The Day The World Went Black (Self-Para)
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Delia ran into her bathroom; tears rushing down her pale, yet rosy cheeks. The blond looked into the mirror to find her mascara now ran big black streaks to contrast her beautiful completion.  She reached for a green towel that hung in the bathroom and tried desperately to scrub it off as she continued to cry out in agony.  Although it only served to make her face look worse, and her sobs to get even louder.
How dare you say such a thing, you liar!’
The slytherin stood there motionless in the bathroom, memories racing past her, still in shock of what was happening to her family. Her whole world was being ripped apart, everything was changing; nothing was working out the way she wanted. Her big blue eyes were now large and puffy, swollen from crying, and her body ached as though she had a cinder block on her chest.
‘Why can’t you be more like William?’
The girl would move from the counter to sit on the end of the tub, before resting her head against the cold tile. She sniffled and tried to catch her breath, calming down from one of many panic attacks she had had threw out the summer. She had no one to comfort her, she was alone; all of her friends were on vacation, all she wanted was to hug Tristan and cry into her best friend’s chest.
‘You’re so stupid Delia, you’ll never do anything right!’
The young fifteen year old got up from the tub, and rushed out of the bathroom. She zoomed past her brother whom was on the couch with her father. He had been mopping over the divorce with his wife, who he discovered had been cheating on him for several months now. This hurt Delia because not only did she break the news to him, but William blamed her for putting their father into such misery. 
‘-You’re a disgrace to the Kennedy name you filthy mud blood!’
The girl rushed out the door, her father calling after her, but she didn’t dare turn around to face him. Him calling her name only made her run faster; her blond hair whooshing around in a tornado as she ran down the streets of downtown Edinburg. She ran all the way to the corner store pharmacy thing, where she knew it was safe to just walk around, maybe she could find Muggle sweets to relax.
‘Just like your stupid Muggle mother!’
The girl stooped in front of the black hair dye and just stared at it for a while. Her hands went up to touch her blond streaks; the blond hair she had inherited from her mother; the whore that broke her world apart. She grabbed the black hair dye, and walked off towards the cash register.  From that day Delia refused to be anything like her mother if she could help it.
“Stupid fucking whore.” The girl hissed on her way out.
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The young woman would laugh and then nodded his head "Yeah, he's my big daddy that is for sure... He is really nice though, loves little kids a lot; you should see him in a muggle grocery store. He starts Cooing all the little kids." she said shaking her head knowing how much of a softy he could be. Although Marcus was right he was pretty scary to most people.
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"We hang out sometimes, I normally ask about rumors because I am curious. I go to the source to get the details... Also Declan is kind of just someone I hung onto, we're similar in quite a few ways. I'm not that attached to him though." she said with a small pout. "Also my jokes are perfectly fine, they don't hurt anyone. Except that one Hufflepuff whom slipped on a banana and hit his head..."
Before the Worst || Delia & Marcus
With a shrug of his shoulders he studied the Slytherin’s face. “Not one word. Declan was never much for talking unless its about himself. I wouldn’t be so upset or take great offense to it. Just the way he’s always been. Maybe
maybe you don’t know him as well as you thought you did.” He sighed, waving his hand as if to dismiss her. “I don’t find them funny. You need better material.”
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"I’m not surprised. A lot of people have around the castle. Ask him what? You don’t listen to rumors? What would Gabriel know about that? Anyways
" He trailed off as he stood up, peering through the curtains to look for Nik or his father. "More people are coming back. I’m sure your father is okay. I think I saw him earlier before everyone left for Hogsmeade. He’s a huge guy
I think he’ll be okay."
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Awwww, so cute. Are we afraid to admit our feelings? You should really start listening to the gossip; it's important stuff. also you seem rather defensive for someone whom isn't falling for Professor Potter. So then did he take you on  broom ride?
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Back Again | Open
No. No I really wouldn’t. I can promise you I don’t listen to the gossip and that I have no idea what you’re talking about. Potter and I are longtime friends that’s it. Sorry to burst your little bubble we’re not shacking up.
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"He's my friend... I mean he's the only friend I had for quite a while. He really told you nothing about me? weird." she said with a small shrug of her shoulders. she then would listen to him go on about how her actions affected everyone, and the girl would twirl her hair as she listened to him "Come on... they are just harmless pranks. They are funny, and most people don't mind them all that much. Except Raven-claw most of the time."
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"To be honest I've heard a mix of things about you... I try not to listen to rumors about people. Ask Gabriel for instance..." she said and then looked out the window behind them. "I'm just as worried as you are... my daddy raced off, I don't know where he is and it's scary... I'm not a Gryffindor. I'm a Slytherin and we're known for being easy to scare at times." Delia seemed so venerable, not like her normal self; being malicious and creepy.
