spoiledxcherries · 4 years
open to: m / f nb (muses that are 25+) (tops preferred) 
muse: nathanael / a humanoid that your muse or muses (feel free to reply with more than one muse) ordered online to film adult videos with.
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Nathanael has his back resting against headboard of the bed, his chest and shoulder area covered in a combination of dark bite marks and newly formed hickeys as he scrolls through the phone in his hand. “Hey! Our last video made it to the front page and there’s a ton of comments” He exclaims though not too loudly since it was still early in the morning and neither of them are fully awake yet. Reading through the comments on their video, the recurring theme seems to be that their viewers want them to start branching out and experiment more with different toys. Someone by the username bitemyass claims that they would tip more if they use a whip in their next video. Someone else wants them to consider wearing blindfolds next time. Another wants them to add another person to the mix.”Username sexyjanitor69 says that we should upgrade our mic because the quality of my moaning was a little rocky last time” He chuckles as he reads the comment out loud. “I didn’t even notice”
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
open to: m / f / nb (muses that are 27+) 
muse: amélie / a humanoid & a famous actress in this verse.
plot: “i’m just an extra, but the star has a crush on me?! what????” au
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With the director of the show yelling out his final ‘CUT’ for the evening, the filming for the pilot episode of her new show came to an end. It was a romantic tale of a princess falling in love with a local thief. They had filmed their last scene outside of their usual studio and instead on location at a quaint little village away from the city. The air was warm and had a faint smell of freshly baked bread. It was a beautiful place and the locals had been very kind to her and the crew. She almost didn’t want to return back to the city but she knew that she had to. Her manager had signed her up for a morning variety show at the last minute so she needed to return and review her script.
Amélie makes the rounds, making sure to thank each and every member of the filming crew for their hard work.  She’s heading back to her trailer when she recalls wanting to check up on one of the extras who she had seen take quite the stumbled earlier during filming. Still in her heavy costume, she pushes through the crowd and makes her way over to where the extras are beginning to pack their things. It takes her a moment but she manages to spot her person of interest, sitting in a flimsy lawn chair with a bruised ankle. “Oh, dear! Is it really painful? Will you be alright to walk?” A gentle gasp escapes her as she rushes over to them, crouching down so she can get a better look. “I did not realize it was this bad or I would have come and found you sooner. Ah, what to do?”
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
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Name: Bai Zhu
Birthday: August 7th 1997
Religion: Atheist
The current place for living: in a luxury apartment complex located in a gated community 
Job title: Novelist (Horror) & Researcher @ The SP Detective Agency
                                                                             LIKES & DISLIKES:
[+] Newspapers / A favorite pastime of his is reading the morning newspaper while drinking out of a coffee stained mug.
[+] Home brewed coffee / He doesn’t like wasting money on overpriced coffee from major chains. He prefers making his own at home.
[+] Working / 100% he is a workaholic to the core. Borderline obsessed with the concept of always being productive, finds it rather difficult to relax.
[-] Socializing / He prefers having a small group of close knit friends and dislikes having to attend large social gatherings (ex: book signings, parties, meetings, etc).
[-] Sunshine / He has a preference for cloudier days and owns room darkening curtains for his apartment.
[-] Fast Food / Greasy food tends to upset his stomach.
Bai Zhu was born into wealth and he was raised by his grandparents after his parents were killed in a car accident. He had the privilege of having the freedom to pursue his passions instead of being forced to take part in the family business. It seemed like his grandparents views changed after the passing of their daughter and son in law and they become more lenient and understanding. He was popular among his peers and teachers for his polite personality and writing abilities. He skipped a grade and published his very first novel at the age of fifteen. Suffering from chronic nightmares, he uses them as subjects for his books.
Upon reaching adulthood, he moved to Seoul, South Korea after receiving an invitation to join the SP Detective Agency as member of their research department from an individual named ‘Dr. Yoon’ In exchange for working with them, he was offered specialized medication for his nightmares. When he isn’t working on his next novel, he lends a hand and his knowledge at the laboratory. 
