smikdrawsjunk · 4 months
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An old sketch of Macha I was doing for practice.
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smikdrawsjunk · 4 months
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Character concept for a dullahan who uses smart devices in place of a head.
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smikdrawsjunk · 4 months
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Sketch of Yeeryie from House in Hellworld.
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smikdrawsjunk · 4 months
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Man been awhile since I posted, eh?
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smikdrawsjunk · 8 months
So one of the reasons this blog has been quiet was I was working hard on my Visual Novel submission for the Spooktober VN Game Jam. The other reason is shortly after my submission was ready to go my poor sweet kitty passed from a massive heart attack.
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smikdrawsjunk · 10 months
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Newest art project is the "Violent Hero Monster Team".
Name: "Toxi" Toxiayou Team: Youxia Hero Monkey Girls Role: Comedy Relief member of the core team; Season Four onwards strongest fighter.
The playful but hot-headed Toxi is one of the main characters of the Youxia Hero Monkey Girls Team. The first two seasons tone down her similarities to the legendary Sun Wukong as while she uses a staff and rides a cloud (which she declares is actually a god's fart) she's played mostly for comic relief. It's not until the end of Season Three where while the rest of her team is captured and she's forced to stop playing around and rescue her friends by single-handedly breaking into the secret headquarters of the Renegade Skulls and beating the living crap out of Gothekor, demonstrating that the whole time she was screwing around she really did listen to her Master's teachings.
While all Youxia Hero Monkey Girls are known for their trademark favourite food of peaches, Toxi is really the only one who really goes "ape" over them.
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smikdrawsjunk · 11 months
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By popular demand posted:
The Going Out Of Style Gobblin? - "I can't throw out those ripped pants, what if I decide to take up pillow making?"
Goblins are not known for being especially style conscious; many tend to disregard convention with a fashion sense of more "does this smell offensive to me?" over "does this fit well" or "would this offend non-goblin passers-by?". The "Out of Style Goblin" on the other hand has recognized that goblins are the new hotness of fantasy creatures. He has a sense of style. It's well out of date by human standards, but for a goblin it's actually impressive. While there are countless stories about his various failures to win over the hearts of ladies, he actually has a pretty impressive record of success -- it's just that his successes are nowhere near as entertaining as his failures and misadventures.
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smikdrawsjunk · 11 months
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I see my spirit animal makes an appearance..
With such a clean rap sheet I'll just have to use the handle.
Many fairies are small things, and while they can't be killed by most mortal creatures it doesn't mean they can't get incredibly inconvenienced by them. For example, while they have some affinity for cats it doesn't stop them from trying to chase or pounce on flittering sources of fairy light. Even if they don't hurt you, it's embarrassing to be carried around in the mouth of a cat.
That's where the Cat Herding Goblins come in. Using their advanced skills at laser-pointing, yarning, and generous application of cat drugs, these cat-hand goblins are called upon to wrangle even the craziest cat lady situations. Cat herding goblins are called upon by bird-sized (or smaller) fairies who just can't turn off their glitter and glimmer.
Shit I should have drawn her riding a cat now that I think about it.
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smikdrawsjunk · 11 months
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LimaBiker posted:
Furry fairy? Furry fairy.
I know I'm jumping over a request but updated my spreadsheet to put the requests who haven't gotten a fairy ahead of others.
Fairies are hard to define as "furry" as often times their physical manifestations borrow from existing animals which are then just mixed and matched (Fawns, satyrs, even winged fairies are combination of human and insect, many creatures borrowed from great cats and dogs, etc). Furry Fairies go way back to the times of ancient Egypt where they influenced the shape of their gods as well as prototyping the first fursuits for religious purposes.
Furry Fairies love the Internet, it's brought them a resurgence of popularity they never thought possible.
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smikdrawsjunk · 11 months
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Light Gun Man posted:
can I get one themed on hoarding or clutter? been cleaning out the house lately, so that's on my mind.
There's basically two flavours of dragons: one is an occupation in which a fairy holds a location hostage due to a distressingly incompetent leader and makes increasingly ridiculous demands until said leadership is removed or a hero makes them look impotent. The other is just a fairy with a hoarding mental illness. Dragons like to have this reputation of being fearsome, powerful beasts but really they just can't declutter and need an intervention.
