splicedskies · 12 hours
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[ Boundaries.. boundaries~ ]
I straight up don't ship.. Like, at all. It's mostly because I'm not quite interested or care enough about it. I'll enjoy a ship, I'll cheer on other people with their ships like I'm their #1 fan. But I don't do it myself. My only exception is usually Familial Bonds but, those are way different so I don't really see them as ships. (I am a sucker and HUNGRY for found family tropes.)
I am.. shy. I'm shy to a fault. I have a LOT of trouble not listening to that nagging little voice in my head that says 'Don't bother you'll just be annoying' or 'Don't talk to much no one wants to hear about your oc/ideas'. So I'm deeply sorry if it takes me a while to crash through the roof of your Messages/DMS/What have you and I want to thank anyone here for their patience.
THAT SAID.. Please feel free to tag me in things. Drop kick my messages door or my discord open, tag me in random starters, plot with me. I'm great with all of that. (I love that small serotonin boost I see when I'm tagged in something.)
I treat roleplay a lot like I treat when I play TTRPGs. I like having at least some sort of story but at the same time I appreciate the absurd shenanigans that can/will/might happen with a universe like Pokémon. I love the 'Yes And' and 'What if' to push a story along or introduce something new, to intertwine things about characters and in turn watch both sides grow as a result. But I also love the silly/wholesome shit, I feast upon silly things! (Like my current thread with Nikki's Hau where they're just making food! With sprinkles of 'oh hmm..' story beats.)
I've only just learned wtf 'Whump' and shit is. I really don't like it. I don't like one sided angst while the other is just a trauma dump punching bag. I LOVE angst, don't get me wrong, but I feel it needs to be built up, just like a good book. And it needs to be used on both sides. Not just for one person to trauma dump all over the place on a single character. (I played a villain in the MC Ask Blog community a year or two ago and saw WAY too much thrown at me as a result. I'm sick of it.)
I don't mind art and memes thrown at me. I eat them up, I will stare at them for hours on end like I just received life giving water. I don't care how absurd.
I love plotting. I love plotting dumb shit, serious shit, shit that likely won't happen for many, MANY threads. I love making connections, and even incorporating things into my character at the suggestions of others or thing that change in RP itself.
I love having multiple threads, don't ever feel like you are beholden to just 'one' with me.
If you need anything, a question asked, something changed or you have an idea but not sure how it might work? Ask, just ask me. I can always tweak things, modify things to fit in with something. Altra is a very 'young' OC in his development, and that makes him easily moldable for the future.
Finally, all I ask is to treat me, and those around you with the same respect you want yourself to be given. In the end, we all just want to write silly stories, and throw our characters at one another. <3
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splicedskies · 1 day
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[ Low Key I 100% want to do horror based shit cause of Altra's Darkrai DNA..
That's it.. that's the post. ]
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splicedskies · 2 days
reblog this if you’re okay with having MULTIPLE threads with the same partner!
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splicedskies · 2 days
"Could tie it back for a bit. Maybe into a bun?"
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"I have to tie mine back because if I don't it will engulf my face.."
"I've done a lot of styles, though... But at the same time, I can't do those when I cut it shorter..."
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"Guess I'll keep it long for now."
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splicedskies · 2 days
"Mmm.. maybe you could try a different style maybe?"
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"Before doing something as drastic as cutting it?"
@splicedskies replied: "I think your hair looks fine, Hau!" Says the teen with a literal mane of floof.
"I mean, yeah, it does. I just don't know if I'm tired of it yet."
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splicedskies · 2 days
It was a nice bit of normalcy to have for Altra.
It was almost... grounding. Like he hadn't been on the run from some back actors from Sinnoh. That he hadn't gone through the most horrific upheaval of his life all because of some goons from a bunch of goons obsessed with 'remaking the universe'.
Alola had been a safe haven at this point, and he was thankful for it.
At the thought of making something though, Altra seemed quite enthusiastic, quickly going along with Hau.
