skylarwoodgate · 4 months
She's the one.
Inspiration: this
Summary: You bring an umbrella and a warm drink to Bakugo while it's raining. And that's when he knows- you're the one for him.
Pairing: Bakugo x f!reader
not proofread <3
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Katsuki left school in a hurry while his friends were still packing their bags and taking their sweet time chatting with each other. His old hag had asked him to bring some groceries on the way home. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he sighed, checking the list of groceries his mother sent over text. He could get them from the grocery store near his house. 
He put his phone back in his pocket, walking down his usual route home, when he felt a drop of water fall on his nose. He wiped it, frowning when he felt more drops of water fall on his head. He looked up to see it had started raining. He didn't have an umbrella with him. 
Meanwhile, back in class, you were helping Uraraka clean the classroom since it was your guys' turn today. You hummed to yourself, cleaning the chalkboard, the sounds of tapping on the window catching your attention. You opened the window, holding your hand out, feeling the cold drops of water fall on your palm.  
"It's raining, huh?" Uraraka said, adjusting the desks. 
"Yeah," your mind went back to your spiky-haired friend. You were aware he never had an umbrella in his locker. "Katsuki must be cold..."
"Aw, are you thinking about Bakugo?" Uraraka teased.
"Shush. I was just wondering if he has an umbrella." 
The brunette took the board eraser from your hand, giving you a smile. "You should go after him. I'll finish the rest."
"No, it's okay. Let's just finish-"
"Oh, hush, y/n. I said I'll take care of rest, right?" Uraraka handed you your bag. 
"Thank you, Ochaco." You grinned, running out of the classroom and down to the lockers. You took out your umbrella, opening it when you stepped outside the school building. It was pouring heavily now, accompanied by the cold wind. You shivered, pulling your blazer up to cover your nose. Katsuki must be soaking to the bone, you thought yourself.
And he was.
He muttered a string of curses, grimacing at the feeling of his shirt and blazer clinging to his skin. He hugged himself when the cold air hit his already wet body. This is why he hated rain. It did nothing but irritate him.
He stopped in his tracks when he heard someone call his name. He stood there, eyebrows knitted in concentration as he tried to listen through the pitter-patter of the rain. He glanced back to see a girl running towards him in the distance, calling his name. 
His chest warmed when he saw it was you. The girl he'd grown close to over the last few months. The girl who managed to drill her way into his head and make him feel butterflies just by her voice. The girl he wasn't sure he wanted to be 'just friends' with.
You stopped in front of him, almost slipping. You panted, grinning at him with your cheeks flushed from running. Bakugo gulped, his heart dancing. 
"You left without an umbrella." You said.
"So you came running here just to give me an umbrella?" Bakugo raised an eyebrow. He noticed you clutching two paper cups of something to your chest.
"Yeah, I knew you didn't have one." You said, holding out the umbrella for him to hold. Bakugo grumbled, taking the umbrella. You gave him one of the warm cups you were holding.
"What's that?"
"Hot chocolate," you replied. "I grabbed these on the way. Thought you were cold."
He took the drink from you, looking down at the cup in his hand, feeling his face heat up. "Thanks..." he mumbled.
"No problem!" You grinned. "I just came to give you these. I should get to the bus stop now."
"Wait a damn minute, you idiot." He held the cup and the umbrella in the same hand, grabbing your hand with the other before you turned to leave. "What about you?"
"Yer going to get wet."
"Oh, don't worry. The bus stop's not too far from here."
"No. My place is just a minute away. You're coming with me. Don't want you blaming my ass when you get sick 'cause I took your umbrella."
"I-is that okay?"
"Of fucking course it is." He snorted.
"Alright then." You blushed as he held the umbrella in between you two so you were both shielded from the rain. 
Bakugo glanced at you walking beside him, bringing the opening in the lid to his mouth to sip on the warm and sweet liquid. He studied your side profile, the sleeping butterflies in his stomach waking up. Warmth took over Bakugo's previously cold body. You ran all the way in the rain just to give him a warm drink and an umbrella. How could he not fall for you?
She's the one, his heart murmured. Bakugo subtly smiled to himself, shifting closer to you to relish your warmth.
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skylarwoodgate · 7 months
Misunderstanding Cassian x Reader
You were excited for your first night out with the inner circle after you and Cassian started dating. You picked out the perfect shirt that revealed just enough to tease along with leggings and a pair of heels. Once he came home, he couldn't keep his hands off of you telling you how hot you looked. He changed out of his leather and into a pair of black pants and a matiching black shirt with the sleeves rolled up. You were worried you were going to drool, he looked so good.
After arriving at Rita's, you were quickly introduced to Amren, who was the only one you hadn't met yet. You took a seat next to Mor, who complimented you on your outfit choice. After drinks and appetizers arrived, you, Mor, and Feyre made your way to the dance floor. You could feel Cassian watching you. The smile on his face made your heart warm. A few moments later, he got up to order more drinks.
You started dancing with Mor when her smile faltered as she looked behind you. You turned to sesige Cassian talking to some woman at the bar. You didn't think anything of it until Mor asked if you were ok. "Yeah, why?" You answer calmly. "That's Cassian's ex, Adriana." She tells you sounding surprised you didn't know.
The sound of his laugh had you turning back to face him, your heart sinking when you take in the sight. His focus is only on her as she sits at the table like she belongs there. Her hand resting on Cassians arm while they talk and laugh. Rhys and Azriel look uncomfortable along with Amren. You turn back to Mor, "I'm going to head home. I'm not feeling well." You know it's a weak excuse, but you can't handle being here right now.
The look of pity in Mor's eyes only makes it worse. "Don't let her win, march over there, and make both of them pay." She says. You give her a weak smile, "Not my style, besides the alcohol is catching up with me. I'll see you later, tell everyone bye for me." You make your way out of Rita's and start walking home. Thankfully, your apartment isn't too far from Rita's. Once inside, you lock the door before heading for the shower.
While showering, you realize just how different you and Cassian are. You're honestly surprised he gave you a second glance. By the end of the shower, you're convinced it wouldn't have worked out between the two of you anyway, but still, your heart hurts. You dry off and put on some sleep shorts and a tank top.You curl up on the couch and pick up the book you had started earlier. Soon, a thundering knock threatens to break your door, startling you.
"Y/n, please open the door and talk to me." Cassian says from the other side. You ignore him, not wanting to deal with further rejection. "Y/n, come on. I know you're in there, I can hear you turning the pages of your book." He says as he bangs on the door again, rattling it. "Go away, Cassian." You answer. "Y/n, please let me in so we can talk about this. I'll sit outside your door all night if I have to." He says. "Better grab a blanket then." You answer before getting up and going to bed.
You lay in bed, unable to sleep most of the night. When morning comes, you force yourself out of bed and make tea. You open the door, causing Cassian's sleeping body to fall and hit the floor. "Well, that's one way to wake someone up." He grumbles. "Why are you sleeping on my doorstep?" You ask searching for the paper, that hasn't come yet. "Because I told you I'd stay out here all night." He answers before standing and stretching.
You hear his joints crack and watch him rub the stiffness out of his wings. "Come in and have some breakfast." You say feeling bad for him. You move to the kitchen and make a bagel for him with a glass of milk. "About last night..." he starts to say, but you interrupt him, "there's nothing to talk about, I don't fit into your world. Last night just helped me realize that." You say calmly.
"What do you mean you don't fit into my world?" He asks with a hint of annoyance. "I have no powers, I don't know how to fight, I'm nothing special, just an ordinary woman trying to keep my head above water." You tell him. "You fit into my world perfectly. Everyone adores you, and last night, they chewed my ass out for you. Adriana means nothing to me." He declares. "She sure looked like she meant something to you last night." You mutter before taking a sip of tea.
"Maybe you should get the whole story before you judge me." He says, sounding angry. "Tell me then." You say. "I tried to get rid of her after she found me at the bar, but she wasn't having it, and I didn't want to cause a scene. She followed me back to the table and sat down. When Mor came back and you were gone, I knew why. Rhys was the one to get rid of her once he saw she wasn't listening to me about you."
"That would explain why everyone seemed uncomfortable. But you let her touch you." You respond. "I kept moving her hand off of me, but she kept putting it back." He says. "I would never intentionally hurt you or jeopardize our relationship." He says softly as he reaches for your hands. "I love you, y/n." He says. "I love you too, Cassian." He pulls you into his arms and kisses you. You kiss him back, "Now take me to bed so I can finally sleep." You tell him softly.
He carries you to bed and cuddles up with you under the blankets. You rest your head on his chest as you listen to his steady heartbeat. He kisses the top of your head before smoothing your hair. "Sweet dreams, beautiful." He whispers as you drift asleep.
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skylarwoodgate · 7 months
Hey girly, I had a dream last night and I feel like it’d make a good story. This time it’s cassian! So we want to go into battle with everyone and fight but cassian is set on us staying so we get into this big argument the night before we leave. While in battle, the reader gets seriously hurt and possibly kidnapped or taken and cassian can feel them through the bond getting hurt and is freaking out. Obviously the inner circle ends up finding us and cassian drags her into their room and starts apologizing and telling her how sorry he is and they make a pact to never go into battle angry and maybe it ends with some smut if you wanted to. Thank you so much!
thank you for the request love! I've been dying to write more Cassian lately
Stay Together
Cassian x Reader
Warnings: explicit torture, battle, weapons, injury, etc
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You could not believe the conversation that you were having with Cassian. “What was the purpose of all the training I’ve gone through if you’re going to try to stop me from joining you in battle, Cass? I’m not just going to stay here while everyone else puts their lives on the line.” Arms crossed, you gave him your most stern look, daring him to challenge you further.
Cassian often didn’t know when to let things go, and now proved to be one of those moments. He towered over you, speaking in a lethally calm tone. This was not your mate, this was the General speaking to you now. “You will not go into battle tomorrow. It is against my official orders, and in this moment I am telling you as your superior officer that you are not prepared for this fight.” 
Seething with anger, you stormed from your tent. A lower ranking officer who was positioned outside eyed you with concern as you dodged any attempt at conversation, stalking past him. In need of space from Cassian and knowing that Mor was off with Emerie, you went to her tent to stay the night, eventually falling asleep still waiting for her to return. 
You awoke to alarms ringing and shouting from all over the camp, the sounds of people running past your tent signaling that there had been an advance from the other army. They’d come early. You sprung out of the cot you’d slept on, realizing Mor never came back last night. You could only hope she’d stayed with Emerie as you ran to find your own mate, hopeful to locate him in the chaos. 
Most everyone had evacuated the camp by now, headed to the battlefront. You couldn’t fathom how we had been caught off guard so easily - how could the entire other army have moved that quickly? Throwing the flap open to your tent, Cassian was nowhere to be found. Of course he wouldn’t be here - he would be on the front lines - and your last words to each other were an argument. 
Swallowing down the lump in your throat, you searched frantically for your armor - pausing when you heard shuffling and whispers outside the tent. Who would be heading back into camp in the middle of an attack? You grabbed your dagger, creeping outside to peer around the corner where you’d heard the noise.
The same officer from last night stood in front of you, smiling as he casually flipped his own dagger in his hand. “What are you doing here? Most everyone has left for the battlefront by now,” you questioned him, looking around for anyone else in the area. You panicked as you realized that you were alone, the knowing look on his face telling you everything you needed to know.
