slavresistance-blog · 6 years
The Work Isn’t Done: Montréal Group Calls for Actions to Promote Cultural Diversity and Address the Conditions that Led to the SLAV Conflict
The #slavresistance Collective would like to extend its gratitude and solidarity to every individual and group who answered our call to action. We would also like to thank the various individuals and groups who have supported us and who took a stand against the problematic show SLAV and Jazz Fest. Namely, Suoni per il popolo, Pop Montréal, Blue Skies Turns Black, the Fédération des femmes du Québec, les Femmes du monde à Côte-des-Neiges, and the many artists who supported our movement by publicly calling out the production of a show developed by white elites and which profited off Black pain and suffering. The cancellation of the show SLAV, an important step, would not have been possible without your support. As we have expressed from the beginning of our work, the problems with SLAV are legion. Slav uses historical disinformation in order to justify the appropriation of African American slave songs by a white singer, Betty Bonifassi. Contrary to the information presented in the show, Irish people during slavery were put into indentured servitude, which was a way for working class Europeans to move to the colonies. They were employed for a fixed period of time, during which their work served as a way to pay their debt towards their employer. Once their debt was paid, they could have access to land. Their state of servitude was not transferred to their offspring. The Irish faced indentured servitude, not slavery. Betty Bonifassi, while positioning herself as a lecturer in the play, transforms and deforms this part of history, equating slavery with indentured servitude. She also goes so far as stating that there would not be blues music if it were not for the encounter between the Africans and the Irish. Beyond these inaccuracies, the show is a constant reminder that Black people can’t tell their stories for themselves – and of the problems that arise when we don’t. When the show briefly addresses the issue of racial profiling, for example, it calls into question the Black perspective on the issue. In the show, when the main Black character in the show is imprisoned, her white friend accuses her of being responsible of her arrest because of her personality, while Black character assures her friend that she was arrested while simply jogging. While musically centered on African American slave and work songs, moreover, the show ultimately centers whiteness in various ways. A scene will begin with slave songs, for example, and then merge the slave song into a song written by Betty Bonifassi. Ms. Bonifassi even goes as far as singing a song called Black Betty, and while there are two Black actors in the cast, Betty Bonifassi is the one who ultimately plays Harriet Tubman, the Black woman who freed close to seventy enslaved people. Sources have informed us that while the play was developed over a period of 5 years, the idea of including Black actors in the process occurred only in the past year. Sources also say that the white actors were originally supposed to wear dark fabric on their faces that will resemble blackface. All of this contorts the history and legacies of slavery beyond recognition and leads to a massive project of cultural appropriation. Let’s remember what cultural appropriation is. Cultural appropriation happens when a dominant culture appropriates elements of a dominated culture and gains benefits from them, while the dominated culture is marginalized, penalized, ostracised for these exact same aspects of their culture. The dominance is of course based on the idea of racial hierarchy, putting white at the top. The process of taking elements of dominated culture with which one is not familiar too often creates a decontextualization which, when done by a dominant culture, can have a negative impact on the dominated culture, by reinforcing their marginalization or creating historical distortion. This is exactly what happened in this play. #slavresistance was born in response to the promotion of the show SLAV by Jazz Fest. However, our work is not over. There are still performances of SLAV scheduled throughout Quebec, including shows in Centre culturel de l'Université de Sherbrooke, Théâtre Gilles-Vigneault, St-Jérôme Maison des arts Desjardins, Drummondville Théâtre Banque Nationale. More importantly, cancelling the show was only one of the eight demands outlined in the our Collective’s open letter released to the media and public on July 3rd, 2018 and which gathered more than 1,500 signatures in 24 hours. Our remaining demands seek to address not the show itself, but the broader conditions that gave rise to this show, to the horrendous lack of diversity in the Quebec cultural scene, and to an ongoing history of publicly supported cultural productions that harm and appropriate the culture of racialized and marginalized populations. Now that SLAV has been removed from the Jazz Fest programming, it is these broader demands that require our attention. Here, then, are the demands that remain essential at this time: 1. We call on the Théâtre du Nouveau Monde and its Director, Lorraine Pintal, to issue an apology for hosting SLĀV and undergo a public and external evaluation of their programming. We demand that TNM commit to hiring Black writers, directors, and actors and present shows produced by them. TNM has, since the beginning of the protest against SLĀV, refused to make any public statement, saying only (on June 27th) that their “response was on stage.” They have yet to comment on the show’s cancellation, much less apologize for having given the show a prominent stage. The programming at TNM is overwhelmingly white. For their 2018-19 season, 100% of directors are white, 95% of starring actors are white, and 88% of all actors are white. This is unacceptable for a theatre company that is located in a city as diverse as Montréal and that claims to offer theatre “rooted in the realities of today.” It is unacceptable, moreover, for a company that receives public funding from at least five major government bodies, whose mission is to promote the culture of Québec or Canada. Our demands for a public apology, an external evaluation, and a commitment to hiring Black writers, directors, and actors are meant to rectify these problems. The lack of diversity at TNM is also rampant in most of Montreal theaters. If 56% of Montrealers are born outside of Quebec or have at least one parent born outside of Canada, when we look at the proportion of contracts given to artists in the Montreal theatrical season of 2014-2015, only 10,5% of those were given to non-white artists including indigenous artists. 