatty acid powers up the fat-burning body metabolism. Its rich fiber ingredients keep the stomach satisfied for longer times. Therefore, the body doesn't feel any craving for food or additional calories.
Blending them in yogurt or spreading a few in a pre-meal salad can help you control your appetite.
2. Maintains Body Heat
In tropical and comparatively hot countries, Sabja seeds are widely used in making juices and other drinks. People use them with lemon, water, honey, or sugar. Coconut milk is also popular to drink with the seeds.
These drinks, when taken with Sabja seeds, work as a body cooling tonic. They lower the body heat almost instantly and spread a refreshing five throughout the body.
3. Controls Sugar Levels in Blood
One of the greatest aspects of Sabja seeds is their ability to check the sugar level in blood. Hence, they are used in diabetic treatment. Mostly for the type-2 diabetics.
They impede the overall metabolism process of the body. As a result, fewer carbohydrates convert into glucose, making the blood contain less sugar.
4. Improves Bowel Movement
Sabja seeds are a great supplementary detox for the body. It cleanses the stomach and lower abdominal organs and assists a smoother bowel movement.
Furthermore, they have volatile oils, which release the gastrointestinal tract's gas and help indigestion.
5. Relieves Acidity and Acidic Burns
While cleansing the stomach, Tukmarias relieves stomach burn. In the process, they also flush out all the diuretic functions from the body.
The rise of HCl levels in the stomach is the prime reason for acidic burns and problems. Soaked tukmaria are filled with water which lessens the burning at the stomach lining. They do it by controlling the HCL secretion in the stomach.
6. Takes care of Hair and Skins
Churned and mixed with coconut oil and applied on skins, Sabja seeds show greater results treating various skin-related diseases like psoriasis and eczema.
The body secretes more collagen when it gets Sabja ingredients regularly. The collagen works as a boosting factor to create new body cells. Thus, it repairs the already damaged skin cells and brings vividity to its outer appearance.
The iron and Vitamin K in the seeds are beneficial to strong and long hair.
7. Protein
Protein helps the body strengthen muscles, bones and renew damaged skin. Moreover, it boosts enzyme production and accelerates the secretion of hormones and other chemicals in the body.
8. Carbohydrates
Sabja seeds are infused with carbs which are necessary fuel for the human metabolism system. Besides, curbs aid the functionality of a kidney, heart, and even the core nervous system.
If taken regularly, curbs help digestion and mitigate different stomach ailments. Besides, they keep harmful cholesterol levels in check.
9. Fiber
Fiber is mostly renowned for its stomach friendliness. It keeps the body satiated for a long while from hunger for curbs. It also energizes the body.
Chronic conditions like heart diseases, diabetes, and cancers can mostly be prevented by regular fiber intake.
10. Omega 3 Acid
Omega 3 falls in the Fatty acids group, and they are known to be healthy. From lessening depression, and anxiety to improving fetal development to vision, Omega 3 offers numerous advantages.
Omega 3 can also strengthen the memory of a person in addition to improving metabolic activities. Anyone suffering from chronic inflammation will get relief by taking a maintained dose of this fatty acid.
11. Minerals
Sabja seeds are like storehouses of Minerals. The tiny seeds contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and folic acid.
Minerals contribute to bones and teeth along with the muscles. They energize the brain's activity and enhance hormones and enzymes.
12. Vitamin E
Regular body processes create free radicals in the cells and damage them. To prevent such damages, the body needs powerful antioxidants in the system.
Vitamin E works as a powerful antioxidant. So, it prevents those damages and ensures longer health for tissues. According to some research, Vitamin E is also used in various diseases like blood pressure, cancer, and heart-related dysfunctionalities.
Read More about 12 Amazing Benefits of Basil Seeds (Sabja Seeds).
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sprintmedicalnews · 2 years
Difference between Piles, Fissure, and Fistula
A good gut is said to represent good health. However, most matters of your gut and the digestive system and its functioning receive attention until the time they become too severe, and you are in pain. A little guidance goes a long way. Remember to consult your physician if you experience any of these problems.
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Piles, Fissure & Fistula
The above disorders are all pathologies of the anal region. Our anus discharges the stool. It is almost around 4 - 5 cm long. The terminal area of the anus has sensitive spots lined by blood vessels and numerous capillaries. The central part of the anus has numerous anal glands. Now that we are through with the linings and structures of the anus, let us now evaluate and explore some most important anal disorders.
Piles-What is known as Piles Infection
It is additionally called hemorrhoids. Anal piles are generally the swollen veins in the terminal area of the anus.
4 Important Facts about Piles (Hemorrhoids)
1. Piles may affect 75% of the total population by the age of 50.
2. The manifestations of the condition can present as blood seeping during passing stool or bloody stool.
3. Sometimes blood can cluster encompassing the anus causing outer hemorrhoids.
4. In most cases, they get cured by themselves even before the side effects begin to appear. It is caused because of ongoing stoppage or troublesome defecations.
Are Piles Risky?
5 Side Effects of Piles
In most situations, piles are not that risky. They typically get fine by themselves in a couple of days.
1. Hard knot-like structure arises around the anus.
2. A sensation of full guts even in the wake of passing stool
3. Bright red blood occurring in the stool after the internal movements taking place for emptying.
4. Itchy, red, and sore anus
5. Pain during the complete passage of stool.
Piles become dangerous when there's the presence of Anal-centric draining prompting anemia, fecal incontinence, anal fistula, strangulated hemorrhoid prompting blood coagulation or contamination.