"Yeah they're pretty standard ingredients. I learned that even something so simple can make a ton of other wonderful things with the right technique!" He was used to cooking for himself at this point, foraging mainly and putting together things that were edible.
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"So we neeeeed.." Altra hummed, lips pursed as he though back to the recipe.
"Rice Flour, sugar, and hot, almost boiling water.. specifically. Then we need something for filling them before we fry them.. The old couple used either yam or bean paste for theirs. But anything sweet works." He was recounting the steps in his head.
"Once they're fried we roll them in sesame seeds, if we want we can even toast them for extra flavor." He nodded.
"They're also safe for Pokémon to eat, as long as what's inside of them is safe for them."
"Rice is yummy, I agree!" A nod, smiling at the other. Gonna refrain from talking about Ultra Space for the rest of today, at least. Didn't wanna worry the teen any further.
"You're no trouble, don't worry." Altra was nice to be around, honestly, and Maleah and Hala seemed to agree. At least, that's what Hau figured, seeing as they let him in to stay a while during all this.
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"Good. Let's start, then! We have all of that here already, seeing as we cook a lot and like variation, too." They get up from the table, and move over to the counter. "Let me know what else you need, and I'll fetch it for you, okay?"
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splicedskies · 3 days
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[ Gettin' some comic stuff done, son <3 this for me to kick down your DM doors for plotting, or if you prefer a random starter~ Lemme know. ]
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splicedskies · 3 days
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Altra stares at Ree for a long moment.
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"Wait... That works?" He totally may or may not try that.
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splicedskies · 3 days
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He lets out a mildly annoyed grumble.
"There's gotta be a better way of getting my team stronger.. and not by beating up poor wild Pokémon.." He grumbles aloud, frustrated at the circumstance.
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splicedskies · 6 days
Planned starter for @kisenth
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It was not an uncommon thing when it came to him.
He followed his gut all too often. And today was no exception as he seemed almost drawn to a place in the Galar region while he explored. There was.. a feeling, and like many times before, he wound up following it right into a dangerous situation involving Pokémon.
He should have paid more attention, and he was cursing himself for that now. His Zorua, his precious, little feisty partner thought it would be just the greatest idea to pick a fight with the local Rookidee's..
And bit off way more than he could chew.
By that it was a five against one.
Altra, not wanting Albert to get hurt, stupidly... got right in the middle of the scuffle and subsequently got pecked and wing-beat until he was a mess on the ground with many a cut, scrape, and bruise.
"Oww..." The Rookidee's seemed more than happy after giving both trainer and Pokémon what for before flying off. Leaving Altra essentially laying on his back, with a body full of pain. While his Zorua could easily retreat into his Pokéball to recover, it would sadly leave Altra on the ground.
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I took a good few solid minuets before he pulled himself up to be sitting upright, his hair a mess, a few stray Rookidee feathers sticking out from it as a result.
He reached up, wincing at the pain in his arms as he pulled a few out.
"Those Pokémon were.. way more nasty than I thought.." He muttered to himself, unaware that he had a bit of a watcher on the winds, as it were.
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splicedskies · 6 days
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As the cards were being shuffled, Altra's eyes seemed locked onto them. While his head didn't move, his eyes certainly were. Snapping back and forth. It was a little uncanny to watch someone follow the cards so sharply.
"Hmm?" Altra looked up to Grimsley at the question about his age.
"Oh.. Umm.. 15." There was a brief pause, as if he had to think about it. And indeed, he had to. He had to count back a bit to remember the last 'birthday' he celebrated. And it was his 15th, he's pretty sure about that.
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Still, he couldn't help but think about how many opportunities one had to completely mess with this so called 'game'. He already noted parts where someone could shift the cards to coming out exactly as they wanted them.
"Well, that does go without saying, but some people still try to manipulate it to their own ends..." That's.. interesting words coming from a teenager of all things. Even so, he still watches Grimsley shuffle the cards.
"Well.. why do you gamble then?" A curious question.