2. We call on the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal to engage in a transparent consultation process with the original founders of the Festival and those involved, including but not limited to Roue-Doudou Boicel, Charles Biddle, Oliver Jones, and Sayyd Abdul Al-Khabyyr. We ask that Jazz Fest develop and implement an equity policy with specific targets for artists from Black, Indigenous, and other communities of colour (BIPOC) and establish a process for seeking out and responding to community feedback and concerns. As it now stands, the Festival’s leadership and programming team is staffed entirely by white men, demonstrating an urgent and critical need for diversity. However, as stated by one of Jazz Fest’s own artistic programmer, Laurent Saulnier, jazz is an art-form rooted in African American history, and to take jazz out of the African American community and into the hands and pockets of the white Quebecoise elite is a demonstration and perpetuation of white supremacy. And so, in addition to the creation of an equity process, we ask that you rectify this perpetuation by diversifying your team to represent multiple and varied views from the jazz community, and not only those you feel comfortable with. 3. We call on Quebec Premier, Philippe Couillard and Québec Minister of Culture and Communications, Marie Montpetit, to rectify the present racial inequalities in public funding for the arts in Quebec and the assessment processes that have led to productions like SLĀV. We demand that a financed measure be added to the recently released Quebec cultural action plan and policy and that Black professionals be added to the advisory and scientific boards in charge of the cultural policy. Also, we ask the government to actually translate that cultural policy in English. Philippe Couillard confessed on February 7th 2018 at the Maitres Chez Vous conference at HEC to his blood ties with Guillaume Couillard, owner of the enslaved African, Olivier Lejeune. He also committed to considering the adoption of the 68/237 resolution of the United Nations, which recognizes 2014-2025 as the decade of people of African descent. Alongside Mr. Couillard’s partial commitment to adopting UN resolution 68/237, Montréal mayor Valerie Plante passed a motion in support of the resolution on February 19th 2018 as did Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on January 30th 2018 in a declaration that also acknowledged the existence of anti-Black racism and systemic racism in Canada. These commitments must be reflected in the funding of artistic production for Quebec Afro-descendant people. In spite of these commitments, the recently announced $600 million Quebec cultural policy evinces a complete absence of financial support towards minorities and specially Black people, as shown at the measure 18 of the Action Plan. Policies like this perpetuate racial inequalities in public funding for the arts. This leads to shows like SLAV, which received substantial public funding, and makes less feasible cultural works and public performances by Black artists. Our demands for public funding targeted toward Black artists and the addition of Black professionals to the advisory and scientific boards of the Québec cultural policy are meant to honour UN resolution 68/237 and address prevailing inequalities in public arts funding. Amending the Quebec cultural police is just one way, however, that these inequities can and need to be addressed. Montreal is a metropolis, currently governed by Projet Montreal’s Valerie Plante with an all-white executive team. Even though the mayor mentioned, on February 3rd at the Dynasty Gala, that she wants to be an ally to Black communities, we find that the lack of diversity at all levels of her administration to be problematic. An ally takes position. While Plante has added an additional annual funding of 2,5 million dollars to Conseil des Arts de Montréal, this is money that, without a specific diversity mandate, will go to programs that fail to clearly champion diversity. CAM has not obligation to prioritize diversity and afro-descendants with its budget. For example, they do not support urban music. Plante is complicit with the conditions leading to SLAV, as she had numerous opportunities to take seriously the demands made to her so that diversity and afro-descendant people would feel respected by media corporations, the art sector, and the police force. 4. We call on the two public funders of SLĀV, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ), the Canada Council for the Arts (CCA) to dedicate funding and capacity-building resources toward BIPOC artists. We demand that they institute a policy that requires consultation with BIPOC artists for evaluating the validity of a (potentially) funded project’s engagement with BIPOC communities. As documented on CALQ’s website, CALQ’s contribution to the SLAV project includes funding at the level of $1 563 500 to TNM and $485 000 to Ex Machina. In October 2017, a coalition of arts organizations criticized CALQ for racial discrimination in the attribution of funding, and raised questions about CALQ’s process of jury selection; the racial and linguistic characteristics of its juries; and the juries’ competence in evaluating artistic projects emanating from communities of colour. The CCA, for its part, provides base funding to Ex Machina. The CCA has signalled its intention to develop a policy on cultural appropriation. It appears, however, that this policy will pertain exclusively to Indigenous culture rather than also other communities of colour, and the CCA has not taken a public position on SLAV. The Conseil des Arts de Montréal, despite not having funded SLAV, has funded la Fondation du Théâtre du Nouveau Monde to the level of $150 000, in contrast to under resourced Black institutions such as Black Theater Workshop. The allocation of these resources expresses profound problems with public arts funding and communicates that public funders believe in the legitimacy of current production. In response to this enduring inequity, we ask that CALQ and CCA dedicate funding and capacity building resources towards BIPOC artists as well as establish and institute a policy requiring consultation with BIPOC artists for evaluating the validity of productions engaging with BIPOC stories, histories, and artforms. We demand that the CCA improve their diversity tool through an external consultation with diversity practitioners, and that this tool be mandated and evaluated for every any project receiving CCA funds. To this end, we ask that CCA implement a transparent diversity audit process for each and every project produced by an organization receiving core funding. 5. We call on TD Bank, the corporate sponsor of the Montreal International Jazz Festival, to respect its stated commitment to diversity when it comes to its sponsorships and engagements with sponsored events. This commitment that was not respected in the case of SLĀV and its erasure of Black voices and stories. We believe TD Bank’s own words, that “our success depends on reflecting the communities where we do business and where our employees, customers and suppliers live, work and play” and we believe that this commitment extends also to the institutions they sponsor. To extend this commitment we ask that TD Bank establish and implement a community-accountability process to acknowledge and respond to complaints against any programming that falls under its sponsorship. As an stated ally to Montreal’s Black communities through their sponsorship of Montreal Black History Month, we call on TD Bank to work in consultation to create a distinct strategy to support Afro-descendant communities, industries, and artists considering the particular reality of under-resourced and under-represented Black communities in Montreal, Quebec. 