somewalksarounds · 8 years
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All chickens were moved to tears
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somewalksarounds · 8 years
“... that the pristine is less beautiful than the broken and that the shape of us is impossible to see until its fractured, until the wound like a crack runs its length.” 
-From Nerdwriter1 on Youtube
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Kintsugi (金継ぎ?) (Japanese: golden joinery) or Kintsukuroi (金繕い?) (Japanese: golden repair) is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum … As a philosophy it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. [wikipedia]
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somewalksarounds · 8 years
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Final 48 hours to back #BeastmasterAndPrince on #Kickstarter, and support #Otome game localization in English! http://thndr.me/8ZBHjX
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somewalksarounds · 8 years
FALSE COPYRIGHT STRIKE! Whoever this Molebeat guy is should be banned from Youtube! PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE MESSAGE AS THIS CHANNEL IS STILL GROWING AND SMALL. Please watch the video for more info!
If you have a moment, please reblog to help spread the word about this issue, which is an issue that is much larger for many other YouTubers as well, though luckily they have a bit more support. But this is KILLING many of us small fries.
Nostalgia Critic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVqFAMOtwaI&feature=cards&annotation_id=5817cfa8-77bd-4816-bc41-72e91b9b2540&src_vid=C7-TJ2utqE0
Alternate History Hub - ***His Monetization is Back*** Yay! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mld4G…
Chibi Reviews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REHOd…
Anjim 2.0 (flagged by the same person I was) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBhzXCtEvYk
Leonard French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7-TJ2utqE0
boogie2988: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-O7WANBW_Y
And that’s just a very small few.
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somewalksarounds · 8 years
Beastmaster and Prince -Flower and Snow- - This is a project to localize and bring the famous Japanese Otome game "Beastmaster and Prince" to Steam. - http://kck.st/1Sh0wXt
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somewalksarounds · 8 years
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somewalksarounds · 8 years
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hotels that understand customer service
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somewalksarounds · 9 years
OMG! Thank you for the analysis of the entirety of this arc, especially Akashi. I’ve always wanted to have a clear view of his character but there were hardly any character analysis that seems to fit but your’s seem so accurate. Thank you! 
A Place Where We Belong (Teiko Arc Analysis)
So I thought it was time for me to stop screaming AKASHI AND AOMINE TOHELLWITHYOUFREAKINJERKS YOU DON’T DESERVE TO BE IN A SHIP NAME WITH KUROKO akdsajdskld as I do love these two dearly and Akakuro and Aokuro are like my life’s greatest ships so I decided to write a thing… about the true point of the Teiko arc…which should’ve been merely explaining Akashi’s dual personality but escalated into something greater–evidence for the might I mention, “The True Light” Chapter
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And although this chapter’s focus seems to be on how everything was .for Kagami to meet with Kuroko, just as “fate” (FUJIMAKI YOU DARE CALL YOURSELF FATE NOW?) orchestrated, the opposite is also true: that they were fated to go through the throes of Teiko in order to find their true place. This is what the Teiko arc truly affirms.
Keep reading
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somewalksarounds · 9 years
Review of Akechi Mitsuhide’s Route
Precaution: Some spoilers from Masamune’s and Mitsuhide’s route
When I first noticed this handsome young man in Masamune’s route, albeit somewhat plain in design, his aura allured me to him. Indeed, he was quite the antagonist in Masamune’s route but that didn’t halt me from purchasing his route. Let me say, I wasn’t in the least disappointed, however, there were a few scenes in the story that did irk me. 
Let’ move on  to the main dish…
The heroine is assigned to take care of Mitsuhide when he comes to the castle that she currently resides in to teach the vassals-to-be and some of the maids to be proper (I don’t know if this is the correct word to use). I must state, these two fall in love rather at first sight, something that seems oddly refreshing despite the trite cliché of this trope.
The story itself was shockingly decent, in my opinion. Unlike Masamune’s route, where I was half-asleep and awake simultaneously trying to conclude the route, that did not happen to me in Mitsuhide’s route where I was immersed in the story for quite the bulk of it. 
