sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
when:  19 august, 2023 where:  the burrow who:  open
    louis would be lying if he said he hadn’t teared up a little bit when he had finally seen what molly and victoire and everyone else had pulled together.  so many guests!  the photo reel!  his favorite band!  he’d thanked them only about a thousand times, and it still didn’t feel like enough.  “this is all so much!”  he said — rather loudly, due to the loud music.  and maybe attributed to the fact he was a couple drinks in.  but it was his party, and after o.w.l.s and a year of prefect duties and the bloody internship  ( stressful and difficult and wonderful and valuable ) , well.  he deserved to let loose for a night.  “i really can’t get over it.”
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“It’s an amazing party!” Sofia said enthusiastically. She usually preferred things a little quieter but the party was certainly quite enjoyable and she was glad she had come. “Happy birthday, by the way!” Her brows drew together in a frown after a moment of thought about his words and she added, “Too much in a good way, right?”
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
pippa smiled at their younger sibling and pushed a strand of their younger sister’s hair behind her ear, “I think either way would look great on you, honey, but bangs…” they let their words fall into the void, their brows, which had tightened together at the imagined image of their sister with bangs, loosened as they set their gaze upon their sister, “the question is: is having long hair what you want, or what mum wants?”
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“What’s wrong with bangs? I think I would look cute with bangs.” Sofia stuck her tongue out but followed up with a giggle. The hair question was more idle curiosity than anything else, at the moment. “I’m not really sure. I like when Mama is happy, you know, and I know that she likes it when my hair is longer. But I don’t like fixing it at school.”
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
“Don’t cut it all off, you’ve got the wrong-shaped face for it,” Maya remarked, her tone friendly despite her unhesitating brutal honesty. “Or just say ‘fuck it’ and cut it all off anyway. Bangs would be cool, though.” She had a habit of phrasing her opinions as objective statements, even with her friendliest acquaintances. 
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“Have I?” Sofia put her hands to her face absently, looking around for a mirror or a window to get look at her reflection. “I hadn’t really thought of that, actually. You might be right. But I do like bangs and it would be a nice change, don’t you think?”
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
where: at a bonfire pit by the lake when: 9:35 pm, the end-of-summer birthday bash who: open to all u babes
“Okay, okay!” Viv laughed, taking a drink. “It was like, one time, and he was a bad flier as well as being twice my size so it worked about as well as you could think—-honestly, he’s lucky we didn’t crash into the fucking Whomping Willow, that’s how useless he was, and inconveniently big for me to get the broom to follow my movements. Anyway, yeah, I’ve done the drunk-tandem-broom-flying—-though, he was drunk, I was just… buzzed.” She drummed her fingers against her thigh, then said, “All right… never have I ever kissed someone underwater.”
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Sofia giggled through the story, although it wasn’t the first time she’d heard it, of course. She wasn’t playing the game but coming to sit with Viv had seemed more entertaining than watching the pictures or anything else, and she did like listening to the stories. Plus she’d found some popcorn earlier and she was very happy just eating it. “Kissing underwater seems like it would really hard,” she said, leaning a little closer to Viv.
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
“So Mama told me I should let my hair grow and I’ve been doing that for a long time and I like it and Mama always has really lovely ways to fix it. But it’s just so much work and . . .” Sofia wrinkled her nose. “I think I might cut it all off? Maybe get bangs? I dunno. What do you think?”
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
poppy: i made muffins today cause i thought my sister was coming for a visit, but she turns out she's staying in the states instead.
poppy: anyways, want any muffins?
sofia: omg i would love some muffins!!!!
sofia: ooohh what kind are they???
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
❝ Where there is kindness, there is goodness, and where there is goodness, there is magic. ❞ Sofia Krum, Maisie Williams, Fifteen, Incoming Fifth Year, Hufflepuff, Cis-female, Halfblood, She/her
I. Family
From the time she was just a little thing, Sofia was close to both her parents. She didn’t really take after either of them though - she wasn’t interested in Quidditch, although she did like flying itself, and few things could calm her down like going out with Papa on a broom. And though she had certain artistic abilities, she wasn’t an artist like Mama, but she loved to go to the atelier with Evangeline and stay there all day, entertaining herself while Mama worked. Sofia idolized her parents and thought they were the most amazing people in the world, and hasn’t grown out of that yet. Even now that she’s fifteen, she has yet to be embarrassed by them. Sofia is in contact with them on a daily basis - texting, phone calls, etc - although she’s trying to cut the apron strings a little. It’s just that she loves her parents so much and wants them to know everything that’s going on in her life. She’s equally close to Evgenia though; she thinks Evgenia is the best person in the whole world and often goes to her for advice or just to chat.