“You think we’d send our entire army against you so soon? We just needed a distraction.” You gripped the hilt of your dagger, barely holding yourself back from attacking this male who’d revealed himself as a spy. You needed to get more information first. He continued, “With enough spies in your camp, it was too easy to convince everyone that the other army was on the move. You really should be more aware of who might be listening - your little fight with your mate last night gave us the perfect opportunity. Now we’ll be able to not only destroy the camp and weaken your forces before our attack, but we’ll have a member of the High Court, the General’s mate, as leverage.” 
You scoffed. “You think you can take me? You know who trained me.” He slowly nodded. “I don’t need to.” Suddenly you sensed a presence behind you, turning to see several males just before the world went black.
You awoke, blinking your eyes rapidly in an attempt to adjust to the lack of light in the room. You were seated at a table - chained to a chair, your arms cuffed to the tabletop - your entire body feeling weak and throbbing in pain. Instinctively, you tugged on the bond in hopes of reaching Cassian, but felt nothing. Panicked, you lowered your mental shields to contact Rhys or Feyre. Nothing again. Realizing you must have been given faebane, your next move was to find a way out of your chains. As you studied your binds, the door opened, a large, uniformed male and female entering the room.
“Good, you’re awake. Now we can begin,” the male said, yellow eyes shining with twisted pleasure as he took the seat across from you. The female stood to the side, unrolling a pack to reveal a number of tools and knives. You were here to be tortured for information. 
Taking a deep breath, you schooled your features into a neutral expression, focusing on detaching from the physical pain that was coming. You didn’t bother to look at the tool the female held up in your peripheral vision as she made a show of inspecting it. The male leaned forward, a sick grin showing several missing teeth as he asked you a question. You tuned him out, ignoring everything he said so that you wouldn’t give anything away.
Heavy silence hung in the air, the male seemingly repeating the question before sighing in resignation. He nodded to the female, who roughly grabbed your hand in hers, and the pain tore through every nerve in your body as your fingernail was ripped from you. A scream echoed through the air - presumably your own - as your vision flashed white. 
It felt like hours had passed, as they found creative new ways to draw pain from you. Your body slumped forward as much as the chains would allow, you began seeing visions in the darkness. Azriel appeared in the corner of the room, and you were grateful for this trick your mind was playing on you, just so you could see a familiar face. You smiled, feeling a sense of comfort rush through you before the male’s hand made contact with the side of your face. 
Reeling from the impact, your vision began to fade as you slowly lost consciousness again - only seeing flashes of Azriel’s face as he killed your captors. You felt the warmth of your mate, Cassian’s voice sounding from a distance in your head. This must be the end, you thought, welcoming death - or whatever may come - as long as you were with Cassian.
Your first thought as you looked around your bedroom was that this was clearly not Hel. Your muscles were sore, but otherwise you felt whole. You could feel your mating bond again, tugging on it as hard as you could just to see Cassian burst through the bathroom door with wide, puffy eyes. “Sweetheart,” he whispered, running across the room to kneel at your side. Tears ran down his face as he held your hands in his. “I’m so - I’m so sorry,” he choked out through sobs. “I should have listened to you, I never should have let you leave like that. I love you. I love you. I love you. Please, please forgive me.” Your heart broke with his, feeling his remorse and fear through the bond. “I’m sorry too, Cass. I thought I was going to die having left you after an argument. That feeling was worse than any pain I went through.” 
Cassian looked up at you, his broad hand holding your face as he swore, “I will never leave you in a fight again.” You nodded. “I promise, I will never leave you in a fight either.” The bargain mark burned the back of your neck, a sharp diamond with intricate swirls now permanently on both of your bodies. Cassian leaned in, kissing you softly until you pulled him closer, deepening the kiss, communicating all that words could never express. 
You pulled him into the bed with you, the two of you holding each other close. You would face the looming threat of the spies and the war soon enough - but tonight, you had your mate, and you would never have to face those threats without him again.
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skylarwoodgate · 7 months
Sunny - Cassian x fem!Reader Drabble
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Reader has the best wingman. A Clumsy Love Drabble
No warnings, just fluff
Cassian was feeling very happy to be home in Velaris with his family. He had just returned from a mission that had gone much longer than initially planned. With a free afternoon, he was spending some quality time with Rhys, Feyre, and Nyx at a quaint cafe by the Sidra. 
The drinks had just been delivered to the table. Nyx clapped his hands together clumsily as Feyre held up a milkshake for him to try, while Rhys watched the interaction lovingly. The little babe always brought so much joy to their family. 
With all eyes on Nyx, no one noticed the golden blur bounding down the street. The dog came to a stop in front of the group and jumped up at Cassian, knocking the table and causing the drinks to spill. 
Nyx points at the dog and starts babbling, “Pup pup pup.”
It’s a big dog with long, well-groomed, golden hair. It’s on a lead though there is no owner in sight. The dog parts its mouth, appearing to smile, and wags its tail as it tries to lick Cassian’s face. 
“Hey buddy,” Cassian says, giving the dog a pat on its head. “Where’s your owner?” 
On cue, a gorgeous High Fae female bolts down the path, coming to a halt before the table. 
“Sunny, you bad boy!” She exclaims. The dog, Sunny, cocks his head in response before giving Cassian’s cheek a lick. 
Cassian lets out a deep laugh, both at the happy dog’s affection and his name, which is not very fitting for the Night Court. 
“I’m so sorry,” The female says to the group. “He pulled out of my grip and took off. I chased him all the way down the street. Can I please replace everything he knocked over?” 
“No real harm done, darling,” Rhys responds, before giving Cassian a pointed look.
“Are you sure?” The female questions, grabbing Sunny’s lead. “Sit boy.” Sunny obeys, still wagging his tail. 
Nyx interrupts with more babbling, “Pup!”
Laughing, the female asks, “Do you want to see him do a trick? Sunny, roll over.” The dog obeys again, rolling onto his back. Nyx lets out an elated squeal and claps his hands together. 
The female beams at the toddler, before turning her attention back to the rest of the group. “I’m so sorry, I’m forgetting all my manners. My name is Y/N.” 
Hearing her name is music to Cassian’s ears, it sounds so lovely that he forgets to respond. 
“I’m Rhys, this is my mate, Feyre, and our son, Nyx. That’s Cassian.” 
Rhys saying his name draws Cassian’s attention from the female, he notices Feyre wiggling her eyebrows at him and smiling cheekily. Rhys coughs, a blatant push to get Cassian to speak. 
Finding his voice, he turns to Y/N, “Actually Rhys, this has been quite inconvenient.” He flashes a smile that he hopes is charming enough, “I know how you can make it up to me though.” 
Y/N’s cheeks flush and she tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear, “Oh, how?”
“Dinner. With me. Tonight.”
Y/N bites her lip, not breaking eye contact, “It’s a date.” 
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skylarwoodgate · 7 months
I am a sucker for jealous/possessive Azriel (but not in a super dark creepy non-con way). There is just something satisfying about knowing that someone actually wants you so much they get a little stupid! (And I sound insane! So sorry!)
Listen. Friend. If there's one thing I understand, it's this. You do not sound insane at all haha.
Anyway, I hope I got the tone you were looking for! It got a tiny bit longer than a drabble. It was fun to write, thank you so much for your request! Hope you enjoy <3
Azriel’s grip tightened around his glass as he watched her laugh from across the room.
She was laughing.
He made her laugh.
Two hours had passed since Rhys had announced a spontaneous feast in celebration of the anniversary of his and Feyre’s mating ceremony, and Azriel had spent the better part of those hours throwing sideways glances at Tarquin.
“You’re going to crush that,” Cassian said, leaning backwards against the same wall his brother was currently guarding, and nodding his chin towards the spymaster’s glass. Azriel didn’t even have to turn his head to know Cassian wore a shit-eating grin on his face. “Might as well keep it intact to fling it at our favourite beach boy for making goo-goo eyes at your mate. How’s that bond doing by the way? You seem tense.”
“Cut it out,” a familiar voice drawled from Azriel’s other side, which was followed by Rhys grazing the very edge of his peripheral vision, words directed at Cassian. “I’m sure he’s plotting his death as it is, you don’t have to encourage him. I can’t afford to lose an ally.” He lifted his own glass to his lips, before mumbling, “Don’t exactly have them to spare.”
On the other side of the room, as Y/N threw her head back laughing, she lifted her hand to place it on Tarquin’s arm as thought to steady herself, and Azriel’s jaw clenched of its own accord.
“Man, it must be fun being you right now,” Cassian snickered, shoving his elbow in Azriel’s side. “I wonder how she doesn’t feel your side of the bond simmer with raging jealousy.”
“He’s keeping his side muffled.” Rhys said.
“Stay out of my head,” Azriel muttered, too distracted to bother with his mental shields right now, but Cassian had already found his new target to poke at.
“That’s actually adorable, Azzie,” he smirked, slapping his palm on the shadowsinger’s back. “Can’t say you’re not at least trying to keep a lid on the crazy.”
“This shouldn’t be happening.” Azriel’s voice was quiet, words spoken more to himself than anyone, but of course his brothers noticed anyway.
“What, she shouldn’t be talking to another man?” Rhys snorted. “Please, get a gr—”
“No,” Azriel interrupted. “We’ve been mated for almost a year now. The frenzy shouldn’t last that long, I shouldn’t feel this… territorial.”
Cassian snickered, and Azriel could hear the grin in Rhys’ voice now, too.
“Hate to break it to you, Az,” the High Lord drawled as he swirled his drink around in his glass. “But that has nothing to do with the mating bond.”
For the first time, Azriel forced his eyes away from her, and focussed his attention on Rhysand instead. An unspoken question lay between them, and Rhys—being the bastard that he was—took a long swig of his drink before deigning to give an explanation as to what he meant.
“It’s called being in love,” he finally said, throwing his shadow-wielding brother a wink. “Get used to it.”
“Yeah, it’s a real bitch,” Cassian sighed. “There’s this book-selling asshole down by the Sidra, and I swear, whenever I go there with Nes, I could rip the guy’s throat—hey!”
Azriel had stopped listening, and instead shoved his mildly splintered glass into Cassian’s open palm, before making his way past the group of chattering people that had just broken his line of sight. He had to get her back into his field of vision as soon as possible.
It was by mere accident that he bumped into someone and felt the contact right down to his toes.
“Az!”, Y/N exclaimed, eyes alight with faerie wine, and cheeks rounded with a beaming grin. “Az, I’m so glad you’re here, Tarquin just told me the most hilarious story! You won’t believe it.”
He felt something within him smooth over at the joy in her eyes, a smile tugging at his lips. A smile that turned the tiniest bit menacing as she pulled Tarquin into view. Again with the hand on his damned arm. Azriel felt his left eye give an undignified twitch.
Tarquin bowed his head in way of greeting. “Shadowsinger.”
Azriel gave a curt nod, before turning back to face Y/N. He bowed his head for his lips to graze her ear and lowered his voice to a whisper.
“Will you join me on the roof, my love?”
When he pulled back, he saw how her eyes had taken on a dreamy look, overflowing with love as she shot to the tips of her toes to wrap her arms around his neck.
“To see the stars?” she asked, quiet enough for only him to hear.
He felt the corners of his lips curl into the hint of a smirk. “And maybe kiss a little.”
She grinned openly now, and next thing he knew, she was kissing him square on the lips right in front of Tarquin.
Azriel felt heat crawl up his neck, and when she pulled back, it suddenly felt like he was the lightheaded one.
He cleared his throat, nodded once, and took hold of her hips to steady her in her drunken sway, before giving a tight-lipped smile to Tarquin, and stirring her out of the crowd.
As they passed his brothers, Azriel ignored Cassian’s thumbs up.
