snowleopard59 · 2 years
listen my children
Listen my children and you shall hear
Of a spiritual journey so far and so near
With each moment’s passing
More wisdom amassing
What wisdom is it of which I speak?
Where leads the journey upon which I seek?
Amidst shipwrecked debris we arrive
Amongst fellow survivors we strive
Surely one must have a clue
Surely all this must be more than just payment due
Don’t look away
Look as close as you can stand
While the sun shines make hay
Play your tune with the band
Remember it’s just a role
A part in a play
You won the award
You reached the goal
Yours is the reward
Your prize to claim
No losers, no winners, no one to blame
See that clock on the wall?
Take it down, let it fall
That milepost on the highway?
Steer far away, come what may
And so, I’m not worried
No favor be curried
I can smooth the water
For both son and daughter
I can find the funds
I can make the puns
I’m no longer just here or there
I’m everywhere and nowhere
But mostly, where it needs to be
Where there’s something to see
Closing now, on the advice of my attorney
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snowleopard59 · 2 years
and listen my children
tumblr? get out! what’s it been? years? wow, you know you’re procrastinating when you’re on tumblr. but am i, really? it’s all good in the ether, right? so we have this thing called write a spiritual note- focus my add child but otherwise, it’s all an ongoing dialogue isn’t it?
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snowleopard59 · 4 years
to be continued in the warring universe
The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be.  Lao Tzu
hello, yes ok I can edit this. Groans. Oh don’t give me that this is tumblr not Ulysses or who can tell the difference i can and i am here to explain corona virus
JFK was killed because of ?? class anyone/ the federal reserve, the mafia, Vietnam, aliens; many reasons really; primarily because he allowed himself to be- hard to understand i know- especially when you consider he arranged for the 103 additional witnesses to also be eliminated - which they all also agreed to- but let’s not get distracted that will be explained elsewhere- so let’s skip ahead to 9/11- Iraq, Afghanistan, oil, homeland security police state enhancement; I didn’t get it at first but seems plain as a sunny day now - and, 2001 to 2008 not so long- not sure how that is connected but feel certain it is- 2012 rolls around- no Mayan apocalypse just Obama gets elected for a second term- enhanced intelligence operations, healthcare blah blah woof woof right? 2016- status quo is roiled - or is it? do we just see the unpolished version? Other than rallies and rudeness is he really for the people? Well, economically it appears so- and then- corona- JFK bad, 9/11 bad, 2008 bad; bad in that it would have been better had they not happened? well we won’t know until we can alternate dimension travel- i guess until all of us can; harrumph- hey if Joyce can do it! anyway, better if corona had never happened? please don’t bring up Voltaire and the best of all possible worlds- so then there’s Voltaire and the best of all possible worlds- not to mention Tolle and if it’s the experience you’re having it’s the experience you;re supposed to be having because you are having it- not entirely sure about that Eckhart; thing is we - and when I say we I mean i - we - don’t want the bad guys to win- they win so much- JFK, 9/11, 2008...are they winning now? to be continued in a cleaner new post
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snowleopard59 · 4 years
of Lotteries and 34 inch waists
It is now April. write in Tumblr or write my novel “It Matters to this Starfish,” both equally unread; Tumblr is like Barnes and Noble cubed. A cascade of water; within which the occasional gold nugget is found, and a very tiny one at that. Wow, negative much dude? Anyway, the important thing is to write, I guess. Right now, no pun, I am not motivated. Just got the inner news of sorts that we will be spending another summer in Virginia. Could be worse, could be better; that could be the single line for all life all the time, right? I’ll be back, maybe. The thought here was, get under 200 pounds by April 30 and not have to spend another sweltering summer in Virginia. Oh, and win the lottery!
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snowleopard59 · 4 years
a grimace of grace
A GRIMACE OF GRACE by David Clear, 437 words
Oh yes, yes we do
We said we wouldn’t but then we did
What was earned could not be hid
Render unto Caesar sayeth he?
Tender old geezer sayeth we
You did not come to amass great wealth
I did too so; alas for my health!
Was there no lesson learned in the tale of Scrooge?
Or was he but another in the hierarchy of the stooge?
Nay oh nay Dylan Thomas protests from the bar stool
Surely the muse would not be so cruel?
Tis not cruelty she doth espouse
Ye need not be sheep nor for that matter cows
Though it appears we be naught for more than to be milked and sheared
Rest assured greater fates await those oblivious to being jeered
For jeered we are from kindergarten on
Lest leak out the knowledge of the long con
From teacher to parent to manager to priest
Sup on this thin soup, none dare feast
But why not the feast the poets and painters bemoan
And from the masses comes the familiar groan
There they go again, insisting on heaven on earth
Don’t they know it’s all in the net worth?