6. We call on Québec media organizations, many of which praised SLĀV and failed to provide equivalent space to Black voices to express their views, to provide more space to Black voices and prevent the backlash failed to provide the same freedom of expression to Black voices that Black people currently receive when they speak out about racial inequality and oppression. We demand that Québec media commit to hiring journalists from BIPOC communities and provide increased space for critical discussions about the treatment received by these communities in Québec. Numerous studies have demonstrated the lack of racial diversity among paid journalists in Canada and Quebec, as well as the biased media representations of Black and Indigenous people. More recently, a survey showed that, of twenty-two newspaper articles on the SLAV conflict in major newspapers, eighteen of the authors of the articles (82%) were white, only two authors were people of colour and two were bi-racial. Our demands that the media hire journalists from BIPOC communities and provide space for the discussion of these communities’ realities are meant to address these statistics, as this lack of representation affects the way that shows like SLAV, as well as the protests against SLAV, are covered. The media’s lack of understanding of cultural appropriation, for example, leads to caricatures of the arguments of SLAV’s critics and an unnecessarily divisive debate. In the past week, moreover, we have watched media organizations cast the cancellation of SLAV as an act of censorship. Censorship, we need to stress, refers to suppression of a person’s ability to express themselves. Robert Lepage, the most prominent individual behind SLAV, remains fully able to express himself. He possesses enormous resources and access to the media through which he can express his position in the SLAV conflict. He also retains access to various theatres through which he can present his work, including two major shows in the next six months and even further showings of SLAV in cities and towns outside Montréal. In contrast, critics of SLAV possess very few resources through which to communicate their views and must, if they wish to communicate their views, speak through a media landscape which largely fails to understand and properly reproduce these views. More importantly, these critics have faced various attacks, threats of violence, death threats, and acts of physical assault from those who disagree. If the media wishes to speak of censorship, these are the conditions that need to be addressed. The lack of diversity in Quebec, however, leads to these conditions being ignored. 7. We call on the Montréal public to respect peaceful protestors and their personal lives and privacy. We demand that the harassment and death threats issued to activists opposing the show SLĀV, and which have increased following the Jazz Fest’s cancellation of SLĀV from its programming, cease. Many of the death threats received by members of the resistance have been transphobic, racist, sexist, anti-migrant, and xenophobic and we have experienced this harassment simply for asking that those in power stop profiting off of our pain, and yet we are considered violent. Facing the backlash during our mobilization and following Jazz Fest’s cancellation of SLAV, it is clear that reflexion about public security is needed. Even though the police are hired to serve and protect, CBC data showed that Black victims are overrepresented in deadly encounters with Montreal police. A recent study found that the number one factor justifying police present into a big ùcanadian city is not the crime rate but the number of racialized and indigenous people living in that city. We have watched this same pattern manifest in the process of resisting SLAV. At the demonstration on June 26th, we were surrounded by about 20 police officers cops with more on call close to the building. The police were clearly protecting the patrons entering the theatre while neglecting to protect us from these very same patrons. One of the protestors was slapped in the face by one of the patrons in front of the police, but the police did nothing. The police were also violent themselves, as this testimony from a Black activist recounts: “A police officer grabbed me by the neck moving my body where he thought it should have been me to where he saw fit, and this very same officer grabbed another protestor by the arm doing the same, exerting his power.” this dynamic is a remnant of slavery and colonization and demonstrates the legacy of Quebec’s own history riddled with systemic, anti-Black racism. We are asking the public to take a moment and reflect on their violent aggressions towards us. We are asking you to look into issues surrounding modern racism and cultural appropriation as well as your own white privilege. Understand that you do not have to face the same realities we do when we step outside of our homes. We are also asking you to donate the same amount of money spent on shows at the Jazz festival to Black community organizations such as DESTA, Hoodstock, Black Theatre Workshop, Librarie Racines, the BCHM, Black Lives Matter, Maison d’Haiti, and Songs for Betty. We are asking you to listen to us. These are our demands, our vision for a better cultural future. To conclude, SLAV was the cataclysm to a conversation on race, racism, cultural appropriation and white privilege that makes most uncomfortable but that must be had nonetheless. So to those feeling uncomfortable in the wake of the SLAV conflict, we would first like to tell you it is normal to feel uncomfortable, it is a sign that problematic thoughts and behaviours are being challenged and it is the first step to unlearning them. Secondly, if your justification for supporting the show SLAV is to give a voice to the voiceless and put the historical issue of racism and slavery forward, then listening to what Black folk have to say should be your priority.
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slavresistance-blog · 6 years
Contre la pièce SLĀV [English below] Nous sommes un groupe d’artistes visuels, d’auteur.e.s, d’universitaires, de journalistes, et de travailleurs et acteurs communautaires, mais plus surtout des Montréalais.e.s inquièt.e.s. Nous avons été choqué.e.s et même dégoûté.e.s que la production théâtrale se basant sur des chansons d’esclaves afro-américains soit coordonnée par un groupe de personnes blanches, jouée par un groupe majoritairement blanc et présentée par le Festival international de Jazz de Montréal au Théâtre du Nouveau-Monde. Nous sommes alarmés par l’omission, et la mise sous silence, des voix de personnes noires dans la création, le développement, la mise en scène et la promotion de la pièce SLĀV. Ces chansons ont pris naissance dans le génie des Africain.e.s subissant l’esclavage. Ces chansons permettaient à ces personnes d’élever leurs esprits, malgré les tortures physiques, sexuelles et psychologiques qu’elles subissaient. Elles servaient également, à travers leurs paroles, à communiquer des cartes et routes d’évasion. Ces chansons d’esclaves sont nées dues à une myriade de violences mises en place, perpétuées et maintenues par des structures de pouvoir blanches. À travers la pièce SLAV, ces violences sont exploitées au profit des artistes et des producteurs blancs, ceux qui personnifient et perpétuent l’histoire d’exploitation et de marginalisation des populations noires, au Québec et ailleurs. La myriade de problèmes de la pièce SLĀV nous obligent, un groupe de divers Montréalais.e.s, à émettre une série de revendications adressées aux partis directement et indirectement responsables de ce spectacle. Précisément : 1. Nous appelons les artistes, producteurs et autres acteurs culturels impliqué.e.s dans la pièce SLĀV à arrêter leur participation à ce projet. Nous appelons également Ex machina (la compagnie qui produit ce spectacle) à annuler les dates de représentations restantes et à créer de l’espace et des opportunités pour des projets dirigés par des personnes noires dans lesquelles ces personnes pourront raconter leurs propres histoires. 