softcare4x4 · 2 years
Weekly Learning #11
This week was interesting, we had the technical presentations in which we explained how we use technology to solve the problem. From our team we learned about new technologies and others that can be alternatives to work with them, in our case we did not know about Flutter, we found it an interesting tool and we hope to work with it in future projects. Continuing with the topic of technology, we have been learning to better use Android Layouts and their types, which are adjusted according to the type of interface we need to build, these will help us to improve the usability of our application. On the quality side, we have been Improving our skills to validate and verify, this week we went to interview the users to find out if our project was aimed at solving our problem, this was done to validate our SRS. The technical presentation and interviews can be found in our Google drive repository.
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softcare4x4 · 2 years
Weekly Learning #10
This week we have been working with concepts, techniques and forms of verifications and validations, including their differences and their objectives, this is how we arrived at a verification and validation plan (also known as IVV plan) as well as the list of activities that are needed to meet these goals. Also, speaking of objectives, these are manifested in the document of the goals, which, in which, must be set in a way that explicitly tells you how it is measured, and consequently, intuit what are the activities or ways to get there. to the target during the development of the project or in this case, during the development of iteration 3.
It was also learned that usability should not be neglected, although functionality is much more important, this only occupies 60% of a good quality and well-made product, the other percentage makes users fall in love quickly and easily reach these functionalities, then we can say that usability is the first face of our product, for all this, in this iteration we will work exclusively with usability, elevating it as much as we can.
Our plans including iteration plans, goals, activities for said goals, verification and validation, can be found in the respective SoftCare repository.
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softcare4x4 · 2 years
Weekly Learning #9
We have learned the importance of validating our products with the user, because user satisfaction is a great indicator of how we are doing in our development.
When the team has finished with an iteration of the product that is developed, it is time to carry out a validation, following a validation process, we must look for users who meet our screening, the following part is to get to them and tell them about the problem that is planned to be attacked, and the way in how it was attacked.
Now showing them the product that we have built as a team, in several iterations, the user must try the product, all its functionalities , and finally say if the product really solves the problem.
If the user says that the product solves the problem and the product is functional as it is, the team's work is finished!, because now they have evidence that their product works and solves the problem that has been proposed from the beginning.
Later this information can be saved in a document where the information is displayed, like a validation report.
If the user is not satisfied with the functionality of the product, it will be necessary to write down their observations and prepare for an increment in our product.
Here is our validation report, evidence of the process we went through.
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softcare4x4 · 2 years
Weekly Learning #8
Eric Castañeda: As team members we must know that we are co-owners of the project, so we all must assume the same responsibility for it. For each iteration that happens the work should be more relaxed, with the experience that has been gained it should be easier. Also because it is built on a product, nothing is ever done from scratch.
Fernando Félix: En un plan de iteración puede suceder que el proceso de salga de control, por lo que es recomendable que el equipo esté constantemente revisando ese plan de iteración, ya que el poder llevar el control sobre éste permite que se observe lo que se está desarrollando y lo que falta por desarrollar, se ve también el grado de avance que se lleva y lo que falta, todo esto con la finalidad de que se entregue un producto funcional al final de la iteración. Por lo que el equipo debe estar comunicado constantemente, ya que la comunicación en el equipo es clave para que se realice un trabajo en equipo correctamente, la comunicación ayudará a evitar errores en el producto y el proceso. Finalmente el producto que el equipo está desarrollando debe estar en constante revisión para que los errores sean detectados y corregidos antes del lanzamiento del producto.
Rodrigo Vega: When the delivery of the next iteration delivery milestone approaches, a considerable improvement in the project should be noted, this is true and also applies to the individual work of each member of the team, this is because in the first iteration we learned to do new things and during the second we polish details. If no improvement is seen then we are facing a very special case where it can be said that the project reached the maximum possible or that the tasks are not valuable enough to be integrated
Erick Sánchez: We have to be ready to make certain actions in case the plan doesn't goes as expected, that is something the team has to be ready with. When the iteration is about to end, we have to be careful of the activities we finish are doing, because we can enter defects because we are rushed to finish.
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softcare4x4 · 2 years
Weekly Learning #7
The daily meetings have a purpose, that is why their duration of 15 minutes is very convenient so that they only talk about what is really important and seek solutions to the problems. It is necessary to make a good decomposition of the tasks when making the plan, if this is not done well there will be consequences with the administration of the process and the product.
Eric Castañeda
In the process that has been carried out, contingency plans play an important role, since problems may arise that may affect the development of the project, and making use of these plans can continue with the development. In the team, it is important that we as developers evaluate the members of the team, this in order that these members know how well they are doing with the roles that have been assigned to them and that they know the areas in which they can improve. Finally, in development, it should be emphasized that usability is a very important quality attribute when it comes to giving value to an application, because users want easy-to-use apps.
