sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
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Vanitas laughed. “Poor guy.” He could totally see that happening with her too, she’d be just the type for that to go down. “He your boyfriend then, or just a friend you do stuff with when there’s no one else around?”
Vanitas guided her away from the stall as they continued their conversation before the traumatized the poor seller, amused. Guy probably had no idea what a ‘knee’ even was.
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“It’s a lot of pressure for the Dominant to take care of! I think most people don’t even consider how much responsibility it is.” It was usually thought of as a power thing, or something that would be fun to try. But you could really hurt a person!
“… Well, not a lot. You know, don’t kiss and tell! But this one time Yumacchi and I started roleplay-battling for power, but then we couldn’t decide who was actually going to be on top and we ended up fighting for real. I had to get a new dresser and Yumacchi still complains about his knee.”
A little ironic given how she seemed so adamant about safety just a minute before…
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Nah, I get it. That’s an issue I’ve run into once or twice, people saying yes but not really meaning it, or not knowing what they want and not knowing how to tell you what they want. Frustrating. Mood killer, too.” He wrinkled his nose as he thought about it for a moment before waving the thought away.
“Got any favorite stories to share?”
“Feisty is a good way to put it. I think honest fits better. You’re putting yourself in a pretty vulnerable, compromising position and if you can’t trust that the other person is being honest about what they want, that’s bad for both sides.
“On one hand, if someone is doing something to you and you don’t tell them, you’ll get really hurt. If you’re the one doing the thing, then you have to live with what you did.
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“Is that too complicated for a God?” She supposed he must have different standards, being that he knew creatures of all kinds of races…
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
                                          YOU’RE DEAD!
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You heard me right, bucko. You’re absolutely, stone cold dead. Kicked the bucket, keeled over. Six feet under. Rotting corpse.
Me? Ahhh, I’m nobody important, really. I’m just the messenger! So, now that you’re dead what does it mean for you?
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That it’s time to play a Game, of course!
Game Applications open June 21 12:00 AM EST-23rd, 11:30 EST
RRG June 24, 12:00 AM-12:00 AM EST
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
“See, that’s different. I’m more important than you.” He smiled slowly, tilting his head to study the other male for a bit. “What I want is, therefore, the ultimate authority on how the worlds work.”
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“Also, those are my toys you’re playing with and I really don’t share all that well, you know? Especially with people like you, who like to break them for fun. Toys are boring when they break, Orihara.”
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“You must care about yourself a great deal. You say you don’t want me to do anything involving my interests anymore that amuse me albeit you are perfectly okay with anything that means you don’t get bored. Quite egocentric to me.” He had a habit of speaking with his hands, one moment they’d be hidden in his pockets and the next they were out waving around. “ But really, Erika is never involved. I have nothing against her, she is very interesting, but she isn’t any target. As for the things that happen in this city, you must realize that humans are like ants. When something gets in their way—- they climb right over it and keep going. This goes to anything traumatic or difficult that occurs in the average humans life— yes sometimes humans are put down for a while but eventually they have to pick themselves back together again. Really— you are worrying too much.”
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
“No no, none of that either.” He huffed, shoving hands into pockets to repress the urge to strangle the little mortal. “Rebuilding planets is a hassle and whatever plans you make to destroy this one would really annoy me. Especially if my little Eri-chan got caught up in your schemes. I’d be oh so bored if she died, you know. And a bored Vanitas is a terrible thing.”
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“No, I think it’s better all around if you just... stop.”
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  An eyebrow rose acclivitous, an amused simper upon tenuous lips. “It makes sense you wouldn’t like the idea— after all, it very well could become the apocalypse. You wouldn’t want to have to pick up after that, ne?” Crimson orbs glinted with mischievous intent. “But you have no worries, the Dullahan is aware I had her head to begin with so if I even managed to get it back I’d be the first she interrogated. I’m gonna stay away from that business for now, but that doesn’t mean I won’t have any fun, just in different manners with different pawns.” He couldn’t help it, he loved humans so much. They amused him in to no ending point.
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Oh, I know. But you still tried and you still got my attention.” He leaned back on his heels, considering the man before him. “But I really don’t like what you were trying to do, and I suggest not trying it again. It takes away from my play time when I have to come and clean up your messes.”
And that was annoying, having to stop and come pick up the pieces of yet another human’s irritating attempts at godliness.