Before the Worst || Delia & Marcus
Marcus shook his head at her antics. Clearly Declan informed her of their relationship, for whatever reason. “It’s not really my secret though. I’m out he wasn’t and probably won’t be. I don’t care what you do with that information. I highly doubt you’d do anything to piss off Declan
” His words trailed off as he rested his chin in his hand and glanced over at her. “I don’t believe so. There are rules for a reason and you break them. Maybe out in the real world it would be understandable, but your actions don’t solely affect you. They affect the students and the prefects who don’t need anymore work. It’s not even about judging you
well, a little bit. It’s more that I don’t trust you. You’re sitting here trying to butter me up for what, Delia? Am I supposed to believe you out of all people are going to sit there and be nice to me? You barely know me. Apparently you only know me though Declan and I can guarantee that means you’ve only heard bad things about me.”
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"Alright pretty boy... that's fine, your secret is safe with me anyways." she then would giggle as he continued on, and then would shake her head and looked to him with big blue eyes. "Well isn't it my right as a human to act out if I want to?" she then went from silly to serious "-I don't really care if you judge me or not because of what house I'm in, or am not. I'm asking for you to give me a chance, alright?" she said leaning back in the chair.
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Before the Worst || Delia & Marcus
He jerked back with surprise at her comment about dating Slytherins. Declan? Declan told someone about their past? That seemed unlikely. Especially to Delia Kennedy. Marcus had never known the two to be friends. “I’ve dated one Slytherin. One. I don’t know what you think you’ve heard but Nikolai is my first boyfriend. Yes, he’s a Slytherin but that doesn’t mean you all are the same. I’m free to judge. That’s my right as a human and if you don’t like my judgement
stop acting out.”
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The girl would shake her head "No you don't get it... they don't need to study half the time; smart asses galore in Raven-Claw. Besides it was funny to watch them scatter like insects." he mused remembering her twin's reaction. she noticed the fifth year slightly freak out and pull his bag towards him making her laugh. "Oh don't worry, I've already got you today."
"Delia Kennedy, very nice to meet you Brody." she giggled thinking about how his name fit the boy perfectly. "It's nice to finally meet you I guess."
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"Y-you don't... alright." Delia seemed to be quite disappointed by the fat that the boy couldn't help her. She simply looked back down to her coffee and then would sigh. "It's fine, but do you mind checking up on her? I was kicked out of the hospital wing yesterday..."
If you don't have anything nice to say... [Delia & Brody]
Brody fortunately hadn’t been afraid enough to scream that loud. Some of the first year girls were loud though, he heard them at several points. “That’s horrible! How were they supposed to study?” he frowned. It didn’t seem like Delia actually wanted to harm anyone, but it was still frustrating, and her pranks weren’t completely innocent. Subconsciously he reached out for his book bag, pulling it slightly closer to his body. There was no way he could fail any of his upcoming tests. 
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"Brody Javins," he said. "You’re Delia
," he trailed off, unsure of the girl’s last name. "I know her, a little," he replied, partially glad that he wouldn’t be able to answer the question well. Delia seemed interested in her well-being, and although it didn’t happen often, Brody was glad he couldn’t help her. "I wasn’t taking care of her, didn’t see her yesterday."
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You'd like that, huh? No, I don't need to do that to see how obvious you and a certain flying instructor like one another. Haven't you been hearing the gossip?
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Back Again | Open
What does that mean, Kennedy? Have you upgraded from sneaking into the Potion’s cupboard and into my private living courters? 
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Old Mags?
Delia flopped around in bed, yawning loudly before finally deciding to get up. The young woman stretched and getting herself untangled from her black and gray sheets, before swinging her legs over the side.  She looked out the window; watching the kelp sway in the black lake; eyes hazed over after a good night’s rest.  After she finally woke herself up the young sassy slytherin girl made her way over to the showers. Cleaned up, fixed her hair and slipped the uniform on her slim pale body before any of the other girls were even out of bed. Cronus was asleep in bed; calming the warm spot on the comforter she had left for him; making the witch shake her head at her silly cat.
The little prankster passed through the Common room entrance and up the stairs out of the dungeons and to the great hall to start her day off with some nice breakfast; maybe some coffee, and toast and fruit jam... yeah that sounded great. Although when she got there a bunch of early birds were gathered around the front of the hall, Delia herself wasn’t all too interested with the bulletin board everyone was hovering around.  She simply finished off her food before making her way over once the early birds were gone and before the normal crowd had a chance to get there.
