snherrett241 · 7 months
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Term Project #10 - Your Choice
White canvas of light Future full of creations Nothing in my mind
I wanted to express the most invisible part of creation, one that I've experienced time and time again. The beginning of everything ever created. A template canvas filled to the brim with nothingness. For some, this is as far as they go sadly. Fear, and anxiousness about the future, why take action and lose when you could take no action at all? For the determined ones, they push forward past the nothingness to create. What can they create? Only the journey itself can tell you.
Anyway, I mostly made this to experiment with raster again and to also work with warmer colours. I had a lot of fun creating this although I don't have any strong Photoshop raster experience. I'd love to experiment more with Photoshop outside of class time after this project.
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snherrett241 · 7 months
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Term Project #9 - Something Otherworldly
For this one, I wanted to experiment with a bizarre framing that interacts with the foreground and background. This is heavily inspired by the cinematic black bars you see in movies, except the black bars interact with elements in the illustration, giving them a sort of physicality. Maybe you'd consider that this element itself gives the concept of an otherworldly feeling.
I tried my best to achieve an otherworldly meteor/object falling from the sky, while also being ambiguous as to what the mysterious falling thing is. What could it be? A UFO? A meteor? Something more sinister?
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snherrett241 · 7 months
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Term Project 8: People Doing Things
I wanted to step out of my boundaries for this Illustration by incorporating more cartoonier characters and dynamics. It was a little hard deciding how i wanted each character to look like and what they would be doing, but i eventually landed on these three having a fun time! Well, I guess only two of them are having a good time...
I was heavily inspired to draw these bizarre character styles after looking at Jackbox Game's "Roomerang", but as I slowly developed the characters it started to look a little bit more like PBS mascots with a bit of a dark twist
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snherrett241 · 8 months
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Term Project 7: Raster (Photoshop)
This was definitely the hardest illustration to execute so far. I had tons of trouble thinking of ideas and executions in photoshop since i always use it for photo editing and never for illustration. I ended up with a composition I'm relatively happy with nonetheless.
I decided to go with something thematic with the Halloween season coming up, so I tried to incorporate as many creepy elements as I could. I would definitely try to make more raster illustrations in the future so i can continue to get a better understanding of non-vector illustrating.
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snherrett241 · 8 months
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Term Project 6: Natural Landscape
This Iilio was mainly inspired by the likes of Kristoffer Zetterstrand, specifically his combining of round figures and retro, pixelated figures in his compositions. I wanted to try something similar while contrasting the subject and backdrop. My main setting idea was an old stone relic/tomb sitting in a strange but unique landscape of squares and circles.
I positioned the relic on a rule of third vertical to give it a stronger presence in the frame. I also created abstract shapes in the sky that guide the eyes to the main subject while not distracting the viewer. The sun with a face looks to the right to enunciate this as well. What a goofy, strange world with an old and mysterious secret!
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snherrett241 · 8 months
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Term Project 5: Scale and Composition
This project was daunting to start, but I came out learning how to utilize most of the 3D functions in Adobe Illustrator. I had fun thinking of ways I could imply size and depth. I eventually settled on a small-person big-robot dynamic (Similar to the Iron Giant).
The scale is emphasized through the city-like shapes in the backdrop, and the composition is defined through my use of the rule of thirds. Your eyes start on the man on top of the robot, then down to the robot, left to his arm. I never thought I could create 3D compositions in Illustrator, but now that I know how to, It might be hard for me not to turn to it again In the future.
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snherrett241 · 8 months
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Term Project 4: Ink
This was a really fun illustration to execute! I tried my best to express a humanoid figure with a head of flowing fire and a bright shine coming through their face. I also put the Japanese Kanji for "Immortal" in the bottom left – A Prisoner cursed with eternal life represented by his glowing and ever-burning head.
Trying to use Illustrator to create a raster-esque ink effect was troubling, but textures and strokes helped a ton in this process. A fun technique I used for the purple glow was using ink to paint a similar shape to the subject, taking a photo of the paper, and overlaying it In the project file.
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snherrett241 · 9 months
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Term Project 3: Vector
Working on this one was fun, yet challenging. Working in vector for the past two term projects meant that this project would be sort of a "do whatever!" project. Although I did thumbs for this project, I ended up improvising as I continued this project to make something I found very unique.
A spacey, mountainous landscape being watched upon by a giant black star, and a winged figure looking upon the view. I had trouble with the colours early on but came around to a nice and cold-coloured gradient around the end. I loved working with this style and I hope to implement it in future passion projects!
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snherrett241 · 9 months
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Term Project 2: Texture
When I was doing my thumbs for texture, I found myself having trouble finding a unique concept I could convey texture. After some brainstorming, Quaking Aspen trees eventually became a top priority for me in this project. Quaking Aspen is a tree where the bark’s texture and look are similar to illustrative depictions of eyes. Therefore, I tried my best to convey a mysterious and eerie feeling in this illustration while also displaying a strong example of textures through the bizarre yet natural bark of a Quaking Aspen. I think its lack of colour also helps enunciate the texture better.
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snherrett241 · 9 months
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Term Project 1: Word Pair -
The prompted word pair I used for this assignment was "Integrated Mutual." I originally thumbnailed an illustration of two people interacting with eachother in various ways. What started as a handshake eventually ended as two people on the phone.
The characters lack any identifying details because these two individuals can be anyone. I believe it's important that physical appearances are not factors for why bonds can be as close as they are, so I omitted it as both a style choice and thematic choice. Remembering the smaller details of using Illustrator was also a natural challenge I organically overcame.
(Edited 11/4/23 for spellings)
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