II. Personality
Sofia has her head in the clouds. Sofia’s work has shown great improvement this year. Sofia needs to pay more attention in class. Every report on Sofia from school is an odd mix of praise for how hard she works and rebuke for her absent-mindedness. This duality has always characterized her; from the time she was little, she was always willing to put her all into any task she had to undertake, but was very easily distracted from what she needed to do. When she’s passionate and invested in a project, she works on it with her whole heart, but otherwise, she’s flighty and easily distracted. Aside from that, she’s very much a Hufflepuff, through and through. She has always been loyal to a fault, and a hardworker (again, when she’s invested in something), and keen on ensuring things are as fair as possible. Once she makes a friend, they’re her friend for life, and it takes a great deal to lose her trust - and even with that, Sofia is optimistic enough that she rarely cuts someone out for good.
III. History
Although she grew up with the knowledge that Papa was a Quidditch player, it wasn’t until Sofia was nearly ready to go to Hogwarts that she truly realized he was famous. She was sheltered enough from the side-effects of fame and absent-minded enough that she simply didn’t notice the fans who clamored for his attention or the newspaper articles about him (Sofia, reading the newspaper? laughable). But when the family went to Diagon Alley for the trip before she began Hogwarts, she did take note of the eyes and whispers that followed them, especially when they stopped by the Quidditch supply store (not for Sofia, thank goodness, because she did not like Quidditch). Even her lack of attention only extended so far, and she stared right back at the people who watched them - until Mama told her to stop. After that, Sofia became more aware of what it meant to be a Krum - both because of her father and her mother. Though not as many people seemed to be aware of her mother, there were still those who took note of her. Victor and Evangeline sat down with Sofia and talked about what it meant to be famous, and how easy it would be to take advantage of it, and why Sofia should never do that. She took that lesson to heart and has always done her best to downplay her surname, introducing herself simply as Sofia unless she’s forced to add Krum.
Is your character involved in any summer programs? Do you wish for your character to be a Prefect, Head Student, or a member of the Quidditch team?: None! (Sofia is . . . not a good fit for a prefect, she’s too absent-minded and a bit of a pushover. And she’s not interested in Healing or the Ministry or Quidditch)
By submitting this application, you are pledging that you have read the guidelines and will follow them. Most importantly, this includes the rules about not engaging in abusive behavior and not being racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, anti-semitic, ableist, etc. You are also promising that you will not plagiarize anyone’s work, ideas, and/or characters. If you are found to have done any of these things, you will be promptly removed from the roleplay. Do you agree to these terms?:Yes / No
Anything else?: I just love this rp so much. Also I have some musings and things here
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
❝ Where there is kindness, there is goodness, and where there is goodness, there is magic. ❞ Sofia Krum, Maisie Williams, Fifteen, Incoming Fifth Year, Hufflepuff, Cis-female, Halfblood, She/her
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It’s Kay again, with this little ray of sunshine! Details under the cut.
Sofia is:
Fifth year Hufflepuff
Youngest sibling
Very short
Other relevant information:
She wants to be your friend. She’ll be anyone’s friend and will do her best to make you her friend whether you want to be or not
Not super responsible, but not super irresponsible either, just very very absent-minded and distracted. So like, don’t necessarily trust her with things that you don’t want to lose but she’ll help you when you need it
Her siblings are just. The Most Important. to her.
This summer she isn’t doing an internship or Quidditch or anything (she just really doesn’t like Quidditch at all, sorry Papa) but she is working, I just have to figure out where
Pansexual panromantic but has very little experience (has probably kissed people before). She gets crushes just super easy so if you’ve smiled at her or been nice to her, congrats, she loves you!
In all she’s literally just a ray of sunshine who likes people so pls be nice to her (or don’t, that’s also fun)
I haven’t made a connections page yet oops but I’m willing for literally anything, just let me know. More stuff can be found here and I’ll post her app in a minute
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
I. Traits:
+ optimistic, friendly, trusting, hardworking There are a lot of rather stereotypical Hufflepuff traits that can be found in Sofia. She’s hardworking and always has been, as a result of her parents’ training when she was younger; they didn’t accept anything less that her absolute best, and Sofia still tries her hardest in anything that can keep her attention. She’s a friendly girl, always happy to chat with anyone, and trusting of nearly everyone she meets. Even as a little girl, she never met a stranger and befriended people wherever she went. Sofia likes to keep a positive outlook; she’s nearly always cheerful and sunny, and doesn’t like to think negatively about anything or anyone.
