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Assignment 8 [3/4/22]
I had begun making thumbnails for my short film. I want to start with boarding key moments, and here I decided to board the scene where the main character is introduced and where the story will take place.
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Research and Development [2/23/22]
Assignment 7
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Spells and Spice: Beatboard
A witch comes homes from making groceries 
She puts the groceries down on the floor
She is scrolling through her phone
She sees a lot of posts on social media a la “rise and grind” referring to the pandemic “staying inside, order out” she lingers on some posts made by her friends
Notification “you have 53 new orders”
She psychs herself up and gets to cooking
Montage of her cooking and of orders flying out her balcony to their destination
As the order leave the window you can see the sun getting lower and lower
At the last order goes out we see Noor washing all of her equipment and she gets a thought; create a magical assistant
She writes down a bunch of notes and reads up on how to create a sentient creature, and falls asleep on her couch
Note: couch should have a pillow + blanket on it to show she sleeps on her couch often
She wakes up early and gets started on making the food monster
Montage of Noor adding ingredients to her cauldron and casting spells
The cauldron shakes and the food monster pops out
Noor holds it up and inspects the monster. He is gooey
Noor places the monster on the kitchen counter next to her and tries to teach it how to cook.
The monster doesn’t do work the way Noor intended.
The monster tried to look out for Noors health by enticing her to take breaks
Trail to her bedroom, making her food,
Noor rebukes every offer
The monster watches as Noor gets more and more tired due to her work get into more and more dangerous situations due to her fatigue
The monster wanders into Noor's bedroom and sees photographs of her cooking with her family, when cooking was still a passion for her and not just something she used to pay the bills.
Meanwhile Noor accidentally knocks and dangerous ingredient into her cauldron and its starts overflowing and bubbling 
Noor doesn’t notice yet.
The monster walks out of her bedroom and sees the cauldron bubbling over and panics
The cauldron starts cracking loudly and Noor finally notices
The cauldron breaks and Noor breaks down crying.
She retreats to her room and sulks.
The food monster comforts her and Noor finally accepts the monster advice to take a break
The next day Noor wakes up near noon
She panics, but quickly calms down, unused to taking days off
She opens her phone and sees the “rise and grind” type posts on her feed.
She closes the app and decides catches up on all the shows she's been meaning to watch
Her and the food monster watch a show on Noors phone
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Assignment 6 [01/15/22]
For this assignment I designed the food monster character. I wanted to give him a pet like personality and make him endearing for the audience, so I made his design bright and round
I had also experimented with the color and lighting of the kitchen. I wanted the light to be stark in order to convey discomfort.
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[2/02/2022] ASSIGNMENT 4
The majority of the story takes place indoors, so I focused my environments on Noor’s apartment. Most of the story takes place in Noor’s kitchen/living room. Noor is not an affluent person, and I want this to be reflected in her apartment.
I wanted Noors kitchen to be busy, since it is where Noor runs her business and also because Noor does not have a lot of space to work within her tiny apartment
i want the kitchen to be used at night and during the day. I want the moments where the kitchen is used to have harsh lighting either from the sunlight of from white kitchen lights in order to convey a sense of discomfort.
Like Noors kitchen, i wanted the livingroom to be busy, but to also be cozier and more comforting. For this reason, I want the color scheme of the Livingroom to have a warmer color pallet. Also, I want the large window in Noors apartment to give a glimpse to the magical world outside by having some magical creatures visible through the window.
I want the light in the living room to be utilized more softly than the kitchen, with warm oranges from the sunset or warm lamps
The bedroom will be used minimally since the theme of the story is overworking and burnout, and bedroom are associated with rest and relaxation. Nevertheless, I want the bedroom to be muted with more washed out softer colors, and warm lighting from string lights.
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Assignment 3 (25/1/22)
Character summary
The protagonist's name is Noor. Noor takes a lot of pride in her independent business and her work ethic. However, her immense focus on her work takes a toll on her social life and her health. The food monster that Noor creates to assist her with her business draws her away from her work, and Noor panics at the notion of losing customers, since her business is her primary form of income.
The goal of this animated short is for the protagonist and the audience to learn the value of taking care of oneself and taking a step back from work. 
