sophieclair · 1 year
Bonhoeffer Projekt: Entscheidungen
Hallo dies ist mein Blog zu einem Schulprojekt. 
Es geht darum wie junge Menschen heutzutage Entscheidungen treffen. Ich finde es schwierig  diese Frage allgemein wertend zu reprĂ€sentieren da wir alle Individuen sind und fĂŒr uns selbst entscheiden. Darum hab ich mich erstmal gefragt wie ich selber Entscheidungen treffe und durch viele hinterfragungen und dem auseindersetzen verschiedener Themen im Unterricht wie zum Beispiel extrinsische und intrinsiche Motivation, also ob wir zum beispiel darum handeln weil es eine Belohnung gibt oder ob es aus eigenem Willen geschieht. Da kam  ich zu dem Gedanken das ich aus Erfahrungen und aus Emotionen heraus handel.
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Hierbei sind die Emotionen das wichtigste da sie ĂŒberhaupt der Grund sind warum ich Entscheidungen treffe. Ich möchte mich glĂŒcklich fĂŒhlen ich nöchte Freude empfinden das ist es eigentlich worauf ich meine Entscheidungen basiere, wenn man es auf das simpelste Verlangen und BedĂŒrfnisse reduziert, jedoch ist das nich alles so ganz so einfach, denn GlĂŒck und Freude sind nicht unbedingt ein dauerhafter zustand man muss Sachen im Gleichgewicht halten und auch dinge tuen die man nicht tuen möchte um GlĂŒck und Freude zu erreichen.  Entscheidungen sind die Wahl zwischen einer oder mehreren möglichen Handlungen „Mut steht am Anfang des Handelns GlĂŒck am Ende“ (Demokrit)*1 dieses Zitat von Demokrit beschreibt das man Mut braucht um Entscheidungen zu treffen denn die Wahl zu haben bedeutet die Vor und Nachteile seines Handelns zu sehen, doch ist dies nicht immer möglich, denn wir können nicht in die Zukunft sehen wir können nicht immer genau Wissen was die Konsequenzen unseres Handelns ausmachen und im nachinein bereuen wir unsere Entscheidungen vielleicht wie ich, ich bereue meinen Eltern nicht frĂŒher von mir zu erzĂ€hlen wer ich denn wirklich bin, das ich ein MĂ€dchen bin. Aber oftmals sind wir auch froh darum wie wir unsere Entscheidungen getroffen haben. Ich habe 8 Jahre gebraucht um Endlich meine Hormone zu bekommen und mich selbst zu akzeptieren. Ich habe mich entschieden offen damit umzugehen das ich eine Transfrau bin und bereue diese Entscheidung nicht denn das ist es was ich bin und es gibt mir Mut und Kraft und Freude endlich mich nicht mehr verstecken zu mĂŒssen. 
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„Don’t worry, be Happy“*2 dies sind die Worte von Bobby McFerrin die er 1988 gesungen hat und manchmal sollte man seine Sorgen beiseite schieben und einfach darĂŒber nachdenken was einen GlĂŒcklich macht und es dann auch tuen. In meinem Fall hieß es mich nicht weiter darum zu Sorgen was meine Eltern darĂŒber denken das ich Trans bin sondern darĂŒber das ich GlĂŒcklicher bin, wenn ich es Sage, denn das bin ich auf jeden Fall.
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Deswegen kommt es darauf an was uns GlĂŒck und Freude bringt denn das muss man erstmal herausfinden und dazu kommt noch das sich Sachen Ă€ndern können die einem Freude bereiten von simplen dingen wie Essen bis hin zu Partnern. GlĂŒck ist meistens nicht konsequent und man muss dafĂŒr arbeiten um es aufrecht zu erhalten in vielen FĂ€llen geht es hier um materielle Mittel nĂ€mlich Geld. Mit Geld kann man sich einige BedĂŒrfnisse erfĂŒllen und sich somit GlĂŒck kaufen ein schönes Haus gutes Essen etc. doch auch nicht alles kann mit Geld erlangt werden.
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Liebe zum beispiel kann man nicht kaufen dafĂŒr muss man den richtigen Partner finden, aber auch selber der richtige Partner sein das heißt Kompromisse eingehen Fehler zu akzeptieren aber auch an seinen eigenen zu abeiten. Eine Partnerschaft sollte im besten Fall ein geben und nehmen sein und selbst wenn Probleme auftreten können diese aus der Welt geschafft werden. Doch öfter denn je dachte man vielleicht die richtige Person gefunden zu haben aber es klappt doch nicht aus dem ein oder anderen Grund. So kommt es das was einem GlĂŒck und Freude gebracht hat sich Ă€ndern kann durch Erfahrungen.
