socraticeinstein · 3 years
*insert* my philosophy of 'peer' embedded in my definition of 'team'
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socraticeinstein · 4 years
Mind/Body Dualism is an Illusion of Separation that is Perpetuated in the West
To be clear, even West/East division of "philosophies" is arbitrary and ultimately false
To embrace the dichotomy, I would argue that Mind : Introverts :: Body : Extroverts
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socraticeinstein · 4 years
The Words We Use
"Don't play with your food"
I feel that this phrase which parents are known to tell to their kids fundamentally rejects any subjective instantiation (e.g., personification, recognition of death, etc.) and thus keeps food hyperobjectified in a way that the kids aren't fully cognizant of what they're consuming.
Give me a working definition of this term.
Now describe a reality in which every single thing is fundamental to the whole's reality.
Do (1) & (2) reconcile?
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socraticeinstein · 4 years
¿ Graduate of Media Studies ?
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socraticeinstein · 4 years
I desire to approach the subjective nature of language through a socio-mathematical lense
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socraticeinstein · 4 years
As Ishmael states, the mural of Mother Culture is constructed from a plethora of mediums—movies are no exception, for they teach moral code.
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socraticeinstein · 4 years
Does 'Understanding' give birth to 'Language', or does 'Language' give birth to 'Understanding'?
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socraticeinstein · 4 years
the self is a function of the other
Who we are is determined by those around us
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socraticeinstein · 4 years
Forget the money. If you say that 'getting the money' is the most important thing, you will spend your life completely wasting your time. You'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living that is to go on doing things you don't like doing. Which is stupid. Better to have a short life, that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way. And after all, if you do really like what you're doing, it doesn't matter what it is, you can eventually become a master of it. It's the only way to become a master of something, to be really with it. And then you'll be able to get a good fee for whatever it is.
Alan Watts
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socraticeinstein · 5 years
Things are meant to be as they are, for everything happens for a reason.
- me
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socraticeinstein · 5 years
Semantically speaking, what colloquialism is equivalent to "two birds one stone" (but lacking the violent genesis)?
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socraticeinstein · 5 years
Does Anthropology as a legitimate "Field of Study" play any role in justifying Homo Sapien Sapienism?
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socraticeinstein · 5 years
"Speak Truth to Power"
Socioeconomically & Linguistically fascinating
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socraticeinstein · 5 years
For LoL, metaphysical identity conditions must be stipulated and incorporated into the system.
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socraticeinstein · 5 years
You—and your entire system—are inside another completely greater system, which is in an even greater system, ad infinitum.
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socraticeinstein · 5 years
□ book (i.e., pre-post-grad work)
Logic of Language and Linguistics (LoLaL)
• subjective/objective Operators (i.e., Modality)
• perception
• humor
• pronouns
• ... et cetera
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socraticeinstein · 5 years
Language is inherently vacuous vis-a-vis subjectivity/objectivity
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