Noors' flaws are that she is stubborn, she isolates herself, and takes little care of her non-work needs. However, Noors strengths lie in her ability to work in stressful situations and think on her feet. She hates last minute changes and spending too much time being idle. She loves her friends despite how little time she spends with them. Noors deepest fear is failure and wasting her potential.
Her dream is to be able to live a stable life with a successful business.
My target audience for this animated short is college age students because I believe that they will be able to relate to the feeling of being consumed by your work and the fear of failing. I also believe that this audience will be able to relate to the way Noor spends time away from her friends due to work because many college students end up having to prioritize their work over their friendships, and covid has also strengthened that feeling of isolation.
Mood board:
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Noor Sketches:
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Storybeats and Treatment [17/1/22]
Theme: the consequences of overworking yourself
We see the hallway of the apartment
The door is kicked in by Noor, a lanky, tired witch carrying several groceries, magical and mundane.
Noor goes to her kitchen
Noor checks how many new food orders she has
She has a lot
She starts making all of the orders
She somehow finishes all the orders
She is exhausted
She goes to sit down
She immediately gets flooded with more orders
Salem tells Noor she needs to take a break
Noor ignores salem
Noor starts making the food and is quickly overwhelmed
Noor gets an idea to make an assistant
Noor creates a food assistant out of magical ingredients in her cauldron
The food monster pops out of the cauldron
The monster is goopy and reaches Noors waist. It’s body has the contents and consistency of dumpling filling.
Noor makes the monster help her with the orders.
The monster starts eating all the food in the kitchen
Noor kicks the monster out of her kitchen
Noor tries to finish her orders while the monster keeps trying to come back in to eat the food
The monster spots Salem in the living room eating
The monster runs towards salem food bowl
The monster breaks through the apartment wall and lands on the streets
The monster sees his is surrounded by food stands 
The monster attacks the food stands
The monster grows bigger and bigger with each thing that it eats
Noor sees the destruction the monster is causing
Noor grapples between finishing her order and hoping the monster goes away, or dealing with monster and abandoning her customers
Salem convinces Noor to deal with the monster.
Noor packs a bunch of potions and magical ingredients in her bag
Noor gets on her broom and flies out the hole in her apartment, into the street.
The monster has already grown to the size of a truck
Noor throws the potions at the monster
The monster shoots a glob of food at Noor
Noor is knocked off her broom and lands on the street
Noors broom is broken, and she no longer has her bag of potions
Noor panics and looks up at the monster, now the size of a house.
Noor sees the lanterns above the monster’s head and then gets an idea
The monster attacks Noor
Noor dodges
Noor runs back to her apartment
Noor gets from her kitchen a bottle that is labeled with a skull
Noor runs to the roof of her building
Noor tightrope walks the rope that is connected to the lanterns above the streets
Noor inches closer to her target
The rope breaks
Noor falls before barely catching herself on another rope
She is hanging directly a above the monster
Noor uncorks the bottle and pours it over the monster
The monster body start disintegrating
The monster turns into a completely ordinary dumpling
Noor lets go of the rope and lands on the dumpling, crushing it.
Noor returns to her ruined apartment
Noor flops down on her couch
Noor looks over at her kitchen and unfinished orders
Noor rolls over on her couch and decides to get some well needed rest
Noor, an overworked witch living in San Francisco, gets overwhelmed by new orders for her independent food business and decides to take an assistant to help her with cooking the food. This assistant turns out to be a food monster that does more harm than good. When the monster breaks out of Noors' apartment, Noor has to abandon her pending orders to get rid of this monster. Noor and the monster fight and Noor ends up losing her broom and potions. Just as Noor thinks it’s all over, she gets an idea and runs to her apartment to get a very powerful and dangerous potion she stashed away. Noor runs to the roof of her apartment and uses the lantern ropes as a way to pour the potion over the monster, destroying its body. Noor returns to her apartment and rests her weary body, finally deciding to get some well needed rest.
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ANIM-385 Logline and theme
Logline: A loner witch is happily delivering food for her magical fast food business until a food monster emerges from her kitchen. she must stop this monster before it destroys her entire neighborhood and her business.
Themes: I want the goal/lesson of this short film to be for audiences to see that you can’t solve your problems by running away from them. 
good versus evil, unlikely hero, responsibility. 
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