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Man kann auch ErfĂŒllung finden in seiner Arbeit zum Beispiel in der sozialen Branche das es einem Freude bereitet anderen zu helfen und so ihnen Freude zu bereiten oder in der Hauswirtschaft wenn man Lob bekommt fĂŒr das Essen was man geschaffen das man seine Talente zeigen kann, oder aber es ist nur ein Job und man macht ihn um Geld zu kriegen um Leben zu können, denn oftmals Arbeiten wir nur weil wir mĂŒssen und erfĂŒllen uns unsere WĂŒnsche und BedĂŒrfnisse anderswo.
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Und doch streben wir weiter danach unser GlĂŒck bis ans Lebensende zu finden und zwar erneut und erneut. Ich wĂŒrde im allgemeinen also sagen das junge Leute oder allgemein Menschen Entscheidungen treffen um GlĂŒck und Freude zu empfinden doch der Weg dahin ist fĂŒr ein jeden ein anderer auch wenn sich diese Wege kreuzen oder man auch nebeneinander geht man geht seinen eigenen Weg. 
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Man sollte also sein Ziel immer kennen nĂ€mlich GlĂŒck und Freude doch man sollte nicht sich entmutigen lassen, wenn es nicht immer geradlinig ist. Eine weitere Sachen wĂ€re noch das es immer Besser ist Freude und GlĂŒck zu teilen denn dadurch entsteht meiner Meinung nach eine bessere Welt.
hier noch einmal meine Quellen:
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sophieclair · 3 years
Do you know any good places for trans people who dont really know what to do as they start their transition..?
Hi there! There are a lot of great organizations and Tumblr’s with good tips, if you check out my trans resources tag you’ll find a bunch of them!
8 Tips for Coming Out as Non-Binary
Trans and Non-Binary Resource Masterpost
Trans Youth Support Network
TransYouth Family Allies
Here’s a masterlist from @transteens101
General resources:
local resources
gender masterpost
LGBT social group meetups
agender chatroom
trans chatroom
transgender faq
Everything Gender Part 1 (Video)
Everything Gender Part 2 (Video)
The trans teen’s guide to dating
Literature with LGBT+ characters
LGBT+ Films
Transgender advice
family issues
Transgénero (Spanish article on all things trans)
Transgender Religious Expression and Spirituality
tips for living stealth (written for trans men but also applies for trans women)
gender therapy
Trans related terminology:
transgender glossary (this one’s a bit outdated)
becomingus (includes the dos and don’ts of using certain trans-related words)
transgender faq
list of gender identities
Glossary of Transgender, Non-Binary and Genderqueer Words
Understanding your gender identity:
Gender identity flowchart
What is gender?
Understanding gender
What am I?
list of gender identities
Am I Transgender? (Video)
Being Trans (Video)
I Think I Might be Transgender, Now what do I do?
What’s a pronoun?
Gender Neutral Pronouns (Video)
The Pronoun Place
Gender Neutral Language
How Non-Binary Pronouns Work
Guide to Non-Binary Pronouns
Gender Neutral Titles
How to Correct People’s Pronoun and Name Slip-Ups
Advocates for Informed Choice
Interact Youth
What it’s Like (Video)
What is Intersex?
Intersex Definition
Male, Female, or Intersex
Nonbinary resources:
Nonbinary support blog
Unisex names
Living as Nonbinary (Spanish)
Genderqueer (Spanish)
Nonbinary Flowchart
Explaining Genderqueer
Genderqueer and Hormones (Video)
The Nonbinary Safespace
Nonbinary Autistics
Gender Queeries
Ask a Nonbinary
Genderqueer ID
Hell Yeah, Agender!
Genderless Person (Video)
When no Gender Fits
Androgyne Online
Practical Androgyne
Ambiguous Sexuality
Neutrois Nonsense
What is Neutrois?
Experiences as Neutrois
Bigender Resources
What it’s Like Being Bigender
Demigender Safe Space
Demi Safe Spot
Introducing Demigender
Genderfluid Facts
Genderflux Support
Teaching About Gender Fluidity (PDF)
How can I Live as Genderfluid?
