Happiness Will Come To You.
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Writing Idea
Decided to start writing again. Constructive criticism or comments welcome.
It wasn't supposed to be this way. None of this should have happened. I never meant for anyone to get hurt, but things started to spiral out of control and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I tried but it was too late, there was too much damage already done.
It started when I was eighteen. It feels so long ago. At first I wasn't sure what was happening, it started out slow, it wasn't obvious either and by the time I put the pieces together, it was too late. Too many people had suffered and too many people had died.
It took me 8 months before I realised what he was doing, and by that point he'd already killed so many innocents, I was blinded by him and his charm. I thought he was amazing, oh how wrong I was. I lost so much but I can't find it in myself to hate him. I know what he did was wrong and I'm trying to move forward and forget him.
My therapist fells me that its not my fault, that what happened wasn't because of me. But I know the truth. If it wasn't for me, they'd still be alive and maybe he wouldn't have left.
When I first met him he was delightful and charming. He always knew what to say and when to say it. He caught me off guard when he first approached me, sliding me his number on a sheet of paper with a sly smile as he told me he'd love to get to know me. He lied.
Unfinished, not sure if I'll continue it.
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Happiness Will Come To You.
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Astrological Scary Movie: The Characters
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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Reblog so you make enough money to cover your bills .
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when boys have sleepovers do they sleep in the same bed like girls do or do the rules of no homo include sharing beds
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Tumblr Code.
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Because I speak Latin and I am a NERD I decided to compile a list of Latin sayings that fit the Slytherin house:
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I’ll either find a way or make one Aut vincere aut mori - Either to conquer or to die Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero - Sieze the day, trust as little as possible in tomorrow Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui - Beware of what you say, when, and to whom. Exitus acta probat - The results validate the deeds Nulli secundus - Second to none Veni, vidi, vici - I came, I saw, I conquered Non ducor, duco - I am not lead, I lead. Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo - If I cannot bend the will of Heaven, I will move Hell Oderint dum metuant - Let then hate, as so long as they fear
- Spencer
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Slytherin Things
-Taking a shower at 11pm -Forgetting that swearing is ‘bad’ because you do it so much in the common room -Picking your outfit based off you mood, regardless of the weather -Winged Eyeliner -Sarcasm -Accidentally being mean -Revenge -Discovering secrets while not giving away your own -Having secrets -Halsey -SARCASM -Fucks given are either 100 or 0 -Drinking tea from fancy cups -Small talk with deeper meaning -Inside jokes -Sly remarks that only people right next to you can hear -Offending people using creative insults rather than the Gryffindor ‘your mom’ -Pretending to be innocent -Did I mention sarcasm
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Once on facebook I argued with 2 different men on 2 different subjects in 2 different groups. It had nothing to do with feminism. A few hours later, both men sent me private messages saying almost the exact same thing : one said “suck my dick” the other said “you should only open your mouth if it’s to suck dicks”. Another time I was discussing the pressure women face to shave their armpit hair and this guy replied “nobody gives a fuck about your pubes lmao”.
When women debate men, men often end up making lured comments, sexual jokes or just simply throwing sexual insults. I’ve seen it countless times. It usually happens when the woman stands her ground/doesn’t change her mind/has a strong opinion about something/is a good debater. Their goal is to shut the woman up, put her in her place as the sexual object she is, humiliate her, make her uncomfortable, scare her, reduce her to her sex, remind her that she is worthless ultimately and might as well shut up. The goal is also to disqualify her in the eyes of anybody else who might be listening to her.
But it’s also very telling how men consider sex as a weapon to humiliate and control women.
they know they deny it but they all know
you put this so eloquently, you verbalized something I’ve known but was never able to fully grasp. thank you.
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Bad news is, you cannot make people like, love, understand, validate, accept or be nice to you. You can’t control them either. Good news is, it doesn’t matter.
Anonymous  (via wnq-anonymous)
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Most people carry that pain around inside them their whole lives, until they kill the pain by other means, or until it kills them. But you, my friends, you found another way: a way to use the pain. To burn it as fuel, for light and warmth. You have learned to break the world that has tried to break you.
Lev Grossman, The Magicians (via thequotejournals)
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I’m a million things right now and okay isn’t one of them.
ineedthiswholegone (via ineedthiswholegone)
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I think I’m going to kill myself. If this won’t stop I gonna kill myself. I’m done with this shit life.
(via painful-realityxx)
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