The romance flowed pretty naturally in this route. What aided in the romance where the calligraphy classes, books, and the roles both the male and female protagonist served. Nature, itself, also dips into depth quite a bit to help progress the romance. In extension, no interesting romance is interesting without the characters themselves interacting with one another which really made this route shine above some of the ones that were already released. 
At some parts, though, it felt too banal which was evident in the hero-save-damsel in distress scenes. Masamune’s route was overloaded with these once it got into the plot with war and so was Mitsuhide’s. However, despite this problem, the flow into war was in Mitsuhide’s route was executed well. 
The symbolism in this route also weaved in well with the romance; something that was very revitalizing. This symbolism is prominent within the events when the MC is with Mitsuhide viewing the cherry blossoms. Mitsuhide says that these cherry blossoms are ‘fleeting’ and will eventually ‘flow away in the air’ (something like that?). This connected when Mitsuhide demanded that the MC be his personal servant (we all know the meaning behind this) when Nobunaga asked him what he wanted. The MC was a single
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blossom living her days as a normal servant within a castle which could be considered as a tree when she is suddenly transferred into another castle all due to Mitsuhide’s request. She’s the blossom that followed the wind, Mitsuhide, as he requested her be alongside him. This is just one of a few examples. 
In addition, the story makes good use of ‘show but not tell’. In some scenes when Mitsuhide presumably betrayed Nobunaga, the antagonist, Imagawa Yoshimoto encases the heroine and Nobunaga in a palace engulfed in flames. It was historically precise and inaccurate at the same time as it is true that in the original story, Mitsuhide did betray Nobunaga by setting the place he was staying in aflame in order to become shogun, however, this time the author made a very stealthy execution and interpretation of this betrayal. 
Mitsuhide’s character does change when he’s around different people. Around Nobunaga and Ieyasu, he acts very respectful, a little brash, and friendly at the same time. Around the MC, however, he’s more expressive though these signs are subtle, so pay very special attention to them because these signs speaks volumes on how he treats the MC which deviates from his usual way of treating people he would just consider acquaintances or subordinates or friends. 
Finally, the ending was sweet and cliché but there was a question lingering in my mind. What the heck happened to Ishikawa Goemon? He literally vanished with no trace by the conclusion of this story. Otherwise, this route should be given a go by those who play this game or are just starting. 
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somewalksarounds · 10 years
Warring Day
Prologue: The Aquilian-Toran War have been going on for nearly twenty years. The region, Aquilion, was once ruled by the powerful and stable democracy of the Aquilians. However, a surprise attack on the Aquilians by the Torans provoked a war between the two groups. These twenty years have drastically changed the lives of people, their education, and way of living. Now the government, wants us kids to help fight. Everyone between the ages of fifteen to eighteen are required to go to military school and be trained for the war. A lot of kids are weary but the government was not the democracy it used to be. I was sitting, zoned out, during class. My eyes were focused on the rustling of the tree near the window I was sitting by. The sky was blue, flocks of white doves flew overhead, the clouds were gently drifting against the direction they were blown, and it was the perfect day to go out today. The teacher was talking about how to reload the M16 rifle, the standard rifle used for the now modern military. Every student was to be equipped with a student rifle, the M16. However, no matter how serious and loud the teacher was, I wasn’t paying any attention to him. That was the price for my embarrassment in front of the whole class. The teacher called my name, asking me how to unload the rifle but I didn’t know how. “You take out the cartridge containing the unloaded ammunition and put in a new one,” answered the student next to me, Hiroshi. Hiroshi was always silent, only talked when needed and gave off a mysterious and unapproachable aura. He looked back down at this notebook without glancing at me and started scribbling in his notebook again. He looked at the board and copied the notes. He wouldn’t look up for another ten minutes or so while writing in his own book. Hiroshi’s notes were flawless. They