solitudepreferred · 4 years
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i missed drawing him!!!! even tho i haven’t read this manga in years he’s still one of my faves
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solitudepreferred · 4 years
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Irvine <3
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solitudepreferred · 4 years
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demon husban
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
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(via 500px / Reindeer by Jörg Brunke)
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
Well, that wasn’t very telling.
Luca had to step quickly to avoid her arm being pulled, her mind churning through new thoughts. It seemed ridiculous to assume that Irvine was blind; after all, he had made a select few observations that should be possible for someone who couldn’t see. He was a bit socially awkward, and she had known several soldiers who were. That wasn’t uncommon at all, and seemed like a much more reasonable theory.
And yet… she couldn’t shake her suspicions. Something in her gut was nudging her, and she had learned to always trust her instincts. Irvine did not feel particularly safe, a slight buzzing in the back of her mind said, but he wasn’t an immediate danger either. And something about the way he moved, the way he oriented himself, and his eyes encouraged the theory.
She’d need to try a bit more.
“I’ve been to this market several times; it’s one of my favorites.” Luca slowed her pace, forcing Irvine to slow beside her as she began to admire the wares they passed. Food, animals, supplies, and even the occasional clothing and jewelry vendor loudly proclaimed their prices to any who could hear. 
Her eyes took everything in, smiling sweetly at anyone who paid them mind, and then lit up. A little girl, no more than twelve, had a tiny little shop set up for flowers of all shapes and colors. It was obvious she had picked them herself; the assortment ranged from wildflowers to weeds to plants Luca suspected were outside the Princess’s buildings. Behind her, a large bearded man watched with his arms folded and a scowl.
Slowing again, Luca bent a bit to talk to the girl. “Excuse me, but how much for one of your flowers?”
The little girl shyly named a price, her large eyes flitting between Luca and Irvine. Luca produced a couple coins and placed them on the table, and was about to reach for a flower when she stopped. A tiny smile curled her lips as she turned to Irvine.
“Excuse me, Mr. Irvine, but could you hand me the red and yellow flower there beside you?”
Irvine blinked, his head jerking slightly as he registered Luca’s question and that it was directed at him. He had just lost himself in the smell of tanning hide and rich leather from a stall on the other side of the market, largely ignoring Luca’s passing observations so he could instead focus on grounding himself in the moment. 
“Of course,” Irvine answered before he could stop himself.
It was then he acknowledged the two new pairs of eyes on him. The first was male, guarded and scrutinizing. Irvine felt the urge to intimidate the human if for no other reason than to get his eyes off of him, but doing so would affect the owner of the second pair of smaller, female eyes staring at him from below. And of course there was Luca, who was also watching him rather closely. 
Feeling pressured, Irvine tilted his hat forward and tried to parse the smell of the flowers from where he stood. The flowers’ fragrance melded together, but from the bunch, Irvine picked up on wild rose and yarrow, both on the side of the stall closest to him. It would have to be good enough. 
Gingerly he picked the blooms from the cart, tipped his hat to the child and handed them off to Luca without another word, oblivious to the curious look the girl gave him. He handled the entire exchange as he did most everything: stoic and removed. 
But he couldn’t help the questions rising in his mind. Why had she asked him, when surely she could have reached the flowers on her own? She didn’t seem bothered by personal space. Maybe she merely wanted him to choose for her. Women were so peculiar in that regard...
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
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textures from here
full view here
Irvine again, practicing with colors
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
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People ask me what I am. I’m an archer, my life is archery, and I hate being without my bow and arrows… Now, tell me: What are you?
Medieval Dreams
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
Luca watched Irvine with a tempered curiosity as he made his answer. His pause and tone told her there was more to be learned, but she held her tongue. Prying into the past of others wasn’t her job, after all. Everyone had things they wished either to remain hidden or forgotten; she knew that as well as anyone.
At his second question, Luca found herself catching and holding his gaze. Belatedly she realized that it was the first time she had actually seen his eyes, and for a brief moment she found it impossible to look away. Both eyes were white, with no pupil or iris visible or even hinted at. She mentally restrained herself from staring and instead smiled warmly at him before turning to take in their surroundings.
“It could be… though so many of them look the same,” she said, slightly discouraged, before perking up. “Oh, there it is! I recognize that gargoyle. The one who looks like he’s wearing a funny hat,” she added with a giggle. Even as she answered, she could feel the gaze of his featureless eyes on her. As unnerving as the initial revelation had been, her curiosity began to outweigh her discomfort and she found herself pondering a simple question.
