smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
The tomato came with the Jews to Italy (specifically Livorno) when they escaped the spanish inquisition en mass in 1492 (choice of death or conversion). Since they were banned from guilds in Christian Europe trading was one of the few jobs available to them, and so they traded it there.
Well I would give a medieval peasant some spaghetti.
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
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This is Masad Armilat, a 23-year-old Arab-Israeli man. Masad works at a gas station near Sderot. On October 7, as gunshots rang out nearby, Masad and left the shop, ran towards the main road, and found people hiding in bushes after fleeing the Nova music festival, where terrorists were running amok, massacring hundreds. Some of the people were suffering from gunshot sounds. There was precious little time to think. Masad selflessly and immediately brought them to the gas station. Once safely inside, he locked the door. He then dragged gas containers next to the entrance, so if terrorists tried to shoot the lock and open the door, the balloons would explode on them. He led everyone to the shelter, then went outside, risking his life. He waited by the window to see when the terrorists would arrive. And they did. The terrorists peered inside suspiciously. Suspecting something, they tried to break down the door, kicking at it over and over. But upon seeing the gas balloons, they decided to leave. Thanks to Masad's heroic and selfless actions, the lives of 14 people were saved that day. Masad emphasized, "We're all one, whether Arabs or Jewish." May there be many more people like you, Masad.
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
Story of the girl who survived being shot 12 times by Hamas
NOV 21
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Eden is 20 years old.
She works in Human Resources in the IDF.
On October 7th she woke up in her base to the sound of a rocket siren.
She went to the bomb shelter wearing her pyjamas and flip flops on her feet.
She sheltered there with six others.
But then they heard gunshots.
They knew something wasn’t right and that they weren’t safe in the shelter.
They decided to run for their command centre - which also serves as a safe room.
They fled the bomb shelter and were met with gunfire from behind.
As Eden ran in her pyjamas, her flip flops came off.
The first bullet went in her left leg.
She continued to run - the adrenalin carrying her on.
She couldn’t see what happened to anyone else in the chaos.
She now knows two people were killed in that volley of fire.
She also knows that three escapees went to their bedroom to hide.
One was shot in the stomach.
Eden continued to run barefoot as bullets rang out.
She arrived outside the command centre.
There are two security doors.
She opened the first door with the code.
The second door wouldn’t open for her.
Other escapees had already arrived and were inside the room.
Eden believed the terrorists were behind her and told those hiding in the room.
They shouted through the door. They told her to run around the building to the back door.
Eden believed if she attempted to get to the back door she would die. She also believed if she stayed she would die. 
She ran to the back door.
The soldiers let her in.
They tried to bandage her wound.
There were six people in the room.
There were only two guns.
Eden was 2nd in command.
And then the terrorists tried to break in.
For forty minutes.
For forty minutes they threw grenades against the door, trying to break in so they could kill the people inside.
Though shot in the leg, Eden she thought she’d be ok in the safe room.
There were two doors between them and the terrorists.
The terrorists used an RPG and broke through the first door.
The terrorists started throwing grenades at the second door.
Eden phoned her boyfriend and family and said her goodbyes. She thanked them for everything they’d done for her and asked them to pray.
Eden then received a message on her phone from a friend.
She opened it.
Eden glanced at the photo that downloaded before realising what it was and holding the phone away from herself.
It was a photo of a dead friend outside.
The terrorists had stolen the phone of a soldier they had killed - taken a photo of his corpse - and then sent the photo to Eden inside the room they were breaking into. Eden later discovered the terrorists had also sent the photo to the boy’s mother and uploaded it to his instagram page for his followers to see. In the photo they had broken in his face and teeth.
Eden realised the gravity of the situation. The terrorists had come to kill.
The terrorists continued to throw grenades at the last door.
Eden and her friends pointed their two guns at the door and waited.
Eden sent one last voice message to her father. In it you can hear the gunshots and the grenade that blew open the final door.
There was no more contact after that.
The first terrorists stormed in.
Eden waited to die. She accepted death and waited.
Those soldiers holding the guns managed to shoot two terrorists.
And then came in the grenade.
After the grenade came the gun fire.
For five minutes.
Eden was hit by several bullets.
Each bullet going into her felt like a boom in her body.
She laid down quietly and pretended to be dead.
With the bullets inside her she prayed not to be kidnapped.
After silence came she heard them talking in arabic.
They began rifling through people’s pockets and stealing phones.
Then they fired more bullets into Eden and the others on the floor in darkness.
She received the bullets in silence.
Then they left.
She waited several minutes.
This is how the dead feel, she thought.
She felt someone’s breath on her arm.
There was another survivor.
They had received one bullet.
Eden was happy she wasn’t alone.
They held hands and laid in the darkness.
All the while in the distance they could hear gunshots.
They held hands for four hours.
One of Eden’s other friends was dead and bleeding on her.
Eden pushed their body off.
There was blood everywhere in the room.
She didn’t know whose blood belonged to who.
Eden touched her body to find her wounds.
