snowbryneich · 1 year
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This expresses my feelings precisely.
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snowbryneich · 1 year
star trek is popular again so now’s the time for the captain worf show michael dorn wanted to make
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snowbryneich · 1 year
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Hell country.
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snowbryneich · 1 year
star wars headcanon time:
- so mon mothma (based on the ep3 deleted scenes) knew Padme pretty well. and consequently TOTALLY clocked that she was pregnant. she knew. a bunch of senators knew. they never said anything because they respected her privacy.
- however padme was good at keeping her Secret Affairs under wraps so mon mothma had no idea who the father was. she never guessed it might be anakin bcos everyone knows Jedi don’t do stuff like that.
- padme dies suddenly & mysteriously. shortly thereafter bail organa and his wife announce that they’ve adopted a baby girl. 
- at the time mon mothma does not think much of this BUT later as leia gets older she begins to resemble padme more and more in both looks & personality and mon mothma is like. hmmm.
- so she draws the natural conclusion.
- padme was having an affair with bail organa! and when she died in childbirth bail quietly ‘adopted’ the baby to avoid the scandal.
- mon mothma elects not to say anything about this because it’s not really her business and also the past is the past and padme has been. dead for several years at this point and she doesn’t feel like opening that wound back up.
- instead she just, takes leia under her wing.
- anyway! later when a kid w the last name Skywalker who says his dad was a jedi shows up to join the rebellion she’s like. hm.
- she didn’t know anakin well but at the very least she knew OF him and they like, probably met
- so she figures anakin must have fathered a child while he was travelling the galaxy during the clone wars. she never really liked anakin so she’s just like ‘hm guess he was a deadbeat dad. can’t say I’m surprised.’
- she is not aware however that Anakin became Darth Vader so she doesn’t really feel the need to say anything to luke about this. as far as she’s aware luke already knows the truth about his parentage. at most she might be like ‘hey I knew your dad a bit, he was a good jedi & a war hero’.
- so as far as mon mothma is concerned, anakin skywalker’s son and padme amidala’s daughter are both fighting for the rebellion. the fact that they’re the same age is just kind of a coincidence. tatooine uses a different calendar from most planets so she never notices that they literally have the same birthday.
- anyway later Leia is like ‘so guess what! luke is my long-lost brother. isn’t that wild?’
- and mon mothma is like
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(leia: not what I expected you to take from that but. yeah I guess she was.)
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snowbryneich · 1 year
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Texts From Superheroes
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snowbryneich · 1 year
Absolutely losing it all over again that Luke sent Grogu back to Tatooine all by himself, like the minute Grogu said he wanted to be with Din instead, Luke put him on that X-Wing and was like, “Fuck no, I’m not going back to that armpit of the galaxy.”  He doesn’t even have any other students or anything else to do but meditate!  Grogu was the only student!  Ahsoka was leaving again!  The droids were building the school!  It’s his X-Wing that took Grogu there!  Luke Skywalker had fuck all to do and was still like “The baby can go back to Tatooine by himself, I’m not getting sand in my new boots, bye kiddo.”  What an icon.
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snowbryneich · 1 year
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Aww look at this kitty ♡
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snowbryneich · 1 year
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There's just so much I don't know about Tolkien's work
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snowbryneich · 1 year
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snowbryneich · 1 year
You’re a national treasure to the LGBTQ community.
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National Treasure, you say?
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snowbryneich · 1 year
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Lucy Lawless behind the scenes on Xena: Warrior Princess (1995)
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snowbryneich · 1 year
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snowbryneich · 1 year
This is stupid. All of the problems complained about are due to
- wearing the wrong corsets or stays
- wearing ill-fitting corsets or stays
- not wearing a shift under the corset
The Bridgerton actresses were complaining about how horrible and painful their corsets were, which is bizarre, because Regency corsets have no boning.
Look at them:
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Do you see any boning there?? There’s nothing to tight lace!! They didn’t even care about the waist, it was all about the bust! Regency stays hoisted your boobs up so you looked like the figurehead of a ship, they didn’t smush them down like sad booby pancakes.
(you also couldn’t tight lace, because to tight lace you need metal eyelets, and they hadn’t even been invented yet)
I have worn 18th century stays; they were more comfortable than an underwire bra. There was nothing restrictive about them. You’re going to sit up straight, but that’s about it. Also, all women wore corsets, not just the wealthy. Women cleaned houses, worked in factories, and did farm work while wearing corsets and without fainting all the time. If you can’t breathe while wearing a corset, loosen the corset.
Also also, corsets were structural garments, in that they supported the weight of the clothing. Nothing is going to look right. They’re going to spend all this money on their next fancy costume drama, and everyone’s going to look like they’re wearing a halloween costume.
This is so dumb.
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snowbryneich · 1 year
suddenly viscerally remembered when I was in first grade and decided that “I got a boo boo” was too childish of a way to communicate to my mom that I’d gotten hurt.
I was a bookish kid though, so instead I switched to “mommy, I’ve been wounded” which in retrospect must’ve been a little odd to hear from a six-year-old.
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snowbryneich · 1 year
For all those people who have never seen a complete rainbow 
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snowbryneich · 1 year
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Just a couple of dudes reminding you that Aldis Hodge is, in fact, the sexiest man alive. In addition to being a horologist, he's also a painter and a violinist. He also went to school for architecture.
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snowbryneich · 1 year
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pride & prejudice geraskier au. based on this screencap.
[image description: a digital painting of geralt and jaskier standing face-to-face in a warmly lit antique room, gazing into each other’s eyes. both wear regency-era attire; jaskier wears an off-white caped coat over a ruffled shirt, and geralt wears a simple black suit coat with a white cravat, maroon sash, and silver wolf medallion. end id]
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