Fernando Félix
The planning aims to mark the milestones that a project of sufficient size must have, marks important dates and makes the team see the general progress, as well as contemplate possible risks and/or delays that could damage the milestones.
Teamwork becomes crucial especially in the last week of work, you must remain firm and calm down in difficult moments of the project, cover exposed risks and adapt to present problems.
Due to this it is possible that on more than one occasion, the projects are delayed little by little and even more so individually. If someone from the team is late, it is true that he puts the product at risk, but for this reason he must learn to cope with unexpected work and work with it sensibly and agilely. Learning to act on unexpected risks is part of an agile methodology.
Rodrigo Vega
A plan is a good plan when the tasks in it are well decomposed. This will help to distribute all the tasks between all the team's members.
When we make a daily meeting, we have to make sure all problems are discussed to keep the workflow running smoothly and keep the progress according to the plan.
If we notice that we are behind the plan, there needs to be certain plan of action, so that very member knows what to do.
Erick Sánchez
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softcare4x4 · 2 years
Weekly Learning #6
Para que un plan de iteración esté completo debe cumplir con ciertos criterios, uno de ellos es su estructura, ésta debe estar compuesta por: tareas de documentación, tareas de diseño, tareas de codificación y tareas de testing, el equipo que sigue el plan debe tener asignada una tarea de cada tipo, por lo menos. Ya que eso es lo que hace a los miembros del equipo desarrolladores y puedan ejecutar el plan para que se logre el objetivo de terminar todas las tareas de la iteración y generar y poder entregar un producto funcional.
-Fernando Félix.
Now that we know how we did in the last iteration, the good things we achieved and the mistakes made, it's time to put all that retrospective into practice, week one of real work of iteration 2 begins and we have to start implementing all the solutions or changes that we have found in the retrospection phase.
We do not expect that the changes will solve 100% of the bugs of iteration 1, however they will take us closer to perfection, and the closer we are, the better the overall development process of any software product will be.
If this is not the case, we can say that it happened for one of these two main reasons: 1.- The retrospection was not carried out correctly or the problems of the past iteration were not internalized or there was not enough time to analyze that part well. 2.- The work of iteration two became much heavier or the workload increased (either in process or documentation), or simply the delivery times along with the pressure of new requirements intensified.
Whatever the future holds, we know we are capable of delivering a complete product, even though we have almost no experience developing products of this size.
-Rodrigo Marín.
I learned how important my role is for the team, that all roles are essential, the project cannot be carried out if one of them is missing. I have understood that everyone in the team must participate in all stages of product development, that no one is left doing nothing and that we all know what is being done, from requirements to testing.
Last time we didn't include milestones in our plan and that had consequences for the product. Placing milestones strategically serves as a goal, as a warning and helps to créate plan recovery strategies.
-Eric Castañeda.
Thanks to what we found on iteration 1 and all the mistakes we did, we can build a better iteration olan, which will result in a better job and better outcome. In case we need to add tasks or remove them, we'll have to make a change request, so that every change is documented. After that, every developer has to complete their own planned tasks and fulfill their role completely.
-Erick Sánchez.
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softcare4x4 · 2 years
Weekly Learning #5
At the end of the first iteration of a software project it is important to take some time to reflect, this is called retrospective, in which the purpose is to analyze and process all the results obtained after the completion of the first iteration (what went well, what went wrong and how the team felt). So, at the end of the first iteration retrospective, the team is ready to move on to the second iteration, starting with the iteration plan that the team will stick to in the second phase of development.
On the other hand, it is important to talk to the entire team about their work roles that they are performing, to analyze whether the assigned responsibilities are really being fulfilled, because if they are not, what can be done is that they be changed. the work roles of the members.
-Fernando Felíz
As a team it is necessary to have contingency plans, the risk of a team member not being available for work is very real and common. The team must be able to recover from the absence of any member. We must be clear that our user stories (depending on the user) do not talk about very technical things, they must be traceable in our Design Thinking.
Milestones are very useful to easily know if our process is being well managed.
-Eric Castañeda
Upon completion of an iteration, the team must "take a step back" to look at what was achieved and what was not, as well as rely on the facts to improve the future of the next iteration or project. The fact of even achieving a clear retrospective is important, everything to learn from the mistakes made and continue, following these recommendations it is possible to have a continuous and always positive improvement, the general objective is always to be efficient and flexible in the way of work during a project.
Analyzing this part we can check through measurable objectives what has been achieved and what has been forgotten. From there also derives the recommendation to write measurable objectives from the beginning of the project, they check the future and the achievements of the team in question.
-Rodrigo Marín
When an iteration is finished, we need to make sure we know what could've been better and what we did right. When starting the next iteration is of high importance to have an action plan, in case anything goes wrong or anything happens.
When milestones are used, we can easily identify if the job we've done is as expected or if we're behind or something.
The team needs to be prepared to adjust the plan in case any member is absent.