were very organized and very easy to read. He even put down his own notes on how to easily use the weapons instead of always following the teacher’s way. I guess that shows how independent Hiroshi was. “Good job, Hiroshi,” the teacher looked at me disappointedly. “Ayaka, you should be more like Hiroshi and focus during class.” Hiroshi continued to write in his book like he didn’t hear anything and I sighed. The teacher went back to teaching his lessons and this time I copied down the notes on the M16 rifle. Class ended and I was already tired out. I went back to my own room and all of my anxiety went away once I saw the keyboard in my dorm. The walls were sound proof so I could play without having to worry about anything. Playing the keyboard like a piano, it helped calm and soothe all my worries about going to military school. After I finished playing the keyboard, I decided to go out for a walk since the weather was so nice out. The air was fresh and the sun was still shining strongly. As I walked passed people and enjoyed my break, I suddenly bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Thomas. “Sorry, Thomas,” I bowed in apology. I was trained to do that. “It’s alright, Ayaka,” Thomas answered and also bowed out of respect. “Don’t you hate doing this?” Thomas whispered. “Kind of do. Being professional is like hiding what you’re really feeling,” I answered. Thomas smiled and nodded his head. “How you doing in class by the way?” I rolled my eyes at his question. “That doesn’t seem to be a good response. I won’t mind helping you cheat for the upcoming tests, though,” Thomas smirked. “I refuse. Earning my own grades feels more realistic than cheating,” I said with conviction. “I like your strong convictions. I have to go now and meet the general now,” Thomas said and waved goodbye. I returned it. I am still amazed that Thomas who is just nineteen already carries an air of professionalism around him. Even at such a young age, it was rare for people to meet the general of the school and that made Thomas stand out a lot. As supper rolled around, the students were all required to gather at the cafeteria that was surprisingly clean. This and lunch were the only times we were allowed to relax and become carefree. I looked around, looking for a seat when I saw Guntai sitting by himself. “Hey Guntai,” I smiled as I sat besides him. He strangely shifted his body away from me and his face went red all of a sudden. “Do you have a fever?” I asked. “No,” Guntai answered as he rested his hand on his neck while stirring the soup he picked. “Guntai, how is Air Force training?” I asked as I chomped on a piece of garlic bread I picked from the counter. Guntai’s expression lightened for a bit. He smiled like a kid and gave me a thumbs up. “Double A plus!” “How’s it you’re able to keep your number one spot in your classes?” I asked. “Just think of everything you do as fun, Ayaka. That’s how your grades rise,” Guntai explained. ‘Hiroshi doesn’t keep a happy face when he does his work. He is always serious about nearly everything’ I thought. “It seems like everyone has their own style.” “Yeah,” Guntai agreed. “I think you’re happiest when you’re tending the wounded, though.” “Really?” I asked. “Yeah,” Guntai answered. “Nothing doesn’t go unnoticed from me. It’s like you have a special ability to make everyone around you feel better.” “I don’t have that kind of ability. I highly doubt it,” I said. I was shocked that Guntai complimented me like that. “You should have more confidence in your abilities, Ayaka. That’s what makes you special out of everyone,” Guntai smiled at me. It was sincere smile that I’ve never seen before. “OH MY GOD!” suddenly yelled a voice that broke the bubbly atmosphere in the cafeteria. We instantly turned towards the source of the surprised voice. There was a man, covered in blood, blood gushed out of a open wound as he made his way towards the cafeteria. I instinctively ran up towards the man and held him up when he was about to stumble. “Sir, hang in there!” I exclaimed. Guntai helped me bring the man into the nurse’s office. I calmly and quickly cleaned off the blood covering his body and then tended to his wound. The wound was big and deep. I cleaned the area around the wound and took out some needles and strings. “Sir, I would stitch this up.” He was dazed and looked off into the distance. “Attack. They are here! ATTACK!” He immediately stood up and we made him sit down. “Sir, calm down! I will stitch you up! I don’t like it when my client is not fully tended to!” The man became silent as I stitched up his wound and wrapped the ace bandage around him. “That should do it.” However, I couldn’t get his wound out of my head. Even when it was time for everyone to go to sleep, I couldn’t sleep and the image of