slashingmoon · 3 years
Looooving this one
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AFO: I wasn’t expecting that.
Deku: Join the club!
BNHA Movie #4: Deku Goes to Prison
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slashingmoon · 5 years
Gramander Fic Recs
My 2nd rec list
Hope you find something for yourself in here
-Basic Instincts by manic_intent
Graves exhaled, exasperated. “A what? Is this a rescue or are you a hostage?”
“Sort of neither,” Newt admitted.
-Precious Metals by Astrum_Ululatum
Percival Graves is left deaf and traumatized by his time being held captive by the Dark Wizard Gellert Grindelwald. Fortunately, he has a charming British magizoologist and two very persistent sisters to help him through his recovery - and, of course, a very adorable occamy companion!
-Attachment Issues by Elenothar
Five times one of Newt’s creatures hitched a ride to work with Graves, and one time he took them along on purpose
-Newt Scamander’s Guide to Getting Things Done by arthureameslove
In which Newt gets his latch fixed, so his creatures don't escape, Graves is never Grindelwald, and Newt immediately knows what the problem is (those big, gaping holes in the city were not caused by any of his creatures, thank you very much).
If only he could get the director to listen to him.
-Not So Innocent by princhess07
We've had a lot of brilliant fics wherein Newt does unintentionally lewd things to arouse Graves, right? Well, what if we had a fic where he pretends to be innocent, except he's actually bending over strategically/making innuendos/sucking on phallic-looking objects/generally being a tease on purpose?
-Dearly Beloved by prosodiical
or: Five times Percival Graves said he was married, and one time Tina believed him.
When Director Graves starts elaborating on his supposed husband, the entire department is even more certain he doesn't exist - an author and a dragon tamer, who's somehow captured a creature that can kill a hundred wizards at a time? And what sort of name is Newt, anyway?
Tina's one of them - at least, until Newt Scamander, magizoologist, shows up in New York and lets a Niffler loose. And when he realises Graves has been replaced by an imposter, things only get more complicated from there.
-Reality vs Expectation by vaderina
The Aurors take bets on how long it takes a new recruit to realise that their first impression of Percival might be wrong. THe only assumption that is correct is that the man is married to his work. So they try to set him up with various people (victims more than dates) to help him find love.
-Like a Flower in Bloom by vaderina
Percival's life is structured with a rhythm and order to it that he doesn't have a need to deviate from. It might not be considered exciting or even fun by most people but he's happy the way he is. Then along comes Newt with his case full of creatures and brings colour into his life in a way he never thought he'd wanted or needed.
-Everything Important in a Suitcase by bluebeholder
While asking for a permit to keep his suitcase on American soil, Newt Scamander accidentally befriends Director Percival Graves, newly returned to office. In the months afterward, both men discover what it's like to have a friend
-Stormy Seas by Tarlan
Newt has to leave New York or risk losing his creatures, but unknown to him at the time he was carrying someone else with him
-One Way to Make an Announcement
It was the creatures that gave the game away
-Loose Lipped and Looser Morals by vaderina
Prompt filled: Percival is hit by a spell that turns off his brain to mouth filter. Suddenly he's babbling on about Seraphina's horrendous haircut, how his time with Grindelwald wasn't all that bad because at least the man can play chess and professing his undying love for one Newton Scamander because have you seen his hair? It's so soft, I love it so much, I wish he'd just kiss me but I'm too old for him.
-Mr. Graves by flightinflame
Graves is a private man and even his closest coworkers know little about him. Over the years they've learned his married and later on his wife is actually a man. Everyone imagines some just like him.
Meanwhile the aurors have spent years chasing a little shit named Newt
-Starving by silverynight
It seems Percival Graves can't keep his hands to himself when Newt Scamander is around
-Five Times Newt gets exactly what he wants and one time he has to give something in return by silverynight
Newt Scamander has Percival Graves, Director of Magical Security and one of the most powerful aurors alive, completely wrapped around his little finger.
But that's not a surprise, everyone knows it, Graves is not very subtle after all.
No, the interesting thing is that Newt knows it too.
- Entrancing by silverynight
Percival Graves assumes Newt Scamander is half-veela because he's so beautiful Graves can't even work properly.
But Newt Scamander has not a single drop of Veela's blood in his body.
Percival is just helplessly in love and has no idea that he is, until someone tells him.
-The clingy one by silverynight
The aurors of MACUSA don’t believe Queenie Goldstein when she tells them their boss is a clingy man. They’re aware she’s a legilimens, but it’s hard for them to picture the Director of Magical Security, smiling happily while being wrapped around someone.
Because it’s not possible for the wizard that growls instead of talk, that’s constantly with a frown on his face and is in a permanent bad mood to be needy. Percival Graves seems like a man who doesn’t need or want company of any kind.