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skylarwoodgate · 7 months
How to Steal the Duke's Heart 101 (2)
→ Masterlist || → Taglist <- Previous Part
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Pairing: Wriothesley x (gn!) Reader
Summary: After Wriothesley managed to get you back out of prison again you wanted to go back to living your life. However, things wouldn't go so smoothly, especially since you missed the man you had grown to love during your time in the Fortress. However, maybe fate is smiling down on you for once...
Tags: Fluff, lots of kissing, you were in prison (but innocent), swearing, french kissing (we're in France after all)
A/N: People asked for a Chapter 2 - I got an idea - here we are. Hope you enjoy and thanks for the crazy support on part 1 ;_; <3
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In the following days, you stayed in the Infirmary. Your concussion and the accompanying migraine flare-ups made it hard to do anything but lie in bed with closed eyes. 
Sigewinne, who was introduced to you as the head nurse, took care of you during the time you were at the Infirmary. And she religiously made sure that you didn’t leave the bed under any circumstance. She came by twice a day with some funny-tasting shakes which, despite their flavor, worked like a charm against your headache.
Wriothesley also stopped by at least once a day, no matter how occupied he had been around the Fortress otherwise. And every time he walked through the door with confident steps, and pulled a chair by your bedside, your heart was about to burst straight out of your chest. Even more so when he leaned closer to you to press a fleeting kiss to your lips as if it was second nature now.
Both you and him often stayed up late to chat the night away and tonight was no exception to that.
You were leaning against the headboard of the bed, and he was sitting on the opposite side of the bed with his back leaned against the footrest himself. He had brought a thermos flask filled with freshly brewed tea and two cups over to the Infirmary and you were both happily sipping away on it together. A small smile was displayed on his lips as he engaged in conversations with you – just like you had always done while dining together at the Cafeteria. There was just this unspoken feeling of comfort in the room whenever you could spend time with him and you wished it would last forever.
“How are you feeling? Getting any better?” Wriothesley inquired, tapping two fingers against his temple, symbolizing the location of the pain he was speaking about.
“Yeah. Yeah, I think it’s getting better finally. Sigewinne’s shakes and potions definitely helped–”
“You can actually drink them?” He chuckled, the corners of his eyes crinkling upwards.
“They’re definitely not good, I won’t lie. They taste like seaweed and sand. It’s like–”
“Like you ate an entire beach and every time you close your mouth it feels like you’re grinding dirt between your teeth.” He finished the sentence for you with another low chuckle that made your heart skip a beat.
“Exactly! How do you–?”
“Well, let’s just say I’ve been on the receiving end of these shakes a couple of times myself.” He smirked, took a sip of tea from the metal cup in his hands, and sighed. “But tea is infinitely better.”
“Oh, without a shadow of a doubt. I agree.”
A comfortable silence settled between you as you each quietly sipped on your tea. You eventually find your eyes wandering across his form - his broad chest and shoulders, to the sliver of skin showing below his neck. Even though he was trying to cover it up with black belts, the deep scars that evidently littered his skin couldn’t be hidden fully. The same applied to the scar right below his enchanting eyes.
Especially the scars around his neck looked like they came from a wound that would take a miracle to heal and recover from and you couldn’t help but wonder what could’ve caused it.
It was as if your body had started moving on its own when you leaned forward, tracing the long scar below his eyes with your index finger, down to the ones down his neck, stopping just short of his collarbone. 
Despite the deep scars and slightly bumpy texture, the skin felt soft and you could feel a slight shiver run down his spine as you ran his finger over them. He observed your facial expressions closely as you did and eventually put his bigger hand above yours to stop your motion and pressed your hand against his chest with a smile. Although there was hurt lingering behind his icy blue eyes.
“How did you get these scars?” You mustered up the courage to ask, your eyebrows pulled into a frown.
“Oh, that? I battled a gigantic undersea monster when I conquered the Fortress of Meropide. Guess who emerged victorious?” He smirked.
“Wait… really?” You ushered in surprise.
“No.” He replied dryly while averting his eyes.
You retracted your hand from his chest while apologizing. You felt like you had overstepped a boundary by asking.
“It’s –” He hesitated before pointing to his neck. “This one right here is the reason I’m here.”
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” You reassured, not wanting to pry into his private life if he didn’t want to tell you. He took hold of your hand once more and gave it a reaffirming squeeze before sighing deeply.
“I… killed my parents. Well, adoptive parents. I’m an orphan.” Another long sigh escaped him as he averted his eyes to where your hands were intertwined. “To keep it short, they seemed like nice and law-abiding citizens at first. Like a picture-perfect family. But eventually, they treated us, me and my siblings, like trash, and sold us out one after another. I know for a fact some of my siblings did not survive because of what they did and one day… I just– snapped and ended things and set the remaining children free. They didn’t go down without a fight and that’s that. As for the others?” He brushed along his arms with the fingers of his right hand. “I’ve gotten into fistfights and the like down here a lot, nothing too special about those, really.”
He fell quiet, fiddling with your thumb, clearly nervous about how you’d possibly react to this revelation. Would you resent him? Push him away?
But you did neither of these things. You couldn’t even imagine how hard growing up must’ve been for him. And then being sent from one hell straight into another because you defended yourself and others from harm? Fontaine’s justice system was a lot – but after your case and especially after hearing his now, one thing was evident: It was everything but just.
“You’ve never been free. Not even for a single day of your life?” You questioned.
“I guess not. Although I can’t really complain. My position allows me more freedom than some people above ground have. My sentence ended a long time ago but I have no reason to go back up permanently now. Besides, I’m needed here.” He chuckled dryly before looking back up into your eyes which were now glistening with tears as you were on the verge of crying.
He took your face between his hands, wiping your eyes gently with the pad of his thumb before bringing it closer to his to press a sweet kiss to your lips.
But it wasn't long before you were interrupted by the door being flung open, swiftly followed by little tippy steps. Looking over Wriothesley's shoulder towards the doorway to the room you spotted a very displeased and borderline angry-looking Sigewinne.
"Your Grace." She almost hissed with one of her little arms stemmed on her hips and the other pointing to the wall clock that read 1 a.m. "My patient needs rest and this doesn't include staying up way past midnight and drinking caffeinated tea!"
He threw you a half-amused, half-apologetic look before sliding off the bed in one smooth motion. Spreading his arms out to both sides, he turned around with a sly smirk and looked at the head nurse.
"Ah, my apologies. It seems I must've forgotten the time again."
"Hmph… and also, while we're at it – you should rest more and drink less black tea as well." Sigewinne remarked matter-of-factly while looking at Wriothesley disapprovingly.
"I'm getting quite enough sleep, thank you very much for your concern."
"Your eyebags would beg to differ." 
Sigewinne crossed her arms with a triumphant smile painted on her lips as she watched Wriothesley walk out of the room with an apologetic shrug in your direction.
The head nurse promptly rushed to your bedside to fluff up your pillows and tuck you back into bed. She quickly checked if your bandages needed to be changed again before quickly wishing you goodnight, extinguishing the lights as well and closing the door behind her.
This was what a lot of evenings that week looked like. Staying up late with Wriothesley, chatting the night away, drinking tea with the occasional kiss thrown in.
As soon as the week had passed and Wriothesley had ripped your criminal record into shreds in front of your eyes you would’ve been able to return to your old life. But you still hadn't fully regained your strength yet. So upon doctor's orders, you stayed a little longer than you needed to. Not that you particularly minded - especially since you were allowed to stay in a guest room right below Wriothesley's office, which was infinitely more comfortable than the Infirmary. 
Just a couple of weeks ago you could've never imagined staying here longer than you absolutely needed to, but now you found yourself not quite wanting to leave anymore – at least you weren’t in a hurry to do so.
You spent most of your time lounging around in Wriothesley's office, scanning the bookshelves, reading some books, going through his tea collection with growing fascination, and generally just lazing the time away in his presence.
You grew incredibly closer during that week. You spent almost every free minute he had to spare together. Mostly on the sofa in his office with your head resting on his lap while he worked through some files with his feet resting on the coffee table. 
But as soon as the day came where you were officially escorted back out of the office he was nowhere to be found. You had been told to pack your things by the guards because you were about to be escorted out of the Fortress again soon. And while you prepared your things you looked for Wriothesley around the Fortress as well, since you didn’t want to leave before saying goodbye.
So, you stopped by the Infirmary, asked Sigewinne if she’d seen him already, asked several guards and Wolsey at the Cafeteria, but to no avail. It was as if the Primordial Sea itself had swallowed him.
And thus you were meeting at the pickup spot with the guards and were escorted out without seeing him again. You knew that, back then, his reassurance that you’d see him again had been a lie and the chances for that to happen were slim. Especially since he seldom ever left the Fortress. So you entered the elevator you had arrived in with a knot in your stomach that was the size of a boulder.
During the ride up you felt how the air that wafted into the elevator shaft became clearer and fresher again and you couldn’t help but wonder about your feelings that had developed for Wriothesley. Did they just emerge out of your circumstances? Was it just because he was the only one you really ever talked to down here? For the sake of your aching heart, you hoped that was the case and you’d forget this little crush once you returned to your old life again.
Surely that would be the case.
The elevator came to a halt and opened with the same mechanical hiss it did back when you arrived at the bottom of the ocean. You stepped outside, breathing in the fresh air as some droplets of rain collided with your skin.
At last. Freedom.
You didn’t even know where to go or what to do first so you simply ventured towards the City. You had exchanged the coupons you had for Mora again and buying some tea and fresh ingredients for your favorite dish sounded like a good start.
You first went back to your house, to drop off your things and change into something more presentable than your inmate clothes that smelled like oily grease. 
You took a warm shower and slipped on your favorite clothes before heading back out with a pep in your step. The bruise on your face was still slightly visible but that wouldn’t hinder you from enjoying your regained freedom. 
You happily walked into your favorite tea store that was close to your home, greeting the old lady behind the counter enthusiastically whom you always had friendly chats with before your time in prison. She briefly looked up in your direction before knitting her brows and returning to noting things down in her notebook without ushering a single word of greeting in return.
You became slightly unsettled because it seemed like the atmosphere in the room had changed when you entered. You had never seen her behave like this before, she had always been forthcoming, friendly, and extremely chatty. Nonetheless, you went up to the counter with a smile, greeting her once more.
“Hello, it’s great to see you again Madame Dubois. I came to buy a pack of my favorite tea again.” You cheered with a wide smile, feeling ecstatic about being able to do mundane things like grocery shopping again. You fondled with your wallet, taking out the Mora you owed, still remembering how much it cost – but just as you were about to put it on the counter you saw that the woman hadn’t moved an inch and was still scribbling away in her notebook.
“Hello? Madame?” You asked in confusion, trying to gain her attention.
No response.
She slowly looked up at you again and was now clearly annoyed.
“Please leave my store. I don’t want to have my reputation tarnished by serving a criminal.”
You opened and closed your mouth a couple of times, ringing for words of protest but your mind simply blanked because of the sheer audacity of the situation. So, instead of standing up for yourself you simply walked out without another word. 
You were innocent and always had been, so why would she treat you this unfairly? And even if you had actually committed a crime, wouldn’t you have served your sentence and redeemed yourself again now?
With a tarnished mood you continued your way down the street until you came by a clothes store you used to frequent. You began browsing the clothes rack outside to get your mind off of the unpleasant encounter and even found two pieces you wanted to try on.
Throwing them over your arm you walked inside the store and right into the direction of the changing room. But just as you were about to enter it, the store owner stopped you, taking the clothes you had picked out of your hands without a word.
“Uhm, I wanted to… try these on.” You ushered in defeat, already suspecting where the conversation would venture from here. You were beginning to sense a pattern here.
