this blog's pinned being mentioned made me look at it again and Yikes I really need to make a new one
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that urdarlingangel person blocked me cause he knew i was right
how is he older then both of us, but acts like a 10 year old?
LMAO he blocked me too
I have a feeling that he's lying about his age (that's common in radqueer spaces), or he's just REALLY bad at english. Could be that he's just stupid though lol
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are you fucking stupid. like seriously were you kicked out of school. I never said it was okay you dumbass my point was that these people are not strongly and do not scroll the anti tags. You are telling literally just telling a group of people who never crosstag "don't crosstag" because the antis crosstagging Do Not Look At The Fucking Anti Radqueer Tags. learn reading comprehension
Blahblahblah. If you say some stupid shit don't act surprised when someone corrects you. Also, you are literally in OUR tags. YOU posted a stupid ass post in the anti radqueer tags and you are complaining that an anti radqueer is interacting with you.
How the hell did you read my pinned and then miss the part where I say my only DNI is pro-c paraphiles? You are not in my DNI and I am not breaking my DNI
funny how u guys crosstag posts nd send vry explicit hate towards a community u don't wanna be involved in! literally got a hate ask tellin me to kms, simply for bein openly radqueer. y'all r so mature nd if ur responsible for a death bc u told someone to kys, u have blood on ur hands /info :3
if u don't wanna be involved w us stay tf outta our spaces <3
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here's a secret: the majority of the crosstaggers in the radqueer tags are not involved in (anti) radqueer discourse at all and they literally just post in the radqueer tags to shit on you guys and then forget radqueers exist. the vast majority of crosstagging antis blogs are not even centered around discourse. the people you are speaking to do not scroll through the anti radqueer tag and tagging the anti tag is useless.
also really funny that you call me a bigot considering you think racefishing and disorder faking is okay! you're 20 years old, mayhaps get a hobby and get out of a community that's 90% minors?
funny how u guys crosstag posts nd send vry explicit hate towards a community u don't wanna be involved in! literally got a hate ask tellin me to kms, simply for bein openly radqueer. y'all r so mature nd if ur responsible for a death bc u told someone to kys, u have blood on ur hands /info :3
if u don't wanna be involved w us stay tf outta our spaces <3
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next time a radqueer crosstags telling us to stop crosstagging i'm gonna eat my hair
funny how u guys crosstag posts nd send vry explicit hate towards a community u don't wanna be involved in! literally got a hate ask tellin me to kms, simply for bein openly radqueer. y'all r so mature nd if ur responsible for a death bc u told someone to kys, u have blood on ur hands /info :3
if u don't wanna be involved w us stay tf outta our spaces <3
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Transabled transitioning is ableist due to the fact that, most of the time, it's pretending to have a disorder so you can feel special*
Trace transitioning is racist due to the fact it can only be achieved by asianfishing, blackface et cetera.
Transgender transitioning: not sexist due to the fact that you're not lying or pretending to be something you're not. A trans woman isn't perpetuating harmful stereotypes by having surgery to have boobs, unlike a white person putting on makeup to look black and using aave, which IS perpetuating harmful stereotypes
Stop using trans people as your only argument. We don't like you and do not want to be associated with you
*excluding pwBIID which is amputation and okay
Saying transAbled ppl are abelist and trace ppl are racist is like saying transgender ppl are sexist btw
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radqueer "christians" are so funny to me cause like. they'll be quoting bible verses and then immediately proceed to commit several sins including breaking one of the ten commandments
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90% of the anons on @//zoo-vent seem to be pro-c so that's not surprising
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hmm this post looks important. i think i'll reblog-
...well now i'm not
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P - predatory R - rapist O - of C - children
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me as a gay man calling myself faggot is not the same thing as a non-black person calling themselves the n-word. me as a trans person calling myself tranny is not the same thing as a non-black person calling themselves the n-word.
you do not inherit gender. trans women calling themselves women and wearing dresses is not the same thing as a white person calling themselves black and using makeup to do blackface. one is someone living their life. the other is a privileged person wanting to feel "quirky" and doing something inherently racist.
i can call myself a dude because that's not hurting men. that's not and was never meant to be sexist in the slightest. i cannot call myself black and walk into spaces meant for black people because that is invading the spaces of minorities wanting to feel safe.
a trans woman will face discrimination for being a woman if they transition. a white person will not face discrimination for "being black" if they put on blackface and speak using aave. furthermore, transitioned trans women can't just pretend to be men if they feel unsafe. white "transblack" people can just wipe off some makeup if they see a cop if they feel generally unsafe.
race is not a social construct in the way that gender is. clearly, you haven't unlearned your bigotry as much as you think you have.
one good thing about being raised to be transgenderphobic is that now i don't really see gender as being put on a pedestal as "more valid" compared to other transids.
if im really being honest the only reason i started supporting transids was when i found out they applied to me, and its nice being free of that baggage of "gender good everything else bad" because i came from a truly blank slate of "everything bad, wait a second im plural and also otherkin and turns out im also transabled and a bunch of other things" so its very eye opening to see people being hypocrites about it
for example i hear "nooo this person is pretending to be black!!!" and i look at someone who is transfem and who has been told they are "pretending to be a woman" and I'm like, what do you mean, stop being a hypocrite and mind your own business. "they are just copying stereotypes" and I've heard the exact thing as a criticism of you but you somehow claim to be against "terfs".
likewise, if someone says that i can't be racefluid but then they themselves are genderfluid then they are not being ideologically consistent and it's very strange to watch. or they call themselves the f slur or d slur but then they don't like it when i call myself the n word even though it's literally the exact same thing.