2. Nous appelons le Théâtre du Nouveau-Monde et sa directrice, Lorraine Pintal, à présenter des excuses pour avoir diffusé SLĀV et gardé silence à ce jour. Que ce théâtre se soumette à une évaluation externe et publique de sa programmation. Nous demandons que le TNM s’engage à embaucher des auteur.e.s, metteurs en scène et acteur.rices noir.e.s. 3. Nous appelons le Festival international de Jazz de Montréal à reconnaître Roué-Doudou Boicel, un homme noir originaire de la Guyane et arrivé à Montréal à l’âge de 23 ans, comme le fondateur du Festival, à l’inscrire dans toutes ses publications expliquant l’histoire du FIJM (incluant le site web) et à développer une politique d’équité avec des objectifs précis pour l’engagement des artistes d’origines noires, autochtones et d’autres communautés de couleur (NAC). 4. Nous appelons le premier ministre du Québec, Philippe Couillard et la Ministre de la culture et de la communication, Marie Montpetit, à rectifier les inégalités raciales dans le financement public des arts au Québec ainsi qu'à mettre en place une investigation visant à comprendre ce qui a permis la production de la pièce SLĀV. Nous demandons que des mesures de financement conséquentes soient ajoutées au plan d’action de la politique culturelle québécoise récemment publié et reflétant un vide de financement pour la diversité (voir mesure 18 du plan d’action), que des professionel.le.s noir.e.s soient rajoutés aux entités consultantes et scientifiques responsable des politiques culturelles. 5. Nous appelons les deux commanditaires publiques de SLĀV, soit le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) et le Conseil des Arts du Canada (CAC), à dédier du financement et des ressources de développement aux artistes NAC. Nous demandons qu’ils mettent en place une politique qui exige une consultation avec des artistes NAC pour évaluer la validité d’un projet financé qui prête un engagement avec les communautés NAC. 6. Nous appelons la banque TD, le commanditaire corporatif du Festival de Jazz, à respecter sa dite mission d’engagement envers la diversité lors de ses financements et lors de ses engagements envers des événements financés, un engagement qui n’a pas été respecté dans le cas de SLĀV puisque la pièce contribué à l'effacement des histoires et des voix noires. 7. Nous appelons les médias du Québec, dont plusieurs ont chanté des louanges à la pièce SLĀV et échoué à donner la même tribune aux voix des personnes noires, à élargir l’accès des personnes noires à leur plateforme et à prévenir le contrecoup que les personnes noires reçoivent en ce moment lorsqu’elles s’expriment sur les inégalités raciales et leurs oppressions vécues. Nous demandons que les médias québécois s’engagent à embaucher des journalistes issu.e.s des communautés NAC et à offrir une quantité croissante d’espace pour que des discussions sur le traitement de ces communautés au Québec aient lieu. 8. Nous appelons la population de Montréal à respecter les manifestants et leurs vies personnelles et privées. Nous demandons que le harcèlement et les menaces de mort envoyées aux manifestant.e.s contre la pièce SLĀV cessent. Nous demandons que le public assume sa responsabilité de s’éduquer sur les enjeux du racisme et de l’appropriation culturelle qu’il ne vit pas, au lieu de nier leur existence comme seul acte de revendication. Nous invitons également les personnes qui ont acheté un billet pour des spectacles du Festival de Jazz à donner le même montant dépensé à des organisations qui supportent lescommunautés noires, dont DESTA, Hoodstock, Black Theatre Workshop, Librarie Racines, le BCHM, Black Lives Matter, Maison d’Haïti and Songs for Betty. Pour toutes questions, téléphonez (514) 984-9637 Against the show SLĀV We are a group of visual artists, musicians, writers, academics, community organizers, and journalists, but more importantly, we are concerned Montréalers. We have watched with astonishment and disgust as a theatrical production based on African-American slave songs was coordinated by a group of white people, performed by a cast of predominantly white people, and presented by the Festival International du Jazz de Montréal at Théatre du Nouveau Monde. We are alarmed by the dismissal and silencing of Black voices in the creation, development, staging, and promotion of the show SLĀV. These songs were born out of the needs of African-descended peoples while in bondage. These songs were used by these peoples to lift their spirits while they endured perpetual physical, sexual, and mental abuse. They were also used to communicate maps and escape routes. These slave songs were born out of the myriad types of violence established, perpetrated, and maintained by a white power structure. To now have that violence exploited for profit by white artists and producers both embodies and perpetuates the historical exploitation and marginalization of Black populations in Québec and the world over. The myriad problems with the show SLĀV have brought us, a diverse group of Montréalers, together to devise and make a series of demands upon the major parties directly and indirectly responsible for the show. Specifically: 1. We call on the artists, producers, and other cultural actors involved with SLĀV to cease their involvement with the show. We also call on Ex Machina (the production company behind the show) to cancel all future performances of the show and create space and opportunities for Black-led projects in which people can tell their own stories rather than having white artists tell the stories in their place. 2. We call on the Théâtre du Nouveau Monde and its Director, Lorraine Pintal, to issue an apology for hosting SLĀV and undergo a public and external evaluation of their programming. We demand that TNM commit to hiring Black writers, directors, and actors 3. We call on the Festival International du Jazz de Montréal to acknowledge Roué-Doudou Boicel as the founder of the Montreal Jazz Festival in all publications (including the Festival website) and develop an equity policy with specific targets for artists from Black, Indigenous, and other communities of colour (BIPOC). 4. We call on Québec Premier, Philippe Couillard and Québec Minister of Culture and Communications, Marie Montpetit, to rectify the present racial inequalities in public funding for the arts in Quebec that has led to productions like SLĀV. We demand that a financed measure be added to the recently released Quebec cultural action plan and that Black professionals be added to the advisory and scientific boards in charge of the cultural policy. 5. We call on the two public funders of SLĀV, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) and the Canada Council for the Arts (CCA), to dedicate funding and capacity-building resources toward BIPOC artists. We demand that they institute a policy that requires consultation with BIPOC artists for evaluating the validity of a (potentially) funded project’s engagement with BIPOC communities. 6. We call on TD Bank, the corporate sponsor of the Jazz Festival, to respect its stated commitment to diversity when it comes to its sponsorships and engagements with sponsored events, a commitment that was not respected in case of SLĀV and its erasure of Black voices and stories. 7. We call on Québec media organizations, many of which praised SLĀV and failed to provide equivalent space to Black voices to express their views, to provide more space to Black voices and prevent the backlash that Black people currently receive when they speak out about racial inequality and oppression. We demand that Québec media commit to hiring journalists from BIPOC communities and provide increased space for critical discussions about the treatment received by these communities in Québec. 