“You can’t try that on.” The vendor said with determination.
“Pft.” She scoffed eyeing you from top to bottom, clearly not in a hurry to give you any sort of reply. “You’re not fooling me. I know that you’re going to steal something if I let you go into the changing room.”
“Madam, I’m innocent. I was never a criminal to begin with. I was falsely accused and convicted.” You protested weakly, feeling the lump in your throat grow in size.
“Mhm, yeah sure. And I’m the Hydro Archon.” She scoffed once more and pointed you towards the exit. 
With sagged shoulders and the urge to cry you found yourself outside of the store again and we're just about done with the day at this point. You half-considered just going back home again and pretending this all was just a bad dream but that would mean you'd just give up.
Was this how all former criminals were treated in Fontaine after being released? If so, it was truly no surprise that no one actually ever returned from the Fortress of Meropide if this was how they were welcomed back. Not because the Fortress wouldn't let them leave even after serving their sentence – but because they were unable to leave. Because they were brandished and irredeemable in the eyes of society.
The voice of Wriothesley from months ago now echoed in your head: “Once you get used to the Fortress you’ll find yourself unable to want to leave.”
Back then you had no idea how true that sentence would ring eventually. Not only because you missed him dearly already but also because you knew things would never return to how they had been before you had been to prison. Nothing you could say to the people on the surface would change their perception of you, because they wouldn’t believe you.
You continued to walk down the street and eventually came by your favorite cafeteria. You had often spent time here before being unrightfully incarcerated. You remembered that you had always gotten along well with the owner of it – but you had the suspicion that that would change now as well.
Unsure whether or not you should even try your luck you eventually walked towards a table and sat down. But your suspicions would remain correct – you would be politely asked to leave from here as well by the man you once got along with quite well, too.
He can’t risk the good reputation of his business and the other customers might feel unsafe sitting next to a convict.
How were you ever supposed to return to a normal life again if everyone treated you with so much disdain?
You decided to just give up for today and plopped down on the side of the pavement, next to some small rose bushes out of sight, and started crying. You needed a valve for all the anger and frustration that had accumulated over the day, and if that was it, so be it.
You wanted nothing more than to return to your old life, or heck, even go back to the Fortress of Meropide. But neither of those were possible. Society had decided you were a sinner and the Fortress was off-limits since people without a criminal record couldn’t get back in. Only former prisoners with a record could go back and decide to stay there, normal citizens, however, were not given that opportunity.
“Is everything alright?” A high-pitched voice addressed you with concern.
You looked up and looked into the face of a purple Melusine with blue hair in the famous blue Fontainian officer uniform. Her eyes were filled with worry and she was leaning over slightly so she was on eye-level with you.
“Mhm, everything’s alright.” You sniffled, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.
She didn’t look convinced and her brows furrowed even further. She looked around and hurried off before swiftly returning with a cup of tea and some pastries from the cafeteria you were unable to get even basic decency from just ten minutes ago.
With a genuine smile on her face, she handed you the items proudly.
“Here, take this. Maybe this will make your day a little better. Remember that just like after rainfall the sun will eventually shine again, there will be brighter days after crying again, too!”
Lost for words and touched by the kindness, you accepted the gift from the friendly Melusine who was already happily hopping away again. At the end of the path, she turned around once more waving and pulling the corners of her mouth up with her hands, signaling you to smile, before returning to her job.
You didn’t know whether to continue crying because you were still feeling like you were drowning at the bottom of the sea or because the only one who had shown you an ounce of humanity today had been a being who wasn’t technically human.
Just what were you supposed to do now?
A couple of weeks passed after that day and things had gone just as bad as they had on your first day. You had found a handful of shops that would still accept you as a customer, and while they weren’t your favorite of all time, they served their purpose of letting you survive.
However, you were seemingly unable to find a stable job again. Your old job no longer wanted you as an employee and all the letters of application you had sent out, had stayed unanswered. You still had enough savings to make ends meet ends for a couple more weeks but after that, you would most likely have to start selling your belongings.
And as if that wasn’t bad enough already, the realization that contrary to what you originally wanted to believe – that you’d quickly get over what you and Wriothesley had after being free again – couldn’t be further from the truth. Reintegrating into society was made impossible to you so there was also no way to distract yourself from craving to see him just one more time. Also because he would be the only one who would show you kindness, understanding and love in a time like this.
No day passed where you didn’t find yourself daydreaming about the times you had sat together and chatted the night away, how you had met up for lunch and dinner, how attractive his smile had looked, how good his aftershave had smelled – and how perfectly intoxicating his lips had felt on yours. 
Why did he not wish you goodbye when you had to leave?
And much worse was that everything reminded you of him. The coat with the red silk lining you saw while passing the clothes store. The familiar tea smell that lingered around the tea store. The whiff of perfume out of the perfumery that smelled just like him. Everything just made you miss him more and it was beginning to become excruciating. 
And on one of those days when you sat alone at home, reminiscing about your time in the Fortress of Meropide you suddenly had an idea. In your present state – without a criminal record – you were legally unable to enter the Fortress… unless-
You jumped up from your seat, your heart practically beating out of your chest over the realization that there was one way out of your predicament.
One solution.
You needed to commit a crime.
You grabbed your jacket and rushed out of your door without a moment of hesitation. You set out for the market and were practically rushing down the street now. You were dead set on your decision. The more you thought about it the more excited you got.
Once you arrived at the plaza you spotted the booth of the jeweler and headed straight in the direction of the table with big, determined steps. You already made out an expensive ruby necklace from afar that was dangling freely from the jewelry stand. That thing must be worth thirty thousand Mora minimum. Stealing that would surely land you a prison sentence for a while – and once you had that, you were free to stay in the Fortress of Meropide for as long as you wished after. You would have the necessary criminal record to make it your forever home.
Smugly smiling to yourself you arrived at the table, eyes still transfixed on the necklace that now dangled teasingly in front of your eyes. Time felt like it was moving in slow motion at this point. You purposefully reached your hand out, clutching the gem with your entire palm. The look on the face of the jeweler was changing with every millisecond that passed. His brows lifted, his eyes became wide and his mouth formed into an o-shape, ready to scream protest over the theft of one of his most precious items on display. Yet, before any of that happened – before you could yank the necklace down from the stand and make a run for it – a bigger hand enveloped your own calmly.
You could feel a chest pressed to your back and a hand on your shoulder, still expecting your plan to work. One of the guards must’ve sensed your intent and just stopped you before you could make a run for it. But the change to a calm look and the smile on the face of the jeweler told you that the situation wasn’t quite like you believed.
“This is the one you like, darling?” A deep smooth, voice inquired from behind you.
Shock shot through your system. You knew that voice like the back of your hand. You had been craving to hear it again for weeks. You had been craving for it since the day you left the prison.
What was Wriothesley doing here?
“We’ll get that one.” He declared towards the jeweler, motioning to the ruby necklace that you still clung to. He handed a small coin pouch to the man behind the booth, who was now happily smiling, weighing the Mora in his hand with a pleasant hum.
Scarred and callused fingers wrapped around your cramped fist and carefully opened your fingers, gently taking the beautiful necklace out of your grasp. 
You were still standing on the spot, unable to move as you were frozen in shock about what just happened, while the man of your dreams put the most expensive jewelry you had ever touched around your neck. Where did he even get this much money to splurge for an item like that?
No. Where did he even come from?!
“Thank you.” He nodded towards the jeweler with a handsome smile before leading you away from the booth calmly. But you could feel how tense he really was, by how hard his digits dug into your shoulder.
He dragged you into a secluded side alley behind some crates that hid you from prying eyes and promptly pushed you against the wall. An icy gaze pinned you down and the iron grip on your shoulder became impossibly tighter.
“What in God's name do you think you’re doing?” He hissed through clenched teeth.
“Nothing.” You feigned innocence. But your voice was barely even above a whisper and you found yourself unable to look him in the eyes.
“Nothing?” He gasped in disbelief. “You were about to steal that necklace just now.”
And to undermine his point he pressed the gem into your skin, which now sat between your collarbones.
“Are you insane?! You only just gained your freedom back!”
“Freedom?!” You bit back exasperated with tears welling up in your eyes out of anger and frustration over the downward spiral your life had been in for so long now. “This ain’t freedom. This is hell. I can’t do this anymore.”
“That’s not a reason to want to go back to prison!” He hissed, pushing your shoulder against the wall even harder.
“Don’t you dare lecture me about anything?! You didn’t even have the courtesy to say goodbye to me when I left.” You hissed.
“I didn’t want to make it harder for you. It was for the best.”
“Shut the fuck up.” You swore fiercely. “You don’t know anything. You don’t know what’s best for me because fuck, this isn’t it. Everyone shuns me, I can’t find a job, I can’t even buy groceries. I don’t have any–”
Before you were able to finish your tirade you were abruptly interrupted by his lips hungrily crashing into yours. 
Immediately the million questions you wanted to ask him and the shock about the situation were forgotten.
You inhaled sharply and shut your eyes and your hands immediately reached up to grab a fistful of his hair, lightly tugging on it while deepening the kiss. A low satisfied grunt vibrated through his chest as you did, sending a shiver down your spine in return. 
He pressed himself up against you, trapping you between himself and the wall. One of his hands found his way around your waist, greedily squeezing at your flesh below his palms. Further pulling you into him as he held you impossibly closer than you already were while devouring you like he was a man starved for air and you were his oxygen. 
His other hand found comfort at the back of your head, preventing it from crashing into the brick wall he pressed you against.
Slightly parted lips danced across your lips down your jaw to your collarbones. Only interrupted by his heavy pants and roaming hands that didn’t seem to know where to touch first.
“Fuck,” he muttered breathlessly with half-lidded eyes, “You drive me insane.” 
For someone who had been blessed with a Cryo vision, you were surprised at how his touch could set you ablaze so easily. Pure flames licked at your skin where he touched you. Hot open-mouthed kisses were placed wherever he could reach. Silken lips entangled with yours as you dangled on the edge of consciousness from being overwhelmed with raw emotion.
It was as if time had stopped for both of you. Lost in the intimate moment of your shared passion, somewhere in a back alley of Fontaine.
He was so close yet you wanted him to be closer. You wanted to hold him and never let him go. You wanted him to kiss you until your lips were sore and you no longer had any air to breathe.
If the kisses you had shared in the Fortress of Meropide had been addicting already then this right now was the most dangerous drug in existence. You were intoxicated by the taste and feel of his lips for no one had ever kissed you like this before. Nor did you want anyone but him ever kissing you in the same way. 
At this point he wasn't a want, he was a need. You needed him like you needed air to breathe and water to drink. And he felt the same about you. 
He carefully parted his lips, prodding the tip of his tongue against your bottom lip, practically begging for entry. And you allowed it as if it was the most natural thing in the world. 
The butterflies in your stomach did somersaults and were about to burst out of your chest when he slung both of his strong arms around your midriff to pull you even closer once again.
A string of saliva connected your lips when he separated from you to catch some air. His eyes were still clouded with emotion as they still hungrily looked at you. His face was still so dangerously close you could feel the tingling sensation of his breath on your lips. 
His arms maintained their position around your waist and he pressed his face into the crook of your neck with a deep inhale. 
“I missed you so much.” He muttered into your shoulder with a meek tone.
You felt like all the weight of the past weeks was lifted off your shoulders at once and you were finally able to breathe again – all despite being buried between the wall and a 6’3” man who was hugging the dear life out of you right now.
“So did I.” You sniffled, only now realizing you had begun to cry because you were so overwhelmed with joy.