Reasons for the Occurrence of Piles
Piles in most cases happen because of an inordinate pressing factor or excessive pressure in the lower rectum. A portion of the explanations behind piles also includes ongoing constipation, chronic diarrhea, lifting of heavyweights, pregnancy, as well as straining at the same time when the patient is passing stool.
Are Piles Treatable?
As a rule, in general, piles seem to disappear all by themselves, even without the use of medicines. On the off chance that they don't, you can evaluate a few medicines, for example, purgatives and corticosteroids, or opt for the ways of life adjustments which may include dietary changes or decrease bodyweight medications if you take them. Surgical procedures like banding, sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation, hemorrhoidectomy, or even hemorrhoid stapling are also available.
Fissures-What is meant by Fissures in Anal Discomfort
They are identified as a tear around the anal region and are extremely uncomfortable and painful. It may occur now and then when an individual stretches and compresses a lot to defecate. They may overflow blood or even discharge if they get infected. They may even happen because of blockage, diarrhea, and heavy exercising. They mostly influence the age group above 50. Fissures are sometimes present in intense and persistent forms. An intense fissure can be effectively restored with a fiber-rich eating routine and medication. Chronic one is hard to oversee and can repeat.
4 Signs and Indications of the Anal Fissures
1. Serious torment during enteric movements of the large intestine.
2. Lasting torment after defecations for a few hours.
3. Bleeding with Bright red blood after the movements of the gut.
4. Presence of a Lump or skin tag close to anal fissure.
5 Primary Causes of Butt-Centric or Anal Fissures
A portion of the primary reasons for butt-centric or anal fissures include:
1. Passing huge or hard stools
2. Straining during the internal enteric movements
3. Chronic diarrhea
4. Anal intercourse
5. Childbirth
5 More Uncommon Purposes behind Butt-Centric or Anal Fissures
1. HIV
2. Crohn's disease
3. Tuberculosis
4. Anal cancer
5. Syphilis
Read More about the Difference between Piles, Fissure, and Fistula.
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sprintmedicalnews · 3 years
What does my blood pressure reading mean?
To check whether we have High BP or Low BP is to test blood pressure. Having a thorough knowledge about the results of blood pressure results is the key to control it. This article discusses blood pressure readings and its significance.
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Whenever we visit a doctor, the first thing they do is wrap a belt around our arms and pump the ball of that instrument. They keep checking the reading and then note it down on the prescription in a U/L manner along with pumping. It is the blood pressure reading. Blood pressure or hypertension can be defined as the pressure exerted on the walls of blood vessels by the circulating blood. And the reading taken to measure blood pressure is called blood pressure reading, which is determined by the uphill movement of the mercury. The cause of checking the blood pressure is to ensure that it is normal or not. The normal blood pressure for a healthy adult is 120/80 mmHg. More than normal or less than normal blood pressure readings can be hazardous to health.
Blood Pressure Reading
As mentioned above, the blood pressure is expressed with the help of two numbers, one at the top and the other at the bottom, in a U/L fashion. The number that occupies the upper position is termed systolic pressure, and the diastolic pressure occupies the lower position. The systolic pressure is always greater than the diastolic pressure, and the unit of blood pressure reading is mmHg, like 120/80 mmHg.
Systolic pressure can be defined as the pressure exerted on the arteries during the heart muscle contraction.
Diastolic pressure can be defined as the exerted blood pressure on the heart muscle in between the heartbeats.
Both the numbers play a crucial role in determining the state of the heart, as a rising number is an indicator that the heart is sweating hard to pump blood to the different parts of the body.
Depending upon the amount of spike in blood pressure reading, blood pressure is categorized into several categories that are listed below:
1. Normal Reading
What's a normal reading in blood pressure? A blood pressure reading is normal when the upper or systolic pressure is present between 90 to 120 mmHg and the lower or diastolic pressure is present between 60 to 80 mmHg. This means any reading between 90/60 mmHg and 120/80 mmHg is considered normal blood pressure in humans. This normal blood pressure reading can vary according to the age and gender of a person, like a higher-aged person will have a higher normal blood pressure than a young individual. But, if the individual is female, she will have a lower blood pressure than a male.
Maintaining normal blood pressure is crucial, as it can fluctuate with our daily habits, weight gain, stress, etc. Hence, a regular workout session and a healthy diet will keep the medication away for a person with normal blood pressure.
2. Elevated Blood Pressure
Touching the mark of elevated blood pressure in the reading can be a matter of concern, as this can lead to a high blood pressure state in the future if neglected. This means the systolic pressure reading between 120 to 129 mm Hg and the diastolic reading more than 80 mm Hg is considered elevated blood pressure. These numbers are just above the normal range, which indicates the need for good heart health habits. If ignored initially, this can lead to high blood pressure, making the person more prone to heart disease and stroke. Even a few doctors state this stage as the prehypertension stage. This isn't a stage that requires medication, and elevated blood pressure can be reduced to normal by adopting a healthier lifestyle and healthier diet.
3. Hypertension Stage-1
This is the first stage of concern as the blood pressure reading rises to systolic pressure between 130 to 139 mm Hg and the diastolic pressure between 80 to 89 mm Hg. If the reading reaches this mark, then the person is diagnosed with hypertension or high blood pressure. Getting only one high reading within a period isn't a matter of concern or cannot be determined as high blood pressure. To determine the high blood pressure, doctors track the blood pressure for a period and then take its average to declare high blood pressure.