His grandfather & grandmother: He has a very good relationship with his grandparents. He is constantly video calling them with updates on his next book and sharing the random on goings in his life. They don’t necessarily agree with the work that he does with the agency but they don’t push him too much about it. He has not come out to them yet and has no current plans to, his focus on working instead of finding a partner.
His father & mother: His father was the CEO of an airline company and his mother was the CEO of an oil company. Unfortunately they were killed in a tragic car wreck when Zhu was just a couple of months old. 
Hwang Aaliyah: He and Aaliyah were briefly intimate when he first began working with the agency but neither parties truly found satisfaction with each other so it did not last long. They’ve been able to maintain a professional relationship and work rather well together as they are both equally enamored with the unknown. 
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
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Name: Park Si Yeon
Birthday: November 1st 1989
The current place of living: a studio apartment located in the downtown area
Job title: Spiritual Consultant 
                                                                      LIKES & DISLIKES
[+] Collecting various cat figurines / Particularly fond of small knickknacks in general, she likes to collect cat figurines that she finds at thrift stores.
[+] Household gardening / She has a mini garden on her the balcony of her apartment where she grows tomatoes and various herbs and flowers.
[+] Knitting / A skill passed down by her mother, she tends to knit to relieve her stress. She’s known for gifting most of her work to friends and family.
[-] Dogs / Si Yeon was attacked by a large dog when she was a child and she still has a scar from it. She doesn’t hate them but she tends to avoid them and can get pretty nervous  if she sees one.
[-] Heatwaves / Her ideal weather is just after a rainfall, when everything is just slightly cooler and damper than usual.
[-] Sweets / Si Yeon prefers eating and drinking things that are more on the savory and bitter side.
Si Yeon was born with the ability to see the undead, an ability that she inherited from her great grandmother. She was often the subject of bullying because of it. The children in her neighborhood would throw rocks at her when she walked by and steal her belongings. For that reason, her parents decided that it would be best to home school her and her younger brother. Spirits would come to her for favors and would torment her if she didn’t help them. Some even going as far as harming her and the members of her family.
While her parents had always supported her ability and even considered it to be a sign of luck, that didn’t stop Si Yeon from developing a complex from it. She spent many years resenting herself and feeling ashamed of who she was. She tried running away from home and even attempted suicide at a one point so that her family wouldn’t be burdened by her existence anymore. During her recovery, she was visited by a man who introduced himself as Dr. Yoon who promised to help her use her ability in a way that could help others and introduce her to people going through the same struggles.
Dr. Yoon recruited her into his agency when she turned sixteen and she has been working with him and his team ever since. She works as a spiritual consultant and job consists of connecting clients to their deceased loved ones, filling requests for the undead and on occasion, she’ll be requested to tag along to assess a location.
Mother & Father: Her mother owns and manages her own store and her father used to work as a salesman before he quit his job to teach his children at home. She has a really good relationship with her parents. They have always supported her and her brother in everything that they decide to do. She makes sure to visit them often and she always sends them a portion of her paycheck every month despite their protests.
Park Si Hwan: Due to their history of being bullied, Si Yeon and her younger are extremely close. They’ve always had each other’s back. Si Hwan eventually returned to traditional schooling and studied business so that he could inherit their mother’s store when the time came. He is now married to a wonderful woman and has twin daughters.
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
Shadow had received extensive training from her master regarding situation like these; when faced with teary-eyed beauties and their pleas to be released. The quickest and most efficient way to drown out their tempting words is to tape their mouth shut with a thick strip of black tape. However she found little excitement in silencing her new toy so soon. Instead she takes a couple of short steps and plops down in front of the woman, crossing her legs and resting her chin between her palms as she gazes at her in curiosity.  Please, I know that you don’t want to do this. It didn’t quite have the right ring to it, she thinks that her song about a child getting hit by a car was much more catchy.