8. We call on the Montréal public to respect peaceful protestors and their personal lives and privacy. We demand that the harassment and death threats issued to activists opposing the show SLĀV cease and that people take responsibility to educate themselves about issues (like racism and cultural appropriation) that they do not face. We also invite people to donate the same amount of money they spent on Jazz Festival tickets to Black community organizations such as DESTA, Hoodstock, Black Theatre Workshop, Librarie Racines, the BCHM, Black Lives Matter, Maison d’Haïti, and Songs for Betty. For all questions, telephone (514) 984-9637 Signatures 1 Gabrielle de Bellefeuille 2 Eva Kudzman-Blais 3 Beth Rutland 4 Rebecca Dafoe 5 Isobel Plowright 6 Anne-Marie Livingstone 7 Lana Galbraith 8 Claire Trottier 9 Catherine Larochelle 10 Céline Hequet 11 Frédéric Dwyer-Samuel 12 Marie Meudec 13 Kim Vincent 14 Claudia Atomei 15 Leh Deuling 16 Miriame Gabrielle Archin 17 Léa L'Espérance 18 Turcotte Caroline 19 Lucas Charlie Rose 20 Sonja Zlatanova 21 Marilou Bisson 22 Katherine Blouin 23 Sarah Haag 24 Cathia Pagotto 25 Stéphanie Dufresne 26 Simon Brown 27 Vincent Mousseau 28 Adam Pétrin 29 Vincent Pouliot 30 Philippe Internoscia 31 Charles-Alexandre Morin 32 Florence Ashley 33 Zachary Williams 34 Claire Dumouchel 35 Magenta Baribeau 36 Patrick Hutchinson 37 Sébastien Chehaitly 38 Matt McLauchlin 39 Gigi Cordeiro 40 Sébastien Barraud 41 Matt Ayotte 42 Bianca Blizzard 43 Guylaine Martineau 44 Naja Sahar 45 Audrey Ejdelman 46 Lindsay Julien 47 Marie-Édith Vigneau 48 Emilie Sarrazin 49 Marina Cupido 50 Anjali Choksi 51 Christine Gaudet 52 Junior Ricles Fontaine 53 Dominique Fontaine 54 Maryse Nadeau 55 Aube Cormier 56 Claudine Hubert 57 André-Philippe Doré 58 Firmin Havugimana 59 Elisa Fernandes 60 Cedia Pierre-Louis 61 Alexandre Fernandes 62 Mutatayi Fuamba 63 Ayesha Wright 64 Fauve Latreille 65 Elvira Kamara 66 Marie-Ange Zibi 67 Kiana Saint-Macary 68 Thalie Vachon-Sincennes 69 Ivy Up North 70 Mylène Bigaouette 71 Julie Édeline 72 Kenza Chahlouni 73 Jenn Clamen 74 Jennyfer Pierre 75 Valerie Cusson 76 A. J. Bureau 77 J. B. Staniforth 78 Elisabeth Savoie 79 Natasha Loiseau 80 camille francoeur 81 Caroline Jacquet 82 Josephine Desbiens 83 Nora Butler Burke 84 Hannah Claus 85 Charles Bottex 86 Naomie Jolicoeur 87 Anastasia Culurides 88 Aurélie Deveaux 89 Josiane Ménard 90 Guillaume Moffet 91 Tania Louise Doumbe Fines 92 Chloe Hart 93 Melissa Garrido 94 Marie-Eve Veilleux 95 Élyanne Coursol-Dion 96 Megan Abley 97 André-Louis Noël 98 Yvette Salinas 99 Myriam Louis 100 Marie-Michèle Beaudoin 101 Miguel Gosselin Dionne 102 Maria Anney 103 Philippe Marinier 104 Mélissa Desjardins 105 Julie Tellier 106 Ourielle Auvé 107 Marie Deckers 108 Kiley Goyette 109 Arkadi Lavoie Lachapelle 110 Fédération des femmes du Québec 111 Femmes du monde à Côte-des-neiges 112 Martine Anglade 113 Emilio Alvarez 114 Sandra Wesley 115 Laurence Daneault-Flageol 116 Nicholle Savoie 117 Elie Darling 118 Jenny Cartwright 119 François Beauchesne 120 Olivia Lanza 121 Gabriel Villeneuve 122 Eileen Finn 123 Jérémie Battaglia 124 Jessica Louisé 125 Zaynab Bourezza 126 Sébastien Cloutier 127 Hélène St-Denis 128 Zoë Vessia 129 M Chacha Enriquez 130 Romanne Blouin 131 Larose Truchon 132 Léa Castonguay 133 Carl Hugo 134 D. Mathieu Cassendo 135 Pascal Dufaux 136 Sébastien Tuyizere 137 Amélie St-Pierre 138 Chloé Rivest 139 Myriam Olmand 140 Chloé Savoie-Bernard 141 Sissi de la Côte 142 Julia Gunst 143 Guilhem Molinier 144 Veronique Novi 145 Mireille Petion 146 Aaron Beeman 147 Emilie Mouchous 148 Geneviève C. Ferron 149 Mélissa Jean-Baptiste 150 Lethicia Beauchamp 151 Figureau Cyrille 152 Laura Kamugisha 153 Katia Pharand Dinardo 154 Meryem Benslimane 155 Alex Mo 156 Alexandra Pierre 157 Julie Labonté 158 Claudia Parent 159 Alanna Thain 160 Vincent Ouellet Jobin 161 Evren Sezgin 162 Antoine Ferland 163 Geneviève Gagnon 164 Paul Boyer 165 Evelyne Morin 166 Jeremie Pelletier 167 Olivia Siino 168 Hesser Garcia 169 Mathilde Meunier 170 Mallica Plante Lefebvre 171 Steven Patry 172 Liliana G Perez 173 Élisabeth Cyr 174 Sophie Boivin-Joannette 175 Anne-Marie Parent 176 Alex Ann Monzerol 177 Laetitia Techer 178 Yann Valle 179 Maude Chalvin 180 Claude Brisson 181 Maria Ines Olavarria Perez 182 Amélie Faubert 183 Aïssatou Morin-Baldé 184 Johanne Heppell 185 Luce Charron Rose 186 Julie Albesa 187 Sarah dunlavey 188 Julie Boivin 189 Eric D'Alo 190 Oliver Zakhour 191 Giovana Olmos 192 Irmak Bahar 193 Sophie Fournier 194 Sarah Morneau-Paquette 195 Natacha Boucher 196 Luke Fowlie 197 Holly Witteman 198 Alima Henri 199 Rhodnie Désir 200 Marlène Couture 201 Rachel Bass 202 Gabrielle Papazian 203 Gina St-Denis 204 Cécilia Bracmort 205 Caroline St-Laurent 206 Sarah Keita 207 Marie-Laurayne Poulin 208 Antoine Beauchamp 209 Why'z Panthera 210 Romy Bernatchez 211 Jennifer Sidney 212 Cécile Riel 213 Anne Lardeux 214 Sibyl Graham 215 Anselme Yapo-Norris 216 Cynthia Mars 217 Rebecca Bauer 218 Rajaa Rhidaoui 219 makhloufi yasmina 220 Moïse Yawo Matey 221 Nathalie Salame 222 Olivia Woods 223 Andrea Francesca Paina 224 Alex Manseau 225 Pascale Merlet 226 Béracca Jolimeau 227 Rachel Decoste 228 Isabelle Larrivée 229 Lynda Forgues 230 Gignoux Claire 231 Ricardo Lamour 232 Sophia Sahrane 233 Ted Rutland 234 Sophie Hough-Martin 235 Lib Spry 236 Amel Zaazaa 237 Marlihan Lopez 238 Dru Jay 239 Roxanne Baril-Bédard 240 Niall Ricardo 241 Thomas David-Bashore 242 Michael Madokoro 243 Meghan Gagliardi 244 Balarama Holness 245 Darryl Leroux 246 Sarah Feldman 247 Robyn Maynard 248 Bryce Hildebrand 249 Laura Harris 250 Sheena Hoszko 251 Paul Harris 252 Cassandra Marsillo 253 Fred Burrill 254 Cédrick Rajotte 255 Camille Caron 256 Emily Brunelle 257 Zahra Moloo 258 Cassie Smith 259 Tom Cole 260 Jane Hudson 261 Solo Fugère 262 Corri-Lynn Tetz 263 Nathalie Batraville 264 Jo Roy 265 Joan Robicheau 266 Tanya Davis 267 Judith Weiss 268 Farah Khan 269 Friends and Neighbours Gallery 270 Elise Boudreau Grahan 271 Emilie Brunet 272 Jamie Ross 273 Stephen Agluvak Puskas 274 Anita Schoepp 275 Isma Boud 276 Véronique Bureau 277 Kym Dominique-Ferguson 278 Julie Levasseur 279 Audrey Bujold 280 Lou-Ann Morin 281 Amy Darwish 282 Michaela Di Cesare 283 Kristopher Allnutt 284 Brandon Webb 285 Hugo Dufour 286 David Ryshpan 287 Chloë Lum 288 Marie Helene Touzin 289 Sam Sullivan 290 Holly Gauthier-Frankel 291 Nick Kuepfer 292 Mark Underwood 293 Eirini Michali 294 Simon Portigal 295 Claire Hughes 296 Eve Parker Finley 297 Karine Deschamps 298 Anisah Shah 299 Emily Vaillancourt 300 Stephanie Guico 301 Philippe Dumaine 302 Melanie Turner 303 Cathy Vincelli 304 Richmond Lam 305 Antoine Beaudoin Gentes 306 Daniel Pelissier 307 Freda Guttman 308 Erin Hall 309 Yuriy Zikratyy 310 Emilie Carbonneau 311 Rob Feulner 312 Christine Cameron 313 Pascale Jones 314 Richard White 315 Gregory-Yves Fénélon 316 Keisha Lourdes 317 Sarah C Carlsen 318 Nate Yaffe 319 James Brown 320 Janessa Culliford 321 Jonathan Glaab 322 Julie Paquet 323 Kristina Parker 324 Lesley Ann Foster 325 Erica Mitchell 326 Mina Quezada-Boxer 327 Kate Nugent 328 Julien Simard 329 Matt Reading 330 Shadi Assadi 331 Camille Fassi 332 Sophy O 333 Alex Petrachuk 334 Jehan Delaconte 335 Emilie Fattore 336 Dean Garlick 337 Samantha Bitonti 338 Jake Moore 339 Beth McKenna 340 Andrew Patterson 341 Estelle Davis 342 Melanie Doucet 343 Delphine Gauthier-Boiteau 344 Paolo Miriello 345 Danji Buck-Moore (anabasine) 346 Gabrielle Ouellette 347 