sleepyfaolan · 4 days
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sleepyfaolan · 12 days
In Arkham they don't allow outside media in fear of the rouges getting any ideas. This leads to them treating the staff like their own personal TV show, this leads to a level of parasocial obsession that can often be detrimental (See Harley Quinn as a notable example). So when DR. Jazz Fenton comes in with subtle hinting of government conspiracies and a 'i've seen worse' attitude they are INVESTED. Meany of them are staying just for the show, their plans can wait they NEED to know this woman's backstory.
"hey it's been awfully quiet"
"Yeah, new hire at Arkham, it happens sometimes"
*3 months later*
"yeah something's definitely up"
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sleepyfaolan · 12 days
And somehow it goes through fine
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sleepyfaolan · 18 days
Take the memory, leave the shell! Watch what happens when we return seashells to the beach & marine hermit crabs!
Seashells are so important to beaches for a whole host of reasons.
🐚Over-shelling can affect hermit crabs because it reduces the availability of suitable shells for them to inhabit. Hermit crabs rely on empty shells of other creatures for protection and shelter. When there are too few shells available, hermit crabs may be forced to inhabit inadequate shells & pollution as homes, which can hinder their growth and make them more vulnerable to predators and environmental stressors. This can ultimately impact their survival and reproductive success.
🐚Shells provide homes or attachment surfaces for algae, sea grass, sponges, coral and a host of other microorganisms.
🐚Animals such as decorator crabs and octopus use shells as camouflage and many fish use shells as hiding places to avoid predators.
🐚Shells help to stabilize beaches and anchor seagrass.
🐚Shells are used by shorebirds to build nests.
🐚When shells break down, they provide nutrients for the organisms living in the sand or for those that build their own shells. (Shells are a major source of calcium.) I’m a firm believer in when we know better, we do better. I once shelled, and then when I learned all of this, I returned all shells that were not sprayed with a clear varnish to the beach & watched the marine hermit crabs go wild changing shells that were so needed!
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sleepyfaolan · 18 days
I wish age gap discourse hadn't spiraled the way it has because I want there to be a safe space to say "Men in their 40s who date 25 year olds aren't predators, they're just fucking losers"
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sleepyfaolan · 18 days
I was reading the lists in this post and I was just mentally saying 'what the fuck is wrong with TERFs to think that they are correct?' People can identify themselves however they want and they are valid for that.
Nonbinary people are valid.
Trans women are valid.
Trans men are valid.
Everyone who is apart of the LGBTQ community is valid.
TERFs are just spiteful cunts that in my opinion don't want equality to exist in the world.
I honestly cannot believe how far T(W)ERF rhetoric has spread on this site. They used to be the ONLY ones I saw openly mocking the concept of identifying as queer, the ONLY ones I saw referring to people as ‘kweer’ in a mocking way.
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sleepyfaolan · 18 days
I feel like I already know what the result will be but
Of course, I'd prefer if you reblogged for a larger sample size
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sleepyfaolan · 18 days
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sleepyfaolan · 18 days
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sleepyfaolan · 20 days
I already didn't like BetterHelp and this just solidified my dislike of BetterHelp.
just a reminder that BetterHelp is selling your fucking data and that they themselves have said at industry meetings that they're a data-driven company more than a people-driven company
It feels like for a while in there that people were dropping them as a sponsor but now that the controversy has slightly dimmed there are so many ads for them again; do not give them your information, do not give them your money
I know insurance is a pain in the ass and mental health treatments cost too much out of pocket for most people. So do they, that's why they're making this little bait and switch operation. Helping people is, at best, a side product of their data harvesting, and at worst just a trick to lure people in.
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sleepyfaolan · 23 days
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*chaos hug* heh
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sleepyfaolan · 27 days
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I know it’s not hard to point out reactionaries hypocrisy when it comes to like safe spaces or hug boxes or whatever but genuinely how much of an echo chamber do you have to exist in for you to think this is a reasonable thing to say
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sleepyfaolan · 27 days
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sleepyfaolan · 27 days
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sleepyfaolan · 1 month
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sleepyfaolan · 1 month
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Tumblr flagged this post as sexually explicit and it's literally just a trans dude in high fantasy art.
Make it make sense.
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sleepyfaolan · 1 month
heye every one.
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