“Please, take me with you. Don’t leave me again.” You pleaded, desperately clasping a fist into the fur of his coat. “I don’t want to stay here anymore. Not like this. Not without you.”
He sighed deeply, moving his palms to your shoulders, gently squeezing them. He looked at the floor pondering before directing his gaze back at you again.
“Are you truly sure about that?” He inquired seriously to which you just replied with a determined nod. 
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.” You answered and placed a quick peck on his lips once more. “I’d have committed a crime only so that I could be with you again.”
A low chuckle echoed through his chest and he placed a kiss at the crown of your head.
“Please don’t do that.”
You looked at him with a pout because how were you supposed to come with him when you weren’t allowed at the Fortress?
“I might have a different idea.” He announced smugly.
“And that is?”
“Work at the Fortress.”
“But… I don’t have the required qualifications for the job. I would never get accepted, let alone be even invited for an interview.” You complained, furrowing your brows.
“Well. Are you willing to learn?”
“I-I guess?” You hesitantly answer, looking up at him in confusion. “I’m not sure I follow.”
He took a step back, directed his gaze to the ground, and put his index finger to his chin, acting deep in thought.
“Well, then you’re hired.” He suddenly declared with a smug grin painted on his lips.
“What?” You huffed perplexed, causing him to snort out a laugh.
“My love,” He took your hands into his, lifting them to his lips to press a soft kiss to your knuckles. “Have you already forgotten who I am? I am the one who makes the rules down there.”
After you promptly agreed to his impromptu interview and hiring process, Wriothesley accompanied you back to your house to pack your things. He was barely able to stop himself from smiling from ear to ear. And you reciprocated that feeling. You would be getting a separate room in the Fortress that you could customize to your wishes. And the best part about it was that you technically could always return to the surface still – because, you weren’t imprisoned. You were about to start a new chapter of your life and you couldn’t be more excited.
Sure – things didn’t go like you had expected them to, but all’s well that ends well. Maybe you should stop by your old friend's house sometime to thank her for framing you for the crime you were falsely convicted of back then. After all, it netted you the Warden of the Fortress of Meropide at the end of the day.
As soon as you stood back between the high iron-clad walls that smelled like machine grease and oil you felt right at home. It was as if you had never left. But unlike the first time you arrived here, you were happy. 
You were free, you weren’t a criminal, no one would judge you here and you would be able to spend time with the man you loved. In fact, you’d even say you were happier than you probably had ever been.
Wriothesley led you to your new room, which happened to be below his office, and told you to make yourself right at home. He sat down on your bed and stayed around for a while to chat with you while you unpacked and decorated the space to your liking. Ultimately he had to excuse himself because he was called by a guard for some official business. And with a quick kiss that both of you smiled into, he was off.
You continued unpacking for only gods knew how long until your eyes eventually began to fall close on their own. When you checked the clock on the wall again you saw that it was nearly 11 p.m. already and you decided it was probably time to head to bed. 
You headed to the bathroom that was next to your room and got ready for the night, brushed your teeth, and washed your face before slipping into your favorite pajamas and settling down on your bed.
But as soon as you turned the lights off and lay down on your pillow, something hard was poking your temple. You reached below the pillow and touched something hard and round that felt incredibly cold to the touch.
What the heck?
You grabbed it and quickly pulled it out from below the pillow. The dimly lit room was immediately enveloped in a light blue light. But whatever it was that you had expected it to be it wasn’t this. The light of the orb in your hands was pulsating steadily like a heartbeat and you were quick to discern what that foreign item in your hand was. A cryo vision.
You furrowed your brows and concluded that it must be Wriothesley’s. He did sit on your bed earlier. Maybe it fell off his coat.
You shuffled out of the bed and headed back upstairs, hoping to find him in his office. 
While climbing up the stairs you could quickly make out the smell of fresh tea as well as the quiet notes of a gramophone playing classical music.
As soon as you got a view of the room you found Wriothesley sitting on his desk with closed eyes, a cup of tea held to his lips. Seeing him just enjoying himself made a smile creep up on your face as you approached him.
“Hi.” You whispered as you walked towards him on tippy-toes.
“Hi.” He set down his cup. “Did the music wake you up? I figured you must already be sleeping.”
“No, nothing like that.” You shook your head, taking the hand holding the vision out from behind your back to show it to him. “I found this under my pillow, I think I must’ve lost it earlier.” You discerned, looking at the glowing vision in your hand.
Wriothesley eyed you and then the vision curiously as he jumped up from his desk and walked up to you. 
He gently put his palm around your hand that was holding the vision, closing your fingers back around it again with a soft smile.
He lifted your chin so you looked him in the eyes before speaking again.
“It’s yours.” He declared.
“What? Stupid! I can’t keep your vision! You need it!” You began protesting but were quickly shut up when Wriothesley slipped the coat off his shoulder, revealing the blue orb that was still danging down from one shoulder.
“It’s not mine.”
Your mouth fell open and a thousand thoughts started racing in your mind. How could this be? You? A vision bearer? But you didn’t even feel anything. Wouldn’t receiving a vision be more flashy than simply finding it below your pillow?
“It seems like even the gods think you’ve finally found your place in the world.” He ushered proudly, slinging his arms around your shoulders and pressing a soft kiss to the crown of your head with a gentle smile.
“I don’t even know how to use it.” You muttered with uncertainty.
“I’ll show you.”
If the gods think you’ve managed to find your place then you’d simply have to trust their judgement. And if you honestly listened to your heart you would probably agree with them.
Whenever you looked at Wriothesley, you felt like you had finally found the place where you belonged. 
You were home.
Because home is where he is.
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always greatly appreciated and motivate me! Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
1K notes · View notes
skylarwoodgate · 7 months
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pairing : multi x reader (wriothesley , neuvillette , childe , diluc ,xiao )
genre: fluff
warnings : not proofread
a/n: doing this while on discord.
requested by : anon
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Wriothesley who flashes u his signature smile when he sees you approach him in the fortress . You reach him and fix his tie slightly as he watches you, his smile growing . You ask his what he's looking at and he just smiles wider , shaking his head and leaning down to plant a kiss square on your jaw and when you smiled he placed some more all over your face . His hands find your waist and he buries his face in your shoulder , taking a deep breath and hugging you .
" you smell nice"
Xiao who is very touch starved and lives for the moments when your hands graze as you walk. it is enough for him to have you then. So when you return from your travels and you both stand by the balcony , he moves closer to you and makes shoulders touch, trying to seek some level of affection from you , expressing his happiness that you're there. You look over to him as his face burns a bright red , he is extending his hand towards your own on the railing. You interlock your pinkies. He tries to hide his face in his other hand but doesn't make an attempt to pull away . His eyes are on your interlocked fingers
" You have..returned...welcome back"
Childe who you havnt seen in what feels like a year but in reality is barely a week .He has brought you gifts like he always does , piled into the ships cargo. When his ship reaches close to the shore you can see his practically bouncing at the sight of you waiting for him at the dock . He leaps of the ship in one go the second he can and runs towards you at full speed , lifting you up and almost knockinginto a poor old man trying to walk past you both. He spins you around thrice before setting you down .
" Im home my love"
Neuvillette who waits for you after every trial beacuse you always manage to cheer his up . His eyes are glassy as you approach him and you smile at him as if you know how he feels . He lets his eyes fall to the ground in remorse. Justice does not always feel like it. It is often painful . You reach for his face , running your thumb over the skin under his eye . You looks at you with all the pain his heart holds and a hint of all the love he has for you peeks out. You tell him you love him an he says it back. The sky begins to clear . He takes your hand and presses a kiss to your knuckles .
" thank you my love you are always my sunshine"
Diluc who absent-mindedly cleans the same glass over and over and over again , slightly agitated at your delay. You both ahd made a routine of you visiting him every day at 4. But it was 5 today. He would be lying if he said he wasnt worried . The tension in his shoulders a telltale sighn to anyone who knew him. When you walked through the door , pushing the heavy oak aside with your shoulder , holding a basket of what smelled like fresh bread , his shoulders relaxed for the first time that night. He walked upto you , taking the basket and keeping it on a barstool . He kissed your forehead and then your lips . He can feel you smile knowingly into the kiss . " You missed me?" you asked
" i always miss you...dont be late next time you gave me a fright"
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skylarwoodgate · 7 months
welcome home.
synopsis: what it's like returning home to them after a long time.
genre: fluff
characters: childe, neuvillette, tighnari, thoma, wriothesley x gn! reader (separately)
warnings: established relationship, reader is referred to in 2nd person, usage of terms of endearment (e.g. 'dear', 'babe')
a/n: first multicharacter post standing ovation where lmk if you want to see a part 2 with other chars hehe :3 likes, reblogs and comments highly appreciated!!
©2023 ryuryuryuyurboat. do not repost, translate, plagiarise, or modify in any way, shape or form.
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childe’s eyes light up like teucer’s would when presented with a brand-new mr cyclops figurine. he runs to you, picking you up and twirling you around before setting you back down, his eyes glossing over— for just a brief, brief moment, you think you see his eyes shining with tears. but it's gone when he blinks. “welcome home, babe!” is all he says, before you’re swept into yet another embrace.
neuvillette looks at you in what appears to be mild surprise, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. he finally settles on a small smile as he spreads his arms wide open. “welcome home, dearest. i’ve missed you.” you swear the raging thunderstorm outside softens into a trickle of a drizzle as you lean into his touch.
tighnari hears you even before you open the door. you feel the wind knocked out of you as he barrels into you, wrapping you in a tight tight embrace — his ears flat against the top of his head, his face buried in the crook of your neck. his tail hangs low, slowly sweeping the ground from side to side. “i missed you.” he says.
thoma has long foreseen your return. he’s not psychic, he just knows. the second you open the door, the smell of food wafts into your nostrils– hot, warm food. (is that miso soup you smell?) at taroumaru’s light barks, the chef responsible peeks out from the kitchen, spatula in hand: “ah, you’re back! welcome home, babe!” he beams, “go wash up, dinner will be ready in just a sec!”
wriothesley already has a pot of your favourite tea and biscuits waiting for you on the table, while he himself is seated in his armchair reading the latest publication of the steambird. “you’re back,” he hums, leaning back to stretch and loosening his tie. “did you miss me?”
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taglist: @yinyinggie, @lynyluvr (send ask to be added!)
if you liked this, do consider dropping me a follow for more :>
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skylarwoodgate · 7 months
The Conjuring House
Summary: Sam and Colby take Colby’s medium girlfriend to The Conjuring House. Despite Colby’s uneasiness, she braves the basement and comes to regret it. 
Warnings: swearing A lot of swearing. (But that’s snc for ya), paranormal activity, talks about demons, violent spirits, mentions of blood, a little fluff at the end, protective Colby 
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“What’s up, guys! It’s Sam and Colby and today we are back at the Conjuring house.” Sam starts the intro. “That’s right we are returning once again to the Conjuring house, however, my girlfriend Y/N has never been here with us.” Colby turns to you and you roll your eyes. “I’m really not that scared. You guy’s have been here a few times and I know that the spirits will probably recognize you and leave me alone.” You joke and Colby feigns hurt. “Rude. Why don’t you tell the viewers about your special gift?” You smile with pride. “Many of you already know Amanda but I am also a medium as well.” Sam nods “And today she will be helping us to communicate with whatever is in the basement, which will be our main focus for this video.” He explains. 
You take note of how nervous your boyfriend looks at the mention of taking you into the basement. Sam turns off the camera to head inside. Colby quickly speaks up. “I thought we agreed she wasn’t going into the basement. Amanda said it’s not safe for mediums.” You place your hand on Colby’s arm to calm him. “It was my choice Colbs. I want to do this.” He sighs and nods. “Okay, but if you get hurt we’re leaving immediately. Understood?” You nod and the three of you enter the house. 