Fiona Ainsworth 348 Jackie Solar 349 Jaclyn Kendall 350 Thomas Boucher 351 Anni Choudhury 352 Michael Halls 353 Liam Carlisle 354 Christian Stahl 355 Eli Kaufman 356 Nick Maturo 357 Lesley Dornan 358 Quinn Rockliff 359 Lucas Huang 360 Jordan Robson Cramer 361 Carolyn Jong 362 Amber Hood 363 Mike Vessey 364 Marwen Tlili 365 Mitchell Westcott 366 Devon McKellar 367 Nasir Hasan 368 Brandon Lim 369 Frédérick Michaud-Rancourt 370 Samantha Henman 371 Karl Fousek 372 Hilary king 373 Marie-Michele Proulx 374 Julie Sperl 375 Mackenzie Smedmor 376 Océane Ingrid Nyela 377 Krystale Tremblay-Moll 378 Pierre-Michel Jean-Louis 379 Amena Ahmad 380 Sarah-Jade Bernier 381 Lyanna Labelle-Rocha 382 Sean Bartel 383 Allison O'Reilly 384 Sarya Bazin 385 Sean Bartel 386 Heather Delagran 387 Lorena Lombardi 388 Simon Peacock 389 Fridoline Bédard 390 Pablo Petrucci 391 Isak Goldschneider 392 Noam Bierstone 393 Dominic Belanger 394 Alexander Nicol 395 Shanice Nicole 396 Nicolas Castonguay 397 Catherine LaRiviere 398 Pamela Fillion 399 Tracey Waddleton 400 Yves Engler 401 Zinnia Naqvi 402 Rodolfo Moraga 403 Micah Brown 404 Joumana Choucair 405 Meg Peters 406 Avery Mensch 407 Aleksandra Kado 408 Sam Risser 409 Annie Stephens 410 Maria Wang 411 Adria Collins 412 Rosie Callaghan 413 Dayna McLeod 414 nada temerinski 415 Julia Dyck 416 Vijay Kolinjivadi 417 Sean Fox 418 Benjamin Warner 419 Julia Dickens 420 Li Li 421 Lucy M. May 422 Jennifer Bélanger 423 Brandon Schwartz 424 Mina Savard 425 Xavier Levesque 426 Zoe Roux-McKean 427 Nada Khashaba 428 Jack Deming 429 Anika Ahuja 430 Véronique Voyer 431 Daniel Chichagov 432 Omar Husain 433 Marc Ducusin 434 Jeremy Young 435 Max Seguela 436 Jackson Darby 437 Catherine Métayer 438 Max Seguela 439 Éliane Thivierge 440 Matthew Halpenny 441 Matt Lee 442 Melodie Brisebois 443 Rosemary McDonald 444 Maude Soucy 445 Zachary Millen 446 Meghan Butters 447 Stephanie Saretsky 448 Katie Seline 449 Nic Turcotte 450 Sonya Stefan 451 Danny Leo 452 Annie Lujan 453 Marie-Pier St-Onge 454 Cassia Hardy 455 Mélissa Laveaux 456 Jenny Lin 457 Victoria Hall 458 Laura Buchanan 459 Edgar C. Mbanza 460 Ashly Gatto Cussen 461 Tim Forster 462 Sebastien Alexander 463 Will Peters 464 Guillaume Morissette 465 Aimee Poulin 466 Gabrielle Tremblay-Baillargeon 467 Scott Brownlee 468 Marie-Pascale Lafrenière 469 Camille Bernard 470 Jake Roddy 471 Amy Horvey 472 Amina Diallo 473 Marie-Michèle Cyr 474 Kiva Stimac 475 Sukaina Kubba 476 Fabien Marcil 477 Darren Creech 478 Ora Cogan 479 Laurie Potter 480 Athena Holmes 481 Russ Martin 482 Zh Fevek 483 Tamara Sandor 484 Miguel nyberg 485 Carolin Huang 486 Hugo Belzile 487 Sarah Brown 488 Maurena Taylor 489 Vaughn Lev 490 Steve Newton 491 Noah Markis-Morrison 492 Andrew Cross 493 Sara Latendresse 494 Daniel Seligman 495 Charlotte Dion-Gagnon 496 Danielle Napope Walton 497 Steven Sutcliffe 498 Simon Wayland 499 Bonnie Zehavi 500 Odile Myrtil 501 Cecilia MacArthur 502 Nicholas Dawson 503 Jacky Vallée 504 Sophie Patenaude 505 Cheryl Donison 506 Harleen Bhogal 507 Sarah Doucet 508 Gwendolyn Muir 509 Lara Munro 510 A.P. Bergeron 511 Joshua Harold Wiebe 512 William Sinclair 513 Jonathan Smith 514 Jacob Tolmie 515 Kyle Stewart 516 Brittany Williams 517 Ted Samuels 518 Robin Simpson 519 Dorothea Paas 520 Veronica Tamburro 521 Jana Tostado de Loizaga 522 Jodie-Ann Muckler 523 Jade McInnis 524 Dustin Kagan Fleming 525 Steve Day 526 Julia de Montigny 527 Kenny Streule 528 Steven Balogh 529 Naomi Goldberg 530 Maya Youngs 531 Alan McTavish 532 Mark Haynes 533 Alexander Bourque 534 Shabina Lafleur Gangji 535 Brian Hastie 536 Dalia Tourki 537 Taylor McCuaig 538 Corey Seaton 539 Alexis Searcy 540 Khayman MC 541 Amber Berson 542 Gersande La Flèche 543 Amanda van Pypen 544 Sarah Naomi Zakaib 545 Emily Campbell 546 Taylor Cada 547 Solomiya Moroz 548 Amy Macdonald 549 Joana Joachim 550 Bianca Marcelin 551 Mona'a Malik 552 Véronique Turgeon 553 Alexe Louisa 554 Dany Laj 555 Po B. B. K. Lomami 556 Kim Simard 557 Seamus Dalton 558 John McColgan 559 Geneviève Richard 560 Tala Ezeddin 561 Leo Loisel 562 Felix NB 563 Carly Seltzer 564 Sasha Kleinplatz 565 Kaligirwa Namahoro 566 Anaëlle Béglet 567 Nicholas Trudel 568 Jonathan Cook 569 Andrés Vial 570 Pamela Gomez 571 Eunice Bélidor 572 Lydia Wener 573 Erica Edwards 574 Raph Sandler 575 John Kerkhoven 576 Ja James Britton Johnson 577 Corrina Hodgson 578 Katherine Blenkinsop 579 Fiona Ritchie 580 Ralph Moore 581 Rachel Zellars 582 Sadie Gilker 583 Scott Osborne 584 Sandrine Carle-Landry 585 Beth Mills 586 Charles Johnson 587 Emma Gawne 588 Tynan Jarrett 589 Tracy Biddle 590 Wesley J. MacNeil 591 Jade Parkinson Gayle 592 Samm MacIntosh 593 Sarah Lauren Gale 594 Catherine Debard 595 Matthieu Vanier 596 Niki Shaffeeullah 597 Tori Ford 598 Hillary Barnes 599 Subhanya Sivajothy 600 Dominique Fontaine 601 Jenny McMahon 602 Sara Robichaud Rousseau 603 Charline Robert-Lamy 604 Noah Brender 605 Samya Lugoma 606 Evelyn Ricky 607 Aleksandra Panić 608 Kelvin Mansaray 609 Zackary Derrick 610 Lucinda Davis 611 Birdie Gregor 612 Stefan St-Laurent 613 Edwin Isford 614 Caleb McKend 615 Kristina Mahler 616 Maïté Bouchard 617 Derek Woods 618 Jean Cousin 619 Devon Simpson 620 Eileen McCammon 621 Jessica Oliveira 622 Juri Yamanaka 623 Mila Ghorayeb 624 Lucinda Kiparissis 625 Lucie Swan 626 Rochelle Rinne 627 Lindsey Carter 628 Mari Philip 629 Mike Czuba 630 Mari Philip Tremblay 631 Jaymes Bowman 632 Emily Ekelund 633 Anna Belanger 634 Yannick Pereira Bajard 635 Séré Beauchesne Lévesque 636 Laura Donohue 637 Jessica Bardill 638 Joey Zee 639 Elisa Fernandes 640 Gloria Tong 641 Jillian Vasko 642 Max Freedman 643 Celeste Pimm 644 Stefani Qureshi 645 Sakina Chigoho 646 Nicole LaRouge 647 Jordan Beaulieu 648 Elena Samuel 649 Mickeline Couturier 650 Christine Paré 651 Matthew Stinis 652 Marie Carmel Bien-Aime 653 Jessica Samson 654 Claire James 655 Jason Doucan 656 Finn Short 657 Nico Contreras 658 Mattias Graham 659 Beau Kimpton 660 Magdalene Klassen 661 Elizabeth Rogers 662 Emma Elbourne-Weinstock 663 Geoffrey Pearce 664 Tanya Evanson 665 Éloïse Choquette 666 Lucie Lastinger 667 Camp rock pour filles et jeunes de genre non-conforme de Montréal 668 Devin Gibbs 669 Lynn Kozak 670 Kareem Ibrahim 671 Tristan D. Lalla 672 Zoe Williams 673 Roxanne Larochelle 674 Patricia García 675 Ben Compton 676 Ryan Ruddick 677 Sadie Avery 678 Christine Avery 679 Georgia Graham 680 Jessica Ruzek 681 Marie Denise Douyon 682 Shahin mamizadeh 683 Zach Ripka 684 Cristine Cimon-Fortier 685 Karine-Myrgianie Jean-François 686 Stacey Sexton 687 Anique Jordan 688 Natalia Navincopa 689 Jeremy Sandor 690 Jillian Ohayon 691 Catherine Colas 692 Julia Metraux 693 Jonathan Currier 694 Emily Sirota 695 Amanda Harvey 696 Will Prosper 697 Marline François 698 Yuan Stevens 699 Catherine Dubé 700 Zahra'a Jaffar 701 Mikayla Harris 702 David Rose 703 Margot Sumantri 704 Omar Mustafa 705 Sarah Wendt 706 Diana Lavinia 707 Eva Fleur Riboli-Sasco 708 Laura Schultz 709 Émilie Savoie 710 Julia Weber 711 Lar Simms 712 Roger Tellier-Craig 713 Alexandra Mackenzie 714 Anna Bella 715 Heather White 716 Raven Spiratos 717 Kylie Brooks 718 Amelie Primeau Bureau 719 Rachel E. Dubrofsky 720 Warona Setshwaelo 721 Amanda Murphy 722 Hakeem Lapointe 723 Aurelie Ptito 724 Nahid Widaatalla 725 Christine Mayor 726 Emmy Williams 727 Jude khashman 728 Sharon Williams 729 Andrea Swallow 730 Susannah Wesley 731 Emma Bronson 732 Belinda Kwan 733 Anais Kasongo 734 Valeria Kirichenko 735 Spencer Gilley 736 Jules Nominal 737 Cherrilyn Birchwood 738 Bee Khaleeli 739 Amel Osman 740 Mona Guilbeault 741 Carl-Philippe Simonise 742 Valérie