Genderfluid Definitions
Two Spirit:
Who Are They?
Native American Concepts
Of Indigenous North Americans
As They Are
Two Spirits: The Story of a Movement
Other Cultural Based Genders:
Hijra Wikipedia
Hijra Takes place in Indian Law
Kathoey Wikipedia
Where the ‘Ladyboys’ are
Muxe Wikipedia
In Mexico, Mixed Genders and Muxe
Fa’afafines Wikipedia
Fa’afafines: The Third Gender
Transfeminine resources:
tucking masterpost
Tucking and other skills
trans women resources master post
Makeup for beginners
MtF resources
Ask a transwoman
Tucking and other skills
Male to Female Support
How to hide stubble
tucking forum and thread
Tucking How-to Guide
low budget diy breast forms [video]
Realistic Breast Form Tutorial (Video)
The Breast Form Store
How to make home made breast forms
Women’s Clothing Terminology
surgery booklet
hrt booklet
Trans Health Matters: Trans Women
girl names + their meanings
etiquette for women’s bathrooms
Hormones: A guide for MTFs
Hormone replacement therapy (male-to-female)
Transgender Hormones - Transgender Care
Feminizing HRT (for Male-to-Females) - Michele O'Mara, PhD
Sex reassignment surgery (male-to-female)
Vaginoplasty: Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery
Surgery: A guide for MTFs (PDF)
MTF surgeries price list (this is just for one surgery centre but can give you an idea of the estimated cost of any surgeries)
Transmasculine resources:
The Art of Transliness
Ask a trans guy
What it’s like being on T
Transmasc tips
GC2B Binders
Swimwear binders
Binding : how to guide + safety
FTM masterpost
boy names + their meanings
Workouts to Promote a More Masculine Figure
Where to Get Men’s Clothes that Fit
Dealing with the Dreaded Period
Pros and Cons of Strap-On Sex for Trans Guys
Relationship Tips for Trans Guys
A Guide to STPs and Standing to Pee
To Pack or Not to Pack
Swimming as a Trans Guy
Packing and Packers 101
Everything You Need to Know About Binders and Binding
Using the Men’s Bathroom
All About Top Surgery and Nipples
Androgel Q & A
What to Expect from Testosterone and When
Risks and Dangers of Illegal Testosterone
Genital Changes on T
10 Common Myths about Medical Transition
FTM Testosterone Therapy Basics
FTM resource guide
FTM transitioning guide
effects of testosterone therapy
FTM Chest Reconstruction Surgeries (includes Spanish translation link)
FTM Genital Reconstruction Surgeries (GRS)
FTM Basics: Terminology
Myths and Misconceptions about Testosterone, Transition, and Trans Men
1 year on testosterone: timeline of changes
Hormones: A Guide for FTMs (PDF)
The Philadelphia Centre for Transgender Surgery
Coming out:
coming out tips
Coming Out to Family and Friends
Coming Out to Friends
Coming Out to Partners
Resources for Coming Out
Coming Out as Nonbinary
When Should You?
How to Come Out to Parents
Tips and Advice (Video)
Coming out & family issues
How to Deal with Parents that are Not Accepting
Tips for Coming out and Dealing with People
Explaining Your Transition to Kids/Younger Family Members
Trans mental health:
Gender spectrum: mental health
More Subtle Dysphoria
Dealing with Dysphoria and Helplessness
8 Signs and Symptoms of Dysphoria
25 Ways to Ease Dysphoria
tips on coping with gender dysphoria
How do I deal with dysphoria?
how to cope with Gender Dysphoria
transselfies: a trans body positivity blog
How to Deal with Parents that are Not Accepting
Trans suicide hotline
emergency hotlines (U.S. only)
international emergency hotlines
Doubts, Decision, and Detransition
Trans Lifeline
Trans advice/resource/discussion blogs and sites:
Gender inbetween
Susan’s Place
Nonbinary support blog
trans tips
Hope that helps! Readers, free free to comment / reblog with suggestions, thanks!