She and the other survivor took a shirt to try to make a dressing.
Eden wanted to escape but couldn’t move.
She tried to phone for help but the terrorists had destroyed the antenna.
So she just laid there in the dark feeling the bodies of her dead friends against her.
She thought of her family.
She thought she has to stay alive.
She wanted to sleep.
Her friend woke her up every time she drifted into unconsciousness.
After four hours of lying in dark like this they heard Hebrew voices.
They were scared it could be a trick.
Some people entered the room.
Eden felt confident it was the IDF.
She raised her hand out of the pile of bodies.
She was seen.
Eden was taken to a hospital.
She has now been in hospital for a month.
She had four hours of surgery the first day.
She has had five surgeries altogether.
She had 12 bullets enter her in total.
No one can tell Eden how long she’ll be in hospital.
She can’t stand.
She feels ok, relative to what she has experienced.
It takes her time to sleep.
Her story on October 7th began with a siren.
She gets anxiety when she hears sirens.
There are a lot of sirens in Israel because their neighbours frequently try to kill them.
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Eden wanted this picture shown.
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
There's testimony from a survivor of 10/7 who recounted the way Hamas brutally raped women, and I can't bring myself to read more than the couple sentences I saw on twitter, not simply because it's disturbing on its own, but because I know I'll lose my mind if I read it with the full knowledge that people have been saying these rapes were justified from day one. Women are always blamed for men raping them, always, not matter what the circumstances are, and it's unbearable to have so much of the left make it loud and clear that yes, woman, they think you would deserve to be raped as long as you're the "wrong" identity and it's in the name of their politics. To them, you will never be a person, but merely a body that is political ground to be conquered. The destruction of your body and personhood is justice in their eyes.
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
“After Hamas terrorists set about murdering, raping and abducting as many women as they could, one might have expected widespread condemnation from the West’s feminist groups. After all, Hamas had provided enough evidence of its crimes — within hours, they were posting footage of abducted young women in bloodied trousers being paraded around Gaza. Even beforehand, its feminist credentials were hardly glowing: it mandates the hijab, has made it illegal to travel without a male guardian, and refused to ban physical or sexual abuse within the family.
The response among the majority of groups committed to ending violence against women and girls (VAWG) was threefold: to keep quiet, to disbelieve the victims, or to insinuate they deserved their fate. In the words of 140 American ‘prominent feminist scholars’, to stand in solidarity with Israeli women is to give in to ‘colonial feminism’.
Here in the UK, this approach is perhaps best embodied in the work of Sisters Uncut, a charity that boasts its own ‘Feministo’ committed to ‘taking direct action for domestic violence services’...The charity issued a 600-word statement…There was no mention, however, of the 239 abducted Israelis, roughly 100 of whom are believed to be women, or the sexual assaults that took place on October 7. When journalist Hadley Freeman pointed out this wasn’t terribly feminist of them, the group responded by claiming reports of Hamas’s sex attacks amounted to ‘the Islamophobic and racist weaponisation of sexual violence’. Towards the end of their rambling statement, they concluded: ‘no people would ever accept being murdered, humiliated, dispossessed, racially targeted, oppressed, cleansed, exiled and colonised without resisting.’
…In fact, the only VAWG charity in the UK to call out Hamas’s sexual violence was Jewish Women’s Aid. ‘Such acts have a permanent impact on survivors and damaging psychological effects on women, particularly women who are victim-survivors of sexual violence,’ it said in a statement. ‘The public silence from many UK domestic/sexual abuse sector organisations further impacts the isolation and fear our clients are experiencing.’
For one British Jewish VAWG worker, who has been in the sector for 20 years, the silence of other organisations was to be expected: ‘I have seen this become a real thing in the last few years — where ideas are imported from America: that if you are white, you will always be the oppressor. If you are working for one of these charities, you are used to a victim/perpetrator narrative which is normally true in the domestic violence context, but not when it comes to geopolitics.’ She describes how, during mandatory training at the last charity she worked for, her team was told that Jews don’t experience racism. ‘Incredibly, they used the Second World War as an example of racism, but of anti-black racism because of how people from the West Indies were treated.’
…Claire Waxman, London’s first Victims’ Commissioner, wrote to Reem Alsalem, the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women and Girls, to ask why the organisation has stayed silent. In response, Waxman tells me, Alsalem claimed the evidence was ‘not solid’ enough to warrant a statement. An incredulous Waxman points out that November 25 is the UN’s International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls: ‘How can we talk about eliminating violence against women and girls if we are tacitly saying it’s acceptable to rape Jewish ones?’”
(I condensed the article. Warning: there’s graphic descriptions of sex crimes against women in a section).
I reiterate what I said in previous posts: there is never justification for rape. You are not radical or smart for denying politically inconvenient rapes or justifying them; human society has said women survivors are either lying bitches or bitches who deserved their assault for eons. You do not care about women if you think rape is ever an acceptable price to pay. Women’s bodies are not land to be brutalized in a conquest.