Beaulieu-Paquette 743 Megan Jones 744 Diana Baescu 745 Josh Spencer 746 Katharine So 747 Rebeckaah Diaz 748 Maxime Audet 749 Viola Chen 750 Sasha Tate-Howarth 751 Liam Lachance 752 Antonio Bavaro 753 Connie Lingua 754 Melis Cagan 755 Tony Bravo 756 Maeve Botham 757 Brittne Potter 758 Nadia Chaney 759 Catherine Cyr 760 Chava Field-Green 761 Zlatka Simic 762 Melanie L. St-Cyr 763 Alexa Dirks 764 Lisa Mayes 765 Shayna Hadley 766 Jennifer Messelink 767 Cristine Boyer 768 Kristanne Constant 769 Dana Edmonds 770 Jorge Alonso Gamarra Montesinos 771 Leona Nikolic 772 Alexandria Maillot 773 Sarah Lefebvre 774 Sara Mannseichner 775 Ben Ger 776 Kristin Roe 777 Corie Waugh 778 Andrew Jamieson 779 Caroline Pelletier 780 Jade Almeida 781 Karen Wassenberg 782 Denis Arsenault 783 Jacynthe Lalonde 784 Amaya Athill 785 John Jordan 786 Shirel Revah 787 Dieter Schulz 788 Eva Boodman 789 Kelann Currie-Williams 790 Rowena Tam 791 Peter Burton 792 Keith Stratton 793 Maxence Jodoin 794 Sara Portela 795 Jan Wade 796 Matthew-Robin Nye 797 Patricia De Méo 798 Katrina Caruso 799 Jimmy Bellemare 800 Holly Greco 801 Emily Jaeger 802 Hau Yu Wong 803 Amy Bridgett 804 Maia Klee 805 Rachel Weldon 806 Jack Pichette 807 Suzanne Zaccour 808 Linnea Gwiazda 809 Jesse McKee 810 Yasmin Ali 811 Glenn Gear 812 Mariam Ali 813 Elisabeth Galina 814 Yusra Ali 815 Daniel Catalfamo 816 Sarah Ali 817 Adrien Deveau 818 Sarah Teixeira St-Cyr 819 Sonia Bazar 820 Sera Stopard 821 Danielle St Amour 822 Rose Kent 823 Etienne Grenier 824 Lucas LaRochelle 825 Michael Toppings 826 Jodi Heartz 827 Hannah Brais 828 Erika Pierre 829 Stephane Christinel 830 Megan Batty 831 Richie Assaly 832 Deann Nardo 833 Rebecca Miller 834 Adrienne R. Johnson 835 Diego Martin 836 Alessandra Devulsky 837 Catherine Eidus 838 Marc Dossou 839 Farhana Chowdhury-Kashem 840 Gabor Szvoboda 841 Henri Colombat 842 Philip Borden 843 Mariana Hollmann 844 Evy Mendes 845 Mohammed Odusanya 846 Tess Liem 847 Emma Mutch 848 Gustavo Guzman 849 Victoria Johnston 850 Mason Windels 851 Dolores Chew 852 Kalale Dalton-Lutale 853 Charles Bourassa 854 Claire McLeish 855 Bita Mary Eslami 856 Hugh Cawker 857 Échantillons 858 Kate Killoran 859 Jasa Baka 860 Josefine Henman 861 Alexandre Bourdon 862 Eric Dougherty 863 France Saint-Onge 864 Espoir Segbeaya 865 Alita L'Ecuyer 866 Alex Megelas 867 Mitch Dixon 868 Mary Helmer-Smith 869 Jason Sherwood 870 Danielle Bobker 871 Steph Proctor 872 Valérie Bah 873 Joni NehRita 874 Meghan Sivani-Merrigan 875 Michael Heinermann 876 Ella Earp-Lynch 877 Sonia Parra 878 Eliza Kahero:ton Kavtion 879 Zipporah Wharwood 880 Jake Griffin 881 Lesley Bramhill 882 Denise Clair 883 Cristian Pietrantonio 884 Eric Haynes 885 Ayan Kassim 886 Irina Jeltac 887 Rene Callahan-St John 888 Marie-Philippe Drouin 889 Milo Johnson 890 Chalsley Taylor 891 Isabelle Kirouac Massicotte 892 Tessa Diamond 893 Marianne Scarfo 894 Steve Bates 895 Naali Holmes 896 Zinta Auzins 897 Sharon Blades 898 Alain Legagneur 899 Sharon Blades 900 Nicola Emmanuelle Wilting 901 Jonathan McPhedran Waitzer 902 Natasha Chenier 903 Alex Robichaud 904 Nore Duchesne 905 Pénélope Gromko 906 Julianna Smith 907 Pénélope Gromko 908 Bea Scharf 909 Erin Howley 910 Geerthikha Thankarajah 911 Andrew Plamondon 912 Victoria May 913 Isabella Harned 914 Kelly Mullan 915 Chloe Barker 916 Emily Luciani 917 Eva Nkurunziza 918 Maria Kyres 919 Jessica Hébert 920 Folarin Ajileye 921 Kay Shauna 922 Kay N'kansah 923 Mira Silvers 924 Christian Favreau 925 Leanna King 926 Morgan Berson 927 Lisa McCormack 928 Elizabeth Neale 929 Claire Abraham 930 Ben Kirsebom 931 Oliver Skinner 932 Gandhi Delsoin 933 Stephanie Paiement 934 Valérie Grenier 935 Sonja Hanson 936 Amy Coppeard 937 Corina MacDonald 938 Liane Decary Chen 939 Louis Paulhus 940 Helen Simard 941 Tanja Nachtigall 942 Brad Loughead 943 Andy Le 944 Marina Serrão 945 Mathilde Poinçot 946 Kavya Anchuri 947 G L O W Z I 948 Anastasia Dudley 949 Sirma Bilge 950 Richard Wenger 951 Zoë Vos 952 Marc Lucke 953 Henrika Larochelle 954 Sam Cohn Cousineau 955 Lydie Dubuisson 956 Benjamin Kamino 957 Jessica Connor 958 Samia Alami 959 Katie Ward 960 Marlo Turner Ritchie 961 Irvine Carvery 962 Christine Rodriguez 963 Candi Dice 964 Antoine Poliquin-Beauregard 965 Howard Chackowicz 966 Erin C. MacLeod 967 Catherine Thibault 968 Amanda Dunbar 969 Emma Legault 970 Meredith Marty-Dugas 971 Archer Black 972 Tsion Mariam Sisaye 973 Bianca Giulione 974 Kevin White 975 Sedi Soga 976 Mia Ingram 977 Molly Callaghan 978 Adrienne Huard 979 Beth Nickerson 980 Amelia Peres 981 Alonso Benavente Fortes 982 Yuri Koshiyama 983 Rachel Sauvé 984 Mariah Andrews 985 Michael Keir 986 Adella Khan 987 Kaley Butten 988 Emily Gosse 989 Billel Sidney Khaili 990 Helen Guri 991 Julien Johnson 992 Tali Ioselevich 993 Angélica Reyes Fraga 994 Jason Mark 995 Jane Daly 996 Aisha Vertus 997 Jesse Just-Costa 998 Billy Eff 999 Nathalie Michel 1000 Gabriela Leggio 1001 Emma Leclerc 1002 Suzanne Chabot 1003 Deanna Radford 1004 Aisha Sasha John 1005 Heather Ball 1006 Noelle Perdue 1007 Noémie Gilbert 1008 Lori Beavis 1009 Ash Davis 1010 Emily Howes Vallis 1011 Maxwell Neubacher 1012 Claire Hurley 1013 Kenza El Jihad 1014 Julie Michaud 1015 Marieve Marechalr 1016 Valerie Sing Turner 1017 Nathaniel Walsh 1018 Gabriel Dorais 1019 Marie Beaudoin 1020 Laurel Koop 1021 Lou Pollard 1022 M. Wes Martin 1023 Leetia Kelly 1024 Burcu Emeç 1025 Alex Brohman 1026 Candia Murphy 1027 James Hyett 1028 Michelle Blassou 1029 Moumy Mbacké 1030 Jenny Speed 1031 Freda Guttman 1032 April Dawn 1033 Melissa Nelson 1034 Bradley Por 1035 Cleopatra Boudreau 1036 Stephanie Eccles 1037 Sarah Davies 1038 Amy Kitchen 1039 Michèle Spieler 1040 Laurianne Lalonde 1041 Kymberley Feltham 1042 Gabrielle Domingue 1043 Dhaniel Preito 1044 Anna Sofia Contreras 1045 Sean Johnston 1046 Enrique Montesinos 1047 Max Harry Myrtil 1048 Ella Murphy 1049 Louisa Joseph 1050 Charmine Cortez 1051 Tika Simone 1052 Carol Natale 1053 Shelley Ruth Butler 1054 Alice Ming Wai Jim 1055 Delali Egyima 1056 Dylan Metz 1057 Erik Mockus 1058 CJ Dupras 1059 Chuck Bronson 1060 Florence Lessard-Larouche 1061 Jacqueline Bush 1062 Jeff Helberg 1063 Janice Temple 1064 Rosie Mendez 1065 Melissa Langley 1066 Bert Lobb 1067 Alison Abrego 1068 Christine Comeau 1069 Erin Sobat 1070 Juliette Favreault 1071 Maria Brine 1072 Christopher Julien 1073 Gillian Baugh 1074 Andrew Furst 1075 Wahsonti:io Kirby 1076 Mandy Beaulieu 1077 Marja Centina 1078 Emily Muise 1079 Abigail Smith 1080 Benjamin Delaveau 1081 Niya Benefield-Jones 1082 Tara Mandarino 1083 Jo Mitrovic 1084 Sarah Anderson 1085 Ian Harrison 1086 Lorna Bauer 1087 Ciel Doell 1088 Chloe Boone 1089 DJ Fraser 1090 Gabrielle Steeves 1091 Shriya Hari 1092 Parker Johnson 1093 Emma Heywood 1094 Joseph Ste-Marie 1095 Noah Burnett Rooney 1096 Melissa N. Shaw 1097 Tenyjah Mckenna 1098 Joshua Shessel 1099 Angela Brown 1100 Tina Gelsomini 1101 Osman Yussuf 1102 Kloee Huberdeau 1103 William Ward 1104 David Vincent 1105 Lara Oundjian 1106 Federica Silvester 1107 Omar El-Shakra 1108 Jeannine Ntamatungiro 1109 Ruby Ross 1110 Marlene Misiuk 1111 Cassandra Talula Dias-Greizis 1112 Thomas Gillies 1113 Doris Dias 1114 Tricia Robinson 1115 Doris Dias 1116 Thomas Gillies 1117 Norma Rantisi 1118 Lieska Guzman 1119 Vivian Eyre 1120 Madeline Ross 1121 Cassie Matheson 1122 Alex Cat 1123 Erika Davis 1124 Jean-Marc LeBlanc 1125 Angela Miller 1126 Sarah Kastner 1127 Sarah Boo 1128 Debby Gemme 1129 Chloe Chauvet 1130 Chance Hutchison 1131 Peter Taylor 1132 Michelle Wouters 1133 M. Erik Leisinger 1134 VK Preston 1135 Rachel watson 1136 Billy Marshall 1137 Mélissa Bureau-Capuano 1138 