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smikdrawsjunk · 11 months
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Frogz posted:
Great thread! If there are still enough fairies in the fairy collective, I would love to have one too.
So since I already did a kind of frog fairy I had to take this in a different direction...
Not related to the Forg Fairy (although they're friends) is the Frog Fairy. She doesn't create frogs or brings frogs, but is very interested in getting frogs in more media. While Kermit is probably her most beloved work, she was extremely busy in the 90's with the Battletoads and the Punk Frogs in TMNT. Had nothing to do with the latest Battletoads.
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smikdrawsjunk · 11 months
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Snowy posted:
I would like a fairy, please And thank you
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Life for seals is rough. The Seal Pup Fairy doesn't assist in birth or deliver baby seals, but rather watches over them. Obviously not every seal survives to adulthood but the seal pup fairies gives the young population a major survival boost by leading predators on a wild goose chase of an easy meal only to suddenly take flight. Predators unlucky enough to catch the Seal Pup Fairy will discover that not only does biting down not kill the fairy, but they don't digest either and most will vomit them up rather than allow the fairy to squeeze through different exits whole -- which isn't fatal but is extremely unpleasant.
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smikdrawsjunk · 11 months
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syntaxfunction posted:
I just moved in to a new place and after all the drama and effort the last place was I now feel so comfy. If possible I would love to see my comfort fairy. I assume they'd be doing comfy things like curling up on the couch on a cold day with a coffee and something to read (cause that's what I'm doing and it is very comfy). Thank you Smik 
Sounds like this is the one:
Nutmeg the Fairy literally stumbled ass-backwards into her role; she took a tumble into a hot drink and the drinker liked the way it tasted afterwards. The nutmeg seed was soon discovered to depart an extremely similar flavour. Hope you're OK with nutmeg in your coffee.
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smikdrawsjunk · 11 months
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By popular demand posted:
Smik are you a sentient manifestation of the Something Awful collective consciousness? because I find it harder and harder to explain your output any other way.
I don't think so? Haven't been very active on Something Awful for very long, relatively speaking.
Barking Gecko posted:
I would like the momentary lapse of reason fairy, also known as the it seemed like a good idea at the time fairy.
As stated in previous entries, fairies are not very creative creatures -- so much so that they pilfer ideas, thoughts and even cranial fluids all to try to help rectify this shortcoming. The "Thief of Reason" is another such mental thief, but her approach is a little different. Instead of just stealing an idea, she's curious about the kinds of ideas people might produce if they weren't so hung up on things like the future, or fear, or... whatever is keeping them from doing something ridiculous and entertaining. So she very carefully times her mental harpoon to strike during the idea's formation and pluck out the reason, and see what happens. She wants to discover all those ideas people are hiding from the fairies because they discard them on closer examination.
Then she takes notes.
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smikdrawsjunk · 11 months
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zone posted:
Sign me up for a fairy chief.
Honestly the first thing that came to mind after seeing your handle.
Just like fairies don't understand aging and death, they also only have a fairly vague idea of how sexual reproduction works. You might say "But fairies clearly have genitalia, why don't they understand sexual reproduction?" and to this I would counter that humanity has been using sexual reproduction for as long as it has existed and we still have people who also only have a vague idea of how sexual reproduction works.
The key difference is that fairies usually don't reproduce at all due to their immortality so humanity's obsession over sexuality is truly fascinating to them, especially due to all the lust-laden ideas they borrow from humanity. Thus began the Zone Project, lead by the Zone Fairy.
Naturally as a result of the project they have even less understanding of sex than they did before.
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smikdrawsjunk · 11 months
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Peggy Edson posted:
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Whatever, you post in here you get a fairy.
Well if you need things to be less sticky, you need the Glue-Eating Goblin! They're a barely unseelie fairy due to their habit of eating all kinds of glue, regardless if people want them to or not. Generally responsible for adhesive failures of all kinds and drying out glues left open.
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smikdrawsjunk · 11 months
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Jenny of Oldstones posted:
this but red wine instead
Oh, you mean the former Grape Fairy.
The Grape Fairy's been around for awhile, but since fairies don't age and thus don't get old or wrinkly instead the Grape Fairy fermented. Now instead of giving you grapes with a wave of their wand, they give you... well they still look like giant grapes but they're more like wine in an organic case. The Fermented Grape Fairy occasionally helps out in the Strongest Man in the World Contest in Free Country USA.
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