the still lingered in my mind. I sighed and stood up from my bed and sneakily went back into the nurse office to check up on the man. As I neared the nurse’s office, I heard the faint snoring of the man. It made me feel a bit relieved. Then, the unexpected happened. There was a faint explosion sound in the distance and this immediately alerted me. Everyone started coming out of their rooms and armed themselves, preparing for battle. Then, I heard the commander’s voice through the intercom. “EVERYONE! WAKE UP FROM YOUR SLEEP! WE ARE IN A DIRED SITUATION TO CALL EVERYONE INTO THE DEFENSE! WE NEED AS MANY STUDENT TROOPS AND MILITARY PERSONNEL ON THE GROUNDS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!” I run down the stairs towards the sounds of the battle. It seemed like there were people fighting each other. I hoped they were able to take care of themselves. As I come out of the entrance, there is rapid fire from machine guns and the shouting of men. I quickly hide behind a wall to avoid being shot but that was a wrong move as I see a man covered in a black mask staring straight at me. He has a rifle in one hand and points it at me. I quickly take out my own gun. I know that this gun was weak against a real rifle but there was no time to think. I pointed the laser beams at his eyes and he covered his eyes. However, he started to randomly shoot at random directions and just when I thought a bullet was about to graze me. I hear a shot from another rifle…
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somewalksarounds · 10 years
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Scan from the 怪盗X恋の予告状 Official Fanbook
I am so bad at this and I am so sorry but have a group of dorks thieves.
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somewalksarounds · 10 years
Heart wrenching
A sad fan made manga ofmryoma and sakuno. Would anyone mind translating. http://www.pixiv.com/works/33656603/manga I do not own anything.
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somewalksarounds · 10 years
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Shall we date? Never Look Back Isuka's CGs' 
Including the Sweet Ending CG 
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somewalksarounds · 10 years
Tears brim from her eyes as you just stand there, frozen. Not a single nerve, muscle, limb, or even a twitch of an eyebrow moves. You just stand there and look at her. Not because you're shocked that she's crying but because of something more horrendous. Your betrayal.
You silently take a step forward. Just as your hand is about to touch her shoulder, a blade is in front of you, preventing you from moving forward. The man glares at you. Hatred evident in his eyes as he slowly walks up with the blade pointed at you. You just stand there.
She cries. Cries her heart out. Crying because she regrets it. Crying because your love was a lie.
You know...you know the pain that you caused her but your freedom is stronger than your longing for her. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice something in life just to get what you want. But this sort of sacrifice surprisingly leaves a wound within your heart. A festering wound. A wound that cannot be healed. It is one to stay forever.
You drop your hands to the side. You clench them into a fist and then turn around. You are about to move when her enticing voice halts you. You don't turn your back but your heart is urging you to do so.
“Tell me one thing. Did...you ever love me?” she asks. Her voice just above a whisper. Hearing her voice for the last time quickens your pulse. But...Why is that?
“No,” you answer firmly.
“Okay,” she answers.
You slightly turn your head to see that she smiles. You know that she's holding back the tears but she is strong, strong to show that she could let you go.
“I was happy to get to know you. I was happy to get to spend my time together with you. I'll remember everything you've done for me. I'll always love you. Thank you for showing me what it is.”
She bows her head and turns to leave.
Your hands are trembling but you cannot move. Finally, what seemed like eternity. You turn away from the place you've last seen her. You begin walking forward to the night sky. Celestial stars shine brightly as to mock your horrible decision making.
...And with one jump, you decide to leave. Knowing fully well that you'll never see her again. Just before you leave, a single tear drop shows your emotions. 
Author's Note: For some odd reason this reminded me of Destiny Ninja. I actually didn't even think of the guy that betrayed her and just wrote this to my heart's content. So sorry, if this doesn't remind you of Destiny Ninja but it surely did for me. 
This is Second POV. This is free to use without my permission BUT THIS MUST BE CREDITED BACK TO ME. 