Once the person is diagnosed with high blood pressure, he/she should be kept under medication. If the person is a heart patient, then the medication should be continued, and healthy habits should be added to life like workouts and a heart-friendly diet, etc.
4. Hypertension Stage-2
This level is the indicator for severity in elevating blood pressure. The hypertension stage-2 is determined when the systolic pressure reaches above 140 mm Hg, and the diastolic pressure reaches 90 mm Hg or more. This spike should be persistent throughout the period to term it as the second stage, or the person should be already diagnosed with hypertension stage 1. To treat this stage of hypertension, medication is the most important thing to keep the rising blood pressure normal, while adding a better lifestyle and food habits becomes necessary.
Some of the most common medicines suggested by doctors in this stage are:
ACE Inhibitors: They relax or loosen the blood vessel by blocking substances that tighten the blood vessel.
Alpha-blockers: Their role is to relax the arteries.
Beta-blockers: This helps in reducing the heart rate.
Calcium channel blockers: These medicines help relax the blood vessels and ease the work done by the heart.
Diuretics: This helps in reducing the amount of fluid present in the body, including blood vessels.
5. Hypertensive Crisis
Also called the danger zone, which means the blood pressure reading is above 180 mm Hg as systolic pressure or diastolic pressure above 120 mm Hg. This is a severe health issue that requires immediate action or urgent treatment to lower the blood pressure, or else it will be fatal. If a person gets the following symptoms, then he/she should measure the blood pressure. The symptoms that can be seen are chest pain, shortness of breath, visual changes, stroke, and symptoms like loss in muscle control, blood in urine, dizziness, or headache.
Generally, multiple symptoms are seen in a hypertensive person. Still, if the person has measured the blood pressure before getting these symptoms and found it to be in the danger zone, they should opt for immediate treatment. But, sometimes, the spike is seen only once, and then it returns to normal. Hence, if the person gets a spike in blood pressure, the blood pressure should be re-measured after a few seconds.
6. Low Blood Pressure or Hypotension
This is the condition where the blood pressure drops down below the normal range, i.e., 90/60 mm Hg. Dropping blood pressure is not a matter of concern but, an excessive drop in it can lower oxygenated blood supply to the body and heart. This reduced supply can be dangerous to the person. Hence, consult a doctor to get the proper treatment for low blood pressure before it turns critical.
Preventive Measures to Control Blood Pressure
Blood pressure control is a crucial element in a person's life as it can lead to several unwanted diseases as we age. Hence, before it gets worse, take these preventive measures now.
1. Reduce Sodium Intake
Excessive sodium can lead to hypertension as the limit for a normal human is 2300 mg sodium per day, while a person with hypertension should not take more than 1500 mg per day. This means, reducing the intake of salt in food should be done first.
2. Reduce Caffeine Intake
Some hypertension patients are sensitive to caffeine. Hence everyone should consult with their doctors if they are sensitive to caffeine or not. If yes, then reduce the intake of caffeine.
3. Exercise or Workout
Workout is a solution to many diseases like hypertension, as it keeps the heart rate normal and suppresses the blood pressure.
4. Maintain Body Weight
Overweight has an impact on blood pressure. Hence it is suggested to keep the normal weight maintained to avoid issues like hypertension.
5. Manage Stress
Stress is another cause for a hike in blood pressure readings. Hence, by doing meditation, yoga, or moderate exercise, try to control the anger or avoid unnecessary stress.
6. Reduce Alcohol Consumption And Cigarette Smoking
Both smoking and drinking can be harmful to a person as they can raise the blood pressure level. Drinking should be avoided as per the need, but smoking should not be done at any point.
Read More Story about blood pressure reading
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sprintmedicalnews · 3 years
Can Female Masturbation lead to Infertility?
In India, people are not comfortable talking about sexuality, personal concerns, etc. But, when the country moves towards achieving its long-term goals, it is high time to speak openly on subjects like sexual health, personal hygiene, etc.
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Getting pregnant for a woman is bliss. The process brings joy to the family, and the related people have an optimistic approach towards it. Every couple desire that this blessing knocks on their door at a certain point in their lives. For making this dream come true, a woman must pass a healthy nine months period. However, when we see the bigger picture, there are many other complexities involved in it that are ignored by an ordinary person. In India, people are not comfortable talking about sexuality, personal concerns, etc., as they are considered extremely sensitive. But, when the country moves towards achieving its long-term goals, it is high time to talk openly on subjects like sexual health, personal hygiene, etc.
One of the most doubted questions is about the effects on a female's fertility due to masturbation.
There are many theories in the present times among the people regarding this topic, specifically females, about long-term health effects.
A large number of women are a victim of false knowledge and lack of sexual education. The literacy rate of a country and the health infrastructure play a vital role in making the women well-aware.
This article focuses on various misconceptions regarding female sexual health and steps to overcome it.
Firstly, we need to understand the two different terms- Infertility and Masturbation. And later, after analyzing some well-established facts and figures, we will conclude about the relevancy between Infertility and masturbation, if there's any!
Infertility can be talked about as a health problem in both sexes. As this article primarily focuses on the females' side, Infertility is merely a reproductive problem.
Infertility can be defined as sexual behavior in which a female is unable to get pregnant. On the other hand, a high fertility rate means a person (female) has a higher chance of getting pregnant. Thus, an infertile woman is unable to conceive a baby.
Infertility is an inclusive term and is of mainly two types: Primary and Secondary. Primary Infertility refers to when a woman cannot get pregnant for at least one year. In contrast, Secondary Infertility is when a woman had got pregnant once but is now unable to conceive.