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sophieclair · 3 years
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This Pride, don’t forget about us
ID: “This Pride remember to respect all trans people : Trans women who don’t shave with a drawing of a woman whit a yellow and pink beard, trans men who don’t bind, masculine trans women and feminine trans men with a drawing of a trans woman with short pink hair wearing a yellow baseball T-shirt holding hands with a trans man with a yellow crop top and short curly blue hair, fat trans people with the drawing of a fat trans woman with short white hair, dark skin and a pink cropped top, disabled trans people with a drawing of a wheelchair and a walking cane in the color of the trans flag, neurodivergent trans people with the symbol of the autistic community, trans people who are sex worker with a drawing of blue bra and pink underwear, poor trans people who can’t afford transition, trans people who aren’t out yet with a drawing of a closed door, trans people who don’t plan on transitioning, black trans people with a black fist holding a trans flag, and any trans people who isn’t white with multiple hands of different skin tones, muslim trans people with a drawing of someone wearing a hijab in the color of the trans flag, jewish trans people with a drawing of someone wearing a white shirt and a kippah in the color of the trans flag, non binary people even those who don’t identify as trans with the non binary flag, those whose identity you might not understand with the genderfluid flag, the agender flag, the demi gender flag and the genderqueer flag, trans people who don’t pass and don’t want to with a drawing of a trans woman with a beard and dark skin raising her fist, every pronouns with dialog box in which are different sets of pronouns, trans people of every identity with the gay flag, the lesbian flag, the ace flag, the bi flag, the pan flag and the aro flag, every trans person is beautiful and deserving of so much love so don’t forget the T.” End ID
P.S. : can someone tell me if I did the image description right cuz I have no idea
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sophieclair · 3 years
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Courtney was the chief member behind Cohen’s fan club. Being Cohen’s biggest fan, she was responsible for organizing the fan club and monitoring the actions of its members. She was, as many people would say, rather shallow and felt she was a queen who thought she had a say in how others could approach Cohen or even speak to them. She was a beautiful woman capable of getting most of what she wanted by taking advantage of this fact.
But things for her changed once a certain young lady decided to get revenge for the treatment she received from both Cohen and the people associated with him. Courtney was at the top of this list.
Once possessing a voluptuous and shapely figure, Courtney now found her world to be a bit more round and thick as a Wailmer Pokemorph
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sophieclair · 5 years
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sophieclair · 5 years
Today I have cut myself for the first time on purpose.
I am really afraid and hate pain but today I cut myself for the first not very deep but willingly. I physically injured my body myself because I am not able to tell my pain otherwise because I am afraid nobody believes me like always and tell me I that I never do something right . My cutting was not because of an event I just wanted to see scars that represent my hate against my body I hate it. I hate hate hate hate it so much. The pain is not very strong. It burns a little but nothing else. I am not sure if these will be the last or only the first. Thats it for today from me. Ah oh yeah happy fucking new year or whatever
Yours truly depressed
Transgirl Sophie
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sophieclair · 5 years
Why I really need to transition
Hey transgirl here and I wanted to talk about gender dysphoria a bit. Yeah my dysphoria lets me feel like shit and I literally want to rip off my penis because it does not fucking belong to me so yeah you could maybe tell I am not in the greatest mood right now and that is quite simple because I fucking hate my body for me it is just outright disgusting and everything could be really easy with a little something called estrogen. It would help me really much but I can not have it because I need a therapist but I can not find any so thats why I sit here. Depressed and full of suicidal thoughts and hoping somebody would just run me over but nothing happens and I stay here lonely and empty crying in silence until I spill my last tear on the floor with the rest of what is left of me.
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sophieclair · 5 years
Movies where i cried
I have finally watched Love Simon and now there are 3 movies where I had to cry because they fucked my feelings the first one is the bridge to Terabithia and the second where i probably cried the most is the danish girl because there were just so many similarities that I remembered everything all over again and again.
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sophieclair · 6 years
Do you know the power of bottled up feelings ? Because I want to tell you something about anger, not the kind of anger you can scream or punch away. No I want to talk about this anger this rage that I felt. This rage gathered in me for years and on this one day it was just too much. I was in physical pain because I could not express the anger that I felt , because I could not scream it in the face of the person that the anger was meant for. I could not tell the person how shit they are and mendacious. I did not know what to do I was not able to calm down. I screamed I ram my head against the wall let freezing water run over me but ... nothing only this anger this rage, agony and fear. The fear to knever feel something else only this agony and this rage without ever having a chance to let it go. Never be able to have a clear thought again. I tried to tell my best friend what happened but I was not able to speak properly I was just rambling and nothing made sense but I was able to calm my self a little bit and the anger leveled down, but since that day deep down I am still angry angrier than ever before and now I am in fear that this rage will rise again, this rage that you are completely helpless against, consuming your entire being and never letting you feel anything except agony.
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