spooky-masky · 9 months
hey it’s okay. maybe you’ll feel better if you imagine your OCs in fucked up situations
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spooky-masky · 1 year
gods this is so funny to me. i'm clearing out old asks and this is from april 2020 and just describes this entire account so well
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spooky-masky · 4 years
Loralie smiles softly at Jess, trying to be comforting, but the smile doesn’t reach her eyes fully.
“It’s okay, kiddos. They’re going to calm down for now. It’ll just be us for a few. And I can always step out if you need space.”
(( @3364463826747 ))
As Beaver is trying to explain the situation to Masky and Loralie, he hears a voice. A familiar voice.
“Oh won’t this be a fun time to see what you can do, hmm?~”
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spooky-masky · 4 years
King’s eyes widen for a second before he stands and grabs Aiden’s arm. “Cmon. We do need to go talk.”
Aiden glares at Beaver but sighs and puts on a neutral expression while walking out of the room. Staying intentionally right next to King to guide him.
Loralie sighs and sits on the bed and rubs her face for a second before looking up at the teens, “Do you two want to sit up here?”
(( @3364463826747 ))
As Beaver is trying to explain the situation to Masky and Loralie, he hears a voice. A familiar voice.
“Oh won’t this be a fun time to see what you can do, hmm?~”
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spooky-masky · 4 years
Loralie glances at Beaver and let’s out a breath while letting go of Jess “Go take care of him, kiddo..”
She moves towards Aiden and King and grimaces as she sees King’s eyes. “Damnit. How well can you see, King?”
He shrugs before blinking and narrowing his eyes at Beaver. As he blinks black liquid start dripping down his cheeks like tears. “Do you see now why it was such a dangerous deal?”
Loralie smacks a hand over King’s mouth and hisses to him, “Shut up. You two need to leave. I’m going to check on the children.”
(( @3364463826747 ))
As Beaver is trying to explain the situation to Masky and Loralie, he hears a voice. A familiar voice.
“Oh won’t this be a fun time to see what you can do, hmm?~”
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spooky-masky · 4 years
Loralie keeps her grip firm and sighs softly while glancing at everyone quickly. “Lycidas was controlling him. I believe he’s gone. Give me a moment then you can go over to him, okay?”
Aiden swears loudly and tries to fight King’s grip. He ends up punching them in the face before his eyes meet King’s and he freezes. “King. Your eyes.”
King shushes him and glances at Beaver. “Father dearest possessed you and split us again.”
(( @3364463826747 ))
As Beaver is trying to explain the situation to Masky and Loralie, he hears a voice. A familiar voice.
“Oh won’t this be a fun time to see what you can do, hmm?~”
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spooky-masky · 4 years
Lycidas snaps Beavers’ head up and looks at Masky before humming then snapping.
Loralie’s eyes widen and she stands, and grabs Jess and moves across the room. “Sorry ‘bout that hun.. I don’t think Beaver is in control anymore...”
Masky lets out a pained gasp before wrapping their wings defensively around themself- Then a flash.
King stares at Aiden before looking at Beaver with a pained expression. “Oh. Hello Dad.”
Then he’s holding Aiden down to stop him from lunging at Beaver.
Lycidas simply smiles and vanishes, leaving Beaver back in control once more.
(( @3364463826747 ))
As Beaver is trying to explain the situation to Masky and Loralie, he hears a voice. A familiar voice.
“Oh won’t this be a fun time to see what you can do, hmm?~”
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spooky-masky · 4 years
Aiden looks at Beaver and narrows his eyes slightly before stilling his face to a neutral expression. “Kid I mean this in the nicest way possible- It’s not going to be fine. He’s going to hurt you.”
The voice sighs, “He never did learn to be quiet. How about we make this more interesting, hmm? Too bad~!”
Lycidas quickly starts to take control of Beaver, filling Beavers thoughts with dark and distorted images as he surfaces to control Beavers’ movements.
(( @3364463826747 ))
As Beaver is trying to explain the situation to Masky and Loralie, he hears a voice. A familiar voice.
“Oh won’t this be a fun time to see what you can do, hmm?~”
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spooky-masky · 4 years
(( @3364463826747 ))
As Beaver is trying to explain the situation to Masky and Loralie, he hears a voice. A familiar voice.
“Oh won’t this be a fun time to see what you can do, hmm?~”
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spooky-masky · 4 years
Loralie is quiet before nodding. “Okay. What does that entail? What did he want from you?”
“is it normal to make deals with demons in your dreams or is this still a dream?” - 🎲
“Who the fuck-“
Masky shifts and King appears.
“Who did you make a deal with, kiddo?”
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spooky-masky · 4 years
They shift again.
“What the Fuck?! Why would you do that?!”
Loralie smacks Aiden’s shoulder and moves a bit closer to Beaver.
“Honey, what’s the deal?”
“is it normal to make deals with demons in your dreams or is this still a dream?” - 🎲
“Who the fuck-“
Masky shifts and King appears.
“Who did you make a deal with, kiddo?”
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spooky-masky · 4 years
“is it normal to make deals with demons in your dreams or is this still a dream?” - 🎲
“Who the fuck-“
Masky shifts and King appears.
“Who did you make a deal with, kiddo?”
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spooky-masky · 4 years
“Very good, dear~”
Lycidas smirks, before vanishing.
Then it’s darkness.
beaver is back in the corner of his that lab, holding his arms close to his body as he watches the young child he once was being subjected to ... what, torture? heʼs not even sure himself but everything seems off. he can feel his palms sweating because of watching the scene in front of him, feel his nails digging into his palms, but he canʼt ... feel it. he can't feel the pain like usual.
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spooky-masky · 4 years
“Of course, dear~”
He holds his hand out towards Beaver with a smirk.
“Pleasure doing business with you~”
beaver is back in the corner of his that lab, holding his arms close to his body as he watches the young child he once was being subjected to ... what, torture? heʼs not even sure himself but everything seems off. he can feel his palms sweating because of watching the scene in front of him, feel his nails digging into his palms, but he canʼt ... feel it. he can't feel the pain like usual.
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spooky-masky · 4 years
“Become my host, and I won’t ever harm them. You just have to become my host. Since I can’t create a physical form for long~”
He turns and faces beaver.
“And your family will stay safe~”
beaver is back in the corner of his that lab, holding his arms close to his body as he watches the young child he once was being subjected to ... what, torture? heʼs not even sure himself but everything seems off. he can feel his palms sweating because of watching the scene in front of him, feel his nails digging into his palms, but he canʼt ... feel it. he can't feel the pain like usual.
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spooky-masky · 4 years
“Smart child. You shouldn’t. However, it will keep the people you care about safe. Like your lovely partner and child. And my sons. Your siblings. All of them~!”
He hums and turns and taps his foot in a quiet pattern before stopping.
“But if you’re not interested, I’ll be on my way to visit Jess~”
beaver is back in the corner of his that lab, holding his arms close to his body as he watches the young child he once was being subjected to ... what, torture? heʼs not even sure himself but everything seems off. he can feel his palms sweating because of watching the scene in front of him, feel his nails digging into his palms, but he canʼt ... feel it. he can't feel the pain like usual.
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spooky-masky · 4 years
Lycidas raises an eyebrow and sets Beaver down. Maybe a little more aggressive then he should’ve.
“Let’s make a deal, darling~”
beaver is back in the corner of his that lab, holding his arms close to his body as he watches the young child he once was being subjected to ... what, torture? heʼs not even sure himself but everything seems off. he can feel his palms sweating because of watching the scene in front of him, feel his nails digging into his palms, but he canʼt ... feel it. he can't feel the pain like usual.
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