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“Well that’s good, because I’m beginning to find you interesting. You’ll be getting lots of my attention.” The other raven haired male would in due time regret those words of not minding to be observed, for the info broker had a talent of ruining anyone’s life. “So you know about the head, ne? Wow, that makes you even more interesting. However, the Dullahan has got her head back– or rather once again someone is holding onto it for her.” In due time, hopefully, he’d get it back. “How unfortunate really— I never got the opportunity to turn the city into an ultimate battlefield to awaken the head alone– oh well.”
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Observe all you like, I like the attention. But no, it’s the other things things that annoy me.” He leaned forward conspiratorially and dropped his voice. “You really shouldn’t play with severed heads, Mr. Orihara. You never know what sort of things are watching.”
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“Well, I can’t really disagree with you after all my interests overall would make me seem rather arrogant. Don’t worry, I have no intentions of observing you in a such a manner yet.”
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
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“You’ve got that human arrogance about you, and then you take it a step further. Better watch where you step, though. The other side of that line isn’t very tolerable of people who cross it.”
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“I wonder—- why may that be?”
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Well, aren’t you a delightful little ball of amusing.”
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
“Run,” he answered absently, already not really paying attention to him. “Back here preferably, but even if you don’t, I’d be able to find you.” Vanitas stepped inside the building, glancing back at him for a moment. “You’ll be fine. I don’t think we’ll be here long anyway.”
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He shrugged, running a hand through his hair. “Bring her back here, if you really don’t know what else to do.”
▮ ₪┆ “Yeah, but—” Alibaba paused, giving another glance at the girl he was supposed to trail after as she continued on down the sidewalk. For some reason, this just didn’t sit right with him. Playing stalker definitely sounded better than meeting the guy Vanitas himself had to go deal with, but still. Why him?  
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“What should I do if those heartless things end up attacking us?” Apparently those ‘creatures made of darkness’ were a lot harder to defeat than just by him swinging his sword at them. Especially if they could take down entire worlds in a few bounds. If he couldn’t fight them off from taking over his, then what’d Vanitas expect him to do here?
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
“Now! Pants! Off!” “It was you! You killed me!” “When you see the real me, will we still be friends?” “It was me. All of it.” “Understanding other people isn’t hard… It’s impossible.” “You lied to me?!” “Give up on yourself, and you give up on the world.” “Follow my lead!” “Shut up and walk, dear.” “I can’t forgive you, but I trust you.” “Hello? Dead kid speaking.” “So zetta slow!” “Lifes little crossroads are often as simple as the pull of a trigger.” “I just met you. I don’t like you.” “That’s the first time you used my name.” “Who made todays mission for ages 3 and up?!” “What’s a meme?” “Is that what I think it is?” “Look, you’ve got potential.” “It’s like junk mail from hell.” “Who cares about a little noise?” “Don’t just stand there. Think of something!” “Think you could do a guy a favor?” “What did I do!?” “I knew you were hiding something!” “Ugh, this is so not our problem.” “Remind me not to tick you off.” “You’re walking through the pages of literature and history.” “You took care of things, right?”
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
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“So, Yams. Beautiful, boobalicious Yams. How are you today?”
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
“Burgers sound good,” Vanitas agreed, laughing around a mouthful of... whatever he’d picked up to eat himself. He wasn’t actually sure what the heck it was, but it was good. “That’s a pretty specific list though. Interesting, too.” He dropped his chin onto a fist and considered what she’d said for a few moments, wondering.
“So, you like the feisty ones?”
Erika took a bite of the sea-cucumber and made a face. It was salty beyond belief, though no one else around seemed too bothered by the cuisine. She supposed it was a side effect of growing in a salt water ocean. How desensitized they must be! 
“All kinds of types!” she waved her stick around like a magical wand, “It depends on what I’m in the mood for. I’m always on top, but whoever I’m with totally has to be interesting. I don’t want someone who’s not even gonna try to fight me. I also don’t like people who don’t tell me what they want. I think if someone is really consenting they should be open about their needs, and desires.
“It definitely has to be someone who has fantasies, so I can fulfill them – and someone who’s not afraid to try something new. Someone open, and someone… clean.” Though that was more of a technical detail.
“When we get back to where I’m from can we go out for burgers?”
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
//lays on the floor and laughs awkwardly
i have 3 starters from that starter call ages ago that i am attempting to do yet again bc goditas is a stupid brat who keeps leaving me lmao
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
[tfw list of starters need to write and muse is like ‘lol nah i’m going to sleep’]
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
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sleepingfloods-blog ¡ 8 years
When will my Progfox selfies come back from the war?
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