smile4words-blog · 12 years
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
[I think the world         is a desperate element. It would have us         calm it, receive it.] Therefore this         is what I must ask you         to imagine: wind; the moment         when the wind drops; and grapes,         which are nothing, which break         in your hands.
Jorie Graham, from “Scirocco” (via the-final-sentence)
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
  Inspirational Short Stories-
It seems like every other day I'm questioned (more like ridiculed) about my culinary preferences. Yes I'll say it, I'm a vegetarian, pescatarian as a matter of fact. Yeah? Well wonder why I made the switch? Here's a little tale that heartens my resolve every time!
As always, please enjoy the excerpt and check out the  Podcast for the rest.
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
  Inspirational Short Stories-
 I love fables about the Buddha. They come in a fairly wide range of styles, certainly to account for the teacher's varied representations, but the morals are almost always so matter of factly obvious that their delivery is borderline comical. That's the case with today's fable: The Talkative Tortoise. ENJOY!
As always, please enjoy the excerpt and check out the  Podcast for the rest
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
Short Stories with Morals-
Emotional Transference is a great short story. It feels almost like a science fiction piece in its presentation but the concept, is genius. I loved this story when I first read it and have been wanting to share it for a while now. I recently ran across it again and figured I'd take the opportunity to do so now, at a rather somber moment for a close family member.
Please enjoy today's Short Stories with Morals Selection, and check out the  Podcast for the rest, as always.
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
Short Stories with Morals-
Another couple of days without a story. I know, I know, can ya forgive me? This story should help! The Relic is about an innocent white lie... and the unforeseen consequences it can have when allowed (or compelled in this case) to grow to unexpected and unsustainable proportions... Check it out!
Please enjoy today's Short Stories with Morals Selection, and check out the  Podcast for the rest, as always.
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
Short Stories with Morals-
Wouh! Another long weekend without podcast. Things got a bit busy round' here so we couldn't get to a cast', so to make up for that we're doing a mystery short story today. Having read this story, I wonder how I would have reacted had I been in the heroine's shoes- I'm sure I wouldn't have done a damn thing! As you know, curiosity killed... well you know the story!
By this time you know what to do! Enjoy our Short Stories with Morals and please check out the  Podcast  for the rest of the story.
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
Inspirational Short Stories-
Continuing this week's theme of promoting iconic, famous fairy tales, today's story is Rumpelstiltskin. There are many iterations of this tale but I am particularly fond of this one because it brings up memories of my youth.
Please enjoy today's Inspirational Short Story Selection, and check out the  Podcast for the rest, as always.
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
Inspirational Short Stories-
Now I know most of you "think" you've heard of the story of the three bears... I say so because by and large everyone that was born pre 1992 must have been exposed to fairy tales and kids stories of this nature by some means or other. I've come to realize though that the modern generation of tots might not turn out to be as fortunate.
That and this happens to be a different version of the story. I'm sure you can imagine my surprise when, speaking to a group of teens the other day, none had heard of this story, or any of the "classic" fairy tales! No big deal you say? Their sentiments exactly...
Get on that  Podcast for the rest!!
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
Inspirational Short Stories-
Because there was no post yesterday but there WAS a podcast (don't ask how that happened), we're getting two posts today- finishing Jack and his Golden Box and today's story. Check em' out!
Get on that  Podcast for the rest!!
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
Inspirational Short Stories-
Ahoy! Another week passes without a podcast! Well don't you fret, today's story oughta make up for all the waiting! I'm sure you've heard of Jack and the Beanstalk right? But little did I know that Jack was quite the accomplished hero! This story is about Jack and a mysterious box and though the two Jacks may not be related, here's to hoping that he's one and the same!
By this time you know what to do! Please enjoy the inspirational short story selection and check out the  Podcast for the rest of the story.
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
Short Stories with Morals-
Today's podcast is a bit different as its going to feature a bit of commentary regarding this seemingly popular online anecdote. I give my take on its apparent air of "credibility." 
By this time you know what to do! Enjoy our Short Stories with Morals and please check out the  Podcast  for the rest of the story.
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
Inspirational Short Stories-
 It's now time to change up the flavor, and take a look at a few fairy tales over the next couple of days! Today's story is quite the tale to start with, as it's a hilarious, hodgepodge story of all kinds of quests and mystical characters all mixed into one!
By this time you know what to do! Please enjoy the inspirational short story selection and check out the  podcast for the rest of the story.
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
Inspirational Short Stories-
I'd like to thank all the well wishes, congratulations and support from everyone that heard yesterday's podcast. It was a fantastic moment and we are glad to have shared it with you all. To continue in the vein of this week's theme, here's another proposal story of a... different kind. Hope you enjoy it just as much!
As you know by now, please enjoy the Inspirational Short Story Selection, and check out the  podcast for the rest.
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
Short Stories with Morals-
No podcasts for the past two days! Yours truly was under the weather, and have yet to recover, but I assure you the show must go on, so what can be done? On another note, today's a very special day for someone close to my heart, and in honor of her birthday for the first time on Smile 4 a 1000 Words we will have a new reader for today's story!
Quite an appropriate time for it as well, as today's story is a little special... BE SURE TO LISTEN TO THE VERY END, SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT WILL HAPPEN!
ENJOY today's Short Stories with Morals Selection, and check out the  podcast for the rest, as always.
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
Inspirational Short Stories-
Bit of an odd podcast today as I wasn't feeling well but worked through the discomfort to deliver this tale! Another old french fairy tale about a prince and his "unremarkable" propensity for despondency. Hope you enjoy!
Please enjoy the excerpt and check out the  podcast for the rest, as always.
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smile4words-blog · 12 years
Inspirational Short Stories-
When I first heard this story, it ended on such a bitter note that it never left me. I recently re read it, and the story was entirely different then what I'd heard! To my great delight, this version is much better. Oh how different would my life had turned out, had I heard the true story... Right?
By this time you know what to do! Please enjoy the inspirational short story selection and check out the  podcast for the rest of the story.
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