“You CAN’T leave yet, silly goose.  We haven’t even gotten to play together yet. Didn’t your mother ever tell you that’s it’s rude to be RUDE?” She releases a childish laugh before glancing at the bright red (possibly bloodstained) clock on the wall. She estimated given his usual habits that her master would be returning in just a little under an hour. “Don’t worry, we’ll have lots of fun. When master returns, we can all play together. We’ll turn you into the most beautiful girl in town...you’ll be drop DEAD gorgeous before you even know it. I promise”
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trigger warning: mentions of blood and this possibly becoming a horror based thread.
open to: everyone!
muse: #649 or Shadow - a humanoid under the ownership of a serial killer.
plot: your muse has been kidnapped + tied up and locked up in the basement by Shadow’s master and your muse thinks that they can appeal to Shadow’s better nature.
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“My bike went BANG! The car went BANG!” The thick wedges of her black boots click and clatter against the wood of the stairway as she skips down the steps, singing along to the song that plays in her head. “Can I never play with my friends again? Can I never ride my bike again?” Her master had gone out for the evening to handle a private matter, leaving her in charge of the house while he was away. She had been tasked with keeping an eye on their latest victim or toy as she liked to call them until he returned. Unfortunately she wasn’t allowed to play with them without his permission which she found incredibly boring of him but she might get away with teasing them a little without getting into too much trouble. “I was in so much PAIN! So much PAIN! It hurt so much!” The stairways leads down to a large door with eleven different type of locks, her set of keys make loud jangling sounds as she quickly unlocks them one by one. Putting away her set of keys, she pushes the heavy door open and sets foot into the basement.
”Oh, wow. You’re even more beautiful than I was imagining. Are you excited to play together? I am too but we can’t. Not yet or I’ll get in trouble” She exclaims once she switches on the lights of the basement, seeing them for the first time. Their face is already so bloodied and bruised and she hasn’t even touched them yet and she finds that very thrilling. Bound to a wooden chair with a wonderful and diverse selection of weaponry displayed behind them, they truly were a beautiful sight to take in.
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
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Name: This information is currently unavailable 
Alias: Hwang Aaliyah
Age: 31
Birthday: February 9th 1989 (Error. This information may not be accurate)
The current place of living: According to rumors, Aaliyah lives in an abandoned laboratory. She has not denied these claims nor has one been able to confirm them.
Job title: Senior Team Leader of the SP Detective Agency Research Department
Income: This information is currently unavailable. According to rumors, Aaliyah is wealthy due to her seemingly expensive taste and high end wardrobe. 
Hwang Aaliyah is described by the people around her as an enigma. She lives an extremely private life and when she does offer information about herself, one has to question whether or not it’s true. She has worked in the research department of the SP Detective Agency for the last five and a half years, studying and experimenting on various supernatural beings. She is apathetic, blunt and has no interest in other living beings and is instead completely and utterly enamored in her work and the concept of death.
                                                                    LIKES & DISLIKES
[+] Science [+] Death [+] Sex [+] Cigarettes [+] Being in control
[-] Commitment [-] People who are clingy or needy [-] Someone calling her instead of texting [-] Warm Weather
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
- All of my open and available starters can be found here.
-I will have a proper rules & about me section up sometime tomorrow. 
- Navigation will be updated + five more bios will be added + new starters will  be posted.
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
trigger warning: mentions of blood and this possibly becoming a horror based thread.
open to: everyone!
muse: #649 or Shadow - a humanoid under the ownership of a serial killer.
plot: your muse has been kidnapped + tied up and locked up in the basement by Shadow’s master and your muse thinks that they can appeal to Shadow’s better nature.
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“My bike went BANG! The car went BANG!” The thick wedges of her black boots click and clatter against the wood of the stairway as she skips down the steps, singing along to the song that plays in her head. “Can I never play with my friends again? Can I never ride my bike again?” Her master had gone out for the evening to handle a private matter, leaving her in charge of the house while he was away. She had been tasked with keeping an eye on their latest victim or toy as she liked to call them until he returned. Unfortunately she wasn’t allowed to play with them without his permission which she found incredibly boring of him but she might get away with teasing them a little without getting into too much trouble. “I was in so much PAIN! So much PAIN! It hurt so much!” The stairways leads down to a large door with eleven different type of locks, her set of keys make loud jangling sounds as she quickly unlocks them one by one. Putting away her set of keys, she pushes the heavy door open and sets foot into the basement.
