slowshcw · 1 year
closed starter for @fakecmpire
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reena finished work earlier than expected. with few cases, more than one vet seemed pointless. her colleague had graciously offered to stay. she was certain he was only doing it to avoid driving through the fog. as any sane person would. but, the fog didn’t scare her; it was a common phenomena in grimrose. and, there was nothing to fear about something tangible. unless you counted other people. and, well, of course, fear itself. no, if anything, the weather brought out her innate curiosity.
bundled in layers, she rushed home faster than her legs could carry her, carefully trying to avoid what she couldn’t see. the apartment was close. but, despite her haste, the journey seemed slower. no doubt from boredom warping her perception of time. reena checked up on the animals, who seemd to have settled down since the morning. storms always freaked them out. she bed them farewell with kisses, grabbing her rucksack and making a beeline for the door. there was no time to waste. the destination? her brother’s apartment. she wasn’t fond of it; she made that clear all the time. it was a force of habit at this point. how can one person have so much lying around? it baffled her. this time, she wanted to ask a favour. well, it was more of a quest. 
by the time she had reached his place, reena could no feel her fingers. or her toes, for that that matter - as if the cold had penetrated her very skin. this was the downside of living right by the sea. she knocked on his door with increasing impatience. when it opened, all she could repeat was, “hey, hey, hey,” as she attempted to get her breath back. her chest felt so tight she thought it’d might explode. the veterinarian was quite healthy, but the cold weather had been wreaking havoc with her body. even a simple walk was hell. she took a small step into the apartment as she regained compsure, taking notice of her surroundings. “god, when’s the last time you cleaned,” were not the words ‘god, it’s good to see you’ as she’d hoped to stay nor were they what her brother probably wanted to hear. too late to take them back now, though. “do you want me to tidy quickly?” 
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slowshcw · 1 year
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she checked the clock again; time seemed to pass slower and slower. but, at least, she had only ten minutes until her lunch break now. most dogs aren’t fond of storms, so it was no surprise that moose had howled all throughout the night. it had left her with barely a wink of sleep. reena stared at her paperwork, forcing herself to remain awake long enough to finish it. had the clinic been busier, she was certain she wouldn’t have felt it as much. or, if she’d eaten more that morning, maybe. 
when she heard the knock on the door, she sighed a breath of relief. whoever it was or whatever had to be done, anything would be better than paperwork. this time, reena’s saviour came in the form of mina with a lasagne and an itty bitty cat. it was a welcome surprise. of all people, only mina would trudge through the fog to complete such a heroic deed. “you really really shouldn’t have,” she shot up to give her a warm hug and somehow managed to avoid the dish in her hand, “thank you.” the original plan was to pop across the street, but she was beyond relieved she didn’t have to. she smiled and took the food before turning to bitty. “hiya, angel.” she quickly placed the lasagne aside and made room for the carrier, using her free hand to pull out a chair. “come sit. sorry. you must be exhausted.” with the way the day was going, surely the clinic wouldn’t mind her taking lunch a few minutes early. 
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the storm had been terrifying, to say the least, mina was convinced that their trailer park was going to become undone. it didn’t help that her dad had slept through it like she thought he would. she had felt more bad for the cat, hiding under the covers in between her legs while the walls of their trailer had begun to shake. it was morning now and she could barely see outside but she had gotten to work on making food that she was going to bring to some of her favourite people. it was, admittedly, rough walking through the streets to get to the veterinary clinic, scared of people not seeing her but knowing that she couldn’t very well drive in it either. her cat had been placed in his backpack carrier and by the time she got to the clinic she truly had no idea what time it was, her whole conception absolutely ruined from the storm and the fog. it was inviting to walk into the clinic since it was warm, she had said hello to the lady at the front who knew who she was here for. she knocked once on reena’s door before letting herself in. “i figured that it might be either a busy or slow day for you and i brought you some food. it’s a vegetarian lasagna with some garlic bread. and also bitty.” who was starting to claw his way out of his carrier wanting to explore. 