Infertility is both long and short term, which means a woman may be infertile for a specific period.
With transitionary habits and lifestyle, women are very much likely to get infertile. However, there isn't one but several external factors that increase the percentage of infertile women every year.
Family, environment, food, unhealthy lifestyle & habits, genetic diseases, etc., can play in determinant role concerning Infertility. Infertility is unwanted and can even affect a well-run relationship among couples.
Apart from these causes, many women are concerned if this sexual dysfunction is also caused by masturbation. Well, this argument can better be scrutinized if we get a grasp of the term "Masturbation" alone.
Human age is sustaining due to people's needs, and a person needs to satisfy them to survive on this planet. Be it food, shelter, money, spiritual need, etc. It is essential to make sure that these needs must be fulfilled. Once a requirement of a human is fulfilled, the soul of the human body is satisfied.
The term masturbation can be defined as an act to sexually satisfy oneself without the opposite/same-sex person. It is high time that masturbation is seen merely as a way to fulfill one's sexual desires and not an act of shame.
Once a person hits the years of pubic age, and the sex hormones are getting developed in the body, the urge of getting self-satisfaction becomes more frequent. Thus, it becomes essential to satisfy the human body in terms of its sexual requirements.
Masturbation must be noticed as a symbol of self-care and self-love; therefore, discussing such topics in an open environment must be normalized. Before a woman blames herself and her actions (masturbation) for the disability to conceive, we must shed some light on the connectivity between Infertility and masturbation.
When a relevant body of government of a country surveyed this very topic, it was found that a large number of women were a victim of wrong education.
Some believe that masturbation is strictly bad for the body's health. At the same time, some considered it as a regular act and part of their daily routine. Some thought it was the sole reason for Infertility among women.
Before making a judgment on the matter, we must talk about the benefits of masturbation on human health (especially women).
Some of the broad established Positive Impacts on Human Health that can affect Female Masturbation
1. Relieve from stress
This may be a temporary positive effect of masturbation in women, but masturbation helps better the mind's stress. This effect can directly be linked to the fact that many extremely busy people lack sexual health. People trapped in the circle of professional life or any other busy life aspect are less likely to spare time for rejuvenating their sexual conditions, which makes them sexually inactive for a more extended period.
2. Better Sleep
It is proven that masturbation/sex helps in getting a night of better sleep. When a person unleashes the stored body energy in masturbating, the person naturally feels lighter and relaxed, and the quality of sleep increases. This can be linked to a person facing insomnia which leads his/her sexual life towards the negative stature.
3. Improved sex life
Estrogen, the female sex hormone, must be at a healthy level. Masturbating can lead to an improvement in estrogen level and make a female sexually active. Sex is a vital part of a relationship and a "must" act in married couples. Excitement is the basis of sex, which is further developed by estrogen.
4. Precise menstrual cycle
A large number of women faces problems with their menstrual cycle. Some of them experience menstruating issues concerning time, while some face unhealthy effects. When the estrogen and progesterone level among women stay at a desirable level, the scope for such problems becomes narrower, and a woman can pass a smoother & healthier menstrual cycle. The above stated are some of the expected benefits of masturbation in women. It has both short-term and long-term benefits from temporary pleasure and sexual satisfaction to long-term benefits like easing down the effects of post-menstrual sexual problems.
Connecting the dots, we can now conclude the subject. With the help of some well-established facts, surveys, and international reports, we now have a transparent opinion about the effects of masturbation on fertility.
It has been seen that among the females facing Infertility, a large percentage comprises the ones who are sexually inactive, under a particular sort of depression, or less passionate. Masturbation can boost the female sex hormones and improve the quality of life.
As we all know, anything in excess is harmful to human health. It becomes essential for people (especially the younger generation) to understand any lethal risk of frequently involved activities.
It is very evident from the above-stated facts that Infertility and masturbation don't have any direct link. Thus, there are no concrete studies or research that prove the connection between masturbation and Infertility.
Infertility can be treated under the guidance of a health expert. Thus, a couple must not hurry in blaming a particular aspect. There is a high probability that Infertility can be short-term, as it is seen in several cases that the couples who were unable to conceive earlier have done it later. Therefore, having sufficient knowledge about sexual subjects is a must for couples.
Read more story about Infertility and Masturbation
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sprintmedicalnews · 3 years
Diarrhea During Pregnancy - Causes and Treatment
Based on the research carried out on the rural South Asian population, it was noted that diarrhea during pregnancy was correlated with a significantly increased risk of SGA infants. Here are a few home remedies and treatment
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Difficulties linked with the digestive system, such as constipation and diarrhea, may often occur during pregnancy. It can be due to shifting of hormones, diet changes, and added stress due to pregnancy. It has been noted that pregnant women suffer from diarrhea quite a lot. If they are not cautious enough, it may result in serious problems such as SGA (Small for Gestational Age) infants, resulting in indirect infant mortality.
Based on the research carried out on the rural South Asian population, it was briefly noted that diarrheal illness during pregnancy was correlated with a significantly increased risk of SGA infants. Small-for-gestational-age (SGA) has been found to contribute 60–80% of infant mortality worldwide. Programs to reduce diarrheal illness during pregnancy may have a positive impact on SGA births in resource-limited environments.
The association between diarrhea during pregnancy and adverse effects on newborns is a discussion to be considered seriously. We already know that women with diarrhea during pregnancy are considerably more likely to have SGA newborns. However, Low birth weight (LBW) and preterm birth incidence did not differ between women without diarrhea and women with diarrhea during pregnancy.
