spookylair · 17 hours
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my evil chalice came in but its so fucking small. goddamnit. they're going to make fun of me at the wizards circle tonight
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spookylair · 2 days
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spookylair · 2 days
happy 6/6 to the repeating numbers fandom
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spookylair · 2 days
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spookylair · 3 days
2024 tumblr: yea im jackin it to this clown vore video but im only into these kinks ironically
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spookylair · 3 days
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spookylair · 3 days
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spookylair · 3 days
Pizza delivery drivers of Reddit, what are some of the craziest reasons people have ended up on the “no delivery list”?
I worked for a pizza place that was near a very large software company. Deliveries to the neighborhoods or offices where all the tech workers lived was usually pretty awesome because they'd tip rather well. But there was one apartment that started to become a concern for us drivers. The man ordering was always polite, always paid, always tipped $4, and he would have been a perfect customer. He'd order breadsticks and a salad twice a week, and sometimes he'd include a bottle of root beer. Except when he opened his door, you could see an alarming amount of our breadsticks boxes stacked everywhere inside. Not like a few on the counter and a couple by the trash, stacks and stacks of them. Even worse, it was only our boxes in there. He wasn't just ordering from us often, we were the only place he was getting food outside of work. Now, I've worked in some of those tech offices myself, I know that there's enough decent food options just hanging out in the break rooms that this guy was probably not malnourished, but the way his living space was a shrine of greasy cardboard was a clear sign that this guy didn't have a healthy relationship with our food. Our manager was a really cool dude though, and he heard the drivers joking about the boxes and asked a couple of us "Is this like a messy guy or a guy who needs help?" We agreed it was probably the latter. So on his day off, the manager went to the guys apartment with an envelope that had gift cards for several other restaurants that delivered in that area and chatted with him. Manager found out that the guy was an immigrant on a Visa who was struggling to find American food he liked, and too socially awkward to ask anyone. So he talked with him through a few menus and helped him with some recommendations. Then he helped the guy load all the old boxes into his truck to take to the dump, in exchange for a promise not to order from us more than once a week. For a little while, the manager had a note on the calendar showing the last time the guy had ordered, and a couple times he had to hold his ground and refuse the guy's order. But after that chat, I never saw the stacks of boxes again, and the guy would boast about the different meals he'd had.
what the fuck dude, this is so sweet.
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spookylair · 4 days
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pick one you bald genderless idiot
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spookylair · 4 days
Gonna eat my hands from how much tumblr is unaware of Bad Bunny
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spookylair · 4 days
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fell for the oldest trick in the book
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spookylair · 4 days
go whiteboy go
you sent me this literally while i was eating a mustard sandwich (sandwich that has nothing but mustard) so i feel like you knew somehow
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spookylair · 4 days
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spookylair · 5 days
one of the most important things, perhaps the most important thing I have learned in my life is that nice people can fuck each other up in monstrous ways. people can be bone deep kind and loving and self reflective and still lash out under pressure. people can be earnestly neighbourly and charitable and hospitable and generous and still find themselves in situations where they become selfish. people can be well meaning and easygoing and gregarious and hold deep seated opinions that turn them into vicious little bullies under the right conditions. nobody is just one thing, and nobody stays one way. every person is a kaleidoscope and they will surprise you. you will surprise yourself. it's not a warning and it's not a judgement and it's not an excuse, and it's certainly not a reason to stop trying or to stop trusting. it is just a fact.
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spookylair · 6 days
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Andrew Robinson on playing Garak for the first time. 
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spookylair · 6 days
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spookylair · 6 days
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