”Oh, wow. You’re even more beautiful than I was imagining. Are you excited to play together? I am too but we can’t. Not yet or I’ll get in trouble” She exclaims once she switches on the lights of the basement, seeing them for the first time. Their face is already so bloodied and bruised and she hasn’t even touched them yet and she finds that very thrilling. Bound to a wooden chair with a wonderful and diverse selection of weaponry displayed behind them, they truly were a beautiful sight to take in.
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
open to: f / m / nb (muses between the ages of 19 & 20 only)
muse: moon seo yeon - 19 year old single mother & the main vocalist of a punk rock band called ‘ERASED’
additional note: this character is not available for romantic threads / platonic threads only.
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”Aw, shucks! You’re gonna make me blush or something on that level of nonsense. You didn’t have to come all the way down here for us.” Seo Yeon exclaims when the other introduces themselves after the show, explaining that they had traveled quite a journey just to see her band perform that night.  “But we’re grateful all the same” The band had received more recognition in the past couple of months but they were still relatively unknown in the music scene so she appreciates every opportunity they’re given and every single one of their fans. “It’s awful late though, do you have a ride to get back home? The last train has probably stopped running for the night. And there be a lot of deprived sexual deviants at this hour wandering these streets. We’re wrapping things up and heading off, would you like to catch a ride in our tour bus? We could make a pit stop and drop you wherever be needing to go” She continues as she autographs a CD for them, writing them a personalized thank you note inside of the booklet that it came with it using a black permanent marker before holding it out for them to take.
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
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Name: Lee Maicoh
Birthday: April 14th 1993
The current place of living: He’s a self proclaimed ‘modern nomad’ in the sense that he lives on the road in his converted camper van.
Job Title: Demon Hunter & Exorcist + Freelancer Blogger
                                                                          LIKES & DISLIKES
[+] Traveling - From driving across the country to find the perfect steak to overnight camping in the city, Maicoh is a fanatic about traveling. He loves the thrill of venturing off into uncharted territories and experiencing new sights.
[+] Being invited to parties - He has always been a very social person which in turn gets him invited to many type of different events. He doesn’t mind attending because for the brief time that he’s there, he feels normal again and that he belongs somewhere.
[+] Wireless earbuds - Usually wears them during exorcisms to avoid distractions. His playlist contains the following songs; Your Sex Is A Dream - Trevor Something, Ocean Drive - Duke Dumont, Why - Hwa Sa, Forgive Me - Chloe x Halle and Run Boy Run - Woodkid.
[-] Medication - He’s always complaining to Dr. Yoon that the pills he prescribes him taste like the inside of a dumpster.
[-] Scented products - His nose is quite sensitive so he has a low tolerance for anything that uses a lot perfume-y type scents.
Lee Maicoh was just an average man, living an average life. He worked the typical 9 to 5 schedule at an average job, selling life insurance. He wasn’t particularly happy nor disheartened about  his career or his lifestyle, living every day in a sort of autopilot mode. He had grown up in a middle class home with parents who were both dental assistants and his younger sister who was studying to become a high school teacher. He had a small handful of friends, people who grew up in the same neighborhood as him that he met up with on occasion to keep up with appearances but he wasn’t particularly attached to any of them. His viewpoint of the world was lukewarm. 
To celebrate his twenty-fifth birthday, he attended a weekend camping session with his friend group. The majority of the trip was a success; the location was great for seeing the stars at night, it was a secluded area so it wasn’t overcrowded with tourists and the weather was great. On their last night while everyone else was getting hammered in front of an open campfire, Maicoh decided to venture off on his own to take more pictures of a nearby lake. An hour in he realized that he might have gone in the wrong direction and decided to try and head back before he ended up super lost instead only slightly. Turning back, his path is block by what he assumed at the time was a stray dog or possibly a wolf. Approaching it with caution and a vague concern in case it truly was just a stray dog, the creature to seem to grow in size the more the distance between them shortened. Coming face to face with a MASSIVELY large creature with dark red eyes. In the slit second it took for him to make the decision to flee, the creature lunged at him; tearing apart his flesh and bones. And just as quickly as the attack began, it ended just as quick. The mysterious beast seemingly disappearing into the night, leaving him there to blood out.