Then from our midst, a stranger arose
Good thing too as I was beginning to dose
What say ye stranger, to which camp doth thou align?
The god of labor and taxes or the god of wine?
Well I think you’re all kind of crazy if you think it’s that simple
So, he proclaimed as we noticed the dimple
Annoyingly disruptive of an otherwise pleasant symmetry of face
He paid it no heed as he proceeded to make his case
They sent me down here, in, what is it, 2019?
And so far, I love what I’ve seen
You all act so serious so dour and stern
Like time is running out and there’s still so much to learn
As my friend Vinny would say, as only he could
Fuhgeddaboudit, and then he promptly would
Now you may think Vinny an unlearned man
Quote Shakespeare or Plato? Nah, he’d rather work on his tan
At some time or other he’d read all the greats
Vinny had no fears when it came to the fates
And neither ought any of you my 1040EZies
So, you’re commuting in Buffalo and not to the beach in Belize?
You know down deep as well as up high and everywhere in-between
What we’ve all felt and smelt and heard and touched and seen
No need to be so smart by half
Eventually you will no longer stifle that cosmic laugh
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snowleopard59 · 4 years
made it through another one. Xmas and new years on Wednesday! day one tumblr positivity enlightenment- except of course i skipped yesterday because it was a holiday
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snowleopard59 · 4 years
forgive and forget
so, we gave this guy $150,000 as an investment. $14,500 was returned in the last 10 years. Then this week I had to send out about $1200 to maintain two IRA accounts in case the investment begins to net a return that can be tax sheltered. These IRA fees are supposed to be fully compensated by the end of this week. No projected date for any returns based on a phone call this afternoon. Needless to say I have stewed over this since the last decade when the original investment was made (2009). Oh, well, there was the big crash and then there was just one thing after another until a few days ago he finally admitted the project that was supposed to get off the ground with our original $100,000 was gone, won’t ever happen. There are more gory details but suffice to say I’ll be happy if the fees are compensated. After waiting in line at the post office to registered mail send the check I felt like, oh well, here’s a grand expensive exercise in the art of spiritually letting go. What freedom, right? Perhaps now, like the monkey with the apples in the jar, more can flow in from a more reliable source. I feel fairly confident we will not be making a third investment with this same gentleman. I of course would love for the investment to begin paying off but I think at this point as we begin the new decade it would feel almost as good if this past decade’s sturm und drang over this involvement were finally over, if he would just say, like he did about the original project, it’s all gone, I mismanaged it, no chance of anything ever paying off, sorry, you’ll never hear from me again. I may have lost that much gambling over the years and just write it off to that, it was a bad gamble. I do think it would make him happy to be able to show us a return, I don’t think he bought himself a new boat with it and has been stringing us along for 10 years with one cock and bull story after another but I can’t be sure about that or anything having to do with this episode other than we are out approximately $150k but spiritually much richer for it.
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snowleopard59 · 4 years
Low Blood Sugar
ok so I finally watched Last Blood, Rambo. It was a peculiar nudge. I had read a negative review on Slate and felt I knew all there was to know and didn’t need to know anything else. But Sly is a sly inner icon; he has weaved a spell on many for a long time now. I felt obligated to watch it knowing it was a bad script and full of gratuitous violence but through it all there is the ever aging Sly and some day he will be gone and we will need to know what he was all about. Dare I compare Sly to Lao Tze? The Sly that can be spoken of and watched in bad movies is not the true Sly? What is? He’s channeling something, obviously, that transcends film. Sometimes it has overlapped the film, the first Rocky of course, after that mostly in bits and pieces. I want to say stoicism, warrior nature of course throughout the ages, that resonate with our past lives and can give us solace that we no longer are one. One good line of the movie is when the young woman says did they try to stop you from being a soldier when you were young? Rambo says, “I wish they had.” I suppose the Rocky and Rambo characters are at best potentialities, iceberg tips that indicate subject matter too deep and complex for the writing and acting talents of Stallone but not for his face; his range of expression, however you want to measure that, is a symbol of archetypes and emotions both arcane and immediate, and in that way surpassing the surrounding superficiality, perhaps as the flower grows through the concrete, the surreal need not be explained, it speaks to the subconscious, the conscious may try to eavesdrop but it will be disappointed. In conclusion, it seemed impossible Stallone could look more beat up and tired than he ever has but he finds a new level here and hopefully it is his end as an action character, even an action mentor as in Creed. I don’t know what he should do in the way of conveying whatever spiritual message I believe can be conveyed by his persona but maybe that script might just find him eventually.