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slowshcw · 1 year
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[ anya chalotra | cis woman | she / her | twenty eight ] —— welcome to grimrose, reena dixon-daubney. it’s cool that you’re here, you know. haven’t you heard of the history of this place… anyway, how’s being a local who has been in town for twenty years, especially since you spend most of your days as a veterinarian at the grimrose veterinary clinic? also, not that it’s a bad thing, of course, but i’ve heard people say you can be a little overbearing more than you are vivacious… but that’s just coming from people who are bored here, i promise. to me, you remind me of big yellow taxi by joni mitchell and waking up at 5 am every morning, constant need to be doing something, animal hair strewn every piece of clothing, pushing yourself beyond your limit, the search for something you don’t want to find, not letting go.… hope to see you around, ree.
full name — reena
nickname(s) —ree
name meaning — gem; joyous song
age — twenty eight
date of birth — september 22nd 1968
religion — atheist
sexuality — bisexual
education level — university (bachelors in zoology, doctorate in veterinary sciences)
family — david dixon-daubney (father), shawna dixon-daubney (mother), daniel dixon-daubney (younger brother).
finances — stable. her job pays quite well, and she’s got a lot saved up.
spoken languages — english
born to two teenagers freshly out of high school, it was no surprise when reena was put up for adoption. they couldn’t afford to look after her; they could barely afford to go to college. she was half a year old when the dixon-daubneys adopted her, seemingly incapable of having children themselves. her brother 3d would come as a surprise a few years later. and, she couldn’t be happier with her family, even if they are a group of oddballs. but, the curious creature that she is, she sometime does wonder what happened to her birth parents.
reena was eight when they all packed up their bags and moved to grimrose. her parents were fascinated with the town due to it’s history and folklore, but she couldn’t understand why. young reena wasn’t very keen on change, and to put it frankly, she thought the move was plain stinky. but, after a slight struggle, she quickly blended into life there.
the grims. she’d only lived in grimrose a year when she’d allegedly witnessed it. the creature couldn’t stop talking about it for years. to this day, she remembers the night vividly. the chill seeping into her bones as she walked home, the shift in the air as she turned the corner and the fear that settled into the back of her throat. that’s when she saw it. it’s massive figure looming compared to the small child. it’s deep red eyes, and the growl it emitted. everything she’d heard flooded her mind, she was certain she was cursed.
it would be an understatement to say she was paranoid. and, whilst her parents tried their best to convince her she wasn’t the subject to a curse to calm her nerves, it didn’t quite work. but, she thought, if she tried her best and pushed herself, she could outrun it. she’d like a motor engine that wouldn’t stop. she didn’t want to waste a single second being stationary. it also kicked started her lifelong interest in zoology.
she’d always loved animals, in all shapes and sizes. she’d wanted to be a marine biologist at a very young age. followed by a wildlife expert. and then, a zookeeper (which led her to volunteer at a wildlife park for a year before college). but finally, she settled on being a veterinarian. and despite changing her mind constantly, she was determined she wanted a career with animals and that’s what she strived to do.
she studied zoology at college in massachusetts, followed by veterinary sciences. to save money and to stay close to her family, she lived at home during this for the most part and drove each day. it was only around a 50 minute drive. once she came back, she got a job at the veterinary clinic at home. and has worked there ever since.
she loves her family a lot, but her brother frustrates her to no end and she just can’t wrap it around her head that he would just want to do ’nothing worthwhile’ with his time. she knows she can be a bit hard on him sometimes, but she only wants the best for him and for him to push himself a bit.
has a dog and a cat. both of which she adopted from shelters. moose is an older mastiff that she adopted two years ago. and, caesar is her black cat she she adopted four years ago. her pet gecko, beanie, recently passed. rip beanie.
for the sake of her own sanity, she’s kind of determined to prove that the thing she saw was just a big dog. or a new species of dog that had yet to be discovered. she kinda of doesn’t want to know, but also has to know.
very science orientated and very big into cryptozoology. she believes there’s an explanation for most things. bigfoot to her is just an undiscovered species. she has a harder time believing in ghosts than anything else.
is a vegetarian, and has been for about 12 years.
very anti government. one of those kind of people that whilst she’d love to discover bigfoot, would be then scared about what the government would do to one.
it’s very late right now and i have a bangin headache and am feeling slightly dazed so i don’t know if this makes any sense, but i hope it does. but thank you for reading. if you want to plot, just give this a like, or pop me a message! and i’ll also be doing some messaging tomorrow when i get up. <3
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slowshcw · 1 year
“I’m stubborn; I know what I want. I’ll dedicate all my efforts to achieving it.”
— Carlo Rubbia (via fyp-science)
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slowshcw · 1 year
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