Thankfully Dr. Yoon and his team happened to be in the area that night and he was rushed to his clinic and provided emergency care. He had been attacked by a werewolf, a sick one to exact that unfortunately through the attack transmitted their virus to Maicoh. Meaning from that night forward, he now carried a portion of their DNA and  was considered a half-werewolf. He spent several months receiving therapy from the wounds that he had received as well as counseling for the mental trauma of being attacked and he was now required to take certain pills to avoid things like excessive anger and his new heightened strength and such.
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
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Name: Moon Seo-Yeon
Birthday: May 18th 2001
Age: 19
The current place of living: During the warmer months, Seo-Yeon and her son live on the road in a converted van. During the colder months, she usually stays with friends.
Job title: The main vocalist of a punk rock band called ‘ERASED’
                                                                    LIKES & DISLIKES
[+] Piercings - Seo Yeon has a pierced nose and two additional piercings along her ears. 
[+] Strawberries - Her favorite fruit. She’ll usually eat it in anything; jam, desserts, etc.
[+] Smoking - Her preference is smoking in her bathtub with the window partially open.
[+] Accessories - She loves receiving small accessories from her fans. Especially rings and bracelets. 
[+] Take Out - She can’t cook to have save her life.  Her preference is ordering fried chicken.
[-] Being in debt to others - Doesn’t like having to borrow things from others.
[-] Winter - Her least favorite season, she doesn’t handle the cold very well.
[+] Authority - Doesn’t like being told what to do in general and especially hates it when it’s a person in power.
Mother & Father - Her father passed away before she was born. He was a bartender and her mother was an escort. Her mother abandoned her at the age of six months, leaving her in an alleyway in the middle of winter.
Park Jae Hyuk - Her first love and the father of her child. He grew up in the same orphanage as her and they were initiated into the gang at the same time. They were madly and passionately in love. Both equally obsessed with taking over the world with their music. They formed a band together with their mutual friends called ‘Black Snow’ He passed away from a drug overdose.
Moon Seo Yeon never met her father and her mother abandoned her in an alleyway. Thankfully she was found by a empathetic stranger who brought her to nearby orphanage or she wouldn’t have survived the night. The orphanage wasn’t a bad place by any means but it was severely underfunded and understaffed. Therefore she was forced to become independent and self reliant from a young age. To avoid having to rely on the orphanage’s funds, she went around doing odd jobs around the neighborhood; collecting trash and recyclables, finding lost pets, doing yard work, etc. She wasn’t able to attend the school in her area due to her financial situation and instead self studied at home.
At 15, she and her boyfriend formed a band called ‘Black Snow’ with a couple of friends. They obtained moderate success by doing free street performances. From an artistic standpoint, performing for free was enough to satisfy them. However from a financial and a more realistic standpoint, they were struggling. With only a year left to stay at the orphanage and no stable income that would allow them to both to stay on top of bills and pursue their passions, they did what a lot of impressionable teenagers were doing at the time. They were recruited into a gang that promised to make all of their financial difficulties go away.
However nothing is ever as it seems and while were able to make extra money to keep their band afloat, they were also exposed to alcohol, drugs, abuse, etc and bombarded with massive debt. At the young age of 16, Seo Yeon was pregnant, on the hook with loan sharks and grieving the passing of her boyfriend. The rest of the band called it quits and everyone went on their own separate paths. She had a healthy pregnancy and gave birth to a son who she named Jae Seo, after her and former boyfriend’s names. While raising her son, she took whatever odd job that came her way; from cleaning toilets to delivering fast food in order to lessen her debt.
At the current age of 19, she’s the main vocalist of a rising punk rock band called ‘ERASED’ Jae Seo is now three years old. The band is doing well but it hasn’t quite received the mainstream attention that they need. Seo Yeon has payed off a fair share of her debt but with the added interest, she still has a long way to go.