Graph of infant mortality rate 2009-2019 (60-80% contributed by SGA)
Why diarrhea is common during pregnancy
If you are experiencing more than three loose bowel movements in a single day, there's a chance that you may have diarrhea. The problem of diarrhea during pregnancy is very common. Here are some pregnancy-related causes for diarrhea:
1. Diet changes
Many women tend to make drastic diet changes when they find out that they are pregnant to eat healthy for the developing baby. This immediate shift in food intake can become a reason for your upset stomach, and this can potentially cause diarrhea.
2. New food sensitivities
Food sensitivities are one of the many transitions you'll experience during your pregnancy. This means that foods that never disconcerted you before pregnancy may now cause you an upset stomach, diarrhea, and gas.
3. Prenatal vitamins
Putting up prenatal vitamins during pregnancy is good for the health of both you and your developing baby. However, sometimes the intake of these vitamins can make your stomach upset, resulting in diarrhea.
4. Hormone changes
Hormone changes may make your digestive system slow down, so this may result in a constipation problem for you. But, hormones can also speed up your digestive system, which may give rise to diarrhea.
Diarrhea commonly occurs in the third trimester
As you'll come near to your due date, you'll find that diarrhea's problem becomes more common. This may happen because your body is preparing itself for labor. Diarrhea does not always mean that your labor day is just a few days away, so you don't need to be too concerned due to the increased frequency of diarrhea.
However, some women will not even encounter frequent diarrhea in their third trimester, though other women will. It differs from person to person, and each woman's experience will be distinct from others. Pregnant women should go for week-by-week pregnancy guidance and healthcare experts' tips to better understand their unique condition.
Sometimes the reason for getting diarrhea during your pregnancy period is not necessarily due to pregnancy. Some other factors may lead you to diarrhea during your pregnancy.
Here are some reasons other than pregnancy that may cause this problem:
1. virus
2. Bacteria
3. Stomach flu
4. Intestinal parasites
5. Food poisoning
6. Medications
Apart from these, certain other conditions also make diarrhea more prevalent. These include celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and celiac disease.
How to treat diarrhea during pregnancy
If you are skeptical of pills while you are pregnant, there is good news for you. You may not have to take any supplementary prescriptions to treat your diarrhea. In fact, most cases of diarrhea get back to normal without any additional treatment. However, if you need some way to deal with it, a few home treatments are available.
1. Give it time
Most cases of diarrhea will get cleared up within a week, especially if it is the outcome of a bug or virus, bacteria, or food poisoning.
2. Stay hydrated
If you are experiencing diarrhea, you need to stay hydrated. Watery and loose bowel movements extract a significant amount of fluid from your body. Dehydration can arise promptly and can become a severe problem, especially for pregnant women.
Even when pregnant women are not undergoing digestive problems, they still need more water than everybody else. Keep drinking the water to restore the fluids you are losing. You must drink some juice and broth to help supplant some of the vitamins, electrolytes, and minerals that your body has been losing due to diarrhea.
3. Consider your medication
If a prescribed medication you are taking is provoking diarrhea, it is not a serious issue, and within no time, your body will be able to adjust to it, and your diarrhea may stop. But, if it's taking a long time to go away, inform your doctor.
4. See a doctor
Make an appointment with your doctor if your diarrhea does not stop after 2 or 3 days. Your doctor will physically examine you and may take out some blood samples to determine the cause of your diarrhea.
5. Avoid problematic foods
Certain food groups can make diarrhea worse. Stay away from high-fat, spicy foods, fried meals, milk and other dairy products, and high-fiber diets.
6. Do not take over-the-counter medicine.
Never try to consume any anti-diarrheal medication without the consultation of your doctor. Certain conditions may get worsened by using these medicines. Besides, they are not considered safe for everyone to use.
When you should seek treatment
Prolonged diarrhea can result in dehydration. Severe dehydration can cause pregnancy complications. Call your doctor right away if you notice symptoms of dehydration. Some of the common symptoms of dehydration include:
dark yellow urine
Dry, sticky mouth
Decreased urine output
You can stave off dehydration during your pregnancy by drinking a minimum of 80 ounces of water each day.
Prevention Tips for Diarrhea
1. Safe drinking water:
Developing countries have become breeding land for contagious illnesses due to negligible or flawed standards of hygiene. Water contamination, following with insufficient availability of safe drinking water, is one of the most chronic contributors to this problem. Vessels that we use for storing water at our homes must be kept covered at all times and should never get direct contact with potentially unclean hands to prevent contamination. As an added precaution, boiling and treating water before drinking is always a good exercise.
2. Toilet hygiene:
Convenient and proper dumping of human waste is an often overlooked aspect of sanitation and hygiene that leads to the origin of disease-causing germs. One must ensure that the toilet in-use is linked directly to the on-site sanitation system or sewage for instant removal of fecal matter. The toilet must be properly flushed after each use, and the pan should be regularly cleaned with a toilet cleaner and brush to avoid any build-up of debris and germs on the inward surfaces of the toilet. Cleaning the outside and area around the toilet is equally important, such as the cistern, the seat, flush handle, and so on. Keep them spotless and free from germs.
It is essential to clean toilet and bathroom floors with surface disinfectant liquid occasionally. Cover the toilet at all times to stave off flies from bringing in germs and other contamination of the environment in and around your house.
The brushes and clothes you use for cleaning the toilet should be kept separate from the other cleaning equipment you use to clean the rest of the house.
