someone-4-blog · 6 years
Safety Tips for Your Auto-Garage
Most of us prefer the automatic garages in the recent time. There are innumerable advantages for which we prefer an auto-garage over a traditional one. Besides, you can use this garage for multi-purpose use. This automatic garage doors Brisbane are most possibly the largest moving object we have in our home. Thus, it is needless to mention that safety of this object ought to be a prime important concern for everyone. Maintain the safety of the garage door and the garage is not very complicated. You just need to be careful about some details to avoid potential hazards.
When we discuss about the safety of garage remote door we need to emphasize on some particular factors. It is mainly about the installation, operation and maintenance of the door in the correct manner. You should take care to maintain it as a trouble-free object as being careless about the same may bring about tragic results. Your kid may get injured or someone may be locked inside. You never know what wrong can happen when you are not careful about the maintenance of your auto-garage. Thus follow by these suggestions to avoid such dangers.
Avoid standing or even walking under a moving door. Keep away your kids from the door and explain them that garage door is not a gaming object. You should explain them the consequences of playing with the same. It is extremely important that the kids are made clear of the about the moving door and they might get hurt if they stand near it.
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Be careful about the remote controls and the transmitters of the remote door of your garage. Keep it in safe distance from children. Affix the push button wall control at a high level (minimum 5 feet) from the door.
Never ever leave your garage door half closed. It can be dangerous for anyone. Several instances are there where people got severely injured for being unmindful about the half-closed garage door. One has to be cautious with these garage doors. The shutters of the garage might close anytime if these are left open. This can be highly dangerous of anyone and people can be dangerously injured due to this.
Do you opt for a routine maintenance of your automatic garage door? If not, then start doing the same now onwards. Regular maintenance keeps anything smooth and well functioning. Your auto-garage door is surely not exception of that. Some parts that you need to checkup on regular basis are rollers, cables, pulleys, springs, spring safety cables and other hardware tools of the door.
Always go through the manual of the garage door when you buy one newly. Knowing the functions of the door is quite important for you. However, do not try to fix it when it mal-functions.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5596623
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someone-4-blog · 6 years
Does an Electric Garage Door Opener Work?
Electric garage door openers - you have probably seen these things around. They help close and open the garage doors to eliminate the need for manual labor. Other than opening and closing doors, how does it really work?
All kinds and brands of door operators for your garage follow the same mechanism. If you notice, it has an electric motor that whirrs to life when you press the button. This motor turns on a clockwise direction to pull the doors of your garage open. When the off button is switched, it reverts to its original position and uses a counter clockwise motion in garage door repair west hollywood.
Types of Garage Door Openers
There are actually various types of electric garage operators for the door of your garage. The most popular one is the chain-driven one as it is cheaper than the others. It pulls the doors open using chains that rub to the metal trolley. While this is cheap, it makes a lot of noise when you are closing or opening the door.
A less noisy but slightly more expensive alternative is the screw-driven type. Instead of using chains, it uses a rod that is inserted to a metal hole. The rod is the one that pulls the doors up and closes it backs down. Because there are fewer parts in this type of operator, it produces less noise.
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The best one is the belt-driven types. It uses belt-like structure that produces the least noise. It is more expensive than the other two.
Other Useful Features
Some time in the 1990's, the government has mandated the use of safety reversal system in garage door openers. It uses infra red technology drilled in beams and placed on either side of the door of your garage. When the beams do not meet each other, it means something is in the path of the garage door. It sends signals to the opener to revert back to its original position as it is about to crash into something in garage door repair
There are also wireless remote controllers today that allow users to operate their electric garage openers even without punching the right code in the pad. The doors open with just a push of a button.
This is how an electric garage opener generally works. If you do not have one installed yet in the door of your garage, you should seriously consider investing in one for your convenience and for the security of your family.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3318083
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someone-4-blog · 6 years
Comparison Shopping For the Right Garage Door Opener
Most people who have a garage also install garage door openers. Unlike the old days when people had to stop their cars, get out, and manually open the door before driving in, with a remote-control opener, it's possible to open the door as you drive into your driveway without having to get out of your car at all.