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
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#308 or Amélie is a FEMALE model based on the design of a THIRTY year old woman. She is POISED, INTELLIGENT, AMBITIOUS, KIND and HUMBLE.  She is programmed to be multilingual. She is the perfect companion for the following clients; single parents, individuals in need of a secretary for their business,  individuals in need of an older sister, clients who wish to employ her as an actress for their productions and individuals in need of a maid. #308 comes bundled with several business casual dresses and an electronic tracking collar.
Interested in applying for a #308 model? PM to plot and get a personalized starter based on our discussion(s). This character is open to platonic & romantic relationships with any gender, just specify what you’re interested in pursuing.
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
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#755 or EZRA is a MALE model based on the design of a THIRTY-TWO year old man. He is PATIENT, FAMILY ORIENTED, ROMANTIC, SENSITIVE and CLUMSY. A popular model with single parent households, he is extremely skilled in all areas of domestic living (cooking, cleaning, childcare, etc) He has a gentle and warm personality, making him the perfect companion for the following clients; single parents, day care centers, individuals in need of a caretaker for their home or apartment to help with chores and other duties and individuals in need of a personal assistant (writers, celebrities, etc). #755 comes bundled with several suit jackets, matching ties and an electronic tracking collar.
Interested in applying for a #755 model? PM to plot and get a personalized starter based on our discussion(s). This character is open to platonic & romantic relationships with any gender, just specify what you’re interested in pursuing.
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
open to: everyone!
muse: #755 or Ezra is a humanoid that your muse (single parent) ordered online to be a father figure for their child.
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Almost an entire two months had passed since he had arrived at their residence and became a permanent member of their family. As expected, things were a little awkward at first but he quickly became acquainted with the other members of the household and their preferences and it’s been smooth sailing ever since. His daily routine now consists of sending off his partner to work in the morning (not before filling them up with a hearty home cooked breakfast), taking care of any overdue household chores, feeding the cat, keeping their three year old daughter entertained throughout the day and having a hot and fresh home cooked dinner waiting on the table for when his significant other comes home from work.
”Welcome home!” Ezra calls out to them when he hears the jiggling of their keys and the opening of the front door. His daughter clings to the bottom of his leg as he pulls out a steaming hot pan of chocolate chip cookies from the inside of the oven before resting the pan on top of the stove to allow the cookies to cool down for dessert. “You’re just in time for dinner. I thought we could change things up a little so I made Italian” He refers to the dinning room table; two large plates of spaghetti, a bowl of garlic bread and glasses filled with red wine are waiting for them.
Picking the toddler off the ground he carries her to the table and secures her in her high chair. “It’s your favorite! Your favorite! Strawberry yogurt and rice crackers!” He speaks to her in a playful sing song tone. “Daddy, is the best right? I know all about your favorites snacks”
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
open to: m / nb
muse: dahlia park / personal assistant & freelancer
plot / connection: we had a minor argument the night before our wedding so i stepped out for some air and basically disappeared without a trace until now...2 and half years later.
additional note: dr. yoon’s face claim is yoon park for those who need a visual aid.
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Sixth months. It had only been six months since Dahlia had woken up for her coma like state and reentered the world of the living. A lot had occurred in the two years that she had been MIA. She had been listed as a missing person. And after seemingly loosing their daughter to the unknown her parents’s health deteriorated until they ultimately ended up passing away from the heartbreak. Her favorite musician decided to retire early and her former boss had been arrested for fraud. The world had moved on without her and as much as she longed to return to how things were before her accident, she forced herself to accept the reality of the situation. No good would have come from her attempting to reconnect with those she had left behind.  Not when she knows how sensitive her condition is and that she’d only have to leave them again if Dr. Yoon isn’t able to find a cure for her in time. So instead of returning to the life that she had before and potentially reopening old wounds, she decided it would be best for everyone for her to move forward with whatever time that she had left.