"all identities are valid but some of them are more valid than others because, they just are, okay?"
long piece of text so we may misunderstand we have a zeptosecond attention span
real!! "erm.. all identities are valid!! except some are less valid. why? cuz i said so! trust me i random strnager on the internet am so right"
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this is so funny and it's ironic because this is exactly why the radqueer community is slowly killing itself. the things this person is preaching about is why so many radqueers are becoming ex-radqueers
actual anti-cs do not want to co-exist with pro-cs. anti-cs who give a shit about the vulnerable to not want to tolerate pro-cs just because they're also radqueer. this is why you'll see so many anti-c radqueers leaving the community.
minorities do not want to co-exist with neo-nazis who proudly call themselves cisharmful and then say "well it's just for euphoria uwu :3". literally no person with common sense wants to tolerate literal neo-nazis just because they both share a belief. this is why you'll see so many radqueers who have even the slightest of critical thinking skills leaving the community. (and yes there ARE actually enough of these people to disgust decent radqueers and make them leave the community)
this entire post is hilarious because this "we're all radqueers! we can't be infighting!" bullshit is EXACTLY why there's so many radqueers leaving the radqueer community. people with common sense don't want to fight along abusers.
nobody wants to tolerate a child predator. nobody wants to tolerate a nazi. your community would be more stable if you guys realized that you can despise people who share your beliefs and that's okay.
your community isn't falling apart because the members don't like each other. your community is falling apart because nobody's letting anyone dislike each other without being bullied.
It’s always so upsetting to see communities like this dissolve because of infighting. We don’t need more niche blankqueer labels. We dont need more contact stance arguments. Stop engaging with Antis, we will get nowhere if all we do it act how they expect us to. Ignore those asks, block the known spam accounts and move on. (+ The more you all get used to blocking the less you’ll get termed)
I know it sucks I get that, but you have to be careful when it comes to fighting for your rights. We are already demonized, and because of that you’ll get nowhere by force because to the general public we’re scary and although that might be what some of you want, you have to take into consideration that it just stigmatizes us, as a community, more. This is all coming from an Ex-Anti and current RQ who’s often excluded from the community even now, it is imperative that we focus on improving the whole, not fighting amongst ourselves. All you’re doing is driving out the same people who were fighting alongside you.
I’m not saying you need to censor yourself per se, just that you have to be careful, when you’re the outcasts anything and everything you say will be used against you. We don’t have the same leeway antis do.
First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me
-Martin Niemöller
Divide and conquer has been a successful tactic for longer then any of us have been alive, it will happen to the Radqueer community all the same if we continue this way.
It doesn’t mean you have to be best friends, it means you have to be comrades. You don’t have to like the man next to you to recognize that he isn’t your enemy.
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there's a lot of positivity for people who like being plural and like their headmates but shout out to the systems who DON'T like being plural
shout out to the systems who can't stand having headmates
shout out to the systems who wish they were singlets
you aren't bad for not wanting to be plural. you aren't bad for having a negative experience with being a system. you don't have to force yourself to like being a system or like having headmates
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I really don't think anybody's arguing that trace users don't exist. People are arguing that trace is racist. Which, depending on if you "transition", and how you define transitioning, it definitely is.
If you DO "transition", then I would call that racist. Black people can't wipe off some makeup when they feel unsafe. East asians can't wipe off some makeup when they no longer want monolids. "Transitioning" IS purely imitation and does not make you a member of whichever race you want to be.
P.S. Comparing any sort of transID "exclusionists" to transphobes (or any sort of actual bigots) is shitty. Trans people do not exist to make it so you have any form of argument.
transrace exclusionists: "yeah i hate terfs also transrace beings don't exist because they were socialized as their original and are simply imitations of the race they transition into."
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you know what would be even funnier. if it was multiple fandoms. mod ravenpaw gets kicked off the mod team by mod vriska for being too soft on anti anons. do you see my vision
would anyone be interested in a blog along the lines of sonic for real justice but radqueer. all the "mods" would have ridiculously long lists of transids and they'd constantly argue. i can see it now. sonic for real radical inclusion
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would anyone be interested in a blog along the lines of sonic for real justice but radqueer. all the "mods" would have ridiculously long lists of transids and they'd constantly argue. i can see it now. sonic for real radical inclusion
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ppl are allowed to post shipcourse shit in the anti-rq tags if they want. Literally just filter the tag "shipcourse" and grow tf up m8. Being proship is inherently something RQs are(I've yet to meet an antiship RQ), and thus is just as fitting of the 'anti rq' tag as transx arguments are.
no. no. buddy. i'm not talking about antishippers complaining about proshippers in the anti radqueer tag. i'm talking about proshippers posting about their ships in anti radqueer tags. not shipcourse
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