This is much more convenient, especially during inclement weather, so it's no wonder everyone wants them. If you're in the market for your first opener or looking to replace an existing one, you probably want to know what some of the best models are and what to look for when selecting one. If you do, read on.
When you go to a store or online looking for a new garage door opener, there are several things you will need to consider:
* Look at the type of motor that is used on each model. Some will be AC and others DC, but you'll want to choose one with a DC motor which will use less electricity when it operates.
* Safety features are important when it comes to garage doors. The doors are heavy and can seriously hurt someone if they come down when they aren't supposed to. Buy one that has an automatic reverse feature which will keep this from happening.
* Driving mechanisms come in chain drives, belt drives, and screw drives. As a rule of thumb, the quietest models are those with belt drives; chain drives are the noisiest.
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* If you're like most people, price will also be a consideration. Compare the features listed above, and select an opener that will meet all of the criteria as well as sell for a price you can afford.
* A very important consideration is how heavy your garage door is. A two-stall, solid-core door is going to be a lot heavier for the opener to lift than a small, fiberglass one. The bigger and heavier the door, the larger the motor you will need to buy.
Now let's examine several different models for price comparisons and adherence to the features set forth above:
1. Genie is a popular brand of garage door openers, but you should be aware that there are pros and cons involved with their various models. For example, the Genie H6000a-2K is considered easy to both install and maintain. However, it is screw driven, which makes it quite noisy. At $190, it is also quite expensive. On the plus side, it has a 10-year warranty on parts, security features, and comes with two remotes in doremi garage door repair san leandro.
2. Chamberlain is also a brand with a high reputation. The Chamberlain PD752D is chain driven and works well on very heavy doors because it has a ¾ horse motor. It comes with a remote control keypad and a remote control. It is also moderately priced at around $170. Unfortunately, with its chain drive, it is also quite noisy.
3. Another choice of Chamberlain models is the belt driven Whisper Drive WD822KD. It operates quietly, includes cutting edge security features, and comes with a 10-year warranty on the belt. It is the most expensive of the three models mentioned costing around $250. It also doesn't contain a motor that's heavy-duty enough to lift the larger, heavier doors.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6835049
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someone-4-blog · 6 years
Great Tips to Maintain Your Garage Door
Most people don't have maintaining their garage door on the house projects to-do list. Adding it could save you from having to buy a new overhead door sooner rather than later though. Make the most of garage door's life span by keeping up the one you have. There isn't much to do and it won't take long. Check your system by trying to open the door without the garage door opener. If there isn't any tension or difficulty, the problem is probably the electric motor. You can attempt to repair it yourself by following your owner's manual, but it can be tricky if you are unfamiliar with repairing garage door openers. Most homeowners call a professional for help. Let's move on to the garage door.
First start simple, give all the rollers, roller tracks, hinges, and latches a hearty squirt of penetrating solvent. WD-40 or a citrus-based solvent will be sufficient. Lubricate the pulleys on the extension-spring openers. Next, lubricate the bearings on torsion-spring openers. If the torsion spring is rusty and binds up wipe some oil on it to loosen it up. Never attempt to change the springs without a professional. They support a tremendous amount of weight and tension. You could inflict great injury on yourself if you don't know how to handle them properly in doremi garage door repair sherman oaks.
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Keeping your parts clean will help them stay in good working order. Examine the overhead door and garage door parts to determine if they need any cleaning. After cleaning any parts that need it, apply light oil, such as 3-in-1 lubricant. If any rollers seem to be sticking or a stuck, soak them in kerosene using a small brush. An old toothbrush will work just fine. Work the kerosene into the cracks and remove any rush with steel wool. Again wipe all the parts clean and apply the lubricant. If your garage door opener is operated by a chain or drive screw, apply the lubricant to the full length of the chain as well.
Weather-stripping can not only shorten the life of your garage door, but can also cause poor insulation for your garage and subsequently your house. Check the weather-stripping along the sides of the doors. If the overhead door is jamming against the sides, replacing the weather-stripping will sufficiently fix any jamming. Replace it as necessary. If your overhead door is wood and it doesn't have bottom weather-stripping, make sure it has been sealed or painted and consider adding weather-stripping if you feel it would improve your overhead door's performance. Bending and buckling are common wood overhead door problems if it is not maintained.