Inside the three of you make a plan to start with a little recap on the history of the house and the evidence the boys have previously captured. As you were setting up a camera you look up and freeze. About three feet away from you was a woman in a white dress, just staring. “Babe? Are you okay?” Colby asks. “Don’t move.” You whisper. Both boys stay still and just watch you as the woman leans down to you and whispers "They’ve been waiting for you.“ Then she vanishes. 
The hairs on your neck stand up and you turn to the boys with wide eyes. Sam turns on the camera in his hand immediately. "What is it? Did you see something?” He asks and you nod. “The lady in white. She spoke to me.” They both look at each other in shock. “What did she say?” Colby asks. You bite your lip and don’t look at him, highly aware that he’s not going to react well. “They’ve been waiting for you.” Sam gives you a puzzled look. “For who us? Did they want us to come back?” You shake your head. “No, it’s something more than that. I can’t make out the whispers…”
“Can we try a spirit box?” You ask. “I think that’s a good idea.” Sam agrees. You nod and grab the headphones and the blindfold. Before you can put them on Colby snatches them from your hands. “I don’t like this. It seems like they’re trying to get to you.” You sigh. “That’s because they are Colby. I’m a medium. It’s what I do. Look you can control the questions and if things go sideways you pull the plug okay?” He bites his lip but nods. “Okay…”
You sit in the chair with your blindfold on. “I’m ready you tell them before putting on the headphones. The spirit box buzzes loudly in your ears, just static at the moment. Colby starts asking questions instantly. "Is there anyone who would like to speak with us?" 
"Watching you.”
He looks at Sam and then back at you. “Who are we speaking to?" 
“We know you’re speaking through Y/N but we want to know who you are." 
Sam gasps and looks at Colby “No fucking way dude.”  Colby chews his lip. “Are you a demon?” He asks.
“Psychic. Basement. Help me.” Your head raises “What the fuck?” You ask no one in particular. 
“You need Y/N to help you? Are you trapped in the basement?" 
"Cole. Let go." 
"Me? I need to let go?”
Sam practically hurled the camera. “Dude it know’s you guys are together. It knows that you want to protect her-”
“See! Dude this insane.” Sam runs a hand through his hair. Colby quickly took the headphones off you. “That’s enough.” He says as he unties your blindfold. Sam was still freaking out. “Bro this is insane. This has never happened to me and Katrina. Just you two. That’s so weird.” Colby felt uneasy. “That’s extremely weird.”
 "I don’t like this. It feels like they’re trying to split us up.“ Colby mumbles after spending a few minutes talking about the responses you got. You look at Sam who lowers the camera. "That might not be a bad idea.” He suggests and you nod. Colby looks between the two. “Are you guys crazy? The Perron family was tormented in this house and you want to split up.” “I think we should each take a level of the house. I was upstairs last time so I think it’s your turn. I’ll stay on the ground floor and Y/N is meant to be in the basement-” “She’s going down there alone?” Colby shouts and Sam cuts the camera to keep the viewers from seeing Colby explode. “Colby. It said you need to let go remember?” Sam tries to rationalize. “She’s strong. She can do this you just have to trust her. And me. I’ll be on this floor and I’ll be down there in a second if she needs help.” You look over at your worried boyfriend. “Colby, what are you so afraid of? I’ve never had anything bad happen to me before. I’ve been doing this forever. Just trust me okay?” Colby looks between the two most important people in his life. “Fine. Let’s do it.”
“I fucking hate this.” Colby grumbles as he settles into the main room upstairs. He set up a camera in the corner across from the bed. He sets a Rempod up in the doorway to the other bedroom and grabs the K2. “Okay guys so I’ve got all the lights out and I’m gonna lay on the bed and try and see shadows… Oh god… Okay.” He settles into the bed and holds the K2. After a few minutes, he starts asking questions. 
Meanwhile, Sam was on the ground floor setting a camera up that would catch the library where he would be focusing his investigation. “Alright so, Colby is upstairs and Y/N is in the basement. I am setting up in the library because there have been books that have fallen off the shelves and lights flickering in here so we’re going to see if we can catch something.” Sam explains as he angles the camera at the bookshelf. “Alright, so I’m going to sit right here. Hopefully, there is something that will come and talk to me.” He pulls out an Ovilus and turns it on. “Is there anyone in here that wants to talk to me?” He speaks softly so his voice doesn’t carry upstairs or down to the basement. “White.” Sam looks at the Ovilus and reads the word. “White. Are you the woman in white? Did you speak to Y/N earlier?” He waits for a few minutes. “Danger." 
Sam looks incredibly confused but before he could say anything the front door to the house opens. "Holy shit!” He jumps up to record it but a shadow passes by the door. He immediately chases it out into the front yard. Upstairs, Colby could hear Sam yell but was caught up in a yes or no conversation of his own in the birthing room. He looks over at the music box. “Is there someone downstairs with Sam?” He asks and the music box goes off almost instantly. “Is someone in the basement?” There was no answer. “Is there a demon down there?” He waits a moment before it goes off again and his heart pounds. 
“I know you’re down here… I can feel you.” You say aloud as you look around the room where Sam and Colby first filmed down there on their first visit to the iconic house. You hold a spirit box in your hands and a deep voice comes through. “Turn back.” You shake your head. “I’m not turning back. I have a few questions for you. Are you the demon that tormented the Perron family?” “Yeah.” Your expression turns grim. “Can you tell me your name?” You ask. “Run.” A heavy voice comes through, different from the one before. “I’m not running. I’m not afraid.” “You should be.” It retorts. “You have no power over me. I am in control.” Your tone is strong and full of authority. You’re about to say something else when the flashlight you set up in the doorway turns on. “Are you standing in the doorway?” You ask. “Watching you.” It says. You look at the doorway but don’t see anything there. “You’re too late.” You look down at the spirit box and the hairs on your neck stand up. The light you had on as well as the flashlight turn off at the same time. 
Outside Sam looks around the yard. “Alright guys, I’m not sure if I got it on camera but there was a shadow that like ran in front of the door after it opened by itself. This is the most I’ve ever experienced. I’m heading back to the house now and- Holy shit!” He turns the camera to show the outline of a woman in the doorway of the house. “Do you guys see that?” He zooms in from where he is, frozen in place. He records the shadow as it stands there for a moment and then vanishes behind a closed door. 
“Door.” The spirit box in Y/N’s hand says. She heard the door slam upstairs so she asks. “Did you just slam the door up there?” When no response came she got up from her seat. “I’m gonna go check on Sam.” You tell the camera and head toward the stairs. But at the top of the stairs, the door was now shut. “Sam? Did you shut the door?” You yelled up the stairs but there was no answer. To your left, you heard a rock make a noise. “That sounded like someone threw a rock… Did you just throw that rock?” You waited a second then the flashlight began to roll toward you. “Fuck this. I’m done.” You turn to go up the stairs but something scratches your back. The stinging pain shoots up your back and you scream and run up the stairs. You try to open the door but it doesn’t budge. You pound on the door while screaming. “Sam! Colby! Let me out!" 
Colby faintly hears the sound of you screaming but it was enough to have him down the stairs in seconds, falling on his way down but he couldn’t be bothered. He made his way to where Sam was now tugging at the basement door. "It’s stuck.” Sam explained. “Colby!” You scream through the door. “I’m here!” he yells back and yanks hard enough he might have broken the door. It flung open and you fell into him. He wraps his arms around you and holds you while you cry. “I’ve got you.” He tells you and helps you to your feet. 
“What the hell happened?” Sam asked. “I heard the door slam up here while I was doing the spirit box and figured it was just you but then I didn’t hear any voices or footsteps upstairs so I tried to come up to check on you but the basement door was closed. I yelled up to see if you had shut it but a rock fell or something in the room next to me and then the flashlight rolled over to me. I was about to call it quits when it fucking scratched me.” You explained shakily. “It scratched you? Where?” Colby asks you. “My back.” Sam turns the camera away. “Can I show the viewers? I won’t if you aren’t comfortable.” You nod. “It’s fine.” Sam nods and lifts up the back of your shirt. “Holy fuck dude!” Colby looks over and is instantly sick to him his stomach. Three razor-thin scratches that actually drew a little blood span down the length of your back. 
“I need to get out of this house. Something in here wants to hurt me.” Colby nods. “Sam I’m gonna take her outside. You okay to pick up the equipment?” Sam nods. “Yeah no, I got this. You guys go do what you need to.” Sam waves you off and realizes he’s still recording. He turns it off. “Y/N we don’t have to upload the footage if you don’t want us to. This is intense.” Sam says gently. You shake your head. “All the more reason to post it. This is why you do these investigations. To capture evidence and prove that there is something out there.” Sam nods. “Alright. I’ll be out in a bit." 
Outside Colby stands with his arms wrapped around your shoulders, your face buried in his chest. "You feeling any better?” He asks and you nod. “It’s not as thick out here.” He nods. “What happened down there?” You sigh. “I got too cocky. I tried to be stronger than them and they showed me who was boss.” Colby pulls you closer. “I’m so sorry we put you through that. From now on you don’t have to go on investigations unless you absolutely want to. Okay?”  You nod. “Thank you.” He nods and kisses your forehead. What they didn’t know was Sam was recording them from inside. “They’re adorable." 
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skylarwoodgate · 7 months
𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐁𝐘 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐊 | 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘— Sam, Kat, Colby and you are on the way back from an investigation
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒— paranormal stuff, playful fighting,
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆— Colby Brock x fem!reader
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You were currently driving home from a haunted location. Colby was driving as Sam sat in the passenger seat next to him filming ever second of this trip.
You and Kat sat in the backseat together. She sat behind Sam while you sat behind Colby. Normally you wouldn’t sit on the right side of the car because the seatbelt was in an uncomfortable position on that side, but she insisted on sitting behind her boyfriend, so you just nodded.
You guys were still fighting over what you heard and saw in the hotel. Multiple grunts were heard and heavy footsteps reaching the outside door of the hotel were picked up by the camera. There were also a few droplets of blood along the way out of the hotel, which didn’t particularly put you at ease.
Now you were all safe and sound in the car driving back home to your cozy house. “I’m pretty sure it was a ghost”, Sam spoke up filming himself which made you chuckle.
The blond turned the camera to your face and you raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m pretty sure it’s not”, you smirked at him seeing Colby glancing at you through the mirror out of your peripheral vision.
“Oh really?”, Colby smirked at you through the mirror before turning his gaze back upon the street. “Why’s that?”, Sam asked curiously smirking as well as Colby did before. He thought he knew the answer. Boy was he wrong.
“Ghosts don’t bleed”, you simply shrugged in response glancing back out the window after seeing Sam turn the camera back to set up on the dashboard.
“You know brother”, Colby turns briefly to look at Sam who glanced back. “She’s got a point there”, he admitted truthfully sending a smile your way which you returned.
“Whatever, Mr and Mrs smarty pans”, Sam huffed grumpily crossing his arms over his chest like a little kid throwing a tantrum.
“I didn’t know you two were married”, Kat exclaimed giggling which seemed to lighten her boyfriends mood. You head snapped towards her.
She played along with Sam even though you two were probably right about the whole ghost not ghost thing at the hotel.
“We’re not married and we’re not going to!”, both you and Colby exclaimed in unison before glancing at each other with a slight glare.
You huffed. “Hey! I’m pretty hot and adorable”, you crossed your arms over you chest speaking to Colby as he had just said he wouldn’t marry you.