Fwwwiiip. Fwwiiiiiip. Fwiiiip. The cards in his hand zip around and bridge with speeds that has them blending in with each other to the human eye.
There's a soft hum. Perhaps explaining how to gamble to a person who looks and sounds so young isn't exactly the best idea. ...But it wouldn't be the first time he's done this. Nor the youngest. Let's just say, a certain dragon type champion of Unova is suspiciously good at handling a deck of cards now.
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"...How old are you again~?"
He quietly sighs. Contrarians are always so fun to talk to...
"The only way one can take advantage of the fates is through cheating, my friend. Which is a skill that is incredibly difficult to master in and of itself. Everything you take in life is a gamble, all the way down to when a Pokémon misses a move~ Nothing is certain." No matter how skilled a trainer is.
...Hm. But he can't disagree with that end statement. The house always wins. Hm, but such are the woes of capitalism and the constant hunger for profit...
"Such is life... If a casino couldn't win something out of it, it would go out of business, after all~ However, not all gambles are taken in such establishments~ Most of my wagers have been made away from places like those~"
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splicedskies · 6 days
Pokémon Sentence Starters For First Interactions
“Hey, is this your Pokémon?”
“I’m looking for my Pokémon, can you help me”
“We made eye contact! You know what that means?”
“I don’t really want to battle right now, sorry”
“Do you know where the nearest Pokémon center is?”
“That was a great battle!”
“Your Pokémon seems a little sick”
“Is that your partner?”
“Sorry, my Pokémon just seems to really like you”
“Sorry, I don’t know why my Pokémon attacked you”
“Run! There’s a Pokémon on a rampage!!”
“Is that a Z-ring?”
“Can you show me a Z-move?”
“Is that a Dynamax band?”
“Can you show me a Dynamax Pokémon?”
“I couldn’t help but watch your battle, I’m impressed”
“Be careful, this is Team Rocket territory”
“I have some potions, let me help”
“Shh… there’s sleeping Pokémon ahead”
“Is that a Pokémon egg?”
“I’m gonna catch it first!”
“Our Pokémon seem to like each other”
“Our Pokémon seem to hate each other”
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splicedskies · 7 days
Altra's face certainly told everything in the moment. Concern, mixed with dread. Now he really needed to keep an eye out while he was here in Alola. Especially if this was some how a common occurrence. If so, he was thankful to not have come across anything of it so far.
But, he was happy for the topic change as he perked up at the idea of making the snack.
"Really!?" He certainly seemed very excited at the prospect of it. It was a quiet love of his, honestly. The act of cooking. It helped calm his nerves, kept his mind focused and.. kept it away from any lingering worries he had. Which, thankfully were much less prevalent during his stay in Alola...
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"I'd love to help! I still remember the recipe they used! I use to help out at their stall every winter because that's when they'd also bring out the grills too." He liked working with those since it kept him warm when it got so cold up near the base of the mountain.
"I.. really like stuff made with rice..." He spoke with a bit of embarrassment before blinking up at Hau. Ah, right, Hau's mother. She seemed really sweet so far.
"I don't want to be much trouble.." He frowned, but still mentally preparing for any other snacks that might be unleashed upon him. It.. honestly made him miss his own mother in the moment. He was hoping she was alright.
But Hau's word snapped him out of his daze and he nodded.
"Oh! Yeah I've got time! I'm.. not really doing anything anyway. So we can try making some! We just need some rice flour and water to start.. the basics of mochi."
Terrifying... Hau smiles back apologetically. "It... kinda was? Is, still. I'd rather not go back there unless I really have to."
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As much as it was kinda cool seeing such alien landscapes, it had also been super dangerous. And left them with this energy issue... Yeah, pass on going back.
"You're free to help me if you want, yeah!"
He wasn't about to reject any help with the recipe. Could be a good learning experience for both of them!
"...If you're sure. Mom's probably gonna try to give you more snacks sooner rather than later, though, so be warned."
A beat. "Do you have time right now, actually? To try out that recipe."
