skydiamond · 5 years
Apparently, June 9th is national Oral Sex Day. So there’s that. 
When’s bisexual day, I’m also ready to be recognized and celebrated for eating pussy. 
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skydiamond · 5 years
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“I began using coke in high school, and I never really stopped.  But it was under control.  I’d use it maybe once a month.  I was successful.  I worked as a commercial real estate broker.  But at the age of 42 I started drinking again.  At first I was just entertaining clients, but I began to flood into bad habits.  I was attracted to the underbelly of the city.  One night a prostitute in Brooklyn offered me a hit of crack, and I accepted.  Immediately I began to use against my will.  That year a $250,000 bonus was dumped into my bank account.  I did manage to pay the bills for the house, but all the rest went to smoking.  I became a horrible employee.  My family thought I was going to work every day, but I spent all my time bouncing between hotels and crack houses in Brooklyn.  My teenage son would leave me voicemail after voicemail, begging me to come home.  It was an ugly, dark, scary place.  I hit rock bottom in 2013.  One night I was having an orgy with two girls and a dealer, and my heart seized up.  I just kept hitting the crack, hoping for a heart attack.  I went to rehab on Christmas Day that year.  I had a few relapses, but I’ve been clean for four years now.  Recently I was taking some clients to a restaurant in Brooklyn, and as soon as I got out of the car, I noticed a woman coming toward me.  It was the girl who’d gotten me started.  She looked like Rihanna when I met her.  But now she looked horrible.  Her body had shrunk down to nothing.  Instantly I told her: ‘T, I have no money.’  But she spent fifteen minutes begging me and offering sex.  I told her that I couldn’t help her.  I felt horrible, but I couldn’t risk my own recovery by getting involved.   I remember that when we used to smoke, she’d always say: ‘Someday I’ll get clean, someday.’  But she never had a chance.  At the end of every night I could drive away.  I could go back to my phony fucking life in suburbia.  I could disconnect.  And when I decided to get clean, my neighbors and friends from the good side of life circled the wagons to help me.  But she had nowhere to go.  She had no one to help.  She lived in the insanity.”
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skydiamond · 6 years
Any tips for overcoming a drinking problem?
One of the first things you need to learn is that you don’t overcome it. You control it, tame it, quieten it. But, in my opinion, you don’t overcome it. I’ve been sober for almost 500 days now and I crave a drink every fucking day. It’s horrible and shitty but that’s why we’re alcoholics, right? We’re addicted to booze.So don’t fool yourself. That way you won’t be upset when, 300 days into your sobriety, you find yourself willing to do anything for a double whiskey.I hate to say it but my other piece of advice is “Just stop.” Don’t tell yourself you can drink five beers instead of twelve or that you’ll drink two rum and cokes instead of three quarters of a bottle.For me, that didn’t work. Drinking less just made me want to drink more. Because it’s not the same. Drinking two rum and cokes doesn’t cut it. Drinking five beers isn’t nearly as satisfying. I had to go cold turkey. No booze. Not even a cheeky glass of wine. None.Lastly, look around and see who you’re affecting. I was surprised. I was affecting (not necessarily hurting) a number of people. I was getting shit-faced in work. I was upsetting friends. A stranger once had to take my phone and call one of my friends who then had to leave work in the middle of the day because I couldn’t walk. Your drinking might take its toll on people without you knowing.My brother was a drug addict so, years later, my mum finding out I’m an alcoholic…it really hurt her. She hid it but it broke something inside her a little.Just do the right thing. Yes it’s hard. Personally, I have not yet come to terms with the fact I will never drink again. I keep asking myself (and others) when the day will roll around where I’ll be allowed that glass of whiskey. Or those two or three beers.But it’ll never be one glass. It’ll never be three beers. For me it’s all or nothing. It’s either I don’t touch booze ever again or i lose my job, friends and family members. Every day I think the booze is worth it but you have to convince yourself it isn’t. Get that in your head early. That it isn’t worth it.Another tip: try and carry a moment with you. A moment booze completely ruined your day/night. Even if it’s embarrassing and upsetting, keep it with you. Remind yourself what the liquor (or whatever your tipple is) did.Me? I went to a Bone Thugs and Harmony concert. I arrived early to get drunk. To this day I don’t remember Bone Thugs coming out. Friends tell me I danced, smoked weed, yelled the lyrics and bought a t-shirt. I don’t remember any of it. Not a single song. Nor getting home. I threw the t-shirt in the bin out of embarrassment. I carry that with me. That I can completely lose what could have been a very enjoyable night. All because of how much I drink.
If you need to come off anon and chat, I’m always here. I can only speak from my point of view but I’m happy to answer any questions or offer support. Keep your chin up and do what’s best for you and those around you. Take care.
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skydiamond · 6 years
This is definitely one of my favorites... the word use is fantastic... 
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The San Francisco Examiner, California, February 14, 1933
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skydiamond · 6 years
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skydiamond · 6 years
We don’t deserve farm cats
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skydiamond · 6 years
Fire, King. Pure fire.
You have the worst taste in music by far. Time after time you prove it.
When you press “submit” after sending anon hate, do you have that brief moment of self reflection where you’re like
“wow I am a fucking loser”
Or are you still completely oblivious to it?
I’m just interested in the mindset and process
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skydiamond · 6 years
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Oh, that’s a crown. I thought it was a big eyebrow.
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skydiamond · 6 years
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Compilation of  Cats Acting Weird 
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skydiamond · 6 years
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You’ve Got Mail (1998) dir. Nora Ephron
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skydiamond · 6 years
1894 knew.
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Fergus County Argus, Lewistown, Montana, September 20, 1894
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skydiamond · 7 years
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‘Stranger Things’ Cast + PHOTOSHOOTS
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skydiamond · 7 years
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skydiamond · 7 years
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skydiamond · 7 years
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skydiamond · 7 years
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A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths
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skydiamond · 7 years
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The Topeka Daily Capital, Kansas, December 16, 1902
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