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snowleopard59 · 5 years
wet cobblestones
great exercise! Here's what my 15 minutes netted me:
Wet cobblestones, oh how he loved wet cobblestones;  most preferably around 5 pm, roundabouts November when dusk hung heavy on the London streets, wagon wheels clip clopping along, and then…the rains began. Sheets and sheets of rain, so heavy as to recall waves at the beach. Nothing moved now in the city but the water. Water water everywhere as his friend Samuel once wrote, washing away the soot, the grime, the poverty, the despair, the buildings both grand and grim, the edifices of the Hanovers, the Tudors, for that matter, in no time at all, no pun intended, the rain spattered the armor of Alfred the Great as he hid amongst the marshes. Until then, he too, and his ragtag band slid into the sea, Roman mosaics and stone walls not to mention jewelry, pottery and all the other paraphernalia of a presumptive civilization seeking to so-called civilize the barbaric isle. Now, rain, and clouds and water and soon, even the land of the isle itself, submerged and lost but then conjoined with its ancestral origin, Atlantis.
Yea, Atlantis, she of legend and lore, the world before all the other worlds, until she herself succumbed to great hubris and the world before all worlds reclaimed its rightful ownership of the spheres, and now here we were, Samuel and I, longing for our quiet absinthe in the corner tavern, loving our dim and dark gas lamp lit cobblestoned view of the empire’s denizens, both dignified and dissolute. We supposed ourselves neither, for we knew we kept one foot on the cobblestone and one on dust of stars both ever burgeoning to life and collapsing into the death of a liquid boundarylessness, the sea of all worlds in one. We drained our glasses and smiled, and against all tavern keeper warnings of dire fate exited into the maelstrom, never having been, and always becoming. Just as the cobblestones began to dry in the morning light.
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snowleopard59 · 5 years
Really, Tumblr?
even after all this time I can’t get used to it- millions of people just (I would put this in italics bold) - expressing. I suppose it’s similar to graffiti- if there were a million plus graffiti “artists” and a wall the size of Jupiter. I got “hooked” on Facebook some time ago and have often thought to resign but stay because it’s sort of like Cheers- everybody knows your likes and if you don’t like theirs you can snooze them I suppose the same “community” could be created on Tumblr if I took the time but then it would just be Facebook 2- revenge of the online obsession. I tried Instagram, Pinterest, and 1 or 2 similarities and fled quickly like some bar in which I found myself plainly not belonging. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But is this all one gargantuan electronic bar? I used to despise the idea of going to a bar to meet people. And then I started drinking and getting high and realized, oh this is why. Admittedly I had a curmudgeon I don’t need to connect with people mentality long before curmudgeon age set in and now that it has I am modifying my “people person,” persona. We are all just blobs of energy; electronic and otherwise and energy seeks energy unless you can be the man who is an island and draw energy directly from the universe as you contemplate in your hermit cave. But, near 30 years into being married with two pets hermiting is not an option if it ever was. I wasn’t gregarious by any means but I did go out amongst the tides of men (whilst looking for women) often, and drew energy of sorts from many different sources in many different ways. Anyway, my point here, before I go off all Proust and Wolfe like, is am I opposed to things Facebook and twitter because they are essentially graffiti and contributors to ADD? And so what if I were? I was opposed to Vietnam but that pretty much ran its course I don’t think my opposition or the other thousands of anti-Vietnam souls really tipped the balance. Or did we? Because last time I checked we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan far longer than we were in Vietnam and no one seems to care; no draft, no fuss no muss. Veteran suicide seems to be happening quite a bit - but the news is about Harry and Meghan. If Tumblr and Facebook disappeared tomorrow would veteran suicides, school and police shootings etc also disappear? Or is this connection, however anonymous and distracted and random and just plain graffiti at its core, really helping everything because quantum entanglement theory, all this passionate expression going on- and I do believe it is all passionate if often misplacedly so, is pushing the consciousness envelope to allow more energy blob expansion and at its core, the universe is just one big graffiti artist??
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snowleopard59 · 5 years
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yes, these two things go together - I wish sam adams had come out before I stopped drinking
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snowleopard59 · 5 years
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I thought it was pretty good-
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snowleopard59 · 5 years
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and that I can declare my life up to this point has been quite grand as well
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snowleopard59 · 5 years
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I have known this man for many years, perhaps you have too
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snowleopard59 · 5 years
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A truly worthwhile goal and skill I would put up there with rock climbing at the 5.8 level
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snowleopard59 · 5 years
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again, at the beach, or perhaps mountains, forest, desert, dare we say even Jefferson avenue in Newport News Virginia. Sorry if this was on tumblr already
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snowleopard59 · 5 years
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and I really would like to live at the beach because of this I will always be reminded
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