She saw the notice on the board and tilted her head in slight confusion. “It pains me more to see that my students are in pain and that not only have I failed as your protector but also your Headmistress.”  She read it over again just to make sure she was reading the notice correctly not believing what she had read.  “I am stepping down as the head of this school. I should say I’ve been asked to step down from this school.”  What? No this wasn’t happening
  Hogwarts couldn’t function correctly without old Mags. Yup this was going be a cluster fuck for sure.
Delia stared at the parchment for a while more, before then taking a last sip from her mug, and then walking off. She grabbed her morning books off the table as she made her way through the large cast iron doors. Whoever was coming to replace McGonagall wasn’t going to have an easy job; she was going to make sure of that.
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Good point, but I think your doing more of the getting down then I am as of late Malfoy. Anyways, what seems to be the matter dear potions assistant professor...
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Back Again | Open
If I don’t who will teach you wankers Potions?
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"Oh but it's such a fun way to start off my Monday especially hearing first years scream bloody murder... well I guess it matches the showers now~!" she continued to giggle. "Also I do give you a break, I pranked Raven-claw last week, Hufflepuff the week before." she said actually remembering both instances, Raven-claw had their books' ink turned invisible before a major test, and Hufflepuff had their shoes turned into Bananas.  "Yeahhhh, it was way too much fun."
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"Anyways, what's your name? I saw you giving out potions yesterday in the Hospital wing... goodie goodie." she stated as she sipped on her coffee. "Do you know Esme, The seventh year hufflepuff girl? Do you know if she is alright?" Delia seemed to look a bit more serious when she mentioned the older girl to Brody.
If you don't have anything nice to say... [Delia & Brody]
Brody knew he hadn’t gotten all of the color off of him, and from the looks of his fellow housemates, even from a distance, they didn’t seem to either. His hair, particularly, had stained a lighter color, making his normally darker hair, more strawberry blonde. At least he wasn’t alone in his misery though; he had his housemates. 
As he was walking past the Slytherin table, he heard Delia shout out to him. Twisting his head to look at her, he squinted slightly. Brody knew here by name only and the fact that she tended to cause a lot of distress with the other houses and her pranks. Pouting slightly, he walked over closer, not wanting to yell across the entire table. “Delia, why’d you do that huh? Can’t you not prank us for once, I mean, seriously, it’s getting on everyone’s nerves,” he tapped his foot slightly. It wasn’t a bad prank, no one had gotten hurt or anything, but it was frustrating and not a good way to start the day, particularly after the weekend.
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The sixth year was just getting her morning coffee and toast when she noticed the young fifth year walk into the great hall to get breakfast. He was still slightly tinted red; making her give off a loud cackle. Delia was a known prankster among the school, along with a handful of other students. The witch noticed she got some glances and tried to keep her laughter in but she only made it worse by making a face.
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"Looks like someone enjoyed their shower this morning~!" the slytherin mused from her table and then popped another piece of toast into her mouth and giggled; teasing the young man. She didn't know the Gryffidor boy all that well, she didn't really care for that matter. She was just enjoying be sadistic towards the lesser houses. "Gryffindor bathrooms must look so much better now that they match the rest of the dorms right? a lovely shade of blood red~!"
If you don't have anything nice to say... [Delia & Brody]
Brody rolled out of bed begrudgingly. He was never much of a morning person but he was still volunteering at the at the Hospital Wing, making sure that everyone was doing alright and there were no after-effects of the potions. Part of him wished he hadn’t offered his help, but everyone was so harried, and he felt bad being one of the few that had been unaffected. He couldn’t just sit there while everyone was trying their hardest, especially not when there were more deaths.
Padding to the showers, he wasn’t surprised he was the first one up. Brody slipped out of his his bedclothes and went to turn on the shower. It was freezing, and the cold water caused Brody to jump back with an exclamation, “Bloody Hell!” only it wasn’t water he was getting sprayed with. He was coated in bright red, sticky, liquid. For a minute he freaked out, thinking it was blood. It didn’t smell like blood though, and hesitantly licked his lips. Juice, it was only juice. Frowning slightly, he wasn’t sure what to make of this situation. 
Still, he was sticky and red now, and that needed to be changed. Grabbing his wand, it pointed it over his body, Aquamenti. Cold water shot out of his wand, drenching him and washing away the liquid. “I’m going to k-kill whoever did this,” he grumbled, shivering as he toweled off. After he finished getting ready he left through the portrait hole, the feeling that the day would only get worse.
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If you hate it some much, why on earth would you keep coming back?
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Back Again | Open
Each time I come back I hate this place a little more.
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The young woman let him ramble on about how he was impressed with her, and how she had a reputation for being a bitch. She didn't think she was all that bad to be honest, yeah she pranked Gryffindor along with the two other houses a lot... thus creating more work for the prefects. On second thought; she was pretty bad "Sorry..."