These repairs are simple, easy, and cost effective. Checking on them routinely pays off in the long run, so add it right now to your house project to-do list. Make sure to check your overhead door and garage door opener at least once a year. Save your money and your time purchasing a new car in the future, instead of a new overhead door. You won't regret it.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3011483
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someone-4-blog · 6 years
How To Choose A Garage Door Repair Des Plaines Contractor
Most homeowners prefer doing small do it yourself jobs around the house, most of the time spoiling the entire job. So the best thing to do is to leave certain jobs to the professionals. Especially when it has to do with the garage door, it is best is best left to the expertise of carpenters and contractors. However, the question is where to find a garage door contractor that you can trust to do the job properly. Although it is not as easy as it sounds, there are certain points that should be borne in mind when looking for any kind of help. Here are a few pointers to help you find a good contractor.
1. Ask people you know, like family members, friends and co-workers to help you with references of contractors who have been able to help them with the same. You can also check the internet for garage door contractors. Don't forget the telephone directory which is always there to help you.
2. Once you have a list of names you can do some research work on them, like check for testimonials on their website. Check their licenses and ensure they are legitimate. Their license should cover garage door installation, so any old license won't do. When you get the license number, go online and check the license to see if it's valid.
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3. Ask your prospective garage door professional how much experience he has with installing a garage door. Does he seem to realize the dangers inherent in the heavy hanging garage door and the high tension springs? If he seems vague about these things, find another service provider.
4. When you are able to find a couple of legitimate contractors, find out their charges. Too cheap is not good nor is too expensive, so look for something reasonable. (a suggestion is to give quality more importance)
5. Make sure the materials that are going to be used are of good quality.
When you need to get a garage door (Trenton) installed, it is in your interests to take the time to find a reputable service person to install it. Make use of the resources available to you, such as the internet, the phone directory, and word of mouth, as you look for this special service garage door repair Des Plaines provider. You can also log on to abstractdoor.com for the best service providers.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5681670
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someone-4-blog · 6 years
4 Tips to Keeping Electric Garage Door Repair Oxnard CA in Their Top Condition
An electric garage door used to be a luxury. Today, they are considered a necessity since lifestyles have become more fast-paced. More and more people are becoming preoccupied: zooming in and out of places to catch a flight, attend a meeting or get to work. Because of this need for speed, people prefer electric ones that open and close with a push of a button over manual ones --even if they are more expensive. People want the convenience and ease of operation that these doors bring them, which is why homeowners who have these are growing in number.
There is, however, a need to regularly perform periodic maintenance checks if you want your doors to last longer. While of the most low-maintenance areas in the house, it does not mean that you should take them for granted. These doors keep your car secure and safe, plus, replacing them comes with a price: these are reasons enough for you to make sure they are well-maintained and in their best condition.
In order to keep top shape, here are some pointers to help you preserve them.
Scheduled Lubrication and Tightening
Hinges, tracks or rollers need to be lubricated semi-annually. By keeping them oiled up, the doors will be unlikely to squeak or malfunction. Noise is produced as a result of metal-on-metal contact, loose hardware, dirt and dried-out parts. If components dry out, they will clump and jam your garage door system, so make sure that you lubricate them using lubes made specifically for pivot points and moving metal parts. Tighten any loosened hinges or screws, just enough to eliminate the wobbliness and noise from the system as it moves.
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Do a Monthly Balance Test
Close and disconnect the system's automatic opener from the rest of the components, to allow you to lift the door manually. Being able to lift the garage door smoothly and with minimal effort is a sign that is well-balanced and in good shape. Once opened, it should remain fully open and level. If you notice a misalignment, an uneven distance of corners when levelled with the floor, call a trained technician to check it out. If your is still under warranty, call your manufacturer and request for an expert to do a close inspection.
Clean Garage Doors Regularly
Clean your garage doors several times per year. Using a mild soap and sponge, remove any corrosive chemicals, dirt and grime from your garage door. Sediments and chemicals that have built up may cause warping and corrosion which could inhibit your door's proper operation. It also helps to repaint your doors every few years to keep moisture from seeping into the wood material, which may cause it to warp. Once the door has warped, you may have difficulty in opening and closing it. This is a big problem and the only remedy may be to strip down some of the wood or replace the doors.