“And I’m handsome and funny, so why won’t you marry me?”, he asked in return frowning slightly glancing back at the street.
“Same question goes for you!”, you answered frowning at him and his stupid behaviour. You heard Kat chuckle from beside you while she glanced between you two every so often.
“I asked first”, Colby argued with you shaking his head and refusing to answer the question himself as he demanded an answer from you first.
“And I asked second!”, you argued back smirking as you saw him scoff in annoyance rolling his eyes at you through the mirror.
Sam sighed while Kat began speaking in a hushed tone towards her boyfriend. “See what I mean? They are made for each other”, she whispered to him and he nodded slightly.
“You two even fight like an old married couple!”, Kat said louder for you both to hear which made both you and Colby roll your eyes playfully at her.
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skylarwoodgate · 7 months
characters. wriothesley scara x gn!reader genre. romantic fluff. an. this is so tiney im so sorry anon but this is all my brain can handle rn ueueuueue. i hope this is okay :"))))) . | please reblog!! im getting back into writing and reblogs with tags and comments will make me want to write more :D
wriothesley actually doesn't mind being your body pillow...
i mean. you're comfortable. he's comfortable
everybody wins!
but also sometimes you squeeze him really hard and he freezes up because how are you so STRONG. like what the hell
(secretly he thinks of you picking him up like that. ough)
wriothesley doesn't actually have the heart to tell you to move aside.
how can he, when you look like such an angel wrapped around his waist? bathroom and bladder control be damned.
it's like having a cat on your lap. rule number one: never move from your spot if you're the chosen one. congratulations. you're bound to the couch forever
when you wake up, though ... wriothesley has fallen asleep. now it's your turn to not move. you're the body pillow now. hehe.
grumpy cat. gruuuuumpy cat
okay i feel like maybe i push the scara hates things agenda a lot. i don't actually think scara hates this... when he knows that it makes you happy, he's willing to sacrifice his back just for you
maybe at the most he acts as if he's reluctant. dont let it fool you though – he's warm to the touch and actually a relatively good cuddler.
please don't be fooled! he might warm up to the idea sooner or later
it really is a win though, please keep convincing him. he gets cuddles, you get cuddles, and he doesn't even have to ask for it! no more convincing himself that he's fine and doesn't need that
especially when you initiate it. just keep doing it – watch as he slowly inches closer towards you. maybe he even tries to put his arm on your waist, stroking it with his thumb. just maybe.
and maybe, you're the one who allows him to open up to physical affection.
taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido @raincxtter @chichikoi @ladyadii @soulsanta @sheiiths @genshinparty @eowinthetraveler @moonbyunniee @legitnoi @lemontum @manager-of-the-pudding-bank @starz222 @ilyuu @cherry-colored-petals @mondaymelon @tartaglia-apologist @soleillunne @m1shapanda @aimynx @smokipoki @adeptuscharm @diorlumx @vennnnn-diagram @ryuryuryuyurboat @yuminako @st0pthatsgay @aqualesha @sixtynintharchon @supernova25 @kunikuda-simp @starglitterz @rin-nyrasti-writes (send ask/comment to be added to taglist) plus birthday tag!! @catcze hope u like the wriothesley part, pls cuddle himmmm
reblogs w/ tags & comments help me lots !!! if you liked this and would like to support me, please consider dropping me a follow as well :-) they all go a long way!
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skylarwoodgate · 7 months
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Things that the citizens of the Devildom witnessed that will prove that this Human have the characters at their beck and call
Versions: The Brothers, Side characters
Warnings: Gender neutral pronouns for MC, Cussing, Slight yandere themes (Belphegor, Asmodeus)
Links: Masterlist
This demon likes sticking to rules
Running on hallways? Detention
Eating during class? Detention
Not paying attention to class? Detention
No one is safe...
Except for one person.
The cafeteria if filled with loud noises, your voice shouting profanities to another demon specifically.
Everyone listening to the argument feels like they're stomach is about to burst out of nervousness because "What if Lucifer randomly comes in and put all of us is detention because we just stood by and didn't do anything to stop the fight?!"
And he did.
But what surprised them is that he didn't shout or anything, he just stood there for a few second and scanned the crowd looking for one of his brothers.
Spotted Mammon and came close to him before whispering something among themselves.
And then he just stood there
Doing nothing
As if it's just fucking okay to let a human, the exchange student at that, to scream and curse a demon because he won't cooperate into this project.
And when the demon started cursing back at you, the rules are suddenly so strict as if cussing will cause the end of the 8 rings of hell.
The demon is sent to detention, removed from the group, suspended, and many more.
And who knows? Maybe you pulled just a few strings to have that demon expelled.
But what the citizens sure know is that they never saw anyone again after talking to MC like that.
It was cute
Mammon would do anything for you, no matter how big or small it is.
One day, Mammon was spotted running around the halls of RAD.
Looking like he's getting chased by Lucifer, again.
But surprisingly, he's not.
He's just running around the school fetching your fan, notebooks, bag, pens, water or some snacks.
One time, you two were put in a group for this project and were talking about it with your other group mates.
Then you hit him with a "Mammon, I left my notebook on my desk in the potions class, can you fetch it for me?"
With just a blink of an eye, Mammon who was leaning on your shoulder just a few minutes ago is gone.
And with another blink of an eye he's there again with your notebook on his hands then he's back to leaning on your shoulder again as if he didn't just go to the other side of the school for a notebook.
He's introverted
He won't go out his room if it's just for some lame party
I also headcanons for him to be the most unseen brother
Or like him having the smallest amount of photo and information online because he just won't go out.
Yeah, he won't go out if it's just some small, lame party but if Diavolo hosts it, what exactly can he do?
"Do you think the avatar of envy will attend this party?"
"Ha! No way... Lord Leviathan won't attend small parties or gatherings like these unless Lord Diavolo hosts it himself."
"Lord Leviathan really has a high standard when it comes to gatherings..."
And then poof
He's there
Beside you
A happy go lucky sheep beside a gloomy snake
What a match
And if you ask him why he would attend such gatherings when it's totally not even his style he would just go like "MC."
"What can I do? MC really wants to see the fireworks display."
"MC wants me to escort them."
So they got the hint on how to make Levi attend gatherings, either have Diavolo host it or invite MC too.
He's angry
But not angry enough to yell when MC is around
Man's can go from 👹 to ☺️ real quick as soon as he felt MC's prescense
He doesn't know why too, but whenever he yell while you're around he thinks he'll fall out of favor
He'll talk so sweet in front you and then when you turn around you can see some veins popping out of his neck and forehead.
And if he can't really handle it and went berserk in your prescense another scary yet amazing thing you can is to put your hand on his body.
Shoulder, head, neck, wrist, arm, wherever it is.
Just pat him or link your arms with him and he will start to calm down.
People headcanon him to like it when you're obsessed with him but I think he's more obsessed to you.
Like he's down bad
You can do anything and he'll literally fawn all over it
"Look at the way they run their hands through their hair!"
"Look at how they work!"
"The way they hold that fork is so graceful~"
Literally, you're the only person that comes to his mind when someone said pretty
Except for himself of course
But I swear, whenever someone caught him staring at you the atmosphere gets so thick
You don't even know why but the atmosphere is heavy and the air suddenly smells so sweet
And those heart in his eyes, the way his pupils dilate
Yeah, you have this man worshipping you alongside himself
Other than the fact that he's actually willing to share his food with you
He's willing to help you in any physical works
Like lifting up things, carrying your stuffs and sometimes even running errands for you
I mean, he actually doesn't do it a lot because Lucifer actually asks Mammon for this stuff because the things Lucifer needs to be done is a little...
And he doesn't want to taint Beel's innocence.
So now since you're already a part of the student council when Lucifer needs to have something important finished but it requires physical work.
You and Beel will be partnered
And he doesn't have anything against it either
He likes it so much when you command him to do something actually
I mean, he's tall and buff but Lucifer won't ask him to do anything that includes hard labor except taking care of Belphegor
So you actually helping him make use of all those muscles made him feel a tinge of happiness
He feels like he's actually of use :)
This little brat
He would kill for you and he means it
He's not scared to spill blood on broad daylight as long as it's for you
Someone bothered you? Dead
Oh this person annoyed you? Taken care of
Aw~ He told you you're cute and asked you out on a date? That's sweet! Dead.
He's just like that
He won't tolerate anyone who dared disrespect you
And Lucifer won't even put a stop into this
"I mean, Devildom is quite overpopulated and we don't want anyone disrespecting Lord Diavolo's plan on bringing the three realms together now." Is what he reasons everytime.
Oh, he also wakes up on command as long as it's you.
Lucifer and his brothers could be shaking him like he's dead and he won't even bother to open his eyes
But if you just pulled a "Belphie? Good morning..." Oh dear, he's wide awake and clinging to you.
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skylarwoodgate · 7 months
lucifer always protects your head from objects—accidentally dropping your napkin on the floor during dinner? he’ll place a palm on the sharp corner of the table as you duck down to grab the fallen item; asking him to reach a book for you in the library? his palm hovers over the crown of your head, using the other hand to grab the novel you wanted. lucifer knows you can take care of yourself but he just can’t help think about the fragility of humans. you know he means well.
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skylarwoodgate · 7 months
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"is... is that my sweater?"
satan notes the lethargic way you look up from your book, watching heavy eyelids lead a slow blink. whatever dusty tome lies in your hands has clearly lured you halfway to dreamland-- and from the looks of it, your cozy attire and the crackle of the nearby fireplace didn't seem to help much, either.
"are you wearing my sweater?" he asks, softer this time.
you let your head fall down to your own chest. you stare at the familiar green sweater on your body for a few moments before lifting your head.
"huh?" you repeat, too tired to comprehend the question for a long moment. then, "... oh. yeah."
a warm chuckle rumbles in his chest as he comes closer. satan had been looking for his sweater all day-- left only in a black undershirt, because it was more about the principle of finding it than needing it-- but he had been wholly unaware he'd left it in your room earlier that day. he couldn't bring himself to regret it, though. you look quite cozy cuddled up on the library sofa like that, swaddled in a blanket and his scent, lost in some book like a vision from an old painting. how he wishes he'd been a little quieter entering the library-- maybe he could have snapped a photo of you like this for himself.
as your lover, satan knows he should probably escort you to bed for a proper rest. but a selfish part of him wants to bask in this scene longer, to let the storm that rages in him find solace at this little slice of heaven. it's odd for a demon to crave peace like this. you've domesticated him in that way-- like a feral cat off the street finding comfort in a stranger's apartment, you've lulled him into a sense of contentness he didn't think he'd find in this lifetime.
oh, what a wonder you are.
"do you mind a little company?"
you nod, sleepily, yawning through what was intended to be a verbal response, but satan's at your side before you make yourself try again. his hand finds your shoulder and coaxes you to sit up. with a little adjusting, he slides into the space behind you and urges you to lean back into his chest. his legs stay on either side of you-- it's warm, comforting, doing nothing to help you stay awake. but it doesn't seem like satan minds your drowsiness.
his eyes fall to the nearly discarded book in your hands. emerald eyes scan over the words. they're familiar, causing a curious itch in his brain that lingers for a few seconds before his epiphany.
"is this... that book i read last week?"
"mhmm. i wanted--" another yawn, "-- to understand what you were talking about, but... i got sleepy."
he understands now. his sweater on your warm body, the library couch, the low fire nearby-- you're indulging in a small taste of his world.
what did he do to deserve someone as wonderful as you?