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"You know... for someone whom has been with a slytherin, and is still with one... it's weird that you still actually judge us the way you do." she said giving him a look before then trying to relax. "I'm sure your boyfriend or father will get here soon Marcus, they are probably fine, trust them."
Before the Worst || Delia & Marcus
"Not my time of the month. I’m waiting for my father and my boyfriend. Sorry that I can’t focus solely on you. Actually, no. I’m not sorry for that. I barely know you and what I do know..not that impressed with to begin with." He paused and took a deep breath, shaking his head. "I’m sorry. It’s been a long day and I’m anxious to find my people
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"I’m sorry about your date. I’m sure once she gets the antidote you two can do
whatever again. As for me being prefect and nice? That depends on the day and the people. I can’t honestly say Slytherins get my nice side that often if not ever."
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If you don't have anything nice to say... [Delia & Brody]
It was early one morning, and everything seemed normal. The sun was shinning threw the glass windows of the boy's dorm, Brody would wake up that morning to get ready for his classes only to find a nasty little surprise; when he got to take a shower that morning along with most of the boys in gryffindor, the water was blood red. This caused a lot of screaming from first years and an uproar in the tower; although on closer inspection it was a sweet liquid and most likely just juice sugar mix that was put into the shower head.
Delia was sitting outside the portrait laughing able to hear them from outside the dormitory. She then walked downstairs to the great hall to grab some breakfast, although it didn't last very long. The girl was so tired after all her hard work she had fallen asleep at slytherin table; which was weird. She was very proud of her prank though and was sure to hear all kinds of stories that day from frightened students in the so called 'Bravest house'
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"Awwwww... is it your time of the month Marcus?" she huffed and then would sit down next to him. "No I wasn't hit by the powder, my date was and she doesn't remember me." she said looking rather upset about the whole situation.
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"I'm not here to be mean alright... I'm just lonely and scared. I thought being a prefect you'd be someone I could talk to, I heard you were nice." she said as she looked down feeling rather crappy about her day she was so excited for.
Before the Worst || Delia & Marcus
As his bed curtain was pulled back, the Gryffindor looked up to see Slytherin. Before today he had only seen her in the halls, they never talked mostly because Marcus had heard she was a bitch, and that left him uninterested in her. There was also the fact that he had seen her with Declan before. A friend of Declan was not a friend of Marcus’. So when she stopped at his cot, the Lion immediately straightened up and sent a heated look at her. “I wasn’t. I’m just waiting for my boyfriend and my father
” His words trailed off as he looked away from Delia and to the door again. “Did you get hit with the powder? And forget we aren’t friends?”
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Delia was told to leave poor Esme alone by the nurse, she had been freaking out the whole time. The girl walked around trying to find out if any of her other friends were also caught up in this stupid attack. Delia didn't find any of her close friends, but the slytherin girl did notice Marcus when she walked past one of the curtains in the hospital wing. She still remembered how Declan would go on about Marcus; it was a secret he could share with her, and how happy the two of them were together... and then how upset he was after they broke up. "So then, we're you caught in the smoke pretty boy?" she mused going over and sitting next to the bed. "Did you forget anything? or what?"
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Before the Worst || Delia & Marcus
"I don’t want it!" Marcus shouted at the nurse standing next to him. "I told you that I’m FINE.” His blue hues were casted down into a glare as she poked and prodded him. The Lion just sat there and took it all. He was far more concerned by the fact that he hadn’t seen his father or boyfriend yet. Actually, he hadn’t seen anyone he was close to since he arrived back at Hogwarts with Vod. The second Marcus refused to venture into the woods with him, the older Russian ditched him. He had been one of the first students back and though he admitted to not dealing with any memory loss, they still ushered him up to the Hospital Wing. “Go help the people who actually need it
” His words trailed off as the nurse left his side. He continued to focus his gaze on the door just incase he saw anybody he knew come in. At a time like this, it sucked to be alone.
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The younger man would nod his head "I Know what a muggle is, I just don't like using that term all too much... my ex-wive always found it very degrading. Actually to be blacklisted for marrying a muggle is common; it happened to me. " he said as they finally made it into the small town. "Anyways this is Hogsmeade... And three broomsticks is around the corner here." he said pointing to it and then spotting his daughter. "Um, I think I see my little girl, please do excuse me sir... I hope you have a good day." he said with a small bow and then taking off.
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Big Daddy || Open [Fizban Kennedy] & Philip Cross (Flashback)
"This is some beautiful county around here I can see why my daughter chooses to live in this world than come back home " He looked out over the green valley and the hills and smiled.It was such a mystical view.  "No, I’m what they call a Muggle. I always though my wife was magical when I met her but I had no idea how right I was. I hope that doesn’t offend you. When I met my future in-laws they had a issue with "my blood status" "
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