Do a Monthly Reverse-Mechanism Test
The US Federal Law mandates that all garage doors be equipped with an automatic reverse function if it senses anything that obstructs the doorway. To prevent entrapment, reversing mechanisms are integral safety features in automatic garage door openers. Also known as garage door sensors, these are extremely important in preventing serious injuries from happening as a result of garage doors closing automatically. To make sure that these sensors are working properly, they need to be tested regularly. You can test this yourself by putting an obstruction, such as a chair or a piece of thick wood, directly where the door will move down. Push the "close" button. When it touches the obstruction, it should move back up automatically. If it continues to push down, it means that the reverse mechanism/ sensor is not working properly.
Sometimes, cobwebs and dirt cause the sensors to malfunction. Wipe the sensor or "eye" with a soft cloth, similar to what you used to clean eyeglasses. Do the test several times. If the door does not reverse, you may call the garage door repair Oxnard CA technician to have your garage door checked.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8258791
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someone-4-blog · 6 years
Things to Know When It Comes to Garage Door Installations
There are different parts of the house which you can improve on. One that may not be a priority but could however make a great impact to your home's appeal and security is your garage doors. Garage doors can become worn out as you continually use it. If this happens, your home's security could be hampered. Hence, planning for its replacement can be a good idea.
Doing this activity may be a little difficult to do. If you are not a natural handy man or knows less of what a handyman should do, it is best to leave this task to the professionals. However, being determined can be a factor for a successful installation. This can be a DIY project that you can do on your own with supervision from a handyman friend. The installation part can be learned but you will require an extra pair of hands to get this job done. Doing this alone could be dangerous. You may risk injuring yourself. Besides, a novice in this activity would have no idea what comprises a safe garage.
So what do you need to know about garage door installations? According to Home Improvement 1-2-3, this difficulty of the project is at a medium scale. You will be required to have carpentry skills, measuring skills and comprehension. For the experienced, this job will take 5 hours to finish. But for a handy man, it will take 8 hours. For beginners, this will take 12 hours.
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A garage door can be made of various materials. Mostly wood is the common choice. People love this option because the design is more flexible and its earthy beauty. However, those that are made of steel or metal may be an option for those who have little budget. But what makes a garage door work effectively and safely is its spring system?
Two spring systems may be used to install a new garage door. The first one maybe extension springs. This option is said to be a simpler and safer one for any ordinary homeowner. The second option is the torsion spring, which is more complex than the other type. This type of spring may be best left to the professional to handle because they can become extremely dangerous to handle.
When you install a new garage door, bear in mind that the installation may vary. Some garage doors bought in the market have their own manufacturer's specifications. It is best to follow the guide. In choosing the type of garage door for replacement, one of your most important considerations is maintenance. If you choose wood garage doors, you may have to repaint or to re-finish them to maintain their looks. So the material of the doors may have a big impact to your budget and to maintenance.
When you have successfully installed the door, always take time to test how it works. Testing is important as this will let you know if there are certain adjustments that need to be done with the torsion or the regular springs.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5520259
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someone-4-blog · 6 years
How To Avoid Garage Door Repair
With all the chores around the house, it is easy to ignore the task of maintaining a garage door. After all, as long as it opens and closes, then it is fine, right?
Not really. To avoid future problems, like a door that is noisy or stuck, it is important to try and maintain a regular routine for its maintenance. Maintaining it would mean that it will be easy and convenient to use for a long time. In the long run, it is worth it to invest time and effort in maintenance rather than spending a lot in garage door repair. By performing simple tasks, bigger problems could be avoided, so that expensive repairs aren't needed.
Garage Door Repair & Maintenance Tips
Here are several steps that could help you in maintaining your garage door at home:
1. Wipe them regularly, especially rollers, hinges, roller tracks and latches. Try cleaning them with water and a citrus-based solvent to help joints function well. You may also lubricate the pulleys with oil. Typically, the door of your garage needs lubrication twice a year for maintenance.
2. Rollers and hinges that seem a bit stuck can be fixed by a little kerosene. Use a toothbrush to apply kerosene cracks. Steel wool is effective in helping remove rust.
