somantics · 5 years
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I can’t get over Kirika’s hair.
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somantics · 5 years
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somantics · 5 years
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somantics · 5 years
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somantics · 5 years
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estee lauder x twice
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somantics · 5 years
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somantics · 5 years
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somantics · 5 years
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is it me or are they married
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somantics · 5 years
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ok I know I’m tripping but
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somantics · 5 years
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somantics · 5 years
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somantics · 5 years
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somantics · 5 years
In regards to why it’s called Daedalus’ End - it’s from mythology. Daedalus was a Greek inventor forced by King Minos to build a labyrinth to hide the Minotaur, the half-bull monster conceived by his wife with a bull as the gods’ punishment for Minos being boastful.
The entire symphogear reference was very neat since it’s literally Daedalus’ labyrinth with a reference to a “monster in the maze.” The Greek hero Theseus eventually slays the Minotaur which could technically reference Hibiki
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Well… This is a thing.
A pyramind philosophical prison labyrinth that runs 380,000 km long looks like the final weapon that could of got them outta of trouble in the final battle, but why now? Who is this Master Daedalus they’ve keep talking on about?
Put simply, due to the amount time Vanessa and crew got called ‘’monster’’ by the people over the year decide to work out this pyramind, the hierarchy of who is in fact the real monster and who ain’t and is not allowed to beat whom is much more strictly enforced.Odds are that anyone else who fights them will likely lose (like nameless minor grunts!)
So this leaves us with a hard question: whose gonna lose to the S.O.N.G first? Because we know by now Tachibana will go Super Saying 3 and find a way to save everyone.I mean, Symphogear user have to beat someone! The only problem with that is that Elsa might die first since she needs her bag and is kinda of a moving target for the girls.
But hey, it’s an actual fight to survive!
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somantics · 5 years
In the new op, we see a shot of each character with characters from their past and family in the background. Tsubasa and Yatsuhiro and Fudou, Maria has Serena, Chris has her parents, and Kirika and Shirabe have Nastassja.
But, Hibiki’s is different.
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We see Finé first, then the members of SONG and then finally Hibiki. But, we don’t see Miku. Why put Finé with Hibiki over Miku?
Later on in the OP, we see Hibiki rear back for a punch, and unleash it at the moon, and it looks a lot like the laser from Kadingir, which Finé used to try to destroy the moon. Finé did this because she was separated from the one she loved, one of the Custodians who created the Cisre of Balal with the moon. This season started with a flash back of one of the Custodians using the moon to create the Curse of Balal, and he mentions Finé’s name, meaning he is very likely to be the one that she loved. And now all that’s left of him is his bracelet.
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That bracelet may have some of his power, and there are only two people who can use the power of the gods: Hibiki and Miku. Fudou wasn’t happy about giving up the Custodian’s body, but now that the Americans have accidentally destroyed the body, Fudou may be able to use his influence to get the bracelet in his hands.He already wanted to control the power of the gods, and this is his opportunity.
The ED gives us this shot of Miku.
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It’s only her sillouhette, but she has a golden glow as if she has some sort of power in her body. Fudou will have her use the power of the gods, but she won’t be in control. Either the Custodian will possess her, or Fudou will be pulling the strings.
And then Hibiki will find herself separated from her love, by a godly power she may have to destroy, just like Finé. Unlike Finé, Hibiki has the god-killing curse, but what will that do to Miku?
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somantics · 5 years
get in loser we’re going crying
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somantics · 5 years
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somantics · 5 years
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Yes, You. I fancy you, you can be happy like a dream.
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