"i can read it to you, if you'd like," he murmurs, low and quiet. if you wanted the full experience, he'd give it to you-- complete with a nap in his arms. it's selfish, though. he really just wants an excuse to admire you up close, to lose himself in thought about how much he truly, deeply adores you. sometimes the sensation is so overwhelming that it shows on his face in flushed cheeks and soft eyes-- and that is a little too embarrassing to be caught with by anyone, but especially by you.
when you snuggle into his chest, he begins to read from the top of the page where you left off. it doesn't take long for your breathing to even out, your body to grow still and heavy in his grasp. he slides the bookmark between old pages where you originally left off. satan predicts you'll forget most everything he read to you by the time you wake up.
his mind wanders to the soundtrack of your peaceful breathing. he's grateful for lazy days like this. being able to bask in your presence is a gift. to know that you yourself were creating a similar experience by hiding away in one of his favorite reading spots, well... he's lucky you're asleep, as the flush on his cheeks only grows hotter at the thought.
maybe he'll let you borrow his things more often.
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skylarwoodgate · 8 months
Don’t Hate The Player, Hate The Game
Pairing: Jacob Frye x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, small violence
Prompt: You are one of Jacob and Evie’s closest friends, and unfortunately, a getaway attempt from some blighters didn’t go to plan.
Spoilers: None
A/N: One of my oldest pieces on here – hope you enjoy it nevertheless :)
“Oi! Come here, you!” A blighter yelled at you from across the street.
Just keep your head down, (Y/N), just keep walking, you thought to yourself, ducking your head.
“Oi! I was talkin’ to you! Don’t make me come over there!” The blighter started walking towards you.
That’s it! Time to go!
Keep reading
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skylarwoodgate · 8 months
Congrats on 1.2k!!! Your an amazing writer and we are all so lucky to have your prompts and stories!
Please for prompt 11# may I have Jacob saying that to F!reader after she’s been kidnapped an tortured for a few days. Blighters took her to mess with Jacob and they intended on killing her and leaving her where Jacob would find her body but they don’t get the chance. He gets to her in time and she’s scared and shaking/trembling. ( p/s she’s a civilian )
02/08/2022: Thank you so much! I'm nothing without your kind words and support <333 there are a couple of #11s around, so I'm going to take an educated guess on which one you mean. I hope you enjoy!
F! Reader x Jacob Frye
#11: "Show me where it hurts, darling, it's okay."
"Where is she?"
He leaned in close to the beaten Blighter in front of him, his low hum delivering a slow threat. "Believe me, I can make this the most painful experience of your life. You either tell me where she is, and you can scamper away with your miserable life, or I shall beat the truth out of you. Your choice."
The Blighter just chuckled in his chair, his bloodstained grin igniting a new rage in the Assassin. Jacob's lip curled in a silent snarl, raising his clenched fist to strike. The door creaked open behind him. "Jacob? Can we talk?"
"Can it wait?"
Evie didn't respond, and Jacob turned his head. The damp stone room was barely illuminated around Evie's silhouette as she leaned against the doorframe. Jacob released the Blighter's shirt reluctantly, moving to the door. "Better start making funeral plans, Frye," the Blighter sneered. Jacob paused in his step, spinning only to send a throwing knife into his shoulder.
"Get comfortable," he seethed, slamming the door behind the howling man.
The adjoining room shone the first sunlight on his skin for about six hours. He knew he was running out of time, and despite taking a deep breath, he pulled off the brass knuckles on his left hand and threw them in a white-hot anger across the room, a frustrated yell escaping his throat. An empty vase shattered in the corner. He turned to rest his fists on the table of weapons beside him.
"Please," he begged, head hung low. "Tell me you have news."
"I followed every lead of suspicious activity, everywhere Blighters have been stationed. I made a short list of--"
"Give it to me." He sniffed before turning to face his sister, hand outstretched.
"Jacob, think with your head for a minute. You know they're trapping you. They want to get in your head."
"I don't care. Give me the list."
"You aren't listening. I'm telling you to not go barging in like you always do. Even when you have your head on straight, you're reckless. You will get yourself -- and possibly Y/n --"
"Evie, give me the fucking list!"
It only took a second for Jacob to realise that he had snapped. He heaved a sigh, rubbing his hands down his face. "Sorry. I'm sorry."
Evie put a hand on his arm. "I know you're worried. But you also need to be safe. You're no use to her dead. Just promise me you'll be careful."
"Yeah. Yeah, I promise." A piece of paper slipped into his palm.
"Finish with your 'friend', and then we get going."
The next time Jacob entered the room, there was a smirk on his face. The Blighter's demeanour had completely changed. He was a pig ready to squeal.
"I'll tell ya everything!" he said once he made eye contact. "I'll tell ya under two-- no, three conditions!"
Jacob raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.
"Get this fucking knife out of my shoulder!"
Slowly, he crossed the floor to the Blighter. With equal speed, he crouched in front of the chair, grasping the hilt of the knife. "Keep talking, and I'll pull it out."
"How many days has it been?"
"Why does that matter?" Jacob asked, but relented a moment after. He has grown too impatient. "Four days."
He didn't like the smile that emerged after.
"And what's the time?"
"... 5 o'clock." He twisted the knife, releasing another painful cry. "Why?"
"She's... She's at the docks. The Thames docks."
He yanked the knife out of his shoulder, standing up to confer with the list from Evie.
Out of three places, the Thames docks sat at the bottom of the list.
He marched out. "You'll never get there in time, Jacob! By nightfall, she'll be dead!"
The Blighter's words echoed with the slam of the door.
"What happened?" Evie had waited, ready to support him.
"Docks. She's at the fucking docks." As soon as he left the stronghold, he ran to the main road, squinting in the soft light of dusk. A Rook carriage waited outside, ready for this moment. Evie and Jacob took over the driving seats as the Rooks sat inside. Jacob set the horses off urgently, immediately setting them into a canter. "Get the Rooks to cause a distraction. Pick the idiots off from a vantage point. I'm getting y/n."
"Stop seeing red and think about how you're going to achieve that, Jacob."
"Already have."
The reckless driving took merely five minutes, another reason for Jacob's anger. "Everybody out!" He rapped harshly on the wood as he dismounted. "You see anyone else, you bring them here."
"How do you think you're getting in?" Evie grasped his coat before he could walk off.
"That building there is a storage unit. Guarded by two Blighters, probably more inside. And I'm going to walk through the front fucking door."
"Calm down for two seconds, Jacob."
"I..." He took a stuttering breath. "I can't. Not without her."
Evie didn't say anything. She squeezed his shoulder before looking to the Rooks. "Rooks! With me!" She took them down to the opposite side of the docks, already drawing attention as she climbed high.
Jacob stood tall as he descended the stairs to the docks, waiting for the Blighters to come to him. Each time, they would crumble after one counter-attack. The trail of bodies led him to the door of a storage unit he had crossed off the list when he first started the search. Self-loathing boiled in his gut.
With a startling bang, he kicked the old door open. Gun drawn, he gave a hard look to the one holding a bloodied blade to your neck. Jacob studied the hurried rise and fall of your chest, your ruined clothes, the bruising and lacerations adorning your skin, the gag in your mouth. "Drop the gun, Frye."
"If you want to live, you'll step away."
There was a scuffling behind him, the recognisable sounds of people choking on their blood filled the air. In his peripheral, green coats joined him; swathes of Rooks blocked the door, cornering the lone Blighter. The man seemed to stutter in his stance, nervous and unsure of the sudden developments, of the ace that had fallen out of his sleeve. In the next second, he ran.
Jacob couldn't care less what would happen to him. His focus was on you, only you.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry." He kneeled in front of you and pulled the gag from your mouth, gently grasping your face. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen." He cut the bonds on your wrists, catching you as you fell forward. Your eyes were closed. "Y/n, can you hear me?"
Nestled against his shoulder, you kept inhaling stuttering breaths. "It hurts," you cried hoarsely, tears spilling onto your cheeks.
"Show me where it hurts, darling, it's okay."
"E-Everywhere. Jacob, I'm scared."
He readjusted you into his chest. "I'm here now, I've got you. We'll get you home. Are you bleeding?"
You shook your head. "It's stopped." Although it should be reassuring, Jacob's heart dropped at the extent of what they've done.
"You're alright, you're okay."
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skylarwoodgate · 8 months
Two Halves. | Jacob Frye
jacob frye x reader
anon req: "could you possibly do one with a female assassin reader where they have been friends for awhile but realizes he’s grown feelings for her and is just “OH NO” but doesn’t realize she likes him too?"
she/her pronouns
song recc: for the first time by mac demarco
word count: 733 words
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what are soulmates? what are humans, that we are not made whole without our other half?
Don't let feelings compromise the mission.
That was something his father had said.
Probably to keep him from being more reckless than he already was. Emotions could cause impulsive, dangerous actions if they could not be composed. Feelings for another person meant a weak spot that could be used against him and another life at risk.
That was probably his father's thinking.
But that wasn't even the problem.
It was realizing there were feelings and that he had no idea how to deal with them. Only that they were heavy and longing.
Longing for her.
It was the first time they had been separated in a while, with her on a mission in another district outside of London. It was only for a day, two or three at max, yet as soon as he had seen her off at the train station everything had dulled. There was a breath caught in his chest, hoping to be ambushed by her at every corner.
Perhaps it was a feeling of incompleteness.
Without her there was no one to make sense of his thoughts, finish his sentences, or devise schemes with.
It was during a hijack two days after her departutre, as he was maneuvering a carriage full of cargo through people and nearly missing lampposts, when he felt rather apathetic with no one to share his thrill with that it really hit him.
Perhaps his feelings were stronger than he realized. Being around her for so long, he didn't realize how much of him was missing without her.
But surely he was the only one who felt this way. How embarrassing would it be when she returned completely normal because she could live without him just fine?
That had done it. He couldn't live without her. That's what had caused these feelings.
His father's words had then reluctantly came to mind. But he was never one for following them, anyway.
It wasn't like his feelings were compromising anything, though. He had delivered the cargo just fine, but he was distracted. Never thinking of the mission, just her.
But it would be too complicated to try and find her in a foreign district. Where would she stop first when she returned?
A train blew as if to respond and he followed.
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He awoke in a daze, not even sure when he fell asleep, to light footsteps on the roof of his train car and sat up squinting. It was dark outside and the wall scones barely glowed, flickering as if they were about to give out. He almost thought he had imagined hearing something when a shadow swung into the doorway and ran towards him.
He stood up in surprise before the figure came clear and his heart jumped.
"[Y/N]," he breathed. Overcome with surprise and joy, he could only open his arms in time to receive her body which had thrown itself into him. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he spun her.
"Jacob," she murmured, squeezing him tighter and moving one hand to run through his hair.
They stood in the pale lighting of the train car silently, like lovers in a kitchen at midnight, they enveloped each other, with her arms draped around his shoulders, face pressed into his coat while he rested his hands on her hips.
After another moment of stillness, he gently brought a hand to rub her shoulder, trying to tell himself everything that had happened was normal. This was what friends did. "Everything go well?" he asked softly, feeling rigid from all the unexpressed emotions inside of him. He wanted to lift her up, kiss her, tell her he loved her, and so much more.
She only pressed her face further into his coat, shaking her head to dismiss the question, "I missed you so much."
He was so torn between the lines, was missing someone so much a normal friendly thing?
"Jacob," she whispered again, pulling back from his coat but keeping her arms around his neck, inches away from him.
He couldn't stop himself from gingerly caressing the side of her face. And whether they both moved or one closed the gap, it had been instinct, a product of two hearts that had mourned for each other.
It resolved all of Jacob's unrequited feelings and he felt that he was once again complete. Everything felt whole with his other half in his arms.
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