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3. Conduct a monthly visual inspection. If its parts are too tight or loose, imbalanced or damaged, then it's time to conduct a maintenance routine. If the task is too difficult or complicated, then maybe it is time to check with a professional service technician.
Safety Tips
Even when you are doing your maintenance checks, your safety and the safety of your family should be the priority. Here are some tips to ensure that everyone is safe during your home improvement endeavors:
1. Inform everyone in your family that you are conducting a garage door maintenance routine. If they are informed, then they will avoid the risk of opening and closing it again and again.
2. Handle all your tools with care, as these could be dangerous when put into the wrong hands. Children and toddlers could get serious injuries if they mishandle your tools.
3. If the task looks too difficult or complicated, then it is best to ask for the help of garage door repair experts. Tinkering without proper knowledge might cause more damage to your property. Even worse, it might lead to unwanted injuries. Get in touch with your trusted repair company, if the task on hand is too much to handle.
As a part of your home, these doors also deserve the time, attention and money you invest in the other parts of your house. You should try to avoid delaying maintenance procedures, to ensure that problems are dealt with while they are still early. Do not wait for problems to balloon before you deal with them. It can surely save you a lot of time and money to patch up small cracks before they become bigger and harder to deal with.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8495109
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someone-4-blog · 6 years
Why You Should Maintain Your Garage Door
A garage door is one of the most vital components of your home in many ways. Not only does it provide one of the most visible components of your property, being one of the forward-facing aspects of your house, but it also serves as an entryway into your household and a means to express the individuality of your property. As such, the garage door should be treated as importantly as your front door or lawn and maintained similarly. Given the fact that the garage door is also the most prominent entryway into your home, a lot of care should also be taken to ensure that it functions properly and both lets people into your home as well as keeping unwanted intruders out.
Every installation has a couple of universal methods to keep it in good working order. Garage doors have hinges and rollers which require lubrication every so often to keep movement smooth between the parts, and this lubricant can be purchased from your local hardware stores at inexpensive prices. Additionally, basic preventative maintenance would involve checking the bolts and screws to ensure they are tight and that the balance of the door is not off. An improperly-balanced door will cause stress on the parts and necessitate repair that much faster. These steps do require a bit of knowledge, though, so be sure to call a professional garage door repair technician if you're not completely sure of what to do.
Another point to keep in mind is if your door is made out of good, keeping it properly painted and waterproofed is important as well. Over time, sunlight and rain will cause cracks and damage to the wood which will result not only in an unsightly appearance but reduce the structural integrity of the door, making it possible for it to get damaged or even for people to break in. This isn't as applicable with metal doors, but depending on the moisture and humidity in your region, rust can be a possible issue to keep on top of.
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The main failing point of an installation, however, are the springs. Springs are high-tension and have a limited lifespan by design, and as such require replacement when they are on their last legs. Typical garage door springs last 10,000 cycles while extended lifespan springs can go up to 100,000. Of course, the specific lifespan depends on a number of factors, such as how often you use the door, how long the spring's been around before you moved in, and so on. If you know a spring is nearing the end of its lifespan, it may be best to replace it to avoid the risk of being locked in your home.
Unlike lubricating the tracks and rollers, spring inspection and replacement is fairly dangerous for the inexperienced or untrained consumer. Springs are tightly wound up and are under a considerable amount of pressure, making them dangerous to work with without proper equipment or training as they can cause physical injury if not handled correctly. Unless you are properly educated in garage door spring maintenance, it's best to consult with your local repair technician instead to handle all tune-ups and maintenance work.
So what happens when maintenance is not performed? To start, your door probably won't open if a critical component, such as the springs or the opener, malfunction or break. Depending on your household's vehicle arrangement, this can leave you stranded inside your home and unable to drive anywhere you need to. In more severe situations, the track or roller may end up bending or breaking, potentially causing damage to whatever is underneath them or causing structural damage to the garage. These sort of situations can get expensive to repair quickly, even if addressed early on.
Hiring a garage door technician to perform regular maintenance on your installation is the best way to prevent a lot of the common mishaps that lead to huge inconveniences such as this. Most garage doors only need to be serviced once every 6-12 months to a small bit of time and money spent can go a long way to preventing potentially crippling damage to your home.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7537142
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