*** But when Newt Scamander returns to New York they find out how wrong they are.
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slashingmoon · 6 years
FrostIron Fic Recs
There aren’t enough fic rec lists out there, so I decided to make my own.
Starting with some FrostIron recs.
- Take Me Away by STARSdidathing
 After helping win the battle against Thanos, Tony just can't bring himself to head back to Earth. Instead, he turns around and walks in a different direction.
- Hero Worship by Taeryfai
Snapshots of an universe where Loki brings home back a friend clad in red and gold. Despite previous evidence of Loki having terrible taste in friends Thor quite likes this one. Loki does too. It takes Thor a while to figure that maybe Loki likes this one a little too much
- A Man with a Mission by Arvari
When Tony Stark returns from Afghanistan, he wants nothing more than to learn from his past mistakes and try to make the world a better place. The problem is that no one listens to him and everyone thinks he's just gone crazy. Including his best friends. But Tony is angry, and he believes that he has a mission. When Loki comes to New York, he wants nothing more than to hide from his family for a while, watch reality shows and be generally lazy. The problem is that he sees a man on TV. A man who seems sad and lost. And Loki is very interested in him. And he has nothing better to do, anyway, does he?
- Project Happily Ever After by Imagined
In which Tony seeing the feelings of his friends, decides to plays matchmaker but doesn’t realise Lokis feelings for him. Well at first ;)
- And some crack: 5 Times Tony Stark Tried to become a Villain & the 1 Time the Villains were the Heroes by MysticMedusa
After everything with the civil war and the rogues coming back Tony begins to think he wasn't meant to be a hero. the villains have a different opinion on this
- Guardian Prince by STARSdidathing
Exiled!Loki as Tony’s Bodyguard with Son!Peter, Avengers 1 didn’t happen
- To Get Lucky by SailorChibi
Steve bashing
While Steve was running around the world trying to avoid the law, Tony figures out how to save James Barnes. Steve, in all his narrow-mindedness, does not like that one bit
- The Gift of Time by The_Winter_Writer
Over the years Tony’s birthday had changed meaning multiple times.This year it changed meaning yet again.
- A Reality by Oh_Toasty
In a reality where they close the portal before Tony Stark can fall back through, the energy of the tesseract and other forces combines to send Tony through time and space. He ends up in Asgard during Loki's childhood.
- First Date by HalcyonFrost, STARSdidathing
This isn't the first time Loki's been stood up by his soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, but it doesn't make it any less of a horrible night. Or, it could have been, if a handsome stranger hadn't come over and sat at Loki's table, pretending to be his late date.
- Will you dare by HalcyonFrost
It started simple enough - Tony voiced certain doubts in regards to Loki, and Loki proved him wrong. Loki did the same right back, and Tony proved him wrong. Suddenly "I bet you haven't" became a regular part of their vocabulary between each other, and along the way, "I'll bet you haven't" started to mean "I want to do this with you."
- Blessed by the Norns by The_Winter_Writer
Receiving your soul mark from the Norns was supposed to be considered a blessing. That mark was meant to guide you to the one being in all of existence who was your perfect match. Tony already knew his perfect match. He wasn’t sure the Norns agreed
- Bad Case of Loving You. by Michaelssword
It’s just another bad day of dealing with pre-operative patients for Dr. Loki Laufeyson, but then he comes across drugged Tony, who instantly decides that they should get married.
That’s where it begins
- Deception At Its Finest by STARSdidathing
Loki is working with the Avengers as part of his punishment for the attack on Jotunheim. He's utterly disgusted by the latest mission they want him to undergo; turn into a cat and infiltrate Anthony's Stark's lair? How utterly degrading
- Americano by yourproblematicfave
"I'm the barista and you're the obnoxious customer who comes through and orders a venti macchiato while talking on the phone the entire time so I misspell your names in increasingly creative ways everyday" au
-Smile like you mean it by NamlessyNightlock
“A dance then,” Tony shot back. When the woman's nose wrinkled in perfect distaste, he leaned away carefully, and lifted one hand to touch his fingers to her cheek. “I just want everyone here to know that I’m the one you’ve chosen to give your attention to.”
Tony's reputation might be well earned but that doesn't mean he likes being touched without permission, and when a stranger walks up to him at an SI benefit and kisses him straight on the lips, Pepper expects Tony's reaction to be explosive. But when he instead pulls the woman close and kisses her back– well, Pepper thinks that's probably cause for worry, but not overly so. Tony's lovers never last longer than a night, after all.
-Corny Lines For Thanksgiving by TerresDeBrume
When Tony looks through the window of his office, he sees a blonde guy with a too big dog and too-loud laugh. And then he falls for his boyfriend.
Hope that there is something for you
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