Sabina Roman 1139 David Labelle 1140 Kiersten van Vliet 1141 Ellen Furey 1142 Nathalie King 1143 Sam Kirmayer 1144 Alan Wong 1145 Xan Shian 1146 Sidetracks Screenprinting Collective 1147 Sorya Nguon 1148 Mugoli Samba 1149 Alexie Labelle 1150 Rory Cleator 1151 Jeanne Beauchamp 1152 Joanny Raby 1153 Brandy Leary 1154 James Gnam 1155 Candice Irwin 1156 Parisa Mirshahi 1157 Vanessa Côté-Courtemanche 1158 Simon Poirier-Malo 1159 Nicoleta Stoodley 1160 Justin Levesque 1161 Erika LeBlanc 1162 Tianna B Brown 1163 Katie Lee 1164 Oliver Shaun 1165 Guillermo 1166 Kathryn Yiu 1167 Hannah Eichenwald 1168 Jeremy Roberts 1169 Isabelle Monast 1170 Kelsey Wilson 1171 Neil Corcoran 1172 Hannah Beach 1173 Murielle Varhelyi 1174 Evan Shafer 1175 Selin Altuntur 1176 Scott Paradis 1177 Arno Pedram 1178 Olivia du Vergier 1179 Surah Field-Green 1180 Ruth Cruz 1181 Skyler Diotte 1182 Amelia Ruthven Nelson 1183 Christopher Douglas 1184 Skylar Morgan 1185 Melissa Romano 1186 Keith Dang 1187 Ally Turner 1188 Magassy Mbow 1189 Laurina Hunter 1190 Aaron Dolman 1191 Jeanne Lewis 1192 Stella-Rayne Priddy 1193 Natacha Clitandre 1194 Caitlin Louise 1195 Kevin Gould 1196 Danielle Skene 1197 Marie-Jeanne Brouillette 1198 Justine Provost 1199 Kate Nankervis 1200 Marlon Kroll 1201 Mars Zhaus Gradiva 1202 Charles-Hubert Favreau 1203 Jean-Michel Lacombe 1204 Lisa Martin 1205 Matthew Richard 1206 Paul Phillips 1207 Petrona Joseph 1208 Chris Hauer 1209 Camille Blaise 1210 Wade Walker 1211 Dani Caudeiron 1212 Jacqueline Dupuis 1213 Joani Tremblay 1214 Sally L Jones 1215 Wai-Yant Li 1216 Raquel Aurini 1217 Meaghan Dawson 1218 Lara Ebata 1219 Kayleigh Choiniere 1220 Pat Dillon-Moore 1221 Isaac Stethem 1222 Fred Savard 1223 Andrew Campbell 1224 Grégory Charles 1225 Jonathan Sheppard 1226 Soyeon Lee 1227 Marina Corsillo 1228 Claudia Mejia Castillo 1229 Sierra Briggs 1230 Camille Hamelin-Couture 1231 Marcia Thomas 1232 Aliyah Fraser 1233 Lyndsay O'Donnell 1234 Julie Crooks 1235 Jessica Wurster 1236 Amanda Manson 1237 Therese Desrosiers 1238 Tess Roby 1239 Guillaume Decouflet 1240 Katherine MacDonald 1241 Kaitlin Doucette 1242 Joey Aleman IV 1243 Sajdeep Soomal 1244 Cat Lamoureux 1245 Sami Douba 1246 Rhinna Katera 1247 Jimmy Bertrand 1248 Mitchell Chalifoux 1249 Daniela Madrid 1250 Louis Ramirez 1251 Michelle Sarmiento 1252 Grant Brewer 1253 Braydon de Liberato 1254 Ashley Grenstone 1255 Corey Gulkin 1256 Rebecca Sarah 1257 Lola Rohi 1258 Anahi Zaldivar 1259 Julia Kennific 1260 Carley Hoja 1261 Christopher Applewhaite 1262 Kristen Theodore 1263 Rosie Desbiens 1264 Ilana Divantman 1265 Jules Galbraith 1266 Bhan Gatkuoth 1267 Jonathan Bacon 1268 Kelsey Rideout 1269 Linzey Corridon 1270 Kevin Williams 1271 Martin Lukacs 1272 Ekaterini Barrios 1273 Quinci Best 1274 Jennifer Phan 1275 Carolyn Fe 1276 Katia Gagnon 1277 Marie-Jade Menni 1278 Inés Anaya 1279 Robyn Alfonso 1280 Bonnie More 1281 Miles Petrella 1282 Ben Silverstein 1283 Ayan Mahdi 1284 Saelan Twerdy 1285 Juanita Marchand Knight 1286 Janïsa Weekes 1287 Kristy Franks 1288 Nayani Thiyagarajah 1289 Monica Popescu 1290 Ellen MacAskill 1291 Kaisha Lee 1292 Kayla De Vos 1293 Amy White 1294 Larissa Wright 1295 Costa Giannoussis 1296 Rachel Gauthier 1297 Laurence Gervais 1298 Patrick Park 1299 Isabelle Montpetit 1300 Bryanna Serré 1301 Farhiya Dini 1302 Marie Maude Polychuck 1303 Alex Dahlberry 1304 Christian Scott 1305 Kris Holt 1306 Shoshana Freedman 1307 Nanette Soucy 1308 Madison Bernard 1309 Clara Congdon 1310 Amer E. 1311 Nicole Aline Legault 1312 Amanda Sylvester 1313 Simone Ince 1314 Elisabeth Schneider 1315 Demitria Citro-Sauve 1316 Coral White 1317 Zaki Ibrahim 1318 Katherine Robertson 1319 Maiko Rodrig 1320 Kelsey Borgfjord 1321 Ginette Sze 1322 Sandra Gebremichael 1323 Jamal Jones 1324 Sara Yemane 1325 Nadia Moss 1326 Madeline Chamberlin 1327 Kai Samuels 1328 Corina Kennedy 1329 Bradley Campbell 1330 Timothy W Daggs 1331 Pascale Page 1332 Noelle Belanger 1333 Hugh Mater 1334 Kevin Alexander 1335 Aurélie Lesueur 1336 Ems Aubin 1337 Estelle/Gatien Wathieu 1338 Eli Tareq 1339 Samiha Khalil 1340 Sasha Miguel 1341 Victoria May 1342 Kaia shukin 1343 Merrianne Couture 1344 Luc Loidelle 1345 Matthew Ariaratnam 1346 Saru Siva 1347 Blaire Golledge 1348 Noah Elkind 1349 Nicole Arrage 1350 Kaitlyn Daley 1351 Komi olaf 1352 Michelle Gagnon-Creeley 1353 Rachel Smith-Gay 1354 Steeven Pedneault 1355 Laura Lasby 1356 Taylor McMillan 1357 Madeline Smart 1358 Debbie Saintelmy 1359 Julia miranda 1360 Katherina Ilenseer 1361 Tamara Dawit 1362 Ashley Dusseault 1363 Jordan Arseneault 1364 Caroline Mawhinney 1365 Susan Campbell 1366 Amy Keeler 1367 Minelle Mahtani 1368 Nick Rony-Lacasse 1369 Jerico Rony 1370 Antoine Lahaie 1371 Oldin Rizko 1372 Mars Ramlogan 1373 Philip S. S. Howard 1374 Nneka Croal 1375 Martin Klimes 1376 Carol Crawford 1377 Nathalie Chehab 1378 Jay Alexander Brown 1379 Talya Gad 1380 Kaya Murciano 1381 Grada Kilomba 1382 Brandon Steele 1383 Teagan Po White 1384 Alderaan Bruens 1385 Chris Keogh 1386 Zoe Slobodzian 1387 Eddie Adisson 1388 Spencer Nelson 1389 Kristin Donovan 1390 Sébastien McLaughlin 1391 Carla Chambers 1392 Tarisa Deboer 1393 Neha Rahman 1394 Ariane Gagné 1395 Erika Brandl 1396 Tanika Charles 1397 Fitsum Areguy 1398 Greg Pidcock 1399 Kim Brisebois 1400 Stephanie Li 1401 Camille Benoît 1402 Jan Olson 1403 Janet Lumb 1404 Kailin Mailly 1405 Kayla Breaker 1406 Maxine James 1407 Jodie Beck 1408 Christina Xydous 1409 Rae Congdon 1410 Sophie Robichaud 1411 Safia Siad 1412 Caitlin Hayward 1413 Adrienne Carey Hurley 1414 Liz Michaud 1415 Erica Bridgeman 1416 Rachel Patenaude 1417 Kasey Politano 1418 Genevieve Belanger 1419 Ann-Julie Durocher 1420 Bren Eastcott 1421 Melissa Wheeler 1422 Ghairunisa Galeta 1423 Marie Jean 1424 Anne-Audrey Remarais 1425 Sovannak Ke 1426 Kayla Kenny 1427 Victoria Stanton 1428 Stéphanie Belanger 1429 Alex Kpeglo-Hennessy 1430 Nicolas Levert-Cui 1431 Aurelia Roman 1432 Erixa Bourdeau 1433 Jean Djamen 1434 Juatin Otteson 1435 Emre Kelleci 1436 Marielle McCrum 1437 Andy Mulcair 1438 Adrian Tsui 1439 Sammy Halimi 1440 Noah Ciubotaru 1441 Patrick M O'Connor 1442 Dallin Whitford 1443 Nicholas Evert Nasedkin 1444 Zoe Rochat 1445 Kayhl Cooper 1446 Jackson Palmer 1447 Norah Prodan 1448 Laura Mackenzie 1449 Lucie Marchand 1450 William Graefe 1451 Sara C Ligonde 1452 Charles Zhao 1453 Jordan Brown 1454 John Hanchar 1455 Leticia Trandafir 1456 Matthew Otto 1457 Scott Thompson 1458 Caitlin Kelley 1459 Ana lasevitch 1460 Malika Tirolien 1461 Khalid Salahadin 1462 Taylor Tower 1463 Alexandra Armstrong 1464 Valentine Patin 1465 Krystale Tremblay-Moll 1466 Lucas Tremblay-Moll 1467 Tariq Khan 1468 Hannah Boone 1469 Josefine Henman 1470 Marcus Scalia 1471 Mevla Selman 1472 Davi Tohinnou 1473 Lauren Phillips 1474 Lynn O'Brien 1475 John Gagliardi 1476 Elizabeth Yu 1477 Sammy Halimi 1478 Trynne Delaney 1479 Vi—An Dang 1480 Angie Cheng 1481 Runa Reta 1482 Sonya Stefan 1483 Eisha Zhu 1484 Yuvida Mom 1485 Michael Haldeman 1486 Elizabeth Shepherd 1487 Nick Pineau 1488 Lucas Hamren 1489 Kristen Low 1490 Abram Moore 1491 Antonella Fratino 1492 Claudia Moll 1493 Johnny Tortorici 1494 Marjorie Reinoso 1495 Zaya Solange 1496 Kelvin Mansaray 1497 Zach Ripka 1498 Douglas Chance 1499 Lateef Martin 1500 Sijia Ye 1501 Chris Edmondson 1502 Hugo Merville 1503 Jacob Zacharia 1504 Anthony Salazar 1505 Yemisi Adeleye 1506 Kwame Bertrand 1507 Renée Murphy 1508 Yasmin Kowlessar 1509 Sydney Lang 1510 Sage Horsey 1511 Deepa Krishnan 1512 Mathias McLeggar 1513 Suzanne Harcler 1514 Laura Boyce 1515 Sekoya Wellingas 1516 Marie Brandt
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