3. Food hygiene:
When it comes to food, one must maintain good hygiene; this will ensure the prevention of food poisoning that might lead to diarrhea and gastroenteritis. Here are some factors that you must follow to keep your food hygienic:
After cooking, especially fish, raw meat, or eggs, disinfect any kitchen surfaces you have used and clean them properly. Use hot water and detergent to clean dirty utensils, crockery, and cutlery.
Separately store the raw and cooked food each time.
Make sure that the food you cook is not left undercooked.
Do properly refrigerate the food items to prohibit the growth of bacteria.
Before you start cooking or eating, make sure that you have washed your hands thoroughly with a good hand wash or at least have cleaned it with a good hand Sanitizer.
Word of Wisdom
Diarrhea is a common disease that can impact anyone, including women who are expecting a baby. You can follow the above-mentioned home treatments and preventive measures to prevent diarrhea. It is better to keep your surroundings hygienic; this is one of the management procedures to halt diarrhea. If your diarrhea exceeds 48 hours, then speak to your doctor about it. Seek immediate medical care if you see symptoms such as bloody stools, dehydration, frequent vomiting, or fever. Make sure to ask your doctor before taking any medication for diarrhea.
Credit Source: https://sprintmedical.in/blog/pregnancy-diarrhea
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sprintmedicalnews · 3 years
Test Tube Baby: How and Why it is Done?
In vitro fertilization is the most effective type of assisted reproductive technology that helps couples getting a baby. Here's all you need to know about the test-tube baby or in vitro fertilization.
Test tube baby or In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a process of fertilization. An egg usually combines with sperm outside the body of an organism in an artificial medium. This process generally involves monitoring and stimulating a woman's ovulatory process, which involves removing the ovum or ova from the woman's ovaries.
The sperm is then made to fertilize in a culture medium in a laboratory. When the fertilized egg forms the embryo in about 2–6 days, it is implanted in the same or another woman's uterus. This is done to establish a successful pregnancy in the woman.
IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation)
IVF or test tube baby is a kind of assisted reproductive technology used for infertility treatment and gestational surrogacy. A fertilized egg can be implanted into a surrogate's uterus, resulting in the child becoming genetically unrelated. Some countries have also banned and regulated the availability of IVF treatment, giving rise to fertility tourism. IVF is generally not used until all the less invasive and expensive options have failed or been determined unlikely to work.
In July 1978, Louise Brown was the first-ever child who was successfully born after her mother received an IVF treatment. Brown was born with the help of natural-cycle IVF, where no other stimulation was used. This procedure took place at Dr. Kershaw's Cottage Hospital situated in Royton, Oldham, England.
After the IVF treatment, some couples get pregnant without any other fertility treatments that are done on them. In 2018, it was estimated that more than eight million children were born worldwide using IVF and other assisted reproduction techniques. In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is nowadays the most common and effective type of assisted reproductive technology to help women become pregnant.
5 Step Process of Having a Test Tube Baby
IVF generally involves fertilizing the egg in a so-called laboratory dish. In a natural conception, after the release of a mature female egg (ovulation), the male sperm usually penetrates it and fertilizes it inside her body. The fertilized egg gets embedded in the uterus, also known as the womb, which then develops into a baby. In situations when natural or unassisted conception is not possible, then fertility treatment is an option.
Techniques can differ depending on the clinic, but generally, the IVF involves the following steps:
1. Suppressing Menstruation: The first step is suppressing the natural menstrual cycle. The woman generally receives a drug, usually in a daily injection for two weeks, to suppress their natural menstrual cycle.
2. Superovulation: In this process, the fertility drugs which contain the fertility hormone, generally known as the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), are given to the woman. FSH usually makes the ovaries produce more eggs than the usual number. Vaginal ultrasound scans also can monitor the process in the ovaries.
3. Retrieving the Eggs: In this process, eggs are collected from the female body through a minor surgery known as "follicular aspiration." A very thin needle is generally inserted through the vagina and into an ovary. The needle after that is usually connected to a suction device. This sucks the eggs out. This process is recounted for collecting the egg from each ovary present in the female body. The researchers have suggested that collecting 15 eggs from the ovaries in one cycle usually gives the highest chance of a successful pregnancy from many active experiments.
4. Insemination and Fertilization: In this step, the collected eggs are placed together with the male sperm and kept in an environmentally controlled incubator. After a few hours, the sperm would enter the egg. Sometimes the sperm is directly injected into the egg itself. This is also known as an intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Frozen sperm, which are retrieved through testicular biopsy, can also be used here. This is generally considered as effective as fresh sperm in achieving a successful pregnancy. The fertilized egg starts dividing and becomes an embryo.
At this point, some centers also offer pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which generally screens an embryo for various genetic disorders. This process is not common. The woman here is given progesterone or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to help her in the womb's lining, which will receive the embryo.
5. Embryo Transfer: In this process, sometimes, more than one embryo is placed in the woman's womb. The couple must discuss with the doctor how many embryos should be transferred in this process. If ideal embryos are unavailable, then the doctor shall transfer more than one embryo. The transfer of the embryo is usually done by using a thin tube or a catheter. It will enter the womb through the vagina of the woman. Once the embryo sticks to the lining of the womb, healthy embryo growth will begin.
Why it is Done?
In-vitro fertilization is helpful for those women who have not become pregnant through regular unprotected intercourse or generally after the 12 cycles of artificial insemination.
IVF can be an option for the couple if either of the two partners has received a diagnosis of unexplained infertility through other techniques, such as the use of any fertility drugs or intrauterine insemination (IUI). A normal pregnancy will also not work if the woman's fallopian tubes are blocked. Other factors such as age may also affect the successful pregnancy.
