sph0206 · 4 years
10 dreams
if you read about this then you may have the same dream within three days. You should have a dream each night for ten days in a row. Each dream will have a rule that you must follow. I have warned you here before you read the process so you can make your own decision about continuing.
On the first night you will dream that you are asleep in your room. There is a girl looking at you through the window. Rule: You have to let her in if she requests it.
On the second night the girl will be in your room. She will be whispering, ‘please’, repeatedly, but will not interact with you in any other way. Rule: If she wants to get into bed with you, you must let her.
On the third night you will be lying in bed together and she will show you her face. Rule: You must not cry, or show shock at her face.
On the fourth night she will ask to go to the park. Rule: You must grant her request, but do not speak to her.
On the fifth night you will be at the park and there will be someone with a pushchair. The mother is a cat, the baby is a dog. Rule: If she tells you to, you must kill either the mother or the baby
.On the sixth night you will still be in the park, but you will see a ship about to take flight. Rule: Ensure you are on the ship before it leaves the ground.
On the seventh night you will find yourself aboard the airship along with others who have heard this story. Rule: Make sure you get a seat.
On the eight night black and white roses will begin to fall from the sky. Rule: Make sure you throw the black roses from the ship.
On the ninth night you will return home with the girl. Rule: Climb into bed with her.
On the tenth night something will happen, no one knows what. Rule: You must tell someone else this story while awake, otherwise you will return to the first night of the dream and this cycle will continue forever. You cannot tell this person what happens on the tenth night.
source: lost
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sph0206 · 4 years
There was a large earthquake. I was staying at an elementary school being used as an evacuation center, but it was hot and overflowing with people. I left the building to cool myself off outside, and I found a building without any lights turned on.
It was really cool and quiet, so there were a lot of people sleeping. I took a spot and lied down to sleep. But after a while, I noticed something strange. It was too quiet.
I ran out of the building.
source: okaruto
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sph0206 · 4 years
Tomino’s hell
This poem must only be read within your mind. If you were to read it out loud, then you must take responsibility for your actions. Also, if you were to read it, it’s best to read its japanese text instead. (its provided at the bottom of the english translation)
Older sister vomits blood,
younger sister is breathing fire
while sweet little Tomino
spits out  jewels.2
All alone does Tomino
go falling into that hell,
a hell of utter darkness,
without even flowers.
Is Tomino’s big sister
the one who whips him?
The purpose of the scourging
hangs dark in his mind.3
Lashing and thrashing him, ah!
But never quite shattering.
One sure path to Avici,4
the eternal hell.
Into that blackest of hells
guide him now, I pray—
to the golden sheep,
to the nightingale.
How much did he put
in that leather pouch
to prepare for his trek to
the eternal hell?
Spring is coming
to the valley, to the wood,
to the spiraling chasms
of the blackest hell.
The nightingale in her cage,
the sheep aboard the wagon,
and tears well up in the eyes
of sweet little Tomino.5
Sing, o nightingale,
in the vast, misty forest—
he screams he only misses
his little sister.
His wailing desperation
echoes throughout hell—
a fox peony
opens its golden petals.
Down past the seven mountains
and seven rivers of hell—
the solitary journey
of sweet little Tomino.
If in this hell they be found,
may they then come to me, please,
those sharp spikes of punishment
from Needle Mountain.6
Not just on some empty whim
Is flesh pierced with blood-red pins:
they serve as hellish signposts
for sweet little Tomino.7
Tomino no Jigoku
ane wa chi wo haku, imoto wa hihaku,
可愛いトミノは 宝玉(たま)を吐く。
kawaii tomino wa tama wo haku
hitori jigoku ni ochiyuku tomino,
jigoku kurayami hana mo naki.
muchi de tataku wa tomino no ane ka,
鞭の朱総(しゅぶさ)が 気にかかる。
muchi no shuso ga ki ni kakaru.
tatake yatataki yare tatakazu totemo,
mugen jigoku wa hitotsu michi.
kurai jigoku e anai wo tanomu,
kane no hitsu ni, uguisu ni.
kawa no fukuro ni yaikura hodoireyo,
mugen jigoku no tabishitaku.
春が 来て候(そろ)林に谿(たに)に、
haru ga kitesoru hayashi ni tani ni,
kurai jigoku tanina namagari.
kagoni yauguisu, kuruma ni yahitsuji,
kawaii tomino no me niya namida.
nakeyo, uguisu, hayashi no ame ni
妹恋しと 声かぎり。
imouto koishi to koe ga giri.
nakeba kodama ga jigoku ni hibiki,
kitsunebotan no hana ga saku.
jigoku nanayama nanatani meguru,
kawaii tomino no hitoritabi.
地獄ござらばもて 来てたもれ、
jigoku gozaraba mote kite tamore,
hari no oyama no tomebari wo.
akai tomehari date niwa sasanu,
kawaii tomino no mejirushi ni.
Souce: Saijō Yaso
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sph0206 · 4 years
ghost check
Think of what you had for dinner last night. Imagine the meal as vividly as possible to recreate the scene in your head.
Can you see everything?
*Read this only after the image is as clear as possible!*
If your vision is subjective—from your point of view as if you are the one eating the food—you're fine.
However, if it's objective—as if you are watching yourself from a third person's point of view—a spirit was watching you from that place at that time.
source: okaruto
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sph0206 · 4 years
My bedroom
A certain young talent, Atsuko, was celebrating her birthday. Many fans sent her presents, and she called her friends Saori and Chiaki to hang out at her place.
"Hey, let's look at the gifts you got!" Saori suggested. "Oh... It looks like somebody sent a DVD."
"Oh, I guess they did," Atsuko said, intrigued.
"Let's watch it!" Chiaki exclaimed.
Atsuko started the DVD. The video was of a male fan.
"Hello!" he started. "I'm going to sing a song for you, Atsuko-chan! Happy birthday to you..." He sang the song, but for some reason he was whispering despite being by himself.
"Oh, this is creepy," Saori said.
"There are a lot of guys like this, aren't there?" Chiaki asked.
But Atsuko didn't answer either of them. She was holding herself tightly as she sobbed and shuddered violently.
"What's wrong?" Saori asked. "Do you feel sick?"
"Are you okay?" Chiaki asked.
Atsuko pointed at the screen. "That's... My bedroom..."
Saori and Chiaki turned towards her room. It looked about the same as the room in the video. No... It was, in fact, the exact same.
"Congrats..." the man's voice continued playing on the TV.
The man then looked behind him where the bed was.
Atsuko was there sleeping
source: okaruto
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