Once upon a time, Freedom and Necessity were identical; but now what is understood by freedom is in fact indiscipline.”
Oswald Spengler
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The common man wants nothing of life but health, longevity, amusement, comfort -- "happiness." He who does not despise this should turn his eyes from world history, for it contains nothing of the sort. The best that history has created is great suffering.”
Oswald Spengler
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This is our purpose: to make as meaningful as possible this life that has been bestowed upon us . . . to live in such a way that we may be proud of ourselves, to act in such a way that some part of us lives on.
Oswald Spengler
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“We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honorable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man.”
Oswald Spengler
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“Discipline equals freedom.” – Jocko Willink
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You must train harder than the enemy who is trying to kill you. You will get all the rest you need in the grave.
Léon Degrelle (via aryanarchetype)
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The most precious possession you have is your own people. And for this people, and for the sake of this people we will struggle and fight. And never slacken, never tire, never lose courage and never lose faith.
Adolf Hitler
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May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
General Patton 
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We rise. Perhaps imperceptibly. Still We rise despite this world. It is not in Us to languish like lesser people will, We were not made for that. Anger wears thin, Impatience grates, anxiety and its Twin, regret, do nothing but make us lose Sleep. Leave such things to the common masses Festering in their hopelessness — they chose To do nothing to improve their fate. We Rise. Every one of us, no matter how Long it takes, how hard the climb; if need be We pass the torch, but we do not allow It to fall away from who we are, and Who we will be. We rise. And then we stand.
Juleigh Howard-Hobson
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If one attracts lukewarm followers who are in only partial agreement, then under normal circumstances, you will be fighting with them as much as with your opponents — and when things get tough, they will sheer off and leave you alone anyway.
Greg Johnson
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The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become.
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There is but one answer, and it’s quite simple: we fight. More accurately, we must prepare ourselves physically and spiritually for the impending metapolitical struggles we face currently, and will face in the future. History has taught us that “the strong do what they will, and the weak what they must,” and from this ancient Thucydidean maxim we know that our struggle will require copious amounts of both physical and spiritual strength.
Chad Crowley
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