slaybleist · 1 year
psa: ‘transsexual’ is a transmed slur
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slaybleist · 1 year
A lot of people are asking how Canadian governments can justify promoting killing off disabled people
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If you start with an assumption that the status quo is preferable or at least acceptable, it will follow that disabled deserve to die
This is the inevitable outcome of approaching social justice problems with a biased, just-world, inductive process
If you start with an assumption that the status quo is preferable or at least acceptable, it will follow that the most benevolent thing to do for disabled people is murder us
That’s the basis for physician-assisted suicide also known as MAiD in Canada
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slaybleist · 1 year
*gives side-eye to white queers using TMA/TME without specifying they mean transmisogynoir affected/exempt*
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slaybleist · 1 year
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slaybleist · 1 year
Nothing more punk than someone who is in pain all the fucking time and just continues to exist.
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slaybleist · 1 year
It’s trans-exclusive radical fascist
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slaybleist · 1 year
The bi woman inviting a transphobic cishet man into a queer space discourse on Twitter is so inane because all the big accounts fighting over it have a vested interest in upholding antiBlackness, anti-transmasculinity, ableism and transmedicalism
They deny the agency of all maGes (marginalized genders) including the bi woman who chose to bring a transphobic cishet man into the space. “You are an extension of your partner” is shitty second wave white feminist lezsep bullshit
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slaybleist · 1 year
The bi woman inviting a transphobic cishet man into a queer space discourse on Twitter is so inane because all the big accounts fighting over it have a vested interest in upholding antiBlackness, anti-transmasculinity, ableism and transmedicalism
They deny the agency of all maGes (marginalized genders) including the bi woman who chose to bring a transphobic cishet man into the space. “You are an extension of your partner” is shitty second wave white feminist lezsep bullshit
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slaybleist · 1 year
The bi woman inviting a transphobic cishet man into a queer space discourse on Twitter is so inane because all the big accounts fighting over it have a vested interest in upholding antiBlackness, anti-transmasculinity, ableism and transmedicalism
They deny the agency of all maGes (marginalized genders) including the bi woman who chose to bring a transphobic cishet man into the space. “You are an extension of your partner” is shitty second wave white feminist lezsep bullshit
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slaybleist · 1 year
The bi woman inviting a transphobic cishet man into a queer space discourse on Twitter is so inane because all the big accounts fighting over it have a vested interest in upholding antiBlackness, anti-trans masculinity and transmedicalism
Because they deny the agency of all maGes, including the bi woman who chose to bring a transphobic cishet man into the space. “You are an extension of your partner” is shitty second wave white feminist lezsep bullshit
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slaybleist · 1 year
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slaybleist · 1 year
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slaybleist · 1 year
There once was a man named Musk,
Souled with a dry empty husk
He paid billions for Twitter
But stayed just as bitter,
Sunrise is God’s sorry for dusk
(source/original: @GreenSnail_ via Twitter)
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slaybleist · 1 year
I don’t understand why so many people think Keffals detransitioning and becoming cis is a joke…?
Oh wait I do, it’s transphobia. Much of it internalized, unfortunately. But:
1. It’s not a joke and taking it as one makes you transphobic
2. The point still stands: why are you defending a cis antiBlack ableist queer woman. Your transmisogynoir is showing
3. If the joke is that there’s no way that keffals can be cis because she has had gender affirmative surgeries, that’s transphobic
4. If it’s that the joke is she’s cis and therefore can’t be causing harm, it’s also transphobic
I don’t know whether she is joking about it herself, I think she’s not but she’s also not correcting people
That said, if you think any of this is a joke, it’s time for some critical self-reflection
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slaybleist · 1 year
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Things that will happen when we accept Elon isn’t a genius:
His admirers will be forced to shut up and reflect on their own “genius”
There will be no “ideal” autistic person to other the rest of us
Opportunity to teach & model accessibility not assimilation
Autism Parents™️ heartbroken, again
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slaybleist · 1 year
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Lone Skum’s sink gag was so cringe to watch because we know that he knows that we know the joke is ‘let THAT sink in’ where THAT is his sorry ass, not the sink he was carrying or any actual sink
the fact he didn’t understand that some of us took it as “I’m throwing everything at it and the (bathroom?) sink” or “look how I’m sinking your company, cope/seethe” or “yeah I know this is a money sink, stay with me” is giving us secondhand embarrassment. Rightfully.
If I was his therapist, I’d gently suggest that the sink he was carrying might represent yet something else. Perhaps his net worth, his ego or he just moved to the city Twitter HQ is in and needed a referral to a good plumber…
But I’m not so, I’m posting about it instead.
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slaybleist · 1 year
Anti-transmasculinity is best understood as a Trojan horse for transmisogynoir (Bl3ssing)
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