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somewalksarounds · 10 years
Review of Shall we Date? Never look Back (Isuka)
I never really loved an otome character. Well, their were some that I liked but Isuka beat all of them to get first place. Ren from My Forged Wedding was actually the number one on this list. Soryu from Kissed By the Baddest Bidder was number 2 before Isuka came in and effortlessly took the first spot. I mean his story was that that wasn't used often but it was still used in some cases. First let me give a brief summary: You are a ninja working under the Princess. One day while you are about to sleep you hear a scream that belongs to the Princess. You rush there and then see a mysterious guy who claims he is going to steal the princess and make her his wife. The guy's eyes can't be seen but he tells you that he is the King of the Underworld. You decide to jump in but them he warns you that if you do then there is no one else that know where the Princess is. The next day you tell the people what happens and they are heartbroken. They then make this campaign or something that whoever saves the princess will get a reward from the emperor. The three strongest are picked. They are Yori, Kokonoe, and Isuka. This review is solely for Isuka so sorry Yori and Kokonoe. Isuka is the silent and strong type. He is cool and calm and clueless. Yes, can you believe he is somewhat clueless? However, later on in the story you are going to know the reason why he is going on this mission and why he wears a mask to hide his true identity. Like other introverted characters he had a dark past that he couldn't let go of and seeks revenge. Surprisingly, unlike other silent otome characters he didn't had a lover so it is refreshing that you are not a second but a first. He is also a nature lover and has the ability to communicate with them. He sometimes doesn't use the right word choices that lead to funny misunderstandings. Overall, I loved Isuka. His route was peaceful, adorable, yet sad and bittersweet underneath it all but his Happy and Sweet endings will leave you satisfied and wanting for more.
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somewalksarounds · 10 years
You know I had that moment when I saw Kissed by the Baddest Bidder notification and the whole Soryu thing. And then I squealed soooo LOUDLY and INSTANTLY went onto the game. CLICKED ON THAT DAMN CHARACTER SELECTION THING and then see 'Coming Soon'
Oh by the way this happened a few weeks ago..
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somewalksarounds · 10 years
Takeshi's Sequel Story Chapter 1
The news of Take being selected for the All-Japan team spread all over the school.
Ichigo: "Takeshi, it's super cool you're joining the All-Japan team." 
Haruki: "I heard you're going on a training camp soon."
Takeshi: "Yeah." 
MC: "Oh, really?" 
Ichigo: "Didn't you know? Aren't you his girlfriend? 
MC: "Um, we haven't had much time to talk these days." 
Haruki: "I understand. Takeshi's getting really busy. It must be hard to spend time alone." 
MC: "Yeah." 
(I'm really happy Take was selected for All-Japan but I do miss him)
Ichigo: "So you're going on the training camp soon, right?"
Haruki: "Good luck. Takeshi" 
Takeshi: "Thanks." 
Ichigo: "But are you sure you're going to be okay?" 
Takeshi: "What do you mean?"
Ichigo: "It means you won't see MC for a while, right?"
MC: "Oh!"
Ichigo: "Didn't you think about it?"
(So I won't be able to see him every day like I do now)
Takeshi: "It's only for a week." 
Haruki: "But you'll be busy with practice after the training too, right?
Takeshi: "I've got a tentative schedule. We have the National Athletic Meet right after the camp." 
MC: "Sounds like you'll be really busy." 
Takeshi: "Yeah. I don't want to disappoint my coaches." 
MC: "Of course." 
(I want him to focus on his running career, but won't he miss me, too?)
Takeshi: "Are you okay?" 
MC: "S-sure, I am."
Boy 1: "Takeshi! I heard you were picked for the All-Japan team!"
Takeshi: "Yeah." 
Boy 2: "You did really well in the Tokyo Marathon, too!"
Boy 3: "It's crazy our classmate's becoming a celebrity!" 
Takeshi: "I'm not a celebrity." 
Girl 1: "I want your autograph before you become super famous!"
GIrl 2: "Me too!" 
Boy 4: "Can I get one, too?"
(Everyone started asking  for his autograph)
Haruki: "Takeshi is a big star now."
MC: "I know." 
(I can't believe he's my boyfriend)
Girls: "Look, there's Takeshi!" 
MC: " Wow, we have more and more people watching the practice."
Takeshi: "Yeah?" 
MC: "I think they're all your fans." 
Takeshi: "I don't care." 
MC: "Aren't you happy to get more fans?"
