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So, having trouble with drawing Hungary? I’m not that great at explaining things, so maybe this reference sheet by Himaruya would help? To me she’s fairly easy, maybe because I draw her way too often.
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Here you can see more of her hair, which is fairly wavy at the bottom. It also seems as if her side bangs face the left.
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Now here you can clearly see that her hair is shorter in the front and longer in the back. It also seems more wavy and fluffy back there. Hungary’s standard flower is quite basic, though it can change into different types.
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Damn Austria, Daaaaaaaammmmn #hetalia #aphswitzerland #aphaustria #aphgermany
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I had to write this on my phone. (I currently don’t have a computer.) But I hope you like it! I love Nyo!AusHun
Annaliese waited for Daniel outside the school’s double doors, tapping her foot impatiently.
Daniel zoomed down the sidewalk on his bike, a bundle in the basket in front of him.  He quickly parked the bike and chained it to the railing before taking the bundle gently and running up the steps.
Annaliese grimaced as she ran down stairs, taking the bundle in her hands and unraveling the blanket, revealing a plastic baby doll. “Could you be any more gentle?” She snapped, “Why are you so late?” She asked rocking the toy child back and fourth.
Daniel rolled his eyes. “I’m not late. The bell rings in like,” he looks at his watch, “two minutes.” He concluded. “And while you’re busy yelling at me, did you finish the report?”
“It’s in my backpack.” She said as she covered the baby back up.
“You know it’s not a real kid right?” He asked with a quirk of his eyebrow.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t treat her like a real child. That’s the purpose you know. Hilde Edlestein will be the most perfected and groomed baby in the room.”
“I think you mean Hilde Héderváry.” He corrected. 
Before she could say anything, the bell rung and Daniel smiled. “I guess I won’t get an earful from my beloved wife until the next 89 minutes.” He said before bounding up the stairs.
Annaliese followed after him. “You may be spared this time because 4 minutes is not enough time I have for the words for you, but wait until class is over, I’m not going to stop until the 20 minutes of advisement is up.”
“You know speaking of you being my wife and marriage, do you still have that ring pop I gave you?” He asked holding the door open for her.
She walked last him without a thank you. “No I ate it.” She said flatly.
Daniel blinked as he went after her, slightly hurt. “W-Why? Don’t you know that that was the proclamation of our holy matrimony? Did that not mean anything to you?” He suddenly yelled.
Annaliese whipped around to him. “No, no it didn’t! Why does it matter to you so much?  It was a stupid piece of candy you gave to me in front of the class for a part of our grade that’s a part of this stupid project! Just like this child, the marriage wasn’t real! I can’t find a reason to date a reckless, careless, untimely person like you!” She screamed.
Daniel looked away as he clenched and then unclenched his fist. “I thought working with you would be a good thing so I can see if all the rumors about you were true, and it turns out, they were. You’re just a stuck up jerk that’s spoiled by her mother and father.” He said lowly.
She swallowed at his words. People..made rumors about her? Annaliese looked away from him. “Why do you even care? Like you said I’m a jerk and a spoiled, stuck up, brat.  So why does it matter to you? And why would you you even care, to see if the rumors were true or not? Why-” She asked before he felt his lips press up against hers. Heart fluttering and eyes closing, she melted into the kiss. Her hand came up, a hand stroking his cheek gently.
Daniel was the first to pull away. “I don’t know why I did that but-”
“I didn’t eat it. I just said that because I thought you wouldn’t care that I actually wrapped it back up in the plastic until I got home and covered it in a clear coat to sort of…preserve it.” She whispered. “I think you’re reckless and untimely, and sometimes pretty careless, but I think you’re goofy, easygoing, and extremely kind.” With a nod she turned on heel with the child, only to stop when she felt him grab her shoulder.
“You’re a jerk, stuck up and a bit of a spoiled brat. But you’re smart and talented and the just beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
Annaliese turned around. “If the circumstances were different, and we didn’t get to know each other more during a project…” she said quietly.
“The circumstances don’t have to be different just because of the project. How about I take you out to dinner tonight? I know a place that serves great chocolate milkshakes.”
She blinked. “I’ve never been out with a boy my mother or father never met to approve of.” She mumbled before looking up and smiling. “It’s a date.”
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So... Prussia, what do you think of the two of them?
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Kesesesesese…!! Oi, anon, did you read the little mistress’ snooty warnings?! Stay on-topic or be punished! Thirty lashes and live as her footstool for the rest of your days!! And no dessert!! This is Ask Austria, not Ask the Magnificent, Beautiful, Just Like a Virtuous Little Dove Me!Hah! But who can blame you for wanting the flawless, ever-popular Prussia over Miss Priss?! Ahh, look at these-
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This is just a sample! The adoring masses have sent hundreds* of questions about me! Even on her own blog, Österreich’s popularity can’t compare![*Gross exaggeration.]In return for your overwhelming appreciation for the cute as a spring lamb me, I guess I’ll take over for the sleeping beauty! It’s the little princess’ naptime, kesesese!! Maybe I’ll keep this blog to teach her a lesson about paying attention!
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The sneaky me is an expert paparazza…! Kesese…Here goes… ‘What do you think of the two of them’…huh? Two of who? Österreichs?! Two is even more annoyingly persnickety than one! But it’s fun! I can pull two haircurls at once! That’s German efficiency!I mean, there’s hardly any difference…he squeals just as loudly as she does…she’s a little softer and more fun to squeeze!!Oh!
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But he comes with this neat accessory, kesesese!Ehh, lemme see…’what’s your relationship like?’ Tch…for a second there, the suspicious and ever-wary me thought you were saying something gross! ‘Anything on Prussia’…what, like blackmail?! The useless aristocrat couldn’t get any dirt on me if she tried! I move faster than she can blink and my camouflage is without equal!! I’m insulted! Tch, these questions are awful, I’m disposing of them before the princess feels a pea and wakes u- a- a- ACHOO!!What was I saying?Whatever, Österreich’s blog is boring and lame!! I can’t believe I’ve wasted precious internet time on this!! Everyone, unfollow the little mistress and follow me instead, okay?! Reblog my cute animals and perfect just like a little speckled egg selfies, okay?!?! Later![It’s this kind of relationship.]
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this is so GOOD and PUre
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I’ll let everyone react to this as they please.
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i got into a for glory match like this the other day
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Elfie the Vampurr. (vine by Elifie & Gimli)
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I accidentally created the most soothing drink in the world after trying to recreate the hot honey drink in Ponyo! I guarantee it will remove all stress and troubles, I’ve had like 3 today because it makes me so happy
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everyone who reblogs this will receive a picture of spencer shay in their inbox 
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This is pure
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Song of the Sea
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