spontaneous-birther 9 hours
are there any other girlies out there who just wanna get fucked raw together and then spend nine months humping our needy little cunts together and sucking on each others heavy tits until we give birth??? 馃ズ馃馃徎
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spontaneous-birther 4 days
What would you do if me and you and a bunch of other people were trapped in a storm cellar after a storm unable to get out due to a huge amount of debri on top of the doors. I feel a pregnancy starting and my belly rapidly begins to grow......within minutes I look full term and am starting to feel like I am going into labor?
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spontaneous-birther 12 days
FUCK!!! I just want to labor and birth. I dont care how or where I just want to give birth!
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spontaneous-birther 1 month
Fuck....im in labor and stuck in the dentist chair. What do I do, I cant have this baby in the chair in front of everyone
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spontaneous-birther 1 month
Oh I am in the chair with a full term belly. It completely grew while I was wsiting to get in to see the dentist.
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spontaneous-birther 1 month
Im on my way to the dentist and feeling weird......could it possibly be another pregnancy starting.....i hope I dont give birth at the dentists or even more so in the chair during the check up.
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spontaneous-birther 2 months
Hmmmm.....what should my next spontaneous pregnancy and birth be 馃?
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spontaneous-birther 2 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 100 reblogs!
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Got up to go to the washroom this morning and felt a pop.....my water just broke!
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spontaneous-birther 2 months
If you need a demonic touch to help, let me know 馃槝
Definitely will let you know 馃槉
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spontaneous-birther 2 months
I think its almost time.....I am starting to feel a strong urge to push. I need someone to check and see how dialated I am.
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spontaneous-birther 2 months
Did a spell to speed this labor along and holy wow is it working.......my water just broke but it didnt look normal......it was glowing, I dont know if I should be worried about that or not.
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spontaneous-birther 2 months
Ughh this labor is intense but so stalled......maybe I should do another ritual to progress it a little what do you all think?
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spontaneous-birther 2 months
Are you going to need help to do whatever ritual is needed to help your labour progress?
I might if this labor doesnt progress soon
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spontaneous-birther 2 months
How close together have your contractions been?
They are about every 5 minutes
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spontaneous-birther 2 months
Given your wombs definitely been contracting but the baby/babies are nowhere to be found, do you think that your cervix might be blocked by the magic? Maybe another spell will be necessary to move labour along 馃
I never actually thought of that but you know now that you mention it.....its quite possible
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spontaneous-birther 2 months
Ugghh this labor has been so hard, have been having contractions for days and still no baby.....im begining to wonder if it will ever come or if I am going to remain pregnant forever lol
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spontaneous-birther 2 months
My oh my, what sort of ritual have you gotten yourself wrapped up into?
Doesn't seem demonic to me, perhaps angelic, or maybe otherworldly? Perhaps I should make notes 馃槝
I am not quite sure what I have gotten myself into but its making me quite large and I am still growing.....birthing this child or children is going to be challenging 馃槉
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