sonestli1-blog · 12 years
Get Power to Combat Cancer from these Uplifting Ladies
Today, it is open that even celebrities and other prominent people surfer cancer and other deadly diseases unlike in some years back. In this realm, there is no difference to the ordinary person. However, the difference is in that, they have the money and can afford better and modest treatments unlike some ordinary people who suffer the same illness.
Despite regular mammogram, Sheryl Crow, still fell victim of breast cancer. Lumps which were cancerous were detected in both her breasts, during a calcification on a certain day. She is a musician and her career had to pose; for this diva to fight. She went through surgeries plus intensive radiations to remove the lumps.
When her illness was diagnosed it was a good research as the experts were able to learn about her disease. She fostered the research as it was a wide awaking for her and other people as well. This is because she was trying to look into what had triggered her condition.
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Eldie Falco is yet another woman who was in the battle of fighting with the disease. This is because she decided that she was going to make it on her own and keep it to herself. This was a hard thing to do but she did manage. She did that as she did not want to be a burden to her friend and family as well. In the end she had to involve them due to the procedure that was needed for her to get adequate treatment.
Edie Falco was not alone in wanting to keep her secret; Cynthia Nixon, yet another celebrity victim of breast cancer, did not want a word of it to a single soul too. She is a city and a show sex diva; all the more reason she wanted to keep the secret.
Another thing that drove us to writing this is for inspirational purposes too. There are people in the world that have lost hope completely and seem to have no hope of ever recovering. This is because they have no money for surgery or rather treatment. This is why people should have breast cancer charities and breast cancer support. These are meant for cancer patients that have lost hope of ever recovering.
The good thing about all these is that if you do not have money to give out as charity, there is much to do. Breast cancer campaigns and awareness is something that any person in the world can be able to do. With this it does not mean that you have to talk to big crowds. You can simply do this by just wearing a breast cancer t-shirt or breast cancer bracelets.
Later it was realized that the lump was indeed cancerous, and it had already spread to her lungs, ribs, and hips. She tried to fight the disease that was eating her up by taking chemotherapies and even surgery. Unfortunately, she lost the battle to breast cancer in year 2010.
Another woman who also took the bold state of battling with cancer is Kylie Minogue. She is one woman who followed her instincts and guts that something was not right. After receiving her first mammogram it was found out that she had no problem. Still not convinced about the results, she was able to make sure that she went to another hospital and her cancer was found. She had to go through some of the processes to ensure that she was getting treatment.
Well, with this article, we hope that we have given you a reason to look up to. Do not feel like you are alone in the world because there are very many people, companies and institutions that are ready to fund your treatment.
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