-Erick Sánchez
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softcare4x4 · 2 years
Weekly Learning #4
It is important to follow an iteration plan in which all the expected requirements are documented, this plan should be with all the tasks well decomposed so that it has an understandable structure and at the time of following it each of the developers know what their part is and follow the process of executing the plan.
Much progress has been made with the projects that have been taking place, making them learn new technologies for future developments, and applying in such technologies the programming languages that have been learned, as in Android Studio, applying what has been learned in Java applied to develop mobile applications.
Fernando Felix
As a team it is important that we are all committed to the project, it is essential that we all have the same goal to achieve it together. As a developer, no one knows more about our product than we do, but it is important not to leave any ambiguities and wait for the user to find out on his own. Having setbacks speaks of a mismanagement of the process.
Eric Castañeda Estrada
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The responsibility of each member can be seen reflected when working in these agile development methods such as SCRUM. Each role assigned to each member must be consistent, since their responsibilities are unique and are part of a stable job. From the beginning, the iteration plan must set the task assigned to each one and try to respect this plan as much as possible. , as well as learning to take risks and adapt to possible problems, are all part of the agile methodology.
If the due processes are not followed, we can say that the project will have more gaps and possible problems throughout the development, especially expensive at the end of it. If you intend to follow an agile methodology, the use of correct and complete processes is essential.
Rodrigo Vega Marin
It is important to have different actions written in the plan in case anything goes wrong or the plan starts to deviate, so that we can minimize the effects on the final time.
It is essential that the tasks are correctly decomposed, so that we can follow them and know exactly where we are in the development and who is doing what tasks.
Erick Sánchez Martínez
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softcare4x4 · 2 years
Weekly Learning TSP #3
When it comes to executing the project plan established by the team, it must have an order, in which the activities are equally balanced for each member and, in turn, the team must ensure that the activities must be as independent as possible, in such a way that each developer can continue with their planned activities without having to wait for another to finish their activity in order to start theirs.
The team meetings or daily meetings help us to make the whole team aware of the problems that are arising in the development of the project, and to seek appropriate measures and solutions to solve these problems and be able to continue advancing. It is about making known what activity each member is involved in, and what she has had to face.
-Fernando Felíz
A traceability matrix is ​​a table that serves to relate each of the requirements with the deliverable that has been requested, and in turn determine which requirements are the ones that will allow us to obtain a certain deliverable.
The standard is only a guide to follow, not a product to build. We must ensure as a team that all voices are heard and everyone is taken into account. Each one has a roll and you have to respect them. When developing software it is important to have knowledge of the tools, or study before working, sometimes it is slower to learn as you go.
-Eric Castañeda
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The planning aims to mark the milestones that a project of sufficient size must have, marks important dates and makes the team see the general progress, as well as contemplate possible risks and/or delays that could damage the milestones.
Due to this it is possible that on more than one occasion, the projects are delayed little by little and even more so individually. If someone from the team is late, it is true that he puts the product at risk, but for this reason he must learn to cope with unexpected work and work with it sensibly and agilely. Learning to act on unexpected risks is part of an agile methodology.
-Rodrigo Marín
If, as a team decide to use a tool or framework, you have to be sure that everyoone knows how to use it and understand it, or else, the development time will be very slow and will have a lot of errors. When decomposing tasks and adding them to the plan, we have to make sure that they are exactly as we specified them on the documents we created.
-Erick Sánchez
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softcare4x4 · 2 years
Weekly learning TSP
Software prototypes are used to make a representation or simulation of the final software product, this model by the development team is used to verify the design and confirm that the design has the specified characteristics raised
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To be able to develop such a product, a plan is required. Throughout a software project, a project plan must always be included, which indicates how it is estimated that the development of said project will behave. In this case an iteration plan is used that involves planning the work to be performed during an iteration and therefore individual work is assigned to the development team members. also called tasks, which must be performed for product development.
The iteration plan must include the estimated time in the decomposed tasks and the total available time of the entire work team, it is suggested and expected whenever the available time easily exceeds that necessary for the current iteration.
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One of the main tasks that an iteration plan must have when developing a software product is the specification of software requirements, known as SRS, which is used to provide a complete description of the software product to be developed, including its purpose. their business processes, their characteristics, etc.
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In a TSP project, it is expected that there will be 3 iterations of the product to be developed, such 3 iterations must have their respective software requirement specifications.
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softcare4x4 · 2 years
Weekly learning TSP
As a team we must assure that the activities are equally distributed by all the team members, this is a way to avoid too much work for a single member and it also helps to get a better product.
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When we talk about software development, we need to know about metrics. They can be very helpful to let us know how close our product is to become what it meant to be; they can even give us an advice of how well we are going in our development.
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It is very important to follow the process. We must follow each step in the correct order and make sure we are understanding what we are doing. Having a good base in early process phases ensures consistent development and increases the chances of success.
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