The likelihood of successful conception generally depends on various factors, including:
1. how long the couple has been trying to become pregnant
2. the cause of infertility in the woman
3. whether or not the pregnancy or a live birth of a child has occurred before
4. the strategy which will be used on the woman
One study, which has been published in CMAJ open in the year 2013, has suggested that the women who have sufficient levels of vitamin D are more likely to become pregnant with the IVF technique as compared with those who have the lower levels of this vitamin. However,  it is unknown if taking vitamin D supplements can also affect getting pregnant, either naturally or with IVF.
3 Major Risks Associated with IVF
Some risks that are associated with the IVF technique are:
12 Primary Side Effects of the Medication
1. IVF can cause difficulty in sleeping.
2. Some women may also have reactions to the medications that are given to them during treatment.
3. vomiting
4. irritability
5. difficulty breathing
6. enlargement of the ovaries
7. hot flashes
8. abdominal pain
9. difficulty sleeping
10. Bruising resulting from repeated daily injections.
11. There are several health risks to the mother. Rarely, the drugs can also cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). This usually happens when the ovaries over-respond to the gonadotropins, so too many eggs develop in the ovaries. They can also have severe abdominal swelling as well as shortness of breath. If the OHSS occurs, the doctor may also suggest restarting the whole cycle with the help of a lower dose of gonadotropin.
12. IVF also comes with a higher risk of having a pulmonary embolism, the blockage of the lung's main artery, venous thromboembolism, or blood clots during the 1st trimester of pregnancy of the woman.
Pregnancy Loss
The primary cause of pregnancy loss, whether in IVF or natural conception, is conceiving an abnormal number of chromosomes from the male partner who is also known as chromosomal aneuploidy—detecting the aneuploidy in the egg or the sperm before carrying out IVF or in an embryo before the implantation may also help to increase the chance of a successful pregnancy.
Also Read: Having Diarrhea During Pregnancy
Multiple Births
When more than one embryo is generally transferred into the woman's womb, there is a greater chance of having twins, triplets, or more babies for the couple.
Pregnancies with more than one fetus can also result in the following things;
1. preterm birth or the low birth weight of the baby
2. double the mother's risk of developing diabetes in them
3. significant increase in the mother's blood pressure
4. the doctor may also recommend that there should only be a single embryo transfer in women with an increased chance of having twins.
Here's all you need to know about the test-tube baby or in vitro fertilization.
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sprintmedicalnews · 3 years
Safe Days Calculator
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If you want to have sex, but don’t wish to get pregnant, use a safe days calculator.
1. How many days after a period is safe to avoid pregnancy?
To avoid pregnancy, it is safe to avoid intercourse for about 10 to 12 days after the last day of periods.
2. How many days after my period can I get pregnant?
Ten to twelve days after the period ends are the most fertile.
Try Safe Days Calculator
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sprintmedicalnews · 3 years
Ovulation Calculator
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1. Which are the most fertile days to get pregnant?
You are most fertile when you are ovulating. It usually occurs 12 to 14 before your next menstruation cycle.
2. What day is your highest chance of getting pregnant?
The highest chance of getting pregnant is on the day of ovulation or two days before that.
Try Ovulation calculator
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sprintmedicalnews · 3 years
Due Date Calculator
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1. How do long cycles affect the due date? It is not about the length of the cycle; it's when you ovulate. You could have a long or short cycle and still ovulate 14 days before your period. Pick a mid-cycle date to know the due date.
2. Is it more accurate to calculate the due date from conception or the last period? Ultrasound is the most accurate way to know the due date. However, the last period date is commonly used to know the due date.
Try Due Date Calculator
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sprintmedicalnews · 3 years
Menopause and Weight Gain
Menopause is the decline of reproductive hormones in a women's 50s & is often linked with the increase in weight. This article deals with the scientific correlation of menopause and weight gain.
Weight gain at the menopause stage of a woman is prevalent. This occurs due to various factors, which include:
1. Hormones
2. Aging
3. Lifestyle
4. Genetics
The 4 phases of Menopause
Menopause is highly individual. It generally varies from woman to woman. The female reproductive life cycle generally has four periods of hormonal changes during a woman's life.
1. Premenopause: Premenopause is the term that is used for a woman's reproductive life while she's fertile. It generally begins at the puberty stage, starting with the first menstrual period and ending with the last. This phase generally lasts for approximately 30-40 years of a woman.
2. Perimenopause: Perimenopause means a time which is around Menopause. During this time, the estrogen levels become erratic, and the progesterone levels also decline. A woman may start perimenopause at any time between her mid-30s and early 50s, but this transition generally occurs in the 40s, and this lasts for 4–11 years.
The symptoms of the perimenopause stage usually include:
hot flashes and heat intolerance in the woman.
menstrual cycle changes
sleep disturbances
mood changes, such as having irritability
weight gain
3. Menopause: Menopause usually occurs once a woman hasn't had a menstrual period for over 12 months. The average age of Menopause is generally 51 years. Up until then, a woman is generally considered perimenopausal. Many women experience their worst symptoms during the perimenopause period, but others find that these symptoms increase in the first year or two after Menopause in a woman.
4. Postmenopause: Postmenopause generally begins immediately after a woman has gone 12 months without having a period. The words menopause and postmenopause are often used interchangeably in a woman. Many physical as well as hormonal changes, continue to occur after Menopause in a woman.