Takeshi: "Not really. I appreciate their support, but the only fan I need is you." 
MC: "Take..." 
(He drops those things so casually. He makes my heart race every time.)
(But I'm glad he fells that way.)
Takeshi: "I'm gonna take another lap." 
MC: "Hold on, Take." 
Takeshi: "Hmm?"
MC: "Here, take this towel. You need to keep your body warm. Wipe your sweat with this." 
Takeshi: "Thanks."
Girl 1: "Look, she's giving him a towel!" 
Girl 2: "That's sweet! I wish i was in her position."
(Girls are chattering about us. It makes me a bit shy)
MC: "It was a good practice. Great job!" 
Takeshi: "Thanks, You, too."
(He's cleaning his track shoes...Oh?)
MC: "Your shoes, the spikes are getting dull." 
Takeshi: "Hmm? Oh, yeah." 
MC: "Can I take a look?"
Takeshi: "Sure." 
Choose B: Wipe the spikes
(I can help him clean the spikes!) 
MC: "You need to wipe off the mud and moisture, right?
MC: "Because they'd get rusty?"
Takeshi: "MC, you sound like a real manager." 
MC: "I know I'm not good enough, but I am a real manager now."
Takeshi: "Haha, sorry." 
Natusmi: "Hi, can I interrupt?"
MC: Natsu! How long have you been there?" 
Natsumi: "You're such a cute couple!" 
MC: Er...I was just doing my job." 
Natsumi: "Don't be shy! You two are a great match. You should be proud." 
MC: "Y-you think so?"
Natsumi: "You're like the best couple I've ever seen." 
Takeshi: "The best?" 
Natsumi: "Yeah! MC, I know you're happy, too. I can see it on your face!" 
MC: "N-Natsu!" 
Natsumi: "But it's crazy how popular you've become, Takeshi. How many fans do you have now?" 
Takeshi: "I don't care." 
Natsumi: "That's so typical of you! It's your fans. Don't you care at all?"
Takeshi: "Nope, MC's the only girl I care about." 
MC: "Take, you don't have to say that to everyone." 
Natsumi: "Okay, okay! I'm sorry to interrupt, really!" 
MC: "Natsu, didn't you want to talk to us about something?" 
Natsumi: "Actually, I came to tease you because you two seemed lovely-dovey." 
MC: "W-what, that's it?"
Natsumi: "But I can definitely see Takeshi wants to be alone with you." 
MC: "Oh, Natsu!" 
Natsumi: "Bye!" 
MC: "So that's really why she came to talk to us?" 
(But after what she told us, I fell more self-conscious around Take!)
Takeshi: "Are you blushing?"
MC: "Er, it's nothing. I feel a bit hot. I wonder if I caught a cold?"
Takeshi: "A cold?"
At once, he put his hand on my forehead. 
MC: "Whoa!" 
Takeshi: "Hmm, it doesn't feel like you have a fever." 
(I-I need a warning!)
Takeshi: "What's wrong? You're acting weird."
MC: "I-I'm not."
Takeshi: "Okay, but you seem a bit down today."
MC: "Really? I thought I was just normal."
Takeshi: "...Is it about the training camp?"
MC: "Huh?"
Takeshi: "Is it bothering you?"
MC: "...I support you and want you to pursue running, but I will definitely miss you, too."
Takeshi: "..."
With a warm smile, he rustled my hair.
Takeshi: "I'll be thinking about you every second, MC."
MC: "...Yeah."
Takeshi: "MC..."
MC: "Hmm?" 
MC: "Mmm!?"
(H-he's kissing me right here?)
Takeshi: "...You're not the only one who worries about those things." 
MC: "What?" 
Takeshi: I know I have way too many competitors.
(What does he mean?)
Takeshi: Let's go home. Wanna hold hands? 
MC: Sure! 
(Walking home, holding hands like this...really feels like we're a couple.)
MC: Things are going to start getting pretty busy
Takeshi: Not really
MC: But you're going to train 24-7. You need to get pumped.
Takeshi: I'll be fine if I just do what I always do.
(He's not trying to prepare for his training camp at all...)
Takeshi: I like to go at my own speed.
