sporadicsuittaco · 3 months
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yooo thats so messed up wtf
people work really hard on creating public chatrooms and their roleplays and making their own brand abt it and she come here only to steal and copy from other people...
this is mostly what she do on imvu
she steal/copy from others and then say they full of drama abt it
she gets mad at creators who lose access to creating when they run out of vip
she tells everyone creator name tiffany that been on imvu since 2006 https://www.imvu.com/next/av/lCHARMYl/ is a horrible mean spirited person bc they didnt want to be her friend anymore and this 47 year old kittiz woman wont shutup abt it
shes mean to other users and then makes up lies that "imvu did it" but imvu cant do what shes claiming it did
she will buy from you and then show what she got to one of her friends who is a creator and they will take what you made and copy and sell it in their imvu shop
she does that with almost all of lCHARMYl items that she bought herself
she lies and posts on her imvu feed that other people are gifting her when she is the one spending 50k-100k in peoples imvu shops herself and shes even buying for other people
she goes thru men like 2 a week every week and then gets all mad when she ends up single and roleplay pregnant
she post her rl outside life on imvu next feed (not very safe idea)
she family hops in roleplays
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