- absent-minded, pushover, naive, reckless The biggest downfall of Sofia’s life has always been her absent-minded nature. Whether she was wandering away from her parents when they were out in a crowd or tripping down a moving staircase at Hogwarts, she was frequently in trouble simply because she wasn’t paying attention. If she’s interested in a topic or activity, it has all her focus but otherwise, she’s very easily distracted. And while she’s friendly and trusting, she can be too friendly and trusting, and doesn’t always make the best judgment calls on who she trusts. She’s willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. Along with not paying attention, she has a tendency to be reckless and simply act without thinking about the consequences, especially when her friends are involved. She’ll go along with any plan they suggest and deal with the fallout later (it’s a problem for future Sofia, after all).
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II. Family
Sofia thinks her family is made up of the actual best people in the world. She adores all of them, and would do anything for them. Although she doesn’t really play Quidditch (at all, she doesn’t play it at all), she has always loved flying with her papa. She and Victor get up early in the morning and go out and her absolute favorite thing to do is watch the sunrise in the air with him. They’ve had a lot of very important conversations doing just that. With her mama, Sofia loves going along with her to the atelier and sitting. Sadly, she didn’t inherit any artistic ability - well, when it comes to drawing; Sofia can play the piano and dance, which she counts as artistic. But there’s something about the atelier that’s very soothing, and it was common to see her sitting with her books and summer homework over the holidays.
Her siblings though . . . her siblings occupy a very, very special place in Sofia’s heart. They have always been there when she needed them - and as a little girl, Sofia had a knack for getting into trouble and needing her siblings. That lessened as she got older, to a certain degree, but she still does feel that she needs them frequently. Sofia has always appreciated their help, and still usually does, even though sometimes she feels a little smothered by it.
Being sorted into Hufflepuff with Evgenia made it easy for their close bond to continue in Hogwarts and Sofia has always admired and wanted to be like Evgenia. She frequently goes looking for her older sister when they have free time during the school year.
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III. Girl Gang
Sofia has a great capacity for love and loyalty, and this is immensely present in her friendships. Once someone earns Sofia’s trust and friendship, it’s nearly impossible to lose it (which can be a downfall at times, if there is someone who doesn’t really deserve such blind affection). She just has a hard time in accepting that friendships might end and she’d rather cling to the old ones than let them go.
She’s made a lot of friends at school though, from a variety of houses and backgrounds. Honestly it’s hard for Sofia to meet a stranger so even with students she doesn’t know very well, she’ll sit down and talk with them and try to make them her friend as well.
But her main group of friends would be the fifth year girl gang. They occupy such an important place in her heart, right below her family (because family comes first, but the girls have become family). She would do anything for them, and although she’s small and seems so happy-go-lucky, can be very fierce in her protection of them if she thinks it’s necessary. But she knows that is true going the other direction as well, that any time she needs them, for any reason, they’ll have her back and be there for her.
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IV. Sexuality and Romance
Sofia is a romantic. She watches sappy romcoms, and has a secret collection of bodice ripper type novels hidden in her trunk, and watches all the couples she sees with big eyes. The concept of falling in love is amazing to her and she wants to experience it, more than almost anything. However, she hasn’t really had any relationships like that up to this point, both because it hasn’t worked out and because she’s a little shy about actually instigating anything. There’s also the concern that someone is only interested in her for her connection to a famous Quidditch player. Still, it’s an ambition and she’s trying a little harder to get involved with people over the summer.
Although she hasn’t really spent a lot of time thinking about it, Sofia is pansexual panromantic.
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V. Miscellany
Birthday: June 1, 2008
Height: 5′1″ (she keeps hoping she’ll have another growth spurt that seems unlikely now)
Weight: 115 lbs.
Scars: Sofia’s arms and legs are littered with little scars, the results of her many, many accidents as a younger child (or as a fourth year). She had pretty unfortunate luck with falling off things and scraping various body parts and hasn’t quite outgrown that. But some especially noteworthy scars are: the long one on her upper left arm, from falling off a broom when she was playing Quidditch with Victor (the same accident that has soured her on Quidditch since then); several burn marks on her right hand from the time she attempted to bake a birthday cake for Mama without any supervision; and the scar running the length of her right calf, a souvenir from falling down the stairs at Hogwarts as a third year.
Wand: Hawthorn and phoenix tail feather, twelve inches, springy
Patronus: A lioness
Class list: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbology, History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
Once you learn how to create your own happiness, no one can take it from you.
Robert Tew (via deeplifequotes)
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
She did not need much, wanted very little. A kind word, sincerity, fresh air, clean water, a garden, kisses, books to read, sheltering arms, a cozy bed, and to love and be loved in return.
Starra Neely Blade (via wnq-writers)
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
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sofiaxkrum-blog · 6 years
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