MC: You're right. Good luck!
Takeshi: Thanks
Takeshi: See you tomorrow
MC: Yeah. Thank you for walking me home
(I don't wanna let go of his hand...)
Takeshi: I can't go home if you keep holding my hand.
MC: Oh. S-sorry!
Takeshi: Haha. See ya.
(He's gone...)
Haruki: "MC, what are you doing at the door?"
MC: Whoa! Haru! You scared me.
Haruki: Sorry!
Haruki: I came to deliver the flowers to Johji
MC: I see. Come in. 
Haruki: By the way, what are you holding in your arms?
MC: Huh?
MC: Oh! It's Take's running shoes! I forgot to return them to him!
Haruki: I see, they're Takeshi's. That's why you were holding them like a treasure.
MC: R-Really did I look like that?
Haruki: Yeah, I could tell they were something really important to you."
MC: I have to bring these to Take
Haruki: Now? You can wait until tomorrow, can't you?
MC: But maybe he'll need them for the morning practice. What if he's looking for them now? 
Haruki: I can stop by at this place on the way home if you want.
MC: That's okay. I'll go by myself after I finish helping out the cafe. 
(It's so stupid of me! I hope he's not looking for them now.)
MC: Good evening.
Aiko: Aloha. MC! Takeshi's in his room.
MC: Hi! Thank you. I'll go talk to him. 
MC: Take?
Takeshi: MC? Are you here for the bath?
MC: No, I came to return your shoes
MC: I forgot to give them back to you
Takeshi: Thanks. You could've waited until tomorrow
MC: No, sorry I was so forgetful. Well, I'll see you later, then.
Takeshi: Are you leaving already?
MC: Yeah, Jo will worry if I stay out too long.
Takeshi: But, can't you stay for a little longer? I'll walk you home.
MC: Sure, I cant stay for a bit 
(Hmm? There's a book open on his desk. What was he reading?)
Choose B: Running Magazine 
MC: Is that a running magazine?
Takeshi: Yeah, I could learn about postures and stuff
MC: So when you're a runner, you don't only but study with books, too? 
Takeshi: Of course. Did you think we just run without thinking about what we're doing?
MC: ...A little
Takeshi: You're silly
Takeshi: This is a good chance. You should study with me.
Takeshi: ...I guess you should get going
MC: Yeah...
Takeshi: Wait for me downstairs. I'll follow you soon.
MC: ...Okay
MC: See you later.
Aiko: Are you leaving already? You can stay as long as you like.
(Aiko doesn't seem as busy as usual. The bath house is pretty empty, too)
MC: You're not closed today, are you? It looks like a slow day 
Aiko: Do you think so, too?
Aiko: Actually, they just opened some franchise deluxe bath house nearby.
MC: Really?
Aiko: Looks like they're stealing our customers. 
(That's why the business seems slow)
MC: Hmm, we have to find a way to attract more people
Aiko: Yeah, we haven't come up with any good ideas yet 
MC: It's hard. What does Take think?
Aiko: Oh no! Don't tell Takeshi about this. 
MC: Oh
(So Takeshi doesn't know what's going on?)
MC: But why? Isn't it a better to share ideas?
Aiko: He's going on an important training came soon
Aiko: But if he knew, he'd say he would help and burden himself even more.
Aiko: I know how my grandson thinks
MC: I guess you're right 
Aiko: So I want to keep this from him until the Nation Athletic Meet ends 
Aiko: He's been putting so much effort into this.
Aiko: He needs to focus on running now. 
MC: I understand 
Aiko: Yeah? Thank you, MC
MC: But, instead of Take. I'd like to help out Happy Waters 
Aiko: Huh?
Takeshi: MC? Oh, you're talking to Grandma
Aiko: Takeshi! Did you hear us?
Takeshi: Hear what? I just came down
Takeshi: Were you having a secret talk?
(Good, he didn't catch what we were saying about the bath house)
MC: Aiko! I'll see you soon!
Aiko: Okay! See you later! 
(Take has decided to put everything into running.)
(It's my job to do everything I can do to support him!)
End of Chapter 1 
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