Was Irvine blind?
Even the notion seemed silly; after all, he’d been leading her though the city with relative ease for the past couple of hours. Not once had he needed a cane or accidentally run into anything. There was no indication in his actions that supported her silly idea.
Except, of course, for almost leading her down a dead end.
Carefully, Luca turned back towards Irvine, one eyebrow slightly quirked as she tilted her head in the direction of the spire she had found.
“Do you see it? There is a large bird sitting on it’s head right now,” she added, curious to see his reaction. If he showed confusion at her addition of the imaginary bird, she would know her idea was false. If he agreed, however… she wasn’t quite sure what that meant yet.
Irvine held on, staring at the side of Luca’s face as she honed in on her landmark, content to study the color of her hair and the curve of her cheek. He had no desire to look at the sun reflecting off gold statues and impossibly white stone, searching for one spire among many. No, he’d amuse himself with Luca’s every detail--and her odd descriptions. 
Lips twitching at the thought, Irvine wondered how many confused refugees had passed through her business, armed with her subjective directions. He would take her word for it, however. Luca had no reason to lie, and she didn’t seem incompetent. Besides, he had no room to talk.
Irvine dropped his hand. Discomfort, as of hundreds of tiny needles pricking his eyes, ebbed to a dull pain. He could feel the promise of a headache coiled at the nape of his neck. If he abused his sight further, that would be his penance. 
Without much conviction, Irvine tilted his head at the general angle of Luca’s outstretched arm. “Yes, I think I do. A sight for sore eyes I bet--the tower I mean,” came his noncommittal reply. 
Quick to move on, Irvine stepped onto the busy street. Before them loomed the market place--a miasma of meat, produce, animals, and humans like a physical wall, compounded by the shrill shouts of street hawkers and a clog of lingering human bodies.
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
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Only half the picture
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
Luca smiled faintly as he answered her, imagining for a moment the freedom of living alone in the forest and providing for herself. Of course the forests they had passed through when arriving were ominous and harsh, and she had no doubt she’d never have survived. Perhaps they had been nicer, at one time. Before their whole world seemed to embrace hell.
“I would like to join in; perhaps dance again. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to, or felt the desire.”
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She was interrupted as a group of guards made their way past them, and she stepped aside to make room. The movement pressed her against Irvine once more, and again she could smell the earthy woods on him. She lingered for a moment, taking it in before beginning to walk once again, her arm still linked in his.
“Do you dance?” she asked playfully, turning to him with a smile.
The question made Irvine pause. When had he last danced?
Before them the road opened into one of the largest thoroughfares in Falconia, a broad expanse of hard-packed earth and cobblestone where two streams of carriage traffic going both directions converged. Here, people stuck to walkways reserved just for foot traffic. Irvine stopped for a moment before entering the dense crowd, steeling himself like a child about to plunge into cold water. The ambiance of the city was at its loudest here, but its noise sounded muffled in Irvine’s ears, his mind elsewhere. 
The memory rose like lazy pipe smoke; if he tried to grasp at it, it would simply dissipate. 
Tambourine, violin, and mandolin.
A bonfire.
And a little girl, her features indistinct.
“It’s been a while,” Irvine replied, subdued. He took the chance to sneak another look at their surroundings. All at once the din of city life snapped back full force, alongside his sight. At first everything appeared sun-bleached as he adjusted to the light, and then the burning set in behind his eyes.
“We can’t go wrong if we follow this, but do you happen to see your spire by any chance?” He asked, turning to look at her despite the discomfort he felt. He hoped to get another glimpse of her face and was rewarded with a smile and kind, gray eyes. 
He might have stared for longer than what was considered polite, but he wanted to memorize her features–another good identifier. Barring that, it was good she clung to him like this; he had already memorized her scent.   
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
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Cypress Tree Tunnel | by @beholdingeye
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
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You go to such extremes.
You’re rather rash, medium.
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
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Irvine is so damn pretty like what the fuck. Why.
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
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↪  irvine (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و  for @captainberserk
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
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Irvine fascinates me more than any other character in Berserk. I’ve always wondered who he sacrificed to become an Apostle, given the emphasis on his solitary existence.
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solitudepreferred · 6 years
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I think I’m gonna get a tattoo of him. Gotta save up over a couple of months tho so for now I’m gonna play with the design for a while, this being one
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