If you cannot believe or condemn the rape of women by terrorists, something went deeply, seriously wrong with the development of your political ideology. Congratulations, you’re no better than Republicans supporting rapists like Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh. Oh, you’re also a complete and utter moron if you think it’s Islamophobic and racist to accuse terrorists of rape, because unlike you, the rest of us don’t equate all Muslims and Arabs to terrorists—and saying it’s “colonial feminism” to care about Jewish women being raped is the culmination of putting buzzwords in front of “feminism” to justify misogyny for years.
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
The Alberta government announced that studying the Holocaust will be a compulsory part of the province's new social studies curriculum.  The ministry of education will explore when to educate students about the Holocaust. The department will consider the Jewish communities' input and its partners in education, stated the government news release.  At this time, the Holocaust is a component of a unit called "Perspectives on Nationalism," which students study in Grade 11.
Continue Reading.
Tagging @politicsofcanada @abpoli
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
It's astounding to me that people can refer to the military campaign in Gaza in the terms that they do.
You wanna talk proportionality? Let's! Here's something to give you some proportions.
Over the course of just two days, on Mar 9 and 10, 1945, the Tokyo bombing led to an estimated 80,000 to 130,000 civilians dead. After just two days!
And we still don't call that a genocide, because we have a basic understanding that this term refers to the intention of one nation to completely destroy another, while the Americans were not set on killing every last Japanese. We can discuss whether such intense bombing of civilians was right, but there is no doubt that the goal wasn't a destruction of the entire Japanese nation.
According to Hamas' figure as reported on Nov 15, meaning after 40 days of fighting, the number of Palestinians killed in Gaza is 11,500.
When looking at this comparison, take into account that the population density of Tokyo in 1940 was about 1,337 people per square mile. The population density of Gaza City is (as reported by NBC on Oct 10) 15,000 people per square mile. So we can assume that if an army had indiscriminately bombed Gaza City the way Tokyo was, over the course of just two days, the death toll would have been even higher than the actual WWII one.
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Hamas, as a genocidal terrorist organization, is NOT reliable in giving us the casualties, so its figure is likely inflated. It also doesn't distinguish civilians from terrorists (who are legitimate targets in this war), and it doesn't say how many Gazans were killed by Palestinian terrorists (whether due to the over 1,000 rockets that malfunctioned and fell inside Gaza, due to Hamas shooting civilians trying to evacuate to the south or due to terror tunnels collapsing because of the fighting, and killing the civilians who were living above).
And still!
Even if we accept Hamas' figure as is, and we pretend like every single one of the people killed is a civilian, meaning we decide that somehow the IDF has not managed to kill a single terrorist in 40 days of fighting (even though it has identified and published the names of some of the highest ranking Hamas terrorists it managed to eliminate, as well as terrorists identified as having participated in the Oct 7 massacre, and even though Hamas confirmed at least one), and we ignore the fatalities caused by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) themselves, this does not amount to a genocide. It does not even amount to indiscriminate bombing.
Just to make it clear, this isn't meant to say that the death of civilians in Gaza isn't regrettable. Of course it is! This post is just meant to point out that many of the people talking about this online seem to NOT have any kind of clue what indiscriminate bombing, let alone a genocide, actually looks like.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
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Man, they don't let you have any fun.
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
Pretty impressive how Hamas hasn’t committed any war crimes or violated any international laws
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
would you mind explaining in plain terms why israel doesn't want a ceasefire? american journalism has not provided adequate background to anything. i think a lot of americans simply see people dying and getting bombed in gaza and are like "well, just stop it! can't be that hard to stop dropping bombs." or "revenge is bad, it's just more death." i can't be the only person who feels like i'm operating in the dark and don't have a good grasp on what israel's military and population are thinking and why this is the chosen course of action.
I'll let Hamas explain it for me.
Also, Israel was in a ceasefire when this happened. They have had about 15 ceasefire agreements with Hamas over the years and Hamas violates every one. Terrorists do not abide by the rules of war.
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
Released statement that murdering civilians is wrong
Tumblr pro Hamas - probably living in a colonized country by people with zero history there
Boo hoo that's pro Israel, I cant support it.
The actual statement found through google
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
Anyways the funniest meme I have seen in a while (and no, Yemen wouldn't welcome its Jews back after most escaped in 1950. Its currently in the middle of a almost decade long civil war as well, with 227,000 due to famine and no healthcare, not even counting the war)
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
And I thought the opinion was POC are tricked into being part of the military due to poverty, but sure, if being anti semetic is your main goal I guess anything goes
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
i just realized that tumblr allows multiple audio files in a row and they autoplay consecutively on mobile
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smash-all-mirrors · 7 months
This war killed most of my friendships with gentiles. It hurts more than my synagogue getting bomb threats.
i feel you. the past month has been very eye opening to me, and if it makes u feel any better ur not alone - i stopped talking to like 99% of my nonjew friends/nonjew circles. at least now i know whos actually going to have my back and whos gonna stand on the sidelines going "oof that sucks" when well get mass murdered again
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smash-all-mirrors · 8 months
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