❝What should we do about dinner tonight? Should I attempt to cook that new recipe that I found? Or should we reward ourselves for working hard all week and order in instead? Hmm..?❞ Dahlia inquires to the man beside her, their arms linked together as the walk down the sidewalk. She had spent the entire day out with Dr. Yoon shopping around town for new supplies for the clinic and making house calls to some of their regular patients. And while she had held out pretty well for most of the day, she had begun experiencing minor numbness in knees and they were still a solid twenty minutes away from their apartment so she used him to support herself the remaining way.
However their peaceful walk comes to a screeching halt when a familiar face blocks their path (an old flame to be more exact) a face that she had secretly hoped to never have to see again out of fear that past feelings of affection would be too difficult to repress. Instantly flushed in the face, she stares back at them nervously unsure what to say in that moment or if speaking at all would even be appropriate.
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
open to: m / nb
muse: olivia kim / a thousand year old demon (refer to bio)
plot / connection: you’re my best friend’s boyfriend and i know you’re interested in me and i love chaos so i am going to tease you until you break so i can ruin your relationship.
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Olivia is not an idiot, she knows exactly what she’s doing when she shows up in front of their apartment. Her glossy jet black hair is tucked behind her ears and her choice of makeup is deceptively simple in order to come across as more natural and down to earth. She’s wearing a rained soaked all white dress to exude false innocence despite the fact that the water had soaked through and caused the dress to become rather transparent in the chest area. Did she check the weather forecast before she had left her house? Absolutely. Did she purposely leave her umbrella behind? Yes. Had she also purposefully wandered into their neighborhood under the guise of having been shopping in the nearby area when she just happened to get caught in the rainfall? Bingo. Why? She’s bored. It’s as simple as that.
”Oh, thank goodness you’re home!” Olivia claps her hands together in what could perceived as relief when the man answers the door. “I was in the area, picking out items for a charity auction that I’ll be hosting on the weekend when I got caught in the storm and I tried using my phone to call a taxi but the battery died before I could even call them” She broke out in seemingly distressed ramble, shivering under her wet clothes as she explains the situation. “And I remembered that you live close by and I really hate to bother you but I was wondering if you could call me a taxi. I’d be forever in your debt” She pleaded offering them a nervous smile. Her phone wasn’t dead, just turned off.
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spoiledxcherries · 4 years
Olivia Kim // Demon // 1,000
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OLIVIA KIM is a 1,000 year old DEMON that is currently possessing the body of a recently deceased  TWENTY-THREE year old woman. During the day, she is a sickeningly sweet psychology major in her first year. She is popular among her peers and professors; known for being kind, frail, beautiful and delicate. During the night, she uses her charms to lure in corrupt wealthy old men before killing and stealing from them.
[+] She is generous (selective), confident, resourceful, persuasive and meticulous.
[-] She is condescending, cruel, manipulative, violent and deceptive.
                                                                    LIKES & DISLIKES:
[+] Eating (She can eat for several hours at a time, her stomach is literally a bottomless pit)
[+] Luxury Goods (brand name clothing,  expensive dining experiences, hotels, etc)
[+] Nail Art
[+] Flowers (She is particularly fond of making flower crowns for herself)
[+] Tea sets
[-] Stuffed animals
[-] Men
[-] Sports
[-] Children
[-] Crying
                                                                WANTED CONNECTIONS:
[ Like any uncharted territory //  I must seem greatly intriguing ] This connection slot is open to MALE muses and will ideally be a LONG TERM plot that will involve time jumps, flashbacks, several threads, etc. A young naive detective/police officer/anyone with access to sensitive information/etc that she has completely wrapped around her finger. A slow burn transition from strangers to a somewhat of a friends with benefits situation. Charmed by her alleged innocence, he is completely head over heels for her but she’s just using him for information.
[There's someone in the world, lovely as you] This connection slot is open to FEMALE muses and will ideally be a LONG TERM plot that will involve time jumps, flashbacks, several threads, etc.  A prostitute/stripper that Olivia rescued during one of her nightly strolls through the city and somehow grows rather fond of. Whenever she’s in the area, she will always spoil them with expensive gifts and pocket change.
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