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splicedskies · 7 days
Even so, he couldn't help but feel a small amount of embarrassment from his Zigzagoon's decision to take charge of their navigation. But he at least offered a small smile in return before he paused. Oh right, manners, he was always terrible at that around people.
"I'm um.. my name is Altra, and this is Desmond. We're from Sinnoh." Though he followed where the other motioned, toward the massive building. It really did rise over everything else but.. he paused.
Academy? So.. that's what it was.
"Oh..Ooohhh.. so that's what that large building is for. I was wondering why it was so massive." The teen chuckled a bit as he spoke.
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"Never really saw anything that big back home, so I thought it was like.. some sort of big business or a monument." He shoved his hands into his coat pockets as he spoke.
"Um.. So.. yeah.. my partner and I are.. kind of lost. I couldn't find any paper maps of the local area so.. I don't know where one route ends and the other begins.." He frowned in embarassment.
"Oh no, it's fine!" Celeste chuckled as she readjusts from being at the Zigzagoon's level. Approaching someone when you're lost is something that happens one way or another; so it'd happen eventually.
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"Name's Celeste! I'm a student of Uva Academy right here in Paldea!" The teen introduced herself before shifting the direction right to the building that can be seen anywhere you go in Mesagoza.
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splicedskies · 7 days
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The ghostly looking Zorua looked on at his trainer with a relatively tentative mix of 'Really' and disappointment. The teen was friendly, and naïve, almost to a fault. Which made him wonder all the more how such a sharp mind could hide under it all.
Even so, seems the mild concern for a random wanderer won out over the typical 'stranger danger' warnings as the certainly older gentleman approached. All the while, Albert kept his eyes trained on them with a scrutinizing glare.
Altra's gaze does snap down to the Scrafty at the mans side, he's.. never seen a Pokémon like that one before. So it's appearance certainly takes him by surprise. It looks tough, that's for sure.
"Hmm?" As if he didn't exactly expect to be asked a return question in the moment, more concerned about someone just.. wandering about after dusk.
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"Oh.. uh.. About as good as I can be?" As if he wasn't expecting to answer a question, especially with the other person now lightly illuminated by the cracking campfire. There were at least three other Pokémon around said campfire; a Gible, a Teddiursa and a Galarian Zigzagoon. All three seemed to look up at the 'visitor'.
"I just saw you wandering around and wanted to make sure you were alright." Definitely a younger trainer, all things considered. Especially how they seemed to have all of their Pokémon out and about in their makeshift campsite.
Another pause, this time he stops completely in his tracks. A softly tired sigh is made, as it seems the person he was passing by wanted to grab his attention. It's odd, shocking as it may sound, not many tend to call out to complete strangers to ask if they're alright. Usually, people mind their own business and he minds his. Judging by the energetic and more lively tone of voice, this person is definitely on the younger side.
Without saying anything or making any sort of gesture, the leaves crunch as Grimsley calmly turns around on his heel. With the way he tucks his hands into the wide sleeves of his pure white yukata, his ghostly appearance truly doesn't falter. He's in no hurry to reach the other, he had been on a relaxing stroll; and he intends to keep it that way. As the gambler gradually approaches, the Pokémon that walks with him now appears to be identifiable as a Scrafty.
Once he's at a close enough distance to be heard without having to yell, he finally speaks up, seeming completely unfazed by this strange encounter. As though this were a normal occurrence.
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"I'm doing perfectly fine, and you~?"
The gambler has a surprisingly polite voice, as though asking how the other is doing out of common courtesy. Perhaps the other person is looking for a bit of small talk before signing off for the night? He wonders.
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splicedskies · 7 days
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Here. Gay fish bracelet. Happy pride.
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"Hmmm..." He knew EXACTLY what to do with this..
He put it on his Zigzagoon's paw. He's very happy with this rainbow, gay fish bracelet.
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splicedskies · 7 days
[ Me: I really wanna make icons of Altra's Awakened forme.. Also Me: I'll likely never use em tho.. aaaaa- ]
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