How changes in Hormones levels affect the Metabolism?
During the perimenopause stage, the progesterone levels generally decline slowly and steadily, while the estrogen levels usually fluctuate significantly from day to day and maybe even within the same day.
In the early part of the perimenopause stage, the ovaries generally produce extremely high estrogen levels in the body. This is due to the impaired feedback signals between the ovaries, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland.
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Later in the perimenopause stage, when the menstrual cycles become more and more irregular, the ovaries will also produce very little estrogen. They produce even less in amount to that produced during the menopause stage.\
Some studies have also proven that high estrogen levels may also promote fat gain in a woman. This is because high estrogen levels are generally associated with weight gain and higher body fat during the reproductive years. From the puberty stage until perimenopause, women generally tend to store more fat in their hips and thighs in the form of subcutaneous fat.
However, during the menopause stage, the low estrogen levels will promote fat storage in the belly area in visceral fat. Visceral fat is generally linked to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and many other health issues.
Weight changes during the Perimenopause Stage
It is estimated that a woman usually gains about 2–5 pounds (1–2 kg) during the perimenopausal transition period. Some of the women even gain more weight. This generally appears to be particularly true for women who are already overweight or obese. Weight gain may also occur in women as a part of aging, regardless of hormonal changes that occur in them. Practically, no difference in the average weight gain was observed between those who have continued to have normal cycles and those who entered the menopause period.
Another factor contributing to the weight gain in the perimenopause period can be the increased appetite and the increased calorie intake, which occurs in response to hormonal changes. In a study, it was also found that levels of the "hunger hormone," which is known as ghrelin, were found to be significantly much higher among perimenopausal women when it was compared to the premenopausal and postmenopausal women.
The low estrogen levels found in the late stages of Menopause may also impair the functions of leptin and neuropeptide hormones in the woman's body that controls fullness and appetite. Therefore, the women in the late stages of perimenopause who have low estrogen levels may also be driven to eat more calories. Low levels of estrogen and progesterone also increase the risk of obesity.
Weight changes during and after Menopause
The Hormonal changes and the weight gain in a woman may continue to occur as she leaves the perimenopause stage and enters the menopause stage. One predictor of weight gain is the age at which menopause occurs.
Postmenopausal women generally get less physically active than when they were younger, reducing energy expenditure, leading to a loss of muscle mass. Also, menopausal women frequently experience higher fasting insulin levels and insulin resistance, driving weight gain and increased heart disease risk.
4 Effective Ways to prevent Weight Gain around Menopause
Below are mentioned few ways through which a woman can prevent weight gain around the menopause period:
1. Reduce intake of carbohydrates: A woman can cut back on carbohydrates to reduce belly fat, which generally increases metabolic problems.
2. Eat more fiber: A woman can eat a high-fiber diet that includes flax seeds. It may also improve insulin sensitivity.
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3. Workout: A woman should engage in strength training to improve body composition, increase the strength of the body and build and maintain lean muscle.
4. Rest and Relax: Women should try to relax before bed and get enough sleep to keep their hormones and appetite well-managed.
The Risks of Weight Gain after the Menopause
Many risks are related to weight. They can have high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Extra fat at the waistline of a woman also raises these risks even more. A bigger waistline is more likely to occur after Menopause in women. If the waist size of a woman is more than 35 inches, it's time to take steps to reverse this trend in their body.
7 Reasons how Exercise helps with Weight control after Menopause?
The more active a woman is, the less weight they are likely to gain. Exercise also has many other advantages other than weight loss, which includes;
1. Lower risk of osteoporosis in a woman
2. It lowers the risks of metabolic syndrome, heart attack, and other cardiovascular diseases in the body.
3. It generally Improves insulin resistance
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4. It keeps the joints as well as muscles strong
5. It helps bowels work well
6. It also relieves depression and anxiety
7. It also improves the overall health
Good Exercise Choices after the Menopause
Strength training, as well as a weight-resistance exercise program, also helps to build muscle mass and therefore improves the metabolism of the body. Strength training also helps the woman to maintain bone mass. As a woman loses muscle mass as they age, they should add strength training to their workouts. It can be done two or three times a week. Examples of strength training generally include weight machines, dumbbells, exercise bands, yoga, and gardening.
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Low-impact aerobics is perfect for the heart as well as the lungs. Walking is one of the best exercises because a person can do it anywhere and anytime according to her preference. Other examples of aerobic exercises include cycling, swimming, tennis, aerobics, as well as dancing. A woman can exercise moderately for at least 30 minutes.
In India, more than 30 million people suffer from obesity. The problem of obesity is also increasing at an alarming rate. The obesity problem is more acute among women than men in India. In India, more than 23% of women are overweight or obese. The percentage of obesity is highest among 55–59 years of women (25.7%), followed by 45–49 years old (23.6%). They should always consult their doctor about a new exercise program. A woman should choose activities they enjoy so that they will stick with their workouts. They should always find an exercise partner to help them to stay motivated.
Word of Wisdom
Menopause can be very challenging for a woman, both physically as well as emotionally. However, eating a nutritious and balanced diet and getting enough exercise and rest can help prevent weight gain and reduce the disease risk.
Overweight and obesity are increasing at a higher rate. The prevalence of overweight has also increased from 8.4% to 15.5% among women between 1998 and 2015. The percentage of obesity has also increased from 2.2% to 5.1% over the same period and these are just the numbers from India.
Although adjusting to the natural processes happening in the body may